% language=uk \startcomponent languages-introduction \environment languages-environment \startchapter[title=Introduction][color=darkgray] This document describes an important property of the \TEX\ typesetting system and \CONTEXT\ in particular: the ability to deal with different languages at the same time. With languages we refer to natural languages. So, we're not going to discuss the \TEX\ language itself, not \METAPOST, nor \LUA. The original application of \TEX\ was English that uses the Latin script. The fonts that came with \TEX\ were suitable for that usage. When lines became too long they could be hyphenated using so called hyphenation patterns. Due to the implementation for many years there was a close relationship between fonts and hyphenation. Although at some point many more languages and scripts were supported, it was only when the \UNICODE\ aware variants showed up that hyphenation and fonts were decoupled. This makes it much more easier to mix languages that use different scripts. Although Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other languages have been supported for a while using (sometimes dirty) tricks, we now have cleaner implementations. We can hyphenate words in all languages (and scripts) that have a need for it, that is, split it at the end of a line and add a symbol before and|/|or after the break. The way words are broken into parts is called hyphenation and so called patterns are used to achieve that goal. The way these patterns are constructed and applied was part of the research related to \TEX\ development. The method used is also applied in other programs and is probably one of the few popular ways to deal with hyphenation. There have been ideas about extensions that cover the demands of certain languages but so far nothing better has shown up. In the end \TEX\ does a pretty decent job and more advanced tricks don't necessarily lead to better results. Hyphenation is driven by a language number and that's about it. This means that one cannot claim that \TEX\ in its raw form supports languages, other than that it can hyphenate and use fonts that provide the glyphs. It's upto a macro package to wrap this into a mechanism that provides the user an interface. So, when we speak about language support, hyphenation is only one aspect. Labels, like the \type {figure} in {\em figure~1.2} need to adapt to the main document language. When dates are shown they can be language specific. Scientific units and math function names can also be subjected to translation. Registers and other lists have to be sorted according to specific rules. Spacing dan differ per language. In this manual we will cover some of functionality in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ that relates to languages (and scripts). This manual is a compliment to other manuals, articles and documentation. Here we mostly focus on the language aspects. Some of the content (or maybe most) might looks alien and complex to you. This is because one purpose of this manual is to provide a place to wrap up some aspects of \CONTEXT. If you're not interested in that, just stick to the more general manuals that also cover language aspects. \startnotabene This document is still under construction. The functionality discussed here will stay and more might show up. Of course there are errors, and they're all mine. The text is not checked for spelling errors. Feel free to let me know what should get added. \stopnotabene \startlines Hans Hagen PRAGMA ADE, Hasselt NL 2013 \emdash\ 2016 \stoplines \stopchapter \stopcomponent