% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/luametatex \startenvironment luametatex-style % \environment luatex-style % \logo[LUAMETATEX] {\Lua Meta\TeX} % todo: use \useMPlibrary[lua] \enabletrackers[fonts.usage] \usemodule[fonts-statistics] \setuplayout [height=middle, width=middle, backspace=2cm, topspace=10mm, bottomspace=10mm, header=10mm, footer=10mm, footerdistance=10mm, headerdistance=10mm] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \setuptolerance [stretch,tolerant] \setuptype [lines=hyphenated] \setuptyping [lines=hyphenated] \setupitemize [each] [packed] \definesymbol[1][\Uchar"2023] \definesymbol[2][\endash] \definesymbol[3][\wait] % we want to catch it \setupitemize [each] [headcolor=maincolor, symbolcolor=maincolor, color=maincolor] \setupwhitespace [medium] \setuptabulate [blank={small,samepage}, margin=.25em, headstyle=bold, rulecolor=maincolor, rulethickness=1pt, foregroundcolor=white, foregroundstyle=\ss\bfx\WORD, backgroundcolor=maincolor] \setupcaptions [headcolor=darkblue] \startluacode local skipped = { 'id', 'subtype', 'next', 'prev' } local function showlist(l,skipped) if l then l = table.tohash(l) if skipped then for i=1,#skipped do l[skipped[i]] = nil end end l = table.sortedkeys(l) local n = #l for i=1,n do context("%s{\\tttf %s}", (i == 1 and "") or (i == n and " and ") or ", ", l[i]) end end end function document.functions.showvalues(l,hex) if l then local n = table.count(l) local i = 0 local f = hex and "%s{\\tttf %s} (0x%02X)" or "%s{\\tttf %s} (%i)" for k, v in table.sortedhash(l) do i = i + 1 context(f, (i == 1 and "") or (i == n and " and ") or ", ", v,k) end end end function document.functions.showfields(s) local t = string.split(s,',') showlist(node.fields(t[1],t[2]),skipped) end function document.functions.showid(s) local t = string.split(s,',') local i = t[1] and node.id(t[1]) local s = t[2] and node.subtype(t[2]) if s then context('{\\tttf %s}, {\\tttf %s}',i,s) else context('{\\tttf %s}',i) end end function document.functions.showsubtypes(s) showlist(node.subtypes(s)) end \stopluacode \protected\def\showfields #1{\ctxlua{document.functions.showfields("#1")}} \protected\def\showid #1{\ctxlua{document.functions.showid("#1")}} \protected\def\showsubtypes #1{\ctxlua{document.functions.showsubtypes("#1")}} \protected\def\showvalues #1{\ctxlua{document.functions.showvalues(tex.get#1values())}} \protected\def\showhexvalues#1{\ctxlua{document.functions.showvalues(tex.get#1values(),true)}} \protected\def\showtypes {\ctxlua{document.functions.showvalues(node.types())}} \protected\def\showvaluelist#1{\ctxlua{document.functions.showvalues(#1)}} \definecolor[blue] [b=.5] \definecolor[red] [r=.5] \definecolor[green] [g=.5] %definecolor[maincolor] [b=.5] %definecolor[keptcolor] [b=.5] %definecolor[othercolor][r=.5,g=.5] \definecolor[maincolor] [b=.5] \definecolor[mooncolor] [b=.5] \definecolor[keptcolor] [b=.5] %\efinecolor[othercolor][s=.5] \definecolor[othercolor][r=.5,g=.5] \writestatus{luametatex manual}{} \writestatus{luametatex manual}{defining lucidaot} \usebodyfont [lucidaot] \writestatus{luametatex manual}{defining pagella} \usebodyfont [pagella] \writestatus{luametatex manual}{defining cambria} \usebodyfont [cambria] \writestatus{luametatex manual}{defining modern} \usebodyfont [modern] \writestatus{luametatex manual}{defining dejavu} \setupbodyfont[dejavu,10pt] \writestatus{luametatex manual}{} \setuphead [chapter] [align={flushleft,broad},style=\bfd] \setuphead [section] [align={flushleft,broad},style=\bfb] \setuphead [subsection] [align={flushleft,broad},style=\bfa] \setuphead [subsubsection][align={flushleft,broad},style=\bf,after=\blank,before=\blank] \setuphead [chapter] [color=maincolor] \setuphead [section] [color=maincolor] \setuphead [subsection] [color=maincolor] \setuphead [subsubsection][color=maincolor] \setupfloats [ntop=4] \definehead [remark] [subsubsubject] \setupheadertexts [] % \setuplayout % [style=bold, % color=maincolor] \definemixedcolumns [twocolumns] [n=2, balance=yes, before=\blank, after=\blank] \definemixedcolumns [threecolumns] [twocolumns] [n=3] \definemixedcolumns [fourcolumns] [threecolumns] [n=4] % if we do this we also need to do it in table cells % % \setuptyping % [color=maincolor] % % \setuptype % [color=maincolor] \definetyping [functioncall] \startMPdefinitions string luaplanetcolor ; luaplanetcolor := "maincolor" ; string luamooncolor ; luaplanetcolor := "mooncolor" ; string luaholecolor ; luaholecolor := "white" ; string luaorbitcolor ; luaorbitcolor := "darkgray" ; numeric luaextraangle ; luaextraangle := 0 ; vardef lualogo = image ( % Graphic design by A. Nakonechnyj. Copyright (c) 1998, All rights reserved. save d, r, p ; numeric d, r, p ; d := sqrt(2)/4 ; r := 1/4 ; p := r/8 ; fill fullcircle scaled 1 withcolor luaplanetcolor ; draw fullcircle rotated 40.5 scaled (1+r) dashed evenly scaled p withpen pencircle scaled (p/2) withcolor luaorbitcolor ; fill fullcircle scaled r shifted (d+1/8,d+1/8) rotated - luaextraangle withcolor luamooncolor ; fill fullcircle scaled r shifted (d-1/8,d-1/8) withcolor luaholecolor ; luaorbitfactor := .25 ; ) enddef ; \stopMPdefinitions \startuseMPgraphic{luapage} StartPage ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{othercolor} ; luaorbitcolor := "white" ; luamooncolor := "maincolor" ; picture p ; p := lualogo ysized (5*\measure{paperheight}/10) ; draw p shifted - center p shifted ( \measure{spreadwidth} - .5*\measure{paperwidth} + \measure{spinewidth}, .375*\measure{paperheight} ) ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic % \starttexdefinition luaextraangle % % we can also just access the last page and so in mp directly % \ctxlua { % context(\lastpage == 0 and 0 or \realfolio*360/\lastpage) % } % \stoptexdefinition \startuseMPgraphic{luanumber} % luaextraangle := \luaextraangle; luaextraangle := if (LastPageNumber < 10) : 10 else : (RealPageNumber / LastPageNumber) * 360 fi; luaorbitcolor := "darkgray" ; luamooncolor := "othercolor" ; % luamooncolor := "maincolor" ; picture p ; p := lualogo ; setbounds p to boundingbox fullcircle ; draw p ysized 1cm ; \stopuseMPgraphic \definelayer [page] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight] \setupbackgrounds [leftpage] [background=page] \setupbackgrounds [rightpage] [background=page] \definemeasure[banneroffset][\bottomspace-\footerheight-\footerdistance+2cm] \startsetups pagenumber:right \setlayerframed [page] [preset=rightbottom,x=1.0cm,y=\measure{banneroffset}] [frame=off,height=1cm,offset=overlay] {\strut\useMPgraphic{luanumber}} \setlayerframed [page] [preset=rightbottom,x=2.5cm,y=\measure{banneroffset}] [frame=off,height=1cm,width=1cm,offset=overlay, foregroundstyle=bold,foregroundcolor=maincolor] {\strut\pagenumber} \setlayerframed [page] [preset=rightbottom,x=3.5cm,y=\measure{banneroffset}] [frame=off,height=1cm,offset=overlay, foregroundstyle=bold,foregroundcolor=maincolor] {\strut\getmarking[chapter]} \stopsetups \startsetups pagenumber:left \setlayerframed [page] [preset=leftbottom,x=3.5cm,y=\measure{banneroffset}] [frame=off,height=1cm,offset=overlay, foregroundstyle=bold,foregroundcolor=maincolor] {\strut\getmarking[chapter]} \setlayerframed [page] [preset=leftbottom,x=2.5cm,y=\measure{banneroffset}] [frame=off,height=1cm,width=1cm,offset=overlay, foregroundstyle=bold,foregroundcolor=maincolor] {\strut\pagenumber} \setlayerframed [page] [preset=leftbottom,x=1.0cm,y=\measure{banneroffset}] [frame=off,height=1cm,offset=overlay] {\strut\useMPgraphic{luanumber}} \stopsetups \protected\def\nonterminal#1>{\mathematics{\langle\hbox{\rm #1}\rangle}} % taco's brainwave -) .. todo: create a typing variant so that we can avoid the !crlf \newcatcodetable\syntaxcodetable \protected\def\makesyntaxcodetable {\begingroup \catcode`\<=13 \catcode`\|=12 \catcode`\!= 0 \catcode`\\=12 \savecatcodetable\syntaxcodetable \endgroup} \makesyntaxcodetable \protected\def\startsyntax {\begingroup\catcodetable\syntaxcodetable \dostartsyntax} \protected\def\syntax {\begingroup\catcodetable\syntaxcodetable \dosyntax} \let\stopsyntax \relax \protected\def\syntaxenvbody#1% {\par \tt \startnarrower % \maincolor #1 \stopnarrower \par} \protected\def\syntaxbody#1% {\begingroup % \maincolor \tt #1% \endgroup} \bgroup \catcodetable\syntaxcodetable !gdef!dostartsyntax#1\stopsyntax{!let 2 ... \fi \setuplist [section,subsection] [before={\ifnum \structurelistrawnumber{section}=1 \blank[samepage] \fi}] \setuplist [subsection,subsubsection] [margin=4em, width=5em] \definestartstop [notabene] [style=slanted] \definestartstop [preamble] [style=normal, before=\blank, after=\blank] % Hans doesn't like the bookmarks opening by default so we comment this: % % \setupinteractionscreen % [option=bookmark] \startbuffer[stylecalculations] \normalexpanded{\definemeasure[spinewidth] [0pt]} \normalexpanded{\definemeasure[paperwidth] [\the\paperwidth ]} \normalexpanded{\definemeasure[paperheight][\the\paperheight]} \normalexpanded{\definemeasure[spreadwidth][\measure{paperwidth}]} \stopbuffer \getbuffer[stylecalculations] \dontcomplain %usemodule[abbreviations-mixed] \usemodule[abbreviations-logos] \defineregister[topicindex] \defineregister[luatexindex] \defineregister[etexindex] \defineregister[texindex] \defineregister[primitiveindex] \defineregister[callbackindex] \defineregister[nodeindex] \defineregister[libraryindex] \setupregister[etexindex] [textstyle=bold] \setupregister[luatexindex][textstyle=bold] %protected\def\lpr#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\primitiveindex[#1]{\bf\tex {#1}}}\tex {#1}} %protected\def\prm#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\primitiveindex[#1]{\tex {#1}}}\tex {#1}} \protected\def\cbk#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\callbackindex [#1]{\type {#1}}}\type{#1}} \protected\def\nod#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\nodeindex [#1]{\bf\type{#1}}}\type{#1}} \protected\def\whs#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\nodeindex [#1]{\type {#1}}}\type{#1}} \protected\def\noa#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\nodeindex [#1]{\type {#1}}}\type{#1}} \protected\def\prm#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\getvalue{\ctxlua{document.primitiveorigin("#1")}index}{\tex{#1}}}\tex{#1}} \hyphenation{sub-nodes} \def\currentlibraryindex{\namedstructureuservariable{section}{library}} \setupregister [alternative=a, balance=no] \setupregister [libraryindex] [indicator=no,before=] \setupregister [libraryindex] [1] [textstyle=\ttbf] \setupregister [libraryindex] [2] [textstyle=\tttf] \protected\def\lib #1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\expanded{\libraryindex{\currentlibraryindex+#1}}}\type{\currentlibraryindex.#1}} \protected\def\libindex#1{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\expanded{\libraryindex{\currentlibraryindex+#1}}}} \protected\def\libidx#1#2{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\expanded{\libraryindex{#1+#2}}\type{#1.#2}}} \protected\def\lix #1#2{\doifmode{*bodypart}{\expanded{\libraryindex{#1+#2}}}} % \setstructurepageregister[][keys:1=,entries:1=] \protected\def\inlineluavalue#1% {{\maincolor \ctxlua { local t = #1 if type(t) == "table" then t = string.gsub(table.serialize(t,false),"="," = ") else t = tostring(t) end context.typ(t) }}} % Common: % Added December 9 2020 after being energized by Becca Stevens's Slow Burn music % video: interesting what comes out of top musicians working remote. \startluacode local list = token.getprimitives() local origins = tex.getprimitiveorigins() local hash = { } for i=1,#list do local l = list[i] hash[l[3]] = l end -- redo this: function document.primitiveorigin(name) local h = hash[name] if h then context(origins[h[4]]) else logs.report("!!!!!!","unknown primitive %s",name) context("tex") end end function document.showprimitives(tag) local t = tex.extraprimitives(tag) table.sort(t) for i=1,#t do local v = t[i] if v ~= ' ' and v ~= "/" and v ~= "-" then context.type(v) context.space() end end end -- inspect(tokens.commands) function document.filteredprimitives(cmd) local t = { } local c = tokens.commands[cmd] for i=1,#list do local l = list[i] if l[1] == c then t[#t+1] = l[3] end end table.sort(t) for i=1,#t do if i > 1 then context(", ") elseif i == #t then context(" and ") end context.typ(t[i]) end end function document.allprimitives() local c = tokens.commands local o = origins table.sort(list, function(a,b) return a[3] < b[3] end) context.starttabulate { "|T|T|Tr|Tr|T|" } context.DB() context("primitive") context.BC() context("command name") context.BC() context("cmd") context.BC() context("chr") context.BC() context("origin") context.NC() context.NR() context.TB() for i=1,#list do local l = list[i] context.NC() context.tex(l[3]) context.NC() context(c[l[1]]) context.NC() context(l[1]) context.NC() context(l[2]) context.NC() context(o[l[4]]) context.NC() context.NR() end context.LL() context.stoptabulate() end \stopluacode \stopenvironment % \startluacode % % local function identify(name, l) % local t = { } % local l = l or _G[name] % if type(l) == "table" then % for k, v in next, l do % print(k) % if string.find(k,"^_") then % elseif type(v) == "table" then % t[k] = identify(k,v) % else % t[k] = type(v) % end % end % else % print("unknown " .. name) % end % return t % end % % local builtin = { % -- % md5 = identify("md5"), % sha2 = identify("sha2"), % basexx = identify("basexx"), % lfs = identify("lfs"), % fio = identify("fio"), % sio = identify("sio"), % sparse = identify("sparse"), % xzip = identify("xzip"), % xmath = identify("xmath") , % xcomplex = identify("xcomplex"), % xdecimal = identify("xdecimal"), % -- % socket = identify("socket"), % mime = identify("mime"), % -- % lua = identify("lua"), % status = identify("status"), % texio = identify("texio"), % -- % tex = identify("tex"), % token = identify("token"), % node = identify("node"), % callback = identify("callback"), % font = identify("font"), % language = identify("language"), % -- % mplib = identify("mplib"), % -- % pdfe = identify("pdfe"), % pdfdecode = identify("pdfdecode"), % pngdecode = identify("pngdecode"), % -- % optional = identify("optional"), % }; % % inspect(builtin) % % \stopluacode