% language=uk \startcomponent colors-basics \environment colors-environment \startchapter[title=Graphics][color=darkblue] \startsection[title=Conversion] There is not that much to tell about graphics and color simply because from the perspective of \TEX\ a graphic is just a blob with dimensions that travels through the system and in the backend gets included as|-|is. This means that when there is a problem with an image you have to go back to the source of that image and fix it there. It can happen that you need to manipulate an image and in a fully automated workflow that can be cumbersome. For that reason \CONTEXT\ has a mechanism for converting graphics. \startluacode context.starttabulate { "|BT|T|" } context.NC() context.bold("original") context.NC() context.bold("target") context.NC() context.NR() for k, v in table.sortedhash(figures.converters) do context.NC() context(k) context.NC() context("%{\\quad }t",table.sortedkeys(v)) context.NC() context.NR() end context.stoptabulate() \stopluacode Some of these converters are applied automatically. For instance if you include an \type {eps} image, \CONTEXT\ will try to convert it into a \PDF\ file and only do that once (unless the image changed). Of course it needs a conversion program, but as long as you have GhostScript, GraphicMagick and InkScape on your machine it should work out well. You can also define your own converters (we use a verbose variant): \starttyping \startluacode -- of course we need options local resolutions = { [interfaces.variables.low] = "150x150", [interfaces.variables.medium] = "300x300", [interfaces.variables.high] = "600x600", } figures.programs.lowrespng = { command = "gm", argument = [[convert -resample %resolution% "%oldname%" "%newname%"]], } figures.converters["png"]["lowres.png"] = function(oldname,newname,resolution) runprogram ( figures.programs.lowrespng.command, figures.programs.lowrespng.argument, { oldname = oldname, newname = newname, resolution = resolutions[resolution] or "150x150" } ) end \stopluacode \stoptyping Usage is as follows: \starttyping \externalfigure[mill.png][conversion=lowres.png] \stoptyping \stopsection \startsection[title=Recoloring] You can think of more complex conversions, like converting a gray scale image to a colored one. \startbuffer \startluacode figures.programs.recolor = { command = "gm", argument = [[convert -recolor "%color%" "%oldname%" "%newname%"]], } figures.converters["png"]["recolor.png"] = function(oldname,newname,resolution,arguments) figures.programs.run ( figures.programs.recolor.command, figures.programs.recolor.argument, { oldname = oldname, newname = newname, color = arguments or ".5 0 0 .7 0 0 .9 0 0", } ) end \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer % built in so no \getbuffer \startbuffer \useexternalfigure[mill][mill.png][conversion=recolor.png] \startcombination[3*2] {\externalfigure[mill][arguments=.5 0 0 .7 0 0 .9 0 0]}{\figurefilearguments} {\externalfigure[mill][arguments=.7 0 0 .9 0 0 .5 0 0]}{\figurefilearguments} {\externalfigure[mill][arguments=.9 0 0 .5 0 0 .7 0 0]}{\figurefilearguments} {\externalfigure[mill][arguments=.5 0 0 .9 0 0 .7 0 0]}{\figurefilearguments} {\externalfigure[mill][arguments=.7 0 0 .5 0 0 .9 0 0]}{\figurefilearguments} {\externalfigure[mill][arguments=.9 0 0 .7 0 0 .5 0 0]}{\figurefilearguments} \stopcombination \stopbuffer This can be applied as follows. The \type {resolution} and \type {color} parameters get passed to the converter. This method is actually built in already. \typebuffer The results are shown in \in {figure} [fig:recolor]. In this case we pass the colors to be use in a kind of matrix notation that GraphicMagick needs. \startplacefigure[reference=fig:recolor,title={Recoloring bitmap images.}] \getbuffer \stopplacefigure Recoloring an image this way is actually not the best solution because there is an internal mechanism that does the same. This trick (currently) only works with spot colors. \startbuffer \definecolor [my-blue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pms 2965 uncoated m \definecolor [my-yellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pms 124 uncoated m \definespotcolor [my-blue-100] [my-blue] [p=1] \definespotcolor [my-yellow-100] [my-yellow] [p=1] \definespotcolor [my-blue-50] [my-blue] [p=.5] \definespotcolor [my-yellow-50] [my-yellow] [p=.5] \definemultitonecolor [my-mix] [my-blue=.12,my-yellow=.28] [c=.1,m=.1,y=.3,k=.1] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer These colors show up as: \starttabulate[|T||] \NC my-blue \NC \blackrule[color=my-blue, width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \NC my-blue-50 \NC \blackrule[color=my-blue-50, width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \NC my-blue-100 \NC \blackrule[color=my-blue-100, width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \NC my-yellow \NC \blackrule[color=my-yellow, width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \NC my-yellow-50 \NC \blackrule[color=my-yellow-50, width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \NC my-yellow-100 \NC \blackrule[color=my-yellow-100,width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \NC my-mix \NC \blackrule[color=my-mix, width=.6\textwidth,height=5mm] \NC \NR \stoptabulate \useexternalfigure[demofig][mill.png][object=no,width=.2\textwidth] \startbuffer \startcombination[4*1] {\externalfigure[demofig]} {no color} {\externalfigure[demofig][color=my-mix]} {indexed duotone} {\externalfigure[demofig][color=my-blue-100]} {spot color} {\externalfigure[demofig][color=my-yellow-100]} {spot color} \stopcombination \stopbuffer \typebuffer This time we don't call an external program but we add an indexed color map to the image. The result can be seen in \in {figure} [fig:reindexing]. \startplacefigure[reference=fig:reindexing,title={Reindexing bitmap images.}] \getbuffer \stopplacefigure \stopsection \startsection[title=Profiles] Color profiles are used to control the printing process. There is some (limited) support for that built in. An example of a setup that we use in a project is the following: \starttyping \setupexternalfigures [order={pdf,eps,png,jpg}, conversion=cmyk.pdf, method=auto] \stoptyping So, we prefer \PDF\ vector images, if needed converted from \EPS. When there is no vector image we check for a \PNG\ and as last resort for a \JPG. The \type{method} is set to \type {auto} which means that we check if the image file indeed is reflected in the suffix. This is needed because in a workflow with tens of thousands of images there can be bad ones. The \type {conversion} parameter will make \CONTEXT\ check if there is a \type {cmyk.pdf} converter defined and when that is the case, it's applied. That specific converter will add a color profile to the image. You can set the profiles with: \starttyping \enabledirectives[graphics.conversion.rgbprofile=srgb.icc] \enabledirectives[graphics.conversion.cmykprofile=isocoated_v2_eci.icc] \stoptyping and these happens to be the defaults. You have to make sure that the files are present, preferable in \type{t:/texmf/colors/icc/context}. If you add profiles you need to make sure that \type {colorprofiles.lua} is updated accordingly. Just for completeness, in our situation, we also have set: \starttyping \enabledirectives[graphics.conversion.eps.cleanup.ai] \enabledirectives[graphics.extracheck] \stoptyping The first directive will make sure that confusing sections (for instance meant to the drawing program) are stripped from an \EPS\ file, and the second one forces some extra checking on the image (just to make sure that the engine doesn't exit on bad images). \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent