if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-fonts'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local getargument = environment.getargument local setargument = environment.setargument local givenfiles = environment.files local helpinfo = [[ mtx-fonts ConTeXt Font Database Management 0.21 save open type font in raw table save a tma file in a more readable format generate new font database (use when in doubt) :generate luatex-fonts-names.lua (not for context!) : list installed fonts, filter by name [] : list installed fonts, filter by spec [] : list installed fonts, filter by file [] filter files using pattern key-value pairs show all found instances (combined with other flags) give more details enable trackers some info about the database Examples mtxrun --script font --list somename (== --pattern=*somename*) mtxrun --script font --list --name somename mtxrun --script font --list --name --pattern=*somename* mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename-bold-italic mtxrun --script font --list --spec --pattern=*somename* mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="fontname=somename" mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="familyname=somename,weight=bold,style=italic,width=condensed" mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="familyname=crap*,weight=bold,style=italic" mtxrun --script font --list --all mtxrun --script font --list --file somename mtxrun --script font --list --file --all somename mtxrun --script font --list --file --pattern=*somename* ]] local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-fonts", banner = "ConTeXt Font Database Management 0.21", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local report = application.report -- todo: fc-cache -v en check dirs, or better is: fc-cat -v | grep Directory if not fontloader then fontloader = fontforge end dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-otp.lua","tex")) -- we need to unpack the font for analysis dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-trt.lua","tex")) dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-syn.lua","tex")) dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-mis.lua","tex")) scripts = scripts or { } scripts.fonts = scripts.fonts or { } function fonts.names.statistics() fonts.names.load() local data = fonts.names.data local statistics = data.statistics local function counted(t) local n = { } for k, v in next, t do n[k] = table.count(v) end return table.sequenced(n) end report("cache uuid : %s", data.cache_uuid) report("cache version : %s", data.cache_version) report("number of trees : %s", #data.datastate) report() report("number of fonts : %s", statistics.fonts or 0) report("used files : %s", statistics.readfiles or 0) report("skipped files : %s", statistics.skippedfiles or 0) report("duplicate files : %s", statistics.duplicatefiles or 0) report("specifications : %s", #data.specifications) report("families : %s", table.count(data.families)) report() report("mappings : %s", counted(data.mappings)) report("fallbacks : %s", counted(data.fallbacks)) report() report("used styles : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.used_styles)) report("used variants : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.used_variants)) report("used weights : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.used_weights)) report("used widths : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.used_widths)) report() report("found styles : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.styles)) report("found variants : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.variants)) report("found weights : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.weights)) report("found widths : %s", table.sequenced(statistics.widths)) end function fonts.names.simple() local simpleversion = 1.001 local simplelist = { "ttf", "otf", "ttc", "dfont" } local name = "luatex-fonts-names.lua" local path = file.collapsepath(caches.getwritablepath("..","..","generic","fonts","data")) fonts.names.filters.list = simplelist fonts.names.version = simpleversion -- this number is the same as in font-dum.lua report("generating font database for 'luatex-fonts' version %s",fonts.names.version) fonts.names.identify(true) local data = fonts.names.data if data then local simplemappings = { } local simplified = { mappings = simplemappings, version = simpleversion, cache_version = simpleversion, } local specifications = data.specifications for i=1,#simplelist do local format = simplelist[i] for tag, index in next, data.mappings[format] do local s = specifications[index] simplemappings[tag] = { s.rawname, s.filename, s.subfont } end end if environment.arguments.nocache then report("not using cache path %a",path) else dir.mkdirs(path) if lfs.isdir(path) then report("saving names on cache path %a",path) name = file.join(path,name) else report("invalid cache path %a",path) end end report("saving names in %a",name) io.savedata(name,table.serialize(simplified,true)) local data = io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile("luatex-fonts-syn.lua","tex")) or "" local dummy = string.match(data,"fonts%.names%.version%s*=%s*([%d%.]+)") if tonumber(dummy) ~= simpleversion then report("warning: version number %s in 'font-dum' does not match database version number %s",dummy or "?",simpleversion) end elseif lfs.isfile(name) then os.remove(name) end end function scripts.fonts.reload() if getargument("simple") then fonts.names.simple() else fonts.names.load(true,getargument("force")) end end local function subfont(sf) if sf then return string.format("index: % 2s", sf) else return "" end end local function fontweight(fw) if fw then return string.format("conflict: %s", fw) else return "" end end local function showfeatures(tag,specification) report() report("mapping : %s",tag) report("fontname: %s",specification.fontname) report("fullname: %s",specification.fullname) report("filename: %s",specification.filename) report("family : %s",specification.familyname or "") report("weight : %s",specification.weight or "") report("style : %s",specification.style or "") report("width : %s",specification.width or "") report("variant : %s",specification.variant or "") report("subfont : %s",subfont(specification.subfont)) report("fweight : %s",fontweight(specification.fontweight)) -- maybe