%D \module %D [ file=mp-chem.mpiv, %D version=2009.05.13, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=chemicals, %D author=Hans Hagen \& Alan Braslau", %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=\PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for %C details. %D This module is incomplete and experimental. % either consistent setting or not if known context_chem : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_chem ; context_chem := true ; numeric chem_width, chem_radical_min, chem_radical_max, chem_text_max, chem_circle_radius, chem_rotation, chem_adjacent, chem_stack, chem_substituent, chem_direction, chem_setting_scale, chem_setting_offset, chem_text_offset, chem_picture_offset, chem_center_offset, chem_substituent_offset, chem_setting_l, chem_setting_r, chem_setting_t, chem_setting_b ; boolean chem_setting_axis, chem_setting_fixedwidth, chem_setting_fixedheight, chem_doing_pb, chem_text_trace ; color chem_axis_color ; path chem_setting_bbox ; pair chem_shift, chem_adjacent_p, chem_substituent_p, chem_direction_p, chem_move_p ; numeric chem_width[], chem_angle[], chem_start[], chem_initialrot[], chem_initialmov[] ; pair chem_stack_d[], chem_b_zero[], chem_n_zero[], chem_r_max[], chem_r_min[], chem_r_zero[], chem_mr_zero[], chem_pr_zero[], chem_crz_zero[], chem_rt_zero[], chem_rtt_zero[], chem_rbt_zero[], chem_mid_zero[] ; path chem_b_path[], chem_bx_path[], chem_eb_path[], chem_sr_path[], chem_br_path[], chem_sb_path[], chem_msb_path[], chem_psb_path[], chem_s_path[], chem_ss_path[], chem_mss_path[], chem_pss_path[], chem_e_path[], chem_sd_path[], chem_bb_path[], chem_oe_path[], chem_bd_path[], chem_bw_path[], chem_ddt_path[], chem_ddb_path[], chem_ldt_path[], chem_ldb_path[], chem_rdt_path[], chem_rdb_path[], chem_dbl_path[], chem_dbr_path[], chem_ad_path[], chem_au_path[], chem_r_path[], chem_rl_path[], chem_rr_path[], chem_rb_path[], chem_prb_path[], chem_mrb_path[], chem_srl_path[], chem_srr_path[], chem_msr_path[], chem_psr_path[], chem_mr_path[], chem_pr_path[], chem_c_path[], chem_cc_path[], chem_midt_path[], chem_midb_path[], chem_midst_path[], chem_midsb_path[] ; chem_setting_scale := 1 ; chem_base_width := 40pt ; chem_text_offset := 3pt ; chem_center_offset := 6pt ; chem_picture_offset := 10pt ; chem_substituent_offset := 10pt ; chem_radical_min := 1.25 ; chem_radical_max := 1.50 ; chem_text_min := 0.75 ; chem_text_max := 1.75 ; chem_circle_radius := 0.80 ; chem_circle_radius := 1.10 ; chem_rotation := 1 ; chem_adjacent := 0 ; chem_substituent := 0 ; chem_direction := 0 ; chem_stack_n := 0 ; chem_doing_pb := false ; chem_shift := origin ; chem_dot_factor := 4 ; chem_text_trace := false ; chem_bd_n := 4 ; chem_bw_n := 4 ; chem_bd_angle := 4 ; chem_bb_angle := 4 ; chem_axis_color := blue ; % TODO: add "axiscolor=" option in lua... vardef chem_start_structure(expr n, l, r, t, b, scale, axis, fixedwidth, fixedheight, offset) = chem_setting_axis := axis ; chem_setting_l := l * scale ; chem_setting_r := r * scale ; chem_setting_t := t * scale ; chem_setting_b := b * scale ; chem_setting_fixedwidth := fixedwidth ; chem_setting_fixedheight := fixedheight ; chem_setting_offset := offset ; if scale <> chem_setting_scale : chem_setting_scale := scale ; chem_init_all ; fi ; chem_rotation := 1 ; chem_adjacent := 0 ; chem_substituent := 0 ; chem_direction := 0 ; chem_stack_n := 0 ; chem_doing_pb := false ; chem_shift := origin ; enddef ; def chem_stop_structure = currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - chem_shift ; % axis here if chem_setting_fixedwidth : chem_setting_l := - xpart llcorner currentpicture ; chem_setting_r := xpart urcorner currentpicture ; fi ; if chem_setting_fixedheight : chem_setting_t := ypart urcorner currentpicture ; chem_setting_b := - ypart llcorner currentpicture ; fi ; chem_setting_bbox := (-chem_setting_l,-chem_setting_b) -- ( chem_setting_r,-chem_setting_b) -- ( chem_setting_r, chem_setting_t) -- (-chem_setting_l, chem_setting_t) -- cycle ; if chem_setting_axis : % put it behind the picture picture chem_picture ; chem_picture := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture ; save stp ; stp := chem_base_width/ 2 * chem_setting_scale ; save siz ; siz := stp/5 ; draw (-chem_setting_l,0) -- (chem_setting_r,0) withcolor chem_axis_color ; draw (0,-chem_setting_b) -- (0,chem_setting_t) withcolor chem_axis_color ; for i = 0 step stp until chem_setting_r : draw (i,-siz) -- (i,siz) withcolor chem_axis_color ; endfor ; for i = 0 step -stp until -chem_setting_l : draw (i,-siz) -- (i,siz) withcolor chem_axis_color ; endfor ; for i = 0 step stp until chem_setting_t : draw (-siz,i) -- (siz,i) withcolor chem_axis_color ; endfor ; for i = 0 step -stp until -chem_setting_b : draw (-siz,i) -- (siz,i) withcolor chem_axis_color ; endfor ; % frame=on: draw chem_setting_bbox withcolor chem_axis_color ; addto currentpicture also chem_picture ; fi ; setbounds currentpicture to chem_setting_bbox ; enddef ; def chem_start_component = enddef ; def chem_stop_component = enddef ; def chem_pb = % draw boundingbox currentpicture withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor chem_axis_color ; % draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 2mm withcolor chem_axis_color ; chem_doing_pb := true ; enddef ; def chem_pe = % draw boundingbox currentpicture withpen pencircle scaled .5mm withcolor red ; % draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - chem_shift ; % draw origin withpen pencircle scaled .5mm withcolor green ; chem_shift := origin ; chem_doing_pb := false ; enddef ; vardef chem_do (expr p) = if chem_doing_pb : chem_doing_pb := false ; % save pp ; pair pp ; pp := point 1 of ((origin -- p) enlonged chem_picture_offset) ; % currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - pp ; % chem_shift := chem_shift - center pp ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - p ; chem_shift := chem_shift - p ; origin % nullpicture else : p fi enddef ; % f_rom, t_o, r_ule, c_olor vardef chem_b (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_b_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_sb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_sb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_s (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_s_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ss (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_ss_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_mid (expr n, r, c) = chem_draw_fixed (n, chem_midt_path[n], r, c) ; chem_draw_fixed (n, chem_midb_path[n], r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_mids (expr n, r, c) = chem_draw_fixed (n, chem_midst_path[n], r, c) ; chem_draw_fixed (n, chem_midsb_path[n], r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_mss (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_mss_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_pss (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_pss_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_msb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_msb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_psb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_psb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_eb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_eb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_db (expr n, f, t, r, c) = if n = 1 : chem_draw (n, chem_msb_path [n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_psb_path [n], f, t, r, c) ; else : chem_draw (n, chem_dbl_path [n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_dbr_path [n], f, t, r, c) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_er (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_rl_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_rr_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_dr (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_srl_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_srr_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ad (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw_arrow(n, chem_ad_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_au (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw_arrow(n, chem_au_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_r (expr n, f, t, r, c) = if n < 0 : chem_draw_vertical (n, chem_r_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; else : chem_draw (n, chem_r_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_rd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_dashed_normal (n, chem_r_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_mrd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_dashed_normal (n, chem_mr_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_prd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_dashed_normal (n, chem_pr_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_br (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_fill (n, chem_br_path[n], f, t, r, c ) enddef ; vardef chem_rb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_fill (n, chem_rb_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_mrb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_fill (n, chem_mrb_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_prb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_fill (n, chem_prb_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_mr (expr n, f, t, r, c) = if n < 0 : chem_draw_vertical(n, chem_mr_path[n], f, t, r, c) else : chem_draw (n, chem_mr_path[n], f, t, r, c) fi enddef ; vardef chem_pr (expr n, f, t, r, c) = if n < 0 : chem_draw_vertical(n, chem_pr_path[n], f, t, r, c) else : chem_draw (n, chem_pr_path[n], f, t, r, c) fi enddef ; vardef chem_sr (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_sr_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_msr (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_msr_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_psr (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_psr_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_c (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_c_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_cc (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_draw (n, chem_cc_path[n], f, f, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_cd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_dashed_connected (n, chem_c_path[n], f, t, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_ccd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = chem_dashed_normal (n, chem_cc_path[n], f, f, r, c) enddef ; vardef chem_rn (expr n, i, t) = chem_rt (n,i,t) ; enddef ; vardef chem_rtn (expr n, i, t) = chem_rtt(n,i,t) ; enddef ; vardef chem_rbn (expr n, i, t) = chem_rbt(n,i,t) ; enddef ; vardef chem_tb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_msb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_sb_path [n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_psb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ep (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_es (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw_dot (n, center chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ed (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw_dot (n, point 0 of chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw_dot (n, point 1 of chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_et (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw_dot (n, point 0 of chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw_dot (n, center chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw_dot (n, point 1 of chem_e_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_sd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_ddt_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_ddb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_rdd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_ldt_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_ldb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_psb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ldd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_msb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_rdt_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw (n, chem_rdb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_hb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw_dot (n, point 0 of chem_sb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw_dot (n, center chem_sb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; chem_draw_dot (n, point 1 of chem_sb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_bb (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one if n < 0 : chem_fill (n, chem_bb_path[n], 1, 1, r, c) ; chem_b (n, f, t, r, c) ; else : chem_fill (n, chem_bb_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_oe (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_oe_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_bd (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one for i=0 upto 5 : chem_draw (n, subpath (2i,2i+1) of chem_bd_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef chem_bw (expr n, f, t, r, c) = % one chem_draw (n, chem_bw_path[n], f, t, r, c) ; enddef ; vardef chem_z_zero@#(text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(origin)) ; enddef ; vardef chem_cz_zero@#(text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(origin)) ; enddef ; vardef chem_z@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if p = 0 : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(origin)) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_b_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_cz@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if n = 1 : chem_c_text(t, chem_do(chem_crz_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_b_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_midz@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_mid_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_rz@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if n < 0 : % quite special chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_r_zero[n] shifted (chem_b_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p)))) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_r_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_crz@#(expr n, p) (text tx) = chem_text(tx, chem_do(chem_crz_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_mrz@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if n < 0 : % quite special chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_mr_zero[n] shifted (chem_b_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p)))) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_mr_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_prz@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if n < 0 : % quite special chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_pr_zero[n] shifted (chem_b_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p)))) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_pr_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_rt@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_rtt@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rtt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_rbt@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rbt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_zt@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if n = 1 : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_n_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_zn@#(expr n, p) (text t) = if n = 1 : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; else : chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_n_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_zbt@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rtt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_zbn@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rtt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ztt@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rbt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_ztn@#(expr n, p) (text t) = chem_text@#(t, chem_do(chem_rbt_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,p))) ; enddef ; vardef chem_symbol(expr t) = draw textext(t) ; enddef ; vardef chem_text@#(expr txt, z) = % adapted copy of thelabel@ save p ; picture p ; p := textext(txt) ; p := p if (mfun_labtype@# >= 10) : shifted (0,ypart center p) fi shifted (z + chem_text_offset*mfun_laboff@# - (mfun_labxf@#*lrcorner p + mfun_labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*llcorner p)) ; if chem_text_trace : draw z withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor red ; draw boundingbox p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor red ; fi ; draw p enddef ; vardef chem_c_text(expr txt, z) = % adapted copy of thelabel@ save p ; picture p ; p := textext(txt) ; save b ; path b ; b := (boundingbox p) shifted z ; save a ; pair a ; a := (origin--z) intersection_point b ; if intersection_found : draw p shifted (z enlonged arclength(a -- center b)) ; else : draw p shifted z ; fi % draw b withcolor green ; % draw a withcolor red ; enddef ; vardef chem_ang (expr