% language=uk \environment math-layout \startcomponent math-oddities \startchapter[title=Things you might forget] \startsection[title=Ampersands] You can skip this, but if you continue reading, here is some low level plain code (don't use this in \CONTEXT): \starttyping \def\matrix#1% {\null \, \vcenter {\normalbaselines \ialign{\hfil$##$\hfil && \quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr \mathstrut\crcr \noalign{\kern-\baselineskip} #1\crcr \mathstrut\crcr \noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}}}% \,} \stoptyping You see the \type {&} here and it's the alignment cell separator. The special meaning of these characters is determined by the so called catcode. Here we have: \starttyping \catcode"26=4 \stoptyping Character \type {0x26} is the ampersand. In \CONTEXT\ this character can be used in text mode because we never use it as alignment character, which is something typical \TEX. The same is true for \type {^} and \type {_}. So, effectively we have (for instance): \starttyping \catcode"26=12 \stoptyping In order to still get this \type {&} supported as alignment character in math mode, we have to jump through some hoops. Think of this (again, don't do this in \CONTEXT): \starttyping \bgroup \global\mathcode"26="8000 \catcode"26=4 \xdef\normalmathaligntab{&} \catcode"26=13 \global\everymath{\def&{\normalmathaligntab}} \egroup \stoptyping Before we go on you should realize that we never use the \type {&} in \CONTEXT\ as separator. The sole reason for dealing with this issue is that users can have their own code that uses the ampersand that way. In \CONTEXT\ we do things like: \starttyping \startformula \startmatrix \NC 1 \NC 2 \NR \NC 3 \NC 4 \NR \stopmatrix \stopformula \stoptyping Where \type {\NC} can be more powerful than a \type {&}. Anyhow, the reason for discussing this here is that there can be surprises. In a running text you can do this: \starttyping A & B \stoptyping Which procces okay and gives the ampersand as glyph. The following is also okay: \starttyping $A \Umathchar"2"0"26 B$ \stoptyping However, the next one: \starttyping $A \char"26 B$ \stoptyping fails with a \type {Misplaced alignment tab character &}. The reason is that where in text mode \TEX's parser will turn the \type {\char} into a character node and carry on afterwards, in math mode it will treat this inpout as were it a directly input character, so the above is like, where the \type {&} has active properties and becomes the sparator ampersand which then triggers the error: \starttyping $A & B$ \stoptyping This means that we cannot have a definition like: \starttyping \def\AND{\char"26\relax} \stoptyping that can be used in math mode, which is why the \CWEB\ macros do: \starttyping \def\AND{\def\AND{\mathchar"2026\relax}\AND} \stoptyping Back to the plain example. The \type {\matrix} command has to be wrapped in math mode and therefore the \type {&} will adapt, while in most \CONTEXT\ constructs that use alignment, we're not in math mode at all when we start with the alignment. Therefore the \type {&} will be just an ampersand in most \CONTEXT\ cases. So to summarize: don't expect \type {\char"26} to work out well in math mode because all kind of magic kicks in. These are the more obscure features and side effects of \TEX\ dealing with input and it's really hard to predict how \TEX\ will see the ampersand you entered. You need to know the internals and even then it's non trivial. Take \starttyping \startformula \startalign \NC x \NR \NC x \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptyping versus: \starttyping \startformula \startalign & x \NR & x \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptyping versus: \starttyping \startformula \startalign \NC x & y \NR \NC x & y \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptyping The first case works as expected, the second one treats the \type {&} as text and the third one, as we enter math mode with \type {\NC}, depends on circumstances. If you use just \CONTEXT\ math coding, you can say: \starttyping \setupmathematics [ampersand=normal] \stoptyping And always render an ampersand (although a math one in math mode). \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent