From 7169f20fa4a82724c4050f1c2756b303db5e2749 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hans Hagen Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:57:00 +0200 Subject: beta 2014.08.19 11:57 --- .../lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua | 2 +- .../context/ | 123 +++--- tex/context/base/char-def.lua | 14 +- tex/context/base/char-ini.lua | 8 +- tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv | 2 +- tex/context/base/context-version.pdf | Bin 4431 -> 4437 bytes tex/context/base/context.mkiv | 2 +- tex/context/base/enco-ini.mkiv | 58 +-- tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua | 33 +- tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi | 3 + tex/context/base/font-nod.lua | 36 +- tex/context/base/math-act.lua | 22 +- tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv | 7 + tex/context/base/math-vfu.lua | 46 ++- tex/context/base/mult-low.lua | 2 +- tex/context/base/s-fnt-10.mkiv | 4 +- tex/context/base/status-files.pdf | Bin 24952 -> 25007 bytes tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf | Bin 327045 -> 327043 bytes tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv | 1 + tex/context/base/typo-tal.lua | 4 +- 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"luaminorversion", "ctxluacode", "luaconditional", "luaexpanded", "startluaparameterset", "stopluaparameterset", "luaparameterset", "definenamedlua", "obeylualines", "obeyluatokens", "startluacode", "stopluacode", "startlua", "stoplua", "startctxfunction", "stopctxfunction", "ctxfunction", "startctxfunctiondefinition", "stopctxfunctiondefinition", "carryoverpar", "assumelongusagecs", "Umathbotaccent", "righttolefthbox", "lefttorighthbox", "righttoleftvbox", "lefttorightvbox", "righttoleftvtop", "lefttorightvtop", "rtlhbox", "ltrhbox", "rtlvbox", "ltrvbox", "rtlvtop", "ltrvtop", "autodirhbox", "autodirvbox", "autodirvtop", "lefttoright", "righttoleft", "synchronizelayoutdirection", "synchronizedisplaydirection", "synchronizeinlinedirection", "lesshyphens", "morehyphens", "nohyphens", "dohyphens", "Ucheckedstartdisplaymath", "Ucheckedstopdisplaymath" }, } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/ index 7ef113dc8..b73d535e2 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/context/ +++ b/context/data/scite/context/ @@ -3,67 +3,68 @@ zerocount minusone minustwo plusone \ plustwo plusthree plusfour plusfive plussix \ plusseven pluseight plusnine plusten plussixteen \ plushundred plusthousand plustenthousand plustwentythousand medcard \ -maxcard zeropoint onepoint halfapoint onebasepoint \ -maxdimen scaledpoint thousandpoint points halfpoint \ -zeroskip zeromuskip onemuskip pluscxxvii pluscxxviii \ -pluscclv pluscclvi normalpagebox endoflinetoken outputnewlinechar \ -emptytoks empty undefined voidbox emptybox \ -emptyvbox emptyhbox bigskipamount medskipamount smallskipamount \ -fmtname fmtversion texengine texenginename texengineversion \ -luatexengine pdftexengine xetexengine unknownengine etexversion \ -pdftexversion xetexversion xetexrevision activecatcode bgroup \ -egroup endline conditionaltrue conditionalfalse attributeunsetvalue \ -uprotationangle rightrotationangle downrotationangle leftrotationangle inicatcodes \ -ctxcatcodes texcatcodes notcatcodes txtcatcodes vrbcatcodes \ -prtcatcodes nilcatcodes luacatcodes tpacatcodes tpbcatcodes \ -xmlcatcodes ctdcatcodes escapecatcode begingroupcatcode endgroupcatcode \ -mathshiftcatcode alignmentcatcode endoflinecatcode parametercatcode superscriptcatcode \ -subscriptcatcode ignorecatcode spacecatcode lettercatcode othercatcode \ -activecatcode commentcatcode invalidcatcode tabasciicode newlineasciicode \ -formfeedasciicode endoflineasciicode endoffileasciicode spaceasciicode hashasciicode \ -dollarasciicode commentasciicode ampersandasciicode colonasciicode backslashasciicode \ -circumflexasciicode underscoreasciicode leftbraceasciicode barasciicode rightbraceasciicode \ -tildeasciicode delasciicode lessthanasciicode morethanasciicode doublecommentsignal \ -atsignasciicode exclamationmarkasciicode questionmarkasciicode doublequoteasciicode singlequoteasciicode \ -forwardslashasciicode primeasciicode activemathcharcode activetabtoken activeformfeedtoken \ -activeendoflinetoken batchmodecode nonstopmodecode scrollmodecode errorstopmodecode \ -bottomlevelgroupcode simplegroupcode hboxgroupcode adjustedhboxgroupcode vboxgroupcode \ -vtopgroupcode aligngroupcode noaligngroupcode outputgroupcode mathgroupcode \ -discretionarygroupcode insertgroupcode vcentergroupcode mathchoicegroupcode semisimplegroupcode \ -mathshiftgroupcode mathleftgroupcode vadjustgroupcode charnodecode hlistnodecode \ -vlistnodecode rulenodecode insertnodecode marknodecode adjustnodecode \ -ligaturenodecode discretionarynodecode whatsitnodecode mathnodecode gluenodecode \ -kernnodecode penaltynodecode unsetnodecode mathsnodecode charifcode \ -catifcode numifcode dimifcode oddifcode vmodeifcode \ -hmodeifcode mmodeifcode innerifcode voidifcode hboxifcode \ -vboxifcode xifcode eofifcode trueifcode falseifcode \ -caseifcode definedifcode csnameifcode fontcharifcode fontslantperpoint \ -fontinterwordspace fontinterwordstretch fontinterwordshrink fontexheight fontemwidth \ -fontextraspace slantperpoint interwordspace interwordstretch interwordshrink \ -exheight emwidth extraspace mathsupdisplay mathsupnormal \ -mathsupcramped mathsubnormal mathsubcombined mathaxisheight startmode \ -stopmode startnotmode stopnotmode startmodeset stopmodeset \ -doifmode doifmodeelse doifnotmode startmodeset stopmodeset \ -startallmodes stopallmodes startnotallmodes stopnotallmodes doifallmodes \ -doifallmodeselse doifnotallmodes startenvironment stopenvironment environment \ -startcomponent stopcomponent component startproduct stopproduct \ -product startproject stopproject project starttext \ -stoptext startnotext stopnotext startdocument stopdocument \ -documentvariable setupdocument startmodule stopmodule usemodule \ -usetexmodule useluamodule setupmodule currentmoduleparameter moduleparameter \ -everystarttext startTEXpage stopTEXpage enablemode disablemode \ -preventmode definemode globalenablemode globaldisablemode globalpreventmode \ -pushmode popmode typescriptone typescripttwo typescriptthree \ -mathsizesuffix mathordcode mathopcode mathbincode mathrelcode \ -mathopencode mathclosecode mathpunctcode mathalphacode mathinnercode \ -mathnothingcode mathlimopcode mathnolopcode mathboxcode mathchoicecode \ -mathaccentcode mathradicalcode constantnumber constantnumberargument constantdimen \ -constantdimenargument constantemptyargument continueifinputfile luastringsep !!bs \ -!!es lefttorightmark righttoleftmark breakablethinspace nobreakspace \ -nonbreakablespace narrownobreakspace zerowidthnobreakspace ideographicspace ideographichalffillspace \ -twoperemspace threeperemspace fourperemspace fiveperemspace sixperemspace \ -figurespace punctuationspace hairspace zerowidthspace zerowidthnonjoiner \ -zerowidthjoiner zwnj zwj optionalspace asciispacechar +maxcard maxcardminusone zeropoint onepoint halfapoint \ +onebasepoint maxdimen scaledpoint thousandpoint points \ +halfpoint zeroskip zeromuskip onemuskip pluscxxvii \ +pluscxxviii pluscclv pluscclvi normalpagebox endoflinetoken \ +outputnewlinechar emptytoks empty undefined voidbox \ +emptybox emptyvbox emptyhbox bigskipamount medskipamount \ +smallskipamount fmtname fmtversion texengine texenginename \ +texengineversion luatexengine pdftexengine xetexengine unknownengine \ +etexversion pdftexversion xetexversion xetexrevision activecatcode \ +bgroup egroup endline conditionaltrue conditionalfalse \ +attributeunsetvalue uprotationangle rightrotationangle downrotationangle leftrotationangle \ +inicatcodes ctxcatcodes texcatcodes notcatcodes txtcatcodes \ +vrbcatcodes prtcatcodes nilcatcodes luacatcodes tpacatcodes \ +tpbcatcodes xmlcatcodes ctdcatcodes escapecatcode begingroupcatcode \ +endgroupcatcode mathshiftcatcode alignmentcatcode endoflinecatcode parametercatcode \ +superscriptcatcode subscriptcatcode ignorecatcode spacecatcode lettercatcode \ +othercatcode activecatcode commentcatcode invalidcatcode tabasciicode \ +newlineasciicode formfeedasciicode endoflineasciicode endoffileasciicode spaceasciicode \ +hashasciicode dollarasciicode commentasciicode ampersandasciicode colonasciicode \ +backslashasciicode circumflexasciicode underscoreasciicode leftbraceasciicode barasciicode \ +rightbraceasciicode tildeasciicode delasciicode lessthanasciicode morethanasciicode \ +doublecommentsignal atsignasciicode exclamationmarkasciicode questionmarkasciicode doublequoteasciicode \ +singlequoteasciicode forwardslashasciicode primeasciicode activemathcharcode activetabtoken \ +activeformfeedtoken activeendoflinetoken batchmodecode nonstopmodecode scrollmodecode \ +errorstopmodecode bottomlevelgroupcode simplegroupcode hboxgroupcode adjustedhboxgroupcode \ +vboxgroupcode vtopgroupcode aligngroupcode noaligngroupcode outputgroupcode \ +mathgroupcode discretionarygroupcode insertgroupcode vcentergroupcode mathchoicegroupcode \ +semisimplegroupcode mathshiftgroupcode mathleftgroupcode vadjustgroupcode charnodecode \ +hlistnodecode vlistnodecode rulenodecode insertnodecode marknodecode \ +adjustnodecode ligaturenodecode discretionarynodecode whatsitnodecode mathnodecode \ +gluenodecode kernnodecode penaltynodecode unsetnodecode mathsnodecode \ +charifcode catifcode numifcode dimifcode oddifcode \ +vmodeifcode hmodeifcode mmodeifcode innerifcode voidifcode \ +hboxifcode vboxifcode xifcode eofifcode trueifcode \ +falseifcode caseifcode definedifcode csnameifcode fontcharifcode \ +fontslantperpoint fontinterwordspace fontinterwordstretch fontinterwordshrink fontexheight \ +fontemwidth fontextraspace slantperpoint interwordspace interwordstretch \ +interwordshrink exheight emwidth extraspace mathsupdisplay \ +mathsupnormal mathsupcramped mathsubnormal mathsubcombined mathaxisheight \ +startmode stopmode startnotmode stopnotmode startmodeset \ +stopmodeset doifmode doifmodeelse doifnotmode startmodeset \ +stopmodeset startallmodes stopallmodes startnotallmodes stopnotallmodes \ +doifallmodes doifallmodeselse doifnotallmodes startenvironment stopenvironment \ +environment startcomponent stopcomponent component startproduct \ +stopproduct product startproject stopproject project \ +starttext stoptext startnotext stopnotext startdocument \ +stopdocument documentvariable setupdocument startmodule stopmodule \ +usemodule usetexmodule useluamodule setupmodule currentmoduleparameter \ +moduleparameter everystarttext startTEXpage stopTEXpage enablemode \ +disablemode preventmode definemode globalenablemode globaldisablemode \ +globalpreventmode pushmode popmode typescriptone typescripttwo \ +typescriptthree mathsizesuffix mathordcode mathopcode mathbincode \ +mathrelcode mathopencode mathclosecode mathpunctcode mathalphacode \ +mathinnercode mathnothingcode mathlimopcode mathnolopcode mathboxcode \ +mathchoicecode mathaccentcode mathradicalcode constantnumber constantnumberargument \ +constantdimen constantdimenargument constantemptyargument continueifinputfile luastringsep \ +!!bs !!es lefttorightmark righttoleftmark breakablethinspace \ +nobreakspace nonbreakablespace narrownobreakspace zerowidthnobreakspace ideographicspace \ +ideographichalffillspace twoperemspace threeperemspace fourperemspace fiveperemspace \ +sixperemspace figurespace punctuationspace hairspace zerowidthspace \ +zerowidthnonjoiner zerowidthjoiner zwnj zwj optionalspace \ +asciispacechar keywordclass.context.helpers=\ startsetups stopsetups startxmlsetups stopxmlsetups \ diff --git a/tex/context/base/char-def.lua b/tex/context/base/char-def.lua index f30e82898..84420ae9d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/char-def.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/char-def.lua @@ -310,9 +310,12 @@{ adobename="numbersign", category="po", cjkwd="na", + contextname="texthash", description="NUMBER SIGN", direction="et", linebreak="al", + mathclass="binary", + mathname="mathhash", unicodeslot=0x23, variants={ [0xFE0E]="text style", @@ -327,25 +330,32 @@{ description="DOLLAR SIGN", direction="et", linebreak="pr", + mathclass="binary", + mathname="mathdollar", unicodeslot=0x24, }, { adobename="percent", category="po", cjkwd="na", - contextname="percent", + contextname="textpercent", description="PERCENT SIGN", direction="et", linebreak="po", + mathclass="binary", + mathname="mathpercent", unicodeslot=0x25, }, { adobename="ampersand", category="po", cjkwd="na", + contextname="textampersand", description="AMPERSAND", direction="on", linebreak="al", + mathclass="binary", + mathname="mathampersand", unicodeslot=0x26, }, { @@ -4606,6 +4616,8 @@{ description="LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE", direction="l", linebreak="al", + mathclass="variable", + mathname="lambdabar", unicodeslot=0x19B, }, { diff --git a/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua index e5806622c..f7b5f8871 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/char-ini.lua @@ -711,10 +711,10 @@ of the official .

-- we could make them virtual: characters.contextnames[n] -function characters.contextname(n) return data[n].contextname or "" end -function characters.adobename (n) return data[n].adobename or "" end -function characters.description(n) return data[n].description or "" end --------- characters.category (n) return data[n].category or "" end +function characters.contextname(n) return data[n] and data[n].contextname or "" end +function characters.adobename (n) return data[n] and data[n].adobename or "" end +function characters.description(n) return data[n] and data[n].description or "" end +-------- characters.category (n) return data[n] and data[n].category or "" end function characters.category(n,verbose) local c = data[n].category diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv index 592ea2eca..84642185f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2014.07.30 10:31} +\newcontextversion{2014.08.19 11:57} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for %D hacks, patches, extensions and new features. diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf index 10780070a..caf2c1abc 100644 Binary files a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf and b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf differ diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv index 9564d6135..01bb35232 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ %D up and the dependencies are more consistent. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2014.07.30 10:31} +\edef\contextversion{2014.08.19 11:57} \edef\contextkind {beta} %D For those who want to use this: diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/enco-ini.mkiv index 0fae1aade..07bdaebd9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/enco-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-ini.mkiv @@ -208,11 +208,42 @@ \def\pound {£} \def\sterling{£} \def\promille {‰} \def\permille{‰} -% tex specific (obsolete) +% tex specific + +\ifdefined\textpercent + \let\percent \textpercent + \let\procent \textpercent + \let\ampersand \textampersand + \let\dollar \textdollar + \let\hash \texthash +\else + \def\percent {\textpercent} + \def\procent {\textpercent} + \def\ampersand {\textampersand} + \def\dollar {\textdollar} + \def\hash {\texthash} +\fi -\def\procent {\percent} -\def\dollar {\textdollar} -\def\permine {\fakepermine} +% from enco-mis: + +\unexpanded\def\fakepercent + {\mathematics{\normalsuperscript{\scriptscriptstyle0}\kern-.25\emwidth/\kern-.2\emwidth\normalsubscript{\scriptscriptstyle0}}} + +\unexpanded\def\fakeperthousand + {\mathematics{\normalsuperscript{\scriptscriptstyle0}\kern-.25\emwidth/\kern-.2\emwidth\normalsubscript{\scriptscriptstyle00}}} + +\unexpanded\def\fakepermine + {\dontleavehmode + \bgroup + \setbox\scratchbox\hbox + {\mathematics{+}}% + \hbox to \wd\scratchbox + {\hss + \mathematics{\normalsuperscript{\scriptscriptstyle-}\kern-.4\emwidth/\kern-.3\emwidth\normalsubscript{\scriptscriptstyle-}}% + \hss}% + \egroup} + +\def\permine{\fakepermine} % some more @@ -331,25 +362,6 @@ \ctxlua{characters.tex.defineaccents()} -% from enco-mis: - -\unexpanded\def\fakepercent - {\mathematics{\normalsuperscript{\scriptscriptstyle0}\kern-.25\emwidth/\kern-.2\emwidth\normalsubscript{\scriptscriptstyle0}}} - -\unexpanded\def\fakeperthousand - {\mathematics{\normalsuperscript{\scriptscriptstyle0}\kern-.25\emwidth/\kern-.2\emwidth\normalsubscript{\scriptscriptstyle00}}} - -\unexpanded\def\fakepermine - {\dontleavehmode - \bgroup - \setbox\scratchbox\hbox - {\mathematics{+}}% - \hbox to \wd\scratchbox - {\hss - \mathematics{\normalsuperscript{\scriptscriptstyle-}\kern-.4\emwidth/\kern-.3\emwidth\normalsubscript{\scriptscriptstyle-}}% - \hss}% - \egroup} - %D A smaller and bolder variant, more like the math and monospaced ones. \unexpanded\def\fakeunderscore diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua index 2f5ae57e2..e366f746d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua @@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ local texdefinefont = tex.definefont local texsp = tex.sp local fontdata = hashes.identifiers -local characters = hashes.chardata +local characters = hashes.characters local descriptions = hashes.descriptions local properties = local resources = hashes.resources local csnames = hashes.csnames -local marks = hashes.markdata local lastmathids = hashes.lastmathids local exheights = hashes.exheights local emwidths = hashes.emwidths @@ -1449,7 +1448,28 @@ local function nametoslot(name) end end -helpers.nametoslot = nametoslot +local function indextoslot(index) + local r = resources[true] + if r then + local indices = r.indices + if not indices then + indices = { } + local c = characters[true] + for unicode, data in next, c do + local di = data.index + if di then + indices[di] = unicode + end + end + r.indices = indices + end + return indices[tonumber(index)] + end +end + + +helpers.nametoslot = nametoslot +helpers.indextoslot = indextoslot -- this will change ... @@ -1604,6 +1624,13 @@ function commands.fontchar(n) end end +function commands.fontcharbyindex(n) + n = indextoslot(n) + if n then + context_char(n) + end +end + function commands.doifelsecurrentfonthasfeature(name) -- can be made faster with a supportedfeatures hash local f = fontdata[currentfont()] f = f and f.shared diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi index c1e6d9390..556816f6d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/font-ini.mkvi @@ -2172,6 +2172,9 @@ \unexpanded\def\fontchar#character% {\ctxcommand{fontchar("#character")}} +\unexpanded\def\fontcharbyindex#index% unofficial command, for idris' font building + {\ctxcommand{fontcharbyindex(\number#index)}} + %D The next auxilliary macro is an alternative to \type %D {\fontname}. diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-nod.lua b/tex/context/base/font-nod.lua index 8251dc588..2311cebeb 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-nod.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/font-nod.lua @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ function char_tracers.collect(head,list,tag,n) ok, fn = false, f end local c = getchar(head) - local i = fontidentifiers[f].indices[c] or 0 + -- local i = fontidentifiers[f].indices[c] or 0 -- zero anyway as indices is nilled if not ok then ok = true n = n + 1 @@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ function char_tracers.collect(head,list,tag,n) list[n][tag] = { } end local l = list[n][tag] - l[#l+1] = { c, f, i } + -- l[#l+1] = { c, f, i } + l[#l+1] = { c, f } elseif id == disc_code then -- skip else @@ -127,7 +128,8 @@ function char_tracers.equal(ta, tb) else for i=1,#ta do local a, b = ta[i], tb[i] - if a[1] ~= b[1] or a[2] ~= b[2] or a[3] ~= b[3] then + -- if a[1] ~= b[1] or a[2] ~= b[2] or a[3] ~= b[3] then + if a[1] ~= b[1] or a[2] ~= b[2] then return false end end @@ -160,20 +162,20 @@ function char_tracers.unicodes(t,decimal) return concat(tt," ") end -function char_tracers.indices(t,decimal) - local tt = { } - for i=1,#t do - local n = t[i][3] - if n == 0 then - tt[i] = "-" - elseif decimal then - tt[i] = n - else - tt[i] = f_unicode(n) - end - end - return concat(tt," ") -end +-- function char_tracers.indices(t,decimal) +-- local tt = { } +-- for i=1,#t do +-- local n = t[i][3] +-- if n == 0 then +-- tt[i] = "-" +-- elseif decimal then +-- tt[i] = n +-- else +-- tt[i] = f_unicode(n) +-- end +-- end +-- return concat(tt," ") +-- end function char_tracers.start() local npc = handlers.characters -- should accept nuts too diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-act.lua b/tex/context/base/math-act.lua index 879480dce..e767903a2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-act.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-act.lua @@ -103,15 +103,23 @@ function mathematics.checkprivateparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters if mathparameters then local parameters = target.parameters + local properties = if parameters then - if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize then - mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize = 1.01 * parameters.size - end - if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize then - mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize = 2.40 * parameters.size + local size = parameters.size + if size then + if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize then + mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize = 1.01 * size + end + if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize then + mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize = 2.40 * size + end + elseif properties then + report_math("invalid parameters in font %a",properties.fullname or "?") + else + report_math("invalid parameters in font") end - elseif then - report_math("no parameters in font %a", or "?") + elseif properties then + report_math("no parameters in font %a",properties.fullname or "?") else report_math("no parameters and properties in font") end diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv index caa531c1d..a2f481df2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv @@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ %D restore a changed mathstyle so best avoid that one. However, there are cases where %D we really need to use such grouping. +% Weird, these fail, maybe amp is solved in a later state from char noads (needs a +% fix in luatex): +% +% $\char"26$ +% $\a$ +% $\string&$ + % mathop applied to characters centers it vertically \unprotect diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-vfu.lua b/tex/context/base/math-vfu.lua index 6d9a9f903..a683e02cf 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/math-vfu.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/math-vfu.lua @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ local allocate = local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local formatters = string.formatters +local chardata = + local mathencodings = allocate() fonts.encodings.math = mathencodings -- better is then: fonts.encodings.vectors local vfmath = allocate() @@ -432,6 +434,14 @@ local function repeated(main,characters,id,size,unicode,u,n,private,fraction) -- end end +local function cloned(main,characters,id,size,source,target) + local data = characters[source] + if data then + characters[target] = data + return true + end +end + -- we use the fact that context defines the smallest sizes first .. a real dirty and ugly hack local data_of_smaller = nil @@ -451,10 +461,11 @@ function vfmath.addmissing(main,id,size) -- here id is the index in fonts (normally 14 or so) and that slot points to self - local characters = main.characters - local shared = main.shared - local variables = main.goodies.mathematics and main.goodies.mathematics.variables or { } + local characters = main.characters + local shared = main.shared + local variables = main.goodies.mathematics and main.goodies.mathematics.variables or { } local joinrelfactor = variables.joinrelfactor or 3 + for i=0x7A,0x7D do make(main,characters,id,size,i,1) end @@ -536,23 +547,24 @@ function vfmath.addmissing(main,id,size) -- 21CB leftrightharpoon -- 21CC rightleftharpoon - stack (main,characters,id,size,0x2259,0x0003D,3,0x02227) -- \buildrel\wedge\over= - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x22C8,0x022B3,joinrelfactor,0x022B2) -- \mathrel\triangleright\joinrel\mathrel\triangleleft (4 looks better than 3) - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x22A7,0x0007C,joinrelfactor,0x0003D) -- \mathrel|\joinrel= - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x2260,0x00338,0,0x0003D) -- \not\equal - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x2284,0x00338,0,0x02282) -- \not\subset - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x2285,0x00338,0,0x02283) -- \not\supset - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x2209,0x00338,0,0x02208) -- \not\in - jointwo (main,characters,id,size,0x2254,0x03A,0,0x03D) -- := (≔) + stack(main,characters,id,size,0x2259,0x0003D,3,0x02227) -- \buildrel\wedge\over= + + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x22C8,0x022B3,joinrelfactor,0x022B2) -- \mathrel\triangleright\joinrel\mathrel\triangleleft (4 looks better than 3) + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x22A7,0x0007C,joinrelfactor,0x0003D) -- \mathrel|\joinrel= + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x2260,0x00338,0,0x0003D) -- \not\equal + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x2284,0x00338,0,0x02282) -- \not\subset + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x2285,0x00338,0,0x02283) -- \not\supset + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x2209,0x00338,0,0x02208) -- \not\in + jointwo(main,characters,id,size,0x2254,0x03A,0,0x03D) -- := (≔) repeated(main,characters,id,size,0x222C,0x222B,2,0xFF800,1/3) repeated(main,characters,id,size,0x222D,0x222B,3,0xFF810,1/3) - characters[0xFE325] = fastcopy(characters[0x2032]) - - raise (main,characters,id,size,0x02032,0xFE325,1,id_of_smaller) -- prime - raise (main,characters,id,size,0x02033,0xFE325,2,id_of_smaller) -- double prime - raise (main,characters,id,size,0x02034,0xFE325,3,id_of_smaller) -- triple prime + if cloned(main,characters,id,size,0x2032,0xFE325) then + raise(main,characters,id,size,0x2032,0xFE325,1,id_of_smaller) -- prime + raise(main,characters,id,size,0x2033,0xFE325,2,id_of_smaller) -- double prime + raise(main,characters,id,size,0x2034,0xFE325,3,id_of_smaller) -- triple prime + end -- there are more (needs discussion first): @@ -882,7 +894,7 @@ function vfmath.define(specification,set,goodies) local ru = rv[unicode] if not ru then if trace_virtual then - report_virtual("unicode slot %U has no index %H in vector %a for font %a",unicode,index,vectorname,fontname) + report_virtual("unicode slot %U has no index %H in vector %a for font %a (%S)",unicode,index,vectorname,fontname,chardata[unicode].description) elseif not already_reported then report_virtual("the mapping is incomplete for %a at %p",name,size) already_reported = true diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua index 3728b0433..21f7c53cc 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ return { -- "zerocount", "minusone", "minustwo", "plusone", "plustwo", "plusthree", "plusfour", "plusfive", "plussix", "plusseven", "pluseight", "plusnine", "plusten", "plussixteen", "plushundred", - "plusthousand", "plustenthousand", "plustwentythousand", "medcard", "maxcard", + "plusthousand", "plustenthousand", "plustwentythousand", "medcard", "maxcard", "maxcardminusone", "zeropoint", "onepoint", "halfapoint", "onebasepoint", "maxdimen", "scaledpoint", "thousandpoint", "points", "halfpoint", "zeroskip", diff --git a/tex/context/base/s-fnt-10.mkiv b/tex/context/base/s-fnt-10.mkiv index 9b6211c2b..2fe82e079 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/s-fnt-10.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/s-fnt-10.mkiv @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ function fonts.tracers.show_glyphs() end \stopluacode -\def\ShowCompleteFont#1#2#3% +\unexpanded\def\ShowCompleteFont#1#2#3% {\bgroup \page \font\TestFont=#1 at #2 @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ end \page \egroup} -\def\ShowAllGlyphs#1#2#3% +\unexpanded\def\ShowAllGlyphs#1#2#3% {\bgroup \page \def\showglyph##1{\dontleavehmode\strut\char##1\relax\par} diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf index faa6c8b27..3969f8073 100644 Binary files a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf and b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf differ diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf index 76bbc72b8..7d88c08a4 100644 Binary files a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf and b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf differ diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv index f1aeb094d..ff74efecc 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/syst-ini.mkiv @@ -417,6 +417,7 @@ \chardef \plustwentythousand = 20000 \chardef \medcard = 32768 \chardef \maxcard = 65536 % pdftex has less mathchars +\chardef \maxcardminusone = 65535 %D \macros %D {doubleexpandafter,tripleexpandafter,expanded,startexpanded} diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-tal.lua b/tex/context/base/typo-tal.lua index 5d62d4e47..1e9c815b3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/typo-tal.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/typo-tal.lua @@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ function characteralign.handler(originalhead,where) if not a or a == 0 then return originalhead, false end - local column = div(a,100) - local row = a % 100 + local column = div(a,0xFFFF) + local row = a % 0xFFFF local dataset = datasets and datasets[column] or setcharacteralign(column) local separator = dataset.separator local list = dataset.list diff --git a/tex/context/base/typo-tal.mkiv b/tex/context/base/typo-tal.mkiv index 32b99ff01..91c22332b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/typo-tal.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/typo-tal.mkiv @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ % D % D \typebuffer \blank \getbuffer \blank -\unexpanded\def\signalcharacteralign#1#2{\attribute\characteralignattribute=\numexpr#1*\plushundred+#2\relax} +\unexpanded\def\signalcharacteralign#1#2{\attribute\characteralignattribute\numexpr#1*\maxcardminusone+#2\relax} % 0xFFFF \unexpanded\def\setcharacteralign #1#2{\ctxcommand{setcharacteralign(\number#1,"#2")}} \unexpanded\def\resetcharacteralign {\ctxcommand{resetcharacteralign()}} \unexpanded\def\nocharacteralign {\attribute\characteralignattribute\attributeunsetvalue} diff --git a/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua b/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua index 00ffd4cc0..60fbb0b5a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/x-asciimath.lua @@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ ugly and unsatisfying code mess down here. Don't take this as an example.

-- todo: spaces around all elements in cleanup? -- todo: filter from files listed in tuc file -local trace_mapping = false if trackers then trackers.register("modules.asciimath.mapping", function(v) trace_mapping = v end) end -local trace_detail = false if trackers then trackers.register("modules.asciimath.detail", function(v) trace_detail = v end) end +local trace_mapping = false if trackers then trackers.register("modules.asciimath.mapping", function(v) trace_mapping = v end) end +local trace_detail = false if trackers then trackers.register("modules.asciimath.detail", function(v) trace_detail = v end) end -local asciimath = { } -local moduledata = moduledata or { } -moduledata.asciimath = asciimath +local report_asciimath = logs.reporter("mathematics","asciimath") + +local asciimath = { } +local moduledata = moduledata or { } +moduledata.asciimath = asciimath if not characters then require("char-def") @@ -32,16 +34,18 @@ if not characters then require("char-ent") end -local entities = characters.entities or { } - -local report_asciimath = logs.reporter("mathematics","asciimath") - local type, rawget = type, rawget +local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove +local rep, gmatch, gsub, find = string.rep, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find + local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local S, P, R, C, V, Cc, Ct, Cs = lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs -local concat, remove, sortedhash, sortedkeys, keys = table.concat, table.remove, table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys, table.keys -local rep, gmatch, gsub, find = string.rep, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find -local formatters = string.formatters + +local sortedhash = table.sortedhash +local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys +local formatters = string.formatters + +local entities = characters.entities or { } local xmltext = xml.text local xmlinclusion = xml.inclusion @@ -147,23 +151,32 @@ local reserved = { -- brackets --- ["("] = "(, --- [")"] = "), --- ["["] = "[, --- ["]"] = "], --- ["{"] = "{, --- ["}"] = "}, --- ["(:"] = "〈", --- [":)"] = "〉", + -- ["("] = "(, + -- [")"] = "), + -- ["["] = "[, + -- ["]"] = "], + -- ["{"] = "{, + -- ["}"] = "}, + -- ["(:"] = "〈", + -- [":)"] = "〉", -- binary relations ["="] = "=", + ["eq"] = "=", ["!="] = "≠", + ["ne"] = "≠", + ["neq"] = "≠", ["<"] = "<", + ["lt"] = "<", [">"] = ">", + ["gt"] = ">", ["<="] = "≤", + ["le"] = "≤", + ["leq"] = "≤", [">="] = "≥", + ["ge"] = "≥", + ["geq"] = "≥", ["-<"] = "≺", [">-"] = "≻", ["in"] = "∈", @@ -216,8 +229,8 @@ local reserved = { ["angle"] = "∠", ["/_"] = "∠", [":."] = "∴", - ["..."] = "...", -- ldots - ["ldots"] = "...", -- ldots + ["..."] = "...", -- ldots + ["ldots"] = "...", -- ldots ["cdots"] = "⋯", ["vdots"] = "⋮", ["ddots"] = "⋱", @@ -228,6 +241,13 @@ local reserved = { ["|~"] = "⌈", ["~|"] = "⌉", + -- special + + ["%"] = "\\mathpercent", + ["&"] = "\\mathampersand", + ["#"] = "\\mathhash", + ["$"] = "\\mathdollar", + -- more ["_="] = "≡", @@ -666,6 +686,10 @@ local isunary = { } +local isfunny = { + ["\\sin"] = true, +} + local isinfix = { ["^"] = true, ["_"] = true, @@ -675,12 +699,14 @@ local isleft = { ["\\left\\lparent"] = true, ["\\left\\lbrace"] = true, ["\\left\\lbracket"] = true, + ["\\left\\langle"] = true, ["\\left."] = true, } local isright = { ["\\right\\rparent"] = true, ["\\right\\rbrace"] = true, ["\\right\\rbracket"] = true, + ["\\right\\rangle"] = true, ["\\right."] = true, } @@ -803,18 +829,25 @@ local p_text = -- + P("〉") / "\\right\\rangle" local m_left = { - ["(:"] = "\\left\\langle", - ["{:"] = "\\left.", - ["[:"] = "\\left.", - ["("] = "\\left\\lparent", - ["["] = "\\left\\lbracket", - ["{"] = "\\left\\lbrace", - ["<<"] = "\\left\\langle", -- why not <: - ["|_"] = "\\left\\lfloor", - ["|~"] = "\\left\\lceil", - ["⟨"] = "\\left\\langle", - ["〈"] = "\\left\\langle", - ["〈"] = "\\left\\langle", + ["(:"] = "\\left\\langle", + ["{:"] = "\\left.", + ["[:"] = "\\left.", + ["("] = "\\left\\lparent", + ["["] = "\\left\\lbracket", + ["{"] = "\\left\\lbrace", + ["<<"] = "\\left\\langle", -- why not <: + ["|_"] = "\\left\\lfloor", + ["|~"] = "\\left\\lceil", + ["⟨"] = "\\left\\langle", + ["〈"] = "\\left\\langle", + ["〈"] = "\\left\\langle", + -- + ["lparent"] = "\\left\\lparent", + ["lbracket"] = "\\left\\lbracket", + ["lbrace"] = "\\left\\lbrace", + ["langle"] = "\\left\\langle", + ["lfloor"] = "\\left\\lfloor", + ["lceil"] = "\\left\\lceil", } local m_right = { @@ -830,6 +863,21 @@ local m_right = { ["⟩"] = "\\right\\rangle", ["〉"] = "\\right\\rangle", ["〉"] = "\\right\\rangle", + -- + ["rparent"] = "\\right\\rparent", + ["rbracket"] = "\\right\\rbracket", + ["rbrace"] = "\\right\\rbrace", + ["rangle"] = "\\right\\rangle", + ["rfloor"] = "\\right\\rfloor", + ["rceil"] = "\\right\\rceil", +} + +local islimits = { + ["\\sum"] = true, + ["∑"] = true, + ["\\prod"] = true, + ["∏"] = true, + ["\\lim"] = true, } local p_left = @@ -850,11 +898,8 @@ local p_right = -- faster bug also uglier: local p_special = --- C("/") --- + P("|") * Cc("\\|") -- "\\middle\\|" -- maybe always add left / right as in mml ? - + - P("\\") * ( + + P("\\") * ( ( P(" ") * ( Cc("{}") * p_spaces^0 * C(S("^_")) @@ -867,28 +912,29 @@ local p_special = -- open | close :: {: | :} - local parser = Ct { "tokenizer", tokenizer = ( p_spaces + p_number + p_text --- + Ct(p_open * V("tokenizer") * p_close) -- {: (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) :} --- + Ct(p_open * V("tokenizer") * p_close_right) -- { (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) :} --- + Ct(p_open_left * V("tokenizer") * p_right) -- {: (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) } + -- + Ct(p_open * V("tokenizer") * p_close) -- {: (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) :} + -- + Ct(p_open * V("tokenizer") * p_close_right) -- { (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) :} + -- + Ct(p_open_left * V("tokenizer") * p_right) -- {: (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) } + Ct(p_left * V("tokenizer") * p_right) -- { (a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7) } + p_special + p_reserved + p_entity --- + p_utf - p_close - p_right + -- + p_utf - p_close - p_right + p_utf - p_right )^1, } -local function show_state(state,level,t) - state = state + 1 - report_asciimath(table.serialize(t,formatters["stage %s:%s"](level,state))) - return state +local collapse = nil +local serialize = table.serialize +local f_state = formatters["level %s : %s : intermediate"] + +local function show_state(t,level,state) + report_asciimath(serialize(t,f_state(level,state))) end local function show_result(str,result) @@ -896,20 +942,7 @@ local function show_result(str,result) report_asciimath("result > %s",result) end -local function collapse(t,level) - if not t then - return "" - end - local state = 0 - if trace_detail then - if level then - level = level + 1 - else - level = 1 - end - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- +local function collapse_matrices(t) local n = #t if n > 4 and t[3] == "," then local l1 = t[1] @@ -969,11 +1002,55 @@ local function collapse(t,level) end end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) + return t +end + +local function collapse_bars(t) + local n, i, l, m = #t, 1, false, 0 + while i <= n do + local current = t[i] + if current == "\\|" then + if l then + m = m + 1 + t[l] = "\\left\\|" + t[i] = "\\right\\|" + t[m] = { unpack(t,l,i) } + l = false + else + l = i + end + elseif not l then + m = m + 1 + t[m] = current + end + i = i + 1 end - -- + if l then + local tt = { "\\left ." } -- space fools final checker + local tm = 1 + for i=1,m do + tm = tm + 1 + tt[tm] = t[i] + end + tm = tm + 1 + tt[tm] = "\\middle\\|" + for i=l+1,n do + tm = tm + 1 + tt[tm] = t[i] + end + tm = tm + 1 + tt[tm] = "\\right ." -- space fools final checker + m = tm + t = tt + elseif m < n then + for i=n,m+1,-1 do + t[i] = nil + end + end + return t +end + +local function collapse_pairs(t) local n, i = #t, 1 while i < n do local current = t[i] @@ -1000,11 +1077,10 @@ local function collapse(t,level) i = i + 1 end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_parentheses(t) local n, i = #t, 1 if n > 2 then while i < n do @@ -1012,8 +1088,6 @@ local function collapse(t,level) if type(current) == "table" and isleft[t[i-1]] and isright[t[i+1]] then local c = #current if c > 2 and isleft[current[1]] and isright[current[c]] then --- current[c] = nil --- current[1] = "" remove(current,c) remove(current,1) end @@ -1023,11 +1097,10 @@ local function collapse(t,level) end end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_signs(t) local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 while i <= n do m = m + 1 @@ -1041,8 +1114,6 @@ local function collapse(t,level) end if type(one) == "table" then if isleft[one[1]] and isright[one[#one]] then --- one[1] = "" --- one[#one] = nil remove(one,#one) remove(one,1) end @@ -1056,6 +1127,30 @@ local function collapse(t,level) end t[m] = current .. "{" .. one .. "}" i = i + 2 + elseif i + 2 <= n and isfunny[current] then + local one = t[i+1] + if isinfix[one] then + local two = t[i+2] + if two == "-" then -- or another sign ? or unary ? + local three = t[i+3] + if three then + if type(three) == "table" then + three = collapse(three,level) + end + t[m] = current .. one .. "{" .. two .. three .. "}" + i = i + 4 + else + t[m] = current + i = i + 1 + end + else + t[m] = current + i = i + 1 + end + else + t[m] = current + i = i + 1 + end else t[m] = current i = i + 1 @@ -1070,11 +1165,10 @@ local function collapse(t,level) t[i] = nil end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_binaries(t) local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 while i <= n do m = m + 1 @@ -1088,8 +1182,6 @@ local function collapse(t,level) end if type(one) == "table" then if isleft[one[1]] and isright[one[#one]] then --- one[1] = "" --- one[#one] = nil remove(one,#one) remove(one,1) end @@ -1101,8 +1193,6 @@ local function collapse(t,level) end if type(two) == "table" then if isleft[two[1]] and isright[two[#two]] then --- two[1] = "" --- two[#two] = nil remove(two,#two) remove(two,1) end @@ -1124,11 +1214,95 @@ local function collapse(t,level) t[i] = nil end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) + return t +end + +local function collapse_infixes_1(t) + local n, i = #t, 1 + while i <= n do + local current = t[i] + if isinfix[current] then + local what = t[i+1] + if what then + if type(what) == "table" then + local f, l = what[1], what[#what] + if isleft[f] and isright[l] then + remove(what,#what) + remove(what,1) + end + t[i+1] = collapse(what,level) -- collapse ? + end + i = i + 2 + else + break + end + else + i = i + 1 + end end - -- + return t +end + +function collapse_limits(t) + local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 + while i <= n do + m = m + 1 + local current = t[i] + if islimits[current] then + local one, two, first, second = nil, nil, t[i+1], t[i+3] + if first and isinfix[first] then + one = t[i+2] + if one then + -- if type(one) == "table" then + -- if isleft[one[1]] and isright[one[#one]] then + -- remove(one,#one) + -- remove(one,1) + -- end + -- one = collapse(one,level) + -- end + if second and isinfix[second] then + two = t[i+4] + -- if type(two) == "table" then + -- if isleft[two[1]] and isright[two[#two]] then + -- remove(two,#two) + -- remove(two,1) + -- end + -- two = collapse(two,level) + -- end + end + if two then + t[m] = current .. "\\limits" .. first .. "{" .. one .. "}" .. second .. "{" .. two .. "}" + i = i + 5 + else + t[m] = current .. "\\limits" .. first .. "{" .. one .. "}" + i = i + 3 + end + else + t[m] = current + i = i + 1 + end + else + t[m] = current + i = i + 1 + end + else + t[m] = current + i = i + 1 + end + end + if i == n then -- yes? + m = m + 1 + t[m] = t[n] + end + if m < n then + for i=n,m+1,-1 do + t[i] = nil + end + end + return t +end + +local function collapse_tables(t) local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 while i <= n do m = m + 1 @@ -1154,19 +1328,25 @@ local function collapse(t,level) t[i] = nil end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_infixes_2(t) local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 while i < n do local current = t[i] if isinfix[current] and i > 1 then local tl = t[i-1] local tr = t[i+1] - t[m] = tl .. current .. "{" .. tr .. "}" - i = i + 2 + local ti = t[i+2] + local tn = t[i+3] + if ti and tn and isinfix[ti] then + t[m] = tl .. current .. "{" .. tr .. "}" .. ti .. "{" .. tn .. "}" + i = i + 4 + else + t[m] = tl .. current .. "{" .. tr .. "}" + i = i + 2 + end else m = m + 1 t[m] = current @@ -1182,11 +1362,10 @@ local function collapse(t,level) t[i] = nil end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_fractions_1(t) local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 while i < n do local current = t[i] @@ -1222,16 +1401,14 @@ local function collapse(t,level) t[i] = nil end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_fractions_2(t) local n, m, i = #t, 0, 1 while i < n do local current = t[i] if current == "\\slash" and i > 1 then --- t[m] = "{\\left(" .. t[i-1] .. "\\middle/" .. t[i+1] .. "\\right)}" t[m] = "{\\left." .. t[i-1] .. "\\middle/" .. t[i+1] .. "\\right.}" i = i + 2 else @@ -1249,17 +1426,47 @@ local function collapse(t,level) t[i] = nil end end - -- - if trace_detail then - state = show_state(state,level,t) - end - -- + return t +end + +local function collapse_result(t) local n = #t - if t[1] == "\\left." and t[n] == "\\right." then - return concat(t," ",2,n-1) + if t[1] == "\\left." and t[n] == "\\right." then -- see bar .. space needed there + return concat(t," ",2,n-1) else - return concat(t," ") + return concat(t," ") + end +end + +collapse = function(t,level) + -- check + if not t then + return "" + end + -- tracing + if trace_detail then + if level then + level = level + 1 + else + level = 1 + end + show_state(t,level,"parsed") end + -- steps + t = collapse_matrices (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"matrices") end + t = collapse_bars (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"bars") end + t = collapse_pairs (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"pairs") end + t = collapse_parentheses(t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"parentheses") end + t = collapse_signs (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"signs") end + t = collapse_binaries (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"binaries") end + t = collapse_infixes_1 (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"infixes (1)") end + t = collapse_limits (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"limits") end + t = collapse_tables (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"tables") end + t = collapse_infixes_2 (t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"infixes (2)") end + t = collapse_fractions_1(t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"fractions (1)") end + t = collapse_fractions_2(t) if trace_detail then show_state(t,level,"fractions (2)") end + -- done + return collapse_result(t) end -- todo: cache simple ones, say #str < 10, maybe weak @@ -1456,6 +1663,15 @@ if not context then -- report_asciimath(cleanedup([[a "α" b]])) -- report_asciimath(cleanedup([[//4]])) +-- convert([[sum x]]) +-- convert([[sum^(1)_(2) x]]) +-- convert([[lim_(1)^(2) x]]) +-- convert([[lim_(1) x]]) +-- convert([[lim^(2) x]]) + +-- convert([[{: rangle]]) +-- convert([[\langle\larr]]) +-- convert([[langlelarr]]) -- convert([[D_f=[0 ,→〉]]) -- convert([[ac+sinx+xsqrtx]]) -- convert([[ac+\alpha x+xsqrtx-cc b*pi**psi-3alephx / bb X]]) @@ -1466,10 +1682,10 @@ if not context then -- convert([[//4]]) -- convert([[ {(a+b,=,1),(a+b,=,7)) ]]) --- convert([[ 2/a // 5/b = (2 b) / ( a b) // ( 5 a ) / ( a b ) = (2 b ) / ( 5 a ) ]]) --- convert([[ (2+x)/a // 5/b ]]) +-- convert([[ 2/a // 5/b = (2 b) / ( a b) // ( 5 a ) / ( a b ) = (2 b ) / ( 5 a ) ]]) +-- convert([[ (2+x)/a // 5/b ]]) --- convert([[ ( 2/a ) // ( 5/b ) = ( (2 b) / ( a b) ) // ( ( 5 a ) / ( a b ) ) = (2 b ) / ( 5 a ) ]]) +-- convert([[ ( 2/a ) // ( 5/b ) = ( (2 b) / ( a b) ) // ( ( 5 a ) / ( a b ) ) = (2 b ) / ( 5 a ) ]]) -- convert([[ (x/y)^3 = x^3/y^3 ]]) diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua index 28a5117c6..d6e7a2480 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua --- merge date : 07/30/14 10:31:59 +-- merge date : 08/19/14 11:57:06 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference -- cgit v1.2.3