% language=uk \environment languages-environment \startcomponent languages-goodies \startchapter[title=Goodies][color=darkorange] \startsection[title=Introduction] There are some features that will only be used in rare cases. They were often implemented as experiment but found useful enough to keep around. \stopsection \startsection[title=Spell checking] There are some means to check the spelling of words in your document but get it right: \CONTEXT\ is not a spell|-|checker. These features were added in order to be able to do some quick checking of documents written by multiple authors. There are currently three options and we only show a simple examples. First you need to load word lists. These are either text files with just words separated by spacing. \starttyping[color=maincolor] foobar foo-bar foo=bar foo{}{}{}bar foo{}{}{bar} \stoptyping All these words become \type {foobar} which means that one can use words with discretionary specifications. A text list is loaded with: \startbuffer \loadspellchecklist[en][t:/manuals/lua/words-en.txt] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Instead you can load a \LUA\ file with words. Here we use the same structure that we use for the spell checker provided for \SCITE: \starttyping[color=maincolor] return { max = 9, min = 6, n = 2, words = { ["barfoo"] = "Barfoo" ["foobarred"] = "foobarred", } } \stoptyping We use the same load command (you can also load bytecode files with suffix \type {luc} this way): \startbuffer \loadspellchecklist[nl][t:/scite/data/context/lexers/data/spell-nl.lua] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Usage boils down to enabling the checker. If needed we can add more methods. The first method colors the known and unknown colors. Words shorter then the threshold of 4 will be skipped. \startbuffer \setupspellchecking[state=start,method=1] \en Is this written right or is this wromg?\par % m -> n error \nl Is dit goed geschreven of niet?\par \setupspellchecking[state=stop] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked You can change the colors: \starttyping \definecolor[word:yes] [g=.75] \definecolor[word:no] [r=.75] \stoptyping The second method doesn't show anything but produces a file \type {jobname.words}) with used words. The \type {found} value of \type {list} is used as key in the produced table. \startbuffer \setupspellchecking[state=start,method=2,list=found] \en Is this written right or is this wrong?\par \nl Is dit goed geschreven of niet?\par \setupspellchecking[state=stop] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked The produced table is: \typefile{\jobname.words} The result can be traced with a module: \startbuffer \usemodule[s-languages-words] \showwords \stopbuffer \typebuffer This shows up as: \getbuffer The third mechanism colors languages differently. We only defined a few colors: \starttyping \definecolor[word:en] [b=.75] \definecolor[word:de] [r=.75] \definecolor[word:nl] [g=.75] \definecolor[word:unknown][r=.75,g=.75] \stoptyping but you can of course define a color for your favourite language in a similar way. \startbuffer \setupspellchecking[state=start,method=3] \en Is this written right or is this wrong?\par \nl Is dit goed geschreven of niet?\par \setupspellchecking[state=stop] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent