% language=us \startcomponent bidi-introduction \environment bidi-style \startchapter[title=Introduction] With \CONTEXT\ you can typeset in two directions: from left to right and from right to left. In fact you can also combine these two directions, like this: \startbuffer There are many {\righttoleft \maincolor \it scripts in use} and some run into the other direction. However, there is {\righttoleft \maincolor \it no fixed relation {\lefttoright \black \it between the} direction of the script} and cars being driven left or right of the road. \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Even someone not familiar with right to left typesetting can see what happens here, or not? In fact Luigi Scarso pointed out that the \type {fixed} reversed into {\righttoleft \type {fixed}} but not in the example where {\bf fixed} becomes {\righttoleft \bf fixed}. This signals an important property of the way the text gets processed: you input something, at some points font features get applied (like ligatures) and in the end the resulting glyph stream is reversed. By that time the combination of {\bf f}+{\bf i} has become {\bf fi}! So, be prepared for surprises. This manual is written by a left to right user so don't expect a manual on semitic typesetting. Also don't expect a (yet) complete manual. I'll add whatever comes to mind. This is not a manual about Hebrew or Arabic, if only because I can't read any of those scripts (languages). I leave that to others to cover. This is work in progress and might always be! So expect errors and typos. As with anything related to typesetting the truth about how it should be done and what looks best is not absolute. So, the most we can offer is flexibility and the way \CONTEXT\ is setup permits that. Of course this is not possible without input. When we moved to \CONTEXT\ \LMTX, the bidi thread was picked up by Mohammad Hossein Bateni, Idris Samawi Hamid, Wolfgang Schuster and myself. So, expect more! \startlines Hans Hagen Hasselt, NL \stoplines \stopchapter \stopcomponent