% language=us \environment lowlevel-style \startdocument [title=paragraphs, color=middlecyan] \startsection[title=Introduction] This manual is mostly discussing a few low level wrappers around low level \TEX\ features. Its writing is triggered by an update to the \METAFUN\ and \LUAMETAFUN\ manuals where we mess a bit with shapes. It gave a good reason to also cover some more paragraph related topics but it might take a while to complete. Remind me if you feel that takes too much time. Because paragraphs and their construction are rather central to \TEX, you can imagine that the engine exposes dealing with them. This happens via commands (primitives) but only when it's robust. Then there are callbacks, and some provide detailed information about what we're dealing with. However, intercepting node lists can already be hairy and we do that a lot in \CONTEXT. Intercepting and tweaking paragraph properties is even more tricky, which is why we try to avoid that in the core. But \unknown\ in the following sections you will see that there are actually a couple of mechanism that do so. Often new features like this are built in stepwise and enabled locally for a while and when they seem okay they get enabled by default. \footnote {For this we have \type {\enableexperiments} which one can use in \type {cont-loc.mkxl} or \type {cont-exp.mkxl}, files that are loaded runtime when on the system. When you use them, make sure they don't interfere; they are not part of the updates, contrary to \type {cont-new.mkxl}.} \stopsection \startsection[title=Paragraphs] Before we demonstrate some trickery, let's see what a paragraph is. Normally a document source is formatted like this: \starttyping[option=TEX] some text (line 1) some text (line 2) some more test (line 1) some more test (line 2) \stoptyping There are two blocks of text here separated by an empty line and they become two paragraphs. Unless configured otherwise an empty line is an indication that we end a paragraph. You can also explicitly do that: \starttyping[option=TEX] some text (line 1) some text (line 2) \par some more test (line 1) some more test (line 2) \stoptyping When \TEX\ starts a paragraph, it actually also does something think of: \starttyping[option=TEX] [\the\everypar]some text (line 1) some text (line 2) \par [\the\everypar]some more test (line 1) some more test (line 2) \par \stoptyping or more accurate: \starttyping[option=TEX] [\the\everypar]some text some text \par [\the\everypar]some more test some more test \par \stoptyping because the end|-|of|-|line character has become a space. As mentioned, an empty line is actually the end of a paragraph. But in \LUAMETATEX\ we can cheat a bit. If we have this: \startbuffer line 1 line 2 \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] We can do this (watch how we need to permit overloading a primitive when we have enabled \type {\overloadmode}): \startbuffer \pushoverloadmode \def\linepar{\removeunwantedspaces !\ignorespaces} \popoverloadmode line 1 line 2 \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] This comes out as: \start \getbuffer \stop I admit that since it got added (as part of some cleanup halfway the overhaul of the engine) I never saw a reason to use it, but it is a cheap feature. The \type {\linepar} primitive is undefined (\type {\undefined}) by default so no user sees it anyway. Just don't use it unless maybe for some pseudo database trickery (I considered using it for the database module but it is not needed). In a similar fashion, just don't redefine \type {\par}: it's asking for troubles and \quote {not done} in \CONTEXT\ anyway. Back to reality. In \LUATEX\ we get a node list that starts with a so called \type {localpar} node and ends with a \type {\parfillskip}. The first node is prepended automatically. That list travels through the system: hyphenation, applying font properties, break the effectively one line into lines, wrap them and add them to a vertical list, etc. Each stage can be intercepted via callbacks. When the paragraph is broken into lines hanging indentation or a so called par shape can be applied, and we will see more of that later, here we talk \type {\par} and show another \LUAMETATEX\ trick: \startbuffer \def\foo{{\bf test:} \ignorepars} \foo line \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] The macro typesets some text and then skips to the next paragraph: \start \getbuffer \stop Think of this primitive as being a more powerful variant of \type {\ignorespaces}. This leaves one aspect: how do we start a paragraph. Technically we need to force \TEX\ into so called horizontal mode. When you look at plain \TEX\ documents you will notice commands like \type {\noindent} and \type {\indent}. In \CONTEXT\ we have more high level variants, for instance we have \type {\noindentation}. A robust way to make sure that you get in horizontal mode is using \type {\dontleavehmode} which is a wink to \type {\leavevmode}, a command that you should never use in \CONTEXT, so when you come from plain or \LATEX, it's one of the commands you should wipe from your memory. When \TEX\ starts with a paragraph the \type {\everypar} token list is expanded and again this is a primitive you should not mess with yourself unless in very controlled situations. If you change its content, you're on your own with respect to interferences and side effects. One of the things that \TEX\ does in injecting the indentation. Even when there is none, it gets added, not as skip but as an empty horizontal box of a certain width. This is easier on the engine when it constructs the paragraph from the one liner: starting with a skip demands a bit more testing in the process (a nice trick so to say). However, in \CONTEXT\ we enable the \LUAMETATEX\ feature that does use a skip instead of a box. It's part of the normalization that is discussed later. Instead of checking for a box with property indent, we check for a skip with such property. This is often easier and cleaner. A bit off topic is the fact that in traditional \TEX\ empty lines or \type {\par} primitives can trigger an error. This has to do with the fact that the program evolved in a time where paper terminals were used and runtime could be excessive. So, in order to catch a possible missing brace, a concept of \type {\long} macros, permitting \type {\par} or equivalents in arguments, was introduced as well as not permitting them in for instance display math. In \CONTEXT\ \MKII\ most macros that could be sensitive for this were defined as \type {\long} so that users never had to bother about it and probably were not even aware of it. Right from the start in \LUATEX\ these error|-|triggers could be disabled which of course we enable in \CONTEXT\ and in \LUAMETATEX\ these features have been removed altogether. I don't think users will complain about this. If you want to enforce a newline but not a new paragraph you can use the \type {\crlf} command. When used on its own it will produce an empty line. Don't use this to create whitespace between lines. If you want to do something after so called par tokens are seen you can do this: \startbuffer \def\foo{{\bf >>>> }} \expandafterpars\foo this is a new paragraph ... \expandafterpars\foo \par\par\par\par this is a new paragraph ... \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] This not to be confused with \type {\everypar} which is a token list that \TEX\ itself injects before each paragraph (also nested ones). \getbuffer This is typically a primitive that will only be used in macros. You can actually program it using macros: pickup a token, check and push it back when it's not a par equivalent token. The primitive is is just nicer (and easier on the log when tracing is enabled). \stopsection \startsection[title=Properties] A paragraph is just a collection of lines that result from one input line that got broken. This process of breaking into lines is influenced by quite some parameters. In traditional \TEX\ and also in \LUAMETATEX\ by default the values that are in effect when the end of the paragraph is met are used. So, when you change them in a group and then ends the paragraph after the group, the values you've set in the group are not used. However, in \LUAMETATEX\ we can optionally store them with the paragraph. When that happens the values current at the start are frozen. You can still overload them but that has to be done explicitly then. The advantage is that grouping no longer interferes with the line break algorithm. The magic primitive is \type {\snapshotpar} which takes a number made from categories mentioned below: \starttabulate[|l|l|r|] \BC variable \BC category \BC code \NC \NR \NC \type {\hsize} \NC hsize \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenhsizecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\leftskip} \NC skip \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenskipcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\rightskip} \NC skip \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenskipcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\hangindent} \NC hang \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenhangcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\hangafter} \NC hang \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenhangcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\parindent} \NC indent \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenindentcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\parfillleftskip} \NC par fill \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenparfillcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\parfillrightskip} \NC par fill \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenparfillcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\adjustspacing} \NC adjust \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenadjustcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\adjustspacingstep} \NC adjust \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenadjustcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\adjustspacingshrink} \NC adjust \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenadjustcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\adjustspacingstretch} \NC adjust \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenadjustcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\protrudechars} \NC protrude \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenprotrudecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\pretolerance} \NC tolerance \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozentolerancecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\tolerance} \NC tolerance \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozentolerancecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\emergencystretch} \NC stretch \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenstretchcode \NC \NR \NC \type {\looseness} \NC looseness \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenloosenesscode \NC \NR \NC \type {\lastlinefit} \NC last line \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlastlinecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\linepenalty} \NC line penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlinepenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\interlinepenalty} \NC line penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlinepenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\interlinepenalties} \NC line penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlinepenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\clubpenalty} \NC club penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenclubpenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\clubpenalties} \NC club penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenclubpenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\widowpenalty} \NC widow penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenwidowpenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\widowpenalties} \NC widow penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenwidowpenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\displaywidowpenalty} \NC display penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozendisplaypenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\displaywidowpenalties} \NC display penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozendisplaypenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\brokenpenalty} \NC broken penalty \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenbrokenpenaltycode \NC \NR \NC \type {\adjdemerits} \NC demerits \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozendemeritscode \NC \NR \NC \type {\doublehyphendemerits} \NC demerits \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozendemeritscode \NC \NR \NC \type {\finalhyphendemerits} \NC demerits \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozendemeritscode \NC \NR \NC \type {\parshape} \NC shape \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenshapecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\baselineskip} \NC line \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlinecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\lineskip} \NC line \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlinecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\lineskiplimit} \NC line \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenlinecode \NC \NR \NC \type {\hyphenationmode} \NC hyphenation \NC 0x\uchexnumbers\frozenhyphenationcode \NC \NR \stoptabulate As you can see here, there are more paragraph related parameters than in for instance \PDFTEX\ and \LUATEX\ and these are (to be) explained in the \LUAMETATEX\ manual. You can imagine that keeping this around with the paragraph adds some extra overhead to the machinery but most users won't notice that because is is compensated by gains elsewhere. This is pretty low level and there are a bunch of helpers that support this but these are not really user level macros. As with everything \TEX\ you can mess around as much as you like, and the code gives plenty of examples but when you do this, you're on your own because it can interfere with \CONTEXT\ core functionality. In \LMTX\ taking these snapshots is turned on by default and because it thereby fundamentally influences the par builder, users can run into compatibility issues but in practice there has been no complaints (and this feature has been in use quite a while before this document was written). One reason for users not noticing is that one of the big benefits is probably handled by tricks mentioned on the mailing list. Imagine that you have this: \starttyping[option=TEX] {\bf watch out:} here is some text \stoptyping In this small example the result will be as expected. But what if something magic with the start of a paragraph is done? Like this: \starttyping[option=TEX] \placefigure[left]{A cow!}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf]} {\bf watch out:} here is some text ... of course much more is needed to get a flow around the figure! \stoptyping The figure will hang at the left side of the paragraph but it is put there when the text starts and that happens inside the bold group. It means that the properties we set in order to get the shape around the figure are lost as soon as we're at \quote{\type {here is some text}} and definitely is wrong when the paragraph ends and the par builder has to use them to get the shape right. We get text overlapping the figure. A trick to overcome this is: \starttyping[option=TEX] \dontleavehmode {\bf watch out:} here is some text ... of course much more is needed to get a flow around the figure! \stoptyping where the first macro makes sure we already start a paragraph before the group is entered (using a \type {\strut} also works). It's not nice and I bet users have been bitten by this and by now know the tricks. But, with snapshots such fuzzy hacks are not needed any more! The same is true with this: \starttyping[option=TEX] {\leftskip 1em some text \par} \stoptyping where we had to explicitly end the paragraph inside the group in order to retain the skip. I suppose that users normally use the high level environments so they never had to worry about this. It's also why users probably won't notice that this new mechanism has been active for a while. Actually, when you now change a parameter inside the paragraph its new value will not be applied (unless you prefix it with \type {\frozen} or snapshot it) but no one did that anyway. \stopsection \startsection[title=Wrapping up] In \CONTEXT\ \LMTX\ we have a mechanism to exercise macros (or content) before a paragraph ends. This is implemented using the \type {\wrapuppar} primitive. The to be wrapped up material is bound to the current paragraph which in order to get this done has to be started when this primitive is used. Although the high level interface has been around for a while it still needs a bit more testing (read: use cases are needed). In the few cases where we already use it application can be different because again it relates to snapshots. This because in the past we had to use tricks that also influenced the user interface of some macros (which made them less natural as one would expect). So the question is: where do we apply it in old mechanisms and where not. {\em todo: accumulation, interference, where applied, limitations} % \vbox {vbox : \wrapuppar{1}test\par x\wrapuppar{2}test}\blank % \vtop {vtop : \wrapuppar{1}test\par x\wrapuppar{2}test}\blank % \vcenter{vcenter : \wrapuppar{1}test\par x\wrapuppar{2}test}\blank % $$x = \vcenter{vcenter : \wrapuppar{1}test\par x\wrapuppar{2}test}$$\blank % x\vadjust{vadjust : \wrapuppar{1}test\par x\wrapuppar{2}test}x\blank \stopsection \startsection[title=Hanging] There are two mechanisms for getting a specific paragraph shape: rectangular hanging and arbitrary shapes. Both mechanisms work top|-|down. The first mechanism uses a combination of \type {\hangafter} and \type {\hangindent}, and the second one depends on \type {\parshape}. In this section we discuss the rectangular one. \startbuffer[demo-5] \hangafter 4 \hangindent 4cm \samplefile{tufte} \page \hangafter -4 \hangindent 4cm \samplefile{tufte} \page \hangafter 4 \hangindent -4cm \samplefile{tufte} \page \hangafter -4 \hangindent -4cm \samplefile{tufte} \page \stopbuffer \typebuffer[demo-5][option=TEX] As you can see in \in {figure} [fig:hang], the four cases are driven by the sign of the values. If you want to hang into the margin you need to use different tricks, like messing with the \type {\leftskip}, \type {\rightskip} or \type {\parindent} parameters (which then of course can interfere with other mechanisms uses at the same time). \startplacefigure[title=Hanging indentation,reference=fig:hang] \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2] {\typesetbuffer[demo-5][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {\type{\hangafter +4 \hangindent +4cm}} {\typesetbuffer[demo-5][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {\type{\hangafter -4 \hangindent +4cm}} {\typesetbuffer[demo-5][page=3,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {\type{\hangafter +4 \hangindent -4cm}} {\typesetbuffer[demo-5][page=4,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {\type{\hangafter -4 \hangindent -4cm}} \stopcombination \stopplacefigure \stopsection \startsection[title=Shapes] In \CONTEXT\ we don't use \type {\parshape} a lot. It is used in for instance side floats but even there not in all cases. It's more meant for special applications. This means that in \MKII\ and \MKIV\ we don't have some high level interface. However, when \METAFUN\ got upgraded to \LUAMETAFUN, and the manual also needed an update, one of the examples in that manual that used shapes also got done differently (read: nicer). And that triggered the arrival of a new low level shape mechanism. One important property of the \type {\parshape} mechanism is that it works per paragraph. You define a shape in terms of a left margin and width of a line. The shape has a fixed number of such pairs and when there is more content, the last one is used for the rest of the lines. When the paragraph is finished, the shape is forgotten. \footnote {Not discussed here is a variant that might end up in \LUAMETATEX\ that works with the progression, i.e.\ takes the height of the content so far into account. This is somewhat tricky because for that to work vertical skips need to be frozen, which is no real big deal but has to be done careful in the code.} The high level interface is a follow up on the example in the \METAFUN\ manual and uses shapes that carry over to the next paragraph. In addition we can cycle over a shape. In this interface shapes are defined using keyword. Here are some examples: \starttyping[option=TEX] \startparagraphshape[test] left 1mm right 1mm left 5mm right 5mm \stopparagraphshape \stoptyping This shape has only two entries so the first line will have a 1mm margin while later lines will get 5mm margins. This translates into a \type {\parshape} like: \starttyping[option=TEX] \parshape 2 1mm \dimexpr\hsize-1mm\relax 5mm \dimexpr\hsize-5mm\relax \stoptyping Watch the number \type {2}: it tells how many specification lines follow. As you see, we need to calculate the width. \starttyping[option=TEX] \startparagraphshape[test] left 1mm right 1mm left 5mm right 5mm repeat \stopparagraphshape \stoptyping This variant will alternate between 1mm and 5mm margins. The repeating feature is translated as follows. Maybe at some point I will introduce a few more options. \starttyping[option=TEX] \parshape 2 options 1 1mm \dimexpr\hsize-1mm\relax 5mm \dimexpr\hsize-5mm\relax \stoptyping A shape can have some repetition, and we can save keystrokes by copying the last entry. The resulting \type {\parshape} becomes rather long. \starttyping[option=TEX] \startparagraphshape[test] left 1mm right 1mm left 2mm right 2mm left 3mm right 3mm copy 8 left 4mm right 4mm left 5mm right 5mm left 5mm hsize 10cm \stopparagraphshape \stoptyping Also watch the \type {hsize} keyword: we don't calculate the hsize from the \type {left} and \type {right} values but explicitly set it. \starttyping[option=TEX] \startparagraphshape[test] left 1mm right 1mm right 3mm left 5mm right 5mm repeat \stopparagraphshape \stoptyping When a \type {right} keywords comes first the \type {left} is assumed to be zero. In the examples that follow we will use a couple of definitions: \startbuffer[setup-0] \startparagraphshape[test] both 1mm both 2mm both 3mm both 4mm both 5mm both 6mm both 7mm both 6mm both 5mm both 4mm both 3mm both 2mm \stopparagraphshape \stopbuffer \startbuffer[setup-0-repeat] \startparagraphshape[test-repeat] both 1mm both 2mm both 3mm both 4mm both 5mm both 6mm both 7mm both 6mm both 5mm both 4mm both 3mm both 2mm repeat \stopparagraphshape \stopbuffer \typebuffer[setup-0,setup-0-repeat][option=TEX] The last one could also be defines as: \starttyping[option=TEX] \startparagraphshape[test-repeat] \rawparagraphshape{test} repeat \stopparagraphshape \stoptyping In the previous code we already introduced the \type {repeat} option. This will make the shape repeat at the engine level when the shape runs out of specified lines. In the application of a shape definition we can specify a \type {method} to be used and that determine if the next paragraph will start where we left off and discard afterwards (\type {shift}) or that we move the discarded lines up front so that we never run out of lines (\type {cycle}). It sounds complicated but just keep in mind that \type {repeat} is part of the \type {\parshape} and act within a paragraph while \type {shift} and \type {cycle} are applied when a new paragraph is started. \startbuffer[demo-1] \startshapedparagraph[list=test] \dorecurse{8}{\showparagraphshape\samplefile{tufte} \par} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \startbuffer[demo-1-repeat] \startshapedparagraph[list=test-repeat] \dorecurse{8}{\showparagraphshape\samplefile{tufte} \par} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer In \in {figure} [fig:shape:discard] you see the following applied: \typebuffer[demo-1,demo-1-repeat][option=TEX] \startplacefigure[title=Discarded shaping,reference=fig:shape:discard] \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2] {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-1] [page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {discard, finite shape, page 1} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-1] [page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {discard, finite shape, page 2} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-1-repeat][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {discard, repeat in shape, page 1} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-1-repeat][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {discard, repeat in shape, page 2} \stopcombination \stopplacefigure In \in {figure} [fig:shape:shift] we use this instead: \startbuffer[demo-2] \startshapedparagraph[list=test,method=shift] \dorecurse{8}{\showparagraphshape\samplefile{tufte} \par} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \startbuffer[demo-2-shift] \startshapedparagraph[list=test-repeat,method=shift] \dorecurse{8}{\showparagraphshape\samplefile{tufte} \par} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \typebuffer[demo-2,demo-2-repeat][option=TEX] \startplacefigure[title=Shifted shaping,reference=fig:shape:shift] \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2] {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-2][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {shift, finite shape, page 1} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-2][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {shift, finite shape, page 2} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0-repeat,demo-2-shift][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {shift, repeat in shape, page 1} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0-repeat,demo-2-shift][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {shift, repeat in shape, page 2} \stopcombination \stopplacefigure Finally, in \in {figure} [fig:shape:cycle] we use: \startbuffer[demo-3] \startshapedparagraph[list=test,method=cycle] \dorecurse{8}{\showparagraphshape\samplefile{tufte} \par} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \startbuffer[demo-3-cycle] \startshapedparagraph[list=test-repeat,method=cycle] \dorecurse{8}{\showparagraphshape\samplefile{tufte} \par} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \typebuffer[demo-3,demo-3-repeat][option=TEX] \startplacefigure[title=Cycled shaping,reference=fig:shape:cycle] \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2] {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-3][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {cycle, finite shape, page 1} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0,demo-3][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {cycle, finite shape, page 2} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0-repeat,demo-3-cycle][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {cycle, repeat in shape, page 1} {\typesetbuffer[setup-0-repeat,demo-3-cycle][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {cycle, repeat in shape, page 2} \stopcombination \stopplacefigure These examples are probably too small to see the details but you can run them yourself or zoom in on the details. In the margin we show the values used. Here is a simple example of (non) poetry. There are other environments that can be used instead but this makes a good example anyway. \startbuffer \startparagraphshape[test] left 0em right 0em left 1em right 0em repeat \stopparagraphshape \startshapedparagraph[list=test,method=cycle] verse line 1.1\crlf verse line 2.1\crlf verse line 3.1\crlf verse line 4.1\par verse line 1.2\crlf verse line 2.2\crlf verse line 3.2\crlf verse line 4.2\crlf verse line 5.2\crlf verse line 6.2\par \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] \start \getbuffer \stop Because the idea for this feature originates in \METAFUN, we will now kick in some \METAPOST. The following code creates a shape for a circle. We use a 2mm offset here: \startbuffer \startuseMPgraphic{circle} path p ; p := fullcircle scaled TextWidth ; build_parshape(p, 2mm, 0, 0, LineHeight, StrutHeight, StrutDepth, StrutHeight ) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] \start \getbuffer \stop We plug this into the already described macros: \startbuffer \startshapedparagraph[mp=circle]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]% \samplefile{tufte} \samplefile{tufte} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] And get ourself a circular shape. Watch out, at this moment the shape environment does not add grouping so when as in this case you change the alignment it can influence the document. \start \getbuffer \stop \startbuffer[framed] \framed[align=normal,width=\textwidth,offset=2mm,strut=no]\bgroup \getbuffer \egroup \stopbuffer Assuming that the shape definition above is in a buffer we can do this: \typebuffer[option=TEX] The result is shown in \in {figure} [fig:shape:circle]. Because all action happens in the framed environment, we can also use this definition: \starttyping[option=TEX] \startuseMPgraphic{circle} path p ; p := fullcircle scaled \the\dimexpr\framedwidth+\framedoffset*2\relax ; build_parshape(p, \framedoffset, 0, 0, LineHeight, StrutHeight, StrutDepth, StrutHeight ) ; draw p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stoptyping \startplacefigure[title=A framed circular shape,reference=fig:shape:circle] \getbuffer[framed] \stopplacefigure A mechanism like this is often never completely automatic in the sense that you need to keep an eye on the results. Depending on user demands more features can be added. With weird shapes you might want to set up the alignment to be \type {tolerant} and have some \type {stretch}. The interface described in the \METAFUN\ manual is pretty old, the time stamp of the original code is mid 2000, but the principles didn't change. The examples in \type {meta-imp-txt.mkxl} can now be written as: \startuseMPgraphic{test 1} begingroup ; save p ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 6cm ; lmt_parshape [ path = p, offset = BodyFontSize/2, dx = 0, % default dy = 0, % default lineheight = LineHeight, % default strutheight = StrutHeight, % default strutdepth = StrutDepth, % default topskip = StrutHeight, % default ] ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt ; endgroup ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{test 2} begingroup ; save p ; path p ; p := fullsquare rotated 45 scaled 5cm ; lmt_parshape [ path = p, offset = BodyFontSize/2, trace = true, ] ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt ; endgroup ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{test 3} begingroup ; save w, h, p ; path p ; w := h := 6cm ; p := (.5w,h) -- ( 0, h) -- (0,0) -- (w,0) & ( w,0) .. (.75w,.5h) .. (w,h) & (w,h) -- cycle ; lmt_parshape [ path = p, offset = BodyFontSize/2, ] ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt ; endgroup ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{test 4} begingroup ; save d, p, q ; path p, q ; d := BodyFontSize/2; vardef shape(expr w, h, o) = (o,o) -- (w-o,o) & (w-o,o) .. (.75w-o,.5h) .. (w-2o,h-o) & (w-2o,h-o) -- (o,h-o) -- cycle enddef ; p := shape(6cm, 6cm, d) ; q := shape(6cm, 6cm, 0) ; lmt_parshape [ path = p, offsetpath = q, dx = d, dy = d, trace = true, ] ; draw q withpen pencircle scaled 1pt ; endgroup ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[test 1][\useMPgraphic{test 1}] \defineoverlay[test 2][\useMPgraphic{test 2}] \defineoverlay[test 3][\useMPgraphic{test 3}] \defineoverlay[test 4][\useMPgraphic{test 4}] \startbuffer \startshapetext[test 1,test 2,test 3,test 4] \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,normal]% \samplefile{douglas} % Douglas R. Hofstadter \stopshapetext \startcombination[2*2] {\framed[offset=overlay,frame=off,background=test 1]{\getshapetext}} {test 1} {\framed[offset=overlay,frame=off,background=test 2]{\getshapetext}} {test 2} {\framed[offset=overlay,frame=off,background=test 3]{\getshapetext}} {test 3} {\framed[offset=overlay,frame=off,background=test 4]{\getshapetext}} {test 4} \stopcombination \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] In \in {figure} [fig:shapes:chain] we see the result. Watch how for two shapes we have enabled tracing. Of course you need to tweak till all fits well but we're talking of special situations anyway. \startplacefigure[Title=Multiple shapes,reference=fig:shapes:chain] \getbuffer \stopplacefigure Here is a bit more extreme example. Again we use a circle: \startbuffer \startuseMPgraphic{circle} lmt_parshape [ path = fullcircle scaled 136mm, offset = 2mm, bottomskip = - 1.5LineHeight, ] ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] But we output a longer text: \startbuffer \startshapedparagraph[mp=circle,repeat=yes,method=cycle]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]\dontcomplain {\darkred \samplefile{tufte}}\par {\darkgreen \samplefile{tufte}}\par {\darkblue \samplefile{tufte}}\par {\darkcyan \samplefile{tufte}}\par {\darkmagenta \samplefile{tufte}}\par \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] We get a multi|-|page shape: \start \getbuffer \stop Compare this with: \startbuffer \startshapedparagraph[mp=circle,repeat=yes,method=cycle]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]\dontcomplain {\darkred \samplefile{tufte}} {\darkgreen \samplefile{tufte}} {\darkblue \samplefile{tufte}} {\darkcyan \samplefile{tufte}} {\darkmagenta \samplefile{tufte}} \stopshapedparagraph \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] Which gives: \start \getbuffer \stop Here the \type {bottomskip} takes care of subtle rounding issues as well as discarding the last line in the shape so that we get nicer continuation. There is no full automated solution for all you can come up with. Mixing a \METAPOST\ specification into a regular one is also possible. The next example demonstrates this as well as the option to remove some lines from a specification: \starttyping[option=TEX] \startparagraphshape[test] left 0em right 0em left 1em right 0em metapost {circle} delete 3 metapost {circle,circle,circle} delete 7 metapost {circle} repeat \stopparagraphshape \stoptyping You can combine a shape with narrowing a paragraph. Watch the \type {absolute} keyword in the next code. The result is shown in \in {figure} [fig:shape:skips]. \startbuffer[demo-4] \startuseMPgraphic{circle} lmt_parshape [ path = fullcircle scaled TextWidth, bottomskip = - 1.5LineHeight, ] ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startparagraphshape[test-1] metapost {circle} repeat \stopparagraphshape \startparagraphshape[test-2] absolute left metapost {circle} repeat \stopparagraphshape \startparagraphshape[test-3] absolute right metapost {circle} repeat \stopparagraphshape \startparagraphshape[test-4] absolute both metapost {circle} repeat \stopparagraphshape \showframe \startnarrower[4*left,2*right] \startshapedparagraph[list=test-1,repeat=yes,method=repeat]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]\dontcomplain \dorecurse{3}{\samplefile{thuan}} \stopshapedparagraph \page \startshapedparagraph[list=test-2,repeat=yes,method=repeat]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]\dontcomplain \dorecurse{3}{\samplefile{thuan}} \stopshapedparagraph \page \startshapedparagraph[list=test-3,repeat=yes,method=repeat]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]\dontcomplain \dorecurse{3}{\samplefile{thuan}} \stopshapedparagraph \page \startshapedparagraph[list=test-4,repeat=yes,method=repeat]% \setupalign[verytolerant,stretch,last]\dontcomplain \dorecurse{3}{\samplefile{thuan}} \stopshapedparagraph \stopnarrower \stopbuffer \typebuffer[demo-4][option=TEX] \startplacefigure[title=Skip compensation,reference=fig:shape:skips] \startcombination[nx=2,ny=2] {\typesetbuffer[demo-4][page=1,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {test 1} {\typesetbuffer[demo-4][page=2,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {test 2, left} {\typesetbuffer[demo-4][page=3,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {test 3, right} {\typesetbuffer[demo-4][page=4,width=.4\textwidth,frame=on]} {test 4, both} \stopcombination \stopplacefigure \stopsection % \startsection[title=Linebreaks] \startsection[title=Modes] % \ruledvbox{1\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 1}\fi} % hsize % \ruledvbox{\hbox{\strut 2}\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 2}\fi} % fit % \ruledvbox{\hbox{\strut 3}\hbox{\strut 3}\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 3}\fi} % fit % \ruledvbox{\hbox{\strut 4}4\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 4}\fi} % hsize % \ruledvbox{\hbox{\strut 5}5\hbox{\strut 5}\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 5}\fi} % hsize % \ruledvbox{6\hbox{\strut 6}\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 6}\fi} % hsize {\em todo: some of the side effects of so called modes} \stopsection \startsection[title=Normalization] {\em todo: users don't need to bother about this but it might be interesting anyway} \stopsection \stopdocument \everyhbox \everyvbox : useless unless one resets \parattr \snapshotpar \wrapuppar % \parfillleftskip % I rewarded myself after writing a section by watching the video "Final Thing On % My Mind", The Pineapple This, Live, 2020, the usual perfect GH performance, % wondering if live would turn to normal so that we could go to such concerts once % again given successive covids. Writing manuals can do with a distraction. % % Gavin Harrison: Soundcheck, Drummerworld Jan 27, 2021 ... I wish I could make % something called a check into pefect solo. Okay, another section and I'll check % out the latest Simon Phillips and other favourite dummer uploads.