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59 files changed, 1001 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii index 0e0cb8416..a606a45ff 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2018.09.13 17:41} +\newcontextversion{2018.09.21 19:52} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an %D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii index 842d06f88..6c18b8bac 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii +++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ %D your styles an modules. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2018.09.13 17:41} +\edef\contextversion{2018.09.21 19:52} %D For those who want to use this: diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-pdf.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-pdf.mkiv index 07de652b6..365493fff 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-pdf.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-pdf.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -%D The less ther ei shere, the better. +%D The less there is here, the better. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Backend Macros / PDF} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-crayola.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-crayola.mkiv index dbae02d5a..ae955ec1c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-crayola.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-crayola.mkiv @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ %D \module -%D [ file=colo-imp-crayola -%D version=2016.03.21, -%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros, -%D subtitle=Crayola, -%D author=Alan Braslau] +%D [ file=colo-imp-crayola +%D version=2016.03.21, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros, +%D subtitle=Crayola, +%D author=Alan Braslau] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA, See mreadme.pdf for diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-svg.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-svg.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f39adaa98 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-imp-svg.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=colo-imp-svg, +%D version=2018.09.17, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Color Macros, +%D subtitle=SVG] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA, See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +%D This module was prepared by an user who wants to stay anonymous and is +%D derived from \url {http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorsvghex.html}. + +\startprotectedcolors + +\definecolor [black] [h=000000] +\definecolor [navy] [h=000080] +\definecolor [darkblue] [h=00008B] +\definecolor [mediumblue] [h=0000CD] +\definecolor [blue] [h=0000FF] +\definecolor [darkgreen] [h=006400] +\definecolor [green] [h=008000] +\definecolor [teal] [h=008080] +\definecolor [darkcyan] [h=008B8B] +\definecolor [deepskyblue] [h=00BFFF] +\definecolor [darkturquoise] [h=00CED1] +\definecolor [mediumspringgreen] [h=00FA9A] +\definecolor [lime] [h=00FF00] +\definecolor [springgreen] [h=00FF7F] +\definecolor [cyan] [h=00FFFF] +\definecolor [aqua] [h=00FFFF] +\definecolor [midnightblue] [h=191970] +\definecolor [dodgerblue] [h=1E90FF] +\definecolor [lightseagreen] [h=20B2AA] +\definecolor [forestgreen] [h=228B22] +\definecolor [seagreen] [h=2E8B57] +\definecolor [darkslategray] [h=2F4F4F] +\definecolor [darkslategrey] [h=2F4F4F] +\definecolor [limegreen] [h=32CD32] +\definecolor [mediumseagreen] [h=3CB371] +\definecolor [turquoise] [h=40E0D0] +\definecolor [royalblue] [h=4169E1] +\definecolor [steelblue] [h=4682B4] +\definecolor [darkslateblue] [h=483D8B] +\definecolor [mediumturquoise] [h=48D1CC] +\definecolor [indigo] [h=4B0082] +\definecolor [darkolivegreen] [h=556B2F] +\definecolor [cadetblue] [h=5F9EA0] +\definecolor [cornflowerblue] [h=6495ED] +\definecolor [mediumaquamarine] [h=66CDAA] +\definecolor [dimgrey] [h=696969] +\definecolor [dimgray] [h=696969] +\definecolor [slateblue] [h=6A5ACD] +\definecolor [olivedrab] [h=6B8E23] +\definecolor [slategrey] [h=708090] +\definecolor [slategray] [h=708090] +\definecolor [lightslategray] [h=778899] +\definecolor [lightslategrey] [h=778899] +\definecolor [mediumslateblue] [h=7B68EE] +\definecolor [lawngreen] [h=7CFC00] +\definecolor [chartreuse] [h=7FFF00] +\definecolor [aquamarine] [h=7FFFD4] +\definecolor [maroon] [h=800000] +\definecolor [purple] [h=800080] +\definecolor [olive] [h=808000] +\definecolor [gray] [h=808080] +\definecolor [grey] [h=808080] +\definecolor [skyblue] [h=87CEEB] +\definecolor [lightskyblue] [h=87CEFA] +\definecolor [blueviolet] [h=8A2BE2] +\definecolor [darkred] [h=8B0000] +\definecolor [darkmagenta] [h=8B008B] +\definecolor [saddlebrown] [h=8B4513] +\definecolor [darkseagreen] [h=8FBC8F] +\definecolor [lightgreen] [h=90EE90] +\definecolor [mediumpurple] [h=9370DB] +\definecolor [darkviolet] [h=9400D3] +\definecolor [palegreen] [h=98FB98] +\definecolor [darkorchid] [h=9932CC] +\definecolor [yellowgreen] [h=9ACD32] +\definecolor [sienna] [h=A0522D] +\definecolor [brown] [h=A52A2A] +\definecolor [darkgray] [h=A9A9A9] +\definecolor [darkgrey] [h=A9A9A9] +\definecolor [lightblue] [h=ADD8E6] +\definecolor [greenyellow] [h=ADFF2F] +\definecolor [paleturquoise] [h=AFEEEE] +\definecolor [lightsteelblue] [h=B0C4DE] +\definecolor [powderblue] [h=B0E0E6] +\definecolor [firebrick] [h=B22222] +\definecolor [darkgoldenrod] [h=B8860B] +\definecolor [mediumorchid] [h=BA55D3] +\definecolor [rosybrown] [h=BC8F8F] +\definecolor [darkkhaki] [h=BDB76B] +\definecolor [silver] [h=C0C0C0] +\definecolor [mediumvioletred] [h=C71585] +\definecolor [indianred] [h=CD5C5C] +\definecolor [peru] [h=CD853F] +\definecolor [chocolate] [h=D2691E] +\definecolor [tan] [h=D2B48C] +\definecolor [lightgray] [h=D3D3D3] +\definecolor [lightgrey] [h=D3D3D3] +\definecolor [thistle] [h=D8BFD8] +\definecolor [orchid] [h=DA70D6] +\definecolor [goldenrod] [h=DAA520] +\definecolor [palevioletred] [h=DB7093] +\definecolor [crimson] [h=DC143C] +\definecolor [gainsboro] [h=DCDCDC] +\definecolor [plum] [h=DDA0DD] +\definecolor [burlywood] [h=DEB887] +\definecolor [lightcyan] [h=E0FFFF] +\definecolor [lavender] [h=E6E6FA] +\definecolor [darksalmon] [h=E9967A] +\definecolor [violet] [h=EE82EE] +\definecolor [palegoldenrod] [h=EEE8AA] +\definecolor [lightcoral] [h=F08080] +\definecolor [khaki] [h=F0E68C] +\definecolor [aliceblue] [h=F0F8FF] +\definecolor [honeydew] [h=F0FFF0] +\definecolor [azure] [h=F0FFFF] +\definecolor [sandybrown] [h=F4A460] +\definecolor [wheat] [h=F5DEB3] +\definecolor [beige] [h=F5F5DC] +\definecolor [whitesmoke] [h=F5F5F5] +\definecolor [mintcream] [h=F5FFFA] +\definecolor [ghostwhite] [h=F8F8FF] +\definecolor [salmon] [h=FA8072] +\definecolor [antiquewhite] [h=FAEBD7] +\definecolor [linen] [h=FAF0E6] +\definecolor [lightgoldenrodyellow] [h=FAFAD2] +\definecolor [oldlace] [h=FDF5E6] +\definecolor [red] [h=FF0000] +\definecolor [fuchsia] [h=FF00FF] +\definecolor [magenta] [h=FF00FF] +\definecolor [deeppink] [h=FF1493] +\definecolor [orangered] [h=FF4500] +\definecolor [tomato] [h=FF6347] +\definecolor [hotpink] [h=FF69B4] +\definecolor [coral] [h=FF7F50] +\definecolor [darkorange] [h=FF8C00] +\definecolor [lightsalmon] [h=FFA07A] +\definecolor [orange] [h=FFA500] +\definecolor [lightpink] [h=FFB6C1] +\definecolor [pink] [h=FFC0CB] +\definecolor [gold] [h=FFD700] +\definecolor [peachpuff] [h=FFDAB9] +\definecolor [navajowhite] [h=FFDEAD] +\definecolor [moccasin] [h=FFE4B5] +\definecolor [bisque] [h=FFE4C4] +\definecolor [mistyrose] [h=FFE4E1] +\definecolor [blanchedalmond] [h=FFEBCD] +\definecolor [papayawhip] [h=FFEFD5] +\definecolor [lavenderblush] [h=FFF0F5] +\definecolor [seashell] [h=FFF5EE] +\definecolor [cornsilk] [h=FFF8DC] +\definecolor [lemonchiffon] [h=FFFACD] +\definecolor [floralwhite] [h=FFFAF0] +\definecolor [snow] [h=FFFAFA] +\definecolor [yellow] [h=FFFF00] +\definecolor [lightyellow] [h=FFFFE0] +\definecolor [ivory] [h=FFFFF0] +\definecolor [white] [h=FFFFFF] + +\stopprotectedcolors diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv index 875315830..b764c4f9a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2018.09.13 17:41} +\newcontextversion{2018.09.21 19:52} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for %D hacks, patches, extensions and new features. @@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ % math-ini.mkiv -\ifnum\texenginefunctionality<6753\else - \mathrulethicknessmode\zerocount -\fi - -% math-ini.mkiv - \ifdefined\t \else \unexpanded\def\t{\mathortext\text\mathtext} \fi \ifdefined\w \else \unexpanded\def\w{\mathortext\word\mathword} \fi diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv index 11e74d56e..3bdca2bef 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ %D has to match \type {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2018.09.13 17:41} +\edef\contextversion{2018.09.21 19:52} \edef\contextkind {beta} %D For those who want to use this: diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.lua index 5f9bc9d08..dbb14c36e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.lua @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ local v_yes = interfaces.variables.yes local new_latelua = nodes.pool.latelua local implement = interfaces.implement +local getnamespace = interfaces.getnamespace local collected = allocate() local tobesaved = allocate() @@ -243,8 +244,6 @@ local function setstate(settings) return name, tag, data end -pagestates.setstate = setstate - local function extend(name,tag) local realpage = texgetcount("realpageno") if trace_pagestates then @@ -253,9 +252,7 @@ local function extend(name,tag) tobesaved[name][tag] = realpage end -pagestates.extend = extend - -function pagestates.realpage(name,tag,default) +local function realpage(name,tag,default) local t = collected[name] if t then t = t[tag] or t[tonumber(tag)] @@ -270,32 +267,7 @@ function pagestates.realpage(name,tag,default) return default end --- local function setpagestate(settings) --- local name, tag = setstate(settings) --- if type(tag) == "number" then --- context(new_latelua(formatters["job.pagestates.extend(%q,%i)"](name,tag))) --- else --- context(new_latelua(formatters["job.pagestates.extend(%q,%q)"](name,tag))) --- end --- end - -local function setpagestate(settings) - local name, tag = setstate(settings) - -- context(new_latelua(function() extend(name,tag) end)) - ctx_latelua(function() extend(name,tag) end) -end - -local function pagestaterealpage(name,tag) - local t = collected[name] - if t then - t = t[tag] or t[tonumber(tag)] - if t then - context(t) - end - end -end - -local function pagestaterealpageorder(name,tag) +local function realpageorder(name,tag) local t = collected[name] if t then local p = t[tag] @@ -306,11 +278,25 @@ local function pagestaterealpageorder(name,tag) n = n +1 end end - context(n) - return + return n end end - context(0) + return 0 +end + +pagestates.setstate = setstate +pagestates.extend = extend +pagestates.realpage = realpage +pagestates.realpageorder = realpageorder + +function pagestates.countervalue(name) + return name and texgetcount(getnamespace("pagestatecounter") .. name) or 0 +end + +local function setpagestate(settings) + local name, tag = setstate(settings) + -- context(new_latelua(function() extend(name,tag) end)) + ctx_latelua(function() extend(name,tag) end) end local function setpagestaterealpageno(name,tag) @@ -333,7 +319,7 @@ implement { implement { name = "pagestaterealpage", - actions = pagestaterealpage, + actions = { realpage, context }, arguments = "2 strings", } @@ -345,6 +331,6 @@ implement { implement { name = "pagestaterealpageorder", - actions = pagestaterealpageorder, + actions = { realpageorder, context }, arguments = { "string", "integer" } } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.mkiv index b159fccf8..9f4344b99 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-dat.mkiv @@ -119,6 +119,6 @@ \def\autopagestaterealpage #1{\clf_pagestaterealpage {#1}{\number\autopagestatenumber{#1}}} \def\setautopagestaterealpageno#1{\clf_setpagestaterealpageno{#1}{\number\autopagestatenumber{#1}}} -\def\autopagestaterealpageorder#1{\clf_pagestaterealpageorder{#1}\autopagestatenumber{#1}\relax} +\def\autopagestaterealpageorder#1{\clf_pagestaterealpageorder{#1}\numexpr\autopagestatenumber{#1}\relax} \protect diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua index 6e1caf57f..6c3112b25 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-shp.lua @@ -292,9 +292,9 @@ otf.loadshapes = loadshapes -- experimental code, for me only ... unsupported (todo: use %N) -local f_c = string.formatters["%F %F %F %F %F %F c"] -local f_l = string.formatters["%F %F l"] -local f_m = string.formatters["%F %F m"] +local f_c = formatters["%F %F %F %F %F %F c"] +local f_l = formatters["%F %F l"] +local f_m = formatters["%F %F m"] local function segmentstopdf(segments,factor,bt,et) local t = { } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua index e9d3170af..ff37e7b6d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua @@ -2090,22 +2090,35 @@ local function pdf_checker(data) -- pdfdoc.nofcopiedpages = 0 -- - local info = querypdf(pdfdoc,request.page) - local bbox = info and info.boundingbox or { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + local info = querypdf(pdfdoc,request.page) + local bbox = info and info.boundingbox or { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + local height = bbox[4] - bbox[2] + local width = bbox[3] - bbox[1] + local rotation = info.rotation or 0 + if rotation == 90 then + rotation, height, width = 3, width, height + elseif rotation == 180 then + rotation = 2 + elseif rotation == 270 then + rotation, height, width = 1, width, height + elseif rotation == 1 or rotation == 3 then + height, width = width, height + else + rotation = 0 + end return { filename = filename, -- page = 1, pages = pdfdoc.nofpages, - width = bbox[3] - bbox[1], - height = bbox[4] - bbox[2], + width = width, + height = height, depth = 0, colordepth = 0, xres = 0, yres = 0, - xsize = 0, - ysize = 0, - rotation = 0, - orientation = 0, + xsize = width, + ysize = height, + rotation = rotation, } end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.mkiv index 97a28d2c5..62ac39864 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.mkiv @@ -657,6 +657,36 @@ \egroup \egroup} +% \unexpanded\def\relocateexternalfigure +% {\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vpack to \ht\foundexternalfigure\bgroup +% % +% % The \vss can (!) introduce 1 sp excess visible in xform which in itself +% % is not that important but some don't like these cosmetic side effects, for +% % instance we can get: +% % +% % vss : \vbox(845.1575+0.0)x597.23125, glue set 845.15747fil, direction TLT +% % vskip : \vbox(845.1575+0.0)x597.23125, direction TLT +% % +% % or +% % +% % 1 0 0 1 0 0.00003 cm +% % 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +% % +% % This is a known property of using glue and can even depend on the architecture +% % (float implementation). Anyway, let's for now use a skip. Of course this can +% % shift the issue elsewhere, as vss is used a lot elsewhere. +% % +% % \vss +% \vskip\ht\foundexternalfigure +% % +% \ht\foundexternalfigure\zeropoint +% \dp\foundexternalfigure\zeropoint +% \hpack to \wd\foundexternalfigure\bgroup +% \box\foundexternalfigure +% \hss +% \egroup +% \egroup} + \unexpanded\def\startfoundexternalfigure#1#2% ht wd {\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox to #2\bgroup\vss\hbox to #1\bgroup} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/java-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/java-ini.mkiv index 25b8ba600..e412b9d06 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/java-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/java-ini.mkiv @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ %D actually include the preamble needed. %D %D \starttyping -%D \startJScode{uses} uses {later} +%D \startJScode{uses} used {later} %D uses = 6 ; %D \stopJScode %D \stoptyping diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua index 3d7479d6a..857e53775 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua @@ -366,14 +366,25 @@ lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer(pdfdestinationspecification,"collect destinations local destinations = { } -local f_xyz = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /XYZ %0.3F %0.3F null ] >>"] +local f_xyz = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /XYZ %.6F %.6F null ] >>"] local f_fit = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /Fit ] >>"] local f_fitb = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitB ] >>"] -local f_fith = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitH %0.3F ] >>"] -local f_fitv = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitV %0.3F ] >>"] -local f_fitbh = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitBH %0.3F ] >>"] -local f_fitbv = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitBV %0.3F ] >>"] -local f_fitr = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitR %0.3F %0.3F %0.3F %0.3F ] >>"] +local f_fith = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitH %.6F ] >>"] +local f_fitv = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitV %.6F ] >>"] +local f_fitbh = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitBH %.6F ] >>"] +local f_fitbv = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitBV %.6F ] >>"] +local f_fitr = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitR %.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F ] >>"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_xyz = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /XYZ %.6N %.6N null ] >>"] + f_fit = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /Fit ] >>"] + f_fitb = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitB ] >>"] + f_fith = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitH %.6N ] >>"] + f_fitv = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitV %.6N ] >>"] + f_fitbh = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitBH %.6N ] >>"] + f_fitbv = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitBV %.6N ] >>"] + f_fitr = formatters["<< /D [ %i 0 R /FitR %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N ] >>"] +end) local v_standard = variables.standard local v_frame = variables.frame @@ -742,9 +753,15 @@ local nofused = 0 local nofspecial = 0 local share = true -local f_annot = formatters["<< /Type /Annot %s /Rect [ %0.3F %0.3F %0.3F %0.3F ] >>"] +local f_annot = formatters["<< /Type /Annot %s /Rect [ %0.6F %0.6F %0.6F %0.6F ] >>"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_annot = formatters["<< /Type /Annot %s /Rect [ %0.6N %0.6N %0.6N %0.6N ] >>"] +end) -directives.register("references.sharelinks", function(v) share = v end) +directives.register("references.sharelinks", function(v) + share = v +end) setmetatableindex(hashed,function(t,k) local v = pdfdelayedobject(k) diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-col.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-col.lua index bb7e933aa..3a541f962 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-col.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-col.lua @@ -64,13 +64,20 @@ local f_cmyk = formatters["%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F K"] local f_spot = formatters["/%s cs /%s CS %s SCN %s scn"] local f_tr = formatters["Tr%s"] local f_cm = formatters["q %.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F cm"] -local f_effect = formatters["%s Tc %s w %s Tr"] +local f_effect = formatters["%s Tc %s w %s Tr"] -- %.3F ? local f_tr_gs = formatters["/Tr%s gs"] local f_num_1 = tostring local f_num_2 = formatters["%s %s"] local f_num_3 = formatters["%s %s %s"] local f_num_4 = formatters["%s %s %s %s"] +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_gray = formatters["%.3N g %.3N G"] + f_rgb = formatters["%.3N %.3N %.3N rg %.3N %.3N %.3N RG"] + f_cmyk = formatters["%.3N %.3N %.3N %.3N k %.3N %.3N %.3N %.3N K"] + f_cm = formatters["q %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N cm"] +end) + local report_color = logs.reporter("colors","backend") -- page groups (might move to lpdf-ini.lua) @@ -717,6 +724,10 @@ do local f_slant = formatters["q 1 0 %.6F 1 0 0 cm"] + directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_slant = formatters["q 1 0 %.6N 1 0 0 cm"] + end) + -- local fillcolors = { -- red = { "pdf", "origin", "1 0 0 rg" }, -- green = { "pdf", "origin", "0 1 0 rg" }, diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua index 1d0b9e8b2..9f1dc0611 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-epa.lua @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epa'] = { -- Links can also have quadpoint +-- embedded files ... not bound to a page + local type, tonumber, next = type, tonumber, next local format, gsub, lower, find = string.format, string.gsub, string.lower, string.find local formatters = string.formatters @@ -908,8 +910,8 @@ function codeinjections.getbookmarks(filename) end end end - else - -- maybe + -- elseif subtype then + -- report("unsupported bookmark action %a",subtype) end else local destination = current.Dest @@ -924,6 +926,8 @@ function codeinjections.getbookmarks(filename) local pagedata = destination and destination[1] if pagedata and pagedata.Type == "Page" then entry.realpage = pagedata.number + -- else + -- report("unsupported bookmark destination (no page)") end end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua index c53d90848..f19245f06 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ini.lua @@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ do local f_dictionary = formatters["<< % t >>"] local f_key_array = formatters["/%s [ % t ]"] local f_array = formatters["[ % t ]"] - local f_key_number = formatters["/%s %N"] - local f_tonumber = formatters["%N"] + local f_key_number = formatters["/%s %N"] -- always with max 9 digits and integer is possible + local f_tonumber = formatters["%N"] -- always with max 9 digits and integer is possible tostring_d = function(t,contentonly,key) if next(t) then diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-mis.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-mis.lua index 679824345..b9112457a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-mis.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-mis.lua @@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ local negative = register(pdfpageliteral("/GSnegative gs")) local overprint = register(pdfpageliteral("/GSoverprint gs")) local knockout = register(pdfpageliteral("/GSknockout gs")) +local omitextraboxes = false + +directives.register("backend.omitextraboxes", function(v) omitextraboxes = v end) + local function initializenegative() local a = pdfarray { 0, 1 } local g = pdfconstant("ExtGState") @@ -495,17 +499,22 @@ end -- temp hack: the mediabox is not under our control and has a precision of 5 digits local factor = number.dimenfactors.bp -local f_value = formatters["%0.6F"] +local f_value = formatters["%.6F"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + local f_value = formatters["%.6N"] +end) local function boxvalue(n) -- we could share them return pdfverbose(f_value(factor * n)) end local function pagespecification() + local pht = texget("pageheight") local llx = leftoffset - local lly = texget("pageheight") + topoffset - height + local lly = pht + topoffset - height local urx = width - leftoffset - local ury = texget("pageheight") - topoffset + local ury = pht - topoffset -- boxes can be cached local function extrabox(WhatBox,offset,always) if offset ~= 0 or always then @@ -517,10 +526,14 @@ local function pagespecification() }) end end - extrabox("CropBox",cropoffset,true) -- mandate for rendering - extrabox("TrimBox",trimoffset,true) -- mandate for pdf/x - extrabox("BleedBox",bleedoffset) -- optional - -- extrabox("ArtBox",artoffset) -- optional .. unclear what this is meant to do + if omitextraboxes then + -- only useful for testing / comparing + else + extrabox("CropBox",cropoffset,true) -- mandate for rendering + extrabox("TrimBox",trimoffset,true) -- mandate for pdf/x + extrabox("BleedBox",bleedoffset) -- optional + -- extrabox("ArtBox",artoffset) -- optional .. unclear what this is meant to do + end end lpdf.registerpagefinalizer(pagespecification,"page specification") diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua index ec71571d2..2f9282a10 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-nod.lua @@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ function nodepool.pdfrestore() return copy_node(pdfrestore) end +local s_matrix_0 = "1 0 0 1" +local f_matrix_2 = formatters["%.6F 0 0 %.6F"] +local f_matrix_4 = formatters["%.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_matrix_2 = formatters["%.6N 0 0 %.6N"] + f_matrix_4 = formatters["%.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N"] +end) + function nodepool.pdfsetmatrix(rx,sx,sy,ry,tx,ty) -- todo: tx ty local t = copy_node(pdfsetmatrix) if type(rx) == "string" then @@ -86,12 +95,12 @@ function nodepool.pdfsetmatrix(rx,sx,sy,ry,tx,ty) -- todo: tx ty end if sx == 0 and sy == 0 then if rx == 1 and ry == 1 then - setdata(t,"1 0 0 1") + setdata(t,s_matrix_0) else - setdata(t,formatters["%0.6F 0 0 %0.6F"](rx,ry)) + setdata(t,f_matrix_2(rx,ry)) end else - setdata(t,formatters["%0.6F %0.6F %0.6F %0.6F"](rx,sx,sy,ry)) + setdata(t,f_matrix_4(rx,sx,sy,ry)) end end return t diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pde.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pde.lua index cecb1447f..819143a3b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pde.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pde.lua @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epd'] = { history = "this one replaces the poppler/pdfe binding", } +-- \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.uselua] +-- \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.recompress] +-- \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.stripmarked] + -- maximum integer : +2^32 -- maximum real : +2^15 -- minimum real : 1/(2^16) @@ -79,6 +83,8 @@ local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf") local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate +local bpfactor = number.dimenfactors.bp + local objectcodes = { [0] = "none", "null", @@ -434,6 +440,7 @@ function lpdf_epdf.load(filename,userpassword,ownerpassword) end if getstatus(__data__) < 0 then report_epdf("the document is encrypted, provide proper passwords",getstatus(__data__)) + __data__ = false end if __data__ then document = { @@ -500,27 +507,66 @@ lpdf_epdf.expanded = expanded -- we could resolve the text stream in one pass if we directly handle the -- font but why should we complicate things -local hexdigit = R("09","AF") -local numchar = ( P("\\") * ( (R("09")^3/tonumber) + C(1) ) ) + C(1) -local number = lpegpatterns.number / tonumber local spaces = lpegpatterns.whitespace^1 local optspaces = lpegpatterns.whitespace^0 -local keyword = P("/") * C(R("AZ","az","09")^1) -local operator = C((R("AZ","az")+P("'")+P('"'))^1) +local numchar = P("\\")/"" * (R("09")^3/function(s) return char(tonumber(s,8)) end) + + P("\\") * P(1) +local key = P("/") * C(R("AZ","az","09","__")^1) +local number = Ct(Cc("number") * (lpegpatterns.number/tonumber)) +local keyword = Ct(Cc("name") * key) +local operator = C((R("AZ","az")+P("*")+P("'")+P('"'))^1) local grammar = P { "start", - start = (keyword + number + V("dictionary") + V("unicode") + V("string") + V("unicode")+ V("array") + spaces)^1, - -- keyvalue = (keyword * spaces * V("start") + spaces)^1, - keyvalue = optspaces * Cf(Ct("") * Cg(keyword * optspaces * V("start") * optspaces)^1,rawset), - array = P("[") * Ct(V("start")^1) * P("]"), - dictionary = P("<<") * V("keyvalue") * P(">>"), - unicode = P("<") * Ct(Cc("hex") * C((1-P(">"))^1)) * P(">"), - string = P("(") * Ct(Cc("dec") * C((V("string")+numchar)^1)) * P(")"), -- untested + start = (keyword + number + V("dictionary") + V("array") + V("hexstring") + V("decstring") + spaces)^1, + keyvalue = key * optspaces * V("start"), + array = Ct(Cc("array") * P("[") * Ct(V("start")^1) * P("]")), + dictionary = Ct(Cc("dict") * P("<<") * Ct(V("keyvalue")^1) * P(">>")), + hexstring = Ct(Cc("hex") * P("<") * Cs(( 1-P(">"))^1) * P(">")), + decstring = Ct(Cc("dec") * P("(") * Cs((numchar+1-(P")"))^1) * P(")")), -- untested } local operation = Ct(grammar^1 * operator) local parser = Ct((operation + P(1))^1) +-- todo: speed this one up + +local numchar = P("\\") * (R("09")^3 + P(1)) +local number = lpegpatterns.number +local keyword = P("/") * R("AZ","az","09","__")^1 +local operator = (R("AZ","az")+P("*")+P("'")+P('"'))^1 + +local skipstart = P("BDC") + P("BMC") + P("DP") + P("MP") +local skipstop = P("EMC") +local skipkeep = P("/ActualText") + +local grammar = P { "skip", + start = keyword + number + V("dictionary") + V("array") + V("hexstring") + V("decstring") + spaces, + keyvalue = optspaces * (keyword * optspaces * V("start") * optspaces)^1, + xeyvalue = optspaces * ((keyword - skipkeep) * optspaces * V("start") * optspaces)^1, + array = P("[") * V("start")^0 * P("]"), + dictionary = P("<<") * V("keyvalue")^0 * P(">>"), + xictionary = P("<<") * V("xeyvalue")^0 * P(">>"), + hexstring = P("<") * ( 1-P(">"))^0 * P(">"), + decstring = P("(") * (numchar+1-(P")"))^0 * P(")"), + skip = (optspaces * ( keyword * optspaces * V("xictionary") * optspaces * skipstart + skipstop) / "") + + V("start") + + operator +} + +local stripper = Cs((grammar + P(1))^1) + +function lpdf_epdf.parsecontent(str) + return lpegmatch(parser,str) +end + +function lpdf_epdf.stripcontent(str) + if find(str,"EMC") then + return lpegmatch(stripper,str) + else + return str + end +end + -- beginbfrange : <start> <stop> <firstcode> -- <start> <stop> [ <firstsequence> <firstsequence> <firstsequence> ] -- beginbfchar : <code> <newcodes> @@ -742,8 +788,8 @@ if img then do -- This can be made a bit faster (just get raw data and pass it) but I will -- do that later. In the end the benefit is probably neglectable. - local recompress = true local recompress = false + local stripmarked = false local copydictionary = nil local copyarray = nil @@ -765,10 +811,21 @@ if img then do local newimage = img.new + directives.register("graphics.pdf.recompress", function(v) recompress = v end) + directives.register("graphics.pdf.stripmarked", function(v) stripmarked = v end) + local function scaledbbox(b) return { b[1]*factor, b[2]*factor, b[3]*factor, b[4]*factor } end + local codecs = { + ASCIIHexDecode = true, + ASCII85Decode = true, + RunLengthDecode = true, + FlateDecode = true, + LZWDecode = true, + } + local function deepcopyobject(xref,copied,value) -- no need for tables, just nested loop with obj local objnum = xref[value] @@ -789,11 +846,12 @@ if img then do pdfflushobject(usednum,tostring(d)) elseif kind == stream_code then local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,entry) - if recompress then + local filter = d.Filter + if filter and codecs[filter] and recompress then -- recompress d.Filter = nil d.Length = nil - d.DecodeParms = nil -- not relevant + d.DecodeParms = nil -- relates to filter d.DL = nil -- needed? local s = entry() -- get uncompressed stream pdfflushstreamobject(s,d,true,usednum) -- compress stream @@ -952,6 +1010,7 @@ if img then do bleedbox = page.BleedBox or cropbox, trimbox = page.TrimBox or cropbox, artbox = page.ArtBox or cropbox, + rotation = page.Rotate or 0, } end end @@ -987,7 +1046,14 @@ if img then do -- we always recompress because image object streams can not be -- influenced (yet) if ctype == stream_code then - if recompress then + if stripmarked then + content = contents() -- uncompressed + local stripped = lpdf_epdf.stripcontent(content) + if stripped ~= content then + -- report("%i bytes stripped on page %i",#content-#stripped,pagenumber or 1) + content = stripped + end + elseif recompress then content = contents() -- uncompressed else local Filter = copyobject(xref,copied,contents,"Filter") @@ -1010,11 +1076,24 @@ if img then do end -- still not nice: we double wrap now plugins = nil + local rotation = pageinfo.rotation + local boundingbox = pageinfo.boundingbox + local transform = nil + if rotation == 90 then + transform = 3 + elseif rotation == 180 then + transform = 2 + elseif rotation == 270 then + transform = 1 + elseif rotation > 1 and rotation < 4 then + transform = rotation + end return newimage { - bbox = pageinfo.boundingbox, - nolength = nolength, - stream = content, -- todo: no compress, pass directly also length, filter etc - attr = xobject(), + bbox = boundingbox, + transform = transform, + nolength = nolength, + stream = content, -- todo: no compress, pass directly also length, filter etc + attr = xobject(), } end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-u3d.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-u3d.lua index dfd4c1b06..2a45a1eb5 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-u3d.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-u3d.lua @@ -347,6 +347,12 @@ end local stored_js, stored_3d, stored_pr, streams = { }, { }, { }, { } +local f_image = formatters["q /GS gs %.6F 0 0 %.6F 0 0 cm /IM Do Q"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_image = formatters["q /GS gs %.6N 0 0 %.6N 0 0 cm /IM Do Q"] +end) + local function insert3d(spec) -- width, height, factor, display, controls, label, foundname local width, height, factor = spec.width, spec.height, spec.factor or number.dimenfactors.bp @@ -461,7 +467,7 @@ local function insert3d(spec) -- width, height, factor, display, controls, label }, ProcSet = pdfarray { pdfconstant("PDF"), pdfconstant("ImageC") }, } - local pwd = pdfflushstreamobject(formatters["q /GS gs %.6F 0 0 %.6F 0 0 cm /IM Do Q"](factor*width,factor*height),pw) + local pwd = pdfflushstreamobject(f_image(factor*width,factor*height),pw) annot.AP = pdfdictionary { N = pdfreference(pwd) } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-wid.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-wid.lua index 11cd80623..5793fc723 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-wid.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-wid.lua @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ local gmatch, gsub, find, lower = string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.find, strin local stripstring = string.strip local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash -local sortedhash = table.sortedhash +local sortedhash, sortedkeys = table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys local report_media = logs.reporter("backend","media") local report_attachment = logs.reporter("backend","attachment") @@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ local attachment_symbols = { attachment_symbols.PushPin = attachment_symbols.Pushpin attachment_symbols.Default = attachment_symbols.Pushpin +function lpdf.attachmentsymbols() + return sortedkeys(comment_symbols) +end + local comment_symbols = { Comment = pdfconstant("Comment"), Help = pdfconstant("Help"), @@ -154,6 +158,10 @@ local comment_symbols = { comment_symbols.NewParagraph = Newparagraph comment_symbols.Default = Note +function lpdf.commentsymbols() + return sortedkeys(comment_symbols) +end + local function analyzesymbol(symbol,collection) if not symbol or symbol == "" then return collection and collection.Default, nil @@ -419,7 +427,8 @@ function codeinjections.attachmentid(filename) -- not used in context return filestreams[filename] end -local nofcomments, usepopupcomments = 0, false +local nofcomments = 0 +local usepopupcomments = false local defaultattributes = { ["xmlns"] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-run.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-run.lua index 3856575a9..4172201c2 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-run.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-run.lua @@ -115,6 +115,27 @@ local function wrapup_synctex() synctex.wrapup() end +-- For Taco ... + +local sequencers = utilities.sequencers +local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup +local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction +local wrapupactions = sequencers.new { } + +appendgroup(wrapupactions,"system") +appendgroup(wrapupactions,"user") + +local function wrapup_run() + local runner = wrapupactions.runner + if runner then + runner() + end +end + +function luatex.wrapup(action) + appendaction(wrapupactions,"user",action) +end + -- this can be done later callbacks.register('start_run', start_run, "actions performed at the beginning of a run") @@ -135,7 +156,7 @@ callbacks.register('process_output_buffer', false, "actions perf callbacks.register("pre_dump", pre_dump_actions, "lua related finalizers called before we dump the format") -- comes after \everydump callbacks.register("finish_synctex", wrapup_synctex, "rename temporary synctex file") -callbacks.register('wrapup_run', false, "actions performed after closing files") +callbacks.register('wrapup_run', wrapup_run, "actions performed after closing files") -- temp hack for testing: diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua index 0e8f2541c..adef0f0ce 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua @@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ end -- parameters -function lxml.setatt(id,name,value) +local function setatt(id,name,value) local e = getid(id) if e then local a = e.at @@ -2473,7 +2473,7 @@ function lxml.setatt(id,name,value) end end -function lxml.setpar(id,name,value) +local function setpar(id,name,value) local e = getid(id) if e then local p = e.pa @@ -2485,6 +2485,9 @@ function lxml.setpar(id,name,value) end end +lxml.setatt = setatt +lxml.setpar = setpar + function lxml.setattribute(id,pattern,name,value) local collected = xmlapplylpath(getid(id),pattern) if collected then diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.mkiv index 94d26fce7..ce0b37f4a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/math-ini.mkiv @@ -2481,13 +2481,12 @@ % I need to decide: % -%mathscriptboxmode \zerocount % no kerning -%mathscriptboxmode \plusone % lists -\mathscriptboxmode \plustwo % lists and boxes -\mathscriptcharmode\plusone % lists and boxes -%mathscriptboxmode \plusthree % lists and boxes with \boundary=1 (also for testing and demo) - -\mathrulethicknessmode\plusone +%mathscriptboxmode \zerocount % no kerning +%mathscriptboxmode \plusone % lists +\mathscriptboxmode \plustwo % lists and boxes +\mathscriptcharmode \plusone % lists and boxes +%mathscriptboxmode \plusthree % lists and boxes with \boundary=1 (also for testing and demo) +\mathrulethicknessmode\plusone % adaptive \unexpanded\def\mathtext {\mathortext{\math_text_choice_font\relax}\hbox} \unexpanded\def\mathword {\mathortext{\math_text_choice_word\relax}\hbox} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-blb.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-blb.lua index 76e9e3362..23d069d1e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-blb.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-blb.lua @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ local tonumber = tonumber local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local insert, remove = table.insert, table.remove +local formatters = string.formatters local topoints = number.topoints local mpprint = mp.print @@ -139,10 +140,15 @@ function mp.mf_blob_dimensions(category,i) end end -local f_f = string.formatters["%F"] local sxsy = metapost.sxsy local cm = metapost.cm +local f_f = formatters["%.6F"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_f = formatters["%.6N"] +end) + local function injectblob(object,blob) local sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty = cm(object) local wd, ht, dp = blob_raw_dimensions(blob) diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-pdf.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-pdf.lua index 4a185cebd..3060508b4 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-pdf.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-pdf.lua @@ -42,8 +42,13 @@ local mptopdf = metapost.mptopdf mptopdf.nofconverted = 0 -local f_translate = formatters["1 0 0 0 1 %F %F cm"] -- no %s due to 1e-035 issues -local f_concat = formatters["%F %F %F %F %F %F cm"] -- no %s due to 1e-035 issues +local f_translate = formatters["1 0 0 0 1 %.6F %.6F cm"] +local f_concat = formatters["%.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F %.6F cm"] + +directives.register("pdf.stripzeros",function() + f_translate = formatters["1 0 0 0 1 %.6N %.6N cm"] + f_concat = formatters["%.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N cm"] +end) local m_path, m_stack, m_texts, m_version, m_date, m_shortcuts = { }, { }, { }, 0, 0, false diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua index d032d291c..649d57c61 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ local function prepareddata(data,collapse) end end -metapost.use_one_pass = true -- Some day I will priune the code (still testing). +metapost.use_one_pass = true -- Some day I will prune the code (still testing). metapost.defaultformat = "metafun" metapost.defaultinstance = "metafun" diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua index 3f320bf7f..0c8581281 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-ini.lua @@ -105,6 +105,22 @@ function interfaces.getnamespace(n) return usednamespaces[n] .. ">" end +if documentdata then + + local prefix, getmacro + + function documentdata.variable(name) + if not prefix then + prefix = usednamespaces.variables .. ">document:" + end + if not getmacro then + getmacro = tokens.getters.macro + end + return getmacro(prefix..name) + end + +end + local function resolve(t,k) local v = logs.reporter(k) t[k] = v diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua index 1dd9b149a..9eaaa1850 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua @@ -182,6 +182,8 @@ return { "sixthargumentfalse", "sixthargumenttrue", "seventhargumentfalse", "seventhargumenttrue", -- + "vkern", "hkern", + -- "doglobal", "dodoglobal", "redoglobal", "resetglobal", -- "donothing", "dontcomplain", "forgetall", diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-bar.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-bar.mkiv index c4b3fca62..b67d6f14b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-bar.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-bar.mkiv @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ {\hpack to \hsize {\setuppositionbar[#1]% \usepositionbarstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color - \leaders\vrule\hskip\zeropoint\s!plus \numexpr\positionbarparameter\c!n-\positionbarparameter\c!min+\plusone\relax\s!fill + \leaders\vrule\hskip\zeropoint\s!plus\numexpr\positionbarparameter\c!n-\positionbarparameter\c!min+\plusone\relax\s!fill \vrule\s!width\zeropoint\s!height\positionbarparameter\c!height\s!depth\positionbarparameter\c!depth \hskip\zeropoint\s!plus \positionbarparameter\c!max\s!fill \hskip\zeropoint\s!plus-\positionbarparameter\c!n \s!fill}} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.mkiv index aeb5cb4f4..605dfdb02 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/pack-obj.mkiv @@ -65,14 +65,8 @@ \newconstant\c_pack_objects_offset_mode % 0=tex 1=box -\unexpanded\def\pack_objects_temp_check % this will go away - {\ifnum\texenginefunctionality<6401\relax - \c_pack_objects_offset_mode\zerocount - \fi} - \unexpanded\def\pack_objects_set_yes#1#2% - {\pack_objects_temp_check % this will go away - \ifcase\c_pack_objects_offset_mode + {\ifcase\c_pack_objects_offset_mode \ifzeropt\objectoff \pack_objects_package_nop\nextbox \else @@ -86,8 +80,7 @@ \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\pack_objects_set_nop#1#2% - {\pack_objects_temp_check % this will go away - \ifcase\c_pack_objects_offset_mode + {\ifcase\c_pack_objects_offset_mode \ifzeropt\objectoff \pack_objects_package_nop\nextbox \else diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-box.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-box.mkvi index 083a94390..6da75b781 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-box.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-box.mkvi @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ \unprotect -%D The often two step approach (_indeed) saves skippign tokens +%D The often two step approach (_indeed) saves skipping tokens %D which is nicer for tracing. %D Centering the paper area on the print area is determined @@ -252,10 +252,7 @@ {\setbox#1\vpack to \paperheight {\hsize\paperwidth \vskip\topspace - \doifbothsides - {\hskip\backspace} - {\hskip\backspace} - {\hskip\dimexpr\paperwidth-\backspace-\makeupwidth\relax}% + \hskip\doifbothsides\backspace\backspace{\dimexpr\paperwidth-\backspace-\makeupwidth\relax}% \box#1}% \dp#1\zeropoint} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-ffl.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-ffl.mkiv index 5536371a7..e94bffa64 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-ffl.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-ffl.mkiv @@ -84,26 +84,29 @@ \def\strc_floats_facing_flush {\ifnum\c_strc_floats_flushed<\c_strc_floats_saved - \global\advance\c_strc_floats_flushed\plusone - \floatingpenalty\zerocount - \insert\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat\bgroup - \forgetall - \ifconditional\c_page_one_top_of_insert - \ifconditional\c_page_one_correct_top_insert - \topskipcorrection % [xx] new: see icare topbleed - \kern-\lineskip - \par - \prevdepth\maxdimen - \fi + \strc_floats_facing_flush_indeed % less tracing + \fi} + +\def\strc_floats_facing_flush_indeed + {\global\advance\c_strc_floats_flushed\plusone + \floatingpenalty\zerocount + \insert\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat\bgroup + \forgetall + \ifconditional\c_page_one_top_of_insert + \ifconditional\c_page_one_correct_top_insert + \topskipcorrection % [xx] new: see icare topbleed + \kern-\lineskip + \par + \prevdepth\maxdimen \fi - \directboxfromcache{\currentfacingfloat}{\number\c_strc_floats_flushed}% - \vskip\s_page_one_between_top_insert - \egroup - \ifnum\c_strc_floats_saved=\c_strc_floats_flushed - \global\c_strc_floats_saved \zerocount - \global\c_strc_floats_flushed\zerocount - \resetboxesincache{\currentfacingfloat}% \fi + \directboxfromcache{\currentfacingfloat}{\number\c_strc_floats_flushed}% + \vskip\s_page_one_between_top_insert + \egroup + \ifnum\c_strc_floats_saved=\c_strc_floats_flushed + \global\c_strc_floats_saved \zerocount + \global\c_strc_floats_flushed\zerocount + \resetboxesincache{\currentfacingfloat}% \fi} \unexpanded\def\strc_floats_facing_setup diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inf.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inf.mkiv index 2064f9f25..d6a7635f9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inf.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-inf.mkiv @@ -122,4 +122,6 @@ \setupversion % resets [\v!final] +\let\page_info_add_to_box\gobbleoneargument + \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-one.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-one.mkiv index 27b5ae022..bfd0a2838 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-one.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-one.mkiv @@ -313,38 +313,44 @@ \unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_top_insertions {\ifvoid\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat\else - \ifgridsnapping - \box\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat - \vskip-\topskip - \vskip\strutheight % [xx] new: see icare topbleed - \else - \ifcase\c_page_floats_insertions_topskip_mode - % 0: default, do nothing - \or - % 1: no topskip (crossed fingers) - \vskip-\topskip - \vskip\strutheight - \fi - \unvbox\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat - \fi + \page_one_command_flush_top_insertions_indeed % less tracing \fi \global\d_page_floats_inserted_top\zeropoint} +\def\page_one_command_flush_top_insertions_indeed + {\ifgridsnapping + \box\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat + \vskip-\topskip + \vskip\strutheight % [xx] new: see icare topbleed + \else + \ifcase\c_page_floats_insertions_topskip_mode + % 0: default, do nothing + \or + % 1: no topskip (crossed fingers) + \vskip-\topskip + \vskip\strutheight + \fi + \unvbox\namedinsertionnumber\s!topfloat + \fi} + \unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_bottom_insertions {\ifvoid\namedinsertionnumber\s!bottomfloat\else - \ifgridsnapping - % \floatparameter\c!bottombefore - \snaptogrid\hbox{\box\namedinsertionnumber\s!bottomfloat}% - % \floatparameter\c!bottomafter - \else - \floatparameter\c!bottombefore - \unvbox\namedinsertionnumber\s!bottomfloat - \floatparameter\c!bottomafter - \fi + \page_one_command_flush_bottom_insertions_indeed \fi \global\d_page_floats_inserted_bottom\zeropoint \global\setfalse\c_page_floats_not_permitted} +\def\page_one_command_flush_bottom_insertions_indeed + {\ifgridsnapping + % \floatparameter\c!bottombefore + \snaptogrid\hbox{\box\namedinsertionnumber\s!bottomfloat}% + % \floatparameter\c!bottomafter + \else + \floatparameter\c!bottombefore + \unvbox\namedinsertionnumber\s!bottomfloat + \floatparameter\c!bottomafter + \fi} + \unexpanded\def\page_one_command_flush_floats {\global\settrue\c_page_floats_flushing \ifconditional\c_page_floats_some_waiting diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-spr.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-spr.mkiv index dc1e013d5..f57b804b3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-spr.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-spr.mkiv @@ -40,9 +40,15 @@ \normalsettextpagecontent_normal{#1}% \fi} +% \def\normalsettextpagecontent_normal#1% +% {\setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth +% {\hss\box#1\hss}} % never change the \hss's + \def\normalsettextpagecontent_normal#1% - {\setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth - {\hss\box#1\hss}} % never change the \hss's + {\ifdim\wd#1=\makeupwidth\else + \setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth + {\hss\box#1\hss}% never change the \hss's + \fi} \def\normalsettextpagecontent_spread#1% {\setbox#1\hbox to \makeupwidth diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-bar.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-bar.mkvi index 7634398f8..0c320cd03 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-bar.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-bar.mkvi @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ \setbox2\hbox{\inheritedinteractionbarframed{\symbol[\interactionparameter\c!symbolset][\v!previouspage]}}% \scratchheight\ht2 % needed because we default to nothing \letinteractionbarparameter\c!strut\v!no - \letinteractionparameter\c!width\zeropoint + % \letinteractionparameter\c!width\zeropoint \scratchcounterone\zerocount % new, was 1 \processallactionsinset [#list] diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ini.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ini.mkvi index e1be43f37..557ceb563 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ini.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-ini.mkvi @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ \to \everyjob % it makes no sense to create an environment as we will seldom have structured -% interactionso a general start-stop will do +% interactions so a general start-stop will do % % \appendtoks % \setuevalue \currentinteraction {\scrn_interaction_direct{\currentinteraction}}% diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-wid.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-wid.mkvi index c74125c72..d1571ca65 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-wid.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/scrn-wid.mkvi @@ -212,11 +212,10 @@ name {\attachmentparameter\c!name}% buffer {\attachmentparameter\c!buffer}% \relax - \setbox\b_scrn_attachment_link\hbox{\scrn_attachment_place}% \wd\b_scrn_attachment_link\currentattachmentwidth \ht\b_scrn_attachment_link\currentattachmentheight \dp\b_scrn_attachment_link\currentattachmentdepth - \box\b_scrn_attachment_link} + \expandnamespaceparameter\??attachmentlocation\attachmentparameter\c!location\s!unknown} \setvalue{\??attachmentmethod\v!hidden}% {\clf_insertattachment @@ -231,29 +230,48 @@ buffer {\attachmentparameter\c!buffer}% \relax} -\def\scrn_attachment_place - {\executeifdefined - {\??attachmentlocation\attachmentparameter\c!location}\hbox - {\box\b_scrn_attachment_link}} - -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!inmargin }{\inmargin } -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!leftedge }{\inleftedge } -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!rightedge }{\inrightedge } -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!leftmargin }{\inleftmargin } -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!rightmargin}{\inrightmargin} -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!high }{\high} -\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!none }{\scrn_attachment_collect} -%setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!text }{\gobblenextargument} % gobbles the box - -\def\scrn_attachment_collect#content% +\unexpanded\def\scrn_attachment_flush_traced + {\hpack\bgroup + \blackrule % can be a fast one + [ \c!color=trace:r, + \c!width=\wd\b_scrn_attachment_link, + \c!height=\ht\b_scrn_attachment_link, + \c!depth=\dp\b_scrn_attachment_link]% + \kern-\wd\b_scrn_attachment_link + \box\b_scrn_attachment_link + \egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\scrn_attachment_flush_normal + {\box\b_scrn_attachment_link} + +\installtextracker + {attachments.anchors} + {\let\scrn_attachment_flush\scrn_attachment_flush_traced} + {\let\scrn_attachment_flush\scrn_attachment_flush_normal} + +\let\scrn_attachment_flush\scrn_attachment_flush_normal + +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!inmargin }{\inmargin {\scrn_attachment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!leftedge }{\inleftedge {\scrn_attachment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!rightedge }{\inrightedge {\scrn_attachment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!leftmargin }{\inleftmargin {\scrn_attachment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!rightmargin}{\inrightmargin{\scrn_attachment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!high }{\high {\scrn_attachment_flush}} + +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\v!none}% {\global\setbox\b_scrn_attachment_collect\hbox\bgroup \ifvoid\b_scrn_attachment_collect\else \box\b_scrn_attachment_collect \hskip\attachmentparameter\c!distance\relax \fi - #content% + \scrn_attachment_flush \egroup} +\setvalue{\??attachmentlocation\s!unknown}% + {\ifvoid\b_scrn_attachment_collect\else + \box\b_scrn_attachment_collect + \fi} + \unexpanded\def\placeattachments {\ifvoid\b_scrn_attachment_collect\else \box\b_scrn_attachment_collect @@ -317,7 +335,7 @@ % % test % -% \startcomment[symbol=Balloon] +% \startcomment[symbol=Help] % Do we want this kind of rubish? % \stopcomment % @@ -360,6 +378,9 @@ % % test +%D The implementation is mostly the same as for attachments but sharing code +%D will not make it cleaner. + \installcorenamespace{comment} \installcorenamespace{commentlocation} @@ -489,17 +510,37 @@ \dp\b_scrn_comment_link\currentcommentdepth \expandnamespaceparameter\??commentlocation\commentparameter\c!location\s!unknown} -\setvalue{\??commentmethods\v!hidden}% - {} +\letvalue{\??commentmethods\v!hidden}\donothing + +\unexpanded\def\scrn_comment_flush_traced + {\hpack\bgroup + \blackrule % can be a fast one + [ \c!color=trace:y, + \c!width=\wd\b_scrn_comment_link, + \c!height=\ht\b_scrn_comment_link, + \c!depth=\dp\b_scrn_comment_link]% + \kern-\wd\b_scrn_comment_link + \box\b_scrn_comment_link + \egroup} + +\unexpanded\def\scrn_comment_flush_normal + {\box\b_scrn_comment_link} + +\installtextracker + {comments.anchors} + {\let\scrn_comment_flush\scrn_comment_flush_traced} + {\let\scrn_comment_flush\scrn_comment_flush_normal} + +\let\scrn_comment_flush\scrn_comment_flush_normal % todo: dedicated margin classes -\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!inmargin }{\inmargin {\box\b_scrn_comment_link}} -\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!leftedge }{\inleftedge {\box\b_scrn_comment_link}} -\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!rightedge }{\inrightedge {\box\b_scrn_comment_link}} -\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!leftmargin }{\inleftmargin {\box\b_scrn_comment_link}} -\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!rightmargin}{\inrightmargin{\box\b_scrn_comment_link}} -\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!high }{\high {\box\b_scrn_comment_link}} +\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!inmargin }{\inmargin {\scrn_comment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!leftedge }{\inleftedge {\scrn_comment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!rightedge }{\inrightedge {\scrn_comment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!leftmargin }{\inleftmargin {\scrn_comment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!rightmargin}{\inrightmargin{\scrn_comment_flush}} +\setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!high }{\high {\scrn_comment_flush}} \setvalue{\??commentlocation\v!none}% {\global\setbox\b_scrn_comment_collect\hbox\bgroup @@ -507,7 +548,7 @@ \box\b_scrn_comment_collect \hskip\commentparameter\c!distance\relax \fi - \box\b_scrn_comment_link + \scrn_comment_flush \egroup} \setvalue{\??commentlocation\s!unknown}% diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf Binary files differindex f414d857d..c407fddcb 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf Binary files differindex f96272c5a..14b339771 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-lst.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-lst.mkvi index dd4c40ea4..7bc859b67 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-lst.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-lst.mkvi @@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ \appendtoks \dontcomplain - \letinteractionparameter\c!width\zeropoint % a weird one + % \letinteractionparameter\c!width\zeropoint % a weird one \to \t_lists_every_renderingsetup \appendtoks diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua index 3874573e7..0acfab7f7 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua @@ -1826,8 +1826,7 @@ local nofidentified = 0 local function identify(prefix,reference) if not reference then - prefix = "" - reference = prefix + prefix, reference = "", prefix end local set = resolve(prefix,reference) local bug = false diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv index 2a2e891dc..953f86360 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv @@ -1008,6 +1008,12 @@ \lineskip = 1pt \lineskiplimit = 0pt +%D Sometimes kerns make more sense than glue but we need to be in the +%D right mode: + +\normalprotected\def\vkern{\ifhmode\par \fi\kern} +\normalprotected\def\hkern{\ifvmode\dontleavehmode\fi\kern} + %D Again a few kind-of-extensions the core. These come from plain \TEX\ but %D are probably not used in \CONTEXT. diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-set.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-set.mkiv index 1763de687..c6b0c8841 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-set.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/type-set.mkiv @@ -132,4 +132,6 @@ \definefilesynonym [type-imp-stixtwo.mkiv] [type-imp-stix.mkiv] +\definefilesynonym [type-imp-ibmplex.mkiv] [type-imp-plex.mkiv] + \protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua index 48c265659..f090bce55 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/util-str.lua @@ -1022,6 +1022,22 @@ end -- +-- local strip +-- +-- local format_Z = function(f) +-- n = n + 1 +-- if not f or f == "" then +-- f = ".9" +-- end +-- return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or (strip and lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s))) or format('%%%sf',a%s))",n,n,f,n,f,n) +-- end +-- +-- function strings.stripformatterzeros() +-- strip = true +-- end + +-- + local format_rest = function(s) return format("%q",s) -- catches " and \n and such end @@ -1155,6 +1171,7 @@ local builder = Cs { "start", ["M"] = (prefix_any * P("M")) / format_M, -- %M => xxx,xxx,xxx.xx (optional prefix instead of ,) -- ["z"] = (prefix_any * P("z")) / format_z, -- %z => skip n arguments + -- ["Z"] = (prefix_any * P("Z")) / format_Z, -- %Z => optionally strip zeros -- ["a"] = (prefix_any * P("a")) / format_a, -- %a => '...' (forces tostring) ["A"] = (prefix_any * P("A")) / format_A, -- %A => "..." (forces tostring) diff --git a/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-plex.mkiv b/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-plex.mkiv index 32e5cb41f..99b099474 100644 --- a/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-plex.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/fonts/mkiv/type-imp-plex.mkiv @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ %D version=2018.09.11, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Typescript Macros, %D subtitle=Plex fonts, -%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D author={Hans Hagen & Taco Hoekwater}, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C @@ -21,24 +21,31 @@ \loadtypescriptfile[bookman] - \starttypescriptcollection[plex] - \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexserif] [IBMPlexSerif] - \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexsans] [IBMPlexSans] - \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexmono] [IBMPlexMono] + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexserif] [IBMPlexSerif] + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexsans] [IBMPlexSans] + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexmono] [IBMPlexMono] + + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexserifnarrow] [IBMPlexSerif] + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexsansnarrow] [IBMPlexSansCondensed] + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexmonnarrow] [IBMPlexMono] - \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexserif] [\s!default] - \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexsans] [\s!default] - \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexmono] [\s!none] + \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexserif] [\s!default] + \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexsans] [\s!default] + \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexmono] [\s!none] + + \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexserifnarrow] [\s!default] + \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexsansnarrow] [\s!default] + \definetypescriptprefix [f:plexmononarrow] [\s!none] % [THIN|light|TEXT||medium|semibold|bold|extra] \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [plex-thin,plex-hairline] [\s!name] \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-thin] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] - \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-text] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-thinitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-text] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-text] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \stoptypescript @@ -47,8 +54,8 @@ \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [plex-light] [\s!name] \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-light] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] - \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-regular] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-lightitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-regular] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-italic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \stoptypescript @@ -57,8 +64,8 @@ \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [plex-text] [\s!name] \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-text] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] - \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-medium] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-textitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-medium] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-mediumitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \stoptypescript @@ -67,8 +74,8 @@ \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [plex] [\s!name] \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-regular] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] - \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-italic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibolditalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \stoptypescript @@ -77,8 +84,8 @@ \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [plex-medium] [\s!name] \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-medium] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] - \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-bold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-mediumitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-bold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-bolditalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \stoptypescript @@ -87,12 +94,126 @@ \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [plex-semibold,plex-dark,plex-black] [\s!name] \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] - \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-extra] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibolditalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-extra] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-extraitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] \stoptypescript \starttypescript[plex,plex-thin,plex-hairline,plex-light,plex-text,plex-medium,plex-semibold,plex-dark,plex-black] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [bookman] [\s!default] [\s!rscale=1.03] + \stoptypescript + + % Here's Taco's variant as used in the ConTeXt Group Journal. + + \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [ibmplex-thin,ibmplexnarrow-thin] [\s!name] + \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-thin] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-thinitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-text] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-textitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [ibmplex-extralight,ibmplexnarrow-extralight] [\s!name] + \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-extralight] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-extralightitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-medium] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-mediumitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [ibmplex-light,ibmplexnarrow-light] [\s!name] + \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-light] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-lightitalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibolditalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript [\s!sans,\s!serif,\s!mono] [ibmplex,ibmplexnarrow-light] [\s!name] + \setups[\s!font:\s!fallback:\typescriptone] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-regular] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Italic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-italic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-bold] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!BoldItalic] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-bolditalic] [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}] + \stoptypescript + + % For now, as some day plex will have cjk, hebrew, devanagari and arabic. The abstraction is not needed but + % this way we can add more id needed without much code. + + \definetypescriptprefix [tf:plexsans] [SansHebrewFallback] + \definetypescriptprefix [bf:plexsans] [SansHebrewFallbackBold] + + \definetypescriptprefix [n:plexsans-hebrew] [IBMPlexSansHebrew] + + \definefontfallback [SansHebrewFallback] [SansHebrew] [0x0590-0x05ff] [check=yes,force=no] + \definefontfallback [SansHebrewFallbackBold] [SansHebrewBold] [0x0590-0x05ff] [check=yes,force=no] + + \starttypescript [\s!sans] [ibmplex-thin] [\s!name] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-extralight] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{tf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-medium] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{bf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-extralight] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-medium] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript [\s!sans] [ibmplex-extralight] [\s!name] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-thin] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{tf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-text] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{bf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-thin] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-text] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript [\s!sans] [ibmplex-light] [\s!name] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-light] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{tf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-semibold] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{bf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-light] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-semibold] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript [\s!sans] [ibmplex] [\s!name] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-regular] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{tf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone}-bold] + [\s!features=\typescriptprefix{f:plex\typescriptone}, + \s!fallbacks=\typescriptprefix{bf:plex\typescriptone}] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-regular] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \definefontsynonym [\typescriptprefix{\typescriptone}Hebrew\s!Bold] [\s!file:\typescriptprefix{n:plex\typescriptone-hebrew}-bold] + [\s!features=hebrew] + \stoptypescript + + % The main definition, inspired by discussion at the 2018 ConTeXt meeting after a talk by Taco. Here + % we default to sans serif. Taco: take your choice of math! + + \starttypescript[ibmplex,ibmplex-thin,ibmplex-extralight,ibmplex-light] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] + \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!mm] [\s!math] [bookman] [\s!default] [\s!rscale=1.03] + \stoptypescript + + \starttypescript[ibmplexnarrow,ibmplexnarrow-thin,ibmplexnarrow-extralight,ibmplexnarrow-light] \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!ss] [\s!sans] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!rm] [\s!serif] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [\s!tt] [\s!mono] [\typescriptone] [\s!default] diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml index 953061e4f..a0c7c4138 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/context-en.xml @@ -27358,6 +27358,18 @@ </cd:command> </cd:interface> <cd:interface file="i-pagestate.xml"> + <cd:command file="spac-pag.mkiv" level="system" name="signalrightpage"/> + <cd:command file="spac-pag.mkiv" level="system" name="doifelserightpage"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:true"/> + </cd:keywords> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:false"/> + </cd:keywords> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + <cd:command file="spac-pag.mkiv" level="system" name="rightpageorder"/> <cd:command file="core-dat.mkiv" level="system" name="definepagestate"> <cd:arguments> <cd:keywords> @@ -27417,6 +27429,38 @@ </cd:keywords> </cd:arguments> </cd:command> + <cd:command file="core-dat.mkiv" level="system" name="pagestaterealpageorder"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:name"/> + </cd:keywords> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:name"/> + <cd:constant type="cd:number"/> + </cd:keywords> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + <cd:command file="core-dat.mkiv" level="system" name="autopagestaterealpage"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:name"/> + </cd:keywords> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + <cd:command file="core-dat.mkiv" level="system" name="setautopagestaterealpageno"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:name"/> + </cd:keywords> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + <cd:command file="core-dat.mkiv" level="system" name="autopagestaterealpageorder"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:name"/> + </cd:keywords> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> </cd:interface> <cd:interface file="i-pagemarks.xml"> <cd:command file="page-ini.mkiv" level="style" name="markpage"> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf Binary files differindex d78642a78..4fd1e2ad7 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf +++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-pagestate.xml b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-pagestate.xml index 941068399..e705ba7e7 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-pagestate.