% language=uk \startcomponent languages-sorting \environment languages-environment \startchapter[title=Sorting][color=darkblue] \startsection[title=Introduction] Sorting is complex, not so much for English, Dutch, German, etc. only texts but there are languages and scripts that are more demanding. There are several complications: \startitemize \startitem There can be characters that have accents, like à, á, â, ã, ä \unknown\ that have a base shape a and in an index these often end up close to each other. The order can differ per language. \stopitem \startitem There are upper and lowercase words and there can be different expectations to them being mixed or separated. \stopitem \startitem Some scripts have characters that are combinations, like Æ, and one might want to see them as one character or two, in which the second one obeys the sorting order. The shape can dominate here. \stopitem \startitem Some scripts, like Japanese, are a combination of several scripts and sorting then depends on normalization. \stopitem \startitem When there are many glyphs, like in Chinese, the order can depend on the complexity of the glyph and when we're lucky that order is reflected in the numeric character order. \stopitem \stopitemize Often the rules are somewhat strict and one can doubt of the same rules would have been imposed if computers had been developed earlier. Given discussions one can doubt if the rules are really consistent or just there because someone (or a group) with influence set the standard (not so much different from grammar). So, if we deal with sorting, we do that in such a way that users can (to some extend) influence the outcome. After all, one important aspect of typesetting and organizing content is that the users gets the feeling of control and a diversion from a standard can be part of that. The reader will often not notice these details. In the next sections we will explore the way sorting is done in \CONTEXT. The method evolved over a few decades. In \MKII\ sorting happened between runs and it was just part of the processing of a document that users never really saw in action. Sorting just happened and few users will have noticed that we moved from a \MODULA\ program to a \PERL\ script and ended up with a \RUBY\ script. In fact, there is a \LUA\ replacement but it never got tested well because we moved in to \MKIV. There all happens inside the engine using \LUA. Some principles stayed the same but we are more flexible now. \stopsection \startsection[title=How it works] How does sorting work out? Take these words: \startlines abracadabra abräcàdábra àbracádabrä ábracadàbra äbrácadabrà \stoplines As long as they end up in an order where the reader can find it, we're okay. After all we're pretty good in pattern recognition. There are probably many ways to implement a sorter but the one we uses is more or less a follow up on the one we had for over a decade and was the result of an evolution based on user demand. It boils down to cleaning up the string in such a way that it can be split into meaningful characters. One can argue that we should use some kd of standardized sorting method but the problem is that we always have to deal with for instance embedded tex commands and mixed content, for instance numbers. And users using the same language can have different opinions about the rules too. A word (or sequence of words) is split into characters. Because there can be \TEX\ commands in there some cleanup happens beforehand. After that we create several lists with numbers that will be compared when sorting two entries. \startluacode -- local ignoredoffset = sorters.constants.ignoredoffset -- local replacementoffset = sorters.constants.replacementoffset -- local digitsoffset = sorters.constants.digitsoffset -- local digitsmaximum = sorters.constants.digitsmaximum local context = context local utfchar = utf.char local utfyte = utf.byte local concat = table.concat local gsub = string.gsub local formatters = string.formatters local f_char = formatters["%s"] local f_byte = formatters["x%02X"] local meaning = { ch = "raw character", mm = "minus mapping", zm = "zero mapping", pm = "plus mapping", mc = "lowercase - 1", zc = "lowercase", pc = "lowercase + 1", uc = "unicode", } local function show(s,key,bodyfont) local c = s[key] local t = { } for i=1,#c do local ci = c[i] if type(ci) == "string" then t[i] = f_char(ci) else t[i] = f_byte(ci) end end t = concat(t,"~") context.NC() context.maincolor() context(key) context.NC() context.maincolor() context(meaning[key]) context.NC() if bodyfont then context.switchtobodyfont{bodyfont} end context(t) context.NC() context.NR() end function document.ShowSortSplit(str,language,bodyfont) sorters.setlanguage(language or "en") local s = sorters.splitters.utf(str) context.starttabulate{ "|Tl|Tlj2|Tp|" } context.FL() context.NC() context.NC() context.maincolor() context(language) context.NC() if bodyfont then context.switchtobodyfont{bodyfont} end context.maincolor() context(str) context.NC() context.NR() context.ML() show(s,"ch",bodyfont) show(s,"uc") show(s,"zc") show(s,"mc") show(s,"pc") show(s,"zm") show(s,"mm") show(s,"pm") context.LL() context.stoptabulate() end \stopluacode We can best demonstrate this with a few examples. As usual an English language example is trivial. \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("abracadabra","en")} When we add an uppercase character we get a slightly different outcome: \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("Abracadabra","en")} Some characters will be split, like \type {æ}: \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("æsop","en")} It gets more complex when langiage specific demands kick in. Compare an English, German and Austrian split: \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("Abräcàdábra","en")} \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("Abräcàdábra","de")} \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("Abräcàdábra","de-at")} The way a character gets replaced, like \type {ä} into \type {ae}, is defined in \type {sort-lan.lua} using \LUA\ tables. We will not explain all the obscure details here; most of the work is already done, so users are not bothered by these definitions. And new ones can often be made by copying and adapting an existing one. The sorting itself is specified by a sequence: \starttabulate[|TlCT{maincolor}|Tl|] \NC default \NC zc,pc,zm,pm,uc \NC \NR \NC before \NC mm,mc,uc \NC \NR \NC after \NC pm,mc,uc \NC \NR \NC first \NC pc,mm,uc \NC \NR \NC last \NC mc,mm,uc \NC \NR \stoptabulate The raw character is what we get after the (language specific) replacement has been applied and the unicodes are used when comparing. Lowercasing is done using the \UNICODE\ lowercase code, but one can define language specific ones too. The plus and minus variants can be used to force lowercase before or after uppercase. The mapping is based on an alphabet specification so this can differ per language and again we also provide plus and minus values that depend on case. When a character has no case we use shapes instead. For instance, the shape of \type {à} is \type {a}. Digits are treated special and currently get an offset so that they end up last in the sort order. \defineregister[jindex] \startbuffer ぱあ \jindex{ぱあ} ぱー \jindex{ぱー} ぱぁ \jindex{ぱぁ} \stopbuffer {\switchtobodyfont[ipaex]\startlines\typebuffer\stoplines} This three entry index\jindex{ぱあ}\jindex{ぱー}\jindex{ぱぁ} should be sorted in the order: {\switchtobodyfont[ipaex]\ruledhbox{ぱー}\enspace\ruledhbox{ぱぁ}\enspace\ruledhbox{ぱあ}}. {\mainlanguage[jp]\switchtobodyfont[ipaex]\placeregister[jindex][language=jp,n=1,method=default]} {\mainlanguage[jp]\switchtobodyfont[ipaex]\placeregister[jindex][language=jp,n=1,method=zm]} \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("ぱあ","jp","ipaex")} \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("ぱー","jp","ipaex")} \ctxlua{document.ShowSortSplit("ぱぁ","jp","ipaex")} {\em To be continued!} \stopsection % ぱー $\prec$ ぱぁ $\prec$ ぱあ \startsection[title=Special usage] The following example demonstrates how you can trick the sorter into doing other things: \footnote {The \type {replacementlist} helper is the result of a request by John Grasty on the mailing list.} \startbuffer \startluacode local list = { -- old testament "Genesis", "Exodus", "Leviticus", "Numbers", "Deuteronomy", "Joshua", "Judges", "Ruth", "1 Samuel", "2 Samuel", "1 Kings", "2 Kings", "1 Chronicles", "2 Chronicles", "Ezra", "Nehemiah", "Esther", "Job", "Psalms", "Proverbs", "Ecclesiastes", "Canticles", "Isaiah", "Jeremiah", "Lamentations", "Ezekiel", "Daniel", "Hosea", "Joel", "Amos", "Obadiah", "Jonah", "Micah", "Nahum", "Habakkuk", "Zephaniah", "Haggai", "Zechariah", "Malachi", -- new testament "Matthew", "Mark", "Luke", "John", "Acts", "Romans", "1 Corinthians", "2 Corinthians", "Galatians", "Ephesians", "Philippians", "Colossians", "1 Thessalonians", "2 Thessalonians", "1 Timothy", "2 Timothy", "Titus", "Philemon", "Hebrews", "James", "1 Peter", "2 Peter", "1 John", "2 John", "3 John", "Jude", "Revelation", } sorters.definitions["bible"] = { replacements = sorters.replacementlist(list), } \stopluacode \defineregister [booksort] [language=bible, n=3, criterium=text, indicator=no] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer We use this as follows: \startbuffer One \booksort{Genesis+5.2} Two \booksort{Exodus+2} Three \booksort{Genesis+45} Four \booksort{Philemon+2} Five \booksort{John+45} Six \booksort{1 John 1+45} Seven \booksort{2 John 2+45} \placeregister [booksort] [language=bible] \stopbuffer \typebuffer which gives: \getbuffer \stoptext \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent