% language=uk \startcomponent cld-abitoflua \environment cld-environment \startchapter[title=A bit of Lua] \startsection[title=The language] \index[lua]{\LUA} Small is beautiful and this is definitely true for the programming language \LUA\ (moon in Portuguese). We had good reasons for using this language in \LUATEX: simplicity, speed, syntax and size to mention a few. Of course personal taste also played a role and after using a couple of scripting languages extensively the switch to \LUA\ was rather pleasant. As the \LUA\ reference manual is an excellent book there is no reason to discuss the language in great detail: just buy \quote {Programming in \LUA} by the \LUA\ team. Nevertheless I will give a short summary of the important concepts but consult the book if you want more details. \stopsection \startsection[title=Data types] \index{functions} \index{variables} \index{strings} \index{numbers} \index{booleans} \index{tables} The most basic data type is \type {nil}. When we define a variable, we don't need to give it a value: \starttyping local v \stoptyping Here the variable \type {v} can get any value but till that happens it equals \type {nil}. There are simple data types like \type {numbers}, \type {booleans} and \type {strings}. Here are some numbers: \starttyping local n = 1 + 2 * 3 local x = 2.3 \stoptyping Numbers are always floats \footnote {This is true for all versions upto 5.2 but following version can have a more hybrid model.} and you can use the normal arithmetic operators on them as well as functions defined in the math library. Inside \TEX\ we have only integers, although for instance dimensions can be specified in points using floats but that's more syntactic sugar. One reason for using integers in \TEX\ has been that this was the only way to guarantee portability across platforms. However, we're 30 years along the road and in \LUA\ the floats are implemented identical across platforms, so we don't need to worry about compatibility. Strings in \LUA\ can be given between quotes or can be so called long strings forced by square brackets. \starttyping local s = "Whatever" local t = s .. ' you want' local u = t .. [[ to know]] .. [[--[ about Lua!]--]] \stoptyping The two periods indicate a concatenation. Strings are hashed, so when you say: \starttyping local s = "Whatever" local t = "Whatever" local u = t \stoptyping only one instance of \type {Whatever} is present in memory and this fact makes \LUA\ very efficient with respect to strings. Strings are constants and therefore when you change variable \type {s}, variable \type {t} keeps its value. When you compare strings, in fact you compare pointers, a method that is really fast. This compensates the time spent on hashing pretty well. Booleans are normally used to keep a state or the result from an expression. \starttyping local b = false local c = n > 10 and s == "whatever" \stoptyping The other value is \type {true}. There is something that you need to keep in mind when you do testing on variables that are yet unset. \starttyping local b = false local n \stoptyping The following applies when \type {b} and \type {n} are defined this way: \starttabulate[|Tl|Tl|] \NC b == false \NC true \NC \NR \NC n == false \NC false \NC \NR \NC n == nil \NC true \NC \NR \NC b == nil \NC false \NC \NR \NC b == n \NC false \NC \NR \NC n == nil \NC true \NC \NR \stoptabulate Often a test looks like: \starttyping if somevar then ... else ... end \stoptyping In this case we enter the else branch when \type {somevar} is either \type {nil} or \type {false}. It also means that by looking at the code we cannot beforehand conclude that \type {somevar} equals \type {true} or something else. If you want to really distinguish between the two cases you can be more explicit: \starttyping if somevar == nil then ... elseif somevar == false then ... else ... end \stoptyping or \starttyping if somevar == true then ... else ... end \stoptyping but such an explicit test is seldom needed. There are a few more data types: tables and functions. Tables are very important and you can recognize them by the same curly braces that make \TEX\ famous: \starttyping local t = { 1, 2, 3 } local u = { a = 4, b = 9, c = 16 } local v = { [1] = "a", [3] = "2", [4] = false } local w = { 1, 2, 3, a = 4, b = 9, c = 16 } \stoptyping The \type {t} is an indexed table and \type {u} a hashed table. Because the second slot is empty, table \type {v} is partially indexed (slot 1) and partially hashed (the others). There is a gray area there, for instance, what happens when you nil a slot in an indexed table? In practice you will not run into problems as you will either use a hashed table, or an indexed table (with no holes), so table \type {w} is not uncommon. We mentioned that strings are in fact shared (hashed) but that an assignment of a string to a variable makes that variable behave like a constant. Contrary to that, when you assign a table, and then copy that variable, both variables can be used to change the table. Take this: \starttyping local t = { 1, 2, 3 } local u = t \stoptyping We can change the content of the table as follows: \starttyping t[1], t[3] = t[3], t[1] \stoptyping Here we swap two cells. This is an example of a parallel assigment. However, the following does the same: \starttyping t[1], t[3] = u[3], u[1] \stoptyping After this, both \type {t} and \type {u} still share the same table. This kind of behaviour is quite natural. Keep in mind that expressions are evaluated first, so \starttyping t[#t+1], t[#t+1] = 23, 45 \stoptyping Makes no sense, as the values end up in the same slot. There is no gain in speed so using parallel assignments is mostly a convenience feature. There are a few specialized data types in \LUA, like \type {coroutines} (built in), \type {file} (when opened), \type {lpeg} (only when this library is linked in or loaded). These are called \quote {userdata} objects and in \LUATEX\ we have more userdata objects as we will see in later chapters. Of them nodes are the most noticeable: they are the core data type of the \TEX\ machinery. Other libraries, like \type {math} and \type {bit32} are just collections of functions operating on numbers. Functions look like this: \starttyping function sum(a,b) print(a, b, a + b) end \stoptyping or this: \starttyping function sum(a,b) return a + b end \stoptyping There can be many arguments of all kind of types and there can be multiple return values. A function is a real type, so you can say: \starttyping local f = function(s) print("the value is: " .. s) end \stoptyping In all these examples we defined variables as \type {local}. This is a good practice and avoids clashes. Now watch the following: \starttyping local n = 1 function sum(a,b) n = n + 1 return a + b end function report() print("number of summations: " .. n) end \stoptyping Here the variable \type {n} is visible after its definition and accessible for the two global functions. Actually the variable is visible to all the code following, unless of course we define a new variable with the same name. We can hide \type {n} as follows: \starttyping do local n = 1 sum = function(a,b) n = n + 1 return a + b end report = function() print("number of summations: " .. n) end end \stoptyping This example also shows another way of defining the function: by assignment. The \typ {do ... end} creates a so called closure. There are many places where such closures are created, for instance in function bodies or branches like \typ {if ... then ... else}. This means that in the following snippet, variable \type {b} is not seen after the end: \starttyping if a > 10 then local b = a + 10 print(b*b) end \stoptyping When you process a blob of \LUA\ code in \TEX\ (using \type {\directlua} or \type {\latelua}) it happens in a closure with an implied \typ {do ... end}. So, \type {local} defined variables are really local. \stopsection \startsection[title=\TEX's data types] We mentioned \type {numbers}. At the \TEX\ end we have counters as well as dimensions. Both are numbers but dimensions are specified differently \starttyping local n = tex.count[0] local m = tex.dimen.lineheight local o = tex.sp("10.3pt") -- sp or 'scaled point' is the smallest unit \stoptyping The unit of dimension is \quote {scaled point} and this is a pretty small unit: 10 points equals to 655360 such units. Another accessible data type is tokens. They are automatically converted to strings and vice versa. \starttyping tex.toks[0] = "message" print(tex.toks[0]) \stoptyping Be aware of the fact that the tokens are letters so the following will come out as text and not issue a message: \starttyping tex.toks[0] = "\message{just text}" print(tex.toks[0]) \stoptyping \stopsection \startsection[title=Control structures] \index{loops} Loops are not much different from other languages: we have \typ {for ... do}, \typ {while ... do} and \typ {repeat ... until}. We start with the simplest case: \starttyping for index=1,10 do print(index) end \stoptyping You can specify a step and go downward as well: \starttyping for index=22,2,-2 do print(index) end \stoptyping Indexed tables can be traversed this way: \starttyping for index=1,#list do print(index, list[index]) end \stoptyping Hashed tables on the other hand are dealt with as follows: \starttyping for key, value in next, list do print(key, value) end \stoptyping Here \type {next} is a built in function. There is more to say about this mechanism but the average user will use only this variant. Slightly less efficient is the following, more readable variant: \starttyping for key, value in pairs(list) do print(key, value) end \stoptyping and for an indexed table: \starttyping for index, value in ipairs(list) do print(index, value) end \stoptyping The function call to \type {pairs(list)} returns \typ {next, list} so there is an (often neglectable) extra overhead of one function call. The other two loop variants, \type {while} and \type {repeat}, are similar. \starttyping i = 0 while i < 10 do i = i + 1 print(i) end \stoptyping This can also be written as: \starttyping i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 print(i) until i = 10 \stoptyping Or: \starttyping i = 0 while true do i = i + 1 print(i) if i = 10 then break end end \stoptyping \stopsection Of course you can use more complex expressions in such constructs. \startsection[title=Conditions] \index{expressions} Conditions have the following form: \starttyping if a == b or c > d or e then ... elseif f == g then ... else ... end \stoptyping Watch the double \type {==}. The complement of this is \type {~=}. Precedence is similar to other languages. In practice, as strings are hashed. Tests like \starttyping if key == "first" then ... end \stoptyping and \starttyping if n == 1 then ... end \stoptyping are equally efficient. There is really no need to use numbers to identify states instead of more verbose strings. \stopsection \startsection[title=Namespaces] \index{namespaces} Functionality can be grouped in libraries. There are a few default libraries, like \type {string}, \type {table}, \type {lpeg}, \type {math}, \type {io} and \type {os} and \LUATEX\ adds some more, like \type {node}, \type {tex} and \type {texio}. A library is in fact nothing more than a bunch of functionality organized using a table, where the table provides a namespace as well as place to store public variables. Of course there can be local (hidden) variables used in defining functions. \starttyping do mylib = { } local n = 1 function mylib.sum(a,b) n = n + 1 return a + b end function mylib.report() print("number of summations: " .. n) end end \stoptyping The defined function can be called like: \starttyping mylib.report() \stoptyping You can also create a shortcut, This speeds up the process because there are less lookups then. In the following code multiple calls take place: \starttyping local sum = mylib.sum for i=1,10 do for j=1,10 do print(i, j, sum(i,j)) end end mylib.report() \stoptyping As \LUA\ is pretty fast you should not overestimate the speedup, especially not when a function is called seldom. There is an important side effect here: in the case of: \starttyping print(i, j, sum(i,j)) \stoptyping the meaning of \type {sum} is frozen. But in the case of \starttyping print(i, j, mylib.sum(i,j)) \stoptyping The current meaning is taken, that is: each time the interpreter will access \type {mylib} and get the current meaning of \type {sum}. And there can be a good reason for this, for instance when the meaning is adapted to different situations. In \CONTEXT\ we have quite some code organized this way. Although much is exposed (if only because it is used all over the place) you should be careful in using functions (and data) that are still experimental. There are a couple of general libraries and some extend the core \LUA\ libraries. You might want to take a look at the files in the distribution that start with \type {l-}, like \type {l-table.lua}. These files are preloaded.\footnote {In fact, if you write scripts that need their functionality, you can use \type {mtxrun} to process the script, as \type {mtxrun} has the core libraries preloaded as well.} For instance, if you want to inspect a table, you can say: \starttyping local t = { "aap", "noot", "mies" } table.print(t) \stoptyping You can get an overview of what is implemented by running the following command: \starttyping context s-tra-02 --mode=tablet \stoptyping {\em todo: add nice synonym for this module and also add helpinfo at the to so that we can do \type {context --styles}} \stopsection \startsection[title=Comment] \index{comment} You can add comments to your \LUA\ code. There are basically two methods: one liners and multi line comments. \starttyping local option = "test" -- use this option with care local method = "unknown" --[[comments can be very long and when entered this way they and span multiple lines]] \stoptyping The so called long comments look like long strings preceded by \type {--} and there can be more complex boundary sequences. \stopsection \startsection[title=Pitfalls] Sometimes \type {nil} can bite you, especially in tables, as they have a dual nature: indexed as well as hashed. \startbuffer \startluacode local n1 = # { nil, 1, 2, nil } -- 3 local n2 = # { nil, nil, 1, 2, nil } -- 0 context("n1 = %s and n2 = %s",n1,n2) \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer results in: \getbuffer So, you cannot really depend on the length operator here. On the other hand, with: \startbuffer \startluacode local function check(...) return select("#",...) end local n1 = check ( nil, 1, 2, nil ) -- 4 local n2 = check ( nil, nil, 1, 2, nil ) -- 5 context("n1 = %s and n2 = %s",n1,n2) \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer we get: \getbuffer, so the \type {select} is quite useable. However, that function also has its specialities. The following example needs some close reading: \startbuffer \startluacode local function filter(n,...) return select(n,...) end local v1 = { filter ( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) } local v2 = { filter ( 2, 1, 2, 3 ) } local v3 = { filter ( 3, 1, 2, 3 ) } context("v1 = %+t and v2 = %+t and v3 = %+t",v1,v2,v3) \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer We collect the result in a table and show the concatination: \getbuffer So, what you effectively get is the whole list starting with the given offset. \startbuffer \startluacode local function filter(n,...) return (select(n,...)) end local v1 = { filter ( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) } local v2 = { filter ( 2, 1, 2, 3 ) } local v3 = { filter ( 3, 1, 2, 3 ) } context("v1 = %+t and v2 = %+t and v3 = %+t",v1,v2,v3) \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer Now we get: \getbuffer. The extra \type {()} around the result makes sure that we only get one return value. Of course the same effect can be achieved as follows: \starttyping local function filter(n,...) return select(n,...) end local v1 = filter ( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) local v2 = filter ( 2, 1, 2, 3 ) local v3 = filter ( 3, 1, 2, 3 ) context("v1 = %s and v2 = %s and v3 = %s",v1,v2,v3) \stoptyping \stopsection \startsection[title={A few suggestions}] You can wrap all kind of functionality in functions but sometimes it makes no sense to add the overhead of a call as the same can be done with hardly any code. If you want a slice of a table, you can copy the range needed to a new table. A simple version with no bounds checking is: \starttyping local new = { } for i=a,b do new[#new+1] = old[i] end \stoptyping Another, much faster, variant is the following. \starttyping local new = { unpack(old,a,b) } \stoptyping You can use this variant for slices that are not extremely large. The function \type {table.sub} is an equivalent: \starttyping local new = table.sub(old,a,b) \stoptyping An indexed table is empty when its size equals zero: \starttyping if #indexed == 0 then ... else ... end \stoptyping Sometimes this is better: \starttyping if indexed and #indexed == 0 then ... else ... end \stoptyping So how do we test if a hashed table is empty? We can use the \type {next} function as in: \starttyping if hashed and next(indexed) then ... else ... end \stoptyping Say that we have the following table: \starttyping local t = { a=1, b=2, c=3 } \stoptyping The call \type {next(t)} returns the first key and value: \starttyping local k, v = next(t) -- "a", 1 \stoptyping The second argument to \type {next} can be a key in which case the following key and value in the hash table is returned. The result is not predictable as a hash is unordered. The generic for loop uses this to loop over a hashed table: \starttyping for k, v in next, t do ... end \stoptyping Anyway, when \type {next(t)} returns zero you can be sure that the table is empty. This is how you can test for exactly one entry: \starttyping if t and not next(t,next(t)) then ... else ... end \stoptyping Here it starts making sense to wrap it into a function. \starttyping function table.has_one_entry(t) t and not next(t,next(t)) end \stoptyping On the other hand, this is not that usefull, unless you can spent the runtime on it: \starttyping function table.is_empty(t) return not t or not next(t) end \stoptyping \stopsection \startsection[title=Interfacing] We have already seen that you can embed \LUA\ code using commands like: \starttyping \startluacode print("this works") \stopluacode \stoptyping This command should not be confused with: \starttyping \startlua print("this works") \stoplua \stoptyping The first variant has its own catcode regime which means that tokens between the start and stop command are treated as \LUA\ tokens, with the exception of \TEX\ commands. The second variant operates under the regular \TEX\ catcode regime. Their short variants are \type {\ctxluacode} and \type {\ctxlua} as in: \starttyping \ctxluacode{print("this works")} \ctxlua{print("this works")} \stoptyping In practice you will probably use \type {\startluacode} when using or defining % \stopluacode a blob of \LUA\ and \type {\ctxlua} for inline code. Keep in mind that the longer versions need more initialization and have more overhead. There are some more commands. For instance \type {\ctxcommand} can be used as an efficient way to access functions in the \type {commands} namespace. The following two calls are equivalent: \starttyping \ctxlua {commands.thisorthat("...")} \ctxcommand {thisorthat("...")} \stoptyping There are a few shortcuts to the \type {context} namespace. Their use can best be seen from their meaning: \starttyping \cldprocessfile#1{\directlua{context.runfile("#1")}} \cldloadfile #1{\directlua{context.loadfile("#1")}} \cldcontext #1{\directlua{context(#1)}} \cldcommand #1{\directlua{context.#1}} \stoptyping The \type {\directlua{}} command can also be implemented using the token parser and \LUA\ itself. A variant is therefore \type {\luascript{}} which can be considered an alias but with a bit different error reporting. A variant on this is the \type {\luathread {name} {code}} command. Here is an example of their usage: \startbuffer \luascript { context("foo 1:") context(i) } \par \luathread {test} { i = 10 context("bar 1:") context(i) } \par \luathread {test} { context("bar 2:") context(i) } \par \luathread {test} {} % resets \luathread {test} { context("bar 3:") context(i) } \par \luascript { context("foo 2:") context(i) } \par \stopbuffer \typebuffer These commands result in: \startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked % \testfeatureonce{100000}{\directlua {local a = 10 local a = 10 local a = 10}} % 0.53s % \testfeatureonce{100000}{\luascript {local a = 10 local a = 10 local a = 10}} % 0.62s % \testfeatureonce{100000}{\luathread {test} {local a = 10 local a = 10 local a = 10}} % 0.79s The variable \type {i} is local to the thread (which is not really a thread in \LUA\ but more a named piece of code that provides an environment which is shared over the calls with the same name. You will probably never need these. Each time a call out to \LUA\ happens the argument eventually gets parsed, converted into tokens, then back into a string, compiled to bytecode and executed. The next example code shows a mechanism that avoids this: \starttyping \startctxfunction MyFunctionA context(" A1 ") \stopctxfunction \startctxfunctiondefinition MyFunctionB context(" B2 ") \stopctxfunctiondefinition \stoptyping The first command associates a name with some \LUA\ code and that code can be executed using: \starttyping \ctxfunction{MyFunctionA} \stoptyping The second definition creates a command, so there we do: \starttyping \MyFunctionB \stoptyping There are some more helpers but for use in document sources they make less sense. You can always browse the source code for examples. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent