% language=us \startcomponent mk-code \environment mk-environment \chapter{User code} Previous versions of \LUATEX\ had multiple \LUA\ instances but in practice this was not that useful and therefore we decided to remove that feature and stick to one instance. One reason is that all activities take place in the zero instance anyway and other instance could not access variables defined there. Another reason was that every \type {\directlua} call is in fact a function call (and as such a closure) and \LUATEX\ catches errors nicely. The formal \type {\directlua} primitive originally can be called in two ways: \starttyping \directlua {lua code} \directlua name {some text} {lua code} \stoptyping The optional text is then part of the error message when one is issued. The new approach is that the number is used for the error message in case no \type {name} is specified. The exact string is set in \LUA. This means that in principle the command is backward compatible. Old usage will basically ignore the number and use the one and only instance, while new usage will use the number for an eventual message: \starttyping \directlua {lua code} \directlua name {some text} {lua code} \stoptyping In the second case the id is ignored. The advantage of the first call is that it saves tokens at the \TEX\ end and can be configured at the \LUA\ end. In \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ we have adapted the code that invokes multiple instances by compatible code that provides a modest form of isolation. We don't want to enforce too many constraints, first of all because users will often use high level interfaces anyway, and also because we assume that users have no bad intentions. The main \LUA\ instance in \CONTEXT\ is accessible by: \footnote {Note 2016: you can of course also use \type {context("lua")} here.} \startbuffer \startluacode global.tex.print("lua") \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer This gives: \quote {\getbuffer}. However, sometimes you don't want user code to interfere too much with the main code but still provide access to useful data. This is why we also provide: \startbuffer \startusercode global.tex.print("user 1") global.tex.print("user 2") if characters then global.tex.print("access") else global.tex.print("no access") end global.tex.print(global.characters.data[0xA9].contextname) \stopusercode \stopbuffer \typebuffer This gives: \quote {\getbuffer}. If you're writing a module, you might want to reserve a private namespace. This is done with: \startbuffer \definenamedlua[mymodule][my interesting module] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Now we can say: \startbuffer \startmymodulecode help = { "help" } global.tex.print(help[1]) \stopmymodulecode \stopbuffer \typebuffer This gives: \quote {\getbuffer}. The information is remembered: \startbuffer \startmymodulecode global.tex.print(help[1]) \stopmymodulecode \stopbuffer \typebuffer Indeed we get: \quote {\getbuffer}. Just to check the isolation we try: \startbuffer \startusercode global.tex.print(help and help[1] or "no help") \stopusercode \stopbuffer \typebuffer As expected this gives: \quote {\getbuffer} but when we do the following we will get an error message: \startbuffer \startusercode global.tex.print(help[1]) \stopusercode \stopbuffer \typebuffer % {\batchmode \getbuffer} % somehow quits in context but not in texexec \starttyping ! LuaTeX error :2: attempt to index global 'help' (a nil value) stack traceback: :2: in main chunk. ...userdata") global.tex.print(help[1]) } \stoptyping An even more isolated variant is: \startbuffer \startisolatedcode help = { "help" } global.tex.print(help and help[1] or "no help") \stopisolatedcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer We get: \quote {\getbuffer}, while \startbuffer \startisolatedcode global.tex.print(help and help[1] or "no help") \stopisolatedcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer gives: \quote {\getbuffer}. You can get access to the global data of other named code blocks by using the \type {global} prefix. At that level you have also access to the instances, but this time we append \type {data}, so \type {user} has a table \type {userdata}: \startbuffer \startmymodulecode global.userdata.whatever = "be careful!" \stopmymodulecode \stopbuffer For convenience we have made \type {tex} as well as some \LUA\ tables directly accessible within an instance. However, we recommend not to extend these yourself (even if we do it in the core of \MKIV). % not yet ok: % % The next example is inspired by a question of Wolfgang Schuster who % wanted to write a module. Say that we have a file \type {demo.lua}: % % \starttyping % local demo = { } % % function demo.whow(str) % global.tex.print("[" .. string.reverse(str) .. "]") % end % % return demo % \stoptyping % % The module can be \type {demo.tex}: % % \starttyping % \definenamedlua[demo][demo module example] % % \startdemocode % demo = global.require("demo.lua") % \stopdemocode % % \def\whow#1{\democode{demo.whow("#1"}} % \stoptyping % % We can now use this module: % % \starttyping % \usemodule[demo] % \whow{123} % \stoptyping \stopcomponent