% language=uk \startcomponent about-hz \environment about-environment \startchapter[title={Font expansion}] \startsection[title=Introduction] A lot in \LUATEX\ is not new. It started as a mix of \PDFTEX\ (which itself is built on top of original \TEX\ and \ETEX) and the directional bits of \ALEPH\ (which is a variant of \OMEGA). Of course large portions have been changed in the meantime, most noticeably the input encoding (\UNICODE), fonts with a more generic fontloader and \LUA\ based processing, \UNICODE\ math and related font rendering, and many subsystems can be overloaded or extended. But at the time I write this (end of January 2013) the parbuilder still has the \PDFTEX\ font expansion code. This code is the result of a research project by \THANH. By selectively widening shapes a better greyness of the paragraph can be achieved. This trick is inspired by the work of Hermann Zapf and therefore, instead of expansion, we often talk of {\em hz} optimization. It started with (runtime) generated \METAFONT\ bitmap fonts and as a consequence we ended up with many more font instances. However, when eventually bitmap support was dropped and outlines became the norm, the implementation didn't change much. Also some of the real work was delegated to the backend and as it goes then: never change a working system if there's no reason. When I played with the \LUA\ based par builder I quickly realized that this implementation was far from efficient. It was already known that enabling it slowed down par building and I saw that this was largely due to many redundant calculations, generating auxiliary fonts, and the interaction between front- and backend. And, as I seldom hesitate to reimplement something that can be done better (one reason why \CONTEXT\ is never finished) I came to an alternative implementation. That was 2010. What helped was that by that time Hartmut Henkel already had made the backend part cleaner, in the sense that instead of including multiple instances of the same font (but with different glyph widths) the base font was transformed in|-|line. This made me realize that we could use just one font in the frontend and pass the scale with the glyph node to the backend. And so, an extra field was added to glyphs nodes in order to make experiments possible. More than two years later (January 2013) I finally took up this pet project and figured out how to adapt the backend. Interestingly a few lines of extra code we all that was needed. At the same time the frontend part became much simpler, that is, in the \LUA\ parbuilder. But eventually it will be retrofitted into the core engine, if only because that's much faster. \stopsection \startsection[title=The changes] The most important changes are the following. Instead of multiple font instances, only one is used. This way less memory is used, no extra font instances need to be created (and those \OPENTYPE\ fonts can be large). Because less calculations are needed the code looks less complex and more elegant. Okay, the parbuilder code will never really look easy, if only because much more is involved. The glyph related factors are related to the emwidth. This makes not much sense so in \CONTEXT\ we define them in fractions of the character width, map them onto emwidths, and in the parbuilder need to go to glyph related widths again. If we can get rid of these emwidths, we have less complex code. Probably for reasons of efficiency an expanded font carries a definition that tells how much stretch and shrink is permitted and how large the steps are. So, for instance a font can be widened 5\% and narrowed 3\% in steps of 1\% which gives at most 8 extra instances. There is no real reason why this should be a font property and the parbuilder cannot deal with fonts with different steps anyway, so it makes more sense to make it a property of the paragraph and treat all fonts alike. In the \LUA\ based variant we can even have more granularity but we leave that for now. In any case this will lift the limitation of mixed font usage that is present in the original mechanism. The front- and backend code with repect to expansion gets clearly separated. In fact, the backend doesn't need to do any calculations other than applying the factor that is carried with the glyph. This and previously mentioned simplifications make the mechanism more efficient. It is debatable if expansion needs to be applied to font kerns, as is the case in the old mechanism. So, at least it should be an option. Removing this feature would again made the code nicer. If we keep it, we should keep in mind that expansion doesn't work well with complex fonts (say Arabic) but I will look into this later. It might be feasible when using the \LUA\ based variant because then we can use some of the information that is carried around with the related mechanisms. Of course this then related to the \LUA\ based font builder. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent