% language=uk \startcomponent hybrid-optimize \environment hybrid-environment \startchapter[title={Optimizations again}] \startsection [title={Introduction}] Occasionally we do some timing on new functionality in either \LUATEX\ or \MKIV, so here's another wrapup. \stopsection \startsection [title={Font loading}] In \CONTEXT\ we cache font data in a certain way. Loading a font from the cache takes hardly any time. However, preparation takes more time as well memory as we need to go from the fontforge ordering to one we can use. In \MKIV\ we have several font tables: \startitemize[packed] \startitem The original fontforge table: this one is only loaded once and converted to another representation that is cached. \stopitem \startitem The cached font representation that is the basis for further manipulations. \stopitem \startitem In base mode this table is converted to a (optionally cached) scaled \TFM\ table that is passed to \TEX. \stopitem \startitem In node mode a limited scaled version is passed to \TEX. As with base mode, this table is kept in memory so that we can access the data. \stopitem \startitem When processing features in node mode additional (shared) subtables are created that extend the memorized catched table. \stopitem \stopitemize This model is already quite old and dates from the beginning of \MKIV. Future versions might use different derived tables but for the moment we need all this data if only because it helps us with the development. The regular method to construct a font suitable for \TEX, either or not using base mode or node mode in \MKIV, is to load the font as table using \type {to_table}, a \type {fontloader} method. This means that all information is available (and can be manipulated). In \MKIV\ this table is converted to another one and in the process new entries are added and existing ones are freed. Quite some garbage collection and table resizing takes place in the process. In the cached instance we share identical tables so there we can gain a lot of memory and avoid garbage collection. The difference in usage is as follows: \starttyping do local f = fontloader.open("somefont.otf") -- allocates font object local t = fontloader.to_table(f) -- allocates table fontloader.close(f) -- frees font object for index, glyph in pairs(t) do local width = glyph.width -- accesses table value end end -- frees table \stoptyping Here \type {t} is a complete \LUA\ table and it can get quite large: script fonts like Zapfino (for latin) or Husayni (for arabic) have lots of alternate shapes and much features related information, fonts meant for \CJK\ usage have tens of thousands of glyphs, and math fonts like Cambria have many glyphs and math specific information. \starttyping do local f = fontloader.open("somefont.otf") -- allocates font object for index=0, t.glyphmax-1 do local glyph = f.glyphs[index] -- assigns user data object if glyph then local width = glyph.width -- calls virtual table value end end fontloader.close(f) -- frees font object end \stoptyping In this case there is no big table, and \type {glyph} is a so called userdata object. Its entries are created when asked for. So, where in the first example the \type {width} of a glyph is a number, in the second case it is a function disguised as virtual key that will return a number. In the first case you can change the width, in the second case you can't. This means that if you want to keep the data around you need to copy it into another table but you can do that stepwise and selectively. Alternatively you can keep the font object in memory. As some glyphs can have much data you can imagine that when you only need to access the width, the userdata method is more efficient. On the other hand, if you need access to all information, the first method is more interesting as less overhead is involved. In the userdata variant only the parent table and its glyph subtable are virtualized, as are entries in an optional subfonts table. So, if you ask for the kerns table of a glyph you will get a real table as it makes no sense to virtualize it. A way in between would have been to request tabls per glyph but as we will see there is no real benefit in that while it would further complicate the code. When in \LUATEX\ 0.63 the loaded font object became partially virtual it was time to revision the loading code to see if we could benefit from this. In the following tables we distinguish three cases: the original but adapted loading code \footnote {For practical reasons we share as much odd as possible between the methods so some reorganization was needed.}, already a few years old, the new sparse loading code, using the userdata approach and no longer a raw table, and a mixed approach where we still use the raw table but instead of manipulating that one, construct a new one from it. It must be noticed that in the process of integrating the new method the traditional method suffered. First we tested Oriental \TEX's Husayni font. This one has lots of features, many of lookups, and quite some glyphs. Keep in mind that the times concern the preparation and not the reload from the cache, which is more of less neglectable. The memory consumption is a snapshot of the current run just after the font has been loaded. Peak memory is what bothers most users. Later we will explain what the values between parenthesis refer to. \starttabulate[|l|c|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf used memory \NC \bf peak memory \NC \bf font loading time \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf table \NC 113 MB (102) \NC 118 MB (117) \NC 1.8 sec (1.9) \NC \NR \NC \bf mixed \NC 114 MB (103) \NC 119 MB (117) \NC 1.9 sec (1.9) \NC \NR \NC \bf sparse \NC 117 MB (104) \NC 121 MB (120) \NC 1.9 sec (2.0) \NC \NR \NC \bf cached \NC ~75 MB \NC ~80 MB \NC 0.4 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf baseline \NC ~67 MB \NC ~71 MB \NC 0.3 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate So, here the new method is not offering any advantages. As this is a font we use quite a lot during development, any loading variant will do the job with similar efficiency. Next comes Cambria, a font that carries lots of glyphs and has extensive support for math. In order to provide a complete bodyfont setup some six instances are loaded. Interesting is that the original module needs 3.9 seconds instead if 6.4 which is probably due to a different ordering of code which might influence the garbage collector and it looks like in the reorganized code the garbage collector kicks in a few times during the font loading. Already long ago we found out that this is also somewhat platform dependent. \starttabulate[|l|c|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf used memory \NC \bf peak memory \NC \bf font loading time \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf table \NC 155 MB (126) \NC 210 MB (160) \NC 6.4 sec (6.8) \NC \NR \NC \bf mixed \NC 154 MB (130) \NC 210 MB (160) \NC 6.3 sec (6.7) \NC \NR \NC \bf sparse \NC 140 MB (123) \NC 199 MB (144) \NC 6.4 sec (6.8) \NC \NR \NC \bf cached \NC ~90 MB \NC ~94 MB \NC 0.6 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf baseline \NC ~67 MB \NC ~71 MB \NC 0.3 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate Here the sparse method reports less memory usage. There is no other gain as there is a lot of access to glyph data due to the fact that this font is rather advanced. More virtualization would probably work against us here. Being a \CJK\ font, the somewhat feature|-|dumb but large AdobeSongStd-Light has lots of glyphs. In previous tables we already saw values between parenthesis: these are values measured with implicit calls to the garbage collector before writing the font to the cache. For this font much more memory is used but garbage collection has a positive impact on memory consumption but drastic consequences for runtime. Eventually it's the cached timing that matters and that is a constant factor but even then it can disturb users if a first run after an update takes so much time. \starttabulate[|l|c|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf used memory \NC \bf peak memory \NC \bf font loading time \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf table \NC 180 MB (125) \NC 185 MB (172) \NC 4.4 sec (4.5) \NC \NR \NC \bf mixed \NC 190 MB (144) \NC 194 MB (181) \NC 4.4 sec (4.7) \NC \NR \NC \bf sparse \NC 153 MB (119) \NC 232 MB (232) \NC 8.7 sec (8.9) \NC \NR \NC \bf cached \NC ~96 MB \NC 100 MB \NC 0.7 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf baseline \NC ~67 MB \NC ~71 MB \NC 0.3 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate Peak memory is quite high for the sparse method which is due to the fact that we have only glyphs (but many) so we have lots of access and small tables being created and collected. I suspect that in a regular run the loading time is much lower for the sparse case because this is just too much of a difference. The last test loaded 40 variants of Latin Modern. Each font has reasonable number of glyphs (covering the latin script takes some 400--600 glyphs), the normal amount of kerning, but hardly any features. Reloading these 40 fonts takes about a second. \starttabulate[|l|c|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf used memory \NC \bf peak memory \NC \bf font loading time \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf table \NC 204 MB (175) \NC 213 MB (181) \NC 13.1 sec (16.4) \NC \NR \NC \bf mixed \NC 195 MB (168) \NC 205 MB (174) \NC 13.4 sec (16.5) \NC \NR \NC \bf sparse \NC 198 MB (165) \NC 202 MB (170) \NC 13.4 sec (16.6) \NC \NR \NC \bf cached \NC 147 MB \NC 151 MB \NC ~1.7 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf baseline \NC ~67 MB \NC ~71 MB \NC ~0.3 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate The old method wins in runtime and this makes it hard to decide which strategy to follow. Again the numbers between parenthesis show what happens when we do an extra garbage collection sweep after packaging the font instance. A few more sweeps in other spots will bring down memory a few megabytes but at the cost of quite some runtime. The original module that uses the table approach is 3~seconds faster that the current one. As the code is essentially the same but organized differently again we suspect the garbage collector to be the culprit. So when we came this far, Taco and I did some further tests and on his machine Taco ran a profiler on some of the tests. He posted the following conclusion to the \LUATEX\ mailing list: \startnarrower It seems that the userdata access is useful if {\em but only if} you are very low on memory. In other cases, it just adds extra objects to be garbage collected, which makes the collector slower. That is on top of extra time spent on the actual calls, and even worse: those extra gc objects tend to be scattered around in memory, resulting in extra minor page faults (cpu cache misses) and all that has a noticeable effect on run speed: the metatable based access is 20--30\% slower than the old massive \type {to_table}. Therefore, there seems little point in expanding the metadata functionality any further. What is there will stay, but adding more metadata objects appears to be a waste of time on all sides. \stopnarrower This leaves us with a question: should we replace the old module by the experimental one? It makes sense to do this as in practice users will not be harmed much. Fonts are cached and loading a cached font is not influenced. The new module leaves the choice to the user. He or she can decide to limit memory usage (for cache building) by using directives: \starttyping \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.method=table] \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.method=mixed] \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.method=sparse] \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.cleanup] \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.cleanup=1] \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.cleanup=2] \enabledirectives[fonts.otf.loader.cleanup=3] \stoptyping The cleanup has three levels and each level adds a garbage collection sweep (in a different spot). Of course three sweeps per font that is prepared for caching has quite some impact on performance. If your computer has enough memory it makes no sense to use any of these directives. For the record: these directives are not available in the generic (plain \TEX) variant, at least not in the short term. As Taco mentions, cache misses can have drastic consequences and we've ran into that years ago already when support for \OPENTYPE\ math was added to \LUATEX: out of a sudden and without no reason passing a font table to \TEX\ became twice as slow on my machine. This is comparable with the new, reorganized table loader being slower than the old one. Eventually I'll get back that time, which is unlikely to happen with the unserdata variant where there is no way to bring down the number of function calls and intermediate table creation. The previously shown values that concern all fonts including creating, caching, reloading, creating a scaled instance and passing the data to \TEX. In that process quite some garbage collection can happen and that obscures the real values. However, in \MKIV\ we report the conversion time when a font gets cached so that the user at least sees something happening. These timings are on a per font base. Watch the following values: \starttabulate[|l|l|l|] \FL \NC \NC \bf table \NC \bf sparse \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf song \NC 3.2 \NC 3.6 \NC \NR \NC \bf cambria \NC 4.9 (0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.5 0.5) \NC 5.6 (1.1 1.1 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.6) \NC \NR \NC \bf husayni \NC 1.2 \NC 1.3 \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate In the case of Cambria several fonts are loaded including subfonts from \TRUETYPE\ containers. This shows that the table variant is definitely faster. It might be that later this is compensated by additional garbage collection but that would even worsen the sparse case were more extensive userdata be used. These values more reflect what Taco measured in the profiler. Improvements to the garbage collector are more likely to happen than a drastic speed up in function calls so the table variant is still a safe bet. There are a few places where the renewed code can be optimized so these numbers are not definitive. Also, the loader code was not the only code adapted. As we cannot manipulate the main table in the userdata variant, the code related to patches and extra features like \type {tlig}, \type {trep} and \type {anum} had to be rewritten as well: more code and a bit more close to the final table format. \starttabulate[|l|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf table \NC \bf sparse \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf hybrid \NC 310 MB / 10.3 sec \NC 285 MB / 10.5 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf mk \NC 884 MB / 47.5 sec \NC 878 MB / 48.7 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate The timings in the previous table concern runs of a few documents where the \type {mk} loads quite some large and complex fonts. The runs are times with an empty cache so all fonts are preprocessed. The memory consumption is the peak load as reported by the task manager and we need to keep in mind that \LUA\ allocates more than it needs. Keep in mind that these values are so high because fonts are created. A regular run takes less memory. Interesting is that for \type {mk} the original implementation performs better but the difference is about a second which again indicates that the garbage collector is a major factor. Timing only the total runtime gives: \starttabulate[|l|c|c|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf cached \NC \bf original \NC \bf table \NC \bf sparse \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf mk \NC 38.1 sec \NC 75.5 sec \NC 77.2 sec \NC 80.8 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate Here we used the system timer while in previous tables we used the values as reported by the timers built in \MKIV\ (and only reported the font loading times). The timings above are taken on my laptop running Windows 7 and this is not that good a platform for precise timings. Tacos measurements were done with specialized tools and should be trusted more. It looks indeed that the current level of userdata support is about the best compromise one can get. {\em In the process I also experimented with virtualizing the final \TFM\ table, thereby simulating the upcoming virtualization of that table in \LUATEX. Interesting is that for (for instance) \type {mk.pdf} memory consumption went down with 20\% but that document is non|-|typical and loades many fonts, including vitual punk fonts. However, as access to that tables happens infrequently virtualization makes muich sense there, again only at the toplevel of the characters subtable.} \stopsection \startsection [title={Hyperlinks}] At \PRAGMA\ we have a long tradition of creating highly interactive documents. I still remember the days that processing a 20.000 page document with numerous menus and buttons on each page took a while to get finished, especially if each page has a \METAPOST\ graphic as well. On a regular computer a document with so many links is no real problem. After all, the \PDF\ format is designed in such a way that only the partial content has to be loaded. However, half a million hyperlinks do demand some memory. Recently I had to make a document that targets at one of these tablets and it is no secret that tablets (and e-readers) don't have that much memory. As in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ we have a bit more control over the backend, it will be no surprise that we are able to deal with such issues more comfortable than in \MKII. That specific document (part of a series) contained 1100 pages and each page has a navigation menu as well as an alphabetic index into the register. There is a table of contents refering to about 200 chapters and these are backlinked to the table of contents. There are some also 200 images and tables that end up elsewhere and again are crosslinked. Of course there is the usual bunch of inline hyperlinks. So, in total this document has some 32.000 hyperlinks. The input is a 3.03 MB \XML\ file. \starttabulate[|l|c|c|] \FL \NC \NC \bf size \NC \bf one run \NC \NR \TL \NC \bf don't optimize \NC 5.76 MB \NC 59.4 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf prefer page references over named ones \NC 5.66 MB \NC 56.2 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf agressively share similar references \NC 5.19 MB \NC 60.2 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf optimize page as well as similar references \NC 5.11 MB \NC 56.5 sec \NC \NR \NC \bf disable all interactive features \NC 4.19 MB \NC 42.7 sec \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate So, by aggressively sharing hyperlinks and turning all internal named destinations into page destinations we bring down the size noticeably and even have a faster run. It is for this reason that aggressive sharing is enabled by default. I you don't want it, you can disable it with: \starttyping \disabledirectives[refences.sharelinks] \stoptyping Currently we use names for internal (automatically generated) links. We can force page links for them but still use names for explicit references so that we can reach them from external documents; this is called mixed mode. When no references from outside are needed, you can force pagelinks. At some point mixed mode can become the default. \starttyping \enabledirectives[references.linkmethod=page] \stoptyping With values: \type {page}, \type {mixed}, \type {names} and \type {yes} being equivalent to \type {page}. The \MKII\ way of setting this is still supported: \starttyping \setupinteraction[page=yes] \stoptyping We could probably gain quite some more bytes by turning all repetitive elements into shared graphical objects but it only makes sense to spend time on that when a project really needs it (and pays for it). There is upto one megabyte of (compressed) data related to menus and other screen real estate that qualifies for this but it might not be worth the trouble. The reason for trying to minimize the amount of hyperlink related metadata (in \PDF\ terminology annotations) is that on tablets with not that much memory (and no virtual memory) we don't want to keep too much of that (redundant) data in memory. And indeed, the optimized document feels more responsive than the dirty version, but that could as well be related to the viewing applications. \stopsection \startsection[title=Constants] Not every optimization saves memory of runtime. They are more optimizations due to changes in circumstances. When \TEX\ had only 256 registers one had to find ways to get round this. For instance counters are quite handy and you could quickly run out of them. In \CONTEXT\ there are two ways to deal with this. Instead of a real count register you can use a macro: \starttyping \newcounter \somecounter \increment \somecounter \decrement (\somecounter,4) \stoptyping In \MKIV\ many such pseudo counters have been replaced by real ones which is somewhat faster in usage. Often one needs a constant and a convenient way to define such a frozen counter is: \starttyping \chardef \myconstant 10 \ifnum \myvariable = \myconstant .... \ifcase \myconstant ... \stoptyping This is both efficient and fast and works out well because \TEX\ treats them as numbers in comparisons. However, it is somewhat clumsy, as constants have nothing to do with characters. This is why all such definitions have been replaced by: \starttyping \newconstant \myconstant 10 \setconstant \myconstant 12 \ifnum \myvariable = \myconstant .... \ifcase \myconstant ... \stoptyping We use count registers which means that when you set a constant, you can just assign the new value directly or use the \type {\setcounter} macro. We already had an alternative for conditionals: \starttyping \newconditional \mycondition \settrue \mycondition \setfalse \mycondition \ifconditional \mycondition \stoptyping These will also be adapted to counts but first we need a new primitive. The advantage of these changes is that at the \LUA\ end we can consult as well as change these values. This means that in the end much more code will be adapted. Especially changing the constants resulted in quite some cosmetic changes in the core code. \stopsection \startsection[title=Definitions] Another recent optimization was possible when at the \LUA end settings lccodes cum suis and some math definitions became possible. As all these initializations take place at the \LUA\ end till then we were just writing \TEX\ code back to \TEX, but now we stay at the \LUA end. This not only looks nicer, but also results in a slightly less memory usage during format generation (a few percent). Making a format also takes a few tenths of a second less (again a few percent). The reason why less memory is needed is that instead of writing tens of thousands \type {\lccode} related commands to \TEX\ we now set the value directly. As writes to \TEX\ are collected, quite an amount of tokens get cached. All such small improvements makes that \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ runs smoother with each advance of \LUATEX. We do have a wishlist for further improvements but so far we managed to improve stepwise instead of putting too much pressure on \LUATEX\ development. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent