% language=uk % table.unnest : only used in special cases % table.derive : set metatable if unset % table.compact : remove empty subtables \environment cld-environment \startcomponent cld-luafunctions \startchapter[title=Lua Functions] \startsection[title={Introduction}] When you run \CONTEXT\ you have some libraries preloaded. If you look into the \LUA\ files you will find more than is discussed here, but keep in mind that what is not documented, might be gone or done different one day. Some extensions live in the same namespace as those provided by stock \LUA\ and \LUATEX, others have their own. There are many more functions and the more obscure (or never being used) ones will go away. The \LUA\ code in \CONTEXT\ is organized in quite some modules. Those with names like \type {l-*.lua} are rather generic and are automatically available when you use \type {mtxrun} to run a \LUA\ file. These are discusses in this chapter. A few more modules have generic properties, like some in the categories \type {util-*.lua}, \type {trac-*.lua}, \type {luat-*.lua}, \type {data-*.lua} and \type {lxml-*.lua}. They contain more specialized functions and are discussed elsewhere. Before we move on the the real code, let's introduce a handy helper: \starttyping inspect(somevar) \stoptyping Whenever you feel the need to see what value a variable has you can insert this function to get some insight. It knows how to deal with several data types. \stopsection \startsection[title={Tables}] \startsummary[title={[lua] concat}] These functions come with \LUA\ itself and are discussed in detail in the \LUA\ reference manual so we stick to some examples. The \type {concat} function stitches table entries in an indexed table into one string, with an optional separator in between. If can also handle a slice of the table \starttyping local str = table.concat(t) local str = table.concat(t,separator) local str = table.concat(t,separator,first) local str = table.concat(t,separator,first,last) \stoptyping Only strings and numbers can be concatenated. \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {concat} {{"a","b","c","d","e"}} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {concat} {{"a","b","c","d","e"},"+"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {concat} {{"a","b","c","d","e"},"+",2,3} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] insert remove}] You can use \type {insert} and \type {remove} for adding or replacing entries in an indexed table. \starttyping table.insert(t,value,position) value = table.remove(t,position) \stoptyping The position is optional and defaults to the last entry in the table. For instance a stack is built this way: \starttyping table.insert(stack,"top") local top = table.remove(stack) \stoptyping Beware, the \type {insert} function returns nothing. You can provide an additional position: \starttyping table.insert(list,"injected in slot 2",2) local thiswastwo = table.remove(list,2) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] unpack}] You can access entries in an indexed table as follows: \starttyping local a, b, c = t[1], t[2], t[3] \stoptyping but this does the same: \starttyping local a, b, c = table.unpack(t) \stoptyping This is less efficient but there are situations where \type {unpack} comes in handy. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] sort}] Sorting is done with \type {sort}, a function that does not return a value but operates on the given table. \starttyping table.sort(t) table.sort(t,comparefunction) \stoptyping The compare function has to return a consistent equivalent of \type {true} or \type {false}. For sorting more complex data structures there is a specialized sort module available. \ShowLuaExampleFour {table} {sort} {{"a","b","c"}} {} \ShowLuaExampleFour {table} {sort} {{"a","b","c"}} {,function(x,y) return x > y end} \ShowLuaExampleFour {table} {sort} {{"a","b","c"}} {,function(x,y) return x < y end} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={sorted}] The built|-|in \type {sort} function does not return a value but sometimes it can be if the (sorted) table is returned. This is why we have: \starttyping local a = table.sorted(b) \stoptyping \stopsummary % table.strip \startsummary[title={keys sortedkeys sortedhashkeys sortedhash}] The \type {keys} function returns an indexed list of keys. The order is undefined as it depends on how the table was constructed. A sorted list is provided by \type {sortedkeys}. This function is rather liberal with respect to the keys. If the keys are strings you can use the faster alternative \type {sortedhashkeys}. \starttyping local s = table.keys (t) local s = table.sortedkeys (t) local s = table.sortedhashkeys (t) \stoptyping Because a sorted list is often processed there is also an iterator: \starttyping for key, value in table.sortedhash(t) do print(key,value) end \stoptyping There is also a synonym \type {sortedpairs} which sometimes looks more natural when used alongside the \type {pairs} and \type {ipairs} iterators. \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {keys} {{ [1] = 2, c = 3, [true] = 1 }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {sortedkeys} {{ [1] = 2, c = 3, [true] = 1 }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {sortedhashkeys} {{ a = 2, c = 3, b = 1 }} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={serialize print tohandle tofile}] The \type {serialize} function converts a table into a verbose representation. The \type {print} function does the same but prints the result to the console which is handy for tracing. The \type {tofile} function writes the table to a file, using reasonable chunks so that less memory is used. The fourth variant \type {tohandle} takes a handle so that you can do whatever you like with the result. \starttyping table.serialize (root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify) table.print (root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify) table.tofile (filename, root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify) table.tohandle (handle, root, name, reduce, noquotes, hexify) \stoptyping The serialization can be controlled in several ways. Often only the first two options makes sense: \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, "name"} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, true} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, false} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, "return"} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2 }, 12} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2, [3] = "b", [true] = "6" }, nil, true} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2, [3] = "b", [true] = "6" }, nil, true, true} \ShowLuaExampleOne {table} {serialize} {{ a = 2, [3] = "b", [true] = "6" }, nil, true, true, true} In \CONTEXT\ there is also a \type {tocontext} function that typesets the table verbose. This is handy for manuals and tracing. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={identical are_equal}] These two function compare two tables that have a similar structure. The \type {identical} variant operates on a hash while \type {are_equal} assumes an indexed table. \starttyping local b = table.identical (one, two) local b = table.are_equal (one, two) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 3 } }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 2 } }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 3 } }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ a = { x = 2 } }, { a = { x = 2 } }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ "one", "two" }, { "one", "two" }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {identical} {{ "one", "two" }, { "two", "one" }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ "one", "two" }, { "one", "two" }} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {are_equal} {{ "one", "two" }, { "two", "one" }} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={tohash fromhash swapped swaphash reversed reverse mirrored}] We use \type {tohash} quite a lot in \CONTEXT. It converts a list into a hash so that we can easily check if (a string) is in a given set. The \type {fromhash} function does the opposite: it creates a list of keys from a hashed table where each value that is not \type {false} or \type {nil} is present. \starttyping local hashed = table.tohash (indexed) local indexed = table.fromhash(hashed) \stoptyping The function \type {swapped} turns keys into values vise versa while the \type {reversed} and \type {reverse} reverses the values in an indexed table. The last one reverses the table itself (in|-|place). \starttyping local swapped = table.swapped (indexedtable) local reversed = table.reversed (indexedtable) local reverse = table.reverse (indexedtable) local mirrored = table.mirrored (hashedtable) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {tohash} {{ "a", "b", "c" }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {fromhash} {{ a = true, b = false, c = true }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {swapped} {{ "a", "b", "c" }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {reversed} {{ "a", "b", "c" }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {reverse} {{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {mirrored} {{ a = "x", b = "y", c = "z" }} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={append prepend}] These two functions operate on a pair of indexed tables. The first table gets appended or prepended by the second. The first table is returned as well. \starttyping table.append (one, two) table.prepend(one, two) \stoptyping The functions are similar to loops using \type {insert}. \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {append} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {prepend} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={merge merged imerge imerged}] You can merge multiple hashes with \type {merge} and indexed tables with \type {imerge}. The first table is the target and is returned. \starttyping table.merge (one, two, ...) table.imerge (one, two, ...) \stoptyping The variants ending with a \type {d} merge the given list of tables and return the result leaving the first argument untouched. \starttyping local merged = table.merged (one, two, ...) local merged = table.imerged (one, two, ...) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {merge} {{ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }, { d = 1 }, { a = 0 }} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {imerge} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }, { "f", "g" }} % \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {merged} {{ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }, { d = 1 }, { a = 0 }} % \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {imerged} {{ "a", "b", "c" }, { "d", "e" }, { "f", "g" }} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={copy fastcopy}] When copying a table we need to make a real and deep copy. The \type {copy} function is an adapted version from the \LUA\ wiki. The \type {fastopy} is faster because it does not check for circular references and does not share tables when possible. In practice using the fast variant is okay. \starttyping local copy = table.copy (t) local copy = table.fastcopy(t) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={flattened}] A nested table can be unnested using \type {flattened}. Normally you will only use this function if the content is somewhat predictable. Often using one of the merge functions does a similar job. \starttyping local flattened = table.flatten(t) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ a = 1, b = 2, { c = 3 }, d = 4}} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { 4 } }, 5}} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { 4 } }, 5}, 1} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ a = 1, b = 2, { c = 3 }, d = 4}} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { c = 4 } }, 5}} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {flattened} {{ 1, 2, { 3, { c = 4 } }, 5}, 1} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={loweredkeys}] The name says it all: this function returns a new table with the keys being lower case. This is handy in cases where the keys have a change to be inconsistent, as can be the case when users input keys and values in less controlled ways. \starttyping local normalized = table.loweredkeys { a = "a", A = "b", b = "c" } \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {loweredkeys} {{ a = 1, b = 2, C = 3}} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={contains}] This function works with indexed tables. Watch out, when you look for a match, the number \type {1} is not the same as string \type {"1"}. The function returns the index or \type {false}. \starttyping if table.contains(t, 5 ) then ... else ... end if table.contains(t,"5") then ... else ... end \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {contains} {{ "a", 2, true, "1"}, 1} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {contains} {{ "a", 2, true, "1"}, "1"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={unique}] When a table (can) contain duplicate entries you can get rid of them by using the \type {unique} helper: \starttyping local t = table.unique { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6 } \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {table} {unique} { { "a", "b", "c", "a", "d" } } \stopsummary \startsummary[title={count}] The name speaks for itself: this function counts the number of entries in the given table. For an indexed table \type {#t} is faster. \starttyping local n = table.count(t) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {count} {{ 1, 2, [4] = 4, a = "a" }} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={sequenced}] Normally, when you trace a table, printing the serialized version is quite convenient. However, when it concerns a simple table, a more compact variant is: \starttyping print(table.sequenced(t, separator)) \stoptyping % beware: by default sequences has | as separator \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {sequenced} {{ 1, 2, 3, 4}} \ShowLuaExampleThree {table} {sequenced} {{ 1, 2, [4] = 4, a = "a" }, ", "} \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=Math] In addition to the built-in math function we provide: \type {round}, \type {odd}, \type {even}, \type {div}, \type {mod}, \type {sind}, \type {cosd} and \type {tand}. At the \TEX\ end we have a helper \type {luaexpr} that you can use to do calculations: \startbuffer \luaexpr{1 + 2.3 * 4.5 + math.pi} = \cldcontext{1 + 2.3 * 4.5 + math.pi} \stopbuffer \typebuffer Both calls return the same result, but the first one is normally faster than the \type {context} command which has quite some overhead. \blank \getbuffer \blank The \type {\luaexpr} command can also better deal with for instance conditions, where it returns \type {true} or \type {false}, while \type {\cldcontext} would interpret the boolean value as a special signal. \stopsection \startsection[title=Booleans] \startsummary[title={tonumber}] This function returns the number one or zero. You will seldom need this function. \starttyping local state = boolean.tonumber(str) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {boolean} {tonumber} {true} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={toboolean}] When dealing with configuration files or tables a bit flexibility in setting a state makes sense, if only because in some cases it's better to say \type {yes} than \type {true}. \starttyping local b = toboolean(str) local b = toboolean(str,tolerant) \stoptyping When the second argument is true, the strings \type {true}, \type {yes}, \type {on}, \type {1}, \type {t} and the number \type {1} all turn into \type {true}. Otherwise only \type {true} is honoured. This function is also defined in the global namespace. \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {toboolean} {"true"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {toboolean} {"yes"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {toboolean} {"yes",true} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={is_boolean}] This function is somewhat similar to the previous one. It interprets the strings \type {true}, \type {yes}, \type {on} and \type {t} as \type {true} and \type{false}, \type {no}, \type {off} and \type {f} as \type {false}. Otherwise \type {nil} is returned, unless a default value is given, in which case that is returned. \starttyping if is_boolean(str) then ... end if is_boolean(str,default) then ... end \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_boolean} {"true"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_boolean} {"off"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_boolean} {"crap",true} \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=Strings] \LUA\ strings are simply sequences of bytes. Of course in some places special treatment takes place. For instance \type {\n} expands to one or more characters representing a newline, depending on the operating system, but normally, as long as you manipulate strings in the perspective of \LUATEX, you don't need to worry about such issues too much. As \LUATEX\ is a \UTF-8 engine, strings normally are in that encoding but again, it does not matter much as \LUA\ is quite agnostic about the content of strings: it does not care about three characters reflecting one \UNICODE\ character or not. This means that when you use for instance the functions discussed here, or use libraries like \type {lpeg} behave as you expect. Versions later than 0.75 are likely to have some basic \UNICODE\ support on board but we can easily adapt to that. At least till \LUATEX\ version 0.75 we provided the \type {slunicode} library but users cannot assume that that will be present for ever. If you want to mess around with \UTF\ string, use the \type {utf} library instead as that is the one we provide in \MKIV. It presents the stable interface to whatever \LUA\ itself provides and|/|or what \LUATEX\ offers and|/|or what is there because \MKIV\ implements it. \startsummary[title={[lua] byte char}] As long as we're dealing with \ASCII\ characters we can use these two functions to go from numbers to characters and vise versa. \ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {byte} {"luatex"} \ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {byte} {"luatex",1,3} \ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {byte} {"luatex",-3,-1} \ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {char} {65} \ShowLuaExampleSeven {string} {char} {65,66,67} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] sub}] You cannot directly access a character in a string but you can take any slice you want using \type {sub}. You need to provide a start position and negative values will count backwards from the end. \starttyping local slice = string.sub(str,first,last) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {sub} {"abcdef",2} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {sub} {"abcdef",2,3} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {sub} {"abcdef",-3,-2} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] gsub}] There are two ways of analyzing the content of a string. The more modern and flexible approach is to use \type {lpeg}. The other one uses some functions in the \type {string} namespace that accept so called patterns for matching. While \type {lpeg} is more powerfull than regular expressions, the pattern matching is less powerfull but sometimes faster and also easier to specify. In many cases it can do the job quite well. \starttyping local new, count = string.gsub(old,pattern,replacement) \stoptyping The replacement can be a function. Often you don't want the number of matches, and the way to avoid this is either to store the result in a variable: \starttyping local new = string.gsub(old,"lua","LUA") print(new) \stoptyping or to use parentheses to signal the interpreter that only one value is return. \starttyping print((string.gsub(old,"lua","LUA")) \stoptyping Patterns can be more complex so you'd better read the \LUA\ manual if you want to know more about them. \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"abcdef","b","B"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"abcdef","[bc]",string.upper} An optional fourth argument specifies how often the replacement has to happen \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"textextextex","tex","abc"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"textextextex","tex","abc",1} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {gsub} {"textextextex","tex","abc",2} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] find}] The \type {find} function returns the first and last position of the match: \starttyping local first, last = find(str,pattern) \stoptyping If you're only interested if there is a match at all, it's enough to know that there is a first position. No match returns \type {nil}. So, \starttyping if find("luatex","tex") then ... end \stoptyping works out okay. You can pass an extra argument to \type {find} that indicates the start position. So you can use this function to loop over all matches: just start again at the end of the last match. A fourth optional argument is a boolean that signals not to interpret the pattern but use it as|-|is. \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,false} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,true} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc\letterpercent.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,false} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {find} {"abc\letterpercent.def","c\letterpercent.d",1,true} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] match gmatch}] With \type {match} you can split of bits and pieces of a string. The parenthesis indicate the captures. \starttyping local a, b, c, ... = string.match(str,pattern) \stoptyping The \type {gmatch} function is used to loop over a string, for instance the following code prints the elements in a comma separated list, ignoring spaces after commas. \starttyping for s in string.gmatch(str,"([^,%s])+") do print(s) end \stoptyping A more detailed description can be found in the \LUA\ reference manual, so we only mention the special directives. Characters are grouped in classes: \starttabulate[|lT|l|] \HL \NC \letterpercent a \NC letters \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent l \NC lowercase letters \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent u \NC uppercase letters \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent d \NC digits \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent w \NC letters and digits \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent c \NC control characters \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent p \NC punctuation \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent x \NC hexadecimal characters \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent s \NC space related characters \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate You can create sets too: \starttabulate[|lT|l|] \HL \NC [\letterpercent l\letterpercent d] \NC lowercase letters and digits \NC \NR \NC [^\letterpercent d\letterpercent p] \NC all characters except digits and punctuation \NC \NR \NC [p-z] \NC all characters in the range \type {p} upto \type {z} \NC \NR \NC [pqr] \NC all characters \type {p}, \type {q} and \type {r} \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate There are some characters with special meanings: \starttabulate[|lT|l|] \HL \NC \letterhat \NC the beginning of a string \NC \NR \NC \letterdollar \NC end of a string \NC \NR \NC . \NC any character \NC \NR \NC * \NC zero or more of the preceding specifier, greedy \NC \NR \NC - \NC zero or more of the preceding specifier, least possible \NC \NR \NC + \NC one or more of the preceding specifier \NC \NR \NC ? \NC zero or one of the preceding specifier \NC \NR \NC ( ) \NC encapsulate capture \NC \NR \NC \letterpercent b \NC capture all between the following two characters \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate You can use whatever you like to be matched: \starttabulate[|lT|l|] \HL \NC pqr \NC the sequence \type {pqr} \NC \NR \NC my name is (\letterpercent w) \NC the word following \type {my name is} \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate If you want to specify such a token as it is, then you can precede it with a percent sign, so to get a percent, you need two in a row. \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"before:after","^(.-):"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"before:after","^([^:])"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"before:after","bef(.*)ter"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","[b-e]+"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","[b-e]*"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","b-e+"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {match} {"abcdef","b-e*"} \stopsummary Such patterns should not be confused with regular expressions, although to some extent they can do the same. If you really want to do complex matches, you should look into \LPEG. \startsummary[title={[lua] lower upper}] These two function spreak for themselves. \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {lower} {"LOW"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {upper} {"upper"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] format}] The \type {format} function takes a template as first argument and one or more additional arguments depending on the format. The template is similar to the one used in \CCODE\ but it has some extensions. \starttyping local s = format(format, str, ...) \stoptyping The following table gives an overview of the possible format directives. The \type {s} is the most probably candidate and can handle numbers well as strings. Watch how the minus sign influences the alignment. \footnote {There can be differences between platforms although so far we haven't run into problems. Also, \LUA\ 5.2 does a bit more checking on correct arguments and \LUA\ 5.3 is more picky on integers.} \starttabulate[|lB|lT|lT|lT|] \HL \NC integer \NC \letterpercent i \NC 12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent i", 12345 )} \NC \NR \NC integer \NC \letterpercent d \NC 12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent d", 12345 )} \NC \NR \NC unsigned \NC \letterpercent u \NC -12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent u", 12345 )} \NC \NR \NC character \NC \letterpercent c \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent c", 89 )} \NC \NR \NC hexadecimal \NC \letterpercent x \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent x", 123 )} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent X \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent X", 123 )} \NC \NR \NC octal \NC \letterpercent o \NC 12345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent o", 12345 )} \NC \NR \HL \NC string \NC \letterpercent s \NC abc \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent s", "abcd")} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent -8s \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent -8s", 123 )} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent 8s \NC 123 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 8s", 123 )} \NC \NR \HL \NC float \NC \letterpercent 0.2f \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2f",12.345)} \NC \NR \NC exponential \NC \letterpercent 0.2e \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2e",12.345)} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent 0.2E \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2E",12.345)} \NC \NR \NC autofloat \NC \letterpercent 0.2g \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2g",12.345)} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent 0.2G \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{string.format("\letterpercent 0.2G",12.345)} \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate \startasciimode \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {format} {"U+\letterpercent 05X",2010} \stopasciimode \stopsummary \startsummary[title={striplines}] The \type {striplines} function can strip leading and trailing empty lines, collapse or delete intermediate empty lines and strips leading and trailing spaces. We will demonstrate this with string \type {str}: \startluacode local str = table.concat( { " ", " aap", " noot mies", " ", " ", " wim zus jet", "teun vuur gijs", " lam kees bok weide", " ", "does hok duif schapen ", " ", }, "\n") document.TempString = str function document.ShowStrippedString(str) str = string.gsub(str," ","\\allowbreak\\allowbreak ") str = string.gsub(str,"([\010])","\\allowbreak\\allowbreak ") context.startalign { "flushleft,verytolerant" } context("{\\tttf %s}",str) context.stopalign() end function document.ShowStrippedBuffer(name,str) context.tobuffer(name,str) context.typebuffer( { name }, { numbering = "line" }) context.resetbuffer { name } end function document.ShowStrippedCommand(option) context.type( { style = "ttbf" }, [[utilities.strings.striplines(str,"]] .. option .. [[")]]) end context.blank { "big" } document.ShowStrippedString(str) document.ShowStrippedBuffer("dummy",str) \stopluacode The different options for stripping are demonstrated below, We use verbose descriptions instead of vague boolean flags. \startluacode local str = document.TempString ; document.TempString = nil for option in table.sortedhash(utilities.strings.striplinepatterns) do local s = utilities.strings.striplines(str,option) context.blank() document.ShowStrippedCommand(option) context.blank { "big,samepage" } document.ShowStrippedString(s) context.blank { "big,samepage" } document.ShowStrippedBuffer(option,str) end \stopluacode You can of course mix usage with the normal \type {context} helper commands, for instance put them in buffers. Buffers normally will prune leading and trailing empty lines anyway. \starttyping context.tobuffer("dummy",utilities.strings.striplines(str)) context.typebuffer( { "dummy" }, { numbering = "line" }) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={formatters}] The \type {format} function discussed before is the built|-|in. As an alternative \CONTEXT\ provides an additional formatter that has some extensions. Interesting is that that one is often more efficient, although there are cases where the speed is comparable. As we run out of keys, some extra ones are a bit counter intuitive, like \type {l} for booleans (logical). \start \setuptype[color=] \starttabulate[|lB|lT|lT|lT|] \HL \NC utf character \NC \letterpercent c \NC 322 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent c",322} \NC \NR \HL \NC string \NC \letterpercent s \NC foo \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent s","foo"} \NC \NR \NC force tostring \NC \letterpercent S \NC nil \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent S",nil} \NC \NR \NC quoted string \NC \letterpercent q \NC foo \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent q","foo"} \NC \NR \NC force quoted string \NC \letterpercent Q \NC nil \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent Q",nil} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent N \NC 0123 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent N","0123"} \NC \NR \NC automatic quoted \NC \letterpercent a \NC true \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent a",true} \NC \NR\NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent A \NC true \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent A",true} \NC \NR\NC \NR \NC left aligned utf \NC \letterpercent 30< \NC xx½xx \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 30<","xx½xx"} \NC \NR\NC \NR \NC right aligned utf \NC \letterpercent 30> \NC xx½xx \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 30>","xx½xx"} \NC \NR\NC \NR \HL \NC integer \NC \letterpercent i \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent i",1234} \NC \NR \NC integer \NC \letterpercent d \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent d",1234} \NC \NR \NC signed number \NC \letterpercent I \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent I",1234} \NC \NR \NC rounded number \NC \letterpercent r \NC 1234.56 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent r",1234.56} \NC \NR \NC stripped number \NC \letterpercent N \NC 000123 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent N","000123"} \NC \NR \NC comma/period float \NC \letterpercent m \NC 12.34 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent m",12.34} \NC \NR \NC period/comma float \NC \letterpercent M \NC 12.34 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent M",12.34} \NC \NR \HL \NC hexadecimal \NC \letterpercent x \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent x",1234} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent X \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent X",1234} \NC \NR \NC octal \NC \letterpercent o \NC 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent o",1234} \NC \NR \HL \NC float \NC \letterpercent 0.2f \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2f",12.345} \NC \NR \NC formatted float \NC \letterpercent 2.3k \NC 12.3456 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 2.3f",12.3456} \NC \NR \NC checked float \NC \letterpercent 0.2F \NC 12.30 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2F",12.3} \NC \NR \NC exponential \NC \letterpercent .2e \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2j",12.345e120} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent .2E \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345e120} \NC \NR \NC sparse exp \NC \letterpercent 0.2j \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2j",12.345e120} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent 0.2J \NC 12.345e120 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345e120} \NC \NR \NC autofloat \NC \letterpercent g \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent G \NC 12.345 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent 0.2J",12.345} \NC \NR \HL \NC unicode value 0x \NC \letterpercent h \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent v \letterpercent v", "ł",1234} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent H \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent V \letterpercent V", "ł",1234} \NC \NR \NC unicode value U+ \NC \letterpercent u \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent u \letterpercent u", "ł",1234} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent U \NC ł 1234 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent U \letterpercent U", "ł",1234} \NC \NR \HL \NC points \NC \letterpercent p \NC 1234567 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent p",1234567} \NC \NR \NC basepoints \NC \letterpercent b \NC 1234567 \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent b",1234567} \NC \NR \HL \NC table concat \NC \letterpercent t \NC \arg{1,2,3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent t",{1,2,3}} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent *t \NC \arg{1,2,3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent *t",{1,2,3}} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent \arg{ AND }t \NC \arg{a=1,b=3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent +{ AND }T",{a=1,b=2}} \NC \NR \NC table serialize \NC \letterpercent T \NC \arg{1,2,3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent *t",{1,2,3}} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent T \NC \arg{a=1,b=3} \NC \let|\relax\cldcontext{"\letterpercent T",{a=1,b=2}} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent +T \NC \arg{a=1,b=3} \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent [+T]",{a=1,b=2}} \NC \NR \HL \NC boolean (logic) \NC \letterpercent l \NC "a" == "b" \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent l","a"=="b"} \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent L \NC "a" == "b" \NC \cldcontext{"\letterpercent L","a"=="b"} \NC \NR \HL \NC whitespace \NC \letterpercent w \NC 3 \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent w",3}\vl \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent 2w \NC 3 \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent 2w",3}\vl \NC \NR \NC \NC \letterpercent 4W \NC \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent 4W"}\vl \NC \NR \HL \NC skip \NC \letterpercent 2z \NC 1,2,3,4 \NC \obeyspaces\vl\cldcontext{"\letterpercent s\letterpercent 2z\letterpercent s",1,2,3,4}\vl \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate \stop The generic formatters \type {a} and \type {A} convert the argument into a string and deals with strings, number, booleans, tables and whatever. We mostly use these in tracing. The lowercase variant uses single quotes, and the uppercase variant uses double quotes. A special one is the alignment formatter, which is a variant on the \type {s} one that also takes an optional positive of negative number: \startbuffer \startluacode context.start() context.tttf() context.verbatim("[[% 30<]]","xxaxx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[% 30<]]","xx½xx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[% 30>]]","xxaxx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[% 30>]]","xx½xx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[%-30<]]","xxaxx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[%-30<]]","xx½xx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[%-30>]]","xxaxx") context.par() context.verbatim("[[%-30>]]","xx½xx") context.par() context.stop() \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer There are two more formatters plugged in: \type {!xml!} and \type {!tex!}. These are best demonstrated with an example: \starttyping local xf = formatter["xml escaped: %!xml!"] local xr = formatter["tex escaped: %!tex!"] print(xf("x > 1 && x < 10")) print(xt("this will cost me $123.00 at least")) \stoptyping weird, this fails when cld-verbatim is there as part of the big thing: catcodetable 4 suddenly lacks the comment being a other The \type {context} command uses the formatter so one can say: \startbuffer \startluacode context("first some xml: %!xml!, and now some %!tex!", "x > 1 && x < 10", "this will cost me $123.00 at least") \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer This renders as follows: \blank \getbuffer \blank You can extend the formatter but we advise you not to do that unless you're sure what you're doing. You never know what \CONTEXT\ itself might add for its own benefit. However, you can define your own formatter and add to that without interference. In fact, the main formatter is just defined that way. This is how it works: \startbuffer[definition] local MyFormatter = utilities.strings.formatters.new() utilities.strings.formatters.add ( MyFormatter, "upper", "global.string.upper(%s)" ) \stopbuffer \typebuffer[definition] Now you can use this one as: \startbuffer[usage] context.bold(MyFormatter["It's %s or %!upper!."]("this","that")) \stopbuffer \typebuffer[usage] \blank \ctxluabuffer[definition,usage] \blank Because we're running inside \CONTEXT, a better definition would be this: \startbuffer local MyFormatter = utilities.strings.formatters.new() utilities.strings.formatters.add ( MyFormatter, "uc", "myupper(%s)", -- "local myupper = global.characters.upper" { myupper = global.characters.upper } ) utilities.strings.formatters.add ( MyFormatter, "lc", "mylower(%s)", -- "local mylower = global.characters.lower" { mylower = global.characters.lower } ) utilities.strings.formatters.add ( MyFormatter, "sh", "myshaped(%s)", -- "local myshaped = global.characters.shaped" { myshaped = global.characters.shaped } ) context(MyFormatter["Uppercased: %!uc!"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå")) context.par() context(MyFormatter["Lowercased: %!lc!"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå")) context.par() context(MyFormatter["Reduced: %!sh!"]("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå")) \stopbuffer \typebuffer The last arguments creates shortcuts. As expected we get: \blank \ctxluabuffer \blank Of course you can also apply the casing functions directly so in practice you shouldn't use formatters without need. Among the advantages of using formatters are: \startitemize[packed] \startitem They provide a level of abstraction. \stopitem \startitem They can replace multiple calls to \type {\context}. \stopitem \startitem Sometimes they make source code look better. \stopitem \startitem Using them is often more efficient and faster. \stopitem \stopitemize The last argument might sound strange but considering the overhead involved in the \type {context} (related) functions, doing more in one step has benefits. Also, formatters are implemented quite efficiently, so their overhead can be neglected. In the examples you see that a formatter extension is itself a template. \startbuffer local FakeXML = utilities.strings.formatters.new() utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"b",[["<" ..%s..">" ]]) utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"e",[["" ]]) utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"n",[["<" ..%s.."/>"]]) context(FakeXML["It looks like %!b!xml%!e! doesn't it?"]("it","it")) \stopbuffer \typebuffer This gives: \ctxluabuffer. Of course we could go over the top here: \startbuffer local FakeXML = utilities.strings.formatters.new() local stack = { } function document.f_b(s) table.insert(stack,s) return "<" .. s .. ">" end function document.f_e() return "" end utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"b",[[global.document.f_b(%s)]]) utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"e",[[global.document.f_e()]]) context(FakeXML["It looks like %1!b!xml%0!e! doesn't it?"]("it")) \stopbuffer \typebuffer This gives: \ctxluabuffer. Such a template look horrible, although it's not too far from the regular format syntax: just compare \type {%1f} with \type {%1!e!}. The zero trick permits us to inject information that we've put on the stack. As this kind of duplicate usage might occur most, a better solution is available: \startbuffer local FakeXML = utilities.strings.formatters.new() utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"b",[["<" .. %s .. ">"]]) utilities.strings.formatters.add(FakeXML,"e",[[""]]) context(FakeXML["It looks like %!b!xml%-1!e! doesn't it?"]("it")) \stopbuffer \typebuffer We get: \ctxluabuffer. Anyhow, in most cases you will never feel the need for such hackery and the regular formatter works fine. Adding this extension mechanism was rather trivial and it doesn't influence the performance. In \CONTEXT\ we have a few more extensions: \starttyping utilities.strings.formatters.add ( strings.formatters, "unichr", [["U+" .. format("%%05X",%s) .. " (" .. utfchar(%s) .. ")"]] ) utilities.strings.formatters.add ( strings.formatters, "chruni", [[utfchar(%s) .. " (U+" .. format("%%05X",%s) .. ")"]] ) \stoptyping This one is used in messages: \startbuffer context("Missing character %!chruni! in font.",234) context.par() context("Missing character %!unichr! in font.",234) \stopbuffer \typebuffer This shows up as: \blank \getbuffer \blank If you look closely to the definition, you will notice that we use \type {%s} twice. This is a feature of the definer function: if only one argument is picked up (which is default) then the replacement format can use that two times. Because we use a format in the constructor, we need to escape the percent sign there. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={strip}] This function removes any leading and trailing whitespace characters. \starttyping local s = string.strip(str) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {strip} {" lua + tex = luatex "} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={split splitlines checkedsplit}] The line splitter is a special case of the generic splitter. The \type {split} function can get a string as well an \type {lpeg} pattern. The \type {checkedsplit} function removes empty substrings. \starttyping local t = string.split (str, pattern) local t = string.split (str, lpeg) local t = string.checkedsplit (str, lpeg) local t = string.splitlines (str) \stoptyping \start \let\ntex\relax % hack \ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {split} {"a, b,c, d", ","} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {split} {"p.q,r", lpeg.S(",.")} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {checkedsplit} {";one;;two", ";"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {string} {splitlines} {"lua\ntex nic"} \stop \stopsummary \startsummary[title={quoted unquoted}] You will hardly need these functions. The \type {quoted} function can normally be avoided using the \type {format} pattern \type {%q}. The \type {unquoted} function removes single or double quotes but only when the string starts and ends with the same quote. \starttyping local q = string.quoted (str) local u = string.unquoted(str) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {quoted} {[[test]]} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {quoted} {[[test"test]]} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {[["test]]} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {[["t\"est"]]} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {[["t\"est"x]]} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {unquoted} {"\'test\'"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={count}] The function \type {count} returns the number of times that a given pattern occurs. Beware: if you want to deal with \UTF\ strings, you need the variant that sits in the \type {lpeg} namespace. \starttyping local n = count(str,pattern) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {count} {"test me", "e"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={limit}] This function can be handy when you need to print messages that can be rather long. By default, three periods are appended when the string is chopped. \starttyping print(limit(str,max,sentinel) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {limit} {"too long", 6} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {limit} {"too long", 6, " (etc)"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={is_empty}] A string considered empty by this function when its length is zero or when it only contains spaces. \starttyping if is_empty(str) then ... end \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_empty} {""} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_empty} {" "} \ShowLuaExampleThree {string} {is_empty} {" ? "} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={escapedpattern topattern}] These two functions are rather specialized. They come in handy when you need to escape a pattern, i.e.\ prefix characters with a special meaning by a \type {%}. \starttyping local e = escapedpattern(str, simple) local p = topattern (str, lowercase, strict) \stoptyping The simple variant does less escaping (only \type {-.?*} and is for instance used in wildcard patterns when globbing directories. The \type {topattern} function always does the simple escape. A strict pattern gets anchored to the beginning and end. If you want to see what these functions do you can best look at their implementation. \stopsummary % strings.tabtospace(str,n) % strings.striplong \stopsection \startsection[title=\UTF] We used to have the \type {slunicode} library available but as most of it is not used and because it has a somewhat fuzzy state, we will no longer rely on it. In fact we only used a few functions in the \type {utf} namespace so as \CONTEXT\ user you'd better stick to what is presented here. You don't have to worry how they are implemented. Depending on the version of \LUATEX\ it can be that a library, a native function, or \LPEG is used. \startsummary[title={char byte}] As \UTF\ is a multibyte encoding the term char in fact refers to a \LUA\ string of one upto four 8|-|bit characters. \starttyping local b = utf.byte("å") local c = utf.char(0xE5) \stoptyping The number of places in \CONTEXT\ where do such conversion is not that large: it happens mostly in tracing messages. \starttyping logs.report("panic","the character U+%05X is used",utf.byte("æ")) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {byte} {"æ"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {char} {0xE6} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={sub}] If you need to take a slice of an \UTF\ encoded string the \type {sub} function can come in handy. This function takes a string and a range defined by two numbers. Negative numbers count from the end of the string. \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",1,7} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,7} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,9} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",4} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,0} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",4,4} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",4,0} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",-3,0} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",0,-3} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",-5,-3} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {sub} {"123456àáâãäå",-3} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={len}] There are probably not that many people that can instantly see how many bytes the string in the following example takes: \starttyping local l = utf.len("ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäå") \stoptyping Programming languages use \ASCII\ mostly so there each characters takes one byte. In \CJK\ scripts however, you end up with much longer sequences. If you ever did some typesetting of such scripts you have noticed that the number of characters on a page is less than in the case of a Latin script. As information is coded in less characters, effectively the source of a Latin or \CJK\ document will not differ that much. \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {len} {"ÒÓÔÕÖòóôõö"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={values characters}] There are two iterators that deal with \UTF. In \LUATEX\ these are extensions to the \type {string} library but for consistency we've move them to the \type {utf} namespace. The following function loops over the \UTF\ characters in a string and returns the \UNICODE\ number in \type {u}: \starttyping for u in utf.values(str) do ... -- u is a number end \stoptyping The next one returns a string \type {c} that has one or more characters as \UTF\ characters can have upto 4 bytes. \starttyping for c in utf.characters(str) do ... -- c is a string end \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={ustring xstring tocodes}] These functions are mostly useful for logging where we want to see the \UNICODE\ number. \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {ustring} {0xE6} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {ustring} {"ù"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {xstring} {0xE6} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {xstring} {"à"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {tocodes} {"ùúü"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {tocodes} {"àáä",""} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {tocodes} {"òóö","+"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={split splitlines totable}] The \type {split} function splits a sequence of \UTF\ characters into a table which one character per slot. The \type {splitlines} does the same but each slot has a line instead. The \type {totable} function is similar to \type {split}, but the later strips an optionally present \UTF\ bom. \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {split} {"òóö"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={count}] This function counts the number of times that a given substring occurs in a string. The patterns can be a string or an \LPEG\ pattern. \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"òóöòóöòóö","ö"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.P("á") + lpeg.P("à")} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={remapper replacer substituter}] With \type {remapper} you can create a remapping function that remaps a given string using a (hash) table. \starttyping local remap = utf.remapper { a = 'd', b = "c", c = "b", d = "a" } print(remap("abcd 1234 abcd")) \stoptyping A remapper checks each character against the given mapping table. Its cousin \type {replacer} is more efficient and skips non matches. The \type {substituter} function only does a quick check first and avoids building a string with no replacements. That one is much faster when you expect not that many replacements. The \type {replacer} and \type {substituter} functions take table as argument and an indexed as well as hashed one are acceptable. In fact you can even do things like this: \starttyping local rep = utf.replacer { [lpeg.patterns.digit] = "!" } \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={is_valid}] This function returns false if the argument is no valid \UTF\ string. As \LUATEX\ is pretty strict with respect to the input, this function is only useful when dealing with external files. \starttyping function checkfile(filename) local data = io.loaddata(filename) if data and data ~= "" and not utf.is_valid(data) then logs.report("error","file %q contains invalid utf",filename) end end \stoptyping \stopsummary % not that relevant: % % -- utf.filetype % -- string.toutf \stopsection \startsection[title=Numbers and bits] In the \type {number} namespace we collect some helpers that deal with numbers as well as bits. Starting with \LUA\ 5.2 a library \type {bit32} is but the language itself doesn't provide for them via operators: the library uses functions to manipulate numbers upto 2\high{32}. In the latest \LUATEX\ you can use the new bit related operators. % For advanced bit manipulations you should use the \type {bit32} library, otherwise % it's best to stick to the functions described here. % % \startsummary[title={hasbit setbit clearbit}] % % As bitsets are numbers you will also use numbers to qualify them. So, if you want to % set bits 1, 4 and 8, you can to that using the following specification: % % \starttyping % local b = 1 + 4 + 8 -- 0x1 + 0x4 + 0x8 % local b = 13 -- or 0xC % \stoptyping % % However, changing one bit by adding a number to an existing doesn't work out that well % if that number already has that bit set. Instead we use: % % \starttyping % local b = number.setbit(b,0x4) % \stoptyping % % In a similar fashion you can turn of a bit: % % \starttyping % local b = number.clearbit(b,0x4) % \stoptyping % % Testing for a bit(set) is done as follows: % % \starttyping % local okay = number.hasbit(b,0x4) % \stoptyping % % \stopsummary % % \startsummary[title={bit}] % % Where the previously mentioned helpers work with numbers representing one or more % bits, it is sometimes handy to work with positions. The \type {bit} function % returns the associated number value. % % \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {bit} {5} % % \stopsummary \startsummary[title={tobitstring}] There is no format option to go from number to bits in terms of zeros and ones so we provide a helper: \type {tobitsting}. \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {tobitstring} {2013} \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {tobitstring} {2013,3} \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {tobitstring} {2013,1} \stopsummary % \startsummary[title={bits}] % % If you ever want to convert a bitset into a table containing the set bits you can % use this function. % % \ShowLuaExampleTwo {number} {bits} {11} % % \stopsummary % % \startsummary[title={toset}] % % A string or number can be split into digits with \type {toset}. Beware, this % function does not return a function but multiple numbers % % \starttyping % local a, b, c, d = number.toset("1001") % \stoptyping % % The returned values are either numbers or \type {nil} when an valid digit is % seen. % % \ShowLuaExampleSeven {number} {toset} {100101} % \ShowLuaExampleSeven {number} {toset} {"100101"} % \ShowLuaExampleSeven {number} {toset} {"21546"} % % \stopsummary \startsummary[title={valid}] This function can be used to check or convert a number, for instance in user interfaces. \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {valid} {12} \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {valid} {"34"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {number} {valid} {"ab",56} \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=\LPEG\ patterns] For \LUATEX\ and \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ the \type {lpeg} library came at the right moment as we can use it in lots of places. An in|-|depth discussion makes no sense as it's easier to look into \type {l-lpeg.lua}, so we stick to an overview. \footnote {If you search the web for \type {lua lpeg} you will end up at the official documentation and tutorial.} Most functions return an \type {lpeg} object that can be used in a match. In time critical situations it's more efficient to use the match on a predefined pattern that to create the pattern new each time. Patterns are cached so there is no penalty in predefining a pattern. So, in the following example, the \type {splitter} that splits at the asterisk will only be created once. \starttyping local splitter_1 = lpeg.splitat("*") local splitter_2 = lpeg.splitat("*") local n, m = lpeg.match(splitter_1,"2*4") local n, m = lpeg.match(splitter_2,"2*4") \stoptyping \startsummary[title={[lua] match print P R S V C Cc Cs ...}] The \type {match} function does the real work. Its first argument is a \type {lpeg} object that is created using the functions with the short uppercase names. \starttyping local P, R, C, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct local pattern = Ct((P("[") * C(R("az")^0) * P(']') + P(1))^0) local words = lpeg.match(pattern,"a [first] and [second] word") \stoptyping In this example the words between square brackets are collected in a table. There are lots of examples of \type {lpeg} in the \CONTEXT\ code base. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={anywhere}] \starttyping local p = anywhere(pattern) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct((lpeg.anywhere("->")/"!")^0), "oeps->what->more"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={splitter splitat firstofsplit secondofsplit}] The \type {splitter} function returns a pattern where each match gets an action applied. The action can be a function, table or string. \starttyping local p = splitter(pattern, action) \stoptyping The \type {splitat} function returns a pattern that will return the split off parts. Unless the second argument is \type {true} the splitter keeps splitting \starttyping local p = splitat(separator,single) \stoptyping When you need to split off a prefix (for instance in a label) you can use: \starttyping local p = firstofsplit(separator) local p = secondofsplit(separator) \stoptyping The first function returns the original when there is no match but the second function returns \type {nil} instead. \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",false)), "oeps->what->more"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",false)), "oeps"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",true)), "oeps->what->more"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat("->",true)), "oeps"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.firstofsplit(":"), "before:after"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.firstofsplit(":"), "whatever"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.secondofsplit(":"), "before:after"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.secondofsplit(":"), "whatever"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={split checkedsplit}] The next two functions have counterparts in the \type {string} namespace. They return a table with the split parts. The second function omits empty parts. \starttyping local t = split (separator,str) local t = checkedsplit(separator,str) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {split} {",","a,b,c"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {split} {",",",a,,b,c,"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {checkedsplit} {",",",a,,b,c,"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={stripper keeper replacer}] These three functions return patterns that manipulate a string. The \type {replacer} gets a mapping table passed. \starttyping local p = stripper(str or pattern) local p = keeper (str or pattern) local p = replacer(mapping) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.stripper(lpeg.R("az")), "[-a-b-c-d-]"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.stripper("ab"), "[-a-b-c-d-]"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.keeper(lpeg.R("az")), "[-a-b-c-d-]"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.keeper("ab"), "[-a-b-c-d-]"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.replacer{{"a","p"},{"b","q"}}, "[-a-b-c-d-]"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={balancer}] One of the nice things about \type {lpeg} is that it can handle all kind of balanced input. So, a function is provided that returns a balancer pattern: \starttyping local p = balancer(left,right) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct((lpeg.C(lpeg.balancer("{","}"))+1)^0),"{a} {b{c}}"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {lpeg} {match} {lpeg.Ct((lpeg.C(lpeg.balancer("((","]"))+1)^0),"((a] ((b((c]]"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={counter}] The \type {counter} function returns a function that returns the length of a given string. The \type {count} function differs from its counterpart living in the \type {string} namespace in that it deals with \UTF\ and accepts strings as well as patterns. \starttyping local fnc = counter(lpeg.P("á") + lpeg.P("à")) local len = fnc("äáàa") \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={UP US UR}] In order to make working with \UTF-8 input somewhat more convenient a few helpers are provided. \starttyping local p = lpeg.UP(utfstring) local p = lpeg.US(utfstring) local p = lpeg.UR(utfpair) local p = lpeg.UR(first,last) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UP("áà")} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.US("àá")} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UR("aá")} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UR("àá")} \ShowLuaExampleThree {utf} {count} {"äáàa",lpeg.UR(0x0000,0xFFFF)} \startsummary[title={patterns}] The following patterns are available in the \type {patterns} table in the \type {lpeg} namespace: \startluacode context.startalignment { "flushleft" } local done = false for k, v in table.sortedpairs(lpeg.patterns) do if done then context.space() else done = true end context.type(k) end context.stopalignment() \stopluacode There will probably be more of them in the future. \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=IO] The \type {io} library is extended with a couple of functions as well and variables but first we mention a few predefined functions. \startsummary[title={[lua] open popen...}] The IO library deals with in- and output from the console and files. \starttyping local f = io.open(filename) \stoptyping When the call succeeds \type {f} is a file object. You close this file with: \starttyping f:close() \stoptyping Reading from a file is done with \type {f:read(...)} and writing to a file with \type {f:write(...)}. In order to write to a file, when opening a second argument has to be given, often \type {wb} for writing (binary) data. Although there are more efficient ways, you can use the \type {f:lines()} iterator to process a file line by line. You can open a process with \type {io.popen} but dealing with this one depends a bit on the operating system. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={fileseparator pathseparator}] The value of the following two strings depends on the operating system that is used. \starttyping io.fileseparator io.pathseparator \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleFive {io} {fileseparator} \ShowLuaExampleFive {io} {pathseparator} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={loaddata savedata}] These two functions save you some programming. The first function loads a whole file in a string. By default the file is loaded in binary mode, but when the second argument is \type {true}, some interpretation takes place (for instance line endings). In practice the second argument can best be left alone. \starttyping io.loaddata(filename,textmode) \stoptyping Saving the data is done with: \starttyping io.savedata(filename,str) io.savedata(filename,tab,joiner) \stoptyping When a table is given, you can optionally specify a string that ends up between the elements that make the table. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={exists size noflines}] These three function don't need much comment. \starttyping io.exists(filename) io.size(filename) io.noflines(fileobject) io.noflines(filename) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={characters bytes readnumber readstring}] When I wrote the icc profile loader, I needed a few helpers for reading strings of a certain length and numbers of a given width. Both accept five values of \type {n}: \type {-4}, \type {-2}, \type {1}, \type {2} and \type {4} where the negative values swap the characters or bytes. \starttyping io.characters(f,n) -- io.bytes(f,n) \stoptyping The function \type {readnumber} accepts five sizes: \type {1}, \type {2}, \type {4}, \type {8}, \type {12}. The string function handles any size and strings zero bytes from the string. \starttyping io.readnumber(f,size) io.readstring(f,size) \stoptyping Optionally you can give the position where the reading has to start: \starttyping io.readnumber(f,position,size) io.readstring(f,position,size) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={ask}] In practice you will probably make your own variant of the following function, but at least a template is there: \starttyping io.ask(question,default,options) \stoptyping For example: \starttyping local answer = io.ask("choice", "two", { "one", "two" }) \stoptyping \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=File] The file library is one of the larger core libraries that comes with \CONTEXT. \startsummary[title={dirname basename extname nameonly}] We start with a few filename manipulators. \starttyping local path = file.dirname(name,default) local base = file.basename(name) local suffix = file.extname(name,default) -- or file.suffix local name = file.nameonly(name) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {dirname} {"/data/temp/whatever.cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {dirname} {"c:/data/temp/whatever.cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {basename} {"/data/temp/whatever.cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {extname} {"c:/data/temp/whatever.cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {nameonly} {"/data/temp/whatever.cld"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={addsuffix replacesuffix}] These functions are used quite often: \starttyping local filename = file.addsuffix(filename, suffix, criterium) local filename = file.replacesuffix(filename, suffix) \stoptyping The first one adds a suffix unless one is present. When \type {criterium} is \type {true} no checking is done and the suffix is always appended. The second function replaces the current suffix or add one when there is none. \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {addsuffix} {"whatever","cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {addsuffix} {"whatever.tex","cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {addsuffix} {"whatever.tex","cld",true} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {replacesuffix} {"whatever","cld"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {replacesuffix} {"whatever.tex","cld"} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={is_writable is_readable}] These two test the nature of a file: \starttyping file.is_writable(name) file.is_readable(name) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={splitname join collapsepath}] Instead of splitting off individual components you can get them all in one go: \starttyping local drive, path, base, suffix = file.splitname(name) \stoptyping The \type {drive} variable is empty on operating systems other than \MSWINDOWS. Such components are joined with the function: \starttyping file.join(...) \stoptyping The given snippets are joined using the \type {/} as this is rather platform independent. Some checking takes place in order to make sure that nu funny paths result from this. There is also \type {collapsepath} that does some cleanup on a path with relative components, like \type {..}. \ShowLuaExampleSix {file} {splitname} {"a:/b/c/d.e"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {join} {"a","b","c.d"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {collapsepath} {"a/b/../c.d"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {collapsepath} {"a/b/../c.d",true} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={splitpath joinpath}] By default splitting a execution path specification is done using the operating system dependant separator, but you can force one as well: \starttyping file.splitpath(str,separator) \stoptyping The reverse operation is done with: \starttyping file.joinpath(tab,separator) \stoptyping Beware: in the following examples the separator is system dependent so the outcome depends on the platform you run on. \ShowLuaExampleTwo {file} {splitpath} {"a:b:c"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {file} {splitpath} {"a;b;c"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {joinpath} {{"a","b","c"}} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={robustname}] In workflows filenames with special characters can be a pain so the following function replaces characters other than letters, digits, periods, slashes and hyphens by hyphens. \starttyping file.robustname(str,strict) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {robustname} {"We don't like this!"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {robustname} {"We don't like this!",true} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={readdata writedata}] These two functions are duplicates of functions with the same name in the \type {io} library. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={copy}] There is not much to comment on this one: \starttyping file.copy(oldname,newname) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={is_qualified_path is_rootbased_path}] A qualified path has at least one directory component while a rootbased path is anchored to the root of a filesystem or drive. \starttyping file.is_qualified_path(filename) file.is_rootbased_path(filename) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_qualified_path} {"a"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_qualified_path} {"a/b"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_rootbased_path} {"a/b"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {file} {is_rootbased_path} {"/a/b"} \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=Dir] The \type {dir} library uses functions of the \type {lfs} library that is linked into \LUATEX. \startsummary[title={current}] This returns the current directory: \starttyping dir.current() \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={glob globpattern globfiles}] % not yet documented: dir.collectpattern(path,patt,recurse,result) -- collects tree The \type {glob} function collects files with names that match a given pattern. The pattern can have wildcards: \type {*} (oen of more characters), \type {?} (one character) or \type {**} (one or more directories). You can pass the function a string or a table with strings. Optionally a second argument can be passed, a table that the results are appended to. \starttyping local files = dir.glob(pattern,target) local files = dir.glob({pattern,...},target) \stoptyping The target is optional and often you end up with simple calls like: \starttyping local files = dir.glob("*.tex") \stoptyping There is a more extensive version where you start at a path, and applies an action to each file that matches the pattern. You can either or not force recursion. \starttyping dir.globpattern(path,patt,recurse,action) \stoptyping The \type {globfiles} function collects matches in a table that is returned at the end. You can pass an existing table as last argument. The first argument is the starting path, the second arguments controls analyzing directories and the third argument has to be a function that gets a name passed and is supposed to return \type {true} or \type {false}. This function determines what gets collected. \starttyping dir.globfiles(path,recurse,func,files) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={makedirs}] With \type {makedirs} you can create the given directory. If more than one name is given they are concatinated. \starttyping dir.makedirs(name,...) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={expandname}] This function tries to resolve the given path, including relative paths. \starttyping dir.expandname(str) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {dir} {expandname} {"."} \stopsummary \stopsection \startsection[title=URL] \startsummary[title={split hashed construct}] This is a specialized library. You can split an \type {url} into its components. An \URL\ is constructed like this: \starttyping foo://example.com:2010/alpha/beta?gamma=delta#epsilon \stoptyping \starttabulate[|T|T|] \NC scheme \NC foo:// \NC \NR \NC authority \NC example.com:2010 \NC \NR \NC path \NC /alpha/beta \NC \NR \NC query \NC gamma=delta \NC \NR \NC fragment \NC epsilon \NC \NR \stoptabulate A string is split into a hash table with these keys using the following function: \starttyping url.hashed(str) \stoptyping or in strings with: \starttyping url.split(str) \stoptyping The hash variant is more tolerant than the split. In the hash there is also a key \type {original} that holds the original \URL\ and and the boolean \type {noscheme} indicates if there is a scheme at all. The reverse operation is done with: \starttyping url.construct(hash) \stoptyping \startasciimode \ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {hashed} {"foo://example.com:2010/alpha/beta?gamma=delta#epsilon"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {hashed} {"alpha/beta"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {split} {"foo://example.com:2010/alpha/beta?gamma=delta#epsilon"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {split} {"alpha/beta"} \stopasciimode \startsummary[title={hasscheme addscheme filename query}] There are a couple of helpers and their names speaks for themselves: \starttyping url.hasscheme(str) url.addscheme(str,scheme) url.filename(filename) url.query(str) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {hasscheme} {"http://www.pragma-ade.com/cow.png"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {hasscheme} {"www.pragma-ade.com/cow.png"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {addscheme} {"www.pragma-ade.com/cow.png","http://"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {addscheme} {"www.pragma-ade.com/cow.png"} \ShowLuaExampleThree {url} {filename} {"http://www.pragma-ade.com/cow.png"} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {url} {query} {"a=b&c=d"} \stopsection \startsection[title=OS] \startsummary[title={[lua luatex] env setenv getenv}] In \CONTEXT\ normally you will use the resolver functions to deal with the environment and files. However, a more low level interface is still available. You can query and set environment variables with two functions. In addition there is the \type {env} table as interface to the environment. This threesome replaces the built in functions. \starttyping os.setenv(key,value) os.getenv(key) os.env[key] \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] execute}] There are several functions for running programs. One comes directly from \LUA, the otheres come with \LUATEX. All of them are are overloaded in \CONTEXT\ in order to get more control. \starttyping os.execute(...) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[luatex] spawn exec}] Two other runners are: \starttyping os.spawn(...) os.exec (...) \stoptyping The \type {exec} variant will transfer control from the current process to the new one and not return to the current job. There is a more detailed explanation in the \LUATEX\ manual. \stopsummary \startsummary[title={resultof launch}] The following function runs the command and returns the result as string. Multiple lines are combined. \starttyping os.resultof(command) \stoptyping The next one launches a file assuming that the operating system knows what application to use. \starttyping os.launch(str) \stoptyping \stopsummary \startsummary[title={type name platform libsuffix binsuffix}] There are a couple of strings that reflect the current machinery: \type {type} returns either \type {windows} or \type {unix}. The variable \type {name} is more detailed: \type {windows}, \type {msdos}, \type {linux}, \type {macosx}, etc. If you also want the architecture you can consult \type {platform}. \starttyping local t = os.type local n = os.name local p = os.platform \stoptyping These three variables as well as the next two are used internally and normally they are not needed in your applications as most functions that matter are aware of what platform specific things they have to deal with. \starttyping local s = os.libsuffix local b = os.binsuffix \stoptyping These are string, not functions. \ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {type} \ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {name} \ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {platform} \ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {libsuffix} \ShowLuaExampleFive {os} {binsuffix} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[lua] time}] The built in time function returns a number. The accuracy is implementation dependent and not that large. \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {time} {} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={[luatex] times gettimeofday}] Although \LUA\ has a built in type {os.time} function, we normally will use the one provided by \LUATEX\ as it is more precise: \starttyping os.gettimeofday() \stoptyping There is also a more extensive variant: \starttyping os.times() \stoptyping This one is platform dependent and returns a table with \type {utime} (use time), \type {stime} (system time), \type {cutime} (children user time), and \type {cstime} (children system time). \stopsummary \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {gettimeofday} {} \ShowLuaExampleTwo {os} {times} {} \startsummary[title={runtime}] More interesting is: \starttyping os.runtime() \stoptyping which returns the time spent in the application so far. \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {runtime} {} Sometimes you need to add the timezone to a verbose time and the following function does that for you. \starttyping os.timezone(delta) \stoptyping \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {timezone} {} \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {timezone} {1} \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {timezone} {-1} \stopsummary \startsummary[title={uuid}] A version 4 UUID can be generated with: \starttyping os.uuid() \stoptyping The generator is good enough for our purpose. \ShowLuaExampleThree {os} {uuid} {} \stopsummary \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent