% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/spacing \environment spacing-style \startcomponent spacing-linecorrection \startchapter[title=Line correction] \startsection[title=Wrapping content] \startbuffer[linecorrection] \typebuffer \blank \enabletrackers[linecorrection.boxes] \getbuffer \disabletrackers[linecorrection.boxes] \blank \stopbuffer We really do out best to make the spacing look as good as possible (or at least consistent) but sometimes \TEX\ needs a bit of help. An example of a helper is the following: \startbuffer \startlinecorrection \input ward \stoplinecorrection \stopbuffer \getbuffer[linecorrection] When we use the same command with some left and/or right margins set, we get this: \startbuffer \startnarrower \startlinecorrection \input ward \stoplinecorrection \stopnarrower \stopbuffer \getbuffer[linecorrection] Here we do obey the margins inside the correction box but the box itself is still as wide as the current width. A typical case where this happens is: \startbuffer \startitemize \startitem an item: \startlinecorrection \input ward \stoplinecorrection \stopitem \stopitemize \stopbuffer \getbuffer[linecorrection] Here is a variant: \startbuffer \startitemize \startitem a local linecorrection: \startlocallinecorrection \input ward \stoplocallinecorrection \stopitem \stopitemize \stopbuffer \getbuffer[linecorrection] Both types of correction wrap their content in a box and make sure that the spacing around it is visually as good as possible. The local variant uses a box fitting the available width taking margins into account and but resetting them inside the box. The normal variant applies the margins inside the box. Which one you use depends on the situation and content. You can pass an optional argument that indicates the amount of spacing to be added before and after the correction. \startbuffer \startlinecorrection[3*line] \input ward \stoplinecorrection \stopbuffer \getbuffer[linecorrection] Normally you don't need this correction. It is mainly used for correcting spacing around boxed material, like \type {\framed}: \startbuffer before \startlinecorrection \framed{something inbetween} \stoplinecorrection after \stopbuffer \getbuffer[linecorrection] Because in this document we have set the whitespace this also gets added around the box. So, in case your spacing around some special content looks bad, consider using these commands. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent