local info = { version = 1.002, comment = "theme for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } -- context_path = string.split(os.resultof("mtxrun --find-file context.mkiv"))[1] or "" -- What used to be proper Lua definitions are in 3.42 SciTE properties although -- integration is still somewhat half. Also, the indexed style specification is -- now a hash (which indeed makes more sense). However, the question is: am I -- going to rewrite the style bit? It anyway makes more sense to keep this file -- somewhat neutral as we no longer need to be compatible. However, we cannot be -- sure of helpers being present yet when this file is loaded, so we are somewhat -- crippled. On the other hand, I don't see other schemes being used with the -- context lexers. -- The next kludge is no longer needed: -- -- if GTK then -- WIN32 GTK OSX CURSES -- font_name = '!' .. font_name -- end local font_name = 'Dejavu Sans Mono' local font_size = '14' local colors = { red = { '7F', '00', '00' }, green = { '00', '7F', '00' }, blue = { '00', '00', '7F' }, cyan = { '00', '7F', '7F' }, magenta = { '7F', '00', '7F' }, yellow = { '7F', '7F', '00' }, orange = { 'B0', '7F', '00' }, -- white = { 'FF', 'FF', 'FF' }, light = { 'CF', 'CF', 'CF' }, grey = { '80', '80', '80' }, dark = { '4F', '4F', '4F' }, black = { '00', '00', '00' }, -- selection = { 'F7', 'F7', 'F7' }, logpanel = { 'E7', 'E7', 'E7' }, textpanel = { 'CF', 'CF', 'CF' }, linepanel = { 'A7', 'A7', 'A7' }, tippanel = { '44', '44', '44' }, -- right = { '00', '00', 'FF' }, wrong = { 'FF', '00', '00' }, } local styles = { ["whitespace"] = { }, ["default"] = { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore = colors.black, back = colors.textpanel }, ["number"] = { fore = colors.cyan }, ["comment"] = { fore = colors.yellow }, ["keyword"] = { fore = colors.blue, bold = true }, ["string"] = { fore = colors.magenta }, -- ["preproc"] = { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true }, ["error"] = { fore = colors.red }, ["label"] = { fore = colors.red, bold = true }, ["nothing"] = { }, ["class"] = { fore = colors.black, bold = true }, ["function"] = { fore = colors.black, bold = true }, ["constant"] = { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true }, ["operator"] = { fore = colors.blue }, ["regex"] = { fore = colors.magenta }, ["preprocessor"] = { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true }, ["tag"] = { fore = colors.cyan }, ["type"] = { fore = colors.blue }, ["variable"] = { fore = colors.black }, ["identifier"] = { }, ["linenumber"] = { back = colors.linepanel }, ["bracelight"] = { fore = colors.orange, bold = true }, ["bracebad"] = { fore = colors.orange, bold = true }, ["controlchar"] = { }, ["indentguide"] = { fore = colors.linepanel, back = colors.white }, ["calltip"] = { fore = colors.white, back = colors.tippanel }, ["invisible"] = { back = colors.orange }, ["quote"] = { fore = colors.blue, bold = true }, ["special"] = { fore = colors.blue }, ["extra"] = { fore = colors.yellow }, ["embedded"] = { fore = colors.black, bold = true }, ["char"] = { fore = colors.magenta }, ["reserved"] = { fore = colors.magenta, bold = true }, ["definition"] = { fore = colors.black, bold = true }, ["okay"] = { fore = colors.dark }, ["warning"] = { fore = colors.orange }, ["standout"] = { fore = colors.orange, bold = true }, ["command"] = { fore = colors.green, bold = true }, ["internal"] = { fore = colors.orange, bold = true }, ["preamble"] = { fore = colors.yellow }, ["grouping"] = { fore = colors.red }, ["primitive"] = { fore = colors.blue, bold = true }, ["plain"] = { fore = colors.dark, bold = true }, ["user"] = { fore = colors.green }, ["data"] = { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true }, -- equal to default: ["text"] = { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore = colors.black, back = colors.textpanel }, } -- I need to read the C++ code and see how I can load the themes directly -- in which case we can start thinking of tracing. if lexer and lexer.context and lexer.context.registerstyles then lexer.context.registerstyles(styles) end