From 3b8aa7e031c996ed051083984e5fa7078ec7cffd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hans Hagen Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 00:00:00 +0100 Subject: stable 2004.11.22 --- context/data/ | 190 +-- context/data/ | 190 +-- context/data/ | 60 +- context/data/ | 190 +-- context/data/ | 190 +-- context/data/ | 190 +-- context/data/type-buy.dat | 17 +- fonts/map/pdftex/context/ | 224 ++- fonts/map/pdftex/context/ | 59 + fonts/map/pdftex/context/ | 239 ++- fonts/map/pdftex/context/ | 72 + fonts/map/pdftex/context/ | 58 + scripts/context/perl/ | 3 +- scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb | 2 +- tex/context/base/cont-new.tex | 3 +- tex/context/base/cont-sys.ori | 4 + tex/context/base/context.tex | 2 +- tex/context/base/core-con.tex | 59 + tex/context/base/core-ref.tex | 68 +- tex/context/base/core-reg.tex | 4 +- tex/context/base/enco-acc.tex | 6 + tex/context/base/enco-def.tex | 99 ++ tex/context/base/enco-ini.tex | 6 +- tex/context/base/enco-t5.tex | 243 +++ tex/context/base/enco-uc.tex | 112 +- 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zarovnanonastred vyberpapir \ - nastavzahlavi opissoubor stoptable nastavblok cernelinky subject \ - nastavprechodstrany uzijexternizvuk hlavnijazyk placerule umistilegendu startcitace \ - parovastrana title stopnamemakeup premistinamrizku definujodstavce ukazpodpery \ - positiontext nastavtextpopisku nastavzarovnani umistizalozky seeregister zapisdoseznamu \ - nastavmarginalnilinky typebuffer uzijspeciality part tvrdemezery dvoustrannypapir \ - nadruhyokraj startparagraph ziskejbuffer klonujpole nastavhornitexty podtrzeni \ - zrcadlit vysoky stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes strana definetextposition \ - nastavinterakci stopcolumns nastavprofily ukazbarvu ukazpole nastavtoleranci \ - stophiding startlokalne nastavcislovaniodstavcu nastavtexthlavicky stopopposite stopproduct \ - nastavbilamista startoverview umistivedlesebe nastavtext startbuffer nastavpopisky \ - vyplnovyradek zarovnanovlevo ran nastavoramovanetexty umistipoznamkypodcarou stopsynchronization \ - ref nastavopis ukazexterniobrazy stopnarrower stopunpacked nastavmarginalie \ - description startprojekt uzijodkazy nastavmeziradkovoumezeru nastavpoznamkypodcarou jdinabox \ - nastavpaletu komentar orez nastavtabulky labeling nastavspojeni \ - nastavoramovani tlacitko prizpusobvzhled vlevo uzijsymbol completelistofsorts \ - nastavseznam umistiseznam definetextvariable definujblok jazyk stoplegend \ - stoptabulate setupformulae texthlavicky startprostredi zadnedalsibloky definujsynonyma \ - stoplocalenvironment nastavumisteniprotejsku definujrejstrik startline nastavbarvy propojenydokument \ - uzijexternisoubory stopframedtext nastavsirkucary definujpopisek nastavtextyupati emptylines \ - umistipodrovnici sym stopbuffer bublinkovanapoveda tab listsymbol \ - definujprekryv uzijexterniobraz startdocument subsubject Cap nastavkombinovanyseznam \ - citovat nastavinterakcnilistu uzijURL MESIC nastavdeleniplvoucichobjektu tenkelinky \ - placelistofsynonyms stopinteraktivnimenu nastavkapitalky zadnyseznam pol rimskecislice \ - stoplinecorrection nastavpodcislostrany porovnejpaletu dodrzujprofil definetype otocit \ - vyplnovepole zaznamovepole prizpusobivepole synonym textpopisku definujoramovanytext \ - nadpis stanovcislonadpisu nejakyradek umistilokalnipoznamkypodcarou nastavtextyzahlavi startfigure \ - stanovcharakteristickuseznamu chem umistiseznamodkazu cernalinka nastavpozadi completeregister \ - nastavtenkelinky startzlom definujkombinovanyseznam znaceni definujzasobnikpoli uzijmodul \ - zpracujstranu zadnehorniadolniradky pole meritko nastavumistovani stoplokalne \ - sort startlinecorrection startcombination bydliste startregister porovnejskupinubarev \ - CAP roztazene nastavsystem subsubsection stoptables nadtrzeno \ - zadnezahlaviaupati ziskejznaceni setuppaper pref vyberverzi definujpreskok \ - definujstartstop zlomek stopitemgroup startfloattext aktualnicislonadpisu preskrtnuto \ - nastavmarginalniblok startmarginalnilinka startkomponenta definujlogo nastavseznamodkazu textovalinka \ - definujtext completelistoffloats mezera sedabarva dodrzujverziprofilu nastavsekci \ - znak nastavpole jdina stoplinenumbering opis nastavinterakcniobrazovku \ - enumeration resetznaceni interakcnilista definujtabelaci stopbarva nastavotoceni \ - nastavcislostrany vlasovalinka poznamkapodcarou ukazzakladnifont definujseznam inouter \ - stopmarginblock instalacejazyka nastavplvouciobjekty stopline nastavvzhled pis \ - marginalnitext startcolumns nastavupati zadnebilemisto uzijexternidokument definujopis \ - zarovnanovpravo subsubsubject definerawfont citace bilemisto definujpopis \ - umistiloga stopformula nastavtextovelinky interakcnitlacitka startunpacked oramovani \ - polozky completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph ukazupravu reset nastavcislovani \ - nastavspodek nastavprogramy Znaky indentation stopprofile nocap \ - chapter stoptyping program nastavupravu nastavdefinicipoznamekpodcarou vsedniden \ - stoptextovalinka definujodkaz ukazsadusymbolu rozpojeneznaceni stopprostredi korekcebilehomista \ - VSEDNIDEN symbol vyplnovelinky konvertujcislo jdidolu nastavpopisy \ - propojenyrejstrik nastavprostredizakladnihofontu definujvystup completecombinedlist stoppositioning nastavkomentar \ - loadsorts nivy definujkonverzi placefloat stopcitace nastavexterniobrazy \ - switchtorawfont startpozadi ukazramecek startitemgroup starttyping paragraph \ - arg slovovpravo startproduct startzhustene nastavdolnitexty zpracujbloky \ - zhustene startopposite nastavcislovaniradku umistirovnici synchronizovat popisky \ - odkaz prelozit stopfakt stopfloattext setupforms register \ - definujprofil definujprostredizakladnihofontu tecky ukazvzhled nextsection placelistoffloats \ - externiobraz definujprogram umistinadsebe nastavodstavce uzijkodovani startnamemakeup \ - SLOVA stopprojekt odsazovani Slovo ininner nekde \ - section startmarginblock zapisdorejstriku ukazvytisk vyplnenytext coupledregister \ - nastavbarvu startprofile nastavsadusymbolu starttabulate aktualnidatum stopcombination \ - sloupec ukazpaletu stopverze nastavvystup ukaznastaveni startenumeration \ - definujoramovani scitani stopkomponenta zasobnikpoli nastavtype nastavcislovanistran \ - nastavnadpis placelistofsorts zadneodsazovani stopoverview footnotetext nastavorez \ - nastavsloupce nastavbloksekce zadneznaceni nastavtab setuprule subsection \ - synchronizacnilista odkaznastranu nastavpolozky textvariable bypassblocks nastavplvouciobjekt \ - nastavurl nastavsynonyma zadnamezera definujseznamodkazu definujznaceni zachovejbloky \ - ukazmrizku nastavpopisek nop starttable starttables stopzlom \ - framedtext verze zapismeziseznam stopdocument zablokujinterakcnimenu typstrany \ - definujskupinubarev nastavvycty publikace definujformatodkazu starthiding nastavsynchronizacnilistu \ - nastavrejstrik definujsekci stopoverlay pozice stopkomentar nastavzakladnifont \ - appendix definujvycet oref startverze cislonadpisu preskrtnuti \ - nastavtexttexty tex startdescription definujplvouciobjekt name Slova \ - umistinamrizku setupitemgroup startkomentar settextvariable preskoc Rimskecislice \ - znaky podtrzeno zadnytest umistirejstrik definujfont nastavvyplnoveradky \ - schovejbloky definujpodpole definujpole definujbarvu startpositioning startlegend \ - startfakt stopdescription odkaznatext startalignment vyberbloky tref \ - stopzhustene definujvelikostpapiru definujpaletu nastavverze setupstrut usedirectory \ - oznacverzi nastavrastr startformula nastavvyplnovelinky pozadi nastavtrideni \ - stoppostponing startframedtext stopenumeration startnarrower marginalnilinka startsynchronization \ - ukazskupinubarev nastavusporadani nastavlegendu vradku setuptextposition umistikombinovanyseznam \ - obrazovka zalozka nastavznaceni crlf datum startpostponing \ - nastavodkazovani nastavpreskok hl uzijexternisoubor nastavzuzeni kopirujpole \ - uzijprikazy definujverzi definerule nastavcislonadpisu tenkalinka nastavjazyk \ - nadtrzeni definujbuffer nastavradky startoverlay setuptextvariable forceblocks \ - nastavnadpisy zaramovani mrizka nastavcernelinky Znak loadsynonyms \ - propojeneznaceni barva naokraj cap rozdelplvouciobjekt nastavtlacitka \ - definujbloksekce startsymbolset nastavsynchronizaci mesic nastavhorejsek nastavpublikace \ - zref reservefloat definujobrazeksymbol stoppozadi definujsablonutabulky prepninazakladnifont \ - nastavvsechnapole cisla nastavpodtrzeni SLOVO odkaznadatum ukazpostredizakladnihofontu \ - starttextovalinka stopalignment definujinterakcnimenu stopsymbolset Caps stoplines \ - definujodsazovani nastavtabelaci nastavdelitko nastavodsazovani vl definujtrideni \ - spodek startbarva nizky poznamka nastrane definujnadpis \ - nastavcitaci startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startinteraktivnimenu nastavvelikostpapiru zadnedalsisoubory \ - polozka stopmarginalnilinka definujzakladnifont startlines definuj mediaeval \ - okr dodrzujverzi definujsymbol nastavbuffer matematika placetextvariable \ - definujupravu startlinenumbering sub + date underbar setuplinewidth disableinteractionmenu margintext stoptable \ + setuplegend definepapersize interactionbar pagereference subject MONTH \ + setuprotate placerule setupbuttons title setupcombinedlist stopenvironment \ + stopnamemakeup keepblocks mirror labeltext month setuptyping \ + fraction startcomponent setupquote someline coupledocument positiontext \ + setupclipping setuptolerance seeregister typebuffer part background \ + nomorefiles setuplines setupsubpagenumber setuphyphenmark hairline startparagraph \ + in startquotation inline stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes Words \ + setupfloat definetextposition stopcolumns setupsectionblock tooltip overbars \ + goto fixedspaces grid stophiding startlokalne defineregister \ + stopopposite fillinline note stopproduct definebodyfontenvironment startoverview \ + setuppagenumber setupunderbar overstrikes definecombinedlist writetoreferencelist decouplemarking \ + placereferencelist definefont overstrike startbuffer numbers selectversion \ + definefieldstack ran nospace stopsynchronization ref stopnarrower \ + stopunpacked description setupinterlinespace setuptoptexts couplepaper placecombinedlist \ + writetolist defineparagraphs setupblackrules setupinteractionscreen stopquotation typ \ + labeling romannumerals weekday useexternalfiles setuptexttexts completelistofsorts \ + marking definetextvariable screen definetabulate defineindenting showsymbolset \ + stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae item leftaligned about \ + stoplocalenvironment column setupcolor definereference placefootnotes startline \ + stopframedtext setupalign scale placeformula startcomment emptylines \ + placeregister sym followversion setupoppositeplacing stopbuffer setupcapitals \ + setupinteractionbar tab setuppagetransitions listsymbol copyfield comparecolorgroup \ + startdocument subsubject Cap writetoregister setupsystem stopcomment \ + splitfloat setupframed placelistofsynonyms setupfloatsplitting textreference setupfootertexts \ + setupsorting clonefield setupdescriptions setupbuffer definesubfield stoplinecorrection \ + blackrule setupinteraction followprofile definetype setupheads inmargin \ + starttextrule fillintext synonym translate setupmarginblocks startbackground \ + but Character stopinteractionmenu fitfield useexternalfile startfigure \ + chem setuplabeltext referraldate setupmarking setupreferencing color \ + completeregister startzlom donttest setuptables nomoreblocks setupcomment \ + stoplokalne sort bookmark startlinecorrection setupversions startcombination \ + startregister showgrid CAP definesorting setupfields setupmakeup \ + determinelistcharacteristics lohi subsubsection stoptables definereferencelist godown \ + setuppaper setupsymbolset installlanguage setuptop setupparagraphs setupscreens \ + pagetype startcolor framed position stopitemgroup setupthinrules \ + synchronize low setupbodyfont underbars startfloattext setuptext \ + footnote defineprogram button defineframed placelist definebodyfont \ + externalfigure completelistoffloats couplepage setupheadertexts setuppapersize definestartstop \ + processblocks its stoplinenumbering opis enumeration stopmarginrule \ + setuplanguage startversion definelogo inouter packed definetyping \ + stopmarginblock setupparagraphnumbering definepalet inframed atpage stopline \ + stoppacked placebookmarks setupframedtexts couplemarking startcolumns currentheadnumber \ + useblocks whitespace page defineoverlay subsubsubject definerawfont \ + inright setuppagenumbering field stopformula switchtobodyfont graycolor \ + setuptab definecolorgroup startunpacked completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph definefloat \ + reset defineprofile Characters useencoding rightaligned setupfooter \ + defineoutput midaligned interactionbuttons space setupenumerations nowhitespace \ + resetmarking showmakeup indentation stopprofile noheaderandfooterlines getbuffer \ + nocap chapter stoptyping program currentdate marginrule \ + definesynonyms Romannumerals nomarking stopcomponent symbol WORDS \ + setupindentations definetext rotate setupinmargin setupblank completecombinedlist \ + stopversion stoppositioning setupnarrower placeongrid definemarking definesection \ + periods loadsorts definetabletemplate placefloat startinteractionmenu version \ + defineenumeration showexternalfigures switchtorawfont startitemgroup starttyping setupwhitespace \ + paragraph arg placesidebyside setupindenting showcolor startproduct \ + showcolorgroup setupbackgrounds setuptextrules setupbottom selectblocks logfields \ + startmarginrule processpage definehead publication startopposite stoptextrule \ + definecolor indenting textrule moveongrid defineframedtext startpacked \ + stopfloattext setupforms register setupbottomtexts placelegend determineheadnumber \ + nextsection placelistoffloats startnamemakeup setupurl headtext defineconversion \ + usecommands correctwhitespace setupexternalfigures quotation setupfield setupsynonyms \ + definedescription definesectionblock ininner definebuffer section stretched \ + startmarginblock setupspacing coupledregister definemakeup startprofile starttabulate \ + typefile stopcombination useexternalfigure startfact startenumeration showstruts \ + setuptabulate fillinrules placelistofsorts noindenting stopoverview footnotetext \ + definefield markversion convertnumber setuprule blackrules subsection \ + blank Word setupnumbering fillinfield character textvariable \ + defineblank bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule nop starttable \ + starttables showsetups stopzlom framedtext reference labels \ + stopdocument setupcolors startenvironment starthiding setuparranging adding \ + comment stopoverlay setuplinenumbering items stopbackground setupprograms \ + placeontopofeachother appendix setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar nolist \ + tex startdescription stopcolor name setupitemgroup fieldstack \ + wordright settextvariable setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat setupfootnotes \ + startpositioning clip setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion stopdescription \ + startalignment setuphead setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory setupmarginrules \ + defineblock setupitems WORD startformula inothermargin showpalet \ + stoppostponing startframedtext placelogos quote setupcombinations stopenumeration \ + usespecials usesymbols startnarrower head startsynchronization adaptlayout \ + setuptextposition inleft definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf setupfootnotedefinition \ + startpostponing setupbackground placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY defineversion \ + hl setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules startoverlay \ + setuptextvariable showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist loadsynonyms \ + notopandbottomlines setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister cap \ + hideblocks setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist definelabel \ + overbar comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from showbodyfont \ + stopalignment language define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset Caps \ + stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist synchronizationbar \ + placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment showfields \ + stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet referral \ + useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout high \ + definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval selectpaper \ + getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext showlayout \ + startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber diff --git a/context/data/ b/context/data/ index 14d64604b..b38ec08c7 100644 --- a/context/data/ +++ b/context/data/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@\ - stellepapierformatein doppelseite stellesynchronisationsbalkenein startlokal seitentyp definieresymbol \ - verwendereferenzen stoptable wohnort subject definierereferenzliste marginaltext \ - definierefeld stelleueberschriftein WOERTER placerule stelleuntenein title \ - definieren stopnamemakeup labeltext gefuelltezeile benutzekodierung bei \ - stellefussnotendefinitionein positiontext beschriftung bestimmelistencharakeristika seeregister keinzeilenobenundunten \ - unterstrichen synchronisationsbalken part bruch stellekopfzeileein verbergebloecke \ - stellepufferein amgitterausrichten stoptextlinie startparagraph holepuffer wortrechts \ - in startfarbe inzeile platziereregister stelleknopfein waehlepapieraus \ - stellezeilenein stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes amgitterneuausrichten keinedateienmehr stellehintergruendeein \ - imrechten type definetextposition stopzitat stellelinienbreiteein klonierefeld \ - stellesynonymein zurbox stopcolumns tooltip programm stelleinteraktionsbildschirmein \ - kopierefeld stophiding zeigefarbe konvertierezahl stopopposite Wort \ - stopproduct startoverview korrigierezwischenraum inanderermarginale definieretabulator keinebloeckemehr \ - stellegefuelltesrechteckein startbuffer stelleinteraktionsbalkenein stelleanordnenein holebeschriftung stellezwischenraumein \ - ueberstreichen stelleengerein ran stellemarginallinieein stopsynchronization ref \ - stopnarrower stopunpacked verknuepfregister definierestartstop description startprojekt \ - keinekopfundfusszeilen stelletextobenein stellespracheein kommentar platzierenebeneinander stellefelderin \ - notiz stopinteraktionsmenue stellespaltenein platzierereferenzliste pos labeling \ - completelistofsorts definetextvariable zeigepalette showsymbolset stoplegend stoptabulate \ - setupformulae irgendwo linksbuendig stellekopfzeilentextein unterstreichen stelleduennerumrissein \ - kopf stelleseitennummerein stoplocalenvironment stellekombinationein einziehen startline \ - festesspatium stopframedtext rechtsbuendig installieresprache heutigesdatum emptylines \ - sym stopbuffer verknuepfebeschriftung stelleprofilein tab stopfarbe \ - starttextlinie stelleabschnittein definierefeldstapel listsymbol stellemarginalblockein startdocument \ - subsubject Cap tippedatei definierepalette von Buchstabe \ - stelleumrahmtein format passendfeld einezeile duennelinie placelistofsynonyms \ - ausfuellfeld startinteraktionsmenue wechselezumfliesstext stelletabein stoplinecorrection definetype \ - stelleabsaetzeein doppelseitigespapier stellebindestrichein synonym zeigefliesstextumgebung stopkleinerdurchschuss \ - but startfigure stellegefuelltezeileein chem definieretabellenvorlage behaltebloecke \ - completeregister verwendebefehl feld stopgeg stellepaletteein stelletextumrissein \ - ueberstrichen sort stelletippenein bookmark startlinecorrection startcombination \ - startregister stellelayoutein CAP stelletoleranzein stellefarbenein definiereinteraktionsmenue \ - tief rechteck subsubsection stoptables startkomponente stellegleitobjekteein \ - nachunten vergleichefarbengruppe stelletabellenein setuppaper ueber definiereabschnittsblock \ - schreibezwischenliste stopumbruch nichteinziehen tiho position stopitemgroup \ - stelleseitenuebergangein stelletipein marginallinie farbe textlinie startfloattext \ - stoplokal zitieren definierepapierformat verweisdatum hoch completelistoffloats \ - stellereferenzlisteein definieretext buchstabe tip definiereeinzug stellenummerierungein \ - stellespatiumein its stellezeilennumerierungein stelleumrahmtetexteein verweis stellesynchronisationein \ - definieresortieren stoplinenumbering enumeration waehleversionaus startkommentar monat \ - zeigeeinstellungen stopumgebung startversion inouter verwendesymbole stopmarginblock \ - durchgestrichen verwendeexteresdokument stelledrehenein startzitat stelleurlein stopline \ - publikation definiereschrift imlinken startcolumns definiereregister stelleeinzuegein \ - stellefusszeilentextein spalte subsubsubject definerawfont platziereunterformel stelleausgabeein \ - stopformula zeigefarbengruppe startmarginallinie definierenummerierung bearbeitebloecke keintest \ - definierebeschreibungen stopkomponente startunpacked ruecksetztenbeschriftung definierelogo registrierefelder \ - ausschnitt completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph definiereprogramme definierefarbengruppe stellebeschriftungein \ - buchstaben punkt platzierefussnoten stellekopfzahlein defineoutput definieresubfeld \ - indentation stopprofile nocap chapter startgeg stoptyping \ - keinzwischenraum definieregleitobjekt stelletextein seitenreferenz symbol durchstreichen \ - WOCHENTAG gefuelltesrechteck Woerter stelleexterneabbildungenein folgeprofil completecombinedlist \ - stopversion stoppositioning keinebeschriftung loadsorts placefloat version \ - stelleinteraktionein referenz switchtorawfont stellezitierenein stophintergrund stopkommentar \ - stelleregisterein startitemgroup zeigefliesstext starttyping stelleueberschriftenein paragraph \ - stellefusszeileein arg definiereliste zentriert startproduct platziereliste \ - definierefliesstext stellegegenueberplatzierenein schreibezurreferenzliste startopposite stellelabeltextein stelletextuntenein \ - definieresynonyme definierefliesstextumgebung stopfloattext definiereblanko startumbruch setupforms \ - register stellebilderunterschriftein platzierelegende stelleblankoein nextsection placelistoffloats \ - stellelisteein starthintergrund stellepostenein spiegeln verwendemodul startnamemakeup \ - stopprojekt stellesystemein startumgebung textreferenz stellegleitobjektein definiereabbsymbol \ - ininner section roemischezahlen definierereferenz stellepublikationein startmarginblock \ - feldstapel coupledregister startprofile starttabulate platziereuntereinander hintergrund \ - stopcombination verwendeexternedateien startenumeration uebersetzten stellerechteckein Buchstaben \ - placelistofsorts stopoverview footnotetext MONAT definierefarbe zeigelayout \ - verwendeexternedatei stellepositionierenein setuprule subsection definiereumrahmt definierebeschreibung \ - definierezusammengestellteliste keineliste ruecksetzten schreibezumregister textvariable bypassblocks \ - verwendeURL platzierezusammengestellteliste platzierelokalefussnoten zu wochentag rechtecke \ - bestimmekopfnummer nop platzierebookmarks passelayoutan starttable starttables \ - imumriss framedtext entknuepfebeschriftung stelleabschnittsblockein labels definieretippen \ - stopdocument stelleprogrammein definierebeschriftung definierepuffer starthiding zeigerahmen \ - stellefeldein stellebildunterschriftein stopoverlay stellefarbeein stellezeilenabstandein vergleichepalette \ - stelleblockein hauptsprache appendix stelleausschnittein blanko stelleueberschrifttextein \ - tex definiereabschnitt startdescription zeigeumbruch definierelabel definiereumbruch \ - interaktionsbalken name stelletabulatorein setupitemgroup settextvariable stellehintergrundein \ - stelleseitennummeriernungein zeigeexterneabbildungen beschrifteversion startpositioning startlegend benutzespezielles \ - zeigestruts stopdescription startalignment definierekonversion zusatz heutigeskopfnummer \ - setupstrut verknuepfedokument usedirectory stelleabsatznummerierungein startformula kleinerdurchschuss \ - stellerasterein stoppostponing startframedtext stopenumeration WORT posten \ - startnarrower startsynchronization stellefussnotenein seite umrahmt setuptextposition \ - stelleumbruchein drehen folgeversion crlf folgeprofilversion datum \ - startpostponing definiereprofil zeigefelder knopf stopmarginallinie graufarbe \ - schreibezurliste externeabbildung hl synchronisieren stellelegendeein definerule \ - stelleinmarginalieein kopfnummer ausfuelltext definiereoverlay definiereabsaetze ziffern \ - stellezusammengestelltelisteein startoverlay setuptextvariable definiereversion zwischenraum forceblocks \ - stelleunterstreichenein sprache loadsynonyms definiereueberschrift stellesymbolsetein mathematik \ - cap waehlebloeckeaus tippepuffer zitat startsymbolset definiereblock \ - bildschirm stellebeschreibungein definierereferenzformat stellefliesstextumgebungein inaktiviereinteraktionsmenue spatium \ - gitter reservefloat zeigegitter stelleplatziegeteiltegleitobjekt platzierelogo startkleinerdurchschuss \ - stopalignment Roemischezahlen ueberschrifttext stelleversionein stopsymbolset Caps \ - stoplines stelleeinziehenein gestreckt haarlinie vl platziereformel \ - duennerumriss stelleversalienein verwendeexterneabbildung stellesortierenein startlocalenvironment stellenobenein \ - mar interaktionsknopfe startlocalfootnotes verwendeexternestonstueck aufseite bearbeiteseite \ - stelleausrichtungein teilegleitobjekt zeigedruck stellekommentarein stellereferenzierenein stelleunterseitennummerein \ - definiereumrahmtertext startlines stelletexttexteein keinspatium inmarginalie mediaeval \ - fussnote stellefliesstextein placetextvariable startlinenumbering sub verwendebloecke + date underbar startlokal setuplinewidth disableinteractionmenu margintext \ + stoptable setuplegend definepapersize interactionbar pagereference subject \ + MONTH setuprotate placerule setupbuttons title setupcombinedlist \ + stopenvironment stopnamemakeup keepblocks mirror labeltext month \ + setuptyping fraction startcomponent setupquote someline coupledocument \ + positiontext setupclipping setuptolerance seeregister typebuffer part \ + background nomorefiles setuplines setupsubpagenumber setuphyphenmark hairline \ + startparagraph in startquotation inline stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes \ + Words setupfloat type definetextposition stopcolumns setupsectionblock \ + tooltip overbars goto fixedspaces grid stophiding \ + defineregister stopopposite fillinline note stopproduct definebodyfontenvironment \ + startoverview setuppagenumber setupunderbar overstrikes definecombinedlist writetoreferencelist \ + decouplemarking placereferencelist definefont overstrike startbuffer numbers \ + selectversion definefieldstack ran nospace stopsynchronization ref \ + stopnarrower stopunpacked description setupinterlinespace setuptoptexts couplepaper \ + placecombinedlist writetolist defineparagraphs setupblackrules setupinteractionscreen stopquotation \ + typ labeling romannumerals weekday useexternalfiles setuptexttexts \ + completelistofsorts marking definetextvariable screen definetabulate defineindenting \ + showsymbolset stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae item leftaligned \ + about stoplocalenvironment column setupcolor definereference placefootnotes \ + startline stopframedtext setupalign scale placeformula startcomment \ + emptylines placeregister sym followversion setupoppositeplacing stopbuffer \ + setupcapitals setupinteractionbar tab setuppagetransitions listsymbol copyfield \ + comparecolorgroup startdocument subsubject Cap writetoregister setupsystem \ + stopcomment splitfloat setupframed placelistofsynonyms setupfloatsplitting textreference \ + setupfootertexts setupsorting clonefield setupdescriptions setupbuffer definesubfield \ + stoplinecorrection blackrule setupinteraction followprofile definetype setupheads \ + inmargin starttextrule fillintext synonym translate setupmarginblocks \ + startbackground but Character stopinteractionmenu fitfield useexternalfile \ + startfigure chem setuplabeltext referraldate setupmarking setupreferencing \ + color completeregister donttest setuptables nomoreblocks setupcomment \ + sort bookmark startlinecorrection setupversions startcombination startregister \ + showgrid CAP definesorting setupfields setupmakeup determinelistcharacteristics \ + lohi subsubsection stoptables definereferencelist godown setuppaper \ + setupsymbolset installlanguage setuptop setupparagraphs setupscreens pagetype \ + stopumbruch startcolor framed position stopitemgroup setupthinrules \ + synchronize low setupbodyfont underbars startfloattext setuptext \ + stoplokal footnote defineprogram button defineframed placelist \ + definebodyfont externalfigure completelistoffloats couplepage setupheadertexts setuppapersize \ + definestartstop processblocks its stoplinenumbering enumeration stopmarginrule \ + setuplanguage startversion definelogo inouter packed definetyping \ + stopmarginblock setupparagraphnumbering definepalet inframed atpage stopline \ + stoppacked placebookmarks setupframedtexts couplemarking startcolumns currentheadnumber \ + useblocks whitespace page defineoverlay subsubsubject definerawfont \ + inright setuppagenumbering field stopformula switchtobodyfont graycolor \ + setuptab definecolorgroup startunpacked completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph definefloat \ + reset defineprofile Characters useencoding rightaligned setupfooter \ + defineoutput midaligned interactionbuttons space setupenumerations nowhitespace \ + resetmarking showmakeup indentation stopprofile noheaderandfooterlines getbuffer \ + nocap chapter stoptyping program currentdate marginrule \ + definesynonyms Romannumerals nomarking stopcomponent symbol WORDS \ + setupindentations definetext rotate setupinmargin setupblank completecombinedlist \ + stopversion stoppositioning setupnarrower placeongrid definemarking definesection \ + periods loadsorts definetabletemplate placefloat startinteractionmenu version \ + defineenumeration showexternalfigures switchtorawfont startitemgroup starttyping setupwhitespace \ + paragraph arg placesidebyside setupindenting showcolor startproduct \ + showcolorgroup setupbackgrounds setuptextrules setupbottom selectblocks logfields \ + startmarginrule processpage definehead publication startopposite stoptextrule \ + definecolor indenting textrule moveongrid defineframedtext startpacked \ + stopfloattext startumbruch setupforms register setupbottomtexts placelegend \ + determineheadnumber nextsection placelistoffloats startnamemakeup setupurl headtext \ + defineconversion usecommands correctwhitespace setupexternalfigures quotation setupfield \ + setupsynonyms definedescription definesectionblock ininner definebuffer section \ + stretched startmarginblock setupspacing coupledregister definemakeup startprofile \ + starttabulate typefile stopcombination useexternalfigure startfact startenumeration \ + showstruts setuptabulate fillinrules placelistofsorts noindenting stopoverview \ + footnotetext definefield markversion convertnumber setuprule blackrules \ + subsection blank Word setupnumbering fillinfield character \ + textvariable defineblank bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule nop \ + starttable starttables showsetups framedtext reference labels \ + stopdocument setupcolors startenvironment starthiding setuparranging adding \ + comment stopoverlay setuplinenumbering items stopbackground setupprograms \ + placeontopofeachother appendix setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar nolist \ + tex startdescription stopcolor name setupitemgroup fieldstack \ + wordright settextvariable setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat setupfootnotes \ + startpositioning clip setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion stopdescription \ + startalignment setuphead setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory setupmarginrules \ + defineblock setupitems WORD startformula inothermargin showpalet \ + stoppostponing startframedtext placelogos quote setupcombinations stopenumeration \ + usespecials usesymbols startnarrower head startsynchronization adaptlayout \ + setuptextposition inleft definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf setupfootnotedefinition \ + startpostponing setupbackground placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY defineversion \ + hl setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules startoverlay \ + setuptextvariable showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist loadsynonyms \ + notopandbottomlines setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister cap \ + hideblocks setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist definelabel \ + overbar comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from showbodyfont \ + stopalignment language define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset Caps \ + stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist synchronizationbar \ + placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment showfields \ + stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet referral \ + useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout high \ + definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval selectpaper \ + getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext showlayout \ + startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber diff --git a/context/data/ b/context/data/ index 2092c90f6..305b3c531 100644 --- a/context/data/ +++ b/context/data/ @@ -64,33 +64,33 @@ keywordclass.macros.context.en=\ setupsynonyms definedescription definesectionblock ininner definebuffer section \ stretched startmarginblock setupspacing coupledregister definemakeup startprofile \ starttabulate typefile stopcombination useexternalfigure startfact startenumeration \ - showstruts setuptabulate fillinrules domicile placelistofsorts noindenting \ - stopoverview footnotetext definefield markversion convertnumber setuprule \ - blackrules subsection blank Word setupnumbering fillinfield \ - character textvariable defineblank bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule \ - nop starttable starttables showsetups framedtext reference \ - labels stopdocument setupcolors startenvironment starthiding setuparranging \ - adding comment stopoverlay setuplinenumbering items stopbackground \ - setupprograms placeontopofeachother appendix setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar \ - nolist tex startdescription stopcolor name setupitemgroup \ - fieldstack wordright settextvariable setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat \ - setupfootnotes startpositioning clip setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion \ - stopdescription startalignment setuphead setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory \ - setupmarginrules defineblock setupitems WORD startformula inothermargin \ - showpalet stoppostponing startframedtext placelogos quote setupcombinations \ - stopenumeration usespecials usesymbols startnarrower head startsynchronization \ - adaptlayout setuptextposition inleft definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf \ - setupfootnotedefinition startpostponing setupbackground placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY \ - defineversion hl setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules \ - startoverlay setuptextvariable showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist \ - loadsynonyms notopandbottomlines setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister \ - cap hideblocks setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist \ - definelabel overbar comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from \ - showbodyfont stopalignment language define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset \ - Caps stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist \ - synchronizationbar placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment \ - showfields stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet \ - referral useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout \ - high definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval \ - selectpaper getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext \ - showlayout startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber + showstruts setuptabulate fillinrules placelistofsorts noindenting stopoverview \ + footnotetext definefield markversion convertnumber setuprule blackrules \ + subsection blank Word setupnumbering fillinfield character \ + textvariable defineblank bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule nop \ + starttable starttables showsetups framedtext reference labels \ + stopdocument setupcolors startenvironment starthiding setuparranging adding \ + comment stopoverlay setuplinenumbering items stopbackground setupprograms \ + placeontopofeachother appendix setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar nolist \ + tex startdescription stopcolor name setupitemgroup fieldstack \ + wordright settextvariable setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat setupfootnotes \ + startpositioning clip setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion stopdescription \ + startalignment setuphead setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory setupmarginrules \ + defineblock setupitems WORD startformula inothermargin showpalet \ + stoppostponing startframedtext placelogos quote setupcombinations stopenumeration \ + usespecials usesymbols startnarrower head startsynchronization adaptlayout \ + setuptextposition inleft definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf setupfootnotedefinition \ + startpostponing setupbackground placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY defineversion \ + hl setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules startoverlay \ + setuptextvariable showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist loadsynonyms \ + notopandbottomlines setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister cap \ + hideblocks setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist definelabel \ + overbar comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from showbodyfont \ + stopalignment language define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset Caps \ + stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist synchronizationbar \ + placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment showfields \ + stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet referral \ + useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout high \ + definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval selectpaper \ + getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext showlayout \ + startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber diff --git a/context/data/ b/context/data/ index 023f1e024..068c3dd89 100644 --- a/context/data/ +++ b/context/data/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@\ - startcolore notapdp definiscielenco impostatestifondo stoptable impostaoggettimobili \ - impostacombinazioni spaziobianco subject frazione sincronizza title \ - scriviinregistro stopnamemakeup impostabloccosezione impostapdp impostarigovuoto ruota \ - impostamaiuscole sopralinee vaia logcampi impostafontdeltesto marcatura \ - seeregister typebuffer definiscirientro part lettera impostasinonimi \ - usafiguraesterna definiscicampo startparagraph impostatesto elemento impostaoutput \ - definiscitestoincorniciato in definiscilinea definiscielencocombinato stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes \ - impostatabulato impostaurl type marcaversione impostaspaziobianco stopcolumns \ - mettisegnalibro impostacolore tooltip stopversione impostafigureesterne copiacampo \ - mettiformula nientelineintestazionepdp stophiding spostaagriglia stopopposite definiscimakeup \ - stopproduct startoverview incorniciato impostasottolinea impostatestoetichette inaltromargine \ - numerotesta startbuffer definiscisovrapposizione impostaelencocombinato variabiletesto programma \ - allineacentro menzione usariferimenti Parole selezionacarta ran \ - mostraimpostazioni camporiempimento PAROLA stopsynchronization impostanumerazione usadocumentoesterno \ - stopnarrower stopunpacked indestra description impostacampo definiscifontgrezzo \ - definisciincorniciato impostaclippling definiscicapoversi forzablocchi convertinumero impostaspaziatura \ - prendibuffer mostramakeup impostamenzione tipopagina impostaincorniciato typ \ - labeling impostatesta sbarrato impostanumerazionecapoversi cambiaafontdeltesto impostamarcatura \ - usaspecialita apagina mostrastampa completelistofsorts impostasfondo mettielenco \ - mettiloghi stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae definiscimarcatura impostalineetesto \ - nientemarcatura barrainterazione definisciriferimento impostapiustretto stoplocalenvironment definisciformatoriferimento \ - saltablocchi startcomponenet startline stopframedtext vaigiu lineasottile \ - scriviinelenco passaafontgrezzo Lettere emptylines impostariferimento stopbuffer \ - inmargine tab listsymbol stopcolore definiscivariabiletesto startdocument \ - impostacolonne subsubject Cap fondo riferimentotesto correggispaziobianco \ - clonacampo colonna impostaelementi placelistofsynonyms da impostanumerosottopagina \ - numeriromani startfatto paroladestra impostacapoversi stoplinecorrection startlineamargine \ - impostalineeriempimento sottolinea accoppiadocumento stopmakeup synonym elaborablocchi \ - mettivariabiletesto impostalistariferimenti startfigure impostasistema definisciposizionetesto scala \ - stopfatto usafileesterni completeregister impostaprofili impostacaptions startmakeup \ - startlocale mostrastruts adattacampo sort MESE startlinecorrection \ - mostrafontdeltesto testonotapdp startcombination startregister lingua coloregrigio \ - CAP pedap figuraesterna definiscibuffer mostragruppocolori subsubsection \ - stoptables usacodifica definisciordinamento mostratavolozza mese PAROLE \ - intorno startversione setuppaper etichette impostasegnosillabazione impostaposizionetesto \ - definiscifontdeltesto datareferral simbolo rif definiscisinonimi posizione \ - stoplocale inriga definisciregistro stopitemgroup definiscitesta startimpaccato \ - accoppiaregistro impostalingua stopcitazione startfloattext impostaenumerazioni selezionablocchi \ - impostaregistro startsfondo pulsante completelistoffloats impostatestiintestazioni startmenuinterattivo \ - impostanumerazionerighe mettilinea seguiversione impostainterlinea definisciversion impostapubblicazioni \ - mostraambientefontdeltesto definiscistackcampi stoplinenumbering enumeration reimposta ap \ - startprogetto inouter definiscigruppocolori stopmarginblock definiscidescrizione usamodulo \ - startambiente capello definiscitabulato impostatolleranza impostaelenco stopmenuinterattivo \ - definiscitype impostanumeropagina stopline datadioggi sfondo determinanumerotesta \ - usafileesterno definiscioggettomobile definisciblocco startcolumns impostalayout lineenere \ - GIORNOSETTIMANA definiscioutput definiscilogo subsubsubject mettisottoformula impostabuffer \ - impostalineenere impostacampi impostasetsimboli spazio barrasincronizzazione stopformula \ - definiscitavolozza impostasfondi usacolonnasonoraesterna startunpacked nascondiblocchi completelistofsynonyms \ - pagina stopparagraph mettilegenda stirato sbarrati impostafondo \ - definiscimodellotabella impostaschermi startcitazione definiscisezione impostastrut impostateste \ - impostanumerazionepagina accoppiamarcatura mettiregistro el indentation startcommento \ - stopprofile nocap chapter stoptyping nientelineecimafondo usablocco \ - bastablocchi impostadescrizioni definiscienumerazione reimpostamarcatura griglia chim \ - testoinstestazioni completecombinedlist domicilio stoppositioning impostatab loadsorts \ - impostapulsanti impostacolori placefloat daqualcheparte impostainmargine definiscisottocampo \ - impostadefinizionenotepdp impostamakeup accoppiacarta startitemgroup starttyping paragraph \ - nientespazio seguiprofilo arg definiscifont startproduct impostatesticima \ - bastafile data definiscirigovuoto definiscilistariferimenti impostatype circondato \ - startopposite citazione impostaversioni impostalegenda impostatestiincorniciati usasimboli \ - lineesottili stopfloattext impostainterazione vaiabox impostarigheriempimento register \ - stopimpaccato definisciconversione definisci lineanera nextsection placelistoffloats \ - impostatyping qualcheriga startnamemakeup elaborapagina impaccato scriviinlistariferimenti \ - al campi mostracornice nienterientro ininner impostaordinamento \ - pulsantinterazione section rientro testoetichetta startmarginblock impostaspezzamentooggettomobile \ - versione coupledregister startprofile impostacaption starttabulate Lettera \ - typefile stopcombination mettiingriglia startenumeration impostalineemargine numerotestacorrente \ - mostracampi sim disabilitamenuinterazione placelistofsorts stopoverview impostabarrasincronizzazione \ - nientespaziobianco subsection commento pubblicazione schermo impostatestotesti \ - usaURL nop starttable starttables startlineatesto lettere \ - impostalinea framedtext selezionaversione stopdocument adattalayout rigovuoto \ - seguiversioneprofilo numeri mettinotepdplocali starthiding adding stopoverlay \ - impostablocco appendix impostatransizionepagina impostarighe elementi riferimento \ - tieniblocchi tex startdescription name notest definiscicolore \ - mettilistariferimenti setupitemgroup definiscidimensionicarta usacomandi definisciambientefontdeltesto determinacarattersticheelenco \ - nota matematica definiscitesto impostaoggettomobile impostabarrainterazione definiscietichetta \ - startpositioning clip impostatavolozza startlegend impostaallineamento mettielencocombinato \ - impostaforms stopdescription startalignment impostaprogrammi spezzaoggettomobile impostarientri \ - stopprogetto usedirectory startformula stoppostponing impostanotepdp startframedtext \ - stopenumeration startnarrower startsynchronization mettifiancoafianco scrividentroelenco crlf \ - separamarcatura impostalineesottili rigariempimento startpostponing stopsfondo ped \ - impostarientro definiscimenuinterazione stoplineatesto hl stopcommento segnalibro \ - stopcomponenet mostrafiguresterne linguaprincipale installalingua mostrasetsimboli mostracolore \ - impostacommento allineasinistra impostasincronizzazione definisciiniziatermina startoverlay impostaposizionamento \ - posizionatesto impostatestipdp impostatestointestazioni lineamargine impostaampiezzariga loadsynonyms \ - riferimentopagina impostainstestazione sopralinea impostasezione stopambiente cap \ - startsymbolset mettiunosullaltro definisciprogramma testoinmargine lineeriempimento lineatesto \ - stackcampi mostragriglia testa reservefloat allineadestra Parola \ - impostavariabiletesto definiscibloccosezione Numeriromani impostablocchimargine stopalignment riflessione \ - impostaparranging nienteelenco definiscisimbolo stopsymbolset colore Caps \ - stoplines definiscityping impostacima vl mostralyout punti \ - confrontagruppocolori prendimarcatura mettinotepdp sottolinee stoplineamargine startlocalenvironment \ - impostatabelle mar startlocalfootnotes impostaambientefontdeltesto referral insinistra \ - impostanumerotesta impostarotazione traduci accoppiapagina definisciprofilo testoriempimento \ - spazifissi setvariabiletesto startlines impostaposizionamentoopposti impostaschermointerazione mediaeval \ - giornosettimana impostadimensionicarta confrontatavolozza definiscifigurasimbolo startlinenumbering sub + date underbar setuplinewidth disableinteractionmenu margintext stoptable \ + setuplegend definepapersize interactionbar pagereference subject MONTH \ + setuprotate placerule setupbuttons title setupcombinedlist stopenvironment \ + stopnamemakeup keepblocks mirror labeltext month setuptyping \ + fraction startcomponent setupquote someline coupledocument positiontext \ + setupclipping setuptolerance seeregister typebuffer part background \ + nomorefiles setuplines setupsubpagenumber setuphyphenmark hairline startparagraph \ + in startquotation inline stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes Words \ + setupfloat type definetextposition stopcolumns setupsectionblock tooltip \ + overbars goto fixedspaces grid stophiding defineregister \ + stopopposite fillinline note stopproduct definebodyfontenvironment startoverview \ + setuppagenumber setupunderbar overstrikes definecombinedlist writetoreferencelist decouplemarking \ + placereferencelist definefont overstrike startbuffer numbers selectversion \ + definefieldstack ran nospace stopsynchronization ref stopnarrower \ + stopunpacked description setupinterlinespace setuptoptexts couplepaper placecombinedlist \ + writetolist defineparagraphs setupblackrules setupinteractionscreen stopquotation typ \ + labeling romannumerals weekday useexternalfiles setuptexttexts completelistofsorts \ + marking definetextvariable screen definetabulate defineindenting showsymbolset \ + stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae item leftaligned about \ + stoplocalenvironment column setupcolor definereference placefootnotes startline \ + stopframedtext setupalign scale placeformula startcomment emptylines \ + placeregister sym followversion setupoppositeplacing stopbuffer setupcapitals \ + setupinteractionbar tab setuppagetransitions listsymbol copyfield comparecolorgroup \ + startdocument subsubject Cap writetoregister setupsystem stopcomment \ + splitfloat setupframed placelistofsynonyms setupfloatsplitting textreference setupfootertexts \ + setupsorting clonefield setupdescriptions setupbuffer definesubfield stoplinecorrection \ + blackrule setupinteraction followprofile definetype setupheads inmargin \ + starttextrule fillintext stopmakeup synonym translate setupmarginblocks \ + startbackground but Character stopinteractionmenu fitfield useexternalfile \ + startfigure chem setuplabeltext referraldate setupmarking setupreferencing \ + color completeregister donttest setuptables nomoreblocks startmakeup \ + startlocale setupcomment sort bookmark startlinecorrection setupversions \ + startcombination startregister showgrid CAP definesorting setupfields \ + setupmakeup determinelistcharacteristics lohi subsubsection stoptables definereferencelist \ + godown setuppaper setupsymbolset installlanguage setuptop setupparagraphs \ + setupscreens pagetype startcolor framed stoplocale position \ + stopitemgroup setupthinrules synchronize low setupbodyfont underbars \ + startfloattext setuptext footnote defineprogram button defineframed \ + placelist definebodyfont externalfigure completelistoffloats couplepage setupheadertexts \ + setuppapersize definestartstop processblocks its stoplinenumbering enumeration \ + stopmarginrule setuplanguage startversion definelogo inouter packed \ + definetyping stopmarginblock setupparagraphnumbering definepalet inframed atpage \ + stopline stoppacked placebookmarks setupframedtexts couplemarking startcolumns \ + currentheadnumber useblocks whitespace page defineoverlay subsubsubject \ + definerawfont inright setuppagenumbering field stopformula switchtobodyfont \ + graycolor setuptab definecolorgroup startunpacked completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph \ + definefloat reset defineprofile Characters useencoding rightaligned \ + setupfooter defineoutput midaligned interactionbuttons space setupenumerations \ + nowhitespace resetmarking showmakeup indentation stopprofile noheaderandfooterlines \ + getbuffer nocap chapter stoptyping program currentdate \ + marginrule definesynonyms Romannumerals nomarking stopcomponent symbol \ + WORDS setupindentations definetext rotate setupinmargin setupblank \ + completecombinedlist stopversion stoppositioning setupnarrower placeongrid definemarking \ + definesection periods loadsorts definetabletemplate placefloat startinteractionmenu \ + version defineenumeration showexternalfigures switchtorawfont startitemgroup starttyping \ + setupwhitespace paragraph arg placesidebyside setupindenting showcolor \ + startproduct showcolorgroup setupbackgrounds setuptextrules setupbottom selectblocks \ + logfields startmarginrule processpage definehead publication startopposite \ + stoptextrule definecolor indenting textrule moveongrid defineframedtext \ + startpacked stopfloattext setupforms register setupbottomtexts placelegend \ + determineheadnumber nextsection placelistoffloats startnamemakeup setupurl headtext \ + defineconversion usecommands correctwhitespace setupexternalfigures quotation setupfield \ + setupsynonyms definedescription definesectionblock ininner definebuffer section \ + stretched startmarginblock setupspacing coupledregister definemakeup startprofile \ + starttabulate typefile stopcombination useexternalfigure startfact startenumeration \ + showstruts setuptabulate fillinrules placelistofsorts noindenting stopoverview \ + footnotetext definefield markversion convertnumber setuprule blackrules \ + subsection blank Word setupnumbering fillinfield character \ + textvariable defineblank bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule nop \ + starttable starttables showsetups framedtext reference labels \ + stopdocument setupcolors startenvironment starthiding setuparranging adding \ + comment stopoverlay setuplinenumbering items stopbackground setupprograms \ + placeontopofeachother appendix setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar nolist \ + tex startdescription stopcolor name setupitemgroup fieldstack \ + wordright settextvariable setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat setupfootnotes \ + startpositioning clip setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion stopdescription \ + startalignment setuphead setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory setupmarginrules \ + defineblock setupitems WORD startformula inothermargin showpalet \ + stoppostponing startframedtext placelogos quote setupcombinations stopenumeration \ + usespecials usesymbols startnarrower head startsynchronization adaptlayout \ + setuptextposition inleft definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf setupfootnotedefinition \ + startpostponing setupbackground placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY defineversion \ + hl setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules startoverlay \ + setuptextvariable showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist loadsynonyms \ + notopandbottomlines setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister cap \ + hideblocks setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist definelabel \ + overbar comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from showbodyfont \ + stopalignment language define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset Caps \ + stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist synchronizationbar \ + placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment showfields \ + stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet referral \ + useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout high \ + definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval selectpaper \ + getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext showlayout \ + startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber diff --git a/context/data/ b/context/data/ index 671d9da4a..1d0e07d17 100644 --- a/context/data/ +++ b/context/data/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@\ - stopachtergrond stopkantlijn stelkapitalenin voetnoottekst stelsynchronisatiein koppelpagina \ - stoptable gebruikspecials subject definieerplaatsblok stelinmargein uitgerekt \ - title stopnamemakeup stelpublicatiesin tooninstellingen gebruikexternefiles plaatslegenda \ - steltekstin stelhoofdtekstenin markeerversie citeer breuk symbool \ - invullijnen kenmerkdatum koppeldocument definieerkorps geenlijst seeregister \ - typebuffer haalbuffer kleur part stelcombinatiesin definieeralineas \ - commentaar startparagraph woonplaats stellegendain stelvoetin tekstlijn \ - in definieerpapierformaat inspringen stelkolommenin stopfigure onderstrepen \ - stoplocalfootnotes installeertaal steltypein type steldunnelijnenin Romeins \ - stopcolumns oppagina inrechter starttekstlijn koppelmarkering regelmidden \ - startcitaat stelkoptekstin stophiding stopopposite stelboventekstenin stopproduct \ - startoverview stelregelsin definieertabulatie stelmargeblokkenin stelvoetnotenin Woord \ - stellabeltekstin startbuffer programma switchnaarkorps stelpositionerenin taal \ - definieersymbool ran gebruikexternfiguur stelpaletin inbinnen stopsynchronization \ - ref stelpaginanummeringin stopnarrower stopunpacked description registreervelden \ - woordrechts startversie toonkleurgroep overstreep invulveld overstrepen \ - steltabin volgversie stoptekstlijn stelkopin definieerblanko typ \ - labeling grijskleur completelistofsorts stelhoofdin definieerkleur stelveldin \ - stoplegend stoptabulate onderstreep setupformulae romeins stelspatieringin \ - stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelonderin stelopmaakin stelpapierformaatin about stoplocalenvironment \ - plaatsformule definieerkop stelkleurin steltaalin definieeromlijnd steltekstvariabelein \ - stellijnin stelinteractiebalkin stelregisterin startline stopframedtext noot \ - steluitvoerin sym schrijftussenlijst stelbovenin definieerkadertekst stopbuffer \ - definieermarkering steltabulatiein inregel tab blokjes stopcommentaar \ - stelsynoniemenin stelblokjesin startdocument eenregel subsubject definieertypen \ - Cap stelitemsin stopcitaat bepaalkopnummer ergens kolom \ - stelinterliniein placelistofsynonyms stelinvulregelsin MAAND plaatsopgrid vergelijkkleurgroep \ - steltekstpositiein converteernummer vastespaties stoplinecorrection definieerlijst plaatslijn \ - stelondertekstenin synonym but startachtergrond versie gebruikmodule \ - margetekst startfigure toonlayout chem definieerbuffer doorlabelen \ - suggestie gebruikblokken stelsorterenin stopgeg steltypenin startkantlijn \ - opelkaar ontkoppelmarkering startinteractiemenu sort kantlijn blokkeerinteractiemenu \ - positioneer definieertype bookmark startlinecorrection startcombination startregister \ - CAP stelinvullijnenin inlinker toonkorps toonpalet veld \ - stelonderstrepenin subsubsection stoptables cijfers toonvelden stelveldenin \ - labeltekst startopmaak doordefinieren kentekstvariabeletoe steltolerantiein geenfilesmeer \ - toonkleur stopitemgroup weekdag stopomgeving stelprofielenin definieerregister \ - letters definieerfiguursymbool startfloattext button koppelregister stoponderdeel \ - completelistoffloats interactiebuttons stelinteractieschermin volgprofiel geenspatie definieerinteractiemenu \ - its stelkorpsin stoplinenumbering steluitlijnenin enumeration kloonveld \ - plaatsbeeldmerken lijstsymbool spiegel stopmarginblock steldoornummerenin gebruikcommandos \ - toonkorpsomgeving corrigeerwitruimte stelbuttonsin stopline plaatssamengesteldelijst stopinteractiemenu \ - roteer startcolumns subsubsubject doorspringen definerawfont toonprint \ - definieerbeeldmerk stelversiesin stopformula startunpacked paginareferentie steltabellenin \ - completelistofsynonyms pagina gebruiksymbolen stopparagraph stelarrangerenin reset \ - plaatsregister schrijfnaarlijst vertaal selecteerversie steldoorspringenin huidigedatum \ - definieerkorpsomgeving definieeroverlay vergelijkpalet schaal stellijstin definieerprofiel \ - schrijfnaarreferentielijst hoog indentation plaatstekstvariabele stopprofile nocap \ - chapter startgeg hoofdtaal stoptyping rooster plaatslijst \ - WEEKDAG letter stelpaginanummerin passendveld geenhoofdenvoetregels stelsamengesteldelijstin \ - stelreferentielijstin completecombinedlist Letter regelrechts stoppositioning uit \ - stelblokin naarbox definieertabelvorm soortpagina loadsorts plaatsreferentielijst \ - stelmarkeringin switchtorawfont definieerprogramma invulregel startitemgroup starttyping \ - paragraph stelachtergrondin arg witruimte stelkoppenin WOORD \ - referentie startproduct gebruikexterngeluidsfragment stelteksttekstenin definieertekstvariabele stoplokale \ - wiskunde positioneertekst stelformulierenin startopposite bepaallijstkenmerken koptekst \ - definieerstartstop stelalineasin passeerblokken definieerreferentielijst kopnummer stopfloattext \ - citaat synchroniseer stelvoettekstenin achtergrond register definieeropmaak \ - WOORDEN plaatsplaatsblok nextsection placelistoffloats stelprogrammasin paslayoutaan \ - gebruikexternefile haalmarkering tekstvariabele schrijfnaarregister startnamemakeup dunnelijn \ - stelomlijndin Woorden stelciterenin publicatie stelblokkopjesin volgprofielversie \ - startopelkaar haarlijn definieeruitvoer section stelkadertekstenin geentest \ - startmarginblock stopopelkaar coupledregister startprofile omlijnd starttabulate \ - typefile stopcombination nietinspringen startenumeration geenmarkering stelplaatsbloksplitsenin \ - definieersorteren selecteerblokken stelkoppeltekenin placelistofsorts stopoverview plaatsvoetnoten \ - usecodering verbergblokken subsection stelsysteemin stelstrutin synchronisatiebalk \ - Letters stopversie verwerkpagina markeer inmarge nop \ - starttable starttables steldoordefinierenin definieertekst startonderdeel framedtext \ - stelblokkopjein stelsectiein toongrid labels stopdocument plaatsnaastelkaar \ - regellinks splitsplaatsblok starthiding definieersectieblok gebruikreferenties stopoverlay \ - copieerveld stelwitruimtein items som appendix definieerreferentie \ - blanko stelkantlijnin stelkorpsomgevingin tex stelachtergrondenin startdescription \ - plaatssubformule name stelnummerenin definieer stelplaatsblokin doorstrepen \ - definieerconversie gebruikexterndocument stopkleur geenwitruimte inlijnd startpositioning \ - clip startlegend startomgeving definieerveldstapel stopdescription startalignment \ - plaatslokalevoetnoten definieersectie volledigregister usedirectory selecteerpapier gebruikURL \ - stelcommentaarin startformula stelitemgroepin stoppostponing startframedtext stopenumeration \ - startnarrower naar startsynchronization forceerblokken stellayoutin interactiebalk \ - crlf datum startpostponing definieerveld omlaag toonkader \ - plaatsonderelkaar laho koppelpapier hl stopopmaak doorstreep \ - stelsubpaginanummerin definieersynoniemen laag inbuiten startoverlay stelrefererenin \ - stelrastersin definieerblok spatie stelkleurenin definieerlijn loadsynonyms \ - stelclipin stelroterenin stelurlin toevoegen inanderemarge cap \ - stelbufferin definieerfont geenbovenenonderregels startsymbolset stelregelnummerenin externfiguur \ - stelnaastplaatsenin reservefloat invultekst stelinspringenin stelplaatsblokkenin stelblankoin \ - toonexternefiguren resetmarkering stelparagraafnummerenin stopalignment scherm startlokale \ - kenmerk stopsymbolset huidigekopnummer definieerkleurgroep Caps stoplines \ - doornummeren stelpaginaovergangenin stelsectieblokin plaatsbookmarks verwerkblokken vl \ - startproject kop toonsymboolset definieerreferentieformaat tekstreferentie definieerversie \ - stopproject startlocalenvironment stelexternefigurenin handhaafblokken mar stelkopnummerin \ - startlocalfootnotes voetnoot steltekstlijnenin startcommentaar definieerpalet verplaatsopgrid \ - op legeregels definieertekstpositie toonstruts geenblokkenmeer blokje \ - stelvoetnootdefinitiein punten stelinteractiein stelsymboolsetin startlines toonopmaak \ - definieersamengesteldelijst mediaeval veldstapel stellijndiktein startkleur stelpapierin \ - stelsmallerin startlinenumbering sub definieersubveld maand dunnelijnen + date underbar setuplinewidth disableinteractionmenu margintext stoptable \ + setuplegend definepapersize interactionbar pagereference subject MONTH \ + setuprotate placerule setupbuttons title setupcombinedlist stopenvironment \ + stopnamemakeup keepblocks mirror labeltext month setuptyping \ + fraction startcomponent setupquote someline coupledocument positiontext \ + setupclipping setuptolerance seeregister typebuffer part background \ + nomorefiles setuplines setupsubpagenumber setuphyphenmark hairline startparagraph \ + in startquotation inline stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes Words \ + setupfloat type definetextposition stopcolumns setupsectionblock tooltip \ + overbars goto fixedspaces grid stophiding defineregister \ + stopopposite fillinline note stopproduct definebodyfontenvironment startoverview \ + setuppagenumber setupunderbar overstrikes definecombinedlist writetoreferencelist decouplemarking \ + placereferencelist definefont overstrike startbuffer numbers selectversion \ + definefieldstack ran nospace stopsynchronization ref stopnarrower \ + stopunpacked description setupinterlinespace setuptoptexts couplepaper placecombinedlist \ + writetolist defineparagraphs setupblackrules setupinteractionscreen stopquotation typ \ + labeling romannumerals weekday useexternalfiles setuptexttexts completelistofsorts \ + marking definetextvariable screen definetabulate defineindenting showsymbolset \ + stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae item leftaligned about \ + stoplocalenvironment column setupcolor definereference placefootnotes startline \ + stopframedtext setupalign scale placeformula startcomment emptylines \ + placeregister sym followversion setupoppositeplacing stopbuffer setupcapitals \ + setupinteractionbar tab setuppagetransitions listsymbol copyfield comparecolorgroup \ + startdocument subsubject Cap writetoregister setupsystem stopcomment \ + splitfloat setupframed placelistofsynonyms setupfloatsplitting textreference setupfootertexts \ + setupsorting clonefield setupdescriptions setupbuffer definesubfield stoplinecorrection \ + blackrule setupinteraction followprofile definetype setupheads inmargin \ + starttextrule fillintext synonym translate setupmarginblocks startbackground \ + but Character stopinteractionmenu fitfield useexternalfile startfigure \ + chem setuplabeltext referraldate setupmarking setupreferencing color \ + completeregister donttest setuptables nomoreblocks setupcomment sort \ + bookmark startlinecorrection setupversions startcombination startregister showgrid \ + CAP definesorting setupfields setupmakeup determinelistcharacteristics lohi \ + subsubsection stoptables definereferencelist godown setuppaper setupsymbolset \ + installlanguage startopmaak setuptop setupparagraphs setupscreens pagetype \ + startcolor framed position stopitemgroup setupthinrules synchronize \ + low setupbodyfont underbars startfloattext setuptext footnote \ + defineprogram button defineframed placelist definebodyfont externalfigure \ + completelistoffloats couplepage setupheadertexts setuppapersize definestartstop processblocks \ + its stoplinenumbering enumeration stopmarginrule setuplanguage startversion \ + definelogo inouter packed definetyping stopmarginblock setupparagraphnumbering \ + definepalet inframed atpage stopline stoppacked placebookmarks \ + setupframedtexts couplemarking startcolumns currentheadnumber useblocks whitespace \ + page defineoverlay subsubsubject definerawfont inright setuppagenumbering \ + field stopformula switchtobodyfont graycolor setuptab definecolorgroup \ + startunpacked completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph definefloat reset defineprofile \ + Characters useencoding rightaligned setupfooter defineoutput midaligned \ + interactionbuttons space setupenumerations nowhitespace resetmarking showmakeup \ + indentation stopprofile noheaderandfooterlines getbuffer nocap chapter \ + stoptyping program currentdate marginrule definesynonyms Romannumerals \ + nomarking stopcomponent symbol WORDS setupindentations definetext \ + rotate setupinmargin setupblank completecombinedlist stopversion stoppositioning \ + setupnarrower placeongrid definemarking definesection periods loadsorts \ + definetabletemplate placefloat startinteractionmenu version defineenumeration showexternalfigures \ + switchtorawfont startitemgroup starttyping setupwhitespace paragraph arg \ + placesidebyside setupindenting showcolor startproduct showcolorgroup setupbackgrounds \ + setuptextrules setupbottom selectblocks logfields startmarginrule processpage \ + stoplokale definehead publication startopposite stoptextrule definecolor \ + indenting textrule moveongrid defineframedtext startpacked stopfloattext \ + setupforms register setupbottomtexts placelegend determineheadnumber nextsection \ + placelistoffloats startnamemakeup setupurl headtext defineconversion usecommands \ + correctwhitespace setupexternalfigures quotation setupfield setupsynonyms definedescription \ + definesectionblock ininner definebuffer section stretched startmarginblock \ + setupspacing coupledregister definemakeup startprofile starttabulate typefile \ + stopcombination useexternalfigure startfact startenumeration showstruts setuptabulate \ + fillinrules placelistofsorts noindenting stopoverview footnotetext definefield \ + markversion convertnumber setuprule blackrules subsection blank \ + Word setupnumbering fillinfield character textvariable defineblank \ + bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule nop starttable starttables \ + showsetups framedtext reference labels stopdocument setupcolors \ + startenvironment starthiding setuparranging adding comment stopoverlay \ + setuplinenumbering items stopbackground setupprograms placeontopofeachother appendix \ + setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar nolist tex startdescription \ + stopcolor name setupitemgroup fieldstack wordright settextvariable \ + setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat setupfootnotes startpositioning clip \ + setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion stopdescription startalignment setuphead \ + setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory setupmarginrules defineblock setupitems \ + WORD startformula inothermargin showpalet stoppostponing startframedtext \ + placelogos quote setupcombinations stopenumeration usespecials usesymbols \ + startnarrower head startsynchronization adaptlayout setuptextposition inleft \ + definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf setupfootnotedefinition startpostponing setupbackground \ + placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY defineversion hl stopopmaak \ + setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules startoverlay setuptextvariable \ + showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist loadsynonyms notopandbottomlines \ + setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister cap hideblocks \ + setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist definelabel overbar \ + comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from showbodyfont stopalignment \ + language startlokale define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset Caps \ + stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist synchronizationbar \ + placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment showfields \ + stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet referral \ + useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout high \ + definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval selectpaper \ + getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext showlayout \ + startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber diff --git a/context/data/ b/context/data/ index 60e14f91e..d0f403935 100644 --- a/context/data/ +++ b/context/data/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@\ - seteazasortare seteazaurl plaseazapegrid afiseazasetari definestefont stoptable \ - stoplocal faraaliniat definesteenumerare subject seteazafloats seteazatextejos \ - title stopnamemakeup punevariabilatext folosestespeciale textmarginal faraliniisussijos \ - zidinsaptamana definestemediulfonttext seeregister part stopmeniuinteractiune seteazatabulatori \ - definestelistacombinata punedeasuprafiecareia startcomentariu minicitat punerigla startparagraph \ - puneformula seteazatitluri urmeazaversiuneprofil in paginadubla gatablocuri \ - scrieinlista stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes numereromane seteazadefinireanotasubsol type \ - buton seteazaecraninteractiune stopcolumns potrivestecamp tooltip limba \ - determinacaracteristicilelistei CUVANT startcomponenta Cuvant definestetextinconjurat grid \ - stopversiune stophiding stopopposite aliniatcentru stopproduct startoverview \ - startimpachetat supralinie seteazafonttext seteazainconjurat Cuvinte startbuffer \ - definesteblanc trecilafonttext seteazalegenda startlocal ran afiseazapaleta \ - variabilatext stopsynchronization ref stopnarrower stopunpacked seteazaspatiuinterliniar \ - description referintatext selecteazablocuri marginal reflexie seteazapublicatii \ - butoaneinteractiune seteazarotare seteazabarainteractiune culoaregri startriglatext undeva \ - typ labeling definestedimensiunehartie setareoutput completelistofsorts decupleazamarcaje \ - barainteractiune instalarelimba seteazapaleta LUNA reseteazamarcaje seteazastrut \ - CUVINTE stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae definesteculoare despre \ - setarebarasincronizare simbol definesteversiune seteazanumerotarelinii marcaje stopcitat \ - stoplocalenvironment punelistacombinata startline afiseazastruts seteazasectiune seteazablocsectiune \ - stopproiect stopframedtext referinta selecteazaversiune puncte nutesta \ - emptylines seteazatext firdepar stopbuffer definesteinconjurare definestelistareferinte \ - tab sublinii listsymbol dezactiveazameniuinteractiune seteazaaspect startdocument \ - subsubject Cap faralista notasubsol definestetabulatori seteazabutoane \ - saripesteblocuri definestesortare seteazaliniesilabe placelistofsynonyms adubuffer seteazanumerotareparagrafe \ - folosestebloc stopriglatext seteazadescriere seteazacamp seteazasus stoplinecorrection \ - seteazalista definetype stopmakeup synonym lapagina but \ - seteazaaranjareapag injos definesteoverlay startfigure chem scala \ - startmediu la seteazaantet completeregister definestereferinte liniemargine \ - startmakeup etichete determinanumartitlu marcheazaversiune definestegrupculori sort \ - seteazajos startlinecorrection startcombination startregister CAP citat \ - setarelimba seteazatranzitiepagina fractie subsubsection stoptables domiciliu \ - definesteprogram seteazaliniimargine camp dute seteazatabele puneregistru \ - setuppaper seteazaculoare numartitlucurent stopliniemargine cupleazamarcaje seteazacombinari \ - seteazaliniesubtire definestebloc framed seteazaversiuni definesterigla definestesablontabel \ - startproiect stopitemgroup folosestereferinte seteazasubsol seteazalegendele startfloattext \ - datareferit mutapegrid aliniat spatiu completelistoffloats seteazafundal \ - definestesinonim seteazatyping definestebuffer stoplinenumbering seteazatexteticheta afiseazafonttext \ - enumeration afiseazaculoare jos definesteconversie impartefloat titlu \ - punelista seteazaspatiu inouter punelogouri stopmarginblock urmeazaprofil \ - seteazanumerotarepagina inframed seteazadimensiunihartie folosestefisiereexterne stopline traduce \ - startcolumns afiseazafiguriexterne scrieintreliste spatiualb numere seteazaliniiumplere \ - ascundeblocuri punelistareferinte afiseazacampuri subsubsubject setarepozitie punenotesubsollocale \ - tippagina seteazareferinte comparapaleta stopformula seteazaminicitat folosestedocumentextern \ - riglatext startunpacked seteazaecrane seteazaelemente completelistofsynonyms pagina \ - stopparagraph comentariu punesubformula folosestecomenzi reset definestemarcaje \ - seteazarigleumplere Litere corecteazaspatiualb seteazanumartitlu el afiseazamediufonttext \ - definestesubcamp indentation definestepozitietext stopprofile nocap chapter \ - stoptyping program seteazafloat scriebuffer adapteazaaspect intins \ - linieneagra textumplere limbaprincipala seteazatexteantet faraspatiualb startmeniuinteractiune \ - seteazaaliniate startversiune seteazamajuscule seteazaalinierea fundal completecombinedlist \ - startfundal stoppositioning copiazacamp punenotesubsol loadsorts semncarte \ - placefloat cupleazaregistru ecran blanc seteazaparagrafe seteazablanc \ - definestevariabilatext liniipeste seteazaimpartireafloat folosestemuzicaexterna stivacampuri startitemgroup \ - starttyping seteazaspatiualb paragraph farafisiere arg roteste \ - cloneazacamp startproduct liniepeste trecilafontraw definestemeniuinteractiune afiseazarama \ - Litera stopfundal data seteazarigla seteazafundaluri litere \ - folosestesimboluri faraliniiantetsisubsol startliniemargine startopposite linieumplere seteazagrosimelinie \ - definestefonttext stopfloattext register definesteblocsectiune defineste texttitlu \ - nextsection placelistoffloats liniinegre seteazamarcaje startnamemakeup element \ - publicatie setaresincronizare definestesimbol afiseazagrupculoare litera ininner \ - section seteazaaliniat startmarginblock coupledregister stopculoare startprofile \ - seteazacomentariu definesteformatreferinte numartitlu starttabulate typefile definestestartstop \ - stopcombination definestepaleta definesteparagraf startfact startenumeration scrieinlistareferinte \ - seteazanumarpagina seteazanumerotare afiseazatiparire seteazabuffer definestefloat rigleumplere \ - sim definesteantet placelistofsorts stopoverview footnotetext definestestivacampuri \ - logcampuri subsection inlinie seteazamediulfonttext sublinie barasincronizare \ - punefatainfata seteazasublinie definesteeticheta jossus nop starttable \ - starttables stopmediu definestealiat definestetyping framedtext definestetexteinconjurate \ - seteazatextesubsol liniesubtire stopdocument sincronizeaza startcitat Numereromane \ - starthiding ZIDINSAPTAMANA seteazaingust stopoverlay seteazaplasareaopozita setvariabilatext \ - definestefontraw seteazamakeup olinie appendix indreapta instanga \ - seteazasistem stopcomentariu tex cuvantdreapta startdescription pastreazablocuri \ - datacurenta name seteazalistareferinte setupitemgroup seteazacoloane nota \ - faramarcaje matematica convertestenumar selecteazahartie stopfact startpositioning \ - referit clip startlegend impachetat inalt folosestefisierextern \ - seteazaclipping stopdescription startalignment seteazatoleranta seteazaregistru adauga \ - definestedescriere punelegenda afiseazagrid usedirectory startformula stoppostponing \ - startframedtext stopenumeration startnarrower startsynchronization cupleazadocument campumplere \ - seteazalinii crlf startpostponing afiseazasetsimboluri folosestecodificarea plaseazasemnecarte \ - seteazanotasubsol versiune hl dutebox definesteoutput inaltamargine \ - seteazatitlu folosestefiguraexterna seteazasinonime afiseazaaspect texteticheta seteazatab \ - definestelogo startoverlay seteazaprofile definestelista coloana definesteprofil \ - referintapagina loadsynonyms seteazablocurimarginale luna seteazarigletext seteazatexttitlu \ - cap proceseazapagina seteazaliniinegre pozitietext seteazaformulare seteazacampuri \ - startsymbolset startculoare stopimpachetat adumarcaje seteazasimbol definestesimbolfigura \ - seteazabloc reservefloat barasus seteazaculori hartiedubla seteazatype \ - aliniatdreapta stopalignment faraspatiu seteazafiguriexterne definestemakeup stopsymbolset \ - Caps stoplines seteazaenumerare seteazapozitietext spatiifixate vl \ - scrieinregistru seteazainteractiunea stopcomponenta pozitie seteazatextesus forteazablocuri \ - definestesectiune definesteregistru folosesteURL seteazavariabilatext startlocalenvironment mar \ - culoare startlocalfootnotes figuraexterna seteazanumarsubpagina proceseazabloc din \ - seteazatextetext seteazamarginal seteazaprograme folosestemodul liniisubtiri startlines \ - aliniatstanga comparagrupculoare mediaeval seteazalistacombinata definestecamp afiseazamakeup \ - startlinenumbering sub urmeazaversiune definestetext + date underbar setuplinewidth disableinteractionmenu margintext stoptable \ + setuplegend stoplocal definepapersize interactionbar pagereference subject \ + MONTH setuprotate placerule setupbuttons title setupcombinedlist \ + stopenvironment stopnamemakeup keepblocks mirror labeltext month \ + setuptyping fraction startcomponent setupquote someline coupledocument \ + positiontext setupclipping setuptolerance seeregister typebuffer part \ + background nomorefiles setuplines setupsubpagenumber setuphyphenmark hairline \ + startparagraph in startquotation inline stopfigure stoplocalfootnotes \ + Words setupfloat type definetextposition stopcolumns setupsectionblock \ + tooltip overbars goto fixedspaces grid stophiding \ + defineregister stopopposite fillinline note stopproduct definebodyfontenvironment \ + startoverview setuppagenumber setupunderbar overstrikes definecombinedlist writetoreferencelist \ + decouplemarking placereferencelist definefont overstrike startbuffer numbers \ + selectversion startlocal definefieldstack ran nospace stopsynchronization \ + ref stopnarrower stopunpacked description setupinterlinespace setuptoptexts \ + couplepaper placecombinedlist writetolist defineparagraphs setupblackrules setupinteractionscreen \ + stopquotation typ labeling romannumerals weekday useexternalfiles \ + setuptexttexts completelistofsorts marking definetextvariable screen definetabulate \ + defineindenting showsymbolset stoplegend stoptabulate setupformulae item \ + leftaligned about stoplocalenvironment column setupcolor definereference \ + placefootnotes startline stopframedtext setupalign scale placeformula \ + startcomment emptylines placeregister sym followversion setupoppositeplacing \ + stopbuffer setupcapitals setupinteractionbar tab setuppagetransitions listsymbol \ + copyfield comparecolorgroup startdocument subsubject Cap writetoregister \ + setupsystem stopcomment splitfloat setupframed placelistofsynonyms setupfloatsplitting \ + textreference setupfootertexts setupsorting clonefield setupdescriptions setupbuffer \ + definesubfield stoplinecorrection blackrule setupinteraction followprofile definetype \ + setupheads inmargin starttextrule fillintext stopmakeup synonym \ + translate setupmarginblocks startbackground but Character stopinteractionmenu \ + fitfield useexternalfile startfigure chem setuplabeltext referraldate \ + setupmarking setupreferencing color completeregister donttest setuptables \ + nomoreblocks startmakeup setupcomment sort bookmark startlinecorrection \ + setupversions startcombination startregister showgrid CAP definesorting \ + setupfields setupmakeup determinelistcharacteristics lohi subsubsection stoptables \ + definereferencelist godown setuppaper setupsymbolset installlanguage setuptop \ + setupparagraphs setupscreens pagetype startcolor framed position \ + stopitemgroup setupthinrules synchronize low setupbodyfont underbars \ + startfloattext setuptext footnote defineprogram button defineframed \ + placelist definebodyfont externalfigure completelistoffloats couplepage setupheadertexts \ + setuppapersize definestartstop processblocks its stoplinenumbering enumeration \ + stopmarginrule setuplanguage startversion definelogo inouter packed \ + definetyping stopmarginblock setupparagraphnumbering definepalet inframed atpage \ + stopline stoppacked placebookmarks setupframedtexts couplemarking startcolumns \ + currentheadnumber useblocks whitespace page defineoverlay subsubsubject \ + definerawfont inright setuppagenumbering field stopformula switchtobodyfont \ + graycolor setuptab definecolorgroup startunpacked completelistofsynonyms stopparagraph \ + definefloat reset defineprofile Characters useencoding rightaligned \ + setupfooter defineoutput midaligned interactionbuttons space setupenumerations \ + nowhitespace resetmarking showmakeup indentation stopprofile noheaderandfooterlines \ + getbuffer nocap chapter stoptyping program currentdate \ + marginrule definesynonyms Romannumerals nomarking stopcomponent symbol \ + WORDS setupindentations definetext rotate setupinmargin setupblank \ + completecombinedlist stopversion stoppositioning setupnarrower placeongrid definemarking \ + definesection periods loadsorts definetabletemplate placefloat startinteractionmenu \ + version defineenumeration showexternalfigures switchtorawfont startitemgroup starttyping \ + setupwhitespace paragraph arg placesidebyside setupindenting showcolor \ + startproduct showcolorgroup setupbackgrounds setuptextrules setupbottom selectblocks \ + logfields startmarginrule processpage definehead publication startopposite \ + stoptextrule definecolor indenting textrule moveongrid defineframedtext \ + startpacked stopfloattext setupforms register setupbottomtexts placelegend \ + determineheadnumber nextsection placelistoffloats startnamemakeup setupurl headtext \ + defineconversion usecommands correctwhitespace setupexternalfigures quotation setupfield \ + setupsynonyms definedescription definesectionblock ininner definebuffer section \ + stretched startmarginblock setupspacing coupledregister definemakeup startprofile \ + starttabulate typefile stopcombination useexternalfigure startfact startenumeration \ + showstruts setuptabulate fillinrules placelistofsorts noindenting stopoverview \ + footnotetext definefield markversion convertnumber setuprule blackrules \ + subsection blank Word setupnumbering fillinfield character \ + textvariable defineblank bypassblocks setupreferencelist usemodule nop \ + starttable starttables showsetups framedtext reference labels \ + stopdocument setupcolors startenvironment starthiding setuparranging adding \ + comment stopoverlay setuplinenumbering items stopbackground setupprograms \ + placeontopofeachother appendix setuppublications characters setupsynchronizationbar nolist \ + tex startdescription stopcolor name setupitemgroup fieldstack \ + wordright settextvariable setupoutput stopfact definereferenceformat setupfootnotes \ + startpositioning clip setupcaption startlegend followprofileversion stopdescription \ + startalignment setuphead setupsynchronization setupstrut usedirectory setupmarginrules \ + defineblock setupitems WORD startformula inothermargin showpalet \ + stoppostponing startframedtext placelogos quote setupcombinations stopenumeration \ + usespecials usesymbols startnarrower head startsynchronization adaptlayout \ + setuptextposition inleft definefiguresymbol gotobox crlf setupfootnotedefinition \ + startpostponing setupbackground placesubformula showprint WEEKDAY defineversion \ + hl setupcaptions definerule setupfillinlines thinrules startoverlay \ + setuptextvariable showframe forceblocks useexternalsoundtrack setuplist loadsynonyms \ + notopandbottomlines setupblock defineinteractionmenu thinrule setupregister cap \ + hideblocks setupfillinrules setupheader startsymbolset writebetweenlist definelabel \ + overbar comparepalet setuppositioning reservefloat from showbodyfont \ + stopalignment language define useexternaldocument stopsymbolset Caps \ + stoplines setupfloats usereferences setupbodyfontenvironment definelist synchronizationbar \ + placelocalfootnotes vl startproject mathematics showbodyfontenvironment showfields \ + stopproject startlocalenvironment mar startlocalfootnotes setuppalet referral \ + useURL coupleregister setupheadnumber setupsection setuplayout high \ + definesymbol mainlanguage at startlines mediaeval selectpaper \ + getmarking setuptype setupcolumns placetextvariable setupheadtext showlayout \ + startlinenumbering sub setupprofiles somewhere headnumber diff --git a/context/data/type-buy.dat b/context/data/type-buy.dat index 4ad3b53fc..97aacf7c7 100644 --- a/context/data/type-buy.dat +++ b/context/data/type-buy.dat @@ -97,4 +97,19 @@ # itc kabel --en=? --ve=itc --co=kabel --re ---en=? --ve=itc --co=kabel --so=itc/kabel --ma --in \ No newline at end of file +--en=? --ve=itc --co=kabel --so=itc/kabel --ma --in + +# monotype sabon + +--en=? --ve=monotype --co=sabon --re +--en=? --ve=monotype --co=sabon --so=monotype/sabon --ma --in + +# linotype industria + +--en=? --ve=linotype --co=industria --re +--en=? --ve=linotype --co=industria --so=linotype/industria --ma --in + +# itc stone + +--en=? --ve=itc --co=stone --re +--en=? --ve=itc --co=stone --so=itc/stone --ma --in diff --git a/fonts/map/pdftex/context/ b/fonts/map/pdftex/context/ index 5960ba117..419ef2e10 100644 --- a/fonts/map/pdftex/context/ +++ b/fonts/map/pdftex/context/ @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +% combined file + % courier / urw ucrb8r NimbusMonL-Bold <8r.enc \chardef\urlsplitmode\zerocount, - \v!both=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plusone, - \v!after=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plustwo, - \v!before=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plusthree]% + [ \v!none=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\zerocount, + \v!both=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plusone, + \v!after=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plustwo, + \v!before=>\chardef\urlsplitmode\plusthree]% \doifelse\@@urspace\v!yes - {\setbetweenisolatedwords% - {\scratchskip\currentspaceskip - \hskip\zeropoint\!!plus.2\scratchskip}} + {\setbetweenisolatedwords{\scratchskip\currentspaceskip\hskip\zeropoint\!!plus.2\scratchskip}} {\setbetweenisolatedwords\allowbreak}% - \def\doexternaldocument[##1][##2][##3]{\hyphenatedurl{##1}}% + \def\doexternaldocument##1##2##3{\hyphenatedurl{##1}}% awful hack \dostartattributes\??ur\c!style\c!color{}% \getvalue{\v!file:::#1}% \dostopattributes @@ -2972,7 +2980,7 @@ \newconditional\forceURLlocation -\def\setouterfilelocation[#1][#2][#3]% +\def\setouterfilelocation#1#2#3% {\edef\otherURL{#1}% \edef\otherfile{#2}}% @@ -3036,7 +3044,7 @@ {\ifundefined{\v!file:::#1}% \tttf[#1]% \else - \def\doexternaldocument[##1][##2][##3]{\goto{##3}[#1::#2]}% + \def\doexternaldocument##1##2##3{\goto{##3}[#1::#2]}% \csname\v!file:::#1\endcsname \fi} @@ -3044,7 +3052,7 @@ {\ifundefined{\v!file:::#1}% \tttf[#1]% \else - \def\doexternaldocument[##1][##2][##3]{##3}% different than ^ + \def\doexternaldocument##1##2##3{##3}% different than ^ \csname\v!file:::#1\endcsname \fi} @@ -3533,9 +3541,9 @@ \!!counta\zerocount % new, was 1 \processallactionsinset [#2] - [ \v!page=>\advance\!!counta 4, - \v!subpage=>\advance\!!counta 4, - \s!unknown=>\advance\!!counta 1]% + [ \v!page=>\advance\!!counta 4, + \v!subpage=>\advance\!!counta 4, + \s!unknown=>\advance\!!counta 1]% \ifdim\@@ibwidth=\!!zeropoint\relax \!!widtha2em \advance\!!widtha \@@ibdistance % new @@ -3544,9 +3552,9 @@ \else \!!widtha\@@ibwidth \!!widthb\@@ibdistance % new - \multiply\!!widthb \!!counta % new + \multiply\!!widthb \!!counta % new \advance\!!widthb -\@@ibdistance % new - \advance\!!widtha -\!!widthb % new + \advance\!!widtha -\!!widthb % new \divide\!!widtha \!!counta \!!widthb\@@ibwidth \fi @@ -3562,11 +3570,11 @@ \hbox to \!!widthb {\processallactionsinset [#2] - [ \v!page=>\goto\v!firstpage + [ \v!page=>\goto\v!firstpage \goto\v!nextpage \goto\v!previouspage \goto\v!lastpage, - \v!subpage=>\goto\v!firstsubpage + \v!subpage=>\goto\v!firstsubpage \goto\v!nextsubpage \goto\v!previoussubpage \goto\v!lastsubpage, diff --git a/tex/context/base/core-reg.tex b/tex/context/base/core-reg.tex index 2836fab43..d9a94631d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/core-reg.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/core-reg.tex @@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ \def\doplaceregister[#1][#2]% {\iffirstargument \begingroup - \def\currentregister{#1}% + \edef\currentregister{#1}% \setupregister[\currentregister][#2]% \raggedright \startcolumns @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ \def\docompleteregister[#1][#2]% {\iffirstargument \begingroup - \def\currentregister{#1}% + \edef\currentregister{#1}% % the expansion is needed because we don't want \v!'s in the tuo file (french) \expanded{\systemsuppliedchapter[\currentregister]{\noexpand\headtext{\currentregister}}}% \placeregister[\currentregister][#2]% diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-acc.tex b/tex/context/base/enco-acc.tex index 59d89dc54..e02536be6 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/enco-acc.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-acc.tex @@ -114,6 +114,12 @@ \stopencoding +\startencoding[default] + +% vietnamese: if needed, \useencoding[enco-vna] + +\stopencoding + % For Tobias Burnus, who wants: % % \starttypen diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-def.tex b/tex/context/base/enco-def.tex index 78e1df7d7..65c44c30f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/enco-def.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-def.tex @@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ \definecharacter otilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde o} \definecharacter Utilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde U} \definecharacter utilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde u} +\definecharacter Ytilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde Y} +\definecharacter ytilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde y} \definecharacter Adiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis A} \definecharacter adiaeresis {\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis a} @@ -350,6 +352,103 @@ \definecharacter tcommaaccent {t\quoteright} \definecharacter Tcommaaccent {T\quoteright} +\definecharacter Etilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde E} +\definecharacter etilde {\buildtextaccent\texttilde e} + +\definecharacter Ahook {A} +\definecharacter ahook {a} +\definecharacter Ehook {E} +\definecharacter ehook {e} +\definecharacter Ihook {I} +\definecharacter ihook {i} +\definecharacter Ohook {O} +\definecharacter ohook {o} +\definecharacter Uhook {U} +\definecharacter uhook {u} +\definecharacter Yhook {Y} +\definecharacter yhook {y} + +\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave {\Acircumflex} +\definecharacter Acircumflexacute {\Acircumflex} +\definecharacter Acircumflextilde {\Acircumflex} +\definecharacter Acircumflexhook {\Acircumflex} +\definecharacter acircumflexgrave {\acircumflex} +\definecharacter acircumflexacute {\acircumflex} +\definecharacter acircumflextilde {\acircumflex} +\definecharacter acircumflexhook {\acircumflex} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave {\Ecircumflex} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute {\Ecircumflex} +\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde {\Ecircumflex} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook {\Ecircumflex} +\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave {\ecircumflex} +\definecharacter ecircumflexacute {\ecircumflex} +\definecharacter ecircumflextilde {\ecircumflex} +\definecharacter ecircumflexhook {\ecircumflex} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave {\Ocircumflex} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute {\Ocircumflex} +\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde {\Ocircumflex} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook {\Ocircumflex} +\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave {\ocircumflex} +\definecharacter ocircumflexacute {\ocircumflex} +\definecharacter ocircumflextilde {\ocircumflex} +\definecharacter ocircumflexhook {\ocircumflex} + +\definecharacter Abrevegrave {\Abreve} +\definecharacter Abreveacute {\Abreve} +\definecharacter Abrevetilde {\Abreve} +\definecharacter Abrevehook {\Abreve} +\definecharacter abrevegrave {\abreve} +\definecharacter abreveacute {\abreve} +\definecharacter abrevetilde {\abreve} +\definecharacter abrevehook {\abreve} + +\definecharacter Adotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot A} +\definecharacter adotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot a} +\definecharacter Edotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot E} +\definecharacter edotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot e} +\definecharacter Idotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot I} +\definecharacter idotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot i} +\definecharacter Odotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot O} +\definecharacter odotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot o} +\definecharacter Udotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot U} +\definecharacter udotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot u} +\definecharacter Ydotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot Y} +\definecharacter ydotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot y} +\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot O} +\definecharacter ohorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot o} +\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot U} +\definecharacter uhorndotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot u} + +\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Acircumflex} +\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\acircumflex} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Ecircumflex} +\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\ecircumflex} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Ocircumflex} +\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\ocircumflex} +\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\Abreve} +\definecharacter abrevedotbelow {\buildtextbottomdot\abreve} + +\definecharacter Ohorn {O} +\definecharacter Ohorngrave {\Ograve} +\definecharacter Ohornacute {\Oacute} +\definecharacter Ohorntilde {\Otilde} +\definecharacter Ohornhook {O} +\definecharacter ohorn {o} +\definecharacter ohorngrave {\ograve} +\definecharacter ohornacute {\oacute} +\definecharacter ohorntilde {\otilde} +\definecharacter ohornhook {o} +\definecharacter Uhorn {U} +\definecharacter Uhorngrave {\Ugrave} +\definecharacter Uhornacute {\Uacute} +\definecharacter Uhorntilde {\Utilde} +\definecharacter Uhornhook {U} +\definecharacter uhorn {u} +\definecharacter uhorngrave {\ugrave} +\definecharacter uhornacute {\uacute} +\definecharacter uhorntilde {\utilde} +\definecharacter uhornhook {u} + \stopencoding %D A few goodies: diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-ini.tex b/tex/context/base/enco-ini.tex index ef07c418f..85ba61ad7 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/enco-ini.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-ini.tex @@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ \lineskiplimit\zeropoint \setbox0\hbox{#4}% \halign - {##\crcr#5\crcr + {##\crcr\hbox{#5}\crcr \hidewidth \hskip#2\wd0 \hskip-#3\fontdimen1\font % in plain 1ex * dimenless value @@ -1499,7 +1499,9 @@ \useencoding[def,acc,raw,com,cas,mis] % mis should come first -\useencoding[ans,il2,ec,tbo,pdf,uc,pol,qx] +\useencoding[ans,il2,ec,tbo,pdf,uc,pol,qx,t5] + +% \useencoding[vna] \setupencoding[\s!default=ec] % was: [\s!default=\s!default] diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-t5.tex b/tex/context/base/enco-t5.tex new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8bee0fcef --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-t5.tex @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=enco-t5, +%D version=2004.11.16, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros, +%D subtitle=New Vietnamese Encoding, +%D author=Hans Hagen \& Adam Lindsay, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright=PRAGMA \& Adam Lindsay] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +%D This module is derived from the enco-x5 encoding, but now +%D approaches the world with named glyphs. + +\startencoding[t5] + +\definecasemaps 128 to 159 lc +32 uc 0 + +\definecasemaps 160 to 191 lc 0 uc -32 + +\definecasemaps 192 to 223 lc +32 uc 0 + +\definecasemaps 224 to 225 lc 0 uc -32 + +\definecasemap 26 26 27 \definecasemap 27 26 27 +\definecasemap 28 28 29 \definecasemap 29 28 29 +\definecasemap 30 30 31 \definecasemap 31 30 31 + +\definecharacter textgrave 0 +\definecharacter textacute 1 +\definecharacter textcircumflex 2 +\definecharacter texttilde 3 +\definecharacter textdiaeresis 4 +\definecharacter textbottomdot 5 +\definecharacter textring 6 +\definecharacter textcaron 7 +\definecharacter textbreve 8 +\definecharacter textmacron 9 +\definecharacter textdotaccent 10 +\definecharacter textcedilla 11 +\definecharacter texthookabove 12 + +\definecharacter quotesinglebase 13 +\definecharacter guilsingleleft 14 +\definecharacter guilsingleright 15 +\definecharacter quotedblleft 16 +\definecharacter quotedblright 17 +\definecharacter quotedblbase 18 +\definecharacter leftguillemot 19 +\definecharacter rightguillemot 20 +\definecharacter endash 21 +\definecharacter emdash 22 + +\definecharacter cwm 23 +\definecharacter zeroinferior 24 +\definecharacter Yhook 26 +\definecharacter yhook 27 +\definecharacter Ydotbelow 28 +\definecharacter ydotbelow 29 +\definecharacter Dstroke 30 +\definecharacter dstroke 31 +\definecharacter textvisiblespace 32 + +\definecharacter dotlessi 25 +%definecharacter DJ 30 +%definecharacter dj 31 +\definecharacter Agrave 128 +\definecharacter Aacute 129 +\definecharacter Atilde 130 +\definecharacter Ahook 131 +\definecharacter Adotbelow 132 +\definecharacter Acircumflex 133 +\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave 134 +\definecharacter Acircumflexacute 135 +\definecharacter Acircumflextilde 136 +\definecharacter Acircumflexhook 137 +\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow 138 +\definecharacter Abreve 139 +\definecharacter Abrevegrave 140 +\definecharacter Abreveacute 141 +\definecharacter Abrevetilde 142 +\definecharacter Abrevehook 143 +\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow 144 +\definecharacter Egrave 145 +\definecharacter Eacute 146 +\definecharacter Etilde 147 +\definecharacter Ehook 148 +\definecharacter Edotbelow 149 +\definecharacter Ecircumflex 150 +\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave 151 +\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute 152 +\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde 153 +\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook 154 +\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow 155 +\definecharacter Igrave 156 +\definecharacter Iacute 157 +\definecharacter Itilde 158 +\definecharacter Ihook 159 +\definecharacter agrave 160 +\definecharacter aacute 161 +\definecharacter atilde 162 +\definecharacter ahook 163 +\definecharacter adotbelow 164 +\definecharacter acircumflex 165 +\definecharacter acircumflexgrave 166 +\definecharacter acircumflexacute 167 +\definecharacter acircumflextilde 168 +\definecharacter acircumflexhook 169 +\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow 170 +\definecharacter abreve 171 +\definecharacter abrevegrave 172 +\definecharacter abreveacute 173 +\definecharacter abrevetilde 174 +\definecharacter abrevehook 175 +\definecharacter abrevedotbelow 176 +\definecharacter egrave 177 +\definecharacter eacute 178 +\definecharacter etilde 179 +\definecharacter ehook 180 +\definecharacter edotbelow 181 +\definecharacter ecircumflex 182 +\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave 183 +\definecharacter ecircumflexacute 184 +\definecharacter ecircumflextilde 185 +\definecharacter ecircumflexhook 186 +\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow 187 +\definecharacter igrave 188 +\definecharacter iacute 189 +\definecharacter itilde 190 +\definecharacter ihook 191 +\definecharacter Idotbelow 192 +\definecharacter Ograve 193 +\definecharacter Oacute 194 +\definecharacter Otilde 195 +\definecharacter Ohook 196 +\definecharacter Odotbelow 197 +\definecharacter Ocircumflex 198 +\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave 199 +\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute 200 +\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde 201 +\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook 202 +\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow 203 +\definecharacter Ohorn 204 +\definecharacter Ohorngrave 205 +\definecharacter Ohornacute 206 +\definecharacter Ohorntilde 207 +\definecharacter Ohornhook 208 +\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow 209 +\definecharacter Ugrave 210 +\definecharacter Uacute 211 +\definecharacter Utilde 212 +\definecharacter Uhook 213 +\definecharacter Udotbelow 214 +\definecharacter Uhorn 215 +\definecharacter Uhorngrave 216 +\definecharacter Uhornacute 217 +\definecharacter Uhorntilde 218 +\definecharacter Uhornhook 219 +\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow 220 +\definecharacter Ytilde 223 +\definecharacter idotbelow 224 +\definecharacter ograve 225 +\definecharacter oacute 226 +\definecharacter otilde 227 +\definecharacter ohook 228 +\definecharacter odotbelow 229 +\definecharacter ocircumflex 230 +\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave 231 +\definecharacter ocircumflexacute 232 +\definecharacter ocircumflextilde 233 +\definecharacter ocircumflexhook 234 +\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow 235 +\definecharacter ohorn 236 +\definecharacter ohorngrave 237 +\definecharacter ohornacute 238 +\definecharacter ohorntilde 239 +\definecharacter ohornhook 240 +\definecharacter ohorndotbelow 241 +\definecharacter ugrave 242 +\definecharacter uacute 243 +\definecharacter utilde 244 +\definecharacter uhook 245 +\definecharacter udotbelow 246 +\definecharacter uhorn 247 +\definecharacter uhorngrave 248 +\definecharacter uhornacute 249 +\definecharacter uhorntilde 250 +\definecharacter uhornhook 251 +\definecharacter uhorndotbelow 252 +\definecharacter ygrave 253 +\definecharacter yacute 254 +\definecharacter ytilde 255 + +\stopencoding + +\endinput + +% \startencoding [x5] +% +% \definecharacter aa {\xfiveencodedaa} +% \definecharacter AA {\xfiveencodedAA} +% +% \stopencoding +% +% \def\xfiveencodedaa% +% {\accent23a} +% +% \def\xfiveencodedAA% +% {\leavevmode +% \setbox\z@\hbox{h}% +% \dimen@\ht\z@ +% \advance\dimen@ -1ex +% \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char23}}A} + +% \quotesinglbase 13 +% \guilsinglleft 14 +% \guilsinglright 15 +% \textquotedblleft 16 +% \textquotedblright 17 +% \quotedblbase 18 +% \guillemotleft 19 +% \guillemotright 20 +% \textendash 21 +% \textemdash 22 +% \textcompwordmark 23 +% \textperthousand \% \char 24 +% \textpertenthousand \%\char 24\char 24 +% \textvisiblespace 32 +% \textquotedbl `\" +% \textdollar `\$ +% \textquoteright `\' +% \textless `\< +% \textgreater `\> +% \textbackslash `\ +% \textasciicircum `\^ +% \textunderscore 95 +% \textquoteleft `\` +% \textbraceleft `\{ +% \textbar `\| +% \textbraceright `\} +% \textasciitilde `\~ diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-uc.tex b/tex/context/base/enco-uc.tex index 751f9f340..0d845685b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/enco-uc.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-uc.tex @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ \definecharacter Iacute {\uchar0{205}} \definecharacter Icircumflex {\uchar0{206}} \definecharacter Idiaeresis {\uchar0{207}} -\definecharacter Dstroke {\uchar0{208}} +%\definecharacter Dstroke {\uchar0{208}} \definecharacter Ntilde {\uchar0{209}} \definecharacter Ograve {\uchar0{210}} \definecharacter Oacute {\uchar0{211}} @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ \definecharacter iacute {\uchar0{237}} \definecharacter icircumflex {\uchar0{238}} \definecharacter idiaeresis {\uchar0{239}} -\definecharacter dmacron {\uchar0{240}} +%\definecharacter dmacron {\uchar0{240}} \definecharacter ntilde {\uchar0{241}} \definecharacter ograve {\uchar0{242}} \definecharacter oacute {\uchar0{243}} @@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ \definecharacter gbreve {\uchar1{31}} \definecharacter Gdotaccent {\uchar1{32}} \definecharacter gdotaccent {\uchar1{33}} -\definecharacter Gdotaccent {\uchar1{34}} -\definecharacter gdotaccent {\uchar1{35}} +%definecharacter Gdotaccent {\uchar1{34}} +%definecharacter gdotaccent {\uchar1{35}} \definecharacter Hcircumflex {\uchar1{36}} \definecharacter hcircumflex {\uchar1{37}} \definecharacter Hstroke {\uchar1{38}} @@ -295,6 +295,11 @@ \definecharacter textellipsis {\uchar{32}{38}} \definecharacter perthousand {\uchar{32}{48}} +\definecharacter Gcedilla {\uchar1{34}} +\definecharacter gcedilla {\uchar1{35}} +\definecharacter Eth {\uchar0{208}} +\definecharacter eth {\uchar0{240}} + %D semi-automatic conversion meant it was easier to use %D hex numbers here: @@ -499,6 +504,105 @@ \definecharacter cyrillicYO {\uchar4{"01}} \definecharacter cyrillicyo {\uchar4{"51}} +%D Some Vietnamese characters finally: + +\definecharacter Ohorn {\uchar1{"A0}} +\definecharacter ohorn {\uchar1{"A1}} +\definecharacter Uhorn {\uchar1{"AF}} +\definecharacter uhorn {\uchar1{"B0}} + +\definecharacter Yhook {\uchar{"1E}{"F6}} +\definecharacter yhook {\uchar{"1E}{"F7}} +\definecharacter Ydotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"F4}} +\definecharacter ydotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"F5}} +\definecharacter Ahook {\uchar{"1E}{"A2}} +\definecharacter Adotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"A0}} +\definecharacter Acircumflexgrave {\uchar{"1E}{"A6}} +\definecharacter Acircumflexacute {\uchar{"1E}{"A4}} +\definecharacter Acircumflextilde {\uchar{"1E}{"AA}} +\definecharacter Acircumflexhook {\uchar{"1E}{"A8}} +\definecharacter Acircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"AC}} +\definecharacter Abrevegrave {\uchar{"1E}{"B0}} +\definecharacter Abreveacute {\uchar{"1E}{"AE}} +\definecharacter Abrevetilde {\uchar{"1E}{"B4}} +\definecharacter Abrevehook {\uchar{"1E}{"B2}} +\definecharacter Abrevedotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"B6}} +\definecharacter Ehook {\uchar{"1E}{"BA}} +\definecharacter Edotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"B8}} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexgrave {\uchar{"1E}{"C0}} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexacute {\uchar{"1E}{"BE}} +\definecharacter Ecircumflextilde {\uchar{"1E}{"C4}} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexhook {\uchar{"1E}{"C2}} +\definecharacter Ecircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"C6}} +\definecharacter Ihook {\uchar{"1E}{"C8}} +\definecharacter ahook {\uchar{"1E}{"A3}} +\definecharacter adotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"A1}} +\definecharacter acircumflexgrave {\uchar{"1E}{"A7}} +\definecharacter acircumflexacute {\uchar{"1E}{"A5}} +\definecharacter acircumflextilde {\uchar{"1E}{"AB}} +\definecharacter acircumflexhook {\uchar{"1E}{"A9}} +\definecharacter acircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"AD}} +\definecharacter abrevegrave {\uchar{"1E}{"B1}} +\definecharacter abreveacute {\uchar{"1E}{"AF}} +\definecharacter abrevetilde {\uchar{"1E}{"B5}} +\definecharacter abrevehook {\uchar{"1E}{"B3}} +\definecharacter abrevedotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"B7}} +\definecharacter ehook {\uchar{"1E}{"BB}} +\definecharacter edotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"B9}} +\definecharacter ecircumflexgrave {\uchar{"1E}{"C1}} +\definecharacter ecircumflexacute {\uchar{"1E}{"BF}} +\definecharacter ecircumflextilde {\uchar{"1E}{"C5}} +\definecharacter ecircumflexhook {\uchar{"1E}{"C3}} +\definecharacter ecircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"C7}} +\definecharacter ihook {\uchar{"1E}{"C9}} +\definecharacter Idotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"CA}} +\definecharacter Ohook {\uchar{"1E}{"CE}} +\definecharacter Odotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"CC}} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexgrave {\uchar{"1E}{"D2}} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexacute {\uchar{"1E}{"D0}} +\definecharacter Ocircumflextilde {\uchar{"1E}{"D6}} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexhook {\uchar{"1E}{"D4}} +\definecharacter Ocircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"D8}} +\definecharacter Ohorngrave {\uchar{"1E}{"DC}} +\definecharacter Ohornacute {\uchar{"1E}{"DA}} +\definecharacter Ohorntilde {\uchar{"1E}{"E0}} +\definecharacter Ohornhook {\uchar{"1E}{"DE}} +\definecharacter Ohorndotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"E2}} +\definecharacter Uhook {\uchar{"1E}{"E6}} +\definecharacter Udotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"E4}} +\definecharacter Uhorngrave {\uchar{"1E}{"EA}} +\definecharacter Uhornacute {\uchar{"1E}{"E8}} +\definecharacter Uhorntilde {\uchar{"1E}{"EE}} +\definecharacter Uhornhook {\uchar{"1E}{"EC}} +\definecharacter Uhorndotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"F0}} +\definecharacter Ytilde {\uchar{"1E}{"F8}} +\definecharacter idotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"CB}} +\definecharacter ohook {\uchar{"1E}{"CF}} +\definecharacter odotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"CD}} +\definecharacter ocircumflexgrave {\uchar{"1E}{"D3}} +\definecharacter ocircumflexacute {\uchar{"1E}{"D1}} +\definecharacter ocircumflextilde {\uchar{"1E}{"D7}} +\definecharacter ocircumflexhook {\uchar{"1E}{"D5}} +\definecharacter ocircumflexdotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"D9}} +\definecharacter ohorngrave {\uchar{"1E}{"DD}} +\definecharacter ohornacute {\uchar{"1E}{"DB}} +\definecharacter ohorntilde {\uchar{"1E}{"E1}} +\definecharacter ohornhook {\uchar{"1E}{"DF}} +\definecharacter ohorndotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"E3}} +\definecharacter uhook {\uchar{"1E}{"E7}} +\definecharacter udotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"E5}} +\definecharacter uhorngrave {\uchar{"1E}{"EB}} +\definecharacter uhornacute {\uchar{"1E}{"E9}} +\definecharacter uhorntilde {\uchar{"1E}{"EF}} +\definecharacter uhornhook {\uchar{"1E}{"ED}} +\definecharacter uhorndotbelow {\uchar{"1E}{"F1}} +\definecharacter ytilde {\uchar{"1E}{"F9}} + +\definecharacter Etilde {\uchar{"1E}{"BC}} +\definecharacter etilde {\uchar{"1E}{"BD}} +\definecharacter Ygrave {\uchar{"1E}{"F2}} +\definecharacter ygrave {\uchar{"1E}{"F3}} + \stopencoding \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/enco-vna.tex b/tex/context/base/enco-vna.tex new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aac129119 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/enco-vna.tex @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=enco-vna, +%D version=1999.12.12, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros, +%D subtitle=Vietnamese Accents, +%D author=Han The Thanh & Adam Lindsay & Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright=PRAGMA] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +%D This module is originally derived from the some files Han The Thanh +%D prepared for \LATEX. The dual accent support is still +%D preliminary, but works ok. It's now adapted to named +%D glyphs, and is activated by \type {\useencoding[thisfile]}. + +% numbers are from original x5 encoding, and may not match with +% the newer t5 encoding + +%D This was apparently buggy from the start: there is nothing +%D to disambiguate \type{\ohorn} from \type{\ohook}. Both are +%D entered with \type{\h{o}}! + +\startencoding[default] + +\defineaccent h A {\Ahook} % 131 +\defineaccent d A {\Adotbelow} % 132 +\defineaccent ` ^A {\Acircumflexgrave} % 134 +\defineaccent ' ^A {\Acircumflexacute} % 135 +\defineaccent ~ ^A {\Acircumflextilde} % 136 +\defineaccent h ^A {\Acircumflexhook} % 137 +\defineaccent d ^A {\Acircumflexdotbelow} % 138 +\defineaccent ` uA {\Abrevegrave} % 140 +\defineaccent ' uA {\Abreveacute} % 141 +\defineaccent ~ uA {\Abrevetilde} % 142 +\defineaccent h uA {\Abrevehook} % 143 +\defineaccent d uA {\Abrevedotbelow} % 144 +\defineaccent h E {\Ehook} % 148 +\defineaccent d E {\Edotbelow} % 149 +\defineaccent ` ^E {\Ecircumflexgrave} % 151 +\defineaccent ' ^E {\Ecircumflexacute} % 152 +\defineaccent ~ ^E {\Ecircumflextilde} % 153 +\defineaccent h ^E {\Ecircumflexhook} % 154 +\defineaccent d ^E {\Ecircumflexdotbelow} % 155 +\defineaccent h I {\Ihook} % 159 +\defineaccent d I {\Idotbelow} % 192 +\defineaccent h O {\Ohook} % 196 +\defineaccent d O {\Odotbelow} % 197 +\defineaccent ` ^O {\Ocircumflexgrave} % 199 +\defineaccent ' ^O {\Ocircumflexacute} % 200 +\defineaccent ~ ^O {\Ocircumflextilde} % 201 +\defineaccent h ^O {\Ocircumflexhook} % 202 +\defineaccent d ^O {\Ocircumflexdotbelow} % 203 +%defineaccent h O {\Ohorn} % !!! conflict with \Ohook! +\defineaccent ` hO {\Ohorngrave} % 205 +\defineaccent ` {\Ohorn} {\Ohorngrave} % 205 +\defineaccent ' hO {\Ohornacute} % 206 +\defineaccent ' {\Ohorn} {\Ohornacute} % 206 +\defineaccent ~ hO {\Ohorntilde} % 207 +\defineaccent ~ {\Ohorn} {\Ohorntilde} % 207 +\defineaccent h hO {\Ohornhook} % 208 +\defineaccent h {\Ohorn} {\Ohornhook} % 208 +\defineaccent d hO {\Ohorndotbelow} % 209 +\defineaccent d {\Ohorn} {\Ohorndotbelow} % 209 +\defineaccent h U {\Uhook} % 213 +\defineaccent d U {\Udotbelow} % 214 +%defineaccent h U {\Uhorn} % !!! conflict with \Uhook! honestly, people! +\defineaccent ` hU {\Uhorngrave} % 216 +\defineaccent ` {\Uhorn} {\Uhorngrave} % 216 +\defineaccent ' hU {\Uhornacute} % 217 +\defineaccent ' {\Uhorn} {\Uhornacute} % 217 +\defineaccent ~ hU {\Uhorntilde} % 218 +\defineaccent ~ {\Uhorn} {\Uhorntilde} % 218 +\defineaccent h hU {\Uhornhook} % 219 +\defineaccent h {\Uhorn} {\Uhornhook} % 219 +\defineaccent d hU {\Uhorndotbelow} % 220 +\defineaccent d {\Uhorn} {\Uhorndotbelow} % 220 +\defineaccent ` Y {\Ygrave} % 221 +\defineaccent ' Y {\Yacute} % 222 +\defineaccent ~ Y {\Ytilde} % 223 +\defineaccent h Y {\Yhook} % 26 +\defineaccent d Y {\Ydotbelow} % 28 +\defineaccent h a {\ahook} % 163 +\defineaccent d a {\adotbelow} % 164 +\defineaccent ` ^a {\acircumflexgrave} % 166 +\defineaccent ' ^a {\acircumflexacute} % 167 +\defineaccent ~ ^a {\acircumflextilde} % 168 +\defineaccent h ^a {\acircumflexhook} % 169 +\defineaccent d ^a {\acircumflexdotbelow} % 170 +\defineaccent ` ua {\abrevegrave} % 172 +\defineaccent ' ua {\abreveacute} % 173 +\defineaccent ~ ua {\abrevetilde} % 174 +\defineaccent h ua {\abrevehook} % 175 +\defineaccent d ua {\abrevedotbelow} % 176 +\defineaccent h e {\ehook} % 180 +\defineaccent d e {\edotbelow} % 181 +\defineaccent ` ^e {\ecircumflexgrave} % 183 +\defineaccent ' ^e {\ecircumflexacute} % 184 +\defineaccent ~ ^e {\ecircumflextilde} % 185 +\defineaccent h ^e {\ecircumflexhook} % 186 +\defineaccent d ^e {\ecircumflexdotbelow} % 187 +\defineaccent h i {\ihook} % 191 +\defineaccent d i {\idotbelow} % 224 +\defineaccent h o {\ohook} % 228 +\defineaccent d o {\odotbelow} % 229 +\defineaccent ^ o {\ocircumflex} % 230 +\defineaccent ` ^o {\ocircumflexgrave} % 231 +\defineaccent ' ^o {\ocircumflexacute} % 232 +\defineaccent ~ ^o {\ocircumflextilde} % 233 +\defineaccent h ^o {\ocircumflexhook} % 234 +\defineaccent d ^o {\ocircumflexdotbelow} % 235 +%defineaccent h o {\ohorn} % !!! +\defineaccent ` ho {\ohorngrave} % 237 +\defineaccent ' ho {\ohornacute} % 238 +\defineaccent ~ ho {\ohorntilde} % 239 +\defineaccent h ho {\ohornhook} % 240 +\defineaccent d ho {\ohorndotbelow} % 241 +\defineaccent ` {\ohorn} {\ohorngrave} % 237 +\defineaccent ' {\ohorn} {\ohornacute} % 238 +\defineaccent ~ {\ohorn} {\ohorntilde} % 239 +\defineaccent h {\ohorn} {\ohornhook} % 240 +\defineaccent d {\ohorn} {\ohorndotbelow} % 241 +\defineaccent h u {\uhook} % 245 +\defineaccent d u {\udotbelow} % 246 +%defineaccent h u {\uhorn} % !!! +\defineaccent ` hu {\uhorngrave} % 248 +\defineaccent ' hu {\uhornacute} % 249 +\defineaccent ~ hu {\uhorntilde} % 250 +\defineaccent h hu {\uhornhook} % 251 +\defineaccent d hu {\uhorndotbelow} % 252 +\defineaccent ` {\uhorn} {\uhorngrave} % 248 +\defineaccent ' {\uhorn} {\uhornacute} % 249 +\defineaccent ~ {\uhorn} {\uhorntilde} % 250 +\defineaccent h {\uhorn} {\uhornhook} % 251 +\defineaccent d {\uhorn} {\uhorndotbelow} % 252 +\defineaccent ` y {\ygrave} % 253 +\defineaccent ' y {\yacute} % 254 +\defineaccent ~ y {\ytilde} % 255 +\defineaccent h y {\yhook} % 27 +\defineaccent d y {\ydotbelow} % 29 + +\stopencoding + +\endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/font-ini.tex b/tex/context/base/font-ini.tex index 293c10443..7805654ff 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/font-ini.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/font-ini.tex @@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ {\expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname {\noexpand\csname#1:\endcsname \noexpand\reactivatefont{\somefontname}{\fontfile}}% - \global\expandafter\font\csname#1:\endcsname\lastfontname} + \global\expandafter\font\csname#1:\endcsname\lastfontname\relax} \def\reactivatefont#1%#2% {\def\somefontname{#1}\def\fontfile}%{#2}} @@ -4419,12 +4419,61 @@ \ifx\fontalternative\c!it \s!Italic \else \ifx\fontalternative\c!bs \s!BoldSlanted \else \ifx\fontalternative\c!bi \s!BoldItalic \else - \s!Regular \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}% + \ifx\fontalternative\c!sc \s!Caps \else + \s!Regular \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}% %D We still have to take care of \type{\xi}, so: \def\xi{\ifmmode\normalxi\else\elevenpoint\fi} +%D \macros +%D {definefontvariant,fontvariant,variant} +%D +%D A slightly adapted version of Adam Lindsays variant patches: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \usetypescriptfile[type-psc] \loadmapfile[texnansi-public-fpl] +%D \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi] \setupbodyfont[palatino] +%D +%D \definefontvariant [Serif][osf] [OsF] +%D +%D \startlines +%D {\sc abcdefgHIJKlmnop} +%D 123{\Var[osf]456}789 +%D {\Var[osf] 123{\Var[reset]456}789} +%D {\it 123{\Var[osf]456}789 +%D {\Var[osf]123{\Var[reset]456}789}} +%D {\tfb\bf 123{\Var[osf]456}789 +%D {\Var[osf] 123{\Var[reset]456}789}} +%D {\sc 123{\Var[osf]456}789 +%D {\Var[osf] 123{\Var[reset]456}789}} +%D \stoplines +%D \stoptyping + +\def\definefontvariant + {\dotripleargument\dodefinefontvariant} + +\def\dodefinefontvariant[#1][#2][#3]% + {\setvalue{\??fv#1#2}{#3}} + +\def\fontvariant#1#2{\executeifdefined{\??fv#1#2}\empty} + +\def\variant[#1]% + {\expanded{\definedfont + [\truefontname{\fontstringA\fontstylesuffix\fontvariant\fontstringA{#1}} + at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize]}} + +\beginXETEX \font + + \def\variant[#1]% + {\font\variantfont\truefontname{\fontstringA\fontstylesuffix\fontvariant\fontstringA{#1}} + at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize + \variantfont} + +\endXETEX + +\ifx\Var\undefined \let\Var\variant \fi + %D By default we load the Computer Modern Roman fonts (but %D not yet at this moment) and activate the 12pt roman %D bodyfont. Sans serif and teletype are also available and diff --git a/tex/context/base/hand-def.tex b/tex/context/base/hand-def.tex index ece8bb13e..e73a8aa20 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/hand-def.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/hand-def.tex @@ -300,6 +300,109 @@ \inherithandling Thorn P \inherithandling thorn p + % vietnamese + + \inherithandling Ahook A + \inherithandling ahook a + \inherithandling Ehook E + \inherithandling ehook e + \inherithandling Ihook I + \inherithandling ihook i + \inherithandling Ohook O + \inherithandling ohook o + \inherithandling Uhook U + \inherithandling uhook u + \inherithandling Yhook Y + \inherithandling yhook y + + \inherithandling Acircumflexgrave A + \inherithandling Acircumflexacute A + \inherithandling Acircumflextilde A + \inherithandling Acircumflexhook A + \inherithandling acircumflexgrave a + \inherithandling acircumflexacute a + \inherithandling acircumflextilde a + \inherithandling acircumflexhook a + \inherithandling Ecircumflexgrave E + \inherithandling Ecircumflexacute E + \inherithandling Ecircumflextilde E + \inherithandling Ecircumflexhook E + \inherithandling ecircumflexgrave e + \inherithandling ecircumflexacute e + \inherithandling ecircumflextilde e + \inherithandling ecircumflexhook e + \inherithandling Ocircumflexgrave O + \inherithandling Ocircumflexacute O + \inherithandling Ocircumflextilde O + \inherithandling Ocircumflexhook O + \inherithandling ocircumflexgrave o + \inherithandling ocircumflexacute o + \inherithandling ocircumflextilde o + \inherithandling ocircumflexhook o + + \inherithandling Abrevegrave A + \inherithandling Abreveacute A + \inherithandling Abrevetilde A + \inherithandling Abrevehook A + \inherithandling abrevegrave a + \inherithandling abreveacute a + \inherithandling abrevetilde a + \inherithandling abrevehook a + + \inherithandling Adotbelow A + \inherithandling adotbelow a + \inherithandling Edotbelow E + \inherithandling edotbelow e + \inherithandling Idotbelow I + \inherithandling idotbelow i + \inherithandling Odotbelow O + \inherithandling odotbelow o + \inherithandling Udotbelow U + \inherithandling udotbelow u + \inherithandling Ydotbelow Y + \inherithandling ydotbelow y + + \inherithandling Ohorndotbelow O + \inherithandling ohorndotbelow o + \inherithandling Uhorndotbelow U + \inherithandling uhorndotbelow u + + \inherithandling Acircumflexdotbelow A + \inherithandling acircumflexdotbelow a + \inherithandling Ecircumflexdotbelow E + \inherithandling ecircumflexdotbelow e + \inherithandling Ocircumflexdotbelow O + \inherithandling ocircumflexdotbelow o + + \inherithandling Abrevedotbelow A + \inherithandling abrevedotbelow a + + \inherithandling Ohorn O + \inherithandling Ohorngrave O + \inherithandling Ohornacute O + \inherithandling Ohorntilde O + \inherithandling Ohornhook O + \inherithandling ohorn o + \inherithandling ohorngrave o + \inherithandling ohornacute o + \inherithandling ohorntilde o + \inherithandling ohornhook o + \inherithandling Uhorn U + \inherithandling Uhorngrave U + \inherithandling Uhornacute U + \inherithandling Uhorntilde U + \inherithandling Uhornhook U + \inherithandling uhorn u + \inherithandling uhorngrave u + \inherithandling uhornacute u + \inherithandling uhorntilde u + \inherithandling uhornhook u + + \inherithandling Ytilde Y + \inherithandling ytilde y + \inherithandling Etilde E + \inherithandling etilde e + \stopfonthandling \startfonthandling [hz] @@ -354,6 +457,28 @@ \stopfonthandling +% no ligs other than fi fl etc, no --- and '' + +\startfonthandling[noligs] + + \settagcode - {\notagcode} + \settagcode ' {\notagcode} + \settagcode ` {\notagcode} + \settagcode ? {\notagcode} + \settagcode ! {\notagcode} + +\stopfonthandling + +% \startfonthandling[noligs] +% \dostepwiserecurse{0}{255}{1}{\expanded{\settagcode \recurselevel\space\notagcode\space}} +% \stopfonthandling + +% \definefonthandling [noligs] [noligs] [type=tag] +% \setupfontsynonym[Serif][handling=noligs] +% \definefont[test][Serif at 12.34pt] +% +% {``fi--ffl---ffi'' \test ``fi--ffl---ffi''} + \unprotect % beware: extended extends the preceding vector (both protruding and @@ -378,6 +503,10 @@ \definefonthandling [quality] [hz,pure] +% noligs (xml) : \definefonthandling [default] [noligs] + +\definefonthandling [noligs] [noligs] [\c!type=tag] + % A special case of guillemots, beware: when used ungrouped, % it overloads all successive (current) encoding vector % instances! Will be obsolete soon. diff --git a/tex/context/base/hand-ini.tex b/tex/context/base/hand-ini.tex index 305c38a1a..1cef5c56c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/hand-ini.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/hand-ini.tex @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ \writestatus{loading}{Context Handling Macros (ini)} +% \pushmacro -> dedicated fast one + %D {\em This module is experimental and implements font %D specific features, like hanging punctuation.} @@ -71,18 +73,56 @@ \newif\ifskiphandlingdef \skiphandlingdeffalse +% much in common with hz/protruding defs +% todo: fix others + +\let\normalchar\char % also done in enco-ini + +\def\dosetsomehandling#1#2#3 #4 % no define since directly set + {\ifskiphandlingdef \else + \doifnumberelse{\string#2} + {#1{#2#3}{#4}} + {\doifelsenothing{#3} + {#1{`#2}{#4}} + {\let\char\empty + \doifnumberelse{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#1{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#4}}\donothing + \let\char\normalchar}}% + \fi} + +\def\dosetpairhandling#1#2#3 #4 #5 % no define since directly set + {\ifskiphandlingdef \else + \doifnumberelse{\string#2} + {#1{#2#3}{#4}} + {\doifelsenothing{#3} + {#1{`#2}{#4}} + {\let\char\empty + \doifnumberelse{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#1{\csname#2#3\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}\donothing + \let\char\normalchar}}% + \fi} + +\def\doinhsomehandling#1#2 #3 % + {\ifskiphandlingdef \else + \let\char\empty + \doifnumberelse{\csname#2\endcsname} + {#1{\csname#2\endcsname}{`#3}} + \donothing + \let\char\normalchar + \fi} + +% adjustspacing + \newdimen\adjustdimen \let\handledfont\font \ifx\undefined\pdfadjustspacing % we don't use pdftex - \let\enableadjusting \relax - \let\disableadjusting \relax - \let\setadjusting \gobbletwoarguments + \let\enableadjusting \relax + \let\disableadjusting \relax + \let\setadjusting \gobbletwoarguments - \def\defineadjustfactor #1 #2 {} - \def\inheritadjustfactor #1 #2 {} + \def\defineadjustfactor #1 #2 {} + \def\inheritadjustfactor #1 #2 {} - \let\setfontadjusting \gobbleoneargument + \let\setfontadjusting \gobbleoneargument \else @@ -91,27 +131,27 @@ \appendtoks \disableadjusting \to \everyforgetall % Here or not here? - \def\dodefineadjustfactor#1#2 #3 % - {\ifskiphandlingdef \else - \doifelsenothing{#2} - {\doifnumberelse{\string#1} - {\dododefineadjustfactor {#1}{#3}} - {\dododefineadjustfactor{`#1}{#3}}} - {\pushmacro\char \let\char\empty - \doifnumberelse{\csname#1#2\endcsname} - {\dododefineadjustfactor{\csname#1#2\endcsname}{#3}} - \donothing - \popmacro\char}% - \fi} - - \def\doinheritadjustfactor#1 #2 % - {\ifskiphandlingdef \else - \pushmacro\char \let\char\empty - \doifnumberelse{\csname#1\endcsname} - {\dodoinheritadjustfactor{\csname#1\endcsname}{`#2}} - \donothing - \popmacro\char - \fi} +% \def\dodefineadjustfactor#1#2 #3 % +% {\ifskiphandlingdef \else +% \doifelsenothing{#2} +% {\doifnumberelse{\string#1} +% {\dododefineadjustfactor {#1}{#3}} +% {\dododefineadjustfactor{`#1}{#3}}} +% {\pushmacro\char \let\char\empty +% \doifnumberelse{\csname#1#2\endcsname} +% {\dododefineadjustfactor{\csname#1#2\endcsname}{#3}} +% \donothing +% \popmacro\char}% +% \fi} + +% \def\doinheritadjustfactor#1 #2 % +% {\ifskiphandlingdef \else +% \pushmacro\char \let\char\empty +% \doifnumberelse{\csname#1\endcsname} +% {\dodoinheritadjustfactor{\csname#1\endcsname}{`#2}} +% \donothing +% \popmacro\char +% \fi} \def\dododefineadjustfactor#1#2% {\adjustdimen#2pt\multiply\adjustdimen\plusthousand\divide\adjustdimen\maxcard\relax @@ -123,11 +163,11 @@ \def\defineadjustfactor#1 #2 % {\setfonttoks \let\inherithandling\inheritadjustfactor - \appendtoks\dodefineadjustfactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} + \appendtoks\dosetsomehandling\dododefineadjustfactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} \def\inheritadjustfactor#1 #2 % {\setfonttoks - \appendtoks\doinheritadjustfactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} + \appendtoks\doinhsomehandling\dodoinheritadjustfactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} \ifnum\pdftexversion<120 \let\@@pdfexpandbonus\plusthousand @@ -154,6 +194,8 @@ \fontname\handledfont}} \fi +% protruding + \newif\ifembasedprotruding \embasedprotrudingfalse \newdimen\lproddimen \newdimen\rproddimen \let\handledfont\font @@ -193,27 +235,27 @@ \csname\@fha@\@fha@#1\c!right\endcsname\space \fontname\handledfont}} - \def\dodefineprotrudefactor#1#2 #3 #4 % - {\ifskiphandlingdef \else - \doifelsenothing{#2} - {\doifnumberelse{\string#1} - {\dododefineprotrudefactor {#1}{#3}{#4}} - {\dododefineprotrudefactor{`#1}{#3}{#4}}} - {\pushmacro\char \let\char\empty - \doifnumberelse{\csname#1#2\endcsname} - {\dododefineprotrudefactor{\csname#1#2\endcsname}{#3}{#4}} - \donothing - \popmacro\char}% - \fi} - - \def\doinheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 % - {\ifskiphandlingdef \else - \pushmacro\char \let\char\empty - \doifnumberelse{\csname#1\endcsname} - {\dodoinheritprotrudefactor{\csname#1\endcsname}{`#2}} - \donothing - \popmacro\char - \fi} +% \def\dodefineprotrudefactor#1#2 #3 #4 % +% {\ifskiphandlingdef \else +% \doifelsenothing{#2} +% {\doifnumberelse{\string#1} +% {\dododefineprotrudefactor {#1}{#3}{#4}} +% {\dododefineprotrudefactor{`#1}{#3}{#4}}} +% {\pushmacro\char \let\char\empty +% \doifnumberelse{\csname#1#2\endcsname} +% {\dododefineprotrudefactor{\csname#1#2\endcsname}{#3}{#4}} +% \donothing +% \popmacro\char}% +% \fi} + +% \def\doinheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 % +% {\ifskiphandlingdef \else +% \pushmacro\char \let\char\empty +% \doifnumberelse{\csname#1\endcsname} +% {\dodoinheritprotrudefactor{\csname#1\endcsname}{`#2}} +% \donothing +% \popmacro\char +% \fi} \beginETEX \fontcharwd @@ -281,14 +323,35 @@ \def\defineprotrudefactor#1 #2 #3 % {\setfonttoks \let\inherithandling\inheritprotrudefactor - \appendtoks\dodefineprotrudefactor#1 #2 #3 \to\fonttoks} + \appendtoks\dosetpairhandling\dododefineprotrudefactor#1 #2 #3 \to\fonttoks} \def\inheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 % {\setfonttoks - \appendtoks\doinheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} + \appendtoks\doinhsomehandling\dodoinheritprotrudefactor#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} \fi +% font attributes + +\let\notagcode\minusone + +\ifx\tagcode\undefined + + \def\settagcode #1 #2 {} + +\else + + \def\dodosettagcode#1#2% + {\tagcode\handledfont#1 #2\relax} + + \def\settagcode#1 #2 % + {\setfonttoks + \appendtoks\dosetsomehandling\dodosettagcode#1 #2 \to\fonttoks} + +\fi + +% hook into font mechanism + \let\fonthandling\empty \beginTEX @@ -392,13 +455,17 @@ \newtoks\everyenablefonthandling -\appendtoks - \setprotrudingfactor\askedfonthandling -\to \everyenablefonthandling +\ifx\setprotrudingfactor\gobbleoneargument \else + \appendtoks + \setprotrudingfactor\askedfonthandling + \to \everyenablefonthandling +\fi -\appendtoks - \setfontadjusting\askedfonthandling -\to \everyenablefonthandling +\ifx\setfontadjusting\gobbleoneargument \else + \appendtoks + \setfontadjusting\askedfonthandling + \to \everyenablefonthandling +\fi \def\redofastenablehandling {\edef\fonthandling{\csname\@fha@\@fha@\@fha@\askedfonthandling\endcsname}% diff --git a/tex/context/base/lang-vn.tex b/tex/context/base/lang-vn.tex index 1d20f838a..c01e56d82 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/lang-vn.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/lang-vn.tex @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ %D \module %D [ file=lang-vn, -%D version=1999.12.12, +%D version=2004.11.22, % 1999.12.12, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros, %D subtitle=Vietnamese, -%D author={Hans Hagen \& Han The Thanh}, +%D author={Han The Thanh \& Adam Lindsay \& Hans Hagen}, %D date=\currentdate, -%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] +%D copyright=\PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for @@ -38,23 +38,23 @@ \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote, \c!leftquotation=\lowerleftdoubleninequote, \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote, - \c!date={{Ng\`ay },dd,{ th\'ang },\v!month,{ n\u a m },yy}, + \c!date={{Ng\agrave y },dd,{ th\aacute ng },\v!month,{ n\abreve m },yy}, \c!state=\v!stop] \installlanguage [vietnamese] [\s!vn] -\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!content=M\d{u}c l\d{u}c] -\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!tables=Danh s\'ach b\h{a}ng] -\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!figures=Danh s\'ach h\`inh v\~e] +\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!content=M\udotbelow c l\udotbelow c] +\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!tables=Danh s\aacute ch b\ahook ng] +\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!figures=Danh s\aacute ch h\igrave nh v\etilde] \setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!graphics=Graphics] \setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!intermezzi=Intermezzos] -\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!index=Ch\h{i} s\'{^o}] +\setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!index=Ch\ihook\ s\ocircumflexacute] \setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!abbreviations=Abbreviations] \setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!logos=Logos] \setupheadtext [\s!vn] [\v!units=Units] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!table=B\h{a}ng] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!figure=H\`inh] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!table=B\ahook ng] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!figure=H\igrave nh] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!intermezzo=intermezzo] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!graphic=graphic] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!chapter=chapter] @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!subsubsection=] % not set \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!subsubsubsection=] % not set \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!appendix=] % not set -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!part=Ph\`{^a} n ] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!part=Ph\acircumflexgrave n ] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!line=line ] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!lines=lines ] @@ -75,19 +75,17 @@ \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!friday=Friday] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!saturday=Saturday] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!january=gi\^e ng] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!january=gi\ecircumflex ng] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!february=hai] \setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!march=ba] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!april=t\h{u}] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!may=n\u a m] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!june=s\'au] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!july=b\h{a}y] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!august=t\'am] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!september=ch\'in] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!october=m\h{u}\`{ho}i] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!november=m\h{u}\`{ho}im\d{^o}t] -\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!december=m\h{u}\`{ho}ihai] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!april=t\uhorn] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!may=n\abreve m] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!june=s\aacute u] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!july=b\ahook y] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!august=t\aacute m] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!september=ch\iacute n] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!october=m\uhorn\ohorngrave i] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!november=m\uhorn\ohorngrave i m\ocircumflexdotbelow t] +\setuplabeltext [\s!vn] [\v!december=m\uhorn\ohorngrave i hai] -\protect - -\endinput +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-sys.tex b/tex/context/base/mult-sys.tex index 92a405672..e77aa1328 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-sys.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-sys.tex @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ \definesystemconstant {Sans} \definesystemconstant {Support} \definesystemconstant {Mono} \definesystemconstant {Type} +\definesystemconstant {Caps} + %D As the name of their define command states, the next set of %D constants is used in the message macro's. @@ -441,6 +443,7 @@ \definesystemvariable {fr} % ForM \definesystemvariable {fs} % FileSynonym \definesystemvariable {ft} % FonTs +\definesystemvariable {fv} % FontVariant \definesystemvariable {fx} % FoXet \definesystemvariable {ha} % HAng \definesystemvariable {hs} % HSpace diff --git a/tex/context/base/setupe.tex b/tex/context/base/setupe.tex index 9fef6e512..c288171c8 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/setupe.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/setupe.tex @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ \next\midname \next\posname \dostring{\space\space}{/}{sequence} - \ifx\currenttype\empty \else + \ifx\currenttype\empty \else \ifx\asciia\asciib \else \dostring{\space\space}{}{arguments} \let\command \nocommand \let\type \notype @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ \let\inheritvariables\doinheritvariables \newcounter\currentwhatever \currenttype \dostring{\space\space}{/}{arguments} - \fi + \fi \fi \dostring{}{/}{command} }% \egroup} diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-box.tex b/tex/context/base/supp-box.tex index af9f5d223..3d9c9414f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/supp-box.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/supp-box.tex @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ \normalhbox to \shapesignal{\strut\hss}% plus \strut \prevdepth\strutdp} % never \nointerlineskip -\def\endofshapebox% +\def\endofshapebox {\endgraf \egroup} @@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ %D value crops the beginning. The macro thereby becomes less %D readable, which is why we kept the original here too. -\unexpanded\def\limitatetext% +\unexpanded\def\limitatetext {\bgroup % evt \setstrut \forgetall % otherwise indentation and so %\def\limitatetext##1##2##3{##1}% \def ! diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-buy.tex b/tex/context/base/type-buy.tex index c8ce968a5..632793146 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-buy.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/type-buy.tex @@ -623,4 +623,96 @@ \stoptypescript +% monotype sabon + +\starttypescript [map] [sabon] [ec,8r,texnansi] + \loadmapfile[\] +\stoptypescript + +\starttypescript [serif] [sabon] [name] + + \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SabonMT] + \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SabonMT-Italic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifSlanted] [SabonMT-Italic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [SabonMT-SemiBold] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldSlanted] [SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [SabonMT-RegularSC] + +\stoptypescript + +\starttypescript [serif] [sabon] [ec,8r,texnansi] + + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT] [\typescriptthree-sab] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-Italic] [\typescriptthree-sabi] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-ItalicOsF] [\typescriptthree-saboi][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldOsF] [\typescriptthree-sabos][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBold] [\typescriptthree-sabs] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-RegularSC] [\typescriptthree-sabsc][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-sabsi][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[SabonMT-SemiBoldItalicOsF][\typescriptthree-sasio][encoding=\typescriptthree] + +\stoptypescript + +% itc stone + +\starttypescript [map] [stone] [ec,8r,texnansi] + \loadmapfile[\] +\stoptypescript + +\starttypescript [sans] [stone] [name] + + \definefontsynonym [Sans] [StoneSansITC-Medium] + \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [StoneSansITC-MediumItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [StoneSansITC-MediumItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [StoneSansITC-Bold] + \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [StoneSansITC-BoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [StoneSansITC-BoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [StoneSansSCITC-Medium] + +\stoptypescript + +\starttypescript [sans] [stone-oldstyle] [name] + + \definefontsynonym [Sans] [StoneSansOSITC-Medium] + \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [StoneSansOSITC-MediumItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [StoneSansOSITC-MediumItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [StoneSansOSITC-Bold] + \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [StoneSansOSITC-BoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [StoneSansOSITC-BoldItalic] + \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [StoneSansSCITC-Medium] + +\stoptypescript + +\starttypescript [sans] [stone] [ec,8r,texnansi] + + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansITC-Bold] [\typescriptthree-stosnb] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansITC-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-stosnbi] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansITC-Medium] [\typescriptthree-stosnm] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansITC-MediumItalic] [\typescriptthree-stosnmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansOSITC-Bold] [\typescriptthree-stosnob] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansOSITC-BoldItalic] [\typescriptthree-stosnobi][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansOSITC-Medium] [\typescriptthree-stosnom] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansOSITC-MediumItalic][\typescriptthree-stosnomi][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansSCITC-Medium] [\typescriptthree-stosnscm][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansSemITC-Semi] [\typescriptthree-stosns] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansSemITC-SemiIta] [\typescriptthree-stosnsi] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansSemOSITC-Semi] [\typescriptthree-stosnos] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansSemOSITC-SemiIta] [\typescriptthree-stosnosi][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[StoneSansSemSCITC-Semi] [\typescriptthree-stosnscs][encoding=\typescriptthree] + +\stoptypescript + +% linotype industria + +\starttypescript [map] [industria] [ec,8r,texnansi] + \loadmapfile[\] +\stoptypescript + +\starttypescript [sans] [industria] [ec,8r,texnansi] + + \definefontsynonym[Industria-Solid][\typescriptthree-lt50545][encoding=\typescriptthree] + +\stoptypescript + \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex b/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex index 022db40c4..fa1a10308 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ % Free fonts. -% beter \typefacethree dan \typefaceencoding ! ! ! ! ! ! ander sgeen selectie op bv ec +% beter \typefacethree dan \typefaceencoding ! ! ! ! ! ! anders geen selectie op bv ec % Computer & Latin Modern Roman (DEK/AMS/BJ) @@ -298,6 +298,65 @@ \definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [plvtt10] [encoding=pl0] \stoptypescript +\starttypescript [all] [computer-modern] [t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmb10] [vnb10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx10] [vnbx10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx12] [vnbx12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx5] [vnbx5] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx6] [vnbx6] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx7] [vnbx7] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx8] [vnbx8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbx9] [vnbx9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbxsl10] [vnbxsl10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmbxti10] [vnbxti10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmcsc10] [vncsc10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmdunh10] [vndunh10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmff10] [vnff10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmfi10] [vnfi10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmfib8] [vnfib8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cminch] [vninch] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmitt10] [vnitt10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr10] [vnr10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr12] [vnr12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr17] [vnr17] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr5] [vnr5] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr6] [vnr6] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr7] [vnr7] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr8] [vnr8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmr9] [vnr9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmsl10] [vnsl10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmsl12] [vnsl12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmsl8] [vnsl8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmsl9] [vnsl9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmsltt10] [vnsltt10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmss10] [vnss10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmss12] [vnss12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmss17] [vnss17] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmss8] [vnss8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmss9] [vnss9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssbx10] [vnssbx10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssdc10] [vnssdc10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssi10] [vnssi10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssi12] [vnssi12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssi17] [vnssi17] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssi8] [vnssi8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssi9] [vnssi9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssq8] [vnssq8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmssqi8] [vnssqi8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmtcsc10] [vntcsc10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmti10] [vnti10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmti12] [vnti12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmti7] [vnti7] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmti8] [vnti8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmti9] [vnti9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmtt10] [vntt10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmtt12] [vntt12] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmtt8] [vntt8] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmtt9] [vntt9] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmu10] [vnu10] [encoding=t5] + \definefontsynonym [cmvtt10] [vnvtt10] [encoding=t5] +\stoptypescript + %D {\em Comments by Victor Figurnov:} the wcmb10, wcmbx10, %D \unknown\ fonts below are taken from the Paradissa %D collection by Basil Malyshev. These fonts don't conform t2a @@ -856,7 +915,7 @@ % Courier (URW) -\starttypescript [mono] [courier] [texnansi,ec,8r] +\starttypescript [mono] [courier] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5] \definefontsynonym [Courier] [\typefaceencoding-ucrr8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Courier-Bold] [\typefaceencoding-ucrb8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Courier-Oblique] [\typefaceencoding-ucrro8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] @@ -881,7 +940,7 @@ % Helvetica (URW) -\starttypescript [sans] [helvetica] [texnansi,ec,8r] +\starttypescript [sans] [helvetica] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5] \definefontsynonym [Helvetica] [\typefaceencoding-uhvr8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Helvetica-Italic] [\typefaceencoding-uhvri8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Helvetica-Oblique] [\typefaceencoding-uhvro8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] @@ -901,7 +960,7 @@ % Times Roman (URW) -\starttypescript [serif] [times] [texnansi,ec,8r] +\starttypescript [serif] [times] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5] \definefontsynonym [Times-Roman] [\typefaceencoding-utmr8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Times-Italic] [\typefaceencoding-utmri8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Times-Bold] [\typefaceencoding-utmb8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] @@ -964,7 +1023,7 @@ % Palatino (URW) -\starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [texnansi,ec,8r] +\starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5] \definefontsynonym [Palatino] [\typefaceencoding-uplr8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Italic] [\typefaceencoding-uplri8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Bold] [\typefaceencoding-uplb8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] @@ -986,6 +1045,21 @@ \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Caps] [Palatino] \stoptypescript +% bonus definitions + +% when these fonts are in tex live ... +% +% \definefontsynonym [Palatino-Caps] [TeXPalladioL-SC] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] + +\starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [ec,texnansi,8r] + + \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-BoldItalicOsF][\typescriptthree-fplbij8a][encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-BoldOsF] [\typescriptthree-fplbj8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-SC] [\typescriptthree-fplrc8a] [encoding=\typescriptthree] + \definefontsynonym[TeXPalladioL-ItalicOsF] [\typescriptthree-fplrij8a][encoding=\typescriptthree] + +\stoptypescript + % Palatino Math (PX) \starttypescript [math] [palatino] [all] @@ -1008,7 +1082,7 @@ % Bookman (URW) -\starttypescript [serif] [bookman] [ec,texnansi,8r] +\starttypescript [serif] [bookman] [ec,texnansi,8r,t5] \definefontsynonym [Bookman-Light] [\typefaceencoding-ubkl8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Bookman-LightItalic] [\typefaceencoding-ubkli8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Bookman-DemiBold] [\typefaceencoding-ubkd8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] @@ -1042,7 +1116,7 @@ % New Century Schoolbook (URW) -\starttypescript [serif] [schoolbook] [ec,texnansi,8r] +\starttypescript [serif] [schoolbook] [ec,texnansi,8r,t5] \definefontsynonym [Schoolbook-Roman] [\typefaceencoding-uncr8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Schoolbook-Italic] [\typefaceencoding-uncri8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] \definefontsynonym [Schoolbook-Bold] [\typefaceencoding-uncb8a] [encoding=\typefaceencoding] @@ -1265,4 +1339,44 @@ \stoptypescript +\starttypescript [berry] [t5] + +\setupencoding[default=t5] + +\definefontsynonym [t5-utmr8a] [utmr8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-utmri8a] [utmri8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-utmb8a] [utmb8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-utmbi8a] [utmbi8v] [encoding=t5] + +\definefontsynonym [t5-utmr8a-slanted-167] [utmro8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-utmb8a-slanted-167] [utmbo8v] [encoding=t5] + +\definefontsynonym [t5-uhvr8a] [uhvr8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uhvro8a] [uhvro8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uhvb8a] [uhvb8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uhvbo8a] [uhvbo8v] [encoding=t5] + +\definefontsynonym [t5-ucrr8a] [ucrr8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ucrb8a] [ucrb8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ucrro8a] [ucrro8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ucrbo8a] [ucrbo8v] [encoding=t5] + +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplr8a] [uplr8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplri8a] [uplri8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplb8a] [uplb8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplbi8a] [uplbi8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplr8a-slanted-167] [uplro8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplb8a-slanted-167] [uplbo8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-uplr8a-capitalized-800] [uplr8v] [encoding=t5] + +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkl8a] [ubkl8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkli8a] [ubkli8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkd8a] [ubkd8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkdi8a] [ubkdi8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkl8a-slanted-167] [ubklo8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkd8a-slanted-167] [ubkdo8v] [encoding=t5] +\definefontsynonym [t5-ubkl8a-capitalized-800] [ubkl8v] [encoding=t5] + +\stoptypescript + \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex b/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex index 222faa0d7..749b2f390 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ %D A couple of goodies: -\starttypescript [modern] [texnansi,ec,il2,pl0,default] +\starttypescript [modern] [texnansi,ec,il2,pl0,t5,default] \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [latin-modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [latin-modern] [computer-modern] [encoding=\typescripttwo] @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [modern-base] [texnansi,ec,il2,pl0,default] +\starttypescript [modern-base] [texnansi,ec,il2,pl0,t5,default] \definetypeface [modern] [rm] [serif] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [modern] [ss] [sans] [computer-modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [postscript] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc] +\starttypescript [postscript] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5,uc] \definetypeface [postscript] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [postscript] [mm] [math] [times] [default] @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [times] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc] +\starttypescript [times] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5,uc] \definetypeface [times] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [times] [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default] [rscale=.9,encoding=\typescripttwo] @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [palatino] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc] +\starttypescript [palatino] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5,uc] \definetypeface [palatino] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [palatino] [mm] [math] [palatino] [default] [encoding=default] @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r,uc] +\starttypescript [lucida] [texnansi,ec,8r] \definetypeface [lucida] [mm] [math] [lucida] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [modernvariable] [texnansi,ec,8r] +\starttypescript [modernvariable] [texnansi,ec,8r,t5] \definetypeface [modernvariable] [rm] [serif] [simple] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [modernvariable] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-ini.tex b/tex/context/base/type-ini.tex index 5466eeaab..7d2ed73c2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-ini.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/type-ini.tex @@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix loc] % local scripts \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix akb] % adobe karl berry names +\beginXETEX \font + + \usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix xtx] % xetex definitions + +\endXETEX + %usetypescriptfile[\f!typeprefix pre] % predefined scripts (compatible) %usetypescriptfile[typeface] % project scripts @@ -356,8 +362,8 @@ \saverelativefontsize{#2}{\relativefontsize}% fall back %\writestatus{typeface}{[#1] [#2] [#3] [#4]} \writestatus\m!fonts{[#1] [#2] [#3] [#4] / \typefaceencoding}% - \usetypescript[map][\typefaceencoding]% will become obsolete - \usetypescript[#3,map][#4][name,default,\typefaceencoding,special]% + %\usetypescript[map][\typefaceencoding]% latest versions of pdftex can load after first page + \usetypescript[#3,map][#4][name,default,\typefaceencoding,special]% is default needed \usetypescript[#3][#5][size]% \popmacro\fontclass \popmacro\typefaceencoding diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-map.tex b/tex/context/base/type-map.tex index 97d42d9bf..cb88ed8d7 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-map.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/type-map.tex @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] + \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] \loadmapfile[] + \loadmapfile[] \stoptypescript % This is the base map file, load it to be sure. @@ -58,67 +60,72 @@ \loadmapfile[] \stoptypescript -% latin modern +\starttypescript [map] [vnr] + \loadmapfile[] +\stoptypescript + +% latin modern (t5 to be done) -\starttypescript [map] [latin-modern] [ec,texnansi,qx] +\starttypescript [map] [latin-modern] [ec,texnansi,qx,t5] \loadmapfile[\] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript % the next applies to texfont generated metrics -\starttypescript [map] [utopia] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [utopia] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [charter] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [charter] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [antykwa-torunska] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [antykwa-torunska] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [antykwa-poltawskiego] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [antykwa-poltawskiego] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [bookman] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [bookman] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [courier] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [courier] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [helvetica] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [helvetica] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [palatino] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [palatino] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] + \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [times] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [times] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [chancery] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [chancery] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [schoolbook] [ec,8r,texnansi] +\starttypescript [map] [schoolbook] [ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[\] \stoptypescript % once i can be sure that the map files are in the tree, i will % use those instead of original (too many variants anyway) -\starttypescript [map] [palatino] [default,ec,texnansi,8r] +\starttypescript [map] [palatino] [default,ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[] \stoptypescript -\starttypescript [map] [times] [default,ec,texnansi,8r] +\starttypescript [map] [times] [default,ec,texnansi,t5,8r] \loadmapfile[] \stoptypescript diff --git a/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex b/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex index 542d3d9e6..d0a3b52fc 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex @@ -381,4 +381,15 @@ \definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [Palatino-Math-SymbolsB] \stoptypescript +% bonus definitions + +\starttypescript [serif] [palatino] [name] + \definefontsynonym [SerifRegular] [Serif] + \definefontsynonym [SerifRegularOsF] [TeXPalladioL-SC] + \definefontsynonym [SerifItalicOsF] [TeXPalladioL-ItalicOsF] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldOsF] [TeXPalladioL-BoldOsF] + \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalicOsF][TeXPalladioL-BoldItalicOsF] + \definefontsynonym [SerifCapsOsF] [TeXPalladioL-SC] +\stoptypescript + \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/unic-000.tex b/tex/context/base/unic-000.tex index 83e90e444..cb5221df0 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/unic-000.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/unic-000.tex @@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ textdiaeresis\or copyright\or ordfeminine\or % FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR - \@@unknownchar\or % LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK + leftguillemot\or % LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK textlognot\or softhyphen\or registered\or textmacron\or textdegree\or textpm\or - \@@unknownchar\or % SUPERSCRIPT TWO - \@@unknownchar\or % SUPERSCRIPT THREE + twosuperior\or % SUPERSCRIPT TWO + threesuperior\or % SUPERSCRIPT THREE textacute\or - \@@unknownchar\or % MICRO SIGN - \@@unknownchar\or % PILCROW SIGN - \@@unknownchar\or % MIDDLE DOT + textmu\or % MICRO SIGN + paragraphmark\or % PILCROW SIGN + periodcentered\or % MIDDLE DOT textcedilla\or - \@@unknownchar\or % SUPERSCRIPT ONE + onesuperior\or % SUPERSCRIPT ONE ordmasculine\or % MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR - \@@unknownchar\or % RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK - \@@unknownchar\or % VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER - \@@unknownchar\or % VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF - \@@unknownchar\or % VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS + rightguillemot\or % RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK + onequarter\or % VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER + onehalf\or % VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF + threequarters\or % VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS questiondown\or Agrave\or Aacute\or @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Iacute\or Icircumflex\or Idiaeresis\or - \@@unknownchar\or % Eth\or + Eth\or % Eth\or Ntilde\or Ograve\or Oacute\or @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ iacute\or icircumflex\or idiaeresis\or - \@@unknownchar\or % eth\or + eth\or % eth\or ntilde\or ograve\or oacute\or @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ \textdiaeresis \or \copyright \or \ordfeminine \or % FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR - \unknownchar \or % LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK + \leftguillemot \or % LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK \textlognot \or \softhyphen \or \registered \or @@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ \twosuperior \or \threesuperior \or \textacute \or - \unknownchar \or % MICRO SIGN - \unknownchar \or % PILCROW SIGN + \textmu \or % MICRO SIGN + \paragraphmark \or % PILCROW SIGN \periodcentered \or \textcedilla \or \onesuperior \or \ordmasculine \or % MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR - \unknownchar \or % RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK + \rightguillemot \or % RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK \onequarter \or \onehalf \or \threequarter \or @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ \Iacute \or \Icircumflex \or \Idiaeresis \or - \unknownchar \or % \Eth \or + \Eth \or % \Eth \or \Ntilde \or \Ograve \or \Oacute \or @@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ \iacute \or \icircumflex \or \idiaeresis \or - \unknownchar \or % \eth \or + \eth \or % \eth \or \ntilde \or \ograve \or \oacute \or \ocircumflex \or - \ohungarumlaut \or + \otilde \or \odiaeresis \or \textdiv \or \ostroke \or diff --git a/tex/context/base/unic-001.tex b/tex/context/base/unic-001.tex index f68ca7ec9..43ac71dee 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/unic-001.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/unic-001.tex @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ \startunicodevector 1 \expandafter\strippedcsname \ifcase\numexpr(#1+1)\or - \unknownchar \or - \unknownchar \or + \Amacron \or + \amacron \or \Abreve \or \abreve \or \Aogonek \or @@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ \gbreve \or \Gdotaccent \or \gdotaccent \or - \unknownchar \or % \Gcedilla \or - \unknownchar \or % \gcedilla \or + \Gcedilla \or % \Gcedilla \or + \gcedilla \or % \gcedilla \or \Hcircumflex \or \hcircumflex \or \Hstroke \or @@ -208,15 +208,15 @@ \jcircumflex \or \Kcedilla \or \kcedilla \or - \unknownchar \or % \kkra \or + \kkra \or % \kkra \or \Lacute \or \lacute \or \Lcedilla \or \lcedilla \or \Lcaron \or \lcaron \or - \unknownchar \or % \Ldotmiddle \or - \unknownchar \or % \ldotmiddle \or + \Ldotmiddle \or % \Ldotmiddle \or + \ldotmiddle \or % \ldotmiddle \or \Lstroke \or \lstroke \or \Nacute \or @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ \zdotaccent \or \Zcaron \or \zcaron \or - \unknownchar \or % 127 \slong \else + \slong \or % 127 \slong \else \unknownchar \or \unknownchar \or \unknownchar \or @@ -299,6 +299,36 @@ \unknownchar \or \unknownchar \or \textflorin \or % 146 + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \Ohorn \or % 160 + \ohorn \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \unknownchar \or + \Uhorn \or % 175 + \uhorn \else \unknownchar \fi \stopunicodevector diff --git a/tex/context/base/unic-030.tex b/tex/context/base/unic-030.tex new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f94f49c53 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/unic-030.tex @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=unic-030, +%D version=2004.11.18, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros, +%D subtitle=Vector 30, +%D author=Adam Lindsay, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA / Adam Lindsay}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\unprotect + +\startunicodevector 30 + \expandafter\strippedcsname + \ifcase\numexpr(#1-159) \or % space needed, terminates expr + \Adotbelow \or + \adotbelow \or + \Ahook \or + \ahook \or + \Acircumflexacute \or + \acircumflexacute \or + \Acircumflexgrave \or + \acircumflexgrave \or + \Acircumflexhook \or + \acircumflexhook \or + \Acircumflextilde \or + \acircumflextilde \or + \Acircumflexdotbelow \or + \acircumflexdotbelow \or + \Abreveacute \or + \abreveacute \or + \Abrevegrave \or + \abrevegrave \or + \Abrevehook \or + \abrevehook \or + \Abrevetilde \or + \abrevetilde \or + \Abrevedotbelow \or + \abrevedotbelow \or + \Edotbelow \or + \edotbelow \or + \Ehook \or + \ehook \or + \Etilde \or + \etilde \or + \Ecircumflexacute \or + \ecircumflexacute \or + \Ecircumflexgrave \or + \ecircumflexgrave \or + \Ecircumflexhook \or + \ecircumflexhook \or + \Ecircumflextilde \or + \ecircumflextilde \or + \Ecircumflexdotbelow \or + \ecircumflexdotbelow \or + \Ihook \or + \ihook \or + \Idotbelow \or + \idotbelow \or + \Odotbelow \or + \odotbelow \or + \Ohook \or + \ohook \or + \Ocircumflexacute \or + \ocircumflexacute \or + \Ocircumflexgrave \or + \ocircumflexgrave \or + \Ocircumflexhook \or + \ocircumflexhook \or + \Ocircumflextilde \or + \ocircumflextilde \or + \Ocircumflexdotbelow \or + \ocircumflexdotbelow \or + \Ohornacute \or + \ohornacute \or + \Ohorngrave \or + \ohorngrave \or + \Ohornhook \or + \ohornhook \or + \Ohorntilde \or + \ohorntilde \or + \Ohorndotbelow \or + \ohorndotbelow \or + \Udotbelow \or + \udotbelow \or + \Uhook \or + \uhook \or + \Uhornacute \or + \uhornacute \or + \Uhorngrave \or + \uhorngrave \or + \Uhornhook \or + \uhornhook \or + \Uhorntilde \or + \uhorntilde \or + \Uhorndotbelow \or + \uhorndotbelow \or + \Ygrave \or + \ygrave \or + \Ydotbelow \or + \ydotbelow \or + \Yhook \or + \yhook \or + \Ytilde \or + \ytilde \else + \unknownchar + \fi +\stopunicodevector + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/unic-032.tex b/tex/context/base/unic-032.tex index 2b7366e59..b18bf7d37 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/unic-032.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/unic-032.tex @@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ % U+206E NATIONAL DIGIT SHAPES % U+206F NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES +\ifx\undefined\zerowidthspace \unexpanded\def\zerowidthspace{\kern\zeropoint} + +% will be made more efficient + \startunicodevector 32 \ifcase\numexpr(#1) \strippedcsname \enspace \or % U+2000 EN QUAD @@ -158,14 +162,14 @@ \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+2008 PUNCTUATION SPACE \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+2009 THIN SPACE \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+200A HAIR SPACE - \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE + \strippedcsname \zerowidthspace \or % U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK \strippedcsname \breakinghyphen \or % U+2010 HYPHEN \strippedcsname \nonbreakinghyphen\or % U+2011 NON-BREAKING HYPHEN - \strippedcsname \endash \or % U+2012 FIGURE DASH + \strippedcsname \textminus \or % U+2012 FIGURE DASH % \ifcase\numexpr(#1-19) \strippedcsname \endash \or % U+2013 EN DASH \strippedcsname \emdash \or % U+2014 EM DASH @@ -194,8 +198,8 @@ \strippedcsname \doubleprime \or % U+2033 DOUBLE PRIME \strippedcsname \tripleprime \else % U+2034 TRIPLE PRIME \ifcase\numexpr(#1-57) - \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK - \strippedcsname \unknownchar \else % SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK + \strippedcsname \guilsingleleft \or % SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK + \strippedcsname \guilsingleright \else % SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK \ifcase\numexpr(#1-172) \strippedcsname \texteuro \else \strippedcsname \unknownchar diff --git a/tex/context/base/unic-exp.tex b/tex/context/base/unic-exp.tex index 1f60cb99c..0004a5c2d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/unic-exp.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/unic-exp.tex @@ -31,12 +31,9 @@ \writestatus{unicode}{expanding vector #1}% \setvalue{\@@univector\@@univector#1}{\expandedunivector{#1}}% \dorecurse{255} - {\@EA\ifx\csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname\recurselevel\endcsname - \unknownchar + {\@EA\ifx\csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname\recurselevel\endcsname\unknownchar % skip \else - % \@EAEAEA\let\@EA\@EA\csname\@@univector\@@univector#1:\recurselevel\endcsname - % \csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname\recurselevel\endcsname \@EA\let\csname\@@univector\@@univector#1:\recurselevel\@EA\endcsname \csname\csname\@@univector#1\endcsname\recurselevel\endcsname \fi}% @@ -66,6 +63,6 @@ %D Let's use it: -\expandunivector[0,1,2,32,33] +\expandunivector[0,1,2,30,32,33] \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/unic-ini.tex b/tex/context/base/unic-ini.tex index 6cc498475..636fb7d83 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/unic-ini.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/unic-ini.tex @@ -565,6 +565,6 @@ %D Well, let's at least preload a few familiar ones. Here we %D also load the \UTF\ regime. -\useunicodevector[0,1,2,32,33] \useregime[utf] +\useunicodevector[0,1,2,30,32,33] \useregime[utf] \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/x-fe.tex b/tex/context/base/x-fe.tex index 302960d0c..75fc6a9f0 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/x-fe.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/x-fe.tex @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ \defineXMLargument [fe:message] [category=XML-FO] - {\writestatus{\XMLop{category}}} + {\writeFOstatus{\XMLop{category}}} %D Handy diff --git a/tex/context/base/xtag-pre.tex b/tex/context/base/xtag-pre.tex index 96231bd87..e589e39be 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/xtag-pre.tex +++ b/tex/context/base/xtag-pre.tex @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ \unprotect +%D Let's get rid of ligatures: + +% \definefonthandling [default] [noligs] + %D First we define the default error handler. When tracing is %D activated, the unknown element is showed verbatim. diff --git a/tex/context/interface/cont-cz.xml b/tex/context/interface/cont-cz.xml index 0c81fd8ad..d7399bf8d 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/cont-cz.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/cont-cz.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + - + @@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ - + - + @@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ - + - + - + @@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ - + - + @@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ - + - + @@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ - + - + @@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ - + - + @@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ - + - + @@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ - + - + @@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ - + - + @@ -211,34 +211,34 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -299,20 +299,20 @@ - + - + - + - + - + @@ -335,9 +335,9 @@ - + - + @@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ - + - + @@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ - + - + @@ -390,9 +390,9 @@ - + - + @@ -448,9 +448,9 @@ - + - + @@ -485,9 +485,9 @@ - + - + @@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ - + - + @@ -508,9 +508,9 @@ - + - + @@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ - + - + @@ -530,9 +530,9 @@ - + - + @@ -546,9 +546,9 @@ - + - + @@ -557,9 +557,9 @@ - + - + @@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ - + - + @@ -592,9 +592,9 @@ - + - + @@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ - + - + @@ -621,9 +621,9 @@ - + - + @@ -632,9 +632,9 @@ - + - + @@ -647,14 +647,14 @@ - + - + - + @@ -693,9 +693,9 @@ - + - + @@ -720,9 +720,9 @@ - + - + @@ -731,14 +731,14 @@ - + - + - + @@ -838,13 +838,11 @@ - - - + - + @@ -854,9 +852,9 @@ - + - + @@ -957,25 +955,25 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -993,9 +991,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1006,35 +1004,33 @@ - - - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1059,117 +1055,117 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1185,45 +1181,45 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1284,54 +1280,54 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1343,9 +1339,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1355,7 +1351,7 @@ - + @@ -1385,9 +1381,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1396,9 +1392,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1407,9 +1403,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1418,9 +1414,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1433,9 +1429,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1443,9 +1439,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1466,9 +1462,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1489,27 +1485,27 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1523,9 +1519,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1534,9 +1530,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1546,9 +1542,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1557,9 +1553,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1701,44 +1697,44 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1795,49 +1791,49 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -1891,7 +1887,7 @@ - + @@ -1908,7 +1904,7 @@ - + @@ -1919,28 +1915,26 @@ - + - + - + - - - + - + - + - + @@ -1966,40 +1960,40 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -2042,21 +2036,21 @@ - + - + - + - + - + @@ -2079,9 +2073,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2131,9 +2125,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2144,9 +2138,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2157,31 +2151,31 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -2211,9 +2205,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2225,9 +2219,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2247,9 +2241,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2257,13 +2251,11 @@ - - - + - + @@ -2299,27 +2291,27 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -2330,9 +2322,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2343,45 +2335,45 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + @@ -2394,9 +2386,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2409,9 +2401,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2424,9 +2416,9 @@ - + - + @@ -2469,33 +2461,33 @@ - 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