more local features = fonts.helpers.getfeatures(specification.filename,specification.format) if features then for what, v in table.sortedhash(features) do local data = features[what] if data and next(data) then report() report("%s features:",what) report() report("feature script languages") report() for f,ff in table.sortedhash(data) do local done = false for s, ss in table.sortedhash(ff) do if s == "*" then s = "all" end if ss ["*"] then ss["*"] = nil ss.all = true end if done then f = "" else done = true end report("% -8s % -8s % -8s",f,s,table.concat(table.sortedkeys(ss), " ")) -- todo: padd 4 end end end end else report("no features") end report() end local function reloadbase(reload) if reload then report("fontnames, reloading font database") names.load(true,getargument("force")) report("fontnames, done\n\n") end end local function list_specifications(t,info) if t then local s = table.sortedkeys(t) if info then for k=1,#s do local v = s[k] showfeatures(v,t[v]) end else for k=1,#s do local v = s[k] local entry = t[v] s[k] = { entry.familyname or "", entry.weight or "", entry.style or "", entry.width or "", entry.variant or "", entry.fontname, entry.filename, subfont(entry.subfont), fontweight(entry.fontweight), } end utilities.formatters.formatcolumns(s) for k=1,#s do texio.write_nl(s[k]) end end end end local function list_matches(t,info) if t then local s, w = table.sortedkeys(t), { 0, 0, 0 } if info then for k=1,#s do local v = s[k] showfeatures(v,t[v]) end else for k=1,#s do local v = s[k] local entry = t[v] s[k] = { v, entry.fontname, entry.filename, subfont(entry.subfont) } end utilities.formatters.formatcolumns(s) for k=1,#s do texio.write_nl(s[k]) end end end end function scripts.fonts.list() local all = getargument("all") local info = getargument("info") local reload = getargument("reload") local pattern = getargument("pattern") local filter = getargument("filter") local given = givenfiles[1] reloadbase(reload) if getargument("name") then if pattern then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --name --pattern=*somename* list_matches(fonts.names.list(string.topattern(pattern,true),reload,all),info) elseif filter then report("not supported: --list --name --filter",name) elseif given then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --name somename list_matches(fonts.names.list(given,reload,all),info) else report("not supported: --list --name ",name) end elseif getargument("spec") then if pattern then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --spec --pattern=*somename* report("not supported: --list --spec --pattern",name) elseif filter then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --spec --filter="fontname=somename" list_specifications(fonts.names.getlookups(filter),info) elseif given then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --spec somename list_specifications(fonts.names.collectspec(given,reload,all),info) else report("not supported: --list --spec ",name) end elseif getargument("file") then if pattern then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --file --pattern=*somename* list_specifications(fonts.names.collectfiles(string.topattern(pattern,true),reload,all),info) elseif filter then report("not supported: --list --spec",name) elseif given then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --file somename list_specifications(fonts.names.collectfiles(given,reload,all),info) else report("not supported: --list --file ",name) end elseif pattern then --~ mtxrun --script font --list --pattern=*somename* list_matches(fonts.names.list(string.topattern(pattern,true),reload,all),info) elseif given then --~ mtxrun --script font --list somename list_matches(fonts.names.list(given,reload,all),info) elseif all then pattern = "*" list_matches(fonts.names.list(string.topattern(pattern,true),reload,all),info) else report("not supported: --list ",name) end end function scripts.fonts.justload() local fullname = environment.files[1] if fullname then local result = fontloader.open(fullname) if type(result) == "table" then report("loading %s: %s","succeeded",fullname) end end report("loading %s: %s","failed",fullname) end function scripts.fonts.unpack() local name = file.removesuffix(file.basename(givenfiles[1] or "")) if name and name ~= "" then local cache = containers.define("fonts", "otf", 2.742, true) local cleanname = containers.cleanname(name) local data = containers.read(cache,cleanname) if data then local savename = file.addsuffix(cleanname .. "-unpacked","tma") report("fontsave, saving data in %s",savename) fonts.handlers.otf.enhancers.unpack(data) io.savedata(savename,table.serialize(data,true)) else report("unknown file %a",name) end end end function scripts.fonts.save() local name = givenfiles[1] or "" local sub = givenfiles[2] or "" local function save(savename,fontblob) if fontblob then savename = file.addsuffix(string.lower(savename),"lua") report("fontsave, saving data in %s",savename) table.tofile(savename,fontloader.to_table(fontblob),"return") fontloader.close(fontblob) end end if name and name ~= "" then local filename = resolvers.findfile(name) -- maybe also search for opentype if filename and filename ~= "" then local suffix = string.lower(file.suffix(filename)) if suffix == 'ttf' or suffix == 'otf' or suffix == 'ttc' or suffix == "dfont" then local fontinfo = fontloader.info(filename) if fontinfo then report("font: %s located as %s",name,filename) if fontinfo[1] then for k=1,#fontinfo do local v = fontinfo[k] save(v.fontname,fontloader.open(filename,v.fullname)) end else save(fontinfo.fullname,fontloader.open(filename)) end else report("font: %s cannot be read",filename) end else report("font: %s not saved",filename) end else report("font: %s not found",name) end else report("font: no name given") end end if getargument("names") then setargument("reload",true) setargument("simple",true) end if getargument("list") then scripts.fonts.list() elseif getargument("reload") then scripts.fonts.reload() elseif getargument("save") then scripts.fonts.save() elseif getargument("justload") then scripts.fonts.justload() elseif getargument("unpack") then scripts.fonts.unpack() elseif getargument("statistics") then fonts.names.statistics() elseif getargument("exporthelp") then application.export(getargument("exporthelp"),givenfiles[1]) else application.help() end