% language=uk \startcomponent about-hashing \environment about-environment \usemodule[lua-hashing] \startchapter[title={Lua strings}] \startsection[title=Introduction] In the crited project \footnote {This is a project by Thomas Schmitz, Alan Braslau, Luigi Scarso and Hans Hagen funded by the Institut für Klassische und Romanische Philologie Universität Bonn.} we have to deal with large amounts of data. The sources are in \TEI\ \XML\ and processed directly in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV, and we have to filter content from different places in the \XML\ tree. Processing relies on \LUA\ a lot because we use \LUA\ for dealing with the \XML. We're talking about Latin and Greek texts so there is no demand for extensive font processing in \LUA\ is moderate. But as critical editions have lots of line specific referencing and notes there are some more complex layout elements involved, and again these use \LUA. There is also extensive use of bibliographies and it will be no surprise that \LUA\ comes to help too. \footnote {One of the objectives of the project is to update and enhance the bibliographic subsystem.} One secondary objective is to be able to process the complex documents at a speed of at least 20 pages per second on a modern 2014 workstation laptop. One way of achieving this is to use \LUAJITTEX\ which has a faster virtual \LUA\ machine. However, we ran into several issues with the \LUAJIT\ interpreter, which is fully \LUA\ language 5.1 and partly 5.2 compatible but definitely has a different low level implementation. In the next sections I will discuss two issues that Luigi and I ran into and for which we could come up with reasonable workarounds. \stopsection \startsection[title=The stacks] A \TEX\ job is normally a multi|-|pass experience. One run can produce information that is used in a successive one. The reason is that something can happen on page 15 that influences the typesetting of page~9. There can even be a partial chain reaction: you typeset a document the first time the table of contents (and the pages it refers to) is not known yet but information is saved that makes it possible next time. That next run it gets included and it takes for instance 4 pages. This means that all page numbers shift up. This in turn will trigger a new run because all cross references might change too: two digit page numbers can become three digits, so paragraphs can run wider, and that again can trigger more pages. Normally an initial three runs is enough, and with minor updates of the source one or two runs are enough after that. The multi|-|pass information is saved in tables in the so called utility file and loaded a next run. Common subtables are shared in the process. In order to determine if there has been crucial changes that demand an extra run, we have to make sure that random order in these tables is eliminated. Normally we already sort keys in tables when writing them to file but some tables come out in the order the traversing \type {next} function delivers them. In the more recent 5.2 versions \LUA\ has added some randomness to the order in which hashed tables are organized, so while in previous versions we could assume that for a specific binary the order was the same each time, we cannot rely on that any longer. This is not that important for normal cases, but we compare previous and current versions of the utility file and pack shared tables in them as well, which means that we are sensitive for a change in order. But, this could be dealt with at the cost of some extra sorting. \footnote {In \CONTEXT\ we also pack font tables which saves lots of memory and also some load time).} Anyway, this kind of changes in the \LUA\ machinery is harmless apart from taking some time to adapt to it. It is also the reason why we cannot simply push a new update of \LUA\ into \LUATEX\ because low level changes can have an (yet unknown) impact. Of course performance is the biggest issue here: we don't want a slower \LUATEX. In the past we already reported on the benefits of \LUAJITTEX, especially its faster virtual machine. We don't benefit from jitting; on the contrary it slows us down. One reason is that we cross the \LUA||\CCODE\ boundary often and hardly use any of the optimized functions. Part of the speed is achieved by a different implementation deep down and one of them is a different virtual machine instruction set. While \LUA\ can go real big in terms of memory and table construction, \LUAJIT\ limits us to at most 2G memory and poses some 64K limitations in functions and table constructors. The memory is not so much the issue in the crited project but the (nested) table constructor is. When we have a few tens of thousands of cross references, index entries and|/|or list entries we simply cannot load the multi|-|pass data. A few days of playing with splitting up nested tables didn't help much: it made the code look horrible and eventually we again ran into a maximum of 64K someplace as a \type {dofile} effectively makes a function that gets run and \LUAJIT\ doesn't like that size. For the record: we don't have such issues with large font tables probably because they are just one big table. The reason why we cannot use that approach is that serializing the potentially very large tables in the utility file also has limitations. Eventually this could be solved by assuming only forward referencing for certain registers. That way we only used the index entries collected in memory during the run and as long as we don't put a register before it's entries are defined we're okay. So here we have a typical case where one can set an option to circumvent an engine limitation. \footnote {A decade ago similar tricks had to be used to support hundreds of thousands of hyperlinks in \TEX\ engines with at that time limited memory capabilities.} Explaining this in a user manual is a challenge, because an error message like the following is not that helpful: \starttyping main function has more than 65536 constants \stoptyping But, once we could generate these indices again by posing some limitations, \LUAJITTEX\ had other issues. This time we got excessive runtime and we spent quite some time sorting that one out. More on that in the next section. \stopsection \startsection[title=Hashing] One of the reasons why (text processing with) \LUA\ is rather fast is that it hashes its strings so that a test for equality is real fast. This means that for each string that enters \LUA\ a hash value is calculated and that hash is used in comparisons. Of course hashing takes time, but especially when you work with lots of tables the advantage of a simple hash compare outweighs this one||time hashing. On the other hand, if you work with files and process lines, and maybe split these in words, you might end up with a lot of unneeded hashing. But, in \LUATEX\ and therefore \MKIV\ we benefit from hashing a lot. In \LUA\ 5.2 the hash function was adapted so that only strings upto than (default) 40 characters get hashed. In practice we're not affected much by this, as most keywords we use are shorter than this boundary. And in \CONTEXT\ we do quite some keyword checking. So, when we were conducting tests with these large registers, we were surprised that \LUAJITTEX\ performed significantly slower (ten times or more) that stock \LUATEX, while until then we had observed that a \LUAJITTEX\ run was normally some 20 to 40\% faster. The first impression was that it related to the large amount of strings that are written from \LUA\ to \TEX. After index entries are collected, they are sorted and the index is flushed to \TEX. This happens in one go, and \TEX\ code ends up in the \TEX\ input stack. Some actions are delayed and create callbacks to \LUA, so some wrapping in functions happens too. That means that some (\LUA) strings are only freed later on, but that proved not to be the main problem. When the entries are typeset, an interactive cross reference is kept track of and these exist till the document is closed and the referencing information is written to the \PDF\ file. Of course we could tweak this but once you start along that path there is no end to writing ugly hacks. Eventually we found that the slowdown relates to hashing, especially because that is not the first area where you look. Why is this? The specific register concerned lots of small greek words, pointing to locations in a text, where locations looked like \type {1.2.3}. In case you wonder why greek is mentioned: in multi|-|byte \UTF\ sequences there is a lot of repetition: \startluacode local byte = string.byte function sample(s) context.NC() context(s) context.NC() context.ttx(false) for b in string.utfvalues(s) do context("%02X ",b) end context.NC() context.ttx(false) for b in string.gmatch(s,".") do context("%02X ",byte(b)) end context.NC() context.NR() end context.starttabulate { "||||" } context.FL() context.NC() context.bold("word") context.NC() context.bold("unicode") context.NC() context.bold("bytes") context.NC() context.NR() context.FL() sample("βίον") sample("βίου") sample("βιοὺς") sample("βουλὴν") sample("βουλῆς") context.LL() context.stoptabulate() \stopluacode When cross referencing these index entries with their origin, you end up with reference identifiers like \type {foo:1.2.3} or, because \CONTEXT\ has automated internal references (which are rather efficient in the resulting \PDF), we get \type {aut:1}, \type {aut:2} upto in this case some 30.000 of them. The problem with hashing is as follows. When we write commands to \TEX\ or use data with a repetitive property, the similarity of these strings can be hard on the hasher as it can produce similar hash keys in which case collisions need to be dealt with. I'm no expert on hashing but looking at the code shows that in \LUAJIT\ (at least in the version we're talking about) the string is seen as chunks of 4 bytes. The first, last, middle and halfway middle chunks are consulted and after some bit juggling we get a hash value. In the case of strings like the following it is clear that the beginning and end look quite the same: \starttyping foo:000001 foo:010001 foo:100001 \stoptyping or: \starttyping foo:1.2.12 foo:1.3.12 foo:1.4.12 foo:1.5.12 \stoptyping It seems that the used method of hashing is somewhat arbitrary and maybe tuned for specific applications. In order to see what the impact is of hashing quite similar strings, some experiments were conducted: with \LUATEX\ 0.73 using \LUA\ 5.2 hashing, with \LUAJITTEX\ 0.73, and with the same \LUAJITTEX\ but using the hash variant of native \LUA\ 5.1. For each variant we ran tests where strings of increasing length were combined with a number (running from one to one million). \starttabulate[|||] \NC none \NC \NC \NR \NC right \NC \NC \NR \NC left \NC \NC \NR \NC center \NC \NC \NR \NC edges \NC \NC \NR \stoptabulate The differences between engines can be seen in tables in the next page. In the fourth table we summarize which engine performs best. Keep in mind that \LUAJITTEX\ has the advantage of the faster virtual machine so it has an additional speed advantage. We show three tables with measurements. The \type {none} column shows the baseline of the test: \starttyping local t = { } for i=1,1000000 do t[i] = i end \stoptyping The column tagged \quote {right} does this: \starttyping local t = { } for i=1,1000000 do t[i] = text .. i end \stoptyping And \quote {left} does: \starttyping local t = { } for i=1,1000000 do t[i] = i .. text end \stoptyping That leaves \quote {center}: \starttyping local t = { } for i=1,1000000 do t[i] = text .. i .. text end \stoptyping and \quote {edges}: \starttyping local t = { } for i=1,1000000 do t[i] = i .. text .. i end \stoptyping Of course there is also the loop and the concatenation involved so the last two variants have some more overhead. We show some measurements in \in {tables} [tab:torture-1], \in [tab:torture-2] \in {and} [tab:torture-3]. So, there we have strings like: \starttyping 2abc 222abc 22222abc abc222222 222222abc222222 222222abc222222 abc2222abc \stoptyping and so on. Of course a million such strings makes not much sense in practice but it serves our purpose of testing. \startplacetable[reference=tab:torture-1,location=page,title=\type{context test.tex}] \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-3\lineheight\relax] % [width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+.5\backspace\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { filename = "luatest-hash-luatex-073-LUA52.lua" }}}} \stopplacetable \startplacetable[reference=tab:torture-2,location=page,title=\type{context --jit --jithash=luajit20 test.tex}] \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-3\lineheight\relax] % [width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+.5\backspace\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-JIT20.lua" }}}} \stopplacetable \startplacetable[reference=tab:torture-3,location=page,title=\type{context --jit --jithash=lua51 test.tex}] \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-3\lineheight\relax] % [width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+.5\backspace\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-LUA51.lua" }}}} \stopplacetable In these tables you can see some extremes. On the average \LUA\ 5.2 performs quite okay as does standard \LUAJIT. However, when we bring the 5.1 hash variant into \LUAJITTEX\ we get a more predictable average performance as it deals better with some of the extreme cases that make \LUAJITTEX\ crawl compared to \LUATEX. We have done more tests and interesting is to see that in the 5.1 (and derived 5,2) method there are sometimes cases where odd lengths perform much worse than even lengths. Red values are larger than two times the average, blue values larger than average while green values indicate a less than half average value. In \in {table} [tab:compare-1] we show which method performs best relative to each other. Of course in many applications there will be no such extreme cases, but we happen to ran into them. But, even if \type {JIT20} is a winner in most cases, the fact that it has extreme slow exceptions makes it a bit of a gamble. \startplacetable[location=page,reference=tab:compare-1,title=The best performances per engine and hasher.] \startcombination \startcontent \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-4\lineheight\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { fileset = { { tag = "JIT20", filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-JIT20.lua" }, { tag = "JIT51", filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-LUA51.lua" }, } } }}} \stopcontent \startcaption \LUAJITTEX\ only \stopcaption \startcontent \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-4\lineheight\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { fileset = { { tag = "LUA52", filename = "luatest-hash-luatex-073-LUA52.lua" }, { tag = "JIT20", filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-JIT20.lua" }, { tag = "JIT51", filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-LUA51.lua" }, } } }}} \stopcontent \startcaption Both engines. \stopcaption \stopcombination \stopplacetable The 5.1 hasher runs over the string with a step that depends on the length of the string. We've seen that in 5.2 it doesn't hash strings larger than 40 characters. The step is calculated by shifting the length (by default) over 5 bits. This means that for strings of size 32 and more the step becomes 2 which is why we see this odd|/|even timing issue in the tables. Basically we hash at most 32 characters of the 40. The next table shows that the less characters we take into account (first column) the less unique keys we get (second column). \starttabulate[|c|r|l|] \FL \NC \bf n \NC \bf unique \NC \bf text \NC \NR \FL \NC 3 \NC 22 \NC \tt\tx /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /Subtype /Link /A * 0 R \NC \NR \NC 3 \NC 31 \NC \tt\tx << /D [ * 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \NR \NC 4 \NC 43 \NC \tt\tx /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /Subtype /Link /A * 0 R \NC \NR \NC 4 \NC 51 \NC \tt\tx << /D [ * 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \NR \NC 5 \NC 410 \NC \tt\tx /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /Subtype /Link /A * 0 R \NC \NR \NC 5 \NC 210 \NC \tt\tx << /D [ * 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \NR \NC 6 \NC 29947 \NC \tt\tx /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /Subtype /Link /A * 0 R \NC \NR \NC 6 \NC 29823 \NC \tt\tx << /D [ * 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate In the next table we show a few cases. The characters that are taken into account are colored red. \footnote {Again the first column indicates the shift applied to the length in order to determine the step.} \starttabulate[|c|l|l|] \FL \NC \bf n \NC \bf text \NC \bf consulted \NC \NR \FL \NC 3\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 8 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <{\darkred <} /{\darkred D} [{\darkred \space }8 {\darkred 0} R{\darkred \space }/F{\darkred i}t {\darkred ]} /{\darkred S} /{\darkred G}oT{\darkred o} >{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 3\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 9 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <{\darkred <} /{\darkred D} [{\darkred \space }9 {\darkred 0} R{\darkred \space }/F{\darkred i}t {\darkred ]} /{\darkred S} /{\darkred G}oT{\darkred o} >{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 3\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 10 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <<{\darkred \space }/D{\darkred \space}[ {\darkred 1}0 {\darkred 0} R{\darkred \space }/F{\darkred i}t {\darkred ]} /{\darkred S} /{\darkred G}oT{\darkred o} >{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 3\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 11 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <<{\darkred \space }/D{\darkred \space}[ {\darkred 1}1 {\darkred 0} R{\darkred \space }/F{\darkred i}t {\darkred ]} /{\darkred S} /{\darkred G}oT{\darkred o} >{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 3\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 12 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <<{\darkred \space }/D{\darkred \space}[ {\darkred 1}2 {\darkred 0} R{\darkred \space }/F{\darkred i}t {\darkred ]} /{\darkred S} /{\darkred G}oT{\darkred o} >{\darkred >} \NC \NR \ML \NC 4\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 8 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <{\darkred <} {\darkred /}D{\darkred \space }[{\darkred \space }8{\darkred \space }0{\darkred \space }R{\darkred \space }/{\darkred F}i{\darkred t} {\darkred ]} {\darkred /}S{\darkred \space }/{\darkred G}o{\darkred T}o{\darkred \space }>{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 4\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 9 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx <{\darkred <} {\darkred /}D{\darkred \space }[{\darkred \space }9{\darkred \space }0{\darkred \space }R{\darkred \space }/{\darkred F}i{\darkred t} {\darkred ]} {\darkred /}S{\darkred \space }/{\darkred G}o{\darkred T}o{\darkred \space }>{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 4\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 10 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx {\darkred <}<{\darkred \space}/{\darkred D} {\darkred [} {\darkred 1}0{\darkred \space }0{\darkred \space }R{\darkred \space }/{\darkred F}i{\darkred t} {\darkred ]} {\darkred /}S{\darkred \space }/{\darkred G}o{\darkred T}o{\darkred \space }>{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 4\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 11 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx {\darkred <}<{\darkred \space}/{\darkred D} {\darkred [} {\darkred 1}1{\darkred \space }0{\darkred \space }R{\darkred \space }/{\darkred F}i{\darkred t} {\darkred ]} {\darkred /}S{\darkred \space }/{\darkred G}o{\darkred T}o{\darkred \space }>{\darkred >} \NC \NR \NC 4\NC \tt\tx << /D [ 12 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \tt\tx {\darkred <}<{\darkred \space}/{\darkred D} {\darkred [} {\darkred 1}2{\darkred \space }0{\darkred \space }R{\darkred \space }/{\darkred F}i{\darkred t} {\darkred ]} {\darkred /}S{\darkred \space }/{\darkred G}o{\darkred T}o{\darkred \space }>{\darkred >} \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate Of course, in practice, in \LUA\ 5.2 the longer string exceeds 40 characters so is never hashed anyway. Apart from this maximum, the \LUA\ hash code looks like this: \starttyping /* Lua will use at most ~(2^LUAI_HASHLIMIT) bytes from a string to compute its hash */ ... h = cast(unsigned int,len) ; step = (len>>LUAI_HASHLIMIT) + 1 ; for (l1=len; l1>=step; l1-=step) { h = h ^ ((h<<5) + (h>>2) + cast(unsigned char,str[l1-1])) ; } ... \stoptyping This translates in verbose \LUA\ function as follows: \starttyping function string.luahash(str,shift) local len = #str local hash = len local step = bit32.rshift(len,shift or 5) + 1 for i=len,1,-step do hash = bit32.bxor(hash, ( bit32.lshift(hash,5) + bit32.rshift(hash,2) + string.byte(string.sub(str,i,i)) ) ) end return hash end \stoptyping The reader can argue that the following string would perform better: \starttyping /Subtype/Link/Border[0 0 0]/F 4/A 12 0 R \stoptyping but this is not the case. Also, here we use \PDF\ code, but similar cases can happen if we flush \TEX\ commands: \starttyping \dothisorthat{1} \dothisorthat{101} \dothisorthat{10101} \stoptyping And in the case of \UTF\ strings, it remains a fact that when characters need two bytes a sequence can end up with each odd or even byte being the same. This is one more reason to support upto 64 byte (or 40 in practice) hashing. Because of this we decided to experiment with a value of 64 instead. \footnote {Of course, in \LUATEX, the length limit kicks in before we get to 64.} We can do the same when we use the \LUA\ 5.1 method in \LUAJIT. In \in {table} [tab:torture-4] \in {and} [tab:torture-5] we show the timings. Interesting is that we lost the extremes now. The performance of the default settings are compared with the higher values in \in {table} [tab:compare-2]. Of course the numbers are just indications and there might be small differences between test runs. Therefore we use a threshold of 5\% when we compare two methods. \startplacetable[reference=tab:torture-4,location=page,title={\type{context test.tex} with len<=40 and hash<=64}] \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-3\lineheight\relax] % [width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+.5\backspace\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { filename = "luatest-hash-luatex-073-LUA52-40-6.lua" }}}} \stopplacetable \startplacetable[reference=tab:torture-5,location=page,title={\type{context --jit test.tex} with hash<=64}] \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-3\lineheight\relax] % [width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+.5\backspace\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-LUA51-40-6.lua" }}}} \stopplacetable \startplacetable[location=page,reference=tab:compare-2,title=More than 5\% difference between 32 byte or 64 byte hashing.] \startcombination \startcontent \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-4\lineheight\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { fileset = { { tag = "40 / 32", filename = "luatest-hash-luatex-073-LUA52.lua" }, { tag = "40 / 64", filename = "luatest-hash-luatex-073-LUA52-40-6.lua" }, } } }}} \stopcontent \startcaption \LUATEX\ (size limit 40) \stopcaption \startcontent \scale [height=\the\dimexpr\textheight-4\lineheight\relax] {\vbox{\ctxlua{moduledata.luatests.showhashing { fileset = { { tag = "40 / 32", filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-LUA51.lua" }, { tag = "40 / 64", filename = "luatest-hash-luajittex-073-LUA51-40-6.lua" }, } } }}} \stopcontent \startcaption \LUAJITTEX\ (no size limit) \stopcaption \stopcombination \stopplacetable So how does this affect us in document production? It is not that hard to get a processing rate of a few dozen pages per second on a modern machine, even with somewhat complex documents, where \XML\ turns into \PDF. However, interactivity comes somehow with a price when we use \LUAJITTEX. In \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ we do all \PDF\ annotations in \LUA\ and that involves assembling dictionaries. Here are two examples, a destination: \starttyping << /D [ 15 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \stoptyping and a reference: \starttyping /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /A 16 0 R \stoptyping These strings are build with small variations and at some point end up in the \PDF\ file. The same string can end up in the file several times, although sometimes we can create a reusable object. In the last case we keep them at the \LUA\ end as reference to such a shareable object, a key in an object reference hash. Now imagine that we have some 30K of such references and/or destinations, which indeed happens in crited documents. In the next two lines we use a \type {*} to show where the differences are: \starttyping << /D [ * 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /A * 0 R \stoptyping If we replace these \type {*} by a number, there are big differences between the engines with respect to the time needed. This is summarized in the next table. \footnote {The numbers concern 30K hash creations. The time shown is the average over 30 runs.} \starttabulate[|c|c|c|l|] \FL \NC \bf \LUA\ 5.2 \NC \bf \LUAJIT\ 2.0 \NC \bf \LUAJIT\ 2.0+5.1 \NC \NR \FL \NC 0.096 \NC 0.046 \NC 0.047 \NC \ttx << /D [ * 0 R /Fit ] /S /GoTo >> \NC \NR \NC 0.054 \NC 6.017 \NC 0.055 \NC \ttx /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /A * 0 R \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate Especially the second case behaves bad in \LUAJIT. Say that a result comes out as: \starttyping /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /A 12 0 R /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /A 123 0 R /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /F 4 /A 1234 0 R \stoptyping The \LUAJIT\ hasher (more or less) looks at the first~4, last~4, middle~4 and somewhere a quarter along the string, and uses these sequences for the calculation, so you can imagine that there are clashes. The \LUA\ 5.1 hasher runs over part of the string and sees more of the difference. The 5.2 hasher has a threshold and doesn't hash at all when the length exceeds (by default) 40 characters, which is the case with the second string. Looking at only specific parts of a string is somewhat arbitrary and what works for one kind of application is not always good for another. After these tests we decided that it makes sense to replace the \LUAJIT\ hash calculation by the traditional \LUA\ one (or at least give users a choice at startup. The choice of hash is a runtime option: \starttyping mtxrunjit --script context --jithash=lua51 ...... mtxrunjit --script context --jithash=luajit20 ...... \stoptyping For the moment we default to the traditional \LUA\ 5.1 hashing method. Although it can behave real bad on some large strings we think that chances are low that this will happen in practice. An overall good performance on strings like the hyperlink examples is more important. Using the \LUA\ 5.2 method would be even better but it required a change in the virtual machine and that is not something we have in mind. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent % Luatex manual: % % In \LUA\ strings are hashed which makes a test for equality fast and in \LUATEX\ % we benefit from that fact. Starting with \LUA\ 5.2 the hash function is no longer % hashing strings larger than (by default) 40 characters. Of these at most 32 % characters are hashed in stock \LUA\ but for a string rich environment as \TEX\ % this can lead to many collisions. Therefore we have now set that constant limit % to 64 characters (so in practice it's now 40 too). % % In \LUAJIT\ the hash function is not the same as in \LUA\ and can in some cases % lead to a significant slowdown. We ran into cases where a \LUAJITTEX\ run was 20 % times slower than a normal \LUATEX\ run while normally such run is 30\% faster. % For this reason we have replaced the hash code with the \LUA\ 5.1 hash code. This % change is minimal and gives less collisions. The impact on speed can be neglected. % % For \LUAJITTEX\ you can control the hash method: % % \starttyping % --jithash=luajit % --jithash=lua51 % \stoptyping % % The current status of the hash function is available in: % % \starttyping % status.list().luatex_hashtype % status.list().luatex_hashchars % \stoptyping % % The first one returns \type {lua}, \type{luajit} or \type {lua51} depending on % the engine. The second one should always return 6. If it returns 5 then you have % a non|-|optimized binary. Other values are suspicious.