% language=us % Youtube: TheLucs play with Jacob Collier // Don't stop til you get enough \startcomponent followingup-cleanup \environment followingup-style \logo [ALGOL] {Algol} \logo [FORTRAN] {FORTRAN} \logo [SPSS] {SPSS} \logo [DEC] {DEC} \logo [VAX] {VAX} \logo [AMIGA] {Amiga} \startchapter[title={Cleanup}] \startsection[title={Introduction}] Original \TEX\ is a literate program, which means that code and documentation are mixed. This mix, called a \WEB, is split into a source file and a \TEX\ file and both parts are processed independently into a program (binary) and a typeset document. The evolution of \TEX\ went through stages but in the end a \PASCAL\ \WEB\ file was the result. This fact has lead to the more or less standard \WEBC\ compilation infrastructure which is the basis for \TEXLIVE. % My programming experience started with programming a micro processor kit (using % an 1802 processor), but at the university I went from \ALGOL\ to \PASCAL\ (okay, % I also remember lots of \SPSS\ kind|-|of|-|\FORTRAN\ programming. The \PASCAL\ % was the one provided on \DEC\ and \VAX\ machines and it was a bit beyond standard % \PASCAL. Later I did quite some programming in \MODULA 2 in (for a while an % \AMIGA) but mostly on personal computers. The reason that I mention this it that % it still determines the way I look at programs. For instance that code goes % through a couple if stepwise improvements (and that it can always be done % better). That you need to keep an eye on memory consumption (can be a nice % challenge). That a properly formatted source code is important (at least for me). % % When into \PASCAL, I ran into the \TEX\ series and as it looked familiar it ended % up on my bookshelf. However, I could not really get an idea what it was about, % simply because I had no access to the \TEX\ program. But the magic stayed with % me. The fact that \LUA\ resembles \PASCAL, made it a good candidate for extending % \TEX\ (there were other reasons as well). When decades later, after using \TEX\ % in practice, I ended up looking at the source, it was the \LUATEX\ source. So, \TEX\ is a woven program and this is also true for the starting point of \LUATEX: \PDFTEX. But, because we wanted to open up the internals, and because \LUA\ is written in \CCODE, already in an early stage Taco decided to start from the \CCODE\ translated from \PASCAL. A permanent conversion was achieved using additional scripts and the original documentation stayed in the source. The one large file was split into more logical smaller parts and combined with snippets from \ALEPH . After we released version 1.0 I went through the documentation parts of the code and normalized that a bit. The at that moment still sort of simple \WEB\ files became regular \CCODE\ files, and the idea was (and is) that at some point it should be possible to process the documentation (using \CONTEXT). Over time the \CCODE\ code evolved and functions ended up in places that at that made most sense at that moment. After the previously described stripping process, I decided to go through the files and see if a bit of reshuffling made sense, mostly because that would make documenting easier. (I'm not literate enough to turn it into a proper literate program.) It was also a good moment to get rid of unused code (not that much) and unused macros (some more than expected). It also made sense to change a few names (for instance to avoid potential future clashes with \type {lua_} core functions). However, all this takes quite some careful checking and compilation runs, so I expect that after this first cleanup, for quite some time stepwise improvements can happen (especially in adding comments). \footnote {This is and will be an ongoing effort. It probably doesn't show, but getting the code base in the state it is in now, took quite some time. It probably won't take away complaints and nagging but I've decided no longer to pay attention to those on the sideline.} \footnote {In the end not much \PDFTEX\ and \ALEPH\ code is present in \LUAMETATEX , but these were useful intermediate steps. No matter how lean \LUAMETATEX\ becomes, I have a weak spot for \PDFTEX\ as it always served us well and without it \TEX\ would be less present today.} One of the things that I keep in mind when doing this, is that we use \LUA. This component compiles on most relevant platforms and as such we can assume that \LUAMETATEX\ also should (and can be) made a bit less dependent on old mechanisms that are used in stock \LUATEX. For instance, we don't come from \PASCAL\ any longer but there are traces of that transition still present. We also don't use specific operating system features, and those that we use are also used in \LUA. And, as we try to share code we can also delegate some (more) to \LUA. For instance file related code is not dependent on other components in the \TEX\ infrastructure, but maybe at some point the runtime loadable \KPSE\ library can kick in. So, basically the idea is to sort of go bare bone first and later see how with the help of \LUA\ we can get bring some back. For the record: this is not needed for \CONTEXT\ as it already has this interface to \TDS. \footnote {This has been removed from my agenda.} \stopsection \startsection[title={Motivation}] The \LUATEX\ project started as an experiment of adding \LUA\ to \PDFTEX, which was done by Hartmut and in order to avoid confusion we named it \LUATEX. When we figured out that there this had possibilities we decided to go further and Taco took the challenge to rework the code base. Part of that work was sponsored by Idris' Oriental \TEX\ project. I have fond memory of the intensive and rapid development cycles: online discussions, binaries going my directions, experimental \CONTEXT\ code going the other way. When we had reached a sort of stable state but at some point, read: usage in \CONTEXT\ had become crucial, a steady further development started, where Taco redid \METAPOST\ into \MPLIB, funded by user groups. At some point Luigi took over from Taco the task of integration of components (also into \TEX Live), introduced \LUAJIT\ into the binary, conducted the (again partially funded) swiglib project, followed by support for \FFI. A while later I myself started messing around in the code base directly and continued extending the engine and \LUA\ interfaces. I could work on this because I have quite some freedom at the place where I work. We use (part of) \CONTEXT\ for some projects and especially in dealing with \XML\ we could benefit from \LUATEX. It must be said that (long running) projects like these never pay off (on the contrary, they cost a lot in terms of money and energy) so it's quite safe to conclude that \LUATEX\ development is to a large extend a (many man years) work of love for the subject. I guess that no sane company will do (permit) such a thing. It is also for that reason that I keep spending time on it, and as a simplification of the code base was always one of my dreams, this is what I spend my time on now. After all, \LUATEX\ is just juggling bytes and as it is written in \CCODE, and has no graphical user interface or complex dependencies, it should be possible to have a relative simple setup in terms of code files and compilation. Of course this is also made possible by the fact that I can use \LUA. It's also why I decided to \quotation {Just do it}, and then \quotation {Let's see where I end up}. No matter how it turns out, it makes a good vehicle for further development and years of fun. \stopsection \startsection[title={Files}] After a decade of adding and moving around code it's about time to reorganize the code a bit, but we do so without deviating too much from the original setup. For instance we started out with a small number of \LUA\ interface macros and these were collected in a few files, and defined in one \type {h} file, but it made sense to have header files alongside the libraries that implement helpers. This is a rather tedious job but with music videos or video casts on a second screen it is bearable. When I reached a state where we only needed the \LUATEX\ files plus the minimal set of libraries I tried to get rid of directories in the source tree that were placeholders, but with \type {automake} files, like those for \PDFTEX\ and \XETEX. After a couple of attempts I gave up on that because the build setup is rather hard coded for checking them. Also, there were some (puzzling) dependencies in the configuring on \OMEGA\ files as well as some \DVI\ related tools. So, that bit is for later to sort out. \footnote {Of course later the decision was made to forget about using \type {autotools} and go for an as simple as possible \type {cmake} solution.} \stopsection \startsection[title={Command line arguments}] As we need to set up a backend and deal with font loading in \LUA, we can as well delegate some of the command line handling to \LUA\ as well. Therefore, only the a limited set of options is dealt with: those that determine the startup and \LUA\ behavior. In principle we can even get rid of all and always use a startup script but for now it makes sense to not deviate too much from a regular \TEX\ run. At the time of this writing some code is still in place that is a candidate for removal. For instance, using the \type {&} to define a format file has long be replaced by \type {--fmt}. There are sentimental reasons for keeping it but at the same time we need to realize that shells use these special characters too. A for me unknown (or forgotten) feature of prefixing a jobname with a \type {*} will be removed as it makes no sense. There is some \MSWINDOWS\ specific last resort code that probably will go too, unless I can figure out why it is needed in the first place. \footnote {Intercepting these symbols has been dropped in favor of the command line flags.} Now left with a very simple set of command line options it also makes sense to use a simple option analyzer, so that was a next step as it rid us of a dependency and produces less code. So, the option parser has now been replaced by a simple variant that is more in tune with what will happen when you deal with options in \LUA: no magic. One problem is that \TEX's first input file is moved from the command line to the input buffer and a an interactive session is emulated. As mentioned before, there is some extra \type {&}, \type {*} and \type {\\} parsing involved. One can wonder if this still makes sense in a situation where one has to specify a format and \LUA\ file (using \type {--fmt} and \type {--ini}) so that might as well be redone a bit some day. \footnote {In the end only these explicit command line options were supported.} \stopsection \startsection[title={Platforms}] When going through the code I noticed conditional sections for long obsolete platforms: \type {amiga}, \type {dos} and \type {djgpp}, \type {os/2}, \type {aix}, \type {solaris}, etc. Also, with 64 bit becoming the standard, it makes sense to assume that users will use a modern 64 platform (intel or arm combined with \MSWINDOWS\ or some popular \UNIX\ variant). We don't need large and complex code management for obscure platforms and architectures simply because we want to proof that \LUAMETATEX\ runs everywhere. With respect to \MSWINDOWS\ we use a cross compiler (\type {mingw}) as reference but native compilation should be no big deal eventually. We can cross that bridge when we have a simplified compilation set up. Right now it doesn't make sense to waste time on a native \MICROSOFT\ compilation as it would also pollute the code with conditional sections. We'll see what happens when I'm bored. \footnote {In the meantime no effort is made to let the source compile otherwise than with the cross compiler. Best is to keep the code as clean as possible with respect to conditional code sections. So don't bother me with patches.} \stopsection \startsection[title={Stubs}] A \CONTEXT\ run is managed by \MTXRUN\ in combination with a specific script \starttyping mtxrun --script context \stoptyping On windows, we use a stub because using a \type {cmd} file create an indirectness that is not seen as executable and therefore in other command files needs to be called in a special way to guarantee continuation. So, there we have a small binary: \starttyping mtxrun.exe ... \stoptyping that will call: \starttyping luatex --luaonly mtxrun.lua ... \stoptyping And when the stub has a different name than \type {mtxrun}, say: \starttyping context.exe ... \stoptyping it effectively becomes: \starttyping luatex --luaonly mtxrun.lua --script context ... \stoptyping Because the stripped down version assumes some kind of initializations anyway a small extension made it possible to use \LUAMETATEX\ as stub too. So, when we rename \type {luametatex.exe} to \type {mtxrun.exe} (on \UNIX\ we don't use a suffix) it will start up as \LUA\ interpreter when it finds a script with the name \type {mtxrun.lua} in the same path. When we rename it to \type {context.exe} it will search for \type {context.lua} and all that that script has to do is this: \starttyping arg[0] = "mtxrun" table.insert(arg,1,"mtx-context") table.insert(arg,1,"--script") dofile(os.selfpath .. "/" .. "mtxrun.lua") \stoptyping So, it basically becomes a call to \type {mtxrun}, but we stay in \LUAMETATEX. Because we want an isolated run this will launch \LUAMETATEX\ again with the right command line arguments. This sounds inefficient but because we have a small binary this is no real issue, and as that run is isolated, it cannot influence the caller. The overhead is really small: on my somewhat older laptop it's .2 seconds, but we had that management overhead already for decades, so no one bothers about it. On all platforms using symbolic links works ok too. \stopsection \startsection[title={Global variables}] There are quite a bit global variables and function in the code base, but in the process of opening up I got rid of some. The cleanup turned some more into locals which saved executable bytes (keep in mind that we also use the engine as \LUA\ interpreter so, the smaller, the more friendly). \footnote {Later the global variables were collected in so called \CCODE\ structs.} This is work in progress. \stopsection \startsection[title={Memory usage}] By going over all the code a couple of times, I was able to decrease the amount of used memory a bit as well as avoid some memory allocations. This has no consequences for performance but is nicer when multiple runs at the same time (e.g.\ on virtual machines) have to compete for resources. \footnote {I will probably have to spend some more time on this in order to reach a state that I'm satisfied with.} \stopsection \startsection[title={\METAPOST}] The current code base doesn't have that many files. We can imagine that, when \LUA\ can be compiled on a platform, that compiling \LUAMETATEX\ is also no that complicated. However, the rather complex build infrastructure demonstrates the opposite. One of the complications is that \MPLIB\ is codes in \CWEB\ and that needs some juggling to get \CCODE. The process has quite some dependencies. There are some upstream patches needed, but for now occasionally checking with the upstream sources used for compiling \MPLIB\ in \LUATEX\ works okay. \footnote {Later I decided to cleanup the \MPLIB\ code: unused font related code was removed, the \POSTSCRIPT\ backend was untangled, the translation from \CWEB\ to \CCODE\ got done by a \LUA\ script, aspects like error reporting and \IO\ were redone, and in the end some new extensions were added. Some of that might trickle back to th original, as long as it doesn't harm compatibility; after all \METAPOST\ (the program) is standardized and considered functionally stable.} As \LUAMETATEX\ is also used for experiments we use a copy of the \LUA\ library interface. That way we don't interfere with the stable \LUATEX\ situation. When we play with extensions, we can always decide to backport them, once they are found useful and in good working order. But, as that interface was just \CCODE\ this was trivial. \stopsection \startsection[title={Files}] In a relative late stage I decided to cleanup some of the filename handling. First I got rid of the \type {area}, \type {name} and \type {ext} decomposition and optional recomposition. In the original engine that goes through the string pool and although there is some recovery in the end, with many files and fonts being used, the pool can get exhausted. For instance when you have hundreds of thousands of \typ {\font \foo = bar} kind of definitions, each definition wipes out the previous entry in the hash, but its font name is kept in the string pool. I got rid of that side effect by reusing strings but in the end decided to avoid the pool altogether. It was then a small step to also do that for other filenames. In the process I also decided that it made no sense to keep the code around that reads a filename from the console: we now just quit. Restarting the program with a proper filename is no big deal today. I might do some more cleanup there. In the end we can best use a callback for handling input from the console. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent