% \nopdfcompression % At the ConTeXt 2013 meeting Taco suggested to add ActualText entries to the % shapes. It took us a bit of experimenting and the current implementation of % this is quite okay, but beware: some viewers will add a space when copying % such characters. \starttext \definemetafont[bidi-symbols][bidi-symbols.mp] \startbuffer xxx{\demo\char"202A}\relax xxx\quad % lre xxx{\demo\char"202B}\relax xxx\quad % rle xxx{\demo\char"202C}\relax xxx\quad % pdf xxx{\demo\char"202D}\relax xxx\quad % lro xxx{\demo\char"202E}\relax xxx\quad % rlo \stopbuffer \definefont[demo][demo@bidi-symbols] \getbuffer \blank \definefont[demo][demo@bidi-symbols at \the\dimexpr3\exheight] \getbuffer \blank \definefont[demo][demo@bidi-symbols at \the\dimexpr4\exheight] \getbuffer \blank \stoptext