\environment xml-mkiv-style \startcomponent xml-mkiv-converter \startchapter[title={Setting up a converter}] \startsection[title={from structure to setup}] We use a very simple document structure for demonstrating how a converter is defined. In practice a mapping will be more complex, especially when we have a style with complex chapter openings using data coming from all kind of places, different styling of sections with the same name, selectively (out of order) flushed content, special formatting, etc. \typefile{manual-demo-1.xml} Say that this document is stored in the file \type {demo.xml}, then the following code can be used as starting point: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:base \xmlsetsetup{#1}{document|section|p}{xml:demo:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregisterdocumentsetup{demo}{xml:demo:base} \startxmlsetups xml:demo:document \starttitle[title={Contents}] \placelist[chapter] \stoptitle \xmlflush{#1} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:section \startchapter[title=\xmlfirst{#1}{/title}] \xmlfirst{#1}{/content} \stopchapter \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:p \xmlflush{#1}\endgraf \stopxmlsetups \xmlprocessfile{demo}{demo.xml}{} \stoptyping Watch out! These are not just setups, but specific \XML\ setups which get an argument passed (the \type {#1}). If for some reason your \XML\ processing fails, it might be that you mistakenly have used a normal setup definition. The argument \type {#1} represents the current node (element) and is a unique identifier. For instance a \type {


} can have an identifier {demo::5}. So, we can get something: \starttyping \xmlflush{demo::5}\endgraf \stoptyping but as well: \starttyping \xmlflush{demo::6}\endgraf \stoptyping Keep in mind that the references tor the actual nodes (elements) are abstractions, you never see those \type {::}'s, because we will use either the abstract \type {#1} (any node) or an explicit reference like \type {demo}. The previous setup when issued will be like: \starttyping \startchapter[title=\xmlfirst{demo::3}{/title}] \xmlfirst{demo::4}{/content} \stopchapter \stoptyping Here the \type {title} is used to typeset the chapter title but also for an entry in the table of contents. At the moment the title is typeset the \XML\ node gets looked up and expanded in real text. However, for the list it gets stored for later use. One can argue that this is not needed for \XML, because one can just filter all the titles and use page references, but then one also looses the control one normally has over such titles. For instance it can be that some titles are rendered differently and for that we need to keep track of usage. Doing that with transformations or filtering is often more complex than leaving that to \TEX. As soon as the list gets typeset, the reference (\type {demo::#3}) is used for the lookup. This is because by default the title is stored as given. So, as long as we make sure the \XML\ source is loaded before the table of contents is typeset we're ok. Later we will look into this in more detail, for now it's enough to know that in most cases the abstract \type {#1} reference will work out ok. Contrary to the style definitions this interface looks rather low level (with no optional arguments) and the main reason for this is that we want processing to be fast. So, the basic framework is: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:base % associate setups with elements \stopxmlsetups \xmlregisterdocumentsetup{demo}{xml:demo:base} % define setups for matches \xmlprocessfile{demo}{demo.xml}{} \stoptyping In this example we mostly just flush the content of an element and in the case of a section we flush explicit child elements. The \type {#1} in the example code represents the current element. The line: \starttyping \xmlsetsetup{demo}{*}{-} \stoptyping sets the default for each element to \quote {just ignore it}. A \type {+} would make the default to always flush the content. This means that at this point we only handle: \starttyping
Some title

a paragraph of text

\stoptyping In the next section we will deal with the slightly more complex itemize and figure placement. At first sight all these setups may look overkill but keep in mind that normally the number of elements is rather limited. The complexity is often in the style and having access to each snippet of content is actually quite handy for that. \stopsection \startsection[title={alternative solutions}] Dealing with an itemize is rather simple (as long as we forget about attributes that control the behaviour): \starttyping first second \stoptyping First we need to add \type {itemize} to the setup assignment (unless we've used the wildcard \type {*}): \starttyping \xmlsetsetup{demo}{document|section|p|itemize}{xml:demo:*} \stoptyping The setup can look like: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:itemize \startitemize \xmlfilter{#1}{/item/command(xml:demo:itemize:item)} \stopitemize \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:itemize:item \startitem \xmlflush{#1} \stopitem \stopxmlsetups \stoptyping An alternative is to map item directly: \starttyping \xmlsetsetup{demo}{document|section|p|itemize|item}{xml:demo:*} \stoptyping and use: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:itemize \startitemize \xmlflush{#1} \stopitemize \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:item \startitem \xmlflush{#1} \stopitem \stopxmlsetups \stoptyping Sometimes, a more local solution using filters and \type {/command(...)} makes more sense, especially when the \type {item} tag is used for other purposes as well. Explicit flushing with \type {command} is definitely the way to go when you have complex products. In one of our projects we compose math school books from many thousands of small \XML\ files, and from one source set several products are typeset. Within a book sections get done differently, content gets used, ignored or interpreted differently depending on the kind of content, so there is a constant checking of attributes that drive the rendering. In that a generic setup for a title element makes less sense than explicit ones for each case. (We're talking of huge amounts of files here, including multiple images on each rendered page.) When using \type {command} you can pass two arguments, the first is the setup for the match, the second one for the miss, as in: \starttyping \xmlfilter{#1}{/element/command(xml:true,xml:false)} \stoptyping Back to the example, this leaves us with dealing with the resources, like figures: \starttyping A picture of a cow. \stoptyping Here we can use a more restricted match: \starttyping \xmlsetsetup{demo}{resource[@type='figure']}{xml:demo:figure} \xmlsetsetup{demo}{external}{xml:demo:*} \stoptyping and the definitions: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:figure \placefigure {\xmlfirst{#1}{/caption}} {\xmlfirst{#1}{/content}} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:demo:external \externalfigure[\xmlatt{#1}{file}] \stopxmlsetups \stoptyping At this point it is good to notice that \type {\xmlatt{#1}{file}} is passed as it is: a macro call. This means that when a macro like \type {\externalfigure} uses the first argument frequently without first storing its value, the lookup is done several times. A solution for this is: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:external \expanded{\externalfigure[\xmlatt{#1}{file}]} \stopxmlsetups \stoptyping Because the lookup is rather fast, normally there is no need to bother about this too much because internally \CONTEXT\ already makes sure such expansion happens only once. An alternative definition for placement is the following: \starttyping \xmlsetsetup{demo}{resource}{xml:demo:resource} \stoptyping with: \starttyping \startxmlsetups xml:demo:resource \placefloat [\xmlatt{#1}{type}] {\xmlfirst{#1}{/caption}} {\xmlfirst{#1}{/content}} \stopxmlsetups \stoptyping This way you can specify \type {table} as type too. Because you can define your own float types, more complex variants are also possible. In that case it makes sense to provide some default behaviour too: \starttyping \definefloat[figure-here][figure][default=here] \definefloat[figure-left][figure][default=left] \definefloat[table-here] [table] [default=here] \definefloat[table-left] [table] [default=left] \startxmlsetups xml:demo:resource \placefloat [\xmlattdef{#1}{type}{figure}-\xmlattdef{#1}{location}{here}] {\xmlfirst{#1}{/caption}} {\xmlfirst{#1}{/content}} \stopxmlsetups \stoptyping In this example we support two types and two locations. We default to a figure placed (when possible) at the current location. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent