% language=uk \startcomponent about-calls \environment about-environment \startchapter[title={Going nuts}] \startsection[title=Introduction] This is not the first story about speed and it will probably not be the last one either. This time we discuss a substantial speedup: upto 50\% with \LUAJITTEX. So, if you don't want to read further at least know that this speedup came at the cost of lots of testing and adapting code. Of course you could be one of those users who doesn't care about that and it may also be that your documents don't qualify at all. Often when I see a kid playing a modern computer game, I wonder how it gets done: all that high speed rendering, complex environments, shading, lightning, inter||player communication, many frames per second, adapted story lines, \unknown. Apart from clever programming, quite some of the work gets done by multiple cores working together, but above all the graphics and physics processors take much of the workload. The market has driven the development of this hardware and with success. In this perspective it's not that much of a surprise that complex \TEX\ jobs still take some time to get finished: all the hard work has to be done by interpreted languages using rather traditional hardware. Of course all kind of clever tricks make processors perform better than years ago, but still: we don't get much help from specialized hardware. \footnote {Apart from proper rendering on screen and printing on paper.} We're sort of stuck: when I replaced my 6 year old laptop (when I buy one, I always buy the fastest one possible) for a new one (so again a fast one) the gain in speed of processing a document was less than twice. The many times faster graphic capabilities are not of much help there, not is twice the amount of cores. So, if we ever want to go much faster, we need to improve the software. The reason for trying to speed up \MKIV\ has been mentioned before, but let's summarize it here: \startitemize \startitem There was a time when users complained about the speed of \CONTEXT, especially compared to other macro packages. I'm not so sure if this is still a valid complaint, but I do my best to avoid bottlenecks and much time goes into testing efficiency. \stopitem \startitem Computers don't get that much faster, at least we don't see an impressive boost each year any more. We might even see a slowdown when battery live dominates: more cores at a lower speed seems to be a trend and that doesn't suit current \TEX\ engines well. Of course we assume that \TEX\ will be around for some time. \stopitem \startitem Especially in automated workflows where multiple products each demanding a couple of runs are produced speed pays back in terms of resources and response time. Of course the time invested in the speedup is never regained by ourselves, but we hope that users appreciate it. \stopitem \startitem The more we do in \LUA, read: the more demanding users get and the more functionality is enabled, the more we need to squeeze out of the processor. And we want to do more in \LUA\ in order to get better typeset results. \stopitem \startitem Although \LUA\ is pretty fast, future versions might be slower. So, the more efficient we are, the less we probably suffer from changes. \stopitem \startitem Using more complex scripts and fonts is so demanding that the number of pages per second drops dramatically. Personally I consider a rate of 15 pps with \LUATEX\ or 20 pps with \LUAJITTEX\ reasonable minima on my laptop. \footnote {A Dell 6700 laptop with Core i7 3840QM, 16 GB memory and SSD, running 64 bit Windows 8.} \stopitem \startitem Among the reasons why \LUAJIT\ jitting does not help us much is that (at least in \CONTEXT) we don't use that many core functions that qualify for jitting. Also, as runs are limited in time and much code kicks in only a few times the analysis and compilation doesn't pay back in runtime. So we cannot simply sit down and wait till matters improve. \stopitem \stopitemize Luigi Scarso and I have been exploring several options, with \LUATEX\ as well as \LUAJITTEX. We observed that the virtual machine in \LUAJITTEX\ is much faster so that engine already gives a boots. The advertised jit feature can best be disabled as it slows down a run noticeably. We played with \type {ffi} as well, but there is additional overhead involved (\type {cdata}) as well as limited support for userdata, so we can forget about that too. \footnote {As we've now introduced getters we can construct a metatable at the \LUA\ end as that is what \type {ffi} likes most. But even then, we don't expect much from it: the four times slow down that experiments showed will not magically become a large gain.} Nevertheless, the twice as fast virtual machine of \LUAJIT\ is a real blessing, especially if you take into account that \CONTEXT\ spends quite some time in \LUA. We're also looking forward to the announced improved garbage collector of \LUAJIT. In the end we started looking at \LUATEX\ itself. What can be gained there, within the constraints of not having to completely redesign existing (\CONTEXT) \LUA\ code? \footnote {In the end a substantial change was needed but only in accessing node properties. The nice thing about C is that there macros often provide a level of abstraction which means that a similar adaption of \TEX\ source code would be more convenient.} \stopsection \startsection[title={Two access models}] Because the \CONTEXT\ code is reasonably well optimized already, the only option is to look into \LUATEX\ itself. We had played with the \TEX||\LUA\ interface already and came to the conclusion that some runtime could be gained there. On the long run it adds up but it's not too impressive; these extensions are awaiting integration. Tracing and bechmarking as well as some quick and dirty patches demonstrated that there were two bottlenecks in accessing fields in nodes: checking (comparing the metatables) and constructing results (userdata with metatable). In case you're infamiliar with the concept this is how nodes work. There is an abstract object called node that is in \LUA\ qualified as user data. This object contains a pointer to \TEX's node memory. \footnote {The traditional \TEX\ node memory manager is used, but at some point we might change to regular C (de)allocation. This might be slower but has some advantages too.} As it is real user data (not so called light) it also carries a metatable. In the metatble methods are defined and one of them is the indexer. So when you say this: \starttyping local nn = n.next \stoptyping given that \type {n} is a node (userdata) the \type {next} key is resolved up using the \type {__index} metatable value, in our case a function. So, in fact, there is no \type {next} field: it's kind of virtual. The index function that gets the relevant data from node memory is a fast operation: after determining the kind of node, the requested field is located. The return value can be a number, for instance when we ask for \type {width}, which is also fast to return. But it can also be a node, as is the case with \type {next}, an then we need to allocate a new userdata object (memory management overhead) and a metatable has to be associated. And that comes at a cost. In a previous update we had already optimized the main \type {__index} function but felt that some more was possible. For instance we can avoid the lookup of the metatable for the returned node(s). And, if we don't use indexed access but a instead a function for frequently accessed fields we can sometimes gain a bit too. A logical next step was to avoid some checking, which is okay given that one pays a bit attention to coding. So, we provided a special table with some accessors of frequently used fields. We actually implemented this as a so called \quote {fast} access model, and adapted part of the \CONTEXT\ code to this, as we wanted to see if it made sense. We were able to gain 5 to 10\% which is nice but still not impressive. In fact, we concluded that for the average run using fast was indeed faster but not enough to justify rewriting code to the (often) less nice looking faster access. A nice side effect of the recoding was that I can add more advanced profiling. But, in the process we ran into another possibility: use accessors exclusively and avoiding userdata by passing around references to \TEX\ node memory directly. As internally nodes can be represented by numbers, we ended up with numbers, but future versions might use light userdata instead to carry pointers around. Light userdata is cheap basic object with no garbage collection involved. We tagged this method \quote {direct} and one can best treat the values that gets passed around as abstract entities (in \MKIV\ we call this special view on nodes \quote {nuts}). So let's summarize this in code. Say that we want to know the next node of \type {n}: \starttyping local nn = n.next \stoptyping Here \type {__index} will be resolved and the associated function be called. We can avoid that lookup by applying the \type {__index} method directly (after all, that one assumes a userdata node): \starttyping local getfield = getmetatable(n).__index local nn = getfield(n,"next") -- userdata \stoptyping But this is not a recomended interface for regular users. A normal helper that does checking is as about fast as the indexed method: \starttyping local getfield = node.getfield local nn = getfield(n,"next") -- userdata \stoptyping So, we can use indexes as well as getters mixed and both perform more of less equal. A dedicated getter is somewhat more efficient: \starttyping local getnext = node.getnext local nn = getnext(n) -- userdata \stoptyping If we forget about checking, we can go fast, in fact the nicely interfaced \type {__index} is the fast one. \starttyping local getfield = node.fast.getfield local nn = getfield(n,"next") -- userdata \stoptyping Even more efficient is the following as that one knows already what to fetch: \starttyping local getnext = node.fast.getnext local nn = getnext(n) -- userdata \stoptyping The next step, away from userdata was: \starttyping local getfield = node.direct.getfield local nn = getfield(n,"next") -- abstraction \stoptyping and: \starttyping local getnext = node.direct.getnext local nn = getnext(n) -- abstraction \stoptyping Because we considered three variants a bit too much and because \type {fast} was only 5 to 10\% faster in extreme cases, we decided to drop that experimental code and stick to providing accessors in the node namespace as well as direct variants for critical cases. Before you start thinking: \quote {should I rewrite all my code?} think twice! First of all, \type {n.next} is quite fast and switching between the normal and direct model also has some cost. So, unless you also adapt all your personal helper code or provide two variants of each, it only makes sense to use direct mode in critical situations. Userdata mode is much more convenient when developing code and only when you have millions of access you can gain by direct mode. And even then, if the time spent in \LUA\ is small compared to the time spent in \TEX\ it might not even be noticeable. The main reason we made direct variants is that it does pay of in \OPENTYPE\ font processing where complex scripts can result in many millions of calls indeed. And that code will be set up in such a way that it will use userdata by default and only in well controlled case (like \MKIV) we will use direct mode. \footnote {When we are confident that \type {direct} node code is stable we can consider going direct in generic code as well, although we need to make sure that third party code keeps working.} Another thing to keep in mind is that when you provide hooks for users you should assume that they use the regular mode so you need to cast the plugins onto direct mode then. Because the idea is that one should be able to swap normal functions by direct ones (which of course is only possible when no indexes are used) all relevant function in the \type {node} namespace are available in \type {direct} as well. This means that the following code is rather neutral: \starttyping local x = node -- or: x = node.direct for n in x.traverse(head) do if x.getid(n) == node.id("glyph") and x.getchar(n) == 0x123 then x.setfield(n,"char",0x456) end end \stoptyping Of course one needs to make sure that \type {head} fits the model. For this you can use the cast functions: \starttyping node.direct.todirect(node or direct) node.direct.tonode(direct or node) \stoptyping These helpers are flexible enough to deal with either model. Aliasing the functions to locals is of course more efficient when a large number of calls happens (when you use \LUAJITTEX\ it will do some of that for you automatically). Of course, normally we use a more natural variant, using an id traverser: \starttyping for n in node.traverse_id(head,node.id("glyph")) do if n.char == 0x123 then n.char = 0x456 end end \stoptyping This is not that much slower, especially when it's only ran once. Just count the number of characters on a page (or in your document) and you will see that it's hard to come up with that many calls. Of course, processing many pages of Arabic using a mature font with many features enabled and contextual lookups, you do run into quantities. Tens of features times tens of contextual lookup passes can add up considerably. In Latin scripts you never reach such numbers, unless you use fonts like Zapfino. \stopsection \startsection[title={The transition}] After weeks of testing, rewriting, skyping, compiling and making decisions, we reached a more or less stable situation. At that point we were faced with a speedup that gave us a good feeling, but transition to the faster variant has a few consequences. \startitemize \startitem We need to use an adapted code base: indexes are to be replaced by function calls. This is a tedious job that can endanger stability so it has to be done with care. \footnote {The reverse is easier, as converting getters and setters to indexed is a rather simple conversion, while for instance changing type {.next} into a \type {getnext} needs more checking because that key is not unique to nodes.} \stopitem \startitem When using an old engine with the new \MKIV\ code, this approach will result in a somewhat slower run. Most users will probably accept a temporary slowdown of 10\%, so we might take this intermediate step. \stopitem \startitem When the regular getters and setters become available we get back to normal. Keep in mind that these accessors do some checking on arguments so that slows down to the level of using indexes. On the other hand, the dedicated ones (like \type {getnext}) are more efficient so there we gain. \stopitem \startitem As soon as direct becomes available we suddenly see a boost in speed. In documents of average complexity this is 10-20\% and when we use more complex scripts and fonts it can go up to 40\%. Here we assume that the macro package spends at least 50\% of its time in \LUA. \stopitem \stopitemize If we take the extremes: traditional indexed on the one hand versus optimized direct in \LUAJITTEX, a 50\% gain compared to the old methods is feasible. Because we also retrofitted some fast code into the regular accessor, indexed mode should also be somewhat faster compared to the older engine. In addition to the already provide helpers in the \type {node} namespace, we added the following: \starttabulate[|Tl|p|] \HL \NC getnext \NC this one is used a lot when analyzing and processing node lists \NC \NR \NC getprev \NC this one is used less often but fits in well (companion to \type {getnext}) \NC \NR \NC getfield \NC this is the general accessor, in userdata mode as fast as indexed \NC \NR \HL \NC getid \NC one of the most frequent called getters when parsing node lists \NC \NR \NC getsubtype \NC especially in fonts handling this getter gets used \NC \NR \HL \NC getfont \NC especially in complex font handling this is a favourite \NC \NR \NC getchar \NC as is this one \NC \NR \HL \NC getlist \NC we often want to recurse into hlists and vlists and this helps \NC \NR \NC getleader \NC and also often need to check if glue has leader specification (like list) \NC \NR \HL \NC setfield \NC we have just one setter as setting is less critical \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate As \type {getfield} and \type {setfield} are just variants on indexed access, you can also use them to access attributes. Just pass a number as key. In the \type {direct} namespace, helpers like \type {insert_before} also deal with direct nodes. We currently only provide \type {setfield} because setting happens less than getting. Of course you can construct nodelists at the \LUA\ end but it doesn't add up that fast and indexed access is then probably as efficient. One reason why setters are less an issue is that they don't return nodes so no userdata overhead is involved. We could (and might) provide \type {setnext} and \type {setprev}, although, when you construct lists at the \LUA\ end you will probably use the type {insert_after} helper anyway. \stopsection \startsection[title={Observations}] So how do these variants perform? As we no longer have \type {fast} in the engine that I use for this text, we can only check \type {getfield} where we can simulate fast mode with calling the \type{__index} metamethod. In practice the \type {getnext} helper will be somewhat faster because no key has to be checked, although the \type {getfield} functions have been optimized according to the frequencies of accessed keys already. \starttabulate \NC node[*] \NC 0.516 \NC \NR \NC node.fast.getfield \NC 0.616 \NC \NR \NC node.getfield \NC 0.494 \NC \NR \NC node.direct.getfield \NC 0.172 \NC \NR \stoptabulate Here we simulate a dumb 20 times node count of 200 paragraphs \type {tufte.tex} with a little bit of overhead for wrapping in functions. \footnote {When typesetting Arabic or using complex fonts we quickly get a tenfold.} We encounter over three million nodes this way. We average a couple or runs. \starttyping local function check(current) local n = 0 while current do n = n + 1 current = getfield(current,"next") -- current = current.next end return n end \stoptyping What we see here is that indexed access is quite okay given the amount of nodes, but that direct is much faster. Of course we will never see that gain in practice because much more happens than counting and because we also spend time in \TEX. The 300\% speedup will eventually go down to one tenth of that. Because \CONTEXT\ avoids node list processing when possible the baseline performance is not influenced much. \starttyping \starttext \dorecurse{1000}{test\page} \stoptext \stoptyping With \LUATEX\ we get some 575 pages per second and with \LUAJITTEX\ more than 610 pages per second. \starttyping \setupbodyfont[pagella] \edef\zapf{\cldcontext {context(io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile("zapf.tex")))}} \starttext \dorecurse{1000}{\zapf\par} \stoptext \stoptyping For this test \LUATEX\ needs 3.9 seconds and runs at 54 pages per second, while \LUAJITTEX\ needs only 2.3 seconds and gives us 93 pages per second. Just for the record, if we run this: \starttyping \starttext \stoptext \stoptyping a \LUATEX\ runs takes 0.229 seconds and a \LUAJITTEX\ run 0.178 seconds. This includes initializing fonts. If we run just this: \starttyping \stoptext \stoptyping \LUATEX\ needs 0.199 seconds and \LUAJITTEX\ only 0.082 seconds. So, in the meantime, we hardly spend any time on startup. Launching the binary and managing the job with \type {mtxrun} calling \type {mtx-context} adds 0.160 seconds overhead. Of course this is only true when you have already ran \CONTEXT\ once as the operating system normally caches files (in our case format files and fonts). This means that by now an edit|-|preview cycle is quite convenient. \footnote {I use \SCITE\ with dedicated lexers as editor and currently \type {sumatrapdf} as previewer.} As a more practical test we used the current version of \type {fonts-mkiv} (166 pages, using all kind of font tricks and tracing), \type {about} (60 pages, quite some traced math) and a torture test of Arabic text (61 pages dense text). The following measurements are from 2013-07-05 after adapting some 50 files to the new model. Keep in mind that the old binary can fake a fast getfield and setfield but that the other getters are wrapped functions. The more we have, the slower it gets. We used the mingw versions. \starttabulate[|l|r|r|r|] \HL \NC version \NC fonts \NC about \NC arabic \NC \NR \HL \NC old mingw, indexed plus some functions \NC 8.9 \NC 3.2 \NC 20.3 \NC \NR \NC old mingw, fake functions \NC 9.9 \NC 3.5 \NC 27.4 \NC \NR \HL \NC new mingw, node functions \NC 9.0 \NC 3.1 \NC 20.8 \NC \NR \NC new mingw, indexed plus some functions \NC 8.6 \NC 3.1 \NC 19.6 \NC \NR \NC new mingw, direct functions \NC 7.5 \NC 2.6 \NC 14.4 \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate The second row shows what happens when we use the adapted \CONTEXT\ code with an older binary. We're slower. The last row is what we will have eventually. All documents show a nice gain in speed and future extensions to \CONTEXT\ will no longer have the same impact as before. This is because what we here see also includes \TEX\ activity. The 300\% increase of speed of node access makes node processing less influential. On the average we gain 25\% here and as on these documents \LUAJITTEX\ gives us some 40\% gain on indexed access, it gives more than 50\% on the direct function based variant. In the fonts manual some 25 million getter accesses happen while the setters don't exceed one million. I lost the tracing files but at some point the Arabic test showed more than 100 millions accesses. So it's save to conclude that setters are sort of neglectable. In the fonts manual the amount of accesses to the previous node were less that 5000 while the id and next fields were the clear winners and list and leader fields also scored high. Of course it all depends on the kind of document and features used, but we think that the current set of helpers is quite adequate. And because we decided to provide that for normal nodes as well, there is no need to go direct for more simple cases. Maybe in the future further tracing might show that adding getters for width, height, depth and other properties of glyph, glue, kern, penalty, rule, hlist and vlist nodes can be of help, but quite probably only in direct mode combined with extensive list manipulations. We will definitely explore other getters but only after the current set has proven to be useful. \stopsection \startsection[title={Nuts}] So why going nuts and what are nuts? In Dutch \quote {node} sounds a bit like \quote {noot} and translates back to \quote {nut}. And as in \CONTEXT\ I needed word for these direct nodes they became \quote {nuts}. It also suits this project: at some point we're going nuts because we could squeeze more out of \LUAJITTEX, so we start looking at other options. And we're sure some folks consider us being nuts anyway, because we spend time on speeding up. And adapting the \LUATEX\ and \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ code mid||summer is also kind of nuts. At the \CONTEXT\ 2013 conference we will present this new magic and about that time we've done enough tests to see if it works our well. The \LUATEX\ engine will provide the new helpers but they will stay experimental for a while as one never knows where we messed up. I end with another measurement set. Every now and and then I play with a \LUA\ variant of the \TEX\ par builder. At some point it will show up on \MKIV\ but first I want to abstract it a bit more and provide some hooks. In order to test the performance I use the following tests: % \testfeatureonce{1000}{\tufte \par} \starttyping \testfeatureonce{1000}{\setbox0\hbox{\tufte}} \testfeatureonce{1000}{\setbox0\vbox{\tufte}} \startparbuilder[basic] \testfeatureonce{1000}{\setbox0\vbox{\tufte}} \stopparbuilder \stoptyping We use a \type {\hbox} to determine the baseline performance. Then we break lines using the built|-|in parbuilder. Next we do the same but now with the \LUA\ variant. \footnote {If we also enable protrusion and hz the \LUA\ variant suffers less because it implements this more efficient.} \starttabulate[|l|l|l|l|l|] \HL \NC \NC \bf \rlap{luatex} \NC \NC \bf \rlap{luajittex} \NC \NC \NR \HL \NC \NC \bf total \NC \bf linebreak \NC \bf total \NC \bf linebreak \NC \NR \HL \NC 223 pp nodes \NC 5.67 \NC 2.25 flushing \NC 3.64 \NC 1.58 flushing \NC \NR \HL \NC hbox nodes \NC 3.42 \NC \NC 2.06 \NC \NC \NR \NC vbox nodes \NC 3.63 \NC 0.21 baseline \NC 2.27 \NC 0.21 baseline \NC \NR \NC vbox lua nodes \NC 7.38 \NC 3.96 \NC 3.95 \NC 1.89 \NC \NR \HL \NC 223 pp nuts \NC 4.07 \NC 1.62 flushing \NC 2.36 \NC 1.11 flushing \NC \NR \HL \NC hbox nuts \NC 2.45 \NC \NC 1.25 \NC \NC \NR \NC vbox nuts \NC 2.53 \NC 0.08 baseline \NC 1.30 \NC 0.05 baseline \NC \NR \NC vbox lua nodes \NC 6.16 \NC 3.71 \NC 3.03 \NC 1.78 \NC \NR \NC vbox lua nuts \NC 5.45 \NC 3.00 \NC 2.47 \NC 1.22 \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate We see that on this test nuts have an advantage over nodes. In this case we mostly measure simple font processing and there is no markup involved. Even a 223 page document with only simple paragraphs needs to be broken across pages, wrapped in page ornaments and shipped out. The overhead tagged as \quote {flushed} indicates how much extra time would have been involved in that. These numbers demonstrate that with nuts the \LUA\ parbuilder is performing 10\% better so we gain some. In a regular document only part of the processing involves paragraph building so switching to a \LUA\ variant has no big impact anyway, unless we have simple documents (like novels). When we bring hz into the picture performance will drop (and users occasionally report this) but here we already found out that this is mostly an implementation issue: the \LUA\ variant suffers less so we will backport some of the improvements. \footnote {There are still some aspects that can be approved. For instance these tests still checks lists for \type {prev} fields, something that is not needed in future versions.} \stopsection \startsection[title={\LUA\ 5.3}] When we were working on this the first working version of \LUA\ 5.3 was announced. Apart from some minor changes that won't affect us, the most important change is the introduction of integers deep down. On the one hand we can benefit from this, given that we adapt the \TEX|-|\LUA\ interfaces a bit: the distinction between \type {to_number} and \type {to_integer} for instance. And, numbers are always somewhat special in \TEX\ as it relates to reproduction on different architectures, also over time. There are some changes in conversion to string (needs attention) and maybe at some time also in the automated casting from strings to numbers (the last is no big deal for us). On the one hand the integers might have a positive influence on performance especially as scaled points are integers and because fonts use them too (maybe there is some advantage in memory usage). But we also need a proper efficient round function (or operator) then. I'm wondering if mixed integer and float usage will be efficient, but on the the other hand we do not that many calculations so the benefits might outperform the drawbacks. We noticed that 5.2 was somewhat faster but that the experimental generational garbage collecter makes runs slower. Let's hope that the garbage collector performance doesn't degrade. But the relative gain of node versus direct will probably stay. Because we already have an experimental setup we will probably experiment a bit with this in the future. Of course the question then is how \LUAJITTEX\ will work out, because it is already not 5.2 compatible it has to be seen if it will support the next level. At least in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ we can prepare ourselves as we did with \LUA\ 5.2 so that we're ready when we follow up. \stopsection \stopchapter