% language=uk % % copyright=pragma-ade readme=readme.pdf licence=cc-by-nc-sa \startcomponent metafun-conventions \environment metafun-environment \startchapter[title={Conventions}] \index {running} \index {processing} When reading this manual, you may be tempted to test the examples shown. This can be done in several ways. You can make a file and process that file by \METAPOST. Such a file looks like: \starttyping beginfig(1) ; fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor red ; % a graphic endfig ; end . \stoptyping Don't forget the semi||colons that end the statements. If the file is saved as \type {yourfile.mp}, then the file can be processed. Before we process this file, we first need to load some basic \METAPOST\ definitions, because the built in repertoire of commands is rather limited. Such a set is called a format. The standard format is called {metapost} but we will use a more extensive set of macros \type {metafun}. In the past such a set was converted into a \type {mem} file and running the above file was done with: \starttyping mpost --mem=metafun.mem yourfile \stoptyping However, this is no longer the case and macros need to be loaded at startup as follows: \starttyping mpost --ini metafun.mpii yourfile.mp \stoptyping Watch the suffix \type {mpii}: this refers to the stand alone, the one that doesn't rely on \LUATEX. After the run the results are available in \type {yourfile.1} and can be viewed with \GHOSTSCRIPT. You don't need to close the file so reprocessing is very convenient. Because we will go beyond standard \METAPOST, we will use the \type {mpiv} files. These work with the library which in turn means that we will run from within \CONTEXT. This has the advantage that we also have advanced font support at our hands. In that case, a simple file looks like: \starttyping \starttext \startMPpage fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor red ; \stopMPpage \startMPpage fill unitsquare scaled 5cm withcolor red ; \stopMPpage \stoptext \stoptyping If the file is saved as \type {yourfile.tex}, then you can produce a \PDF\ file with: \footnote {In fact, you could also process the \METAPOST\ file directly because the \type {context} script will recognize it as such and wrap it into a page.} \starttyping context yourfile \stoptyping The previous call will use \LUATEX\ and \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ to produce a file with two pages using the built in \METAPOST\ library with \METAFUN. When you use this route you will automatically get the integrated text support shown in this manual, including \OPENTYPE\ support. If one page is enough, you can also say: \starttyping \startMPpage fill fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor red ; \stopMPpage \stoptyping So when you have a running \CONTEXT\ on your system you don't need to bother about installing \METAPOST\ and running \METAFUN. We will use lots of color. Don't worry if your red is not our red, or your yellow does not match ours. We've made color definitions to match the overall design of this document, but you should feel free to use any color of choice in the upcoming examples. By default, \CONTEXT\ has turned its color mechanism on. If you don't want your graphics to have color, you should say: \starttyping \setupcolors[state=stop] \stoptyping but in todays documents color is so normal that you will probably never do that. Because \METAFUN\ hooks into the \CONTEXT\ color mechanism, you can also use its color space and conversion related features. You need to keep in mind that just like \CONTEXT\ \MKII\ is frozen, the \type {mpii} macros are also not extended. From now on we assume that you use \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ which exclusively uses \type {mpiv} macros. Even if you want to use \METAFUN\ but not \CONTEXT, you can still best use the mentioned page method as it will give you decent text processing. You need to know (and use) only a few \CONTEXT\ commands then. \stopchapter \stopcomponent