n, d) = ((1-d)*chem_angle[n] + (1-chem_rotation)*90 + chem_start[n]) % no ; enddef ; vardef chem_rot (expr n, d) = chem_rotation := d ; enddef ; vardef chem_adj (expr n, d) = chem_adjacent := d ; enddef ; vardef chem_sub (expr n, d) = chem_substituent := d ; enddef ; vardef chem_dir (expr n, d) = if n = 1 : chem_direction_p := (origin - 2*center(chem_b_path[n] rotated chem_ang(n,d))/cosd(chem_angle[n])) ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted chem_direction_p ; chem_shift := chem_shift + chem_direction_p ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_mov (expr n, d) = if d = 0 : currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - chem_shift ; chem_shift := origin ; else : chem_move_p := (origin - 2*center(chem_b_path[n] rotated chem_ang(n,d+chem_initialmov[n]))) ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted chem_move_p ; chem_shift := chem_shift + chem_move_p ; fi ; enddef ; vardef chem_off (expr n, d) = pair o ; o := (-chem_setting_offset,0) rotated chem_ang(1,d+chem_initialmov[1]) ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted o ; chem_shift := chem_shift + o ; enddef ; vardef chem_set (expr n, m) = if chem_adjacent > 0 : chem_adjacent_d := xpart chem_b_zero[n] + xpart chem_b_zero[m] ; if chem_adjacent = 1 : chem_adjacent_p := (-chem_adjacent_d, 0) ; elseif chem_adjacent = 2 : chem_adjacent_p := (0, -chem_adjacent_d) ; elseif chem_adjacent = 3 : chem_adjacent_p := ( chem_adjacent_d, 0) ; elseif chem_adjacent = 4 : chem_adjacent_p := (0, chem_adjacent_d) ; else : chem_adjacent_p := origin ; fi ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted chem_adjacent_p ; chem_shift := chem_shift + chem_adjacent_p ; chem_adjacent := 0 ; fi ; if chem_substituent > 0 : if m = 1 : chem_substituent_d := xpart chem_crz_zero[n] + chem_substituent_offset ; else : chem_substituent_d := xpart chem_crz_zero[n] + xpart chem_b_zero[m] ; fi ; if chem_substituent = 1 : chem_substituent_p := (-chem_substituent_d, 0) ; % - ? elseif chem_substituent = 2 : chem_substituent_p := (0, chem_substituent_d) ; elseif chem_substituent = 3 : chem_substituent_p := ( chem_substituent_d, 0) ; elseif chem_substituent = 4 : chem_substituent_p := (0, -chem_substituent_d) ; else : chem_substituent_p := origin ; fi ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted chem_substituent_p ; chem_shift := chem_shift + chem_substituent_p ; chem_substituent := 0 ; fi ; chem_rotation := chem_initialrot[m] ; enddef ; vardef chem_draw (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = for i:=from_point upto to_point: draw (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,i)) withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef chem_fill (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = for i:=from_point upto to_point: fill (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,i)) withpen pencircle scaled 0 withcolor linecolor ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef chem_dashed_normal (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = for i:=from_point upto to_point: draw (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,i)) withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor dashed evenly ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef chem_dashed_connected (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = draw for i:=from_point upto to_point: (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,i)) if i < to_point : -- fi endfor withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor dashed evenly ; enddef ; vardef chem_draw_dot (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = for i:=from_point upto to_point: draw (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,i)) withpen pencircle scaled (chem_dot_factor*linewidth) withcolor linecolor ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef chem_draw_fixed (expr n, path_fragment, linewidth, linecolor) = draw (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,1)) withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor ; enddef ; vardef chem_draw_arrow (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = for i:=from_point upto to_point: drawarrow (path_fragment rotated chem_ang(n,i)) withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef chem_draw_vertical (expr n, path_fragment, from_point, to_point, linewidth, linecolor) = % quite special for i:=from_point upto to_point: draw (path_fragment shifted (chem_b_zero[n] rotated chem_ang(n,i))) withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor ; endfor ; enddef ; picture chem_stack_p[] ; pair chem_stack_shift[] ; vardef chem_save = chem_stack_n := chem_stack_n + 1 ; chem_stack_p[chem_stack_n] := currentpicture ; chem_stack_shift[chem_stack_n] := chem_shift ; chem_shift := origin ; % chem_adjacent := 0 ; % chem_substituent := 0 ; % chem_rotation := 1 ; currentpicture := nullpicture ; enddef ; vardef chem_restore = if chem_stack_n > 0 : currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - chem_shift ; addto chem_stack_p[chem_stack_n] also currentpicture ; currentpicture := chem_stack_p[chem_stack_n] ; chem_stack_p[chem_stack_n] := nullpicture ; chem_shift := chem_stack_shift[chem_stack_n] ; chem_stack_n := chem_stack_n - 1 ; fi ; enddef ; def chem_init_some(expr n, initialrot, initialmov, front) = chem_angle [n] := 360/abs(n) ; chem_width [n] := chem_setting_scale * (chem_base_width/2) / sind(chem_angle[n]/2) ; chem_start [n] := 0 ; chem_initialrot[n] := initialrot ; chem_initialmov[n] := initialmov ; chem_b_path [n] := ((chem_width[n],0) rotated -(chem_angle[n]/2))-- ((chem_width[n],0) rotated +(chem_angle[n]/2)) ; chem_b_zero [n] := point 1 of chem_b_path [n] ; chem_n_zero [n] := chem_text_min*chem_b_zero[n] ; chem_r_max [n] := chem_radical_max*chem_b_zero[n] ; chem_r_path [n] := chem_b_zero[n] -- chem_r_max[n] ; chem_mr_path [n] := chem_r_path [n] rotatedaround(chem_b_zero[n], (180-chem_angle[n])/2) ; chem_pr_path [n] := chem_r_path [n] rotatedaround(chem_b_zero[n],-(180-chem_angle[n])/2) ; chem_r_zero [n] := point 1 of chem_r_path [n] ; chem_mr_zero [n] := point 1 of chem_mr_path[n] ; chem_pr_zero [n] := point 1 of chem_pr_path[n] ; chem_crz_zero [n] := point 1 of (chem_r_path[n] enlonged chem_center_offset) ; chem_au_path [n] := subpath (0.2,0.8) of (chem_r_max[n] -- (chem_r_max[n] rotated chem_angle[n])) ; chem_ad_path [n] := reverse(chem_au_path[n]) ; chem_rt_zero [n] := (((chem_radical_max+chem_radical_min)/2)*chem_width[n],0) rotated (chem_angle[n]/2) ; chem_rtt_zero [n] := chem_rt_zero[n] rotated + 10 ; chem_rbt_zero [n] := chem_rt_zero[n] rotated - 10 ; chem_bx_path [n] := reverse(chem_b_zero[n] -- (chem_b_zero[n] rotated -chem_angle[n])) ; % ? NOT USED... chem_sb_path [n] := subpath (0.25,0.75) of chem_b_path[n] ; chem_s_path [n] := point 0 of chem_b_path[n] -- point 0 of (chem_b_path[n] rotated (2chem_angle[n])) ; chem_ss_path [n] := subpath (0.25,0.75) of (chem_s_path[n]) ; chem_pss_path [n] := subpath (0.00,0.75) of (chem_s_path[n]) ; chem_mss_path [n] := subpath (0.25,1.00) of (chem_s_path[n]) ; chem_mid_zero [n] := origin shifted (-.25chem_width[n],0) ; chem_midst_path[n] := chem_mid_zero[n] -- (chem_width[n],0) rotated ( chem_angle[n] + chem_angle[n]/2) ; chem_midsb_path[n] := chem_mid_zero[n] -- (chem_width[n],0) rotated (-chem_angle[n] - chem_angle[n]/2) ; chem_midt_path [n] := subpath (0.25,1.00) of chem_midst_path [n] ; chem_midb_path [n] := subpath (0.25,1.00) of chem_midsb_path [n] ; chem_msb_path [n] := subpath (0.00,0.75) of chem_b_path[n] ; chem_psb_path [n] := subpath (0.25,1.00) of chem_b_path[n] ; chem_dbl_path [n] := chem_sb_path[n] shifted - (0.05[origin,center chem_sb_path[n]]) ; % parallel chem_dbr_path [n] := chem_sb_path[n] shifted + (0.05[origin,center chem_sb_path[n]]) ; chem_eb_path [n] := chem_sb_path[n] shifted - (0.25[origin,center chem_sb_path[n]]) ; chem_sr_path [n] := chem_radical_min*chem_b_zero[n] -- chem_r_max[n] ; chem_rl_path [n] := chem_r_path[n] paralleled (chem_base_width/20) ; chem_rr_path [n] := chem_r_path[n] paralleled -(chem_base_width/20) ; chem_srl_path [n] := chem_sr_path[n] paralleled (chem_base_width/20) ; chem_srr_path [n] := chem_sr_path[n] paralleled -(chem_base_width/20) ; chem_br_path [n] := point 1 of chem_sb_path[n] -- point 0 of chem_sb_path[n] rotatedaround(point 1 of chem_sb_path[n], -4) -- point 0 of chem_sb_path[n] rotatedaround(point 1 of chem_sb_path[n], 4) -- cycle ; chem_rb_path [n] := chem_b_zero[n] -- chem_r_max[n] rotated -2 -- chem_r_max[n] -- chem_r_max[n] rotated 2 -- cycle ; chem_mrb_path [n] := chem_rb_path[n] rotatedaround(chem_b_zero[n],+(180-chem_angle[n])/2) ; chem_prb_path [n] := chem_rb_path[n] rotatedaround(chem_b_zero[n],-(180-chem_angle[n])/2) ; chem_msr_path [n] := chem_sr_path[n] rotatedaround(chem_b_zero[n],+(180-chem_angle[n])/2) ; chem_psr_path [n] := chem_sr_path[n] rotatedaround(chem_b_zero[n],-(180-chem_angle[n])/2) ; % not yet ok: % chem_c_path [n] := subpath (30/45, -30/45) of (fullcircle scaled (1.25*chem_circle_radius*chem_width[n])); % chem_cc_path [n] := subpath (30/45,8-30/45) of (fullcircle rotated 90 scaled (1.25*chem_circle_radius*chem_width[n])); chem_c_path [n] := subpath (30/45, -30/45) of (fullcircle scaled (chem_width[n])); chem_cc_path [n] := subpath (30/45,8-30/45) of (fullcircle rotated 90 scaled (chem_width[n])); if (front) : chem_bb_path [n] := chem_b_path[n] rotated -chem_angle[n] -- chem_b_path[n] -- chem_b_path[n] rotated chem_angle[n] -- (reverse(chem_b_path[n] shortened (chem_base_width/20))) paralleled (chem_base_width/20) -- cycle ; chem_r_max [n] := chem_radical_max*chem_b_zero[n] ; chem_mr_path [n] := origin -- origin shifted (0,-.25chem_base_width) ; chem_pr_path [n] := origin -- origin shifted (0,+.25chem_base_width) ; chem_r_path [n] := point 1 of chem_mr_path[n] -- point 1 of chem_pr_path[n] ; chem_mr_zero [n] := point 1 of chem_mr_path[n] ; chem_pr_zero [n] := point 1 of chem_pr_path[n] ; fi enddef ; def chem_init_three = chem_init_some(3,1,2,false) ; enddef ; def chem_init_four = chem_init_some(4,1,0,false) ; enddef ; def chem_init_five = chem_init_some(5,1,0,false) ; enddef ; def chem_init_six = chem_init_some(6,1,0,false) ; enddef ; def chem_init_eight = chem_init_some(8,1,0,false) ; enddef ; def chem_init_five_front = chem_init_some(-5,2,0,true) ; enddef ; def chem_init_six_front = chem_init_some(-6,2,0,true) ; enddef ; % bb R -R R Z -RZ +RZ vardef chem_init_one = chem_width [1] := chem_setting_scale * chem_base_width ; chem_angle [1] := 360/8 ; chem_start [1] := 0 ; chem_initialrot[1] := 1 ; chem_initialmov[1] := 0 ; chem_b_path [1] := origin -- (chem_width[1],0) ; chem_b_zero [1] := point 1 of chem_b_path[1] ; chem_r_min [1] := chem_radical_min*chem_b_zero[1] ; chem_r_max [1] := chem_radical_max*chem_b_zero[1] ; chem_r_path [1] := (.5*chem_width[1],0) -- (1.25*chem_width[1],0) ; chem_r_zero [1] := point 1 of chem_r_path [1] ; chem_crz_zero [1] := chem_r_zero[1] enlonged chem_center_offset ; chem_e_path [1] := (.5*chem_width[1],-.25*chem_width[1]) -- (.5*chem_width[1],.25*chem_width[1]) ; chem_sb_path [1] := subpath(.25,.75) of chem_b_path [1] ; chem_msb_path [1] := subpath (0.00,0.75) of chem_b_path[1] ; chem_psb_path [1] := subpath (0.25,1.00) of chem_b_path[1] ; chem_ddt_path [1] := subpath(0,.4) of chem_r_path [1] ; chem_ddb_path [1] := subpath(.6,1) of chem_r_path [1] ; chem_ldt_path [1] := chem_ddt_path [1] shifted (0,-.1chem_width[1]) ; % parallel chem_ldb_path [1] := chem_ddb_path [1] shifted (0,-.1chem_width[1]) ; chem_rdt_path [1] := chem_ddt_path [1] shifted (0, .1chem_width[1]) ; chem_rdb_path [1] := chem_ddb_path [1] shifted (0, .1chem_width[1]) ; save pr ; pair pr[] ; pr0 := point 0 of chem_r_path[1] ; pr1 := point 1 of chem_r_path[1] ; chem_bb_path [1] := pr0 -- (pr1 rotatedaround(pr0,-chem_bb_angle)) -- (pr1 rotatedaround(pr0,chem_bb_angle)) -- cycle ; chem_oe_path [1] := ((-20,0)--(10,0){up}..(20,10)..(30,0)..(40,-10)..(50.0,0)..(60,10)..(70,0)..(80,-10)..{up}(90,0)--(120,0)) xsized (.75*chem_width[1]) shifted pr0 ; chem_rt_zero [1] := point .5 of chem_r_path[1] ; chem_rtt_zero [1] := chem_rt_zero[1] rotated + (chem_angle[1]/2) ; chem_rbt_zero [1] := chem_rt_zero[1] rotated - (chem_angle[1]/2) ; % added by Alan Braslau (adapted to use shared variables): save p ; pair p[] ; p0 := pr1 rotatedaround(pr0, -chem_bd_angle) ; p1 := pr1 rotatedaround(pr0, +chem_bd_angle) ; p2 := p0 shifted - pr1 ; p3 := p1 shifted - pr1 ; chem_bd_path [1] := p0 -- p1 for i=chem_bd_n downto 0 : -- p2 shifted (i/chem_bd_n)[pr1,pr0] -- p3 shifted (i/chem_bd_n)[pr1,pr0] endfor ; chem_bw_path [1] := for i=0 upto chem_bw_n - 1 : ((i) /chem_bw_n)[pr0,pr1] .. ((i+.25)/chem_bw_n)[pr0,pr1] shifted p2 .. ((i+.50)/chem_bw_n)[pr0,pr1] .. ((i+.75)/chem_bw_n)[pr0,pr1] shifted -p2 .. endfor pr1 ; enddef ; def chem_init_all = chem_init_one ; chem_init_three ; chem_init_four ; chem_init_five ; chem_init_six ; chem_init_eight ; chem_init_five_front ; chem_init_six_front ; enddef ; chem_init_all ;