% This file is a variant of "macros for boxes":: % % author : Taco Hoekwater % version : $Id: boxes.mp,v 1.5 2005/02/25 11:28:56 taco Exp $ % copyright : Public domain % patched : Hans Hagen % % author : Karl Berry % version : $Id: rboxes.mp,v 1.2 2004/09/19 21:47:11 karl Exp $ % copyright : Public domain % patched : Hans Hagen % % The code is the same but I've added a boxes_ namespace for some so that we don't % clash with metafun. % The code is the same but I've added s boxes_ namespace for soem so that we don't % clash with metafun. Loading and initialization is now under metafun control. if known metafun_loaded_xbox : endinput ; fi ; newinternal boolean metafun_loaded_xbox ; metafun_loaded_xbox := true ; immutable metafun_loaded_xbox ; % Find the length of the prefix of string s for which cond is true for each character % c of the prefix. Loading and initialization is now under metafun control. Only the % mpxl variant will be adapted. When needed this file will be adapted. vardef boxes_str_prefix (expr s) (text cond) = save i_, c; string c; i_ = 0; forever: c := substring (i_, i_ + 1) of s; exitunless cond; exitif incr i_ = length s; endfor i_ enddef; % Take a string returned by the str operator and return the same string with explicit % numeric subscripts replaced by generic subscript symbols [] (fixed by Eddie Kohler). vardef generisize (expr ss) = save r, s, l; string r, s; r = ""; % result so far s = ss; % left to process forever: exitif s = ""; l := boxes_str_prefix(s, (c<>"[") and ((c<"0") or (c>"9"))); r := r & substring (0,l) of s; s := substring (l, infinity) of s; if s <> "" : if (s >= "[") and (length s > 1) : if (substring (1,2) of s) = "[" : l := 2; r := r & "[["; else : l := 1 + boxes_str_prefix(s, c <> "]"); r := r & "[]"; fi else : r := r & "[]"; l := boxes_str_prefix(s, (c = ".") or ("0" <= c) and (c <= "9")); fi s := substring(l, infinity) of s; fi endfor r enddef; % Make sure the string boxes_n_gen is generisize(_n_): string boxes_n, boxes_n_cur, boxes_n_gen; boxes_n_cur := "]"; % this won't match _n_ vardef boxes_set_n_gen = if boxes_n <> boxes_n_cur: boxes_n_cur := boxes_n; boxes_n_gen := generisize(boxes_n); fi enddef; % Given a type t and list of variable names vars, make sure that they are of type t % and redeclare them as necessary. In the vars list _n represents scantokens boxes_n, % a suffix that might contain numeric subscripts. This suffix needs to be replaced % by scantokens boxes_n_gen in order to get a variable that can be declared to be of % type t. vardef boxes_declare(text t) text vars = boxes_set_n_gen; forsuffixes v_ = vars : if forsuffixes _n = scantokens boxes_n : not t v_ endfor : def boxes_gdmac text _n = t v_ enddef; expandafter boxes_gdmac scantokens boxes_n_gen; fi endfor enddef; % Here is another version that redeclares the vars even if they are already of the % right type. vardef boxes_redeclare(text t) text vars = boxes_set_n_gen; def boxes_gdmac text _n = t vars enddef; expandafter boxes_gdmac scantokens boxes_n_gen; enddef; % pp should be a string giving the name of a macro that finds the boundary path and % sp should be a string that names a macro for fixing the size and shape. The suffix % $ is the name of the box. The text t gives the box contents: either empty, a % picture, or a string to typeset. def boxes_begin (expr pp, sp) (suffix $) (text t) = boxes_n := str $; boxes_declare (pair) _n.off, _n.c; boxes_declare (string) boxes_pproc._n, boxes_sproc._n; boxes_declare (picture) boxes_pic._n; boxes_pproc$ := pp; boxes_sproc$ := sp; boxes_pic$ := nullpicture; for _p_ = t : % boxes_pic$ := if picture _p_: _p_ else: _p_ infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale fi; boxes_pic$ := if picture _p_: _p_ else: textext(_p_) fi; endfor $c = $off + .5[llcorner boxes_pic$, urcorner boxes_pic$] enddef; % The suffix cl names a vardef macro that clears box-related variables. The suffix $ % is the name of the box being ended. def boxes_end(suffix cl, $) = if known boxes_pic.boxes_prevbox: boxes_dojoin(boxes_prevbox,$); fi def boxes_prevbox = $ enddef; expandafter def expandafter boxes_clear_all expandafter = boxes_clear_all cl($); enddef enddef; % Text t gives equations for joining box a to box b. def boxes_boxjoin(text t) = def boxes_prevbox = _ enddef; def boxes_dojoin(suffix a,b) = t enddef; enddef ; def boxes_clear_all = enddef; % Given a list of box names, give whatever default values are necessary % in order to fix the size and shape of each box. vardef boxes_fixsize(text t) = forsuffixes $ = t : scantokens boxes_sproc$($); endfor enddef; % Given a list of box names, give default values for any unknown positioning offsets. vardef boxes_fixpos(text t) = forsuffixes $=t: if unknown xpart $.off : xpart $.off = 0; fi if unknown ypart $.off : ypart $.off = 0; fi endfor enddef; % Return the boundary path for the given box vardef bpath suffix $ = boxes_fixsize($); boxes_fixpos($); scantokens boxes_pproc$($) enddef; % Return the contents of the given box. First define a private version that the user can't % accidently clobber. vardef boxes_pic_mac suffix $ = boxes_fixsize($); boxes_fixpos($); boxes_pic$ shifted $off enddef; vardef pic suffix $ = boxes_pic_mac $ enddef; % Draw each box: def drawboxed(text t) = boxes_fixsize(t); boxes_fixpos(t); forsuffixes s = t: draw boxes_pic_mac.s; draw bpath.s; endfor enddef; % Draw contents of each box: def drawunboxed(text t) = boxes_fixsize(t); boxes_fixpos(t); forsuffixes s = t : draw boxes_pic_mac.s; endfor enddef; % Draw boundary path for each box: def drawboxes(text t) = forsuffixes s = t : draw bpath.s; endfor enddef; % Rectangular boxes newinternal defaultdx, defaultdy; defaultdx := defaultdy := 3bp; vardef boxit@#(text tt) = boxes_begin("boxes_path","boxes_size",@#,tt); boxes_declare (pair) _n.sw, _n.s, _n.se, _n.e, _n.ne, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w; 0 = xpart(@#nw - @#sw) = ypart(@#se - @#sw); 0 = xpart(@#ne - @#se) = ypart(@#ne - @#nw); @#w = .5[@#nw,@#sw]; @#s = .5[@#sw,@#se]; @#e = .5[@#ne,@#se]; @#n = .5[@#ne,@#nw]; @#ne - @#c = @#c - @#sw = (@#dx,@#dy) + .5*(urcorner boxes_pic@# - llcorner boxes_pic@#); boxes_end(boxes_clear,@#); enddef; def boxes_path(suffix $) = $.sw -- $.se -- $.ne -- $.nw -- cycle enddef; def boxes_size(suffix $) = if unknown $.dx : $.dx = defaultdx; fi if unknown $.dy : $.dy = defaultdy; fi enddef; vardef boxes_clear(suffix $) = boxes_n := str $; boxes_redeclare(numeric) _n.sw, _n.s, _n.se, _n.e, _n.ne, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w, _n.c, _n.off, _n.dx, _n.dy; enddef; % Circular and oval boxes newinternal circmargin; circmargin := 2bp; % default clearance for picture corner vardef circleit@#(text tt) = boxes_begin("boxes_the_circle","boxes_size_circle",@#,tt); boxes_declare(pair) _n.n, _n.s, _n.e, _n.w; @#e - @#c = @#c - @#w = (@#dx,0) + .5*(lrcorner boxes_pic@# - llcorner boxes_pic@#); @#n - @#c = @#c - @#s = (0,@#dy) + .5*(ulcorner boxes_pic@# - llcorner boxes_pic@#); boxes_end(boxes_clear_circle,@#); enddef; def boxes_the_circle (suffix $) = $.e{up} ... $.n{left} ... $.w{down} ... $.s{right} ... cycle enddef; vardef boxes_clear_circle (suffix $) = boxes_n := str $; boxes_redeclare(numeric) _n.n, _n.s, _n.e, _n.w, _n.c, _n.off, _n.dx, _n.dy; enddef; vardef boxes_size_circle (suffix $) = save a_, b_; (a_,b_) = .5*(urcorner boxes_pic$ - llcorner boxes_pic$); if unknown $dx : if unknown $dy : if unknown($dy-$dx) : a_ + $dx = b_ + $dy; fi if a_ + $dx = b_ + $dy : a_ + $dx = a_ ++ b_ + circmargin; else : $dx = boxes_select(max(a_,b_ + $dx - $dy), (a_ + d_,0){up} ... (0,b_ + d_ + $dy - $dx){left}); fi else : $dx = boxes_select(a_, (a_ + d_,0){up}...(0,b_ + $dy){left}); fi elseif unknown $dy : $dy = boxes_select(b_, (a_ + $dx,0){up}...(0,b_ + d_){left}); fi enddef; vardef boxes_select(expr dhi)(text tt) = save f_, p_; path p_; p_ = origin .. (a_,b_) + circmargin * unitvector(a_,b_); vardef f_ (expr d_) = xpart((tt) intersectiontimes p_) >= 0 enddef; solve f_(0, dhi + 1.5circmargin) enddef; def boxes_init_all = boxes_boxjoin(); save boxes_pic, boxes_sproc, boxes_pproc; def boxes_clear_all = enddef; enddef ; def boxjoin(text t) = def boxes_prevbox = _ enddef; def boxes_dojoin(suffix a,b) = t enddef; enddef; extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "boxes_init_all;"; extra_endfig := "boxes_clear_all;" & extra_endfig; if makingfigure : boxes_init_all; fi ; % Rectangular boxes with rounded corners newinternal rbox_radius ; rbox_radius := 8bp ; vardef rboxit@#(text tt) = boxes_begin("boxes_the_rounded","boxes_size",@#,tt) ; boxes_declare (pair) _n.sw, _n.s, _n.se, _n.e, _n.ne, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w ; 0 = xpart(@#nw - @#sw) = ypart(@#se - @#sw) ; 0 = xpart(@#ne - @#se) = ypart(@#ne - @#nw) ; @#w = .5[@#nw,@#sw] ; @#s = .5[@#sw,@#se] ; @#e = .5[@#ne,@#se] ; @#n = .5[@#ne,@#nw] ; @#ne - @#c = @#c - @#sw = (@#dx,@#dy) + .5*(urcorner boxes_pic@# - llcorner boxes_pic@#) ; boxes_end(boxes_clear,@#) ; enddef; def boxes_the_rounded(suffix $) = save _r ; _r = min(rbox_radius, .5*ypart($.n-$.s), .5*xpart($.e-$.w)); $.sw + (_r,0) {right} .. {right} $.se - (_r,0) .. $.se + (0,_r) {up} .. {up} $.ne - (0,_r) .. $.ne - (_r,0) {left} .. {left} $.nw + (_r,0) .. $.nw - (0,_r) {down} .. {down} $.sw + (0,_r) .. cycle enddef;