% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/luametatex % lua.newtable \environment luametatex-style \startcomponent luametatex-pdf \startchapter[reference=pdf,title={The \PDF\ related libraries}] \startsection[title={The \type {pdfe} library}][library=pdfe] \startsubsection[title={Introduction}] \topicindex{\PDF+objects} \topicindex{\PDF+analyze} \topicindex{\PDF+\type{pdfe}} The \type {pdfe} library replaces the \type {epdf} library and provides an interface to \PDF\ files. It uses the same code as is used for \PDF\ image inclusion. The \type {pplib} library by Paweł Jackowski replaces the \type {poppler} (derived from \type {xpdf}) library. A \PDF\ file is basically a tree of objects and one descends into the tree via dictionaries (key/value) and arrays (index/value). There are a few topmost dictionaries that start at root that are accessed more directly. Although everything in \PDF\ is basically an object we only wrap a few in so called userdata \LUA\ objects. \starttabulate[|l|l|] \DB type \BC mapping \NC \NR \TB \BC \PDF \BC \LUA \NC \NR \NC null \NC nil \NC \NR \NC boolean \NC boolean \NC \NR \NC integer \NC integer \NC \NR \NC float \NC number \NC \NR \NC name \NC string \NC \NR \NC string \NC string \NC \NR \NC array \NC array userdatum \NC \NR \NC dictionary \NC dictionary userdatum \NC \NR \NC stream \NC stream userdatum (with related dictionary) \NC \NR \NC reference \NC reference userdatum \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate The regular getters return these \LUA\ data types but one can also get more detailed information. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {open}, \type {openfile}, \type {new}, \type {getstatus}, \type {close}, \type {unencrypt}}] \libindex {open} \libindex {new} \libindex {new} \libindex {getstatus} \libindex {close} \libindex {unencrypt} A document is loaded from a file (by name or handle) or string: \starttyping = pdfe.open(filename) = pdfe.openfile(filehandle) = pdfe.new(somestring,somelength) \stoptyping Such a document is closed with: \starttyping pdfe.close() \stoptyping You can check if a document opened well by: \starttyping pdfe.getstatus() \stoptyping The returned codes are: \starttabulate[|c|l|] \DB value \BC explanation \NC \NR \TB \NC \type {-2} \NC the document failed to open \NC \NR \NC \type {-1} \NC the document is (still) protected \NC \NR \NC \type {0} \NC the document is not encrypted \NC \NR \NC \type {2} \NC the document has been unencrypted \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate An encrypted document can be unencrypted by the next command where instead of either password you can give \type {nil}: \starttyping pdfe.unencrypt(,userpassword,ownerpassword) \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {getsize}, \type {getversion}, \type {getnofobjects}, \type {getnofpages}}] \libindex {getsize} \libindex {getversion} \libindex {getnofobjects} \libindex {getnofpages} A successfully opened document can provide some information: \starttyping bytes = getsize() major, minor = getversion() n = getnofobjects() n = getnofpages() bytes, waste = getnofpages() \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {get[catalog|trailer|info]}}] \libindex {getcatalog} \libindex {gettrailer} \libindex {getinfo} For accessing the document structure you start with the so called catalog, a dictionary: \starttyping = pdfe.getcatalog() \stoptyping The other two root dictionaries are accessed with: \starttyping = pdfe.gettrailer() = pdfe.getinfo() \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {getpage}, \type {getbox}}] \libindex {getpage} \libindex {getbox} A specific page can conveniently be reached with the next command, which returns a dictionary. \starttyping = pdfe.getpage(,pagenumber) \stoptyping Another convenience command gives you the (bounding) box of a (normally page) which can be inherited from the document itself. An example of a valid box name is \type {MediaBox}. \starttyping pages = pdfe.getbox(,boxname) \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {get[string|integer|number|boolean|name]}}] \libindex {getstring} \libindex {getinteger} \libindex {getnumber} \libindex {getboolean} \libindex {getname} Common values in dictionaries and arrays are strings, integers, floats, booleans and names (which are also strings) and these are also normal \LUA\ objects: \starttyping s = getstring (,index|key) i = getinteger(,index|key) n = getnumber (,index|key) b = getboolean(,index|key) n = getname (,index|key) \stoptyping The \type {getstring} function has two extra variants: \starttyping s, h = getstring (,index|key,false) s = getstring (,index|key,true) \stoptyping The first call returns the original string plus a boolean indicating if the string is hex encoded. The second call returns the unencoded string. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {get[dictionary|array|stream]}}] \libindex {getdictionary} \libindex {getfromdictionary} \libindex {getarray} \libindex {getfromarray} \libindex {getstream} \libindex {getfromstream} Normally you will use an index in an array and key in a dictionary but dictionaries also accept an index. The size of an array or dictionary is available with the usual \type {#} operator. \starttyping = getdictionary(,index|key) = getarray (,index|key) , = getstream (,index|key) \stoptyping These commands return dictionaries, arrays and streams, which are dictionaries with a blob of data attached. Before we come to an alternative access mode, we mention that the objects provide access in a different way too, for instance this is valid: \starttyping print(pdfe.open("foo.pdf").Catalog.Type) \stoptyping At the topmost level there are \type {Catalog}, \type {Info}, \type {Trailer} and \type {Pages}, so this is also okay: \starttyping print(pdfe.open("foo.pdf").Pages[1]) \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {[open|close|readfrom|whole|]stream}}] \libindex {openstream} \libindex {closestream} \libindex {readfromstream} \libindex {readfromwholestream} Streams are sort of special. When your index or key hits a stream you get back a stream object and dictionary object. The dictionary you can access in the usual way and for the stream there are the following methods: \starttyping okay = openstream(,[decode]) closestream() str, n = readfromstream() str, n = readwholestream(,[decode]) \stoptyping You either read in chunks, or you ask for the whole. When reading in chunks, you need to open and close the stream yourself. The \type {n} value indicates the length read. The \type {decode} parameter controls if the stream data gets uncompressed. As with dictionaries, you can access fields in a stream dictionary in the usual \LUA\ way too. You get the content when you \quote {call} the stream. You can pass a boolean that indicates if the stream has to be decompressed. % pdfe.objectcodes = objectcodes % pdfe.stringcodes = stringcodes % pdfe.encryptioncodes = encryptioncodes \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {getfrom[dictionary|array]}}] \libindex {getfromdictionary} \libindex {getfromarray} In addition to the interface described before, there is also a bit lower level interface available. \starttyping key, type, value, detail = getfromdictionary(,index) type, value, detail = getfromarray(,index) \stoptyping \starttabulate[|c|l|l|l|] \DB type \BC meaning \BC value \BC detail \NC \NR \NC \type {0} \NC none \NC nil \NC \NC \NR \NC \type {1} \NC null \NC nil \NC \NC \NR \NC \type {2} \NC boolean \NC boolean \NC \NC \NR \NC \type {3} \NC integer \NC integer \NC \NC \NR \NC \type {4} \NC number \NC float \NC \NC \NR \NC \type {5} \NC name \NC string \NC \NC \NR \NC \type {6} \NC string \NC string \NC hex \NC \NR \NC \type {7} \NC array \NC arrayobject \NC size \NC \NR \NC \type {8} \NC dictionary \NC dictionaryobject \NC size \NC \NR \NC \type {9} \NC stream \NC streamobject \NC dictionary size \NC \NR \NC \type {10} \NC reference \NC integer \NC \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate A \type {hex} string is (in the \PDF\ file) surrounded by \type {<>} while plain strings are bounded by \type {<>}. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {[dictionary|array]totable}}] \libindex {dictionarytotable} \libindex {arraytotable} All entries in a dictionary or table can be fetched with the following commands where the return values are a hashed or indexed table. \starttyping hash = dictionarytotable() list = arraytotable() \stoptyping You can get a list of pages with: \starttyping { { , size, objnum }, ... } = pagestotable() \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={\type {getfromreference}}] \libindex {getfromreference} Because you can have unresolved references, a reference object can be resolved with: \starttyping type, , detail = getfromreference() \stoptyping So, as second value you get back a new \type {pdfe} userdata object that you can query. \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title={Memory streams}][library=pdfe] \topicindex{\PDF+memory streams} \libindex {new} The \type {pdfe.new} function takes three arguments: \starttabulate \DB value \BC explanation \NC \NR \TB \NC \type {stream} \NC this is a (in low level \LUA\ speak) light userdata object, i.e.\ a pointer to a sequence of bytes \NC \NR \NC \type {length} \NC this is the length of the stream in bytes (the stream can have embedded zeros) \NC \NR \NC \type {name} \NC optional, this is a unique identifier that is used for hashing the stream \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate The third argument is optional. When it is not given the function will return a \type {pdfe} document object as with a regular file, otherwise it will return a filename that can be used elsewhere (e.g.\ in the image library) to reference the stream as pseudo file. Instead of a light userdata stream (which is actually fragile but handy when you come from a library) you can also pass a \LUA\ string, in which case the given length is (at most) the string length. The function returns a \type {pdfe} object and a string. The string can be used in the \type {img} library instead of a filename. You need to prevent garbage collection of the object when you use it as image (for instance by storing it somewhere). Both the memory stream and it's use in the image library is experimental and can change. In case you wonder where this can be used: when you use the swiglib library for \type {graphicmagick}, it can return such a userdata object. This permits conversion in memory and passing the result directly to the backend. This might save some runtime in one|-|pass workflows. This feature is currently not meant for production and we might come up with a better implementation. \stopsection \startsection[title={The \type {pdfscanner} library}][library=pdfscanner] This library is not available in \LUAMETATEX. \stopsection % \startsection[title={The \type {pdfscanner} library}][library=pdfscanner] % % \topicindex{\PDF+scanner} % % \libindex {scan} % % The \type {pdfscanner} library allows interpretation of \PDF\ content streams and % \type {/ToUnicode} (cmap) streams. You can get those streams from the \type % {pdfe} library, as explained in an earlier section. There is only a single % top|-|level function in this library: % % \startfunctioncall % pdfscanner.scan (, operatortable,
info) % pdfscanner.scan (,
info) % pdfscanner.scan (,
info) % \stopfunctioncall % % The first argument should be a \LUA\ string or a stream or array onject coming % from the \type {pdfe} library. The second argument, \type {operatortable}, should % be a \LUA\ table where the keys are \PDF\ operator name strings and the values % are \LUA\ functions (defined by you) that are used to process those operators. % The functions are called whenever the scanner finds one of these \PDF\ operators % in the content stream(s). The functions are called with two arguments: the \type % {scanner} object itself, and the \type {info} table that was passed are the third % argument to \type {pdfscanner.scan}. % % Internally, \type {pdfscanner.scan} loops over the \PDF\ operators in the % stream(s), collecting operands on an internal stack until it finds a \PDF\ % operator. If that \PDF\ operator's name exists in \type {operatortable}, then the % associated function is executed. After the function has run (or when there is no % function to execute) the internal operand stack is cleared in preparation for the % next operator, and processing continues. % % The \type {scanner} argument to the processing functions is needed because it % offers various methods to get the actual operands from the internal operand % stack. % % A simple example of processing a \PDF's document stream could look like this: % % \starttyping % local operatortable = { } % % operatortable.Do = function(scanner,info) % local resources = info.resources % if resources then % local val = scanner:pop() % local name = val[2] % local xobject = resources.XObject % print(info.space .. "Uses XObject " .. name) % local resources = xobject.Resources % if resources then % local newinfo = { % space = info.space .. " ", % resources = resources, % } % pdfscanner.scan(entry, operatortable, newinfo) % end % end % end % % local function Analyze(filename) % local doc = pdfe.open(filename) % if doc then % local pages = doc.Pages % for i=1,#pages do % local page = pages[i] % local info = { % space = " " , % resources = page.Resources, % } % print("Page " .. i) % -- pdfscanner.scan(page.Contents,operatortable,info) % pdfscanner.scan(page.Contents(),operatortable,info) % end % end % end % % Analyze("foo.pdf") % \stoptyping % % This example iterates over all the actual content in the \PDF, and prints out the % found \type {XObject} names. While the code demonstrates quite some of the \type % {pdfe} functions, let's focus on the type \type {pdfscanner} specific code % instead. % % From the bottom up, the following line runs the scanner with the \PDF\ page's % top|-|level content given in the first argument. % % The third argument, \type {info}, contains two entries: \type {space} is used to % indent the printed output, and \type {resources} is needed so that embedded \type % {XForms} can find their own content. % % The second argument, \type {operatortable} defines a processing function for a % single \PDF\ operator, \type {Do}. % % The function \type {Do} prints the name of the current \type {XObject}, and then % starts a new scanner for that object's content stream, under the condition that % the \type {XObject} is in fact a \type {/Form}. That nested scanner is called % with new \type {info} argument with an updated \type {space} value so that the % indentation of the output nicely nests, and with a new \type {resources} field % to help the next iteration down to properly process any other, embedded \type % {XObject}s. % % Of course, this is not a very useful example in practice, but for the purpose of % demonstrating \type {pdfscanner}, it is just long enough. It makes use of only % one \type {scanner} method: \type {scanner:pop()}. That function pops the top % operand of the internal stack, and returns a \LUA\ table where the object at index % one is a string representing the type of the operand, and object two is its % value. % % The list of possible operand types and associated \LUA\ value types is: % % \starttabulate[|l|l|] % \DB types \BC type \NC \NR % \TB % \NC \type{integer} \NC \NC \NR % \NC \type{real} \NC \NC \NR % \NC \type{boolean} \NC \NC \NR % \NC \type{name} \NC \NC \NR % \NC \type{operator} \NC \NC \NR % \NC \type{string} \NC \NC \NR % \NC \type{array} \NC
\NC \NR % \NC \type{dict} \NC
\NC \NR % \LL % \stoptabulate % % In case of \type {integer} or \type {real}, the value is always a \LUA\ (floating % point) number. In case of \type {name}, the leading slash is always stripped. % % In case of \type {string}, please bear in mind that \PDF\ actually supports % different types of strings (with different encodings) in different parts of the % \PDF\ document, so you may need to reencode some of the results; \type {pdfscanner} % always outputs the byte stream without reencoding anything. \type {pdfscanner} % does not differentiate between literal strings and hexadecimal strings (the % hexadecimal values are decoded), and it treats the stream data for inline images % as a string that is the single operand for \type {EI}. % % In case of \type {array}, the table content is a list of \type {pop} return % values and in case of \type {dict}, the table keys are \PDF\ name strings and the % values are \type {pop} return values. % % \libindex{pop} % \libindex{popnumber} % \libindex{popname} % \libindex{popstring} % \libindex{poparray} % \libindex{popdictionary} % \libindex{popboolean} % \libindex{done} % % There are a few more methods defined that you can ask \type {scanner}: % % \starttabulate[|l|p|] % \DB method \BC explanation \NC \NR % \TB % \NC \type{pop} \NC see above \NC \NR % \NC \type{popnumber} \NC return only the value of a \type {real} or \type {integer} \NC \NR % \NC \type{popname} \NC return only the value of a \type {name} \NC \NR % \NC \type{popstring} \NC return only the value of a \type {string} \NC \NR % \NC \type{poparray} \NC return only the value of a \type {array} \NC \NR % \NC \type{popdictionary} \NC return only the value of a \type {dict} \NC \NR % \NC \type{popboolean} \NC return only the value of a \type {boolean} \NC \NR % \NC \type{done} \NC abort further processing of this \type {scan()} call \NC \NR % \LL % \stoptabulate % % The \type {pop*} are convenience functions, and come in handy when you know the % type of the operands beforehand (which you usually do, in \PDF). For example, the % \type {Do} function could have used \type {local name = scanner:popname()} % instead, because the single operand to the \type {Do} operator is always a \PDF\ % name object. % % The \type {done} function allows you to abort processing of a stream once you % have learned everything you want to learn. This comes in handy while parsing % \type {/ToUnicode}, because there usually is trailing garbage that you are not % interested in. Without \type {done}, processing only ends at the end of the % stream, possibly wasting \CPU\ cycles. % % {\em We keep the older names \type {popNumber}, \type {popName}, \type % {popString}, \type {popArray}, \type {popDict} and \type {popBool} around.} % % \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent