% language=uk \startcomponent cld-verbatim \environment cld-environment \startchapter[title=Verbatim] \startsection[title=Introduction] \index{verbatim} If you are familiar with traditional \TEX, you know that some characters have special meanings. For instance a \type {$} starts and ends inline math mode: \starttyping $e=mc^2$ \stoptyping If we want to typeset math from the \LUA\ end, we can say: \starttyping context.mathematics("e=mc^2") \stoptyping This is in fact: \starttyping \mathematics{e=mc^2} \stoptyping However, if we want to typeset a dollar and use the \type {ctxcatcodes} regime, we need to explicitly access that character using \type {\char} or use a command that expands into the character with catcode other. One step further is that we typeset all characters as they are and this is called verbatim. In that mode all characters are tokens without any special meaning. \stopsection \startsection[title=Special treatment] The formula in the introduction can be typeset verbatim as follows: \startbuffer context.verbatim("$e=mc^2$") \stopbuffer \typebuffer This gives: \ctxluabuffer You can also do things like this: \startbuffer context.verbatim.bold("$e=mc^2$") \stopbuffer \typebuffer Which gives: \ctxluabuffer So, within the \type {verbatim} namespace, each command gets its arguments verbatim. \startbuffer context.verbatim.inframed({ offset = "0pt" }, "$e=mc^2$") \stopbuffer \typebuffer Here we get: \ctxluabuffer. So, settings and alike are processed as if the user had used a regular \type {context.inframed} but the content comes out verbose. If you wonder why verbatim is needed as we also have the \type {type} function (macro) the answer is that it is faster, easier to key in, and sometimes the only way to get the desired result. \stopsection \startsection[title=Multiple lines] Currently we have to deal with linebreaks in a special way. This is due to the way \TEX\ deals with linebreaks. In fact, when we print something to \TEX, the text after a \type {\n} is simply ignored. For this reason we have a few helpers. If you want to put something in a buffer, you cannot use the regular buffer functions unless you make sure that they are not overwritten while you're still at the \LUA\ end. \starttyping context.tobuffer("temp",str) context.getbuffer("temp") \stoptyping Another helper is the following. It splits the string into lines and feeds them piecewise using the \type {context} function and in the process adds a space at the end of the line (as this is what \TEX\ normally does. \starttyping context.tolines(str) \stoptyping Catcodes can get in the way when you pipe something to \TEX\ that itself changes the catcodes. This happens for instance when you write buffers that themselves have buffers or have code that changes the line endings as with \type {startlines}. In that case you need to feed back the content as if it were a file. This is done with: \starttyping context.viafile(str) \stoptyping The string can contain newlines. The string is written to a virtual file that is input. Currently names looks like \type {virtual://virtualfile.1} but future versions might have a different name part, so best use the variable instead. After all, you don't know the current number in advance anyway. \stopsection \startsection[title=Pretty printing] In \CONTEXT\ \MKII\ there have always been pretty printing options. We needed it for manuals and it was also handy to print sources in the same colors as the editor uses. Most of those pretty printers work in a line|-|by|-|line basis, but some are more complex, especially when comments or strings can span multiple lines. When the first versions of \LUATEX\ showed up, rewriting the \MKII\ code to use \LUA\ was a nice exercise and the code was not that bad, but when \LPEG\ showed up, I put it on the agenda to reimplement them again. We only ship a few pretty printers. Users normally have their own preferences and it's not easy to make general purpose pretty printers. This is why the new framework is a bit more flexible and permits users to kick in their own code. Pretty printing involves more than coloring some characters or words: \startitemize[packed] \startitem spaces should honoured and can be visualized \stopitem \startitem newlines and empty lins need to be honoured as well \stopitem \startitem optionally lines have to be numbered but \stopitem \startitem wrapped around lines should not be numbered \stopitem \stopitemize It's not much fun to deal with these matters each time that you write a pretty printer. This is why we can start with an existing one like the default pretty printer. We show several variants of doing the same. We start with a simple clone of the default parser. \footnote {In the meantime the lexer of the \SCITE\ editor that I used also provides a mechanism for using \LPEG\ based lexers. Although in the pretty printing code we need a more liberal one I might backport the lexers I wrote for editing \TEX, \METAPOST, \LUA, \CLD, \XML\ and \PDF\ as a variant for the ones we use in \MKIV\ now. That way we get similar colorschemes which might be handy sometimes.} \startbuffer local P, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.V local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", { pattern = V("default:pattern"), visualizer = V("pattern")^1 } ) local parser = P(grammar) visualizers.register("test-0", { parser = parser }) \stopbuffer \typebuffer \ctxluabuffer We distinguish between grammars (tables with rules), parsers (a grammar turned into an \LPEG\ expression), and handlers (collections of functions that can be applied. All three are registered under a name and the verbatim commands can refer to that name. \startbuffer \starttyping[option=test-0,color=] Test 123, test 456 and test 789! \stoptyping \stopbuffer \typebuffer Nothing special happens here. We just get straightforward verbatim. \getbuffer Next we are going to color digits. We collect as many as possible in a row, so that we minimize the calls to the colorizer. \startbuffer local patterns, P, V = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.V local function colorize(s) context.color{"darkred"} visualizers.writeargument(s) end local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", { digit = patterns.digit^1 / colorize, pattern = V("digit") + V("default:pattern"), visualizer = V("pattern")^1 } ) local parser = P(grammar) visualizers.register("test-1", { parser = parser }) \stopbuffer \typebuffer \ctxluabuffer Watch how we define a new rule for the digits and overload the pattern rule. We can refer to the default rule by using a prefix. This is needed when we define a rule with the same name. \startbuffer \starttyping[option=test-1,color=] Test 123, test 456 and test 789! \stoptyping \stopbuffer \typebuffer This time the digits get colored. \getbuffer In a similar way we can colorize letters. As with the previous example, we use \CONTEXT\ commands at the \LUA\ end. \startluacode local patterns, P, V = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.V local function colorize_lowercase(s) context.color{"darkgreen"} visualizers.writeargument(s) end local function colorize_uppercase(s) context.color{"darkblue"} visualizers.writeargument(s) end local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", { lowercase = patterns.lowercase^1 / colorize_lowercase, uppercase = patterns.uppercase^1 / colorize_uppercase, pattern = V("lowercase") + V("uppercase") + V("default:pattern"), visualizer = V("pattern")^1 } ) local parser = P(grammar) visualizers.register("test-2", { parser = parser }) \stopluacode \startbuffer \starttyping[option=test-2,color=] Test 123, test 456 and test 789! \stoptyping \stopbuffer \typebuffer Again we get some coloring. \getbuffer It will be clear that the amount of rules and functions is larger when we use a more complex parser. It is for this reason that we can group functions in handlers. We can also make a pretty printer configurable by defining handlers at the \TEX\ end. \startbuffer \definestartstop [MyDigit] [style=bold,color=darkred] \definestartstop [MyLowercase] [style=bold,color=darkgreen] \definestartstop [MyUppercase] [style=bold,color=darkblue] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer The \LUA\ code now looks different. Watch out: we need an indirect call to for instance \type {MyDigit} because a second argument can be passed: the settings for this environment and you don't want that get passed to \type {MyDigit} and friends. \startluacode local patterns, P, V = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.P, lpeg.V local pattern = visualizers.pattern local verbatim = context.verbatim local MyDigit = verbatim.MyDigit local MyLowercase = verbatim.MyLowercase local MyUppercase = verbatim.MyUppercase -- local handler = newhandler("default, { -- digit = function(s) MyDigit (s) end, -- lowercase = function(s) MyLowercase(s) end, -- uppercase = function(s) MyUppercase(s) end, -- } ) local handler = { digit = function(s) MyDigit (s) end, lowercase = function(s) MyLowercase(s) end, uppercase = function(s) MyUppercase(s) end, } local grammar = visualizers.newgrammar("default", { digit = pattern(handler,"digit", patterns.digit ^1), lowercase = pattern(handler,"lowercase", patterns.lowercase^1), uppercase = pattern(handler,"uppercase", patterns.uppercase^1), pattern = V("lowercase") + V("uppercase") + V("digit") + V("default:pattern"), visualizer = V("pattern")^1 } ) local parser = P(grammar) visualizers.register("test-3", { parser = parser, handler = handler }) \stopluacode \startbuffer \starttyping[option=test-3,color=] Test 123, test 456 and test 789! \stoptyping \stopbuffer \typebuffer We get digits, upper- and lowercase characters colored: \getbuffer You can also use parsers that don't use \LPEG: \startbuffer local function parser(s) visualizers.write("["..s.."]") end visualizers.register("test-4", { parser = parser }) \stopbuffer \typebuffer \ctxluabuffer \startbuffer \starttyping[option=test-4,space=on,color=darkred] Test 123, test 456 and test 789! \stoptyping \stopbuffer \typebuffer The function \type {visualizer.write} takes care of spaces and newlines. \getbuffer We have a few more helpers: \starttabulate[|||] \NC \type{visualizers.write} \NC interprets the argument and applies methods \NC \NR \NC \type{visualizers.writenewline} \NC goes to the next line (similar to \type {\par} \NC \NR \NC \type{visualizers.writeemptyline} \NC inserts an empty line (similer to \type {\blank} \NC \NR \NC \type{visualizers.writespace} \NC inserts a (visible) space \NC \NR \NC \type{visualizers.writedefault} \NC writes the argument verbatim without interpretation \NC \NR \stoptabulate These mechanism have quite some overhead in terms of function calls. In the worst case each token needs a (nested) call. However, doing all this at the \TEX\ end also comes at a price. So, in practice this approach is more flexible but without too large a penalty. In all these examples we typeset the text verbose: what is keyed in normally comes out (either or not with colors), so spaces stay spaces and linebreaks are kept. \startbuffer local function parser(s) local s = string.gsub(s,"show","demonstrate") local s = string.gsub(s,"'re"," are") context(s) end visualizers.register("test-5", { parser = parser }) \stopbuffer \typebuffer \ctxluabuffer \startbuffer \starttyping[option=test-5,color=darkred,style=] This is just some text to show what we can do with this mechanism. In spite of what you might think we're not bound to verbose text. \stoptyping \stopbuffer We can apply this visualizer as follows: \typebuffer This time the text gets properly aligned: \getbuffer It often makes sense to use a buffer: \startbuffer \startbuffer[demo] This is just some text to show what we can do with this mechanism. In spite of what you might think we're not bound to verbose text. \stopbuffer \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Instead of processing the buffer in verbatim mode you can then process it directly: \startbuffer \setuptyping[file][option=test-5,color=darkred,style=] \ctxluabuffer[demo] \stopbuffer \typebuffer Which gives: \start \getbuffer \stop In this case, the space is a normal space and not the fixed verbatim space, which looks better. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent