%D \module %D [ file=mp-tres.mpiv, %D version=2017.11.08, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=Pseudo 3D, %D author=Alan Braslau, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for %C details. %D This module provides simple 3D->2D projections. The code is an adaption of code %D by Urs Oswald, Dr.sc.math.\ ETH as presented in: %D %D \starttyping %D http://www.ursoswald.ch/metapost/tutorial.html. %D \stoptyping %D %D We need a bit more so it got extended. if known context_three : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_three ; context_three := true ; pair mfun_three_xy ; % this avoids the costly save and allocate pair mfun_three_yz ; pair mfun_three_zx ; transform Txy ; def setTxy(expr ori, ang) = begingroup save P, t ; pair P[] ; transform t ; P0 = ori ; % origin in MetaPost coordinates (bp) P1 = (left rotated ang) scaled (cosd ang) ; % x axis (in mathematical coordinates) % A sort of "cavalier projection". % t: maps mathematical 2D coordinates onto MetaPost coordinates. t := identity shifted P0 ; % Note: no shift when P0 = origin! % Txy: maps the x-y plane of 3D space onto MetaPost coordinates, % z is the vertical (MetaPost y). % Txy:=identity % reflectedabout((0,0), (1,1)) % yscaled ypart P1 % slanted (xpart P1/ypart P1) % transformed t ; % Alternatively, defined via Pxy: % Pxy is the projection of the 3D plane z=0 onto the mathematical 2D coordinates. % Pxy is determined by 3 e q u a t i o n s describing % how (1,0), (0,1), and (0,0) are mapped save Pxy ; transform Pxy ; P1 = (1,0) transformed Pxy ; % Pxy: (1,0) --> P1 (1,0) = (0,1) transformed Pxy ; % (0,1) --> (1,0) (0,0) = (0,0) transformed Pxy ; % (0,0) --> (0,0) % mathematical 2D coordinates --> MetaPost coordinates Txy := Pxy transformed t ; endgroup enddef ; setTxy(origin,60) ; %D We already define triplet (as rgbcolor synonym) in in \type {mp-tool.mpiv}: let Xpart = redpart ; let Ypart = greenpart ; let Zpart = bluepart ; primarydef p Xscaled q = (q*Xpart p, Ypart p, Zpart p) enddef ; primarydef p Yscaled q = (Xpart p, q*Ypart p, Zpart p) enddef ; primarydef p Zscaled q = (Xpart p, Ypart p, q*Zpart p) enddef ; primarydef p XYZscaled q = (q*Xpart p,q*Ypart p,q*Zpart p) enddef ; vardef projection expr t = if triplet t : (Xpart t, Ypart t) transformed Txy shifted (0,Zpart t) elseif pair t : t transformed Txy else : origin transformed Txy fi enddef ; %D This overloads the plain macro \type {abs} (being \type {length}): vardef abs primary p = if triplet p : sqrt((Xpart p)**2+(Ypart p)**2+(Zpart p)**2) else : length p fi enddef ; primarydef p dotproduct q = ((Xpart p)*(Xpart q) + (Ypart p)*(Ypart q) + (Zpart p)*(Zpart q)) enddef ; primarydef p crossproduct q = ( (Ypart p)*(Zpart q) - (Zpart p)*(Ypart q), (Zpart p)*(Xpart q) - (Xpart p)*(Zpart q), (Xpart p)*(Ypart q) - (Ypart p)*(Xpart q) ) enddef ; primarydef p rotatedaboutX q = hide ( mfun_three_yz := (Ypart p, Zpart p) ; mfun_three_yz := mfun_three_yz rotated q ; ) (Xpart p, xpart mfun_three_yz, ypart mfun_three_yz) enddef ; primarydef p rotatedaboutY q = hide( mfun_three_zx := (Zpart p, Xpart p) ; mfun_three_zx := mfun_three_zx rotated q ; ) (ypart mfun_three_zx, Ypart p, xpart mfun_three_zx) enddef ; primarydef p rotatedaboutZ q = hide ( mfun_three_xy := (Xpart p, Ypart p) ; mfun_three_xy := mfun_three_xy rotated q ; ) (xpart mfun_three_xy, ypart mfun_three_xy, Zpart p) enddef ; %D We can use a rotation about an arbitrary direction t ... (easy) % primarydef p rotatedabout(expr t, a) = % enddef ; vardef draw_vector@# (expr v, s) text t = if triplet v : drawarrow projection(Origin) -- projection(v) t ; if string s : label@#(s, projection(v)) t ; fi fi enddef ; %D Some constants... triplet Origin, Xunitvector, Yunitvector, Zunitvector ; Origin := (0,0,0) ; Xunitvector := (1,0,0) ; Yunitvector := (0,1,0) ; Zunitvector := (0,0,1) ; %D We could do but don't: % let normalxpart = xpart ; % let normalypart = ypart ; % vardef xpart expr p = if triplet p : redpart else : normalxpart fi p enddef ; % vardef ypart expr p = if triplet p : greenpart else : normalypart fi p enddef ; % vardef zpart expr p = bluepart p enddef ;