% language=uk \usemodule[art-01] \defineframedtext [entry] \starttext \startchapter[title=Some fancy title] \startluacode local entries = { -- there can be more { text = "The third entry!" }, { text = "The fourth entry!" }, } for i=1,#entries do context.startentry() context(entries[i].text) context.stopentry() end \stopluacode This is just some text to demonstrate the realtime spellchecker in combination with the embedded lua and metapost lexers and inline as well as display \ctxlua{context("lua code")}. Non breakable spaces in for instance 10 mm and quads like here are shown as well. \startlinecorrection \startMPcode for i=1 upto 100 : draw fullcircle scaled (i*mm) ; endfor ; \stopMPcode \stoplinecorrection \iftrue \def\crap{some text} % who cares \else \def\crap{some crap} % about this \fi \blank[2*big] \crap \stopchapter \stoptext