% language=uk \startcomponent hybrid-mkvi \environment hybrid-environment \startchapter[title={Upto \ConTeXt\ MkVI}] \startsection [title={Introduction}] No, this is not a typo: \MKVI\ is the name of upcoming functionality but with an experimental character. It is also a playground. Therefore this is not the final story. \stopsection \startsection [title={Defining macros}] When you define macros in \TEX, you use the \type {#} to indicate variables. So, you code can end up with the following: \startbuffer \def\MyTest#1#2#3#4% {\dontleavehmode \dostepwiserecurse{#1}{#2}{#3} {\ifnum\recurselevel>#1 \space,\fi \recurselevel: #4\space}% .\par} \stopbuffer \typebuffer This macro is called with 4 arguments: \starttyping \MyTest{3}{8}{1}{Hi} \stoptyping However, using numbers as variable identifiers might not have your preference. It makes perfect sense if you keep in mind that \TEX\ supports delimited arguments using arbitrary characters. But in practice, and especially in \CONTEXT\ we use only a few well defined variants. \ This is why you can also imagine: \startbuffer \def\MyTest#first#last#step#text% {\dontleavehmode \dostepwiserecurse{#first}{#last}{#step} {\ifnum\recurselevel>#first \space,\fi \recurselevel: #text}% .\par} \stopbuffer \typebuffer In order for this to work, you need to give your file the suffix \type {mkvi} or you need to put a directive on the first line: \starttyping % macros=mkvi \stoptyping You can of course use delimited arguments as well, given that the delimiters are not letters. \startbuffer \def\TestOne[#1]% {this is: #1} \def\TestTwo#some% {this is: #some} \def\TestThree[#whatever][#more]% {this is: #more and #whatever} \def\TestFour[#one]#two% {\def\TestFive[#alpha][#one]% {#one, #two, #alpha}} \stopbuffer \typebuffer \mkvibuffer You can also use the following variant which is already present for a while but not that much advertised. This method ignores all spaces in definitions so if you need one, you have to use \type {\space}. \startbuffer \starttexdefinition TestSix #oeps here: #oeps \stoptexdefinition \stopbuffer \typebuffer \mkvibuffer These commands work as expected: \startbuffer \startlines \TestOne [one] \TestTwo {one} \TestThree[one][two] \TestFour [one]{two} \TestFive [one][two] \TestSix {one} \stoplines \stopbuffer \typebuffer % We need to obey catcode changes (we can use \getbuffer % instead). \getbuffer You can use buffers to collect definitions. In that case you can force preprocessing of the buffer with \type {\mkvibuffer[name]}. \stopsection \startsection[title={Implementation}] This functionality is not hard codes in the \LUATEX\ engine as this is not needed at all. We just preprocess the file before it gets loaded and this is something that is relatively easy to implement. Already early in the development of \LUATEX\ we have decided that instead of hard coding solutions, opening up makes more sense. One of the first mechanisms that were opened up was file IO. This means that when a file is opened, you can decide to intercept lines and process them before passing them to the traditional built in input parser. The user can be completely unaware of this. In fact, as \LUATEX\ only accepts \UTF-8 preprocessing will likely happen already when other input encodings are used. The following helper functions are available: \starttyping local result = resolvers.macros.preprocessed(str) \stoptyping This function returns a string with all named parameters replaced. \starttyping resolvers.macros.convertfile(oldname,newname) \stoptyping This function converts a file into a new one. \starttyping local result = resolvers.macros.processmkvi(str,filename) \stoptyping This function converts the string but only if the suffix of the filename is \type {mkvi} or when the first line of the string is a comment line containing \type {macros=mkvi}. Otherwise the original string is returned. The filename is optional. \stopsection \startsection[title=A few details] Imagine that you want to do this: \starttyping \def\test#1{before#1after} \stoptyping When we use names this could look like: \starttyping \def\test#inbetween{before#inbetweenafter} \stoptyping and that is not going to work out well. We could be more liberal with spaces, like \starttyping \def\test #inbetween {before #inbetween after} \stoptyping but then getting spaces in the output before or after variables would get more complex. However, there is a way out: \starttyping \def\test#inbetween{before#{inbetween}after} \stoptyping As the sequence \type +#{+ has a rather low probablility of showing up in a \TEX\ source file, this kind of escaping is part of the game. So, all the following cases are valid: \starttyping \def\test#oeps{... #oeps ...} \def\test#oeps{... #{oeps} ...} \def\test#{main:oeps}{... #{main:oeps} ...} \def\test#{oeps:1}{... #{oeps:1} ...} \def\test#{oeps}{... #oeps ...} \stoptyping When you use the braced variant, all characters except braces are acceptable as name, optherwise only lowercase and uppercase characters are permitted. Normally \TEX\ uses a couple of special tokens like \type {^} and \type {_}. In a macro definition file you can avoid these by using primitives: \starttabulate[|cT|lT|] \NC \letterampersand \NC \tex{aligntab} \NC \NR \NC \letterhash \NC \tex{alignmark} \NC \NR \NC \letterhat \NC \tex{Usuperscript} \NC \NR \NC \letterunderscore \NC \tex{Usubscript} \NC \NR \NC \letterdollar \NC \tex{Ustartmath} \NC \NR \NC \letterdollar \NC \tex{Ustopmath} \NC \NR \NC \letterdollar\letterdollar \NC \tex{Ustartdisplaymath} \NC \NR \NC \letterdollar\letterdollar \NC \tex{Ustopdisplaymath} \NC \NR \stoptabulate Especially the \type {aligntab} is worth noticing: using that one directly in a macro definition can result in unwanted replacements, depending whether a match can be found. In practice the following works out well \starttyping \def\test#oeps{test:#oeps \halign{##\cr #oeps\cr}} \stoptyping You can use \UTF-8\ characters as well. For practical reasons this is only possible with the braced variant. \starttyping \def\blä#{blá}{blà:#{blá}} \stoptyping There will probably be more features in future versions but each of them needs careful consideration in order to prevent interferences. \stopsection \startsection[title=Utilities] There is currently one utility (or in fact an option to an existing utility): \starttyping mtxrun --script interface --preprocess whatever.mkvi \stoptyping This will convert the given file(s) to new ones, with the default suffix \type{tex}. Existing files will not be overwritten unless \type {---force} is given. You can also force another suffix: \starttyping mtxrun --script interface --preprocess whatever.mkvi --suffix=mkiv \stoptyping A rather plain module \type {luatex-preprocessor.lua} is provided for other usage. That variant provides a somewhat simplified version. Given that you have a \type {luatex-plain} format you can run: \starttyping luatex --fmt=luatex-plain luatex-preprocessor-test.tex \stoptyping Such a plain format can be made with: \starttyping luatex --ini luatex-plain \stoptyping You probably need to move the format to a proper location in your \TEX\ tree. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent