% language=uk % % copyright=pragma-ade readme=readme.pdf licence=cc-by-nc-sa \startcomponent metafun-introduction \environment metafun-environment \starttitle[title={Introduction}] This document is about \METAPOST\ and \TEX. The former is a graphic programming language, the latter a typographic programming language. However, in this document we will not focus on real programming, but more on how we can interface between those two languages. We will do so by using \CONTEXT, a macro package written in \TEX, in which support for \METAPOST\ is integrated in the core. The \TEX\ macros are integrated in \CONTEXT, and the \METAPOST\ macros are bundled in \METAFUN. When Donald Knuth wrote his typographical programming language \TEX\ he was in need for fonts, especially mathematical fonts. So, as a side track, he started writing \METAFONT, a graphical language. When you read between the lines in the \METAFONT\ book and the source code, the name John Hobby is mentioned alongside complicated formulas. It will be no surprise then, that, since he was tightly involved in the development of \METAFONT, after a few years his \METAPOST\ showed up. While its ancestor \METAFONT\ was originally targeted at designing fonts, \METAPOST\ is more oriented to drawing graphics as used in scientific publications. Since \METAFONT\ produced bitmap output, some of its operators make use of this fact. \METAPOST\ on the other hand produces \POSTSCRIPT\ code, which means that it has some features not present in \METAFONT\ and vice versa. With \METAFUN\ I will demonstrate that \METAPOST\ can also be used, or misused, for less technical drawing purposes. We will see that \METAPOST\ can fill in some gaps in \TEX, especially its lack of graphic capabilities. We will demonstrate that graphics can make a document more attractive, even if it is processed in a batch processing system like \TEX. Most of all, we will see that embedding \METAPOST\ definitions in the \TEX\ source enables a smooth communication between both programs. The best starting point for using \METAPOST\ is the manual written by its author John Hobby. You can find this manual at every main \TEX\ repository. Also, a copy of the \METAFONT\ book from Donald Knuth is worth every cent, if only because it will give you the feeling that many years of graphical fun lays ahead. In this \METAFUN\ manual we will demonstrate how you can embed graphics in a \TEX\ document, but we will also introduce most of the features of \METAPOST. For this reason you will see a lot of \METAPOST\ code. For sure there are better methods to solve problems, but I have tried to demonstrate different methods and techniques as much as possible. I started using \METAPOST\ long after I started using \TEX, and I never regret it. Although I like \TEX\ very much, I must admit that sometimes using \METAPOST\ is even more fun. Therefore, before we start exploring both in depth, I want to thank their creators, Donald Knuth and John Hobby, for providing me these fabulous tools. Of course I also need to thank \THANH, for giving the \TEX\ community \PDFTEX, as well as providing me the hooks I considered necessary for implementing some of the features presented here. In the meantime Taco Hoekwater has created the \METAPOST\ library so that it can be an integral component of \LUATEX. After that happened, the program was extended to deal with more than one number implementation: in addition to scaled integers we now can switch to floats and arbitrary precision decimal or binary calculations. I myself prototyped a simple but efficient \LUA\ script interface. With Luigi Scarso, who is now the maintainer of \METAPOST, we keep improving the system, so who knows what will show up next. I also want to thank David Arnold and Ton Otten for their fast proofreading, for providing me useful input, and for testing the examples. Without David's patience and help, this document would be far from perfect English and less complete. Without Ton's help, many small typos would have gone unnoticed. In the second version of this manual the content was been adapted to \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ that uses \LUATEX\ and the built in \METAPOST\ library. In the meantime some \LUA\ has been brought into the game, not only to help construct graphics, but also as a communication channel. In the process some extra features have been added and some interfacing has been upgraded. The third version of this document deals with that too. It makes no sense to maintain compatibility with \CONTEXT\ \MKII, but many examples can be used there as well. In the meantime most \CONTEXT\ users have switched to \MKIV, so this is no real issue. In the fourth update some new features are presented and the discussion of obsolete ones have been removed. The fifth update describes the \MPIV\ version of \METAFUN\ which brings some more and improved functionality. Some examples are inspired from questions by users and examples that Alan Braslau, Luigi Scarso and I made when testing new features and macros. Some examples can be rewritten in a more efficient way but are kept as they are. Therefore this manual presents different ways to solve problems. Hopefully this is not too confusing. Numerous examples can be found in the other manuals and test suite. \blank[big,samepage] \startlines Hans Hagen Hasselt NL \currentdate[month,year] \stoplines \stoptitle \stopcomponent