% language=uk \startcomponent cld-macros \environment cld-environment \startchapter[title=Files] \startsection[title={Preprocessing}] Although this option must be used with care, it is possible to preprocess files before they enter \TEX. The following example shows this. \starttyping local function showline(str,filename,linenumber,noflines) logs.simple("[lc] file: %s, line: %s of %s, length: %s", file.basename(filename),linenumber,noflines,#str) end local function showfile(str,filename) logs.simple("[fc] file: %s, length: %s", file.basename(filename),#str) end resolvers.installinputlinehandler(showline) resolvers.installinputfilehandler(showfile) \stoptyping Preprocessors like this are rather innocent. If you want to manipulate the content you need to be aware of the fact that modules and such also pass your code, and manipulating them can give unexpected side effects. So, the following code will not make \CONTEXT\ happy. \starttyping local function foo() return "bar" end resolvers.installinputlinehandler(foo) \stoptyping But, as we pass the filename, you can base your preprocessing on names. There can be multiple handlers active at the same time, and although more detailed control is possible, the current interface does not provide that, simply because having too many handlers active is asking for trouble anyway. What you can do, is putting your handler in front or after the built in handlers. \starttyping resolvers.installinputlinehandler("before",showline) resolvers.installinputfilehandler("after", showfile) \stoptyping Of course you can also preprocess files outside this mechanism, which in most cases might be a better idea. However, the following example code is quite efficient and robust. \starttyping local function MyHandler(str,filename) if file.suffix(filename) == "veryspecial" then logs.simple("preprocessing file '%s',filename) return MyConverter(str) else return str end end resolvers.installinputfilehandler("before",MyHandler) \stoptyping In this case only files that have a suffix \type {.veryspecial} will get an extra treatment. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent