\startcomponent ma-cb-en-synonyms \enablemode[**en-us] \project ma-cb \startchapter[reference=synonyms,title=Synonyms] \index{synonyms} \Command{\tex{definesynonyms}} \Command{\tex{setupsynonyms}} \Command{\tex{abbreviation}} \Command{\tex{infull}} \Command{\tex{loadabbreviations}} \Command{\tex{placelistofabbreviations}} \Command{\tex{completelistofabbreviations}} In many documents people want to use specific words consistently throughout the document. To enforce consistency the command below is available. \shortsetup{definesynonyms} The first bracket pair contains the singular form of the synonym, and the second contains the plural form. The third bracket pair contains a command. For example the command \type{\abbreviation} is defined by: \starttyping \definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull] \setupsynonyms[style=cap] \stoptyping Now the command \type{\abbreviation} is available and can be used to state your abbreviations: \starttyping \abbreviation{ANWB}{Dutch Automobile Association} \abbreviation{VVV}{Bureau of Tourist Information} \abbreviation{NS}{Dutch Railways} \stoptyping \abbreviation{VVV}{Bureau of Tourist Information} If you would type: \startbuffer The Dutch \VVV\ (\infull{VVV}) can provide you with the tourist information on Hasselt. \stopbuffer \typebuffer You would obtain something like this: \getbuffer The list of synonyms or abbreviations is best defined in the set up area of your input file for maintenance purposes. You can also store this kind of information in an external file, and load the file (e.g. \type{abbrev.tex}) with: \starttyping \input abbrev.tex \stoptyping If you want to put a list of the abbreviations used in your document you can type: \starttyping \placelistofabbreviations \stoptyping or \starttyping \completelistofabbreviations \stoptyping A complete and sorted list with used abbreviations and their meaning is produced. The typesetting of synonynms can be influenced with: \starttyping \setupsynonyms \stoptyping \stopchapter \stopcomponent