%D \module %D [ file=mp-abck.mp, %D version=2012.02.19, % was mp-core: 1999.08.01, anchoring %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=anchored background macros, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. if known context_abck : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_abck ; context_abck := true ; path multiregs[], % region used for multipar (tracing only) multipars[], % effective area (shape) multibox ; % main boundingbox (of main region) string multikind[] ; % region state: single | first | middle | last (new method) numeric multilocs[], % 1=begin 2=between 3=end (old method) nofmultipars ; % number of calculated areas numeric par_strut_height, par_strut_depth, par_line_height ; nofmultipars := 0 ; par_strut_height := 0 ; par_strut_depth := 0 ; par_line_height := 0 ; def boxgridoptions = withcolor .8red enddef ; def boxlineoptions = withcolor .8blue enddef ; def boxfilloptions = withcolor .8white enddef ; numeric boxgridtype ; boxgridtype := 0 ; numeric boxlinetype ; boxlinetype := 1 ; numeric boxfilltype ; boxfilltype := 1 ; numeric boxdashtype ; boxdashtype := 0 ; pair boxgriddirection ; boxgriddirection := up ; numeric boxgridwidth ; boxgridwidth := 1pt ; numeric boxlinewidth ; boxlinewidth := 1pt ; numeric boxlineradius ; boxlineradius := 0 ; numeric boxlineoffset ; boxlineoffset := 0 ; numeric boxfilloffset ; boxfilloffset := 0 ; numeric boxgriddistance ; boxgriddistance := .5cm ; numeric boxgridshift ; boxgridshift := 0 ; def abck_show_path(expr p, r, c) = draw p withpen pencircle scaled .5pt withcolor c ; if length(p) > 2 : begingroup ; save _c_ ; path _c_ ; _c_ := fullcircle scaled r ; for i=0 upto length(p) if cycle p : -1 fi : fill _c_ shifted point i of p withcolor white ; draw _c_ shifted point i of p withpen pencircle scaled .5pt withcolor c ; endfor ; fi ; enddef ; vardef abck_draw_path(expr p) = if (length p > 2) and (bbwidth(p) > 1) and (bbheight(p) > 1) : save pp ; path pp ; pp := p if (boxlineradius>0) and (boxlinetype=2) : cornered boxlineradius fi ; if boxfilltype > 0 : if boxfilloffset > 0 : interim linejoin := mitered ; filldraw pp boxfilloptions withpen pencircle scaled (2*boxfilloffset) ; else : fill pp boxfilloptions ; fi ; fi ; if boxlinetype > 0 : draw pp boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxlinewidth ; fi ; fi ; enddef ; def abck_grid_line(expr start, width) = % 1 = normal, 2 = with background (i.e. no shine-through) if boxdashtype = 2 : draw start -- start shifted (width,0) withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth boxfilloptions ; fi ; draw start -- start shifted (width,0) if boxdashtype > 0 : dashed evenly fi withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth boxgridoptions ; enddef ; vardef abck_baseline_grid(expr pxy, pdir, at_baseline) = save width ; width := bbwidth(pxy) ; save height ; height := bbheight(pxy) ; if (par_line_height > 0) and (height > 1) and (width > 1) and (boxgridwidth > 0) : save i, grid, bb ; picture grid ; pair start ; path bb ; grid := image ( % fails with inlinespace if pdir = up : for i = if at_baseline : par_strut_depth else : 0 fi step par_line_height until max(height,par_line_height) : abck_grid_line(llcorner pxy shifted (0,+i),width) ; endfor ; else : for i = if at_baseline : par_strut_height else : 0 fi step par_line_height until height : abck_grid_line(ulcorner pxy shifted (0,-i),width) ; endfor ; fi ; ) ; clip grid to pxy ; bb := boundingbox grid ; grid := grid shifted (0,boxgridshift) ; setbounds grid to bb ; grid else : nullpicture fi enddef ; vardef abck_graphic_grid(expr pxy, dx, dy, x, y) = if (bbheight(pxy) > dy) and (bbwidth(pxy) > dx) and (boxgridwidth > 0) : save grid ; picture grid ; grid := image ( for i = xpart llcorner pxy step dx until xpart lrcorner pxy : draw (i,ypart llcorner pxy) -- (i,ypart ulcorner pxy) withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth ; endfor ; for i = ypart llcorner pxy step dy until ypart ulcorner pxy : draw (xpart llcorner pxy,i) -- (xpart lrcorner pxy,i) withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth ; endfor ) shifted (x,y) ; clip grid to pxy ; grid else : nullpicture fi enddef ; def draw_multi_pars = for i=1 upto nofmultipars : abck_draw_path(multipars[i]) ; if boxgridtype = 1 : draw abck_baseline_grid(multipars[i],if multilocs[i]=1: down else: up fi,true) ; elseif boxgridtype = 2 : draw abck_baseline_grid(multipars[i],if multilocs[i]=1: down else: up fi,false) ; elseif boxgridtype = 3 : draw abck_baseline_grid(multipars[i],if multilocs[i]=1: down else: up fi,true) ; draw abck_baseline_grid(multipars[i],if multilocs[i]=1: down else: up fi,true) shifted (0,ExHeight) ; elseif boxgridtype = 4 : draw abck_baseline_grid(multipars[i],if multilocs[i]=1: down else: up fi,true) shifted (0,ExHeight/2) ; elseif boxgridtype = 11 : draw abck_graphic_grid(multipars[i],boxgriddistance,boxgriddistance,boxgriddistance/2,boxgriddistance/2) ; elseif boxgridtype = 12 : draw abck_graphic_grid(multipars[i],boxgriddistance,boxgriddistance,0,0) ; fi ; endfor ; enddef ; def show_multi_pars = for i=1 upto nofmultipars : abck_show_path(multipars[i], 6pt, .5blue) ; endfor ; enddef ; def show_multi_kind = for i=1 upto nofmultipars : fill multipars[i] withcolor if multikind[i] = "single" : yellow elseif multikind[i] = "first" : red elseif multikind[i] = "middle" : green elseif multikind[i] = "last" : blue fi withtransparency (1,.5) ; endfor ; enddef ; def draw_multi_side = begingroup ; save p ; picture p ; for i=1 upto nofmultipars : p := image ( fill leftboundary multipars[i] shifted (-boxlineoffset,0) rightenlarged boxlinewidth boxlineoptions ; ) ; setbounds p to multipars[i] ; draw p ; endfor ; endgroup ; enddef ; % some extras path posboxes[], posregions[] ; numeric multipages[], nofposboxes ; nofposboxes := 0 ; % For the moment we keep these as they can be in use but they will % disappear. pair lxy[], rxy[], cxy[], llxy[], lrxy[], ulxy[], urxy[] ; path pxy[] ; numeric hxy[], wxy[], dxy[], nxy[] ; def box_found (expr n,x,y,w,h,d) = not ((x=0) and (y=0) and (w=0) and (h=0) and (d=0)) enddef ; def initialize_box_pos (expr pos,n,x,y,w,h,d) = pair lxy, rxy, cxy, llxy, lrxy, ulxy, urxy ; path pxy ; numeric hxy, wxy, dxy, nxy; lxy := (x,y) ; llxy := (x,y-d) ; lrxy := (x+w,y-d) ; urxy := (x+w,y+h) ; ulxy := (x,y+h) ; wxy := w ; hxy := h ; dxy := d ; rxy := lxy shifted (wxy,0) ; pxy := llxy--lrxy--urxy--ulxy--cycle ; cxy := center pxy ; nxy := n ; freeze_box(pos) ; enddef ; def freeze_box (expr pos) = lxy[pos] := lxy ; llxy[pos] := llxy ; lrxy[pos] := lrxy ; urxy[pos] := urxy ; ulxy[pos] := ulxy ; wxy[pos] := wxy ; hxy[pos] := hxy ; dxy[pos] := dxy ; rxy[pos] := rxy ; pxy[pos] := pxy ; cxy[pos] := cxy ; nxy[pos] := nxy ; enddef ; def initialize_box (expr n,x,y,w,h,d) = numeric bpos ; bpos := 0 ; initialize_box_pos(bpos,n,x,y,w,h,d) ; enddef ; def anchor_box (expr n,x,y,w,h,d) = currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-x,-y) ; enddef ;