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-pagestate.xml @@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ <cd:interface xmlns:cd="http://www.pragma-ade.com/commands"> + <cd:command name="signalrightpage" level="system" file="spac-pag.mkiv"/> + + <cd:command name="doifelserightpage" level="system" file="spac-pag.mkiv"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:resolve name="argument-true"/> + <cd:resolve name="argument-false"/> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + + <cd:command name="rightpageorder" level="system" file="spac-pag.mkiv"/> + <cd:command name="definepagestate" level="system" file="core-dat.mkiv"> <cd:arguments> <cd:resolve name="keyword-name"/> @@ -56,4 +67,32 @@ </cd:arguments> </cd:command> -</cd:interface>
\ No newline at end of file + <cd:command name="pagestaterealpageorder" level="system" file="core-dat.mkiv"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:resolve name="argument-name"/> + <cd:keywords delimiters="braces"> + <cd:constant type="cd:name"/> + <cd:constant type="cd:number"/> + </cd:keywords> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + + <cd:command name="autopagestaterealpage" level="system" file="core-dat.mkiv"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:resolve name="argument-name"/> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + + <cd:command name="setautopagestaterealpageno" level="system" file="core-dat.mkiv"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:resolve name="argument-name"/> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + + <cd:command name="autopagestaterealpageorder" level="system" file="core-dat.mkiv"> + <cd:arguments> + <cd:resolve name="argument-name"/> + </cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + +</cd:interface> diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf Binary files differindex fc5776c35..7cc223ff7 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf +++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.lua b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.lua index de8d032c8..39a0d987b 100644 --- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.lua +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['m-asymptote'] = { version = 1.001, - comment = "companion to m-pstricks.mkiv", + comment = "companion to m-asymptote.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.mkiv index c236ceee5..9cd4037fb 100644 --- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-asymptote.mkiv @@ -76,51 +76,51 @@ \starttext \startasymptote[demo-1] -settings.prc=true; +settings.prc = true ; -import graph3; -import palette; +import graph3 ; +import palette ; -size(6cm,6cm); -size3(5cm,0); +size(6cm,6cm) ; +size3(5cm,0) ; -currentprojection=orthographic(3,-6,12); -currentlight=light(8,10,2); +currentprojection = orthographic(3,-6,12) ; +currentlight = light(8,10,2) ; -real g(pair z) {return 1-z.x^2-z.y^2;} -real f(pair z) {return -2z.x+2;} +real g(pair z) { return 1-z.x^2-z.y^2 ; } +real f(pair z) { return -2z.x+2 ; } -real x(real t) {return t;} -real y(real t) {return 0;} -real z(real t) {return 1-t^2;} -real a(real t) {return 1;} -real b(real t) {return t;} -real c(real t) {return -t^2;} +real x(real t) { return t ; } +real y(real t) { return 0 ; } +real z(real t) { return 1-t^2 ; } +real a(real t) { return 1 ; } +real b(real t) { return t ; } +real c(real t) { return -t^2 ; } -path3 p=graph(x,y,z,-2,2,operator ..); -path3 o=graph(a,b,c,-2,2,operator ..); +path3 p=graph(x,y,z,-2,2,operator ..) ; +path3 o=graph(a,b,c,-2,2,operator ..) ; -surface r=surface(f,(0,-1),(2,1),nx=3,Spline); -surface s=surface(g,(-2,-2),(2,2),nx=5,Spline); +surface r = surface(f, (0,-1), (2,1), nx = 3, Spline) ; +surface s = surface(g, (-2,-2), (2,2), nx = 5, Spline) ; -path3 q=(-2,-2,-7)--(2,-2,-7)--(2,2,-7)--(-2,2,-7)--cycle; +path3 q = (-2,-2,-7) -- (2,-2,-7) -- (2,2,-7) -- (-2,2,-7) -- cycle ; -draw(q); +draw(q) ; -draw(p,blue+thick(),Arrow3); -draw(o,blue+thick(),Arrow3); +draw(p, blue+thick(), Arrow3) ; +draw(o, blue+thick(), Arrow3) ; -draw(s,lightgray+opacity(0.8),nolight,meshpen=black+thick()); -draw(r,lightgray+opacity(0.8),nolight,meshpen=black+thick()); +draw(s, lightgray + opacity(0.8), nolight, meshpen = black + thick()) ; +draw(r, lightgray + opacity(0.8), nolight, meshpen = black + thick()) ; -draw((1,0,0)--(2,0,-2),black,Arrow3); -draw((1,0,0)--(1,1,0),black,Arrow3); +draw((1,0,0) -- (2,0,-2), black, Arrow3) ; +draw((1,0,0) -- (1,1,0), black, Arrow3) ; \stopasymptote \startasymptote[demo-2] -size(6cm,6cm); +size(6cm,6cm) ; -fill((1cm,2cm)--(3cm,3cm)--(4cm,0cm)--cycle); +fill((1cm,2cm) -- (3cm,3cm) -- (4cm,0cm) -- cycle); \stopasymptote % see end of grph-inc.mkiv for some more options: diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv index 0c258a860..eaac6ecae 100644 --- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/m-scite.mkiv @@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ visualizers.register("cld", visualizer) visualizers.register("tex", visualizer) visualizers.register("lua", visualizer) visualizers.register("mps", visualizer) +visualizers.register("pdf", visualizer) visualizers.register("xml", visualizer) visualizers.register("bibtex",visualizer) visualizers.register("btx", visualizer) @@ -306,6 +307,7 @@ visualizers.register("json", visualizer) \definetyping[BTX] [option=bibtex] \definetyping[MPS] [option=mps] \definetyping[MP] [option=mps] +\definetyping[PDF] [option=pdf] \definetyping[CPP] [option=web] \definetyping[WEB] [option=web] \definetyping[TXT] [option=txt] diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-charts.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-charts.mkiv index e94b52a2e..50cd589e4 100644 --- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-charts.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-fonts-charts.mkiv @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ % % title : show unicode blocks % -% comment : show charts of a given fgont +% comment : show charts of a given font % % end info diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-references-identify.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-references-identify.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85187be9d --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/s-references-identify.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=s-references-identity, +%D version=2018.09.15, +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, +%D subtitle=Analyze References, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +% begin info +% +% title : analyze reference +% +% comment : show the building blocks of a reference (list) +% +% end info + +\startmodule[references-identify] + +\startluacode + +moduledata.references = moduledata.references or { } + +local context = context +local NC, NR = context.NC, context.NR +local bold = context.bold +local text = context + +function moduledata.references.show(str) + local t = structures.references.identify(str) + context.starttabulate { "|T|T|T|" } + for i=1,#t do + if i == 1 then + context.FL() + else + context.ML() + end + local ti = t[i] + NC() bold(i) NC() bold("reference") NC() bold(ti.reference) NC() NR() + NC() NC() text("kind") NC() text(ti.kind) NC() NR() + NC() NC() text("operation") NC() text(ti.operation) NC() NR() + NC() NC() text("arguments") NC() text(ti.arguments) NC() NR() + NC() NC() text("special") NC() text(ti.special) NC() NR() + end + context.LL() + context.stoptabulate() +end + +\stopluacode + +\installmodulecommandluasingle \showreference {moduledata.references.show} + +\stopmodule + +\continueifinputfile{s-references-identify.mkiv} + +\usemodule[art-01] + +\starttext + + \showreference[page(123),StartMovie{mymovie}] + \showreference[JS(Forget_Changes),CloseDocument] + \showreference[manual::contents] + +\stoptext diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-setups-basics.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-setups-basics.mkiv index be96466b8..422877bc2 100644 --- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-setups-basics.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-setups-basics.mkiv @@ -517,7 +517,8 @@ \fi} \def\cmd_show_setup_nop#1% this will trigger 'used' - {\registersort[texcommand][#1]% + {\begingroup + \registersort[texcommand][#1]% \ifconditional\c_cmd_show_setup \writestatus{setup}{#1 / \rawsynonymname{texcommand}{#1}}% \fi @@ -534,7 +535,8 @@ \let\m_cmd_instance\empty \fi \stopelement - \stopelement} + \stopelement + \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\placesetup {\placelistofsorts[texcommand][\c!criterium=\v!used]} \unexpanded\def\placeallsetups{\placelistofsorts[texcommand][\c!criterium=\v!all ]} diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua index 2e4e2fd03..9cc067cb3 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua --- merge date : 09/13/18 17:41:02 +-- merge date : 09/21/18 19:52:37 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference |