% language=uk \startcomponent fonts-hooks \environment fonts-environment \startchapter[title=Hooks][color=darkcyan] \startsection[title=Introduction] One of the virtues of \TEX\ is its flexibility. Because we cannot predict what users want to mess around with, much of the underlying code has hooks. And because it's not too hard to add functionality that will break things we will not advocate all of it. Of course you can study the code and figure out what can be done and there is no problem with that. It's just that you shouldn't expect much support. In this chapter we collect some of these hooks. If you run into interesting ones that are worth mentioning, you can always ask us to add description here. \stopsection \startsection[title=Safe hooks] \startsubsection[title=Trimming fonts] Because we store font related information in \LUA\ tables there can be situations where the resources used outgrow memory. An example of such a font is \type {lastresort} that basically defined the whole \UNICODE\ range. The font is actually not that large as it uses similar placeholders for glyphs in a range, but it has rather verbose (redundant) names. As we normally don't need these, you can decide to strip them away. \starttyping \startluacode fonts.handlers.otf.readers.registerextender { name = "remove names from lastresort", action = function(fontdata) if fontdata.metadata.fullname == "LastResort" then for k, v in next, fontdata.descriptions do v.name = nil end end end } \stopluacode \definedfont[LastResort][lastresort*default sa 1] \stoptyping This will result in a much smaller font, one that has less change to crash the engine due to lack of memory. Extenders like this are applied once the font has been loaded but before it gets saved. \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title=Loading] \startsubsection[title=Introduction] We basically have to deal with three font formats that can easily be recognized by the suffix of the files involved: \type {tfm} and \type {vf} files that describe 8 bit fonts, traditionally bitmap fonts, but as they carry only metric information, any 8 bit font can be described. Then there are \type {afm} files that contain metrics related to \TYPEONE\ fonts (stored in \type {pfb} files). Although such fonts could contain more than 256 shapes, the implementation was limited to 8 bits too. By converting \type {afm} files to \type {tfm} files, traditional \TEX\ can deal with \TYPEONE\ given that the backend can include them in the final result. In this section we will discuss some aspects of the \OPENTYPE\ font reader. As \TEX\ only deals with metrics (in the frontend) we need to parse them, filter information from it and pass the metrics to \TEX. In addition, we can use all kind of extra information to manipulate the so called node list but in the end \TEX\ is only interested in font id's (that point to a font resource) and glyph indexes. To overcome the 256 limitation of \TYPEONE\ fonts, in \CONTEXT\ we moved away from \type {tfm} files (we can of course still deal with them) and turn \type {afm} files into so called wide fonts. Basically we turn them in a more rich format that looks similar to the internal \OPENTYPE\ format we use. We will not go into much detail about that because \TYPEONE\ is kind of obsolete and being replaced by \OPENTYPE, but we will of course support the old formats simply because we have all these fonts around. Already early in the development of \LUATEX\ a font loader library was created that can turn an \OPENTYPE\ (but also a \TYPEONE) font into a \LUA\ table. This library is derived from \FONTFORGE\ which makes it possible to look into a font using that editor and at the same time get a similar view on the font in \LUA, which is quite handy. However, at some point in \CONTEXT\ we wanted to play with outlines in \METAPOST\ and for that purpose an \OPENTYPE\ reader was written in \LUA\ that could extract the data. Because \TYPEONE\ fonts already were done in \LUA\ it was a logical step to also do \OPENTYPE\ in \LUA\ so now we use an alternative loader that doesn't depend in the \FONTFORGE\ library. This not only gives more flexibility but also makes it possible to avoid some conversions needed to provide the \CONTEXT\ font handler with the needed information in an efficient way. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Loading \OPENTYPE\ fonts] As with most binary media formats today an \OPENTYPE\ font file is a linked list of records. The top level structure is called table. There are two flavours of \OPENTYPE\ where the main difference is in the way the shapes are defined: they can be \TRUETYPE\ outlines using quadratric bezier curves or cff files using cubic bezier curves. The last variant is the same as \POSTSCRIPT\ \TYPEONE\ fonts. Simplified, a quadratic curve defines the shape in points with a control point in between, while a quadratic one also has points but each with two control points (as in \METAPOST). An \OPENTYPE\ font can be large: there can be upto 65536 glyphs and lots of extra properties and features. In order to save space the data is rather packed using different numeric data types. Of course one can wonder if size really matters now that most bandwidth is taken by audio, video and pictures but we have to live with it. The definition of \OPENTYPE\ can be found on the \MICROSOFT\ website: \hyphenatedurl {https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec}. Most tables then could make sense for us are mentioned in the following list: \starttabulate[|Bl|l|l|] \NC required \NC cmap \NC character to glyph mapping \NC \NR \NC \NC head \NC font header \NC \NR \NC \NC hhea \NC horizontal header \NC \NR \NC \NC hmtx \NC horizontal metrics \NC \NR \NC \NC maxp \NC maximum profile \NC \NR \NC \NC name \NC naming table \NC \NR \NC \NC os/2 \NC os/2 and windows specific metrics \NC \NR \NC \NC post \NC postScript information \NC \NR \NC truetype \NC glyf \NC glyph data \NC \NR \NC \NC loca \NC index to location \NC \NR \NC postscript \NC cff \NC compact font format \NC \NR \NC \NC vorg \NC vertical origin \NC \NR \NC typographic \NC base \NC baseline data \NC \NR \NC \NC gdef \NC glyph definition data \NC \NR \NC \NC gpos \NC glyph positioning data \NC \NR \NC \NC gsub \NC glyph substitution data \NC \NR \NC \NC jstf \NC justification data \NC \NR \NC \NC math \NC math layout data \NC \NR \NC extras \NC kern \NC kerning \NC \NR \NC \NC ltsh \NC linear threshold data \NC \NR \NC \NC vhea \NC vertical metrics header \NC \NR \NC \NC vmtx \NC vertical metrics \NC \NR \NC \NC colr \NC color table \NC \NR \NC \NC cpal \NC color palette table \NC \NR \stoptabulate When we read these tables it depends on what we want to do with the result how much we will really read. For instance when we only want to identify a font and get some basic information we don't need to read all tables and certainly don't need to read them completely. If we want to have the outlines we need to read the \type {glyf} or \type {cff} table. If we also want to boundingbox of \POSTSCRIPT\ shapes we even need to process the shapes so that we know the dimensions of the result. There is no need to summarize the format here in detail because you can find it on the \MICROSOFT\ site. Here I only cover some aspects that influence the way \TEX\ can use the fonts. One of the main differences between the readers is that the \FONTFORGE\ reader has a lot of (recovery) heuristics for bad fonts. Nowadays most fonts are quite okay, and in \CONTEXT\ we prefer to just reject bad ones. In the process of loading the built|-|in loader gives each glyph a name (it makes them up for variants needed for features). It also tries to figure out some font properties, like the weight. If does a pretty good job on that but it is also hard to repair at the \LUA\ end when it makes a bad guess. The \LUA\ variants stays closer to the specification, but delegates more to the final user, which is good because we need and want that level of control as controls is what \TEX\ is about. It also made it possible to support for instance colored fonts without too much effort. So what data needs to be collected? If we look at what we get eventually the list of glyphs is the bulk. For each glyph we collect some metric information. For instance we fetch the (advance) width of the glyph but also the boundingbox, which gives us the the height and depth. In the font file the list of glyphs starts at zero and runs up tot the total number of glyphs. The index in this table is used in for instance the tables that define the font features, for instance kerning between glyphs, or multiple glyphs that are turned into ligatures. Each glyph gets a name. That can be a meaningful one but also a rather dumb one, for instance the index number. Eventually (at least in \CONTEXT) we don't order by glyph index but by \UNICODE. The font file contains information about the mapping from index to \UNICODE. In principle other encodings are possible but we stick to \UNICODE. But, because many glyphs can refer to one \UNICODE\ slot, for instance a regular shape as well as a smallcaps or oldstyle variant. These extra glyphs we let end up in the private \UNICODE\ areas. This also means that with each glyph in the final table there is also a field that has the \UNICODE. Because we order by \UNICODE\ we also need to store the index. An example from a Latin Modern font is: \starttyping [97] = { boundingbox = { 34, -10, 474, 446 }, index = 28, name = "a", unicode = 97, width = 490, } \stoptyping Another example is the following. Here we end up in private space: \starttyping [983059] = { boundingbox = { 30, -10, 734, 446 }, index = 19, name = "oe.dup", unicode = 339, width = 762, } \stoptyping Yet another entry is: \starttyping [306] = { boundingbox = { 28, -22, 790, 683 }, index = 357, name = "I_J", unicode = { 73, 74 }, width = 839, }, \stoptyping Here you see two \UNICODE\ numbers. That kind of information is deduced from the name of the glyph, using knowledge on how such names are supposed to be constructed, or, when that is not possible, from ligature information in the fonts. It makes no sense to discuss the whole font table in detail, if only because most users will never (need to) see it. But if your curious you can have a look at the fonts in the cache tree, in the \CONTEXT\ distribution from the \CONTEXT\ garden this is \starttyping .../tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context//fonts/otl \stoptyping There can be three kind of files there, with suffixes \type {tma}, \type {tmc} and \type {tmb}. The first one is the table as converted from the binary font file. The second and third variants are just bytecode compilations of this file (for \LUATEX\ and|/|or \LUAJITTEX). The bytecode variants are smaller but more important, they load a bit faster. On my disk the largest \type{tma} file is just below 10 MByte (an extensive \CJK\ font) but normally they are in the few hundred KByte range (some are real small), with the bytecode files of course being relatively small to their original. However, there is a bit of cheating here. If we run the command: \starttyping mtxrun --script font --convert lmroman10-regular.otf \stoptyping A \LUA\ file is generated: \type {lmroman10-regular.lua}. This file is much larger than the \type {tma} file in the cache: \starttabulate[|T|T|] \NC 643.924 \NC lmroman10-regular.lua \NC 0.029 \NR \NC 209.950 \NC lmroman10-regular.tma \NC 0.010 \NR \NC 121.541 \NC lmroman10-regular.tmb \NC \NR \NC 134.564 \NC lmroman10-regular.tmc \NC 0.003 \NR \stoptabulate The reason for this is the following. Most information is stored in tables. Especially tables that describe font features can be the same all over the place. This is why we pack the table in a more compact format before saving it in the cache, and unpack it after loading. The effects on loading are neglectable but and it has the benefit that it saves a lot of memory. By looking at such numbers one should be careful with conclusions, but (assuming proper garbage collection) we see a memory footprint of the \type {lua} file of 2836 Kbyte, while the unpacked variant takes 704 Kbyte. You can imagine what happens with large \CJK\ fonts. Loading the (larger unpacked) \type {lua} file currently costs me 0.029 seconds, while loading and unpacking the \type {tma} file takes 0.010 seconds and the bytecode variant \type {tmc} 0.003 seconds. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Loading \TYPEONE\ fonts] When we started with \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ (which is shortly after we started with \LUATEX) the only \TFM\ files that were loaded, were those to make virtual \UNICODE\ math fonts, awaiting real \OPENTYPE\ math fonts. Math fonts are kind of special with respect to metrics and such. For \TYPEONE\ text fonts we didn't use the \TFM\ files but went for parsing \AFM\ files. That way we could use all the glyphs provided by fonts and not be limited to 256 slots. So, effectively we made them \UNICODE\ and similar to \OPENTYPE. Of course the only features were ligatures, kerns and some special ones like \TEX\ ligatures and replacements. With the old loader code, we always made them base mode fonts, which means that processing was delegated to \TEX. In the new loader we implement ligatures and kerns as node mode features, which means that we can use those fonts in base mode as well as node mode. The last options therefore permits to add or adapt features to \TYPEONE\ fonts as well. In the next sections we will focus on \OPENTYPE\ but as the \TYPEONE\ fonts are organized in a similar way, some of it also applies to this older type. The most important to keep in mind is that we only have \type {liga}, \type {kern} and a few \CONTEXT\ specific features. \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title=The tables] \startsubsection[title=Structure] Getting a font read for \TEX\ happens in stages. The original \OPENTYPE\ file is read only once. At that moment the shapes are described in the \type {descriptions} subtable while by the time that we pass the information to \TEX\ they are in \type {characters}. The reason is that we go from dimensions in font units to dimensions in scaled points. We start with the following table: \ctxlua{context.tocontext(fonts.tables.data.original,"original_table")} The table passed \TEX\ is constructed from this one and looks like: \ctxlua{context.tocontext(fonts.tables.data.scaled,"scaled_table")} There might be a few more (often obscure) fields for special purposes. The characters subtable conforms to what \TEX\ expects, while the descriptions stays closer to \OPENTYPE. The \type {kerns} and \type {ligatures} subtables are there for base mode and are not present in \type {node} mode. The \type {commands} and \type {fonts} subtables relate to virtual fonts. \startitemize[packed] \startitem Start with the (already) loaded \OPENTYPE\ table. \stopitem \startitem Copy relevant information from \type {descriptions} to \type {characters} etc. \stopitem \startitem Construct \type {properties} and \type {parameters} tables. \stopitem \startitem Apply additional manipulators, for instance extend the \type {characters} table, with expansion and protrusion. \stopitem \startitem Scale the \type {characters}, \type {properties} and \type {parameters}. \stopitem \startitem Apply additional manipulators. \stopitem \startitem Pass the table to \TEX, but keep it around for later access. \stopitem \stopitemize One of the things you need to be aware of is that all references to glyphs are \UNICODE\ slots, either natural ones (representing a character) or a private one (representing an alternative representation). In \OPENTYPE\ features are defined in terms of glyph indices but we prefer \UNICODE\ because that is easier to deal with when we run over the node list. Before font processing the character field in a glyph node is a \UNICODE\ slot and afterwards it's still a \UNICODE\ but when it's a private one it can always be resolved to a non private slot of sequence of slots. Of course that could also be done with indices but it's just more natural this way. Another thing to note is that in the descriptions we're still working with font units ranging from $-1000$ to $+1000$, $-2048$ to $+2048$ or similar ranges. At the \TEX\ end we need scaled points which are much larger numbers. The question is: how often do users need to access the raw data in a font? After a decade of \MKIV\ and \LUATEX\ hardly any user has requested such access, probably because when needed easier interfaces were provided. Also, in the \CONTEXT\ distrubution there are some examples of manipulations that can be copied and adapted to personal use. There's also a danger is messing with the fonts (similar messing with the node lists): you never know how it interferes with other (maybe future) features. If you still want to do it, best is probably to start with saving the to|-|be|-|passed|-|to|-|\TEX\ table in a file and have a look at it. The most prominent subtable is the \type {characters} table and messing a bit with dimensions is rather harmless. You could add characters, for instance virtual ones, which again is harmless unless you use invalid commands. You probably want to stay away from the resources subtable, if only because some of its subtables are shared and therefore adapting them can have side effects. The top level \type {shared} and \type {unscaled} subtable are off limits as is the \type {specification}. You can save a font by consulting one of the hashes but for a specific font you need to know its id. You can do this by using low level accessors but better is to use the helpers made for this, because they prevent saving redundant data. % \starttyping % \startluacode % local nullfont = fonts.hashes.identifiers[false] % local currentfont = fonts.hashes.identifiers[true] % % local id, tfmdata = fonts.definers.define { % name = "dejavusansmono*default", % size = tex.sp("6pt") % } % % table.save("temp-nullfont.lua", nullfont) % table.save("temp-currentfont.lua",currentfont) % table.save("temp-definedfont.lua",tfmdata) % table.save("temp-definedfont.lua",fonts.hashes.identifiers[id]) % \stopluacode % \stoptyping \starttyping \startluacode fonts.tables.save { filename = "temp-font-scaled.lua", fontname = "dejavusansmono*default", method = "original", } \stopluacode \stoptyping At the \TEX\ end you can use: \starttyping \savefont [name=dejavusansmono*default, file=temp-o.lua, method=original] \savefont [name=dejavusansmono*default, file=temp-s.lua, method=scaled] \stoptyping When no \type {name} is given, the current font is used and when no \type {file} is given a filename is made up. The default \type {method} is \type {scaled}. The saved name is reported. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Plug-ins] There are several places where you can hook in code: before scaling (initalizers), after scaling (manipulators) and while processing (processors). Only the first two are meant for tweaks. \starttyping local do_something = { name = "something", description = "doing something", initializers = { -- position = 1, base = function(tfmdata,value,features) ... end, node = function(tfmdata,value,features) ... end, }, manipulators = { -- position = 1, base = function(tfmdata,feature,value) ... end, node = function(tfmdata,feature,value) ... end, }, processors = { -- position = 1, base = function(tfmdata,font,attr) ... end, node = function(tfmdata,font,attr) ... end, } } fonts.constructors.features.register.otf(so_something) fonts.constructors.features.register.afm(so_something) \stoptyping A \type {initializer} is applied just before the font gets scaled. This means that the characterm properties and parameters are unscaled! Initializers can for instance be used to add extra features to fonts. You can provide an \type {position} key with a number to force a place in the list of initializers but of course you can never be sure of interference. A \type {manipulator} is applied when the font is scaled but before it gets passed to \TEX. It's a good place to tweak dimensions. Here you can also probide a \type {position}. The processors are applied when the node list gets processed, hence the \type {font} and optional \type {attr} arguments. The action is only applied to the specified font (id) and when an attribute gets passed, this is tested for a value. When an attribute is used, an unset attribute on the node will skip the action. If adapting characters and their properties is your main objetive, then there is a better plugin mechanism using sequencers. We illustrate this with a fake example: \starttyping \startluacode function document.b_copying(tfmdata) logs.report("fonts","before copying: %s",tfmdata.properties.filename) end function document.a_copying(tfmdata) logs.report("fonts","after copying: %s",tfmdata.properties.filename) end function document.b_math(tfmdata) logs.report("fonts","before math: %s",tfmdata.properties.filename) end function document.a_math(tfmdata) logs.report("fonts","after math: %s",tfmdata.properties.filename) end utilities.sequencers.appendaction( "beforecopyingcharacters", "before", "document.a_copying" ) utilities.sequencers.appendaction( "aftercopyingcharacters", "after", "document.b_copying" ) utilities.sequencers.appendaction( "mathparameters", "before", "document.b_math" ) utilities.sequencers.appendaction( "mathparameters", "after", "document.a_math" ) \stopluacode \stoptyping When we call the next command: \starttyping \definedfont[MathRoman at 3pt] \stoptyping we get this reported: \starttyping fonts > before math: ...../public/dejavu/texgyredejavu-math.otf fonts > after math: ...../public/dejavu/texgyredejavu-math.otf fonts > after copying: ...../public/dejavu/texgyredejavu-math.otf fonts > before copying: ...../public/dejavu/texgyredejavu-math.otf \stoptyping In between \type {before} and \type {after} we have \type {system} which is reserved for \CONTEXT\ actions. These actions are executed in the scaler function. The function get two tables passed: the original data as well as the target. If you ever need these hooks, you can probably best run an \type {inspect} on these arguments to see what you're dealing with. Fonts get reused when possible and for that a hash is calculated depending on the enabled features and size. If for some reason you want to adapt that hash you can use postprocessors. When the \type {tfmdata} table has a subtable \type {postprocessors}, then the actions in that subtable will be applied. When an action returns a string, the string will be combined with the hash. You can set (o rextend) the postprocessors table using the previopusly mentioned commands. However, in \CONTEXT\ you can best stay away from this as it might interfere. This mechanism is mostly provided for generic use. \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title=Goodies] The font goodies are already discussed as an official mechanism to extend or enhance fonts with additional features. There are quite some goodies defined and for sure more will show up. Here is the full repertoire: \ctxlua{context.tocontext(fonts.tables.data.goodies,"goodie_table")} Of course you will never use all the options at the same time. The best place to look for examples are the \type {lfg} files in the \CONTEXT\ distribution. \footnote {At some point we might decide to also support goodies in the generic version.} \stopsection % - features % - subfonts % - outlines % - math % - hashes \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent