if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-epub'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- The epub specification is far from beautiful. Especially the id related -- part is messy and devices/programs react differently on them (so an id is not -- really an id but has some special property). Then there is this ncx suffix -- thing. Somehow it give the impression of a reversed engineered application -- format so it will probably take a few cycles to let it become a real -- clean standard. Thanks to Adam Reviczky, Luigi Scarso and Andy Thomas for -- helping to figure out all the puzzling details. -- This is preliminary code. At some point we will deal with images as well but -- first we need a decent strategy to export them. More information will be -- available on the wiki. -- META-INF -- container.xml -- OEBPS -- content.opf -- toc.ncx -- images -- styles -- mimetype -- todo: -- -- remove m_k_v_i prefixes -- remap fonts %mono% in css so that we can replace -- coverpage tests -- split up local format, gsub, find = string.format, string.gsub, string.find local concat, sortedhash = table.concat, table.sortedhash local formatters = string.formatters local replacetemplate = utilities.templates.replace local addsuffix = file.addsuffix local nameonly = file.nameonly local basename = file.basename local pathpart = file.pathpart local joinfile = file.join local suffix = file.suffix local addsuffix = file.addsuffix local removesuffix = file.removesuffix local replacesuffix = file.replacesuffix local copyfile = file.copy local removefile = os.remove local needsupdating = file.needsupdating local isdir = lfs.isdir local isfile = lfs.isfile local mkdir = lfs.mkdir local pushdir = dir.push local popdir = dir.pop local helpinfo = [[ mtx-epub ConTeXt EPUB Helpers 1.10 create epub zip file remove obsolete files rename images to sane names convert mathml to svg use given tex style for svg generation (overloads style in specification) assume: --purge --rename --svgmath (for fast testing) Example mtxrun --script epub --make mydocument ]] local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-epub", banner = "ConTeXt EPUB Helpers 1.10", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local report = application.report -- script code scripts = scripts or { } scripts.epub = scripts.epub or { } local mimetype = "application/epub+zip" local t_container = [[ ]] -- urn:uuid: -- %uuid% local t_package = [[ %title% %language% %uuid% %creator% %date% %date% %manifest% ]] local t_item = [[ ]] local t_prop = [[ ]] -- local t_toc = [[ %title% %author% start ]] local t_navtoc = [[ navtoc ]] -- -- local t_coverxhtml = [[ cover page
]] local t_coverimg = [[ The cover image ]] -- We need to figure out what is permitted. Numbers only seem to give -- problems is some applications as do names with dashes. Also the -- optional toc is supposed to be there and although id's are by -- concept neutral, there are sometimes hard requirements with respect -- to their name like ncx and toc.ncx). Maybe we should stick to 3.0 -- only. local function dumbid(filename) -- return (string.gsub(os.uuid(),"%-%","")) -- to be tested return nameonly(filename) .. "-" .. suffix(filename) end local mimetypes = { xhtml = "application/xhtml+xml", xml = "application/xhtml+xml", html = "application/html", css = "text/css", svg = "image/svg+xml", png = "image/png", jpg = "image/jpeg", ncx = "application/x-dtbncx+xml", gif = "image/gif", -- default = "text/plain", } local idmakers = { ncx = function(filename) return "ncx" end, -- css = function(filename) return "stylesheet" end, default = function(filename) return dumbid(filename) end, } local function relocateimages(imagedata,oldname,newname,subpath,rename) local data = io.loaddata(oldname) if data then subpath = joinfile("..",subpath) report("relocating images") local n = 0 local done = gsub(data,[[(id=")(.-)(".-background%-image *: *url%()(.-)(%))]], function(s1,id,s2,name,s3) local data = imagedata[id] if data then local newname = data[id].newname if newname then if subpath then name = joinfile(subpath,basename(newname)) else name = basename(newname) end -- name = url.addscheme(name) end if newname then n = n + 1 if rename then name = joinfile(subpath,addsuffix(id,suffix(name))) end return s1 .. id .. s2 .. name .. s3 end end end) report("%s images relocated in %a",n,newname) if newname then io.savedata(newname,done) end end return images end function reportobsolete(oldfiles,newfiles,purge) for i=1,#oldfiles do oldfiles[i] = gsub(oldfiles[i],"^[%./]+","") end for i=1,#newfiles do newfiles[i] = gsub(newfiles[i],"^[%./]+","") end local old = table.tohash(oldfiles) local new = table.tohash(newfiles) local done = false for name in sortedhash(old) do if not new[name] then if not done then report() if purge then report("removing obsolete files:") else report("obsolete files:") end report() done = true end report(" %s",name) if purge then removefile(name) end end end if done then report() end return done end local zippers = { { name = "zip", binary = "zip", uncompressed = "zip %s -X -0 %s", compressed = "zip %s -X -9 -r %s", }, { name = "7z (7zip)", binary = "7z", uncompressed = "7z a -tzip -mx0 %s %s", compressed = "7z a -tzip %s %s", }, } function scripts.epub.make(purge,rename,svgmath,svgstyle) -- one can enter a jobname or jobname-export but the simple jobname is -- preferred local filename = environment.files[1] if not filename or filename == "" or type(filename) ~= "string" then report("provide filename") return end local specpath, specname, specfull if isdir(filename) then specpath = filename specname = addsuffix(specpath,"lua") specfull = joinfile(specpath,specname) end if not specfull or not isfile(specfull) then specpath = filename .. "-export" specname = addsuffix(filename .. "-pub","lua") specfull = joinfile(specpath,specname) end if not specfull or not isfile(specfull) then report("unknown specificaton file for %a",filename) return end local specification = dofile(specfull) if not specification or not next(specification) then report("invalid specificaton file %a",specfile) return end report("using specification file %a",specfull) -- images: { ... url = location ... } local defaultcoverpage = "cover.xhtml" local name = specification.name or nameonly(filename) local identifier = specification.identifier or "" local htmlfiles = specification.htmlfiles or { } local styles = specification.styles or { } local images = specification.images or { } local htmlroot = specification.htmlroot or htmlfiles[1] or "" local language = specification.language or "en" local creator = specification.creator or "context mkiv" local author = specification.author or "anonymous" local title = specification.title or name local subtitle = specification.subtitle or "" local imagefile = specification.imagefile or "" local imagepath = specification.imagepath or "images" local stylepath = specification.stylepath or "styles" local coverpage = specification.firstpage or defaultcoverpage if type(svgstyle) == "string" and not svgstyle then svgstyle = specification.svgstyle or "" end local obsolete = false if #htmlfiles == 0 then report("no html files specified") return end if htmlroot == "" then report("no html root file specified") return end if subtitle ~= "" then title = format("%s, %s",title,subtitle) end local htmlsource = specpath local imagesource = joinfile(specpath,imagepath) local stylesource = joinfile(specpath,stylepath) -- once we're here we can start moving files to the right spot; first we deal -- with images -- ["image-1"]={ -- height = "7.056cm", -- name = "file:///t:/sources/cow.svg", -- page = "1", -- width = "9.701cm", -- } -- end of todo local pdftosvg = os.which("mudraw") and formatters[ [[mudraw -o "%s" "%s" %s]] ] local f_svgname = formatters["%s-page-%s.svg"] local notupdated = 0 local updated = 0 local skipped = 0 local oldfiles = dir.glob(file.join(imagesource,"*")) local newfiles = { } if not pdftosvg then report("the %a binary is not present","mudraw") end -- a coverpage file has to be in the root of the export tree if not coverpage then report("no cover page (image) defined") elseif suffix(coverpage) ~= "xhtml" then report("using cover page %a",coverpage) local source = coverpage local target = joinfile(htmlsource,coverpage) htmlfiles[#htmlfiles+1 ] = coverpage report("copying coverpage %a to %a",source,target) copyfile(source,target) elseif isfile(coverpage) then report("using cover page image %a",coverpage) images.cover = { height = "100%", width = "100%", page = "1", name = url.filename(coverpage), used = coverpage, } local data = replacetemplate(t_coverxhtml, { content = replacetemplate(t_coverimg, { image = coverpage, }) }) coverpage = defaultcoverpage local target = joinfile(htmlsource,coverpage) report("saving coverpage to %a",target) io.savedata(target,data) htmlfiles[#htmlfiles+1 ] = coverpage else report("cover page image %a is not present",coverpage) coverpage = false end if not coverpage then local data = replacetemplate(t_coverxhtml, { content = "no cover page" }) coverpage = defaultcoverpage local target = joinfile(htmlsource,coverpage) report("saving dummy coverpage to %a",target) io.savedata(target,data) htmlfiles[#htmlfiles+1 ] = coverpage end for id, data in sortedhash(images) do local name = url.filename(data.name) local used = url.filename(data.used) local base = basename(used) local page = data.page or "1" -- todo : check timestamp and prefix, rename to image-* if suffix(used) == "pdf" then name = f_svgname(nameonly(name),page) local source = used local target = joinfile(imagesource,name) if needsupdating(source,target) then if pdftosvg then local command = pdftosvg(target,source,page) report("running command %a",command) os.execute(command) updated = updated + 1 else skipped = skipped + 1 end else notupdated = notupdated + 1 end newfiles[#newfiles+1] = target else name = basename(used) local source = used local target = joinfile(imagesource,name) if needsupdating(source,target) then report("copying %a to %a",source,target) copyfile(source,target) updated = updated + 1 else notupdated = notupdated + 1 -- no message end newfiles[#newfiles+1] = target end local target = newfiles[#newfiles] if suffix(target) == "svg" then local data = io.loaddata(target) data = gsub(data,"","",1) io.savedata(target,data) end data.newname = name -- without path end report("%s images checked, %s updated, %s kept, %s skipped",updated + notupdated + skipped,updated,notupdated,skipped) if reportobsolete(oldfiles,newfiles,purge) then obsolete = true end -- here we can decide not to make an epub local uuid = format("urn:uuid:%s",os.uuid(true)) -- os.uuid() local identifier = "bookid" -- for now local epubname = removesuffix(name) local epubpath = name .. "-epub" local epubfile = replacesuffix(name,"epub") local epubroot = replacesuffix(name,"opf") local epubtoc = "toc.ncx" local epubmimetypes = "mimetype" local epubcontainer = "container.xml" local epubnavigator = "nav.xhtml" local metapath = "META-INF" local datapath = "OEBPS" local oldfiles = dir.glob(file.join(epubpath,"**/*")) local newfiles = { } report("creating paths in tree %a",epubpath) if not isdir(epubpath) then mkdir(epubpath) end if not isdir(epubpath) then report("unable to create path %a",epubpath) return end local metatarget = joinfile(epubpath,metapath) local htmltarget = joinfile(epubpath,datapath) local styletarget = joinfile(epubpath,datapath,stylepath) local imagetarget = joinfile(epubpath,datapath,imagepath) mkdir(metatarget) mkdir(htmltarget) mkdir(styletarget) mkdir(imagetarget) local used = { } local notupdated = 0 local updated = 0 local oldimagespecification = joinfile(htmlsource,imagefile) local newimagespecification = joinfile(htmltarget,imagefile) report("removing %a",newimagespecification) -- removefile(newimagespecification) -- because we update that one local function registerone(path,filename,mathml) local suffix = suffix(filename) local mime = mimetypes[suffix] if mime then local idmaker = idmakers[suffix] or idmakers.default local fullname = path and joinfile(path,filename) or filename if mathml then used[#used+1] = replacetemplate(t_prop, { id = idmaker(filename), filename = fullname, mime = mime, properties = "mathml", } ) else used[#used+1] = replacetemplate(t_item, { id = idmaker(filename), filename = fullname, mime = mime, } ) end return true end end local function registerandcopyfile(check,path,name,sourcepath,targetpath,newname,image) if name == "" then report("ignoring unknown image") return end if newname then newname = replacesuffix(newname,suffix(name)) else newname = name end local source = joinfile(sourcepath,name) local target = joinfile(targetpath,newname) local mathml = false if suffix(source) == "xhtml" then if find(io.loaddata(source),"MathML") then mathml = true -- inbelievable: the property is only valid when there is mathml end else report("checking image %a -> %a",source,target) end if registerone(path,newname,mathml) then if not check or needsupdating(source,target) or mathml and svgmath then report("copying %a to %a",source,target) copyfile(source,target) updated = updated + 1 else notupdated = notupdated + 1 end newfiles[#newfiles+1] = target if mathml and svgmath then report() report("converting mathml into svg in %a",target) report() local status, total, unique = moduledata.svgmath.convert(target,svgstyle) report() if status then report("%s formulas converted, %s are unique",total,unique) else report("warning: %a in %a",total,target) end report() end end end -- local nofdummies = 0 -- local dummyname = formatters["dummy-figure-%03i"] -- local makedummy = formatters["context --extra=dummies --noconsole --once --result=%s"] -- -- local function registerandcopydummy(targetpath,name) -- nofdummies = nofdummies + 1 -- local newname = dummyname(nofdummies) -- local target = joinfile(targetpath,newname) -- if not isfile(target) then -- pushdir(targetpath) -- report("generating dummy %a for %a",newname,name or "unknown") -- os.execute(makedummy(newname)) -- popdir() -- end -- return newname -- end for image, data in sortedhash(images) do -- if data.used == "" then -- data.newname = registerandcopydummy(imagetarget,data.name) -- end registerandcopyfile(true,imagepath,data.newname,imagesource,imagetarget,rename and image,true) end for i=1,#styles do registerandcopyfile(false,stylepath,styles[i],stylesource,styletarget) end for i=1,#htmlfiles do registerandcopyfile(false,false,htmlfiles[i],htmlsource,htmltarget) end relocateimages(images,oldimagespecification,oldimagespecification,imagepath,rename) relocateimages(images,oldimagespecification,newimagespecification,imagepath,rename) report("%s files registered, %s updated, %s kept",updated + notupdated,updated,notupdated) local function saveinfile(what,name,data) report("saving %s in %a",what,name) io.savedata(name,data) newfiles[#newfiles+1] = name end used[#used+1] = replacetemplate(t_prop, { id = "nav", filename = epubnavigator, properties = "nav", mime = "application/xhtml+xml", }) registerone(false,epubtoc) saveinfile("navigation data",joinfile(htmltarget,epubnavigator),replacetemplate(t_navtoc, { -- version 3.0 root = htmlroot, } ) ) saveinfile("used mimetypes",joinfile(epubpath,epubmimetypes),mimetype) saveinfile("version 2.0 container",joinfile(metatarget,epubcontainer),replacetemplate(t_container, { rootfile = epubroot } ) ) local idmaker = idmakers[suffix(htmlroot)] or idmakers.default saveinfile("package specification",joinfile(htmltarget,epubroot),replacetemplate(t_package, { identifier = identifier, title = title, language = language, uuid = uuid, creator = creator, date = os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), coverpage = idmaker(coverpage), manifest = concat(used,"\n"), rootfile = idmaker(htmlroot) } ) ) -- t_toc is replaced by t_navtoc in >= 3 saveinfile("table of contents",joinfile(htmltarget,epubtoc), replacetemplate(t_toc, { identifier = uuid, -- identifier, title = title, author = author, root = htmlroot, } ) ) report("creating archive\n\n") pushdir(epubpath) removefile(epubfile) local usedzipper = false local function zipped(zipper) local ok = os.execute(format(zipper.uncompressed,epubfile,epubmimetypes)) if ok == 0 then os.execute(format(zipper.compressed,epubfile,metapath)) os.execute(format(zipper.compressed,epubfile,datapath)) usedzipper = zipper.name return true end end -- nice way for i=1,#zippers do if os.which(zippers[i].binary) and zipped(zippers[i]) then break end end -- trial and error if not usedzipper then for i=1,#zippers do if zipped(zippers[i]) then break end end end popdir() if usedzipper then local treefile = joinfile(epubpath,epubfile) removefile(epubfile) copyfile(treefile,epubfile) if isfile(epubfile) then removefile(treefile) end report("epub archive made using %s: %s",usedzipper,epubfile) else local list = { } for i=1,#zippers do list[#list+1] = zippers[i].name end report("no epub archive made, install one of: % | t",list) end if reportobsolete(oldfiles,newfiles,purge) then obsolete = true end if obsolete and not purge then report("use --purge to remove obsolete files") end end -- local a_exporthelp = environment.argument("exporthelp") local a_make = environment.argument("make") local a_all = environment.argument("all") local a_purge = a_all or environment.argument("purge") local a_rename = a_all or environment.argument("rename") local a_svgmath = a_all or environment.argument("svgmath") local a_svgstyle = environment.argument("svgstyle") if a_make and a_svgmath then require("x-math-svg") end if a_make then scripts.epub.make(a_purge,a_rename,a_svgmath,a_svgstyle) elseif a_exporthelp then application.export(a_exporthelp,environment.files[1]) else application.help() end -- java -jar d:\epubcheck\epubcheck-3.0.1.jar -v 3.0 -mode xhtml mkiv-publications.tree\mkiv-publications.epub