\startcomponent ma-cb-en-usersetups \enablemode[**en-us] \project ma-cb \startchapter[title=User specifications] \index{preamble} \index{input file} The setup area of your document is the area before the \type{\starttext} command. For example: \setuptyping [escape=yes] \definestartstop [comment][style={\rm}] \starttyping /BTEX \comment{first line of your file} /ETEX \setuplayout[width=25cm] /BTEX \comment{set the width of your text} /ETEX /BTEX \comment{empty line for readability} /ETEX \starttext /BTEX \comment{starts your text} /ETEX Hello Hasselt. /BTEX \comment{your text} /ETEX \stoptext /BTEX \comment{ends your text} /ETEX \stoptyping Note that the first line of this file is empty. However, this first line is a preamble and can be used for specific user specifications. For example: \starttyping % engine=luatex /BTEX \comment{use the \type{luatex} engine} /ETEX /BTEX \comment{empty line for readability} /ETEX \setuplayout[width=25cm] /BTEX \comment{set the width of your text} /ETEX /BTEX \comment{empty line for readability} /ETEX \starttext /BTEX \comment{starts your text} /ETEX Hello Hasselt. /BTEX \comment{your text} /ETEX \stoptext /BTEX \comment{ends your text} /ETEX \stoptyping Note that \CONTEXT\ sees the text after the \type{ % } sign in this first line not as a comment. The preamble can have a meaning for both \CONTEXT\ and \SCITE: \starttyping % engine=pdftex interface=en modes=screen language=us \starttext Hello Hasselt. \stoptext \stoptyping This will be interpreted as: \starttabulate[|T||p|] \NC engine=pdftex \NC \CONTEXT \EQ run as \PDFTEX \NC\NR \NC interface=en \NC \CONTEXT \EQ expect english \CONTEXT\ commands (lexing) \NC\NR \NC \NC \SCITE \EQ use english lexing \NC\NR \NC modes=screen \NC \CONTEXT \EQ invoke mode \type{screen} that is set in the text \NC\NR \NC language=uk \NC \SCITE \EQ use the english spell checker \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopchapter \stopcomponent