\environment math-layout \startcomponent math-definitions \startchapter[title=Definitions] \startsection[title=Special stackers] There are many math symbols but never enough. Here is an example of how you can roll out your own. We start out with nothing: \startbuffer \definemathstackers [nosymbol] [voffset=\zeropoint, hoffset=\zeropoint, mathclass=ord, topoffset=\zeropoint, middlecommand=, color=maincolor] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer You can now use this class of stackers: \startbuffer \startformula \mathover [nosymbol] {"2217} {A} \mathover [nosymbol] {"2218} {A} \mathover [nosymbol] {"2219} {A} \stopformula \stopbuffer \typebuffer This looks like this: \getbuffer But we want proper math, which means an an italic nucleus, a properly placed accent, a shift of that accent matching the slope or the nucleus, so we actually need: \startbuffer \definemathstackers [mysymbol] [voffset=-.30\mathexheight, hoffset=\zeropoint, mathclass=ord, topoffset=.4\mathemwidth, middlecommand=\mathematics, color=maincolor] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer \startbuffer \startformula \mathover [mysymbol]{"2217} {A} \mathover [mysymbol]{"2218} {A} \mathover [mysymbol]{"2219} {A} \mathunder [mysymbol] {"2217}{A} \mathunder [mysymbol] {"2218}{A} \mathunder [mysymbol] {"2219}{A} \mathdouble[mysymbol]{"2217}{"2217}{A} \mathdouble[mysymbol]{"2218}{"2218}{A} \mathdouble[mysymbol]{"2219}{"2219}{A} \stopformula \stopbuffer We show both over and under variants: \typebuffer So this time we get: \getbuffer We can now redefine the \quote {interiorset} symbol to use \type {0x2217} instead of \type {0x2218}: \startbuffer \definemathover[mysymbol][interiorset]["2217] \startformula \interiorset{A}^{\interiorset{A}^{\interiorset{A}}} \stopformula \stopbuffer \typebuffer Of course normally you will not use color: \getbuffer \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent