% language=uk \environment interaction-style \startcomponent interaction-importing \startchapter[title=Importing] This is a very short chapter that deals with external figures. Normally an image is a graphic with possible some text. There are however workflows where one includes pages from other documents. Such documents can contain cross references, bookmarks, comments and|/|or fields. Normally annotations of any kind are ignored and for good reason: they assume the whole document to be the, not just one or a few pages. Merging references for instance is a source for clashes, not only for named ones but also for page references. But when you {\em know} what you're doing, as for instance Taco (who requested this feature) does, there is a way to merge annotations. This is controlled by the interaction keys in \type {externalfigure}: \starttyping \externalfigure[somedoc][page=1,interaction=yes] \externalfigure[somedoc][page=2,interaction={reference,bookmark}] \stoptyping However, only references and bookmarks are officially supported! The other annotations are possible but the code is experimental and will be finished when we find a good reason for it. \starttabulate[|B|p|] \FL \NC \type {reference} \NC named and page references and urls \NC \NR \NC \type {comment} \NC comments if possible with relevant icon \NC \NR \NC \type {bookmark} \NC text bookmarks that refer to pages \NC \NR \NC \type {field} \NC widgets but only within reason \NC \NR \NC \type {layer} \NC viewer layers \NC \NR \ML \NC \type {yes} \NC named and page references, urls and bookmarks \NC \NR \NC \type {all} \NC all annotations \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate If things don't work out well, imagine for a while what is involved in supporting this: analyzing a page from a document, remapping the annotations onto some \CONTEXT\ mechanism, making sure that we don't get clashes, keeping overhead acceptable. Because this is a somewhat tricky feature, tracing can help you to identify problems: \typ {figures.merging}, \typ {figures.links}, \typ {figures.comments}, \typ {figures.fields} and \typ {figures.outlines}. Another complication when including pages can be the presence of so called marked content in the page stream. There is experimental support for removing those but right now (2018) you need to explicitly enable this explicitly: \starttyping \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.uselua] \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.stripmarked] %enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.recompress] \stoptyping This will delegate inclusion from the backend to \LUA. This might become the default as it is just as efficient as using the backend. That way we can filter the content stream. \footnote {We might add a callback to \LUATEX\ for filtering the content stream (no hard todo but post version 1.10).} \stopchapter \stopcomponent