% language=uk % This only works in MKIV because in LMTX we don't load the font-vir module % any longer. No one used it anyway. \environment mk-environment \startcomponent mk-punk \page[right] \start % the opentype one: % % \setupbodyfont[punknova] % the mp based runtime one: \usemodule[m][punk] \usetypescript[punk] \switchtobodyfont[punk,12pt] \StartRandomPunk \definesymbol[1][--] \setupsorting[logo][style=] \setupcapitals[title=no] \setuptype[style=\tf] \setuptyping[style=\tf] \logo[METAPOST] {MetaPost} \logo[METAFONT] {MetaFont} \chapter{How to convince Don and Hermann to use \LUATEX} {\em The code shown here should look a bit different in versions of \MKIV\ after March 2011. This is because the font system was cleaned up and upgraded. The prinicples remain the same. You can have a look at \type {m-punk.mkiv} in the \CONTEXT\ distribution.} Odds are pretty low that Don Knuth will use \LUATEX\ for typesetting the next update of his opus magnum, and odds are even lower that Hermann Zapf will use \MPLIB\ for Melior Nova. However, the next example of combining \METAFONT\ and \TEX\ may draw their interest in this new variant: \METATEX. The font used here is called \quote {punk} and is designed by Donald Knuth. There is a note in the file that says: \quotation {Font inspired by Gerard and Marjan Unger's lectures, February 1985}. If you didn't notice it yet: punk is a random font. You may wonder why we started looking into this masterpiece of font design. Well, there are a few reasons: \startitemize \item We always liked this font, but after the rise of outline fonts it was not a natural candidate for using in documents. Fun is always a good motive. \item For many years we have been suggesting that special glyphs and/or aspects of typesetting could be realized by runtime generation of graphics, and we need this testbed for the Oriental \TEX\ project: Idris needs stretchable inter|-|glyph connections. \item Taco likes using tricky \METAPOST\ backgrounds for his presentations that demonstrate this programming language. \item Hartmut loves to tweak the backend and runtime font generation will demand some extensions to the font inclusion and literal handlers. \item Because Hans attends many \TEX\ conferences together with Volker Schaa, he has promised him to avoid repeating talk and presentation layouts, and so a new presentation style was needed. \stopitemize To this we can add an already mentioned motivation: convince Don and Hermann to use \LUATEX\ \unknown\ who knows. And, if that fails, maybe they can team up for an extensions to this font: more style variants, proper math and the full range of \UNICODE\ glyphs. The punk font is written in \METAFONT\ and there are multiple sources. These are merged into one file which is to be processed using the \type {mfplain} format. Definitions of characters in this font look like: \starttyping beginpunkchar ("A",13,1,2) ; z1 = pp(1.5u,0) ; z2 = (.5w,1.1h) ; z3 = pp(w-1.5u,0) ; pd z1 ; pd z3 ; draw z1 -- z2 -- z3 ; z4 = pp .3[z1,z2] ; z5 = pp .3[z3,z2] ; pd z4 ; pd z5 ; draw z4 -- z5; endchar ; \stoptyping When \TEX\ needs a font, i.e.\ when we have something like this: \starttyping \font\somefont=whatever at 12pt \stoptyping in \CONTEXT\ control is delegated to a font loader written in \LUA\ that is hooked into \TEX. This loader interprets the name and if needed filters the specification from it. Think of this: \starttyping \font\somefont=whatever*smallcaps at 16pt \stoptyping This means: load font \type {whatever} and enable the smallcaps features. However this mechanism is mostly geared towards \TYPEONE\ and \OPENTYPE\ fonts. But punk is neither: it's a \METAFONT, and we need to treat it as such. We will use \LUATEX's powerful virtual font technology because that way we can smuggle the proper shapes in the final file. And \unknown\ no bitmaps and no funny encoding. In \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ there is a preliminary virtual font definition mechanism. There is no advanced \TEX\ interface yet so we need to do it in \LUA. Fortunately we do have access to this from the font mechanism: \starttyping \font\somefont=mypunk@punk at 20pt \stoptyping This is a rather valid directive to create a font that internally will be called \type {mypunk}. For this the virtual font creation command \type {punk} will be used, and in a moment we will see what this triggers. Of course, users will never see such low level definitions. They will use proper typescript, which set up a whole font system. For instance, in this document we use: \typebuffer[fontdefinition] Now, using punk in inself is not that much of a challenge, but how about using multiple instances of this font and then typeset the text chosing variants of a glyph at random. Of course this will have some trade-off in terms of runtime. In this document we use punk as the bodyfont and therefore it comes in several sizes. On Hans's laptop generating the glyphs takes a while: \starttyping 7500 glyphs, 12.887 seconds runtime, 581 glyphs/second \stoptyping Fortunately \MKIV\ provides a caching mechanism so once the fonts are generated, a next run will be more comfortable. This time we get reported: \starttyping 0.187 seconds, 60 instances, 320.856 instances/second \stoptyping which is not that bad for loading 60 files of 5 megabytes \PDF\ literals each. The reason why the files are large is that although these glyphs look simple, in fact they are rather complex: each glyph at least one paths and several knots, and since a special pen is used, conversion results in a larger than normal description of a shape. Since we use the standard converter from \METAPOST\ to \PDF, we can gain some generation time by using a dedicated converter for glyphs. Eventually the \MPLIB\ library may even provide a proper charstring generator so that we can construct real fonts at runtime. So, how does this work behind the screens? Because we can use some of the mechanisms already present in \CONTEXT\ it is not even that complex. \startitemize \item The \type {punk} directive tells \CONTEXT\ to create a virtual font. Such a font can be made out of real fonts; we use this for instance in the font feature \type {combine}, where we add virtually composed characters that are missing by combining characters present. However, here we have no real font. \item And so this virtual font is not build on top of an existing font, but spawns a \MPLIB\ process that will build the font, unless it is present in the cache on disk. The shapes are converted to \PDF\ literals and for each character a proper definition table is made. \item In total 10 such fonts are made, but only one is returned to the font callback that asked us to provide the font. The list of the alternatives is stored in the \LUA\ table that represents the font and kept at the \LUA\ end. So, for each size used, a unique set of 10 variants is generated. \item The randomizer operates on the node list. Instead of using a dedicated mechanism for this, we hijack one of the attribute values of the case swapper already present in \MKIV. After that we can selectively turn on and off the randomizer. \item At some point \TEX\ will hand over the node lists to \CONTEXT. At that moment a lot of things can happen to the list, and one of them is a sequence of character handlers, of which the mentioned case handler is one. The handler sweeps over the nodelist and for each glyph node triggers a function that is bound to the attribute value. \item This function is rather trivial: it looks at the font id of the glyph, and resolves it to the font table. If that table has a list of alternatives, it will randomly choose one and assign it to the font attribute of the glyph. That's all. \item Eventually the backend routines will inject the \PDF\ literals that were collected in the commands table of the virtual glyph. \stopitemize It will not come as a surprise that our resulting file is larger than what we get when using traditional outline fonts or just one instance of punk. However, this is just an experiment, and eventually a proper font constructor will be provided, so that the glyph drawing is delegated to the font renderer. An intermediate optimization can be to use so called \PDF\ xforms, but a properly runtime generated font is best because then we can search in the file too. Because by now reading the punk font should go fluently we can now move on to the code. We already have a \type {fonts} namespace, which we now extend with an \METAPOST\ sub namespace: \starttyping fonts.mp = fonts.mp or { } \stoptyping We set a version number and define a cache on disk. When the number changes fonts stored in the cache will be regenerated when needed. The \type {containers} module provides the relevant function. \starttyping fonts.mp.version = 1.01 fonts.mp.cache = containers.define("fonts", "mp", fonts.mp.version, true) \stoptyping We already have a \type {metapost} namespace, and within it we define a sub namespace: \starttyping metapost.characters = metapost.characters or { } \stoptyping Now we're ready for the real action: we define a dedicated flusher that will be passed to the \METAPOST\ converter. A next version of \MPLIB\ will provide the \TFM\ font information which gives better glyph dimensions, plus additional kerning information. All this code is defined in a closure (\type {do ... end}) which nicely hides the local variables. \starttyping local characters, descriptions = { }, { } local factor, total, variants = 100, 0, 0 local l, n, w, h, d = { }, 0, 0, 0, 0 local flusher = { startfigure = function(chrnum,llx,lly,urx,ury) l, n = { }, chrnum w, h, d = urx - llx, ury, -lly total = total + 1 end, flushfigure = function(t) for i=1, #t do l[#l+1] = t[i] end end, stopfigure = function() local cd = characters.data[n] descriptions[n] = { unicode = n, name = cd and cd.adobename, width = w*100, height = h*100, depth = d*100, } characters[i] = { commands = { { "special", "pdf: " .. table.concat(l," ") }, } } end } \stoptyping In the normal converter, the start and stop function do the packaging in a box. The flush function is called when literals need to be flushed. This threesome does as much as collecting glyph information in the \type {list} table. Intermediate literals are stored in the \type {l} table. Each glyph has a description and (in this case) one command that defines the virtual shape. The name is picked up from the character data table that is present in \MKIV. As told before we generate multiple instances per requested font and here is how it happens. We initialize the \type {mfplain} format and reset it afterwards. The punk definition file is adapted for multiple runs. Scaling happens here because later on the scaler has no knowledge about what is present in the commands. We use a few helpers for processing the \METAPOST\ code and format the final font table in a way \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ likes. Currently the parameters (font dimensions) are rather hard coded, but this will change when \MPLIB\ can provide them. \starttyping function metapost.characters.process(mpxformat, name, instances, scalefactor) statistics.starttiming(metapost.characters) scalefactor = scalefactor or 1 instances = instances or 10 local fontname = file.removesuffix(file.basename(name)) local hash = file.robustname(string.format( "%s %04i %04i", fontname, scalefactor*1000, instances)) local lists = containers.read(fonts.mp.cache, hash) if not lists then statistics.starttiming(flusher) local data = io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile(name)) metapost.reset(mpxformat) lists = { } for i=1,instances do characters, descriptions = { } metapost.process( mpxformat, { "randomseed := " .. i*10 .. ";", "scale_factor := " .. scalefactor .. " ;", data }, false, flusher ) lists[#lists+1] = { designsize = 655360, name = string.format("%s-%03i",hash,i), parameters = { slant = 0, space = 333 * scalefactor, space_stretch = 166.5 * scalefactor, space_shrink = 111 * scalefactor, x_height = 431 * scalefactor, quad = 1000 * scalefactor, extra_space = 0 }, ["type"] = "virtual", characters = characters, descriptions = descriptions, } end metapost.reset(mpxformat) -- saves memory lists = containers.write(fonts.mp.cache, hash, lists) statistics.stoptiming(flusher) end variants = variants + #lists statistics.stoptiming(metapost.characters) return lists end \stoptyping We're not yet there. This was just a font generator that returns a list of fonts defined in a format liked by \MKIV\ and not that far from what \TEX\ wants back from us. Next we define the main definition function, the one that is called when the font is defined as virtual font. The special number \type {-1000} tells the scaler to honour the designsize, which boils down to no scaling, but just copying to the final table that is passed to \TEX. The \type {define} function returns an id which we will use later. The scaler uses the \type {descriptions} to add dimensions (and other data needed) in the \type {characters} table. This is something \MKIV\ specific. \starttyping function fonts.handlers.vf.combiner.commands.metafont(g,v) local size = g.specification.size local data = metapost.characters.process(v[2],v[3],v[4],size/655360) local list, t = { }, { } for d=1,#data do t = data[d] t = fonts.constructors.scale(t, -1000) t.id = font.define(t) list[#list+1] = t.id end for k, v in pairs(t) do g[k] = v -- kind of replace, when not present, make nil end g.variants = list end \stoptyping We hook this into the \CONTEXT\ font handler and from now on the \type {@punk} is recognized: \starttyping fonts.definers.methods.install( "punk", { { "metafont", "mfplain", "punkfont.mp", 10 } } ) \stoptyping Now that we can define the font, we need to deal with the randomizer. This is optional fun. The mentioned case swappers are implemented in the \type {cases} namespace: \starttyping local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers cases.actions[99] = function(current) local c = current.char local used = fontdata[current.font].variants if used then local f = math.random(1,#used) current.font = used[f] return current, true else return current, false end end \stoptyping This function is called in one of the passes over the node list. Thanks to this framework we don't need that much code. We didn't show two statistics functions. They are the reason why we keep track of the total number of glyphs defined. This leaves us defining the interface, so here we go: \starttyping \def\StartRandomPunk{\begingroup\setcharactercasing[99]} \def\StopRandomPunk {\endgroup} \stoptyping The set command just sets the attribute that we associated with casing (one of the many attributes). The number 99 is rather arbitrary. If you follow the development of \LUATEX\ and \MKIV\ (we do talks at conferences, keep track of the development history in \type {mk.pdf}, and report on the \CONTEXT\ mailing list) you will have noticed that we often use somewhat extreme examples to explore and test the functionality and this is no exception. As usual it helped us to improve the code and extend our todo list. Can the previous code convince the grand wizards to start using \LUATEX ? Probably not. Let's anyway hope that they will put the addition of punk math to their todo list. In the meantime we've already started adding missing characters: \startlinecorrection[blank] \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss % { ' \ " } \dorecurse{6}{\hbox{\char123\enspace\char39\enspace\char92\enspace\char34\enspace\char125}\quad}\unskip \hss \egroup \stoplinecorrection Also, because we can be sure that Mojca Miklavec's first test will be if her favourite characters \color [mkcolor] {\ccaron}, \color [mkcolor] {\scaron} and \color [mkcolor] {\zcaron} are supported, we made sure that we composed those accented characters as well. \footnote {This is accomplished by adding \type {composecharacters(t)} at an undisclosed location in the previous code.} \StopRandomPunk \page[right] \stop \stopcomponent