% language=uk \environment details-environment \startcomponent details-colofon \startchapter[title={About this document}] This document is typeset in \CONTEXT\ using \LUATEX\ with \METAPOST. We use only one font: the Computer Modern Typewriter. The verbatim portions of the text are typeset in its mono spaced variant. One of the reasons that I chose this font is that we need a mono spaced font to typeset the example code, and the Computer Modern Typewriter is one the best there is. This font combines well with many other typefaces, but the sometimes excessive use of different fonts (and sizes) in the styles that I have to implement made me long for simplicity. And so I decided to stick to one font. A careful reader will notice that this document has character protruding enabled (resulting in hanging punctuation). We use a couple of colors. Again, I went for simplicity and use rather primary colors, although I do use them in transparent variants as well. There is not much more to say, apart from that I want to thank our customers as well as \CONTEXT\ users for asking me to implement \DTP\ competing styles and features. Their demands drive \CONTEXT\ in directions we could not have foreseen when we started its development. We use a (transparent) gray background behind the text so that we have an indication where the text area is positioned relative to the page. It also enables us to comfortably turn on the grid. Some features shown here are relatively new and therefore they occasionally are improved. As a result some aspects of their functionality may change. \stopchapter \stopcomponent