if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-fcd'] = { version = 1.002, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", comment = "based on the ruby version from 2005", } -- This is a kind of variant of the good old ncd (norton change directory) program. This -- script uses the same indirect cmd trick as Erwin Waterlander's wcd program. -- -- The program is called via the stubs fcd.cmd or fcd.sh. On unix one should probably source -- the file: ". fcd args" in order to make the chdir persistent. -- -- You need to create a stub with: -- -- mtxrun --script fcd --stub > fcd.cmd -- mtxrun --script fcd --stub > fcd.sh -- -- The stub starts this script and afterwards runs the created directory change script as -- part if the same run, so that indeed we change. local helpinfo = [[ <?xml version="1.0"?> <application> <metadata> <entry name="name">mtx-fcd</entry> <entry name="detail">Fast Directory Change</entry> <entry name="version">1.00</entry> </metadata> <flags> <category name="basic"> <subcategory> <flag name="clear"><short>clear the cache</short></flag> <flag name="clear"><short><ref name="history"/> [entry] clear the history</short></flag> <flag name="scan"><short>clear the cache and add given path(s)</short></flag> <flag name="add"><short>add given path(s)</short></flag> <flag name="find"><short>find given path (can be substring)</short></flag> <flag name="find"><short><ref name="nohistory"/> find given path (can be substring) but don't use history</short></flag> <flag name="stub"><short>print platform stub file</short></flag> <flag name="list"><short>show roots of cached dirs</short></flag> <flag name="list"><short><ref name="history"/> show history of chosen dirs</short></flag> <flag name="help"><short>show this help</short></flag> </subcategory> </category> </flags> <examples> <category> <title>Example</title> <subcategory> <example><command>fcd --scan t:\</command></example> <example><command>fcd --add f:\project</command></example> <example><command>fcd [--find] whatever</command></example> <example><command>fcd --list</command></example> </subcategory> </category> </examples> </application> ]] local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-fcd", banner = "Fast Directory Change 1.00", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local report = application.report local writeln = print -- texio.write_nl local find, char, byte, lower, gsub, format = string.find, string.char, string.byte, string.lower, string.gsub, string.format local mswinstub = [[@echo off rem this is: fcd.cmd @echo off if not exist "%HOME%" goto homepath :home mtxrun --script mtx-fcd.lua %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if exist "%HOME%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd" call "%HOME%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd" goto end :homepath if not exist "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%" goto end mtxrun --script mtx-fcd.lua %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if exist "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd" call "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\mtx-fcd-goto.cmd" goto end :end ]] local unixstub = [[#!/usr/bin/env sh # this is: fcd.sh # mv fcd.sh fcd # chmod fcd 755 # . fcd [args] ruby -S fcd_start.rb $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 if test -f "$HOME/fcd_stage.sh" ; then . $HOME/fcd_stage.sh ; fi; ]] local gotofile local datafile local stubfile local stubdata local stubdummy local stubchdir if os.type == 'windows' then local shell = "cmd" -- local shell = "powershell" if shell == "powershell" then gotofile = 'mtx-fcd-goto.ps1' datafile = 'mtx-fcd-data.lua' stubfile = 'fcd.cmd' stubdata = mswinstub stubdummy = '# no dir to change to' stubchdir = '. Set-Location %s' -- powershell else gotofile = 'mtx-fcd-goto.cmd' datafile = 'mtx-fcd-data.lua' stubfile = 'fcd.cmd' stubdata = mswinstub stubdummy = 'rem no dir to change to' stubchdir = 'cd /d "%s"' -- cmd end else gotofile = 'mtx-fcd-goto.sh' datafile = 'mtx-fcd-data.lua' stubfile = 'fcd.sh' stubdata = unixstub stubdummy = '# no dir to change to' stubchdir = '# cd "%s"' end local homedir = os.env["HOME"] or "" -- no longer TMP etc if homedir == "" then homedir = format("%s/%s",os.env["HOMEDRIVE"] or "",os.env["HOMEPATH"] or "") end if homedir == "/" or not lfs.isdir(homedir) then os.exit() end local datafile = file.join(homedir,datafile) local gotofile = file.join(homedir,gotofile) local hash = nil local found = { } local pattern = "" local version = modules['mtx-fcd'].version io.savedata(gotofile,stubdummy) if not lfs.isfile(gotofile) then -- write error os.exit() end local function fcd_clear(onlyhistory,what) if onlyhistory and hash and hash.history then if what and what ~= "" then hash.history[what] = nil else hash.history = { } end else hash = { name = "fcd cache", comment = "generated by mtx-fcd.lua", created = os.date(), version = version, paths = { }, history = { }, } end end local function fcd_changeto(dir) if dir and dir ~= "" then io.savedata(gotofile,format(stubchdir,dir,dir)) end end local function fcd_load(forcecreate) if lfs.isfile(datafile) then hash = dofile(datafile) end if not hash or hash.version ~= version then if forcecache then fcd_clear() else writeln("empty dir cache") fcd_clear() os.exit() end end end local function fcd_save() if hash then io.savedata(datafile,table.serialize(hash,true)) end end local function fcd_list(onlyhistory) if hash then writeln("") if onlyhistory then if next(hash.history) then for k, v in table.sortedhash(hash.history) do writeln(format("%s => %s",k,v)) end else writeln("no history") end else local paths = hash.paths if #paths > 0 then for i=1,#paths do local path = paths[i] writeln(format("%4i %s",#path[2],path[1])) end else writeln("empty cache") end end end end local function fcd_find() found = { } pattern = lower(environment.files[1] or "") if pattern ~= "" then pattern = string.escapedpattern(pattern) local paths = hash.paths for i=1,#paths do local paths = paths[i][2] for i=1,#paths do local path = paths[i] if find(lower(path),pattern) then found[#found+1] = path end end end end end local function fcd_choose(new) if pattern == "" then writeln(format("staying in dir %q",(gsub(lfs.currentdir(),"\\","/")))) return end if #found == 0 then writeln(format("dir %q not found",pattern)) return end local okay = #found == 1 and found[1] or (not new and hash.history[pattern]) if okay then writeln(format("changing to %q",okay)) fcd_changeto(okay) return end local offset = 0 while true do if not found[offset] then offset = 0 end io.write("\n") for i=1,26 do local v = found[i+offset] if v then writeln(format("%s %3i %s",char(i+96),offset+i,v)) else break end end offset = offset + 26 if found[offset+1] then io.write("\n[press enter for more or select letter]\n\n>> ") else io.write("\n[select letter]\n\n>> ") end local answer = lower(io.read() or "") if not answer or answer == 'quit' then break elseif #answer > 0 then local choice = tonumber(answer) if not choice then if answer >= "a" and answer <= "z" then choice = byte(answer) - 96 + offset - 26 end end local newdir = found[choice] if newdir then hash.history[pattern] = newdir writeln(format("changing to %q",newdir)) fcd_changeto(newdir) fcd_save() return end else -- try again end end end local function globdirs(path,dirs) local dirs = dirs or { } for name in lfs.dir(path) do if not find(name,"%.$") then local fullname = path .. "/" .. name if lfs.isdir(fullname) and not find(fullname,"/%.") then dirs[#dirs+1] = fullname globdirs(fullname,dirs) end end end return dirs end local function fcd_scan() if hash then local paths = hash.paths for i=1,#environment.files do local name = environment.files[i] local name = gsub(name,"\\","/") local name = gsub(name,"/$","") local list = globdirs(name) local done = false for i=1,#paths do if paths[i][1] == name then paths[i][2] = list done = true break end end if not done then paths[#paths+1] = { name, list } end end end end local argument = environment.argument if argument("clear") then if argument("history") then fcd_load() fcd_clear(true) else fcd_clear() end fcd_save() elseif argument("scan") then fcd_clear() fcd_scan() fcd_save() elseif argument("add") then fcd_load(true) fcd_scan() fcd_save() elseif argument("stub") then writeln(stubdata) elseif argument("list") then fcd_load() if argument("history") then fcd_list(true) else fcd_list() end elseif argument("help") then application.help() elseif argument("exporthelp") then application.export(argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1]) else -- also argument("find") fcd_load() fcd_find() fcd_choose(argument("nohistory")) end