% to be cleaned up, namespace needed ! ! ! ! ! %D \module %D [ file=mp-char.mp, %D version=1998.10.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=charts, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for %C details. if unknown context_tool : input mp-tool ; fi ; if unknown context_shap : input mp-shap ; fi ; if known context_char : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_char ; context_char := true ; % kan naar elders current_position := 0 ; def save_text_position (expr p) = % beware: clip shift needed current_position := current_position + 1 ; savedata "\MPposition{" & decimal current_position & "}{" & decimal xpart p & "}{" & decimal ypart p & "}%" ; enddef ; %D settings grid_width := 60pt ; grid_height := 40pt ; shape_width := 45pt ; shape_height := 30pt ; chart_offset := 2pt ; color chart_background_color ; chart_background_color := white ; %D test mode boolean show_mid_points ; show_mid_points := false ; boolean show_con_points ; show_con_points := false ; boolean show_all_points ; show_all_points := false ; %D shapes color shape_line_color, shape_fill_color ; shape_line_width := 2pt ; shape_line_color := .5white ; shape_fill_color := .9white ; shape_node := 0 ; shape_action := 24 ; shape_procedure := 5 ; shape_product := 12 ; shape_decision := 14 ; shape_archive := 19 ; shape_loop := 35 ; shape_wait := 6 ; shape_subprocedure := 20 ; shape_sub_procedure := 20 ; shape_singledocument := 32 ; shape_single_document := 32 ; shape_multidocument := 33 ; shape_multi_document := 33 ; shape_right := 66 ; shape_left := 67 ; shape_up := 68 ; shape_down := 69 ; % vardef some_shape_path (expr type) == imported from mp-shap def show_shapes (expr n) = begin_chart(n,8,10) ; show_con_points := true ; for i=0 upto 7 : for j=0 upto 9 : new_shape(i+1,j+1,i*10+j); endfor ; endfor ; end_chart ; enddef ; %D connections def new_chart = color connection_line_color ; connection_line_width := shape_line_width ; connection_line_color := .8white ; connection_smooth_size := 5pt ; connection_arrow_size := 4pt ; connection_dash_size := 3pt ; max_x := 6 ; max_y := 4 ; numeric xypoint ; xypoint := 0 ; pair xypoints [] ; boolean xyfree [][] ; path xypath [][] ; numeric xysx [][] ; numeric xysy [][] ; color xyfill [][] ; color xydraw [][] ; numeric xyline [][] ; boolean xypeep [][] ; numeric cpath ; cpath := 0 ; path cpaths [] ; numeric cline [] ; color ccolor [] ; boolean carrow [] ; boolean cdash [] ; boolean ccross [] ; boolean smooth ; smooth := true ; boolean peepshape ; peepshape := false ; boolean arrowtip ; arrowtip := true ; boolean dashline ; dashline := false ; boolean forcevalid ; forcevalid := false ; boolean touchshape ; touchshape := false ; boolean showcrossing ; showcrossing := false ; picture dash_pattern ; boolean reverse_y ; reverse_y := true ; enddef ; new_chart ; def y_pos (expr y) = if reverse_y : max_y + 1 - y else : y fi enddef ; def initialize_grid (expr maxx, maxy) = begingroup ; save i, j ; max_x := maxx ; max_y := maxy ; dsp_x := 0 ; dsp_y := 0 ; for x=1 upto max_x : for y=1 upto max_y : xyfree [x][y] := true ; xyfill [x][y] := shape_fill_color ; xydraw [x][y] := shape_line_color ; xyline [x][y] := shape_line_width ; endfor ; endfor ; endgroup ; enddef ; def scaled_to_grid = xscaled grid_width yscaled grid_height enddef ; def xy_offset (expr x, y) = (x+.5,y+.5) enddef ; def draw_shape (expr x, yy, p, sx, sy) = begingroup ; save y ; y := y_pos(yy) ; xypath [x][y] := (p xscaled sx yscaled sy) shifted xy_offset(x,y) ; xyfree [x][y] := false ; xysx [x][y] := sx ; xysy [x][y] := sy ; xyfill [x][y] := shape_fill_color ; xydraw [x][y] := shape_line_color ; xyline [x][y] := shape_line_width ; xypeep [x][y] := peepshape ; endgroup ; enddef ; vardef i_point (expr x, y, p, t) = begingroup ; save q, ok ; pair q ; boolean ok ; q := xypath[x][y] intersection_point ((p) shifted xy_offset(x,y)) ; ok := true ; % if xpart q < -.5 : ok := false ; q := (-.45,ypart q) fi ; % if xpart q > .5 : ok := false ; q := ( .45,ypart q) fi ; % if ypart q < -.5 : ok := false ; q := (xpart q,-.45) fi ; % if ypart q > .5 : ok := false ; q := (xpart q, .45) fi ; if not ok : message (t & " of shape (" & decimal x & "," & decimal y & ") limited") ; fi ; q endgroup enddef ; vardef trimmed (expr x, y, z, t) = if touchshape and t : xyline[x][y]/z else : epsilon fi enddef ; zfactor := 1/3 ; vardef xy_bottom (expr x, y, z, t) = i_point (x, y, ((0,0)--(0,-2)) shifted (zfactor*z*xysx[x][y],0), "bottom") shifted(0,-trimmed(x,y,grid_height,t)) enddef ; vardef xy_top (expr x, y, z, t) = i_point (x, y, ((0,0)--(0,2)) shifted (zfactor*z*xysx[x][y],0), "top") shifted(0,trimmed(x,y,grid_height,t)) enddef ; vardef xy_left (expr x, y, z, t) = i_point (x, y, ((0,0)--(-2,0)) shifted (0,zfactor*z*xysy[x][y]), "left") shifted(-trimmed(x,y,grid_width,t),0) enddef ; vardef xy_right (expr x, y, z, t) = i_point (x, y, ((0,0)--(2,0)) shifted (0,zfactor*z*xysy[x][y]), "right") shifted(trimmed(x,y,grid_width,t),0) enddef ; def flush_shapes = for x=1 upto max_x : for y=1 upto max_y : flush_shape (x, y) ; endfor ; endfor ; enddef ; def draw_connection_point (expr x, y, z) = pickup pencircle scaled if (z=0): 2 fi xyline[x][y] ; drawdot xy_bottom(x,y,z,false) scaled_to_grid withcolor (1,0,0) ; drawdot xy_top (x,y,z,false) scaled_to_grid withcolor (0,1,0) ; drawdot xy_left (x,y,z,false) scaled_to_grid withcolor (0,0,1) ; drawdot xy_right (x,y,z,false) scaled_to_grid withcolor (1,1,0) ; enddef ; def flush_shape (expr x, yy) = begingroup ; save y ; y := y_pos(yy) ; if not xyfree[x][y] : pickup pencircle scaled xyline[x][y] ; if xypeep[x][y] : fill (xypath[x][y] peepholed (unitsquare shifted (x,y))) scaled_to_grid withpen pencircle scaled 0 withcolor chart_background_color ; else : fill xypath[x][y] scaled_to_grid withcolor xyfill[x][y] ; fi ; draw xypath[x][y] scaled_to_grid withcolor xydraw[x][y] ; if show_con_points or show_all_points : draw_connection_point (x, y, 0) ; fi ; if show_all_points : for i=-1 upto 1 : draw_connection_point (x, y, i) ; endfor ; fi ; fi ; endgroup ; enddef ; vardef points_initialized (expr xfrom, yfrom, xto, yto, n) = if not xyfree[xfrom][yfrom] and not xyfree[xto][yto] : xypoint := n ; true else : xypoint := 0 ; false fi enddef ; def collapse_points = % this is now an mp-tool macro % remove redundant points n := 1 ; for i=2 upto xypoint: if not (xypoints[i]=xypoints[n]) : n := n + 1 ; xypoints[n] := xypoints[i] fi ; endfor ; xypoint := n ; % make straight lines if xypoints[2]=xypoints[xypoint-1] : xypoints[3] := xypoints[xypoint] ; xypoint := 3 ; fi ; enddef ; vardef smooth_connection (expr a,b) = sx := connection_smooth_size/grid_width ; sy := connection_smooth_size/grid_height ; if ypart a = ypart b : a shifted (if xpart a >= xpart b : - fi sx,0) % a shifted (sx*xpart unitvector(b-a),0) else : a shifted (0,if ypart a >= ypart b : - fi sy) % a shifted (0,sy*ypart unitvector(b-a)) fi enddef ; vardef trim_points = begingroup save p, a, b, d, i ; path p ; pair d ; p := for i=1 upto xypoint-1 : xypoints[i]-- endfor xypoints[xypoint] ; if touchshape : a := shape_line_width/grid_width ; b := shape_line_width/grid_height ; else : a := epsilon ; b := epsilon ; fi ; d := direction infinity of p ; xypoints[xypoint] := xypoints[xypoint] shifted if xpart d < 0 : (+a,0) ; elseif xpart d > 0 : (-a,0) ; elseif ypart d < 0 : (0,+b) ; elseif ypart d > 0 : (0,-b) ; else : origin ; fi ; d := direction 0 of p ; xypoints[1] := xypoints[1] shifted if xpart d < 0 : (-a,0) ; elseif xpart d > 0 : (+a,0) ; elseif ypart d < 0 : (0,-b) ; elseif ypart d > 0 : (0,+b) ; else : origin ; fi ; endgroup enddef ; vardef trim_points = enddef ; vardef connection_path = if reverse_connection : reverse fi (xypoints[1]-- for i=2 upto xypoint-1 : if smooth : smooth_connection(xypoints[i],xypoints[i-1]) .. controls xypoints[i] and xypoints[i] .. smooth_connection(xypoints[i],xypoints[i+1]) -- else : xypoints[i]-- fi endfor xypoints[xypoint]) enddef ; % vardef connection_path = % sx := connection_smooth_size/grid_width ; % sy := connection_smooth_size/grid_height ; % if reverse_connection : reverse fi % (for i=1 upto xypoint-1 : xypoints[i] -- endfor xypoints[xypoint]) % if smooth : cornered max(sx,sy) fi % enddef ; % % primarydef p cornered c = % if cycle p : % ((point 0 of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point 1 of p - point 0 of p))) -- % for i=1 upto length(p) : % (point i-1 of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point i of p - point i-1 of p))) -- % (point i of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point i-1 of p - point i of p))) .. % controls point i of p .. % endfor cycle) % else : % ((point 0 of p) -- % for i=1 upto length(p)-1 : % (point i-1 of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point i of p - point i-1 of p))) -- % (point i of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point i-1 of p - point i of p))) .. % controls point i of p .. % endfor % (point length(p) of p)) % fi % enddef ; def draw_connection = if xypoint>0 : collapse_points ; trim_points ; cpath := cpath + 1 ; cpaths[cpath] := connection_path scaled_to_grid ; cline[cpath] := connection_line_width ; ccolor[cpath] := connection_line_color ; carrow[cpath] := arrowtip ; cdash[cpath] := dashline ; ccross[cpath] := showcrossing ; else : message("no connection defined") ; fi ; reverse_connection := false ; enddef ; def flush_connections = pair ip ; boolean crossing ; ahlength := connection_arrow_size ; dash_pattern := dashpattern(on connection_dash_size off connection_dash_size ) ; for i=1 upto cpath : if ccross[i] : crossing := false ; for j=1 upto i : %if not ((point infinity of cpaths[i] = point infinity of cpaths[j]) or % (point 0 of cpaths[i] = point 0 of cpaths[j])) : if not (point infinity of cpaths[i] = point infinity of cpaths[j]) : ip := cpaths[i] intersection_point cpaths[j] ; if intersection_found : crossing := true fi ; fi ; endfor ; if crossing : pickup pencircle scaled 2cline[i] ; %draw cpaths[i] withcolor chart_background_color ; path cp ; cp := cpaths[i] ; cp := cp cutbefore point .05 length cp of cp ; cp := cp cutafter point .95 length cp of cp ; draw cp withcolor chart_background_color ; fi ; fi ; pickup pencircle scaled cline[i] ; if carrow[i] : if cdash[i] : drawarrow cpaths[i] withcolor ccolor[i] dashed dash_pattern ; else : drawarrow cpaths[i] withcolor ccolor[i] ; fi ; else : if cdash[i] : draw cpaths[i] withcolor ccolor[i] dashed dash_pattern ; else : draw cpaths[i] withcolor ccolor[i] ; fi ; fi ; draw_midpoint (i) ; endfor ; enddef ; def draw_midpoint (expr n) = begingroup save p ; pair p ; p := point .5*length(cpaths[n]) of cpaths[n]; pickup pencircle scaled 2cline[n] ; save_text_position (p) ; if show_mid_points : drawdot p withcolor .7white ; fi ; endgroup ; enddef ; boolean reverse_connection ; reverse_connection := false ; vardef up_on_grid (expr n) = (xpart xypoints[n],(ypart xypoints[n]+1) div 1) enddef ; vardef down_on_grid (expr n) = (xpart xypoints[n],(ypart xypoints[n]) div 1) enddef ; vardef left_on_grid (expr n) = ((xpart xypoints[n]) div 1, ypart xypoints[n]) enddef ; vardef right_on_grid (expr n) = ((xpart xypoints[n]+1) div 1, ypart xypoints[n]) enddef ; vardef x_on_grid (expr n, xfrom, xto, zfrom) = if (xfrom=xto) and not (zfrom=0) : if (zfrom=1) : right_on_grid(2) else : left_on_grid(2) fi elseif xpart xypoints[1] < xpart xypoints[6] : right_on_grid(n) else : left_on_grid(n) fi enddef ; vardef y_on_grid (expr n, yfrom, yto, zfrom) = if (yfrom=yto) and not (zfrom=0) : if (zfrom=1) : up_on_grid(2) else : down_on_grid(2) fi elseif ypart xypoints[1] < ypart xypoints[6] : up_on_grid(n) else : down_on_grid(n) fi enddef ; vardef xy_on_grid (expr n, m) = (xpart xypoints[n], ypart xypoints[m]) enddef ; vardef down_to_grid (expr a,b) = (xpart xypoints[a], ypart xypoints[if ypart xypoints[a]ypart xypoints[b]:a else:b fi]) enddef ; vardef left_to_grid (expr a,b) = (xpart xypoints[if xpart xypoints[a]xpart xypoints[b]:a else:b fi], ypart xypoints[a]) enddef ; % vardef boundingboxfraction(expr p, f) = % ((boundingbox p) enlarged (-f*bbwidth(p),-f*bbheight(p))) % enddef ; vardef valid_connection (expr xfrom, yfrom, xto, yto) = begingroup ; save ok, vc, pp ; boolean ok ; % check for slanted lines ok := true ; for i=1 upto xypoint-1 : if not ((xpart xypoints[i]=xpart xypoints[i+1]) or (ypart xypoints[i]=ypart xypoints[i+1])) : ok := false ; fi ; endfor ; if not ok : %message("slanted"); false elseif forcevalid : %message("force"); true elseif (xfrom=xto) and (yfrom=yto) : %message("self"); false else : % check for crossing shapes pair vc ; path pp ; pair xyfirst, xylast ; xyfirst := xypoints[1] ; xylast := xypoints[xypoint] ; trim_points ; pp := for i=1 upto xypoint-1 : xypoints[i]-- endfor xypoints[xypoint] ; xypoints[1] := xyfirst ; xypoints[xypoint] := xylast ; for i=1 upto max_x : for j=1 upto max_y : % was bug: xfrom,yto if not ( ( (i,j)=(xfrom,yfrom) ) or ( (i,j)=(xto,yto) ) ) : if not xyfree[i][j] : vc := pp intersection_point xypath[i][j] ; if intersection_found : ok := false fi ; fi ; fi ; endfor ; endfor ; %if not ok: message("crossing") ; fi ; ok fi endgroup enddef ; def connect_top_bottom (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,6) : xypoints[1] := xy_top(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[6] := xy_bottom(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := up_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[5] := down_on_grid(6) ; xypoints[3] := up_to_grid(2,5) ; xypoints[4] := up_to_grid(2,5) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := x_on_grid(2,xfrom,xto,zfrom) ; xypoints[4] := xy_on_grid(3,5) ; fi ; %%%% begin experiment xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (dsp_x,0) ; xypoints[4] := xypoints[4] shifted (dsp_x,0) ; if dsp_y>0 : xypoints[2] := xypoints[2] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; elseif dsp_y<0 : xypoints[4] := xypoints[4] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; xypoints[5] := xypoints[5] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; fi %%%% end experiment draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_left_right (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,6) : xypoints[1] := xy_left(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[6] := xy_right(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := left_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[5] := right_on_grid(6) ; xypoints[3] := left_to_grid(2,5) ; xypoints[4] := left_to_grid(2,5) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := y_on_grid(2,yfrom,yto,zfrom) ; xypoints[4] := xy_on_grid(5,3) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_left_top (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,5) : xypoints[1] := xy_left(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[5] := xy_top(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := left_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[4] := up_on_grid(5) ; xypoints[3] := left_to_grid(2,5) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := xy_on_grid(2,4) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_left_bottom (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,5) : xypoints[1] := xy_left(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[5] := xy_bottom(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := left_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[4] := down_on_grid(5) ; xypoints[3] := left_to_grid(2,5) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := xy_on_grid(2,4) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_right_top (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,5) : xypoints[1] := xy_right(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[5] := xy_top(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := right_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[4] := up_on_grid(5) ; xypoints[3] := right_to_grid(2,5) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := xy_on_grid(2,4) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_right_bottom (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,5) : xypoints[1] := xy_right(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[5] := xy_bottom(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := right_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[4] := down_on_grid(5) ; xypoints[3] := right_to_grid(2,5) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := xy_on_grid(2,4) ; fi ; %%%% begin experiment xypoints[2] := xypoints[2] shifted (dsp_x,0) ; xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (dsp_x,0) ; if dsp_y>0 : xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (0,-dsp_y) ; xypoints[4] := xypoints[4] shifted (0,-dsp_y) ; elseif dsp_y<0 : xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; xypoints[4] := xypoints[4] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; fi %%%% end experiment draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_left_left (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,6) : xypoints[1] := xy_left(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[6] := xy_left(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := left_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[5] := left_on_grid(6) ; xypoints[3] := left_to_grid(2,5) ; xypoints[4] := left_to_grid(5,2) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := y_on_grid(2,yfrom,yto,zfrom) ; xypoints[4] := xy_on_grid(5,3) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_right_right (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,6) : xypoints[1] := xy_right(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[6] := xy_right(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := right_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[5] := right_on_grid(6) ; xypoints[3] := right_to_grid(2,5) ; xypoints[4] := right_to_grid(5,2) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := y_on_grid(2,yfrom,yto,zfrom) ; xypoints[4] := xy_on_grid(5,3) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_top_top (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,6) : xypoints[1] := xy_top(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[6] := xy_top(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := up_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[5] := up_on_grid(6) ; xypoints[3] := up_to_grid(2,5) ; xypoints[4] := up_to_grid(5,2) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := x_on_grid(2,xfrom,xto,zfrom) ; xypoints[4] := xy_on_grid(3,5) ; fi ; draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_bottom_bottom (expr xfrom,yyfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yyto,zto) = yfrom := y_pos(yyfrom) ; yto := y_pos(yyto) ; if points_initialized(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,6) : xypoints[1] := xy_bottom(xfrom,yfrom,zfrom,true) ; xypoints[6] := xy_bottom(xto,yto,zto,true) ; xypoints[2] := down_on_grid(1) ; xypoints[5] := down_on_grid(6) ; xypoints[3] := down_to_grid(2,5) ; xypoints[4] := down_to_grid(5,2) ; if not valid_connection(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto) : xypoints[3] := x_on_grid(2,xfrom,xto,zfrom) ; xypoints[4] := xy_on_grid(3,5) ; fi ; %%%% begin experiment xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (dsp_x,0) ; xypoints[4] := xypoints[4] shifted (dsp_x,0) ; if dsp_y<0 : xypoints[2] := xypoints[2] shifted (0,-dsp_y) ; xypoints[3] := xypoints[3] shifted (0,-dsp_y) ; elseif dsp_y>0 : xypoints[4] := xypoints[4] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; xypoints[5] := xypoints[5] shifted (0,dsp_y) ; fi %%%% end experiment draw_connection ; fi ; enddef ; def connect_bottom_top (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zto) = reverse_connection := true ; connect_top_bottom (xto,yto,zto) (xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) ; enddef ; def connect_right_left (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zto) = reverse_connection := true ; connect_left_right (xto,yto,zto) (xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) ; enddef ; def connect_top_left (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zto) = reverse_connection := true ; connect_left_top (xto,yto,zto) (xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) ; enddef ; def connect_bottom_left (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zto) = reverse_connection := true ; connect_left_bottom (xto,yto,zto) (xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) ; enddef ; def connect_top_right (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zto) = reverse_connection := true ; connect_right_top (xto,yto,zto) (xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) ; enddef ; def connect_bottom_right (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zto) = reverse_connection := true ; connect_right_bottom (xto,yto,zto) (xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) ; enddef ; def draw_test_shape (expr x, y) = draw_shape(x,y,fullcircle, .7, .7) ; enddef ; def draw_test_shapes = for i=1 upto max_x : for j=1 upto max_y : draw_test_shape(i,j) ; endfor ; endfor ; enddef; def draw_test_area = pickup pencircle scaled .5shape_line_width ; draw (unitsquare xscaled max_x yscaled max_y shifted (1,1)) scaled_to_grid withcolor blue ; enddef ; def show_connection (expr n, m) = begin_chart(100+n,6,6) ; draw_test_area ; smooth := true ; arrowtip := true ; dashline := true ; draw_test_shape(2,2) ; draw_test_shape(4,5) ; draw_test_shape(3,3) ; draw_test_shape(5,1) ; draw_test_shape(2,5) ; draw_test_shape(1,3) ; draw_test_shape(6,2) ; draw_test_shape(4,6) ; if (m=1) : connect_top_bottom (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_top_bottom (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_top_bottom (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_top_bottom (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=2) : connect_top_top (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_top_top (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_top_top (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_top_top (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=3) : connect_bottom_bottom (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_bottom_bottom (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_bottom_bottom (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_bottom_bottom (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=4) : connect_left_right (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_left_right (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_left_right (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_left_right (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=5) : connect_left_left (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_left_left (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_left_left (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_left_left (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=6) : connect_right_right (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_right_right (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_right_right (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_right_right (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=7) : connect_left_top (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_left_top (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_left_top (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_left_top (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=8) : connect_left_bottom (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_left_bottom (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_left_bottom (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_left_bottom (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; elseif (m=9) : connect_right_top (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_right_top (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_right_top (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_right_top (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; else : connect_right_bottom (2,2,0) (4,5,0) ; connect_right_bottom (3,3,0) (5,1,0) ; connect_right_bottom (2,5,0) (1,3,0) ; connect_right_bottom (6,2,0) (4,6,0) ; fi ; end_chart ; enddef ; def show_connections = for f=1 upto 10 : show_connection(f,f) ; endfor ; enddef ; %D charts def clip_chart (expr minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = cmin_x := minx ; cmax_x := maxx ; cmin_y := miny ; cmax_y := maxy ; enddef ; def begin_chart (expr n, maxx, maxy) = new_chart ; chart_figure := n ; chart_scale := 1 ; if chart_figure>0: beginfig(chart_figure) ; fi ; startsavingdata ; initialize_grid (maxx, maxy) ; bboxmargin := 0 ; cmin_x := 1 ; cmax_x := maxx ; cmin_y := 1 ; cmax_y := maxy ; enddef ; def end_chart = flush_shapes ; flush_connections ; cmin_x := cmin_x ; cmax_x := cmin_x+cmax_x ; cmin_y := cmin_y-1 ; cmax_y := cmin_y+cmax_y ; if reverse_y : cmin_y := y_pos(cmin_y) ; cmax_y := y_pos(cmax_y) ; fi ; path p ; p := (((cmin_x,cmin_y)--(cmax_x,cmin_y)-- (cmax_x,cmax_y)--(cmin_x,cmax_y)--cycle)) scaled_to_grid ; %draw p withcolor red ; p := p enlarged chart_offset ; clip currentpicture to p ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; savedata "\MPclippath{" & decimal xpart llcorner p & "}{" & decimal ypart llcorner p & "}{" & decimal xpart urcorner p & "}{" & decimal ypart urcorner p & "}%" ; savedata "\MPareapath{" & decimal (xpart llcorner p + 2chart_offset) & "}{" & decimal (ypart llcorner p + 2chart_offset) & "}{" & decimal (xpart urcorner p - 2chart_offset) & "}{" & decimal (ypart urcorner p - 2chart_offset) & "}%" ; currentpicture := currentpicture scaled chart_scale ; stopsavingdata ; if chart_figure>0: endfig ; fi ; enddef ; def new_shape (expr x, y, n) = if known n : if (x>0) and (x<=max_x) and (y>0) and (y<=max_y) : sx := shape_width/grid_width ; sy := shape_height/grid_height ; draw_shape(x,y,some_shape_path(n), sx, sy) ; else : message ("shape outside grid ignored") ; fi ; else message ("shape not known" ) ; fi ; enddef ; def begin_sub_chart = begingroup ; save shape_line_width , connection_line_width ; save shape_line_color, shape_fill_color, connection_line_color ; color shape_line_color, shape_fill_color, connection_line_color ; save smooth, arrowtip, dashline, peepshape ; boolean smooth, arrowtip, dashline, peepshape ; enddef ; def end_sub_chart = endgroup ; enddef ; %D done endinput ; %D testing show_shapes(100) ; end %D more testing show_connections ; begin_chart (1,4,5) ; %clip_chart(1,1,1,2) ; new_shape (1,1,31) ; new_shape (1,2,3) ; new_shape (4,4,5) ; connect_top_left (1,1,0) (4,4,0) ; connect_bottom_top (1,2,0) (4,4,0) ; connect_left_right (1,2,0) (1,1,0) ; end_chart ; end