% language=uk % % copyright=pragma-ade readme=readme.pdf licence=cc-by-nc-sa \startcomponent metafun-colofon \environment metafun-environment \introsubject{For them} I owe much inspiration to both my parents. My mother Jannie constantly demonstrated me that computer graphics will never improve nature. She also converted one of my first \METAPOST\ graphics into a patchwork that will remind me forever that handcraft is more vivid than computer artwork. My father Hein has spent a great deal of his life teaching math, and I'm sure he would have loved \METAPOST. I inherited his love for books. I therefore dedicate this document to them. \introsubject{Colofon} This manual is typeset with \CONTEXT\ \MKIV. No special tricks are used and everything you see in here, is available for \CONTEXT\ users. The text is typeset in Palatino and Computer Modern Typewriter. We used \LUATEX\ as \TEX\ processing engine. Since this document is meant to be printed in color, some examples will look sub||optimal when printed in black and white. \introsubject{Graphics} The artist impression of one of Hasselts canals at \at {page} [canal] is made by Johan Jonker. The \CDROM\ production process graphic at \at {page} [hacker] is a scan of a graphic made by Hester de Weert. \introsubject{Copyright} \startlines Hans Hagen, PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering, Hasselt NL copyright: 1999-\currentdate[year] / version 4: \currentdate \stoplines \introsubject{Publisher} \startlines publisher: Boekplan, NL isbn-ean: 978-94-90688-02-8 website: www.boekplan.nl \stoplines \introsubject{Info} \startlines internet: www.pragma-ade.com support: ntg-context@ntg.nl context: www.contextgarden.net \stoplines \stopcomponent