\startcomponent ma-cb-en-descriptions \enablemode[**en-us] \project ma-cb \startchapter[title=Definitions] \index{definition} \Command{\tex{definedescription}} \Command{\tex{setupdescriptions}} If you want to display notions, concepts and ideas in a consistent manner you can use: \shortsetup{definedescription} For example: \startbuffer \definedescription [concept] [alternative=serried,headstyle=bold,width=broad] \concept{Hasselter juffer} A sort of biscuit made of puff pastry and covered with sugar. It tastes very sweet. \par \stopbuffer \typebuffer It would look like this: \getbuffer But you can also choose other layouts: \startbuffer \definedescription [concept] [alternative=top, inbetween={\blank[none]}, headstyle=bold, width=broad, style=slanted] \concept{Hasselter bitter} A very strong alcoholic drink (up to 40\%) mixed with herbs to give it a special taste. It is sold in a stone flask and it should be served {\em ijskoud} (as cold as ice). \par \definedescription [concept] [alternative=inmargin,headstyle=bold,width=broad] \concept{Euifeest} A harvest home to celebrate the end of a period of hard work. The festivities take place in the last week of August. \par \stopbuffer \start \getbuffer \stop If you want to avoid the \type{\par} or when you have more than one paragraph in the definition you can use the \type{\start...\stop} construct. \startbuffer \definedescription [concept] [alternative=right, headstyle=bold, width=broad] \startconcept{Euifeest} A harvest home to celebrate the end of a period of hard work. This event takes place at the end of August and lasts one week. The city is completely illuminated and the streets are decorated. This feast week ends with a {\em Braderie}. \stopconcept \stopbuffer \typebuffer This would become: \getbuffer Layout is set up within the second bracket pair of \type{\definedescription[][]}. But you can also use: \shortsetup{setupdescriptions} \stopchapter \stopcomponent