path: root/tex/context/base/supp-vis.tex
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1 files changed, 1908 insertions, 1908 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-vis.tex b/tex/context/base/supp-vis.tex
index db28c77a5..54dc4779b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/supp-vis.tex
+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-vis.tex
@@ -1,1908 +1,1908 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=supp-vis,
-%D version=1996.10.21,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
-%D subtitle=Visualization,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
-%C granted.
-%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExample% private typeseting macro
-%D {\startregelcorrectie
-%D \bgroup
-%D \steltypenin[marge=0pt,optie=kleur]
-%D \showmakeup
-%D \centeredvcuetrue
-%D \dontinterfere
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \normalvbox
-%D {\normalhbox to \hsize
-%D {$\hsize=.5\hsize
-%D \advance\hsize by -.5em
-%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\haalbuffer}}\normalhss
-%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\dontshowcomposition\typebuffer}}$}}
-%D \egroup
-%D \stopregelcorrectie}
-%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExampleBox% private typeseting macro
-%D {\startregelcorrectie
-%D \bgroup
-%D \steltypenin[marge=0pt,optie=kleur]
-%D \showmakeup
-%D \centeredvcuetrue
-%D \dontinterfere
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \normalvbox
-%D {\normalhbox to \hsize
-%D {$\hsize=.5\hsize
-%D \advance\hsize by -.5em
-%D \normalvcenter{\baselineruletrue\vbox{\haalbuffer}}\normalhss
-%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\dontshowcomposition\typebuffer}}$}}
-%D \egroup
-%D \stopregelcorrectie}
-%D Although an integral part of \CONTEXT, this module is one
-%D of the support modules. Its stand alone character permits
-%D use in \PLAIN\ \TEX\ or \TEX\ based macropackages.
-%D \ifCONTEXT \else If in some examples the verbatim listings
-%D don't show up nice, this is due to processing by a system
-%D that does not support buffering. In \CONTEXT\ we show the
-%D commands in the margin, use bit more advanced way of
-%D numbering, and typeset the source in \TEX nicolored
-%D verbatim. Sorry for this inconvenience.\fi
-%D This module is still in development. Depending on my
-%D personal need and those of whoever uses it, the macros will
-%D be improved in terms of visualization, efficiency and
-%D compatibility.
-\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \fi
-%D One of the strong points of \TEX\ is abstraction of textual
-%D input. When macros are defined well and do what we
-%D want them to do, we will seldom need the tools present in
-%D What You See Is What You Get systems. For instance, when
-%D entering text we don't need rulers, because no manual
-%D shifting and/or alignment of text is needed. On the other
-%D hand, when we are designing macros or specifying layout
-%D elements, some insight in \TEX's advanced spacing, kerning,
-%D filling, boxing and punishment abilities will be handy.
-%D That's why we've implemented a mechanism that shows some of
-%D the inner secrets of \TEX.
-\writestatus{loading}{Context Support Macros / Visualization}
-%D In this module we are going to redefine some \TEX\
-%D primitives and \PLAIN\ macro's. Their original meaning is
-%D saved in macros with corresponding names, preceded by
-%D \type{normal}. These original macros are (1)~used to
-%D temporary restore the old values when needed and
-%D (2)~used to prevent recursive calls in the macros that
-%D replace them.
-%D \macros
-%D {dontinterfere}
-%D {}
-%D Indentation, left and/or right skips, redefinition of
-%D \type{\par} and assignments to \type{\everypar} can lead to
-%D unwanted results. We can therefore turn all those things
-%D off with \type{\dontinterfere}.
- {\everypar = {}%
- \let\par = \endgraf
- \parindent = \!!zeropoint
- \parskip = \!!zeropoint
- \leftskip = \!!zeropoint
- \rightskip = \!!zeropoint
- \relax}
-%D \macros
-%D {dontcomplain}
-%D {}
-%D In this module we do a lot of box manipulations. Because we
-%D don't want to be confronted with to many over- and underfull
-%D messages we introduce \type{\dontcomplain}.
- {\hbadness = \!!tenthousand
- \hfuzz = \maxdimen
- \vbadness = \!!tenthousand
- \vfuzz = \maxdimen}
-%D \macros
-%D {normaloffinterlineskip}
-%D {}
-%D The next hack is needed because in \CONTEXT\ we redefine
-%D \type{\offinterlineskip}.
- \let\normaloffinterlineskip=\offinterlineskip
-%D \macros
-%D {normalhbox,
-%D normalvbox,normalvtop}
-%D {}
-%D There are three types of boxes, one horizontal and two
-%D vertical in nature. As we will see later on, all three types
-%D are to be handled according to their orientation and
-%D baseline behavior. Especially \type{\vtop}'s need our
-%D special attention.
-\let\normalhbox = \hbox
-\let\normalvbox = \vbox
-\let\normalvtop = \vtop
-\let\normalvcenter = \vcenter
-%D \macros
-%D {normalhskip,
-%D normalvskip}
-%D {}
-%D Next come the flexible skips, which come in two flavors
-%D too. Like boxes these are handled with \TEX\ primitives.
-\let\normalhskip = \hskip
-\let\normalvskip = \vskip
-%D \macros
-%D {normalpenalty,
-%D normalkern}
-%D {}
-%D Both penalties and kerns are taken care of by mode sensitive
-%D primitives. This means that when making them visible, we
-%D have to take the current mode into account.
-\let\normalpenalty = \penalty
-\let\normalkern = \kern
-%D \macros
-%D {normalhglue,
-%D normalvglue}
-%D {}
-%D Glues on the other hand are macro's defined in \PLAIN\ \TEX.
-%D As we will see, their definitions make the implementation of
-%D their visible counterparts a bit more \TeX{}nical.
-\let\normalhglue = \hglue
-\let\normalvglue = \vglue
-%D \macros
-%D {normalmkern,
-%D normalmskip}
-%D {}
-%D Math mode has its own spacing primitives, preceded by
-%D \type{m}. Due to the relation with the current font and the
-%D way math is typeset, their unit \type{mu} is not compatible
-%D with other dimensions. As a result, the visual appearance
-%D of these primitives is kept primitive too.
-\let\normalmkern = \mkern
-\let\normalmskip = \mskip
-%D \macros
-%D {hfilneg,
-%D vfilneg}
-%D {}
-%D Fills can be made visible quite easy. We only need some
-%D additional negation macros. Because \PLAIN\ \TEX\ only
-%D offers \type{\hfilneg} and \type{\vfilneg}, we define our
-%D own alternative double \type{ll}'ed ones.
- {\normalhskip\!!zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
- {\normalvskip\!!zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
-%D \macros
-%D {normalhss,normalhfil,normalhfill,
-%D normalvss,normalvfil,normalvfill}
-%D {}
-%D The positive stretch primitives are used independant and in
-%D combination with \type{\leaders}.
-\let\normalhss = \hss
-\let\normalhfil = \hfil
-\let\normalhfill = \hfill
-\let\normalvss = \vss
-\let\normalvfil = \vfil
-\let\normalvfill = \vfill
-%D \macros
-%D {normalhfilneg,normalhfillneg,
-%D normalvfilneg,normalvfillneg}
-%D {}
-%D Keep in mind that both \type{\hfillneg} and \type{\vfillneg}
-%D are not part of \PLAIN\ \TEX\ and therefore not documented
-%D in standard \TEX\ documentation. They can nevertheless be
-%D used at will.
-\let\normalhfilneg = \hfilneg
-\let\normalhfillneg = \hfillneg
-\let\normalvfilneg = \vfilneg
-\let\normalvfillneg = \vfillneg
-%D Visualization is not always wanted. Instead of turning this
-%D option off in those (unpredictable) situations, we just
-%D redefine a few \PLAIN\ macros.
-\def\rlap#1{\normalhbox to \!!zeropoint{#1\normalhss}}
-\def\llap#1{\normalhbox to \!!zeropoint{\normalhss#1}}
-\def~{\normalpenalty\!!tenthousand\ }
-%D \macros
-%D {makeruledbox}
-%D {}
-%D Ruled boxes can be typeset is many ways. Here we present
-%D just one alternative. This implementation may be a little
-%D complicated, but it supports all three kind of boxes. The
-%D next command expects a \BOX\ specification, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \makeruledbox0
-%D \stoptypen
-%D \macros
-%D {baselinerule,baselinefill}
-%D {}
-%D We can make the baseline of a box visible, both dashed and
-%D as a rule. The line is drawn on top of the baseline. All
-%D we have to say is:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \baselineruletrue
-%D \baselinefilltrue
-%D \stoptypen
-%D At the cost of some overhead these alternatives are
-%D implemented using \type{\if}'s:
-\newif\ifbaselinerule \baselineruletrue
-\newif\ifbaselinefill \baselinefillfalse
-%D \macros
-%D {iftoprule,ifbottomrule,ifleftrule,ifrightrule}
-%D {}
-%D Rules can be turned on and off, but by default we have:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \topruletrue
-%D \bottomruletrue
-%D \leftruletrue
-%D \rightruletrue
-%D \stoptypen
-%D As we see below:
-\newif\iftoprule \topruletrue
-\newif\ifbottomrule \bottomruletrue
-\newif\ifleftrule \leftruletrue
-\newif\ifrightrule \rightruletrue
-%D \macros
-%D {boxrulewidth}
-%D {}
-%D The width in the surrounding rules can be specified by
-%D assigning an apropriate value to the dimension used. This
-%D module defaults the width to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \boxrulewidth=.2pt
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Although we are already low on \DIMENSIONS\ it's best to
-%D spend one here, mainly because it enables easy manipulation,
-%D like multiplication by a given factor.
-\newdimen\boxrulewidth \boxrulewidth=.2pt
-%D The core macro \type{\makeruledbox} looks a bit hefty. The
-%D manipulation at the end is needed because we want to
-%D preserve both the mode and the baseline. This means that
-%D \type{\vtop}'s and \type{\vbox}'es behave the way we expect
-%D them to do.
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \hbox
-%D {\ruledhbox to 5em{\strut test\normalhss}\hskip1em
-%D \ruledvbox{\hsize 5em\strut test \par test\strut}\hskip1em
-%D \ruledvtop{\hsize 5em\strut test \par test\strut}}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D The \type{\cleaders} part of the macro is responsible for
-%D the visual baseline. The \type{\normalhfill} belongs to this
-%D primitive too. By storing and restoring the height and depth
-%D of box \type{#1}, we preserve the mode.
- {\edef\ruledheight{\the\ht#1}%
- \edef\ruleddepth {\the\dp#1}%
- \edef\ruledwidth {\the\wd#1}%
- \setbox\scratchbox=\normalvbox
- {\dontcomplain
- \normaloffinterlineskip
- \hrule
- \!!height\boxrulewidth
- \iftoprule\else\!!width\!!zeropoint\fi
- \normalvskip-\boxrulewidth
- \normalhbox to \ruledwidth
- {\vrule
- \!!height\ruledheight
- \!!depth\ruleddepth
- \!!width\ifleftrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth
- \ifdim\ruledheight>\!!zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
- \ifdim\ruleddepth>\!!zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
- \ifbaselinerule
- \ifdim\ruledwidth<20\boxrulewidth
- \baselinefilltrue
- \fi
- \cleaders
- \ifbaselinefill
- \hrule
- \!!height\boxrulewidth
- \else
- \normalhbox
- {\normalhskip2.5\boxrulewidth
- \vrule
- \!!height\boxrulewidth
- \!!width5\boxrulewidth
- \normalhskip2.5\boxrulewidth}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \normalhfill
- \vrule
- \!!width\ifrightrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth}%
- \normalvskip-\boxrulewidth
- \hrule
- \!!height\boxrulewidth
- \ifbottomrule\else\!!width\!!zeropoint\fi}%
- \wd#1=\!!zeropoint
- \setbox#1=\ifhbox#1\normalhbox\else\normalvbox\fi
- {\normalhbox{\box#1\lower\ruleddepth\box\scratchbox}}%
- \ht#1=\ruledheight
- \wd#1=\ruledwidth
- \dp#1=\ruleddepth}
-%D Just in case one didn't notice: the rules are in fact layed
-%D over the box. This way the contents of a box cannot
-%D visually interfere with the rules around (upon) it. A more
-%D advanced version of ruled boxes can be found in one of the
-%D core modules of \CONTEXT. There we take offsets, color,
-%D rounded corners, backgrounds and alignment into account too.
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledhbox,
-%D ruledvbox,ruledvtop,
-%D ruledvcenter}
-%D {}
-%D These macro's can be used instead of \type{\hbox},
-%D \type{\vbox}, \type{\vtop} and, when in math mode,
-%D \type{\vcenter}. They just do what their names state. Using
-%D an auxiliary macro would save us a few words of memory, but
-%D it would make their appearance even more obscure.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \hbox
-%D {\strut
-%D one
-%D two
-%D \hbox{three}
-%D four
-%D five}
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
- {\normalhbox\bgroup
- \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
- \normalhbox}
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \vbox
-%D {\strut
-%D first line \par
-%D second line \par
-%D third line \par
-%D fourth line \par
-%D fifth line
-%D \strut }
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
- {\normalvbox\bgroup
- \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
- \normalvbox}
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \vtop
-%D {\strut
-%D first line \par
-%D second line \par
-%D third line \par
-%D fourth line \par
-%D fifth line
-%D \strut }
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
- {\normalvtop\bgroup
- \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
- \normalvtop}
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \hbox
-%D {$\vcenter{\hsize.2\hsize
-%D alfa \par beta}$
-%D $\vcenter to 3cm{\hsize.2\hsize
-%D alfa \par beta \par gamma}$
-%D $\vcenter{\hsize.2\hsize
-%D alfa \par beta}$}
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
- {\normalvbox\bgroup
- \dontinterfere
- \dowithnextbox
- {\scratchdimen=.5\ht\nextbox
- \advance\scratchdimen by .5\dp\nextbox
- \ht\nextbox=\scratchdimen
- \dp\nextbox=\scratchdimen
- \ruledhbox{\box\nextbox}%
- \egroup}%
- \normalvbox}
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledbox,
-%D setruledbox}
-%D {}
-%D Of the next two macros the first can be used to precede a
-%D box of ones own choice. One can for instance prefix boxes
-%D with \type{\ruledbox} and afterwards --- when the macro
-%D satisfy the needs --- let it to \type{\relax}.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \ruledbox\hbox{What rules do you mean?}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The macro \type{\setruledbox} can be used to directly
-%D rule a box.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \setruledbox12=\hbox{Who's talking about rules here?}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D At the cost of some extra macros we can implement a
-%D variant that does not need the~\type{=}, but we stick to:
- {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox}}
- {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\setbox#1=\nextbox}}
-%D \macros
-%D {investigateskip,
-%D investigatecount,
-%D investigatemuskip}
-%D {}
-%D Before we meet the visualizing macro's, we first implement
-%D ourselves some handy utility ones. Just for the sake of
-%D efficiency and readability, we introduce some status
-%D variables, that tell us a bit more about the registers we
-%D use:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \ifflexible
-%D \ifzero
-%D \ifnegative
-%D \ifpositive
-%D \stoptypen
-%D These status variables are set when we call for one of the
-%D investigation macros, e.g.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \investigateskip\scratchskip
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We use some dirty trick to check stretchability of \SKIPS.
-%D Users of these macros are invited to study their exact
-%D behavior first. The positive and negative states both
-%D include zero and are in fact non-negative ($\geq0$) and
-%D non-positive ($\leq0$) .
- {\relax
- \scratchdimen=#1\relax
- \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchdimen}%
- \edef\!!stringb{\the#1}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb \flexiblefalse \else \flexibletrue \fi
- \ifdim#1=\!!zeropoint\relax
- \zerotrue \else
- \zerofalse \fi
- \ifdim#1<\!!zeropoint\relax
- \positivefalse \else
- \positivetrue \fi
- \ifdim#1>\!!zeropoint\relax
- \negativefalse \else
- \negativetrue \fi}
- {\relax
- \flexiblefalse
- \ifnum#1=0
- \zerotrue \else
- \zerofalse \fi
- \ifnum#1<0
- \positivefalse \else
- \positivetrue \fi
- \ifnum#1>0
- \negativefalse \else
- \negativetrue \fi}
- {\relax
- \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchmuskip}%
- \edef\!!stringb{0mu}%
- \def\!!stringc##1##2\\{##1}%
- \expandafter\edef\expandafter\!!stringc\expandafter
- {\expandafter\!!stringc\!!stringa\\}%
- \edef\!!stringd{-}%
- \flexiblefalse
- \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
- \zerotrue
- \negativefalse
- \positivefalse
- \else
- \zerofalse
- \ifx\!!stringc\!!stringd
- \positivefalse
- \negativetrue
- \else
- \positivetrue
- \negativefalse
- \fi
- \fi}
-%D Now the neccessary utility macros are defined, we can make a
-%D start with the visualizing ones. The implementation of these
-%D macros is a compromise between readability, efficiency of
-%D coding and processing speed. Sometimes we do in steps what
-%D could have been done in combination, sometimes we use a few
-%D boxes more or less then actually needed, and more than once
-%D one can find the same piece of rule drawing code twice.
-%D \macros
-%D {ifcenteredvcue,normalvcue}
-%D {}
-%D Depending on the context, one can force visual vertical cues
-%D being centered along \type{\hsize} or being put at the
-%D current position. Although centering often looks better,
-%D we've chosen the second alternative as default. The main
-%D reason for doing so is that often when we don't set the
-%D \type{\hsize} ourselves, \TEX\ takes the value of the
-%D surrounding box. As a result the visual cues can migrate
-%D outside the current context.
-%D This behavior is accomplished by a small but effective
-%D auxiliary macro, which behavior can be influenced by the
-%D boolean \type{\centeredvcue}. By saying
-%D \starttypen
-%D \centeredvcuetrue
-%D \stoptypen
-%D one turns centering on. As said, we turn it off.
-\newif\ifcenteredvcue \centeredvcuefalse
- {\normalhbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize \fi {\normalhss#1\normalhss}}
-%D We could have used the more robust version
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\normalvcue%
-%D {\normalhbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize \fi
-%D \bgroup\bgroup\normalhss
-%D \aftergroup\normalhss\aftergroup\egroup
-%D \let\next=}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D or the probably best one:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\normalvcue%
-%D {\hbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize
-%D \bgroup\bgroup\normalhss
-%D \aftergroup\normalhss\aftergroup\egroup
-%D \else
-%D \bgroup
-%D \fi
-%D \let\next=}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because we don't have to preserve \CATCODES\ and only use
-%D small arguments, we stick to the first alternative.
-%D \macros
-%D {testrulewidth}
-%D {}
-%D We build our visual cues out of rules. At the cost of a much
-%D bigger \DVI\ file, this is to be prefered over using
-%D characters (1)~because we cannot be sure of their
-%D availability and (2)~because their dimensions are fixed.
-%D As with ruled boxes, we use a \DIMENSION\ to specify the
-%D width of the ruled elements. This dimension defaults to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \testrulewidth=\boxrulewidth
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because we prefer whole numbers for specifying the
-%D dimensions, we often use even multiples of
-%D \type{\testrulewidth}.
-%D \macros
-%D {visiblestretch}
-%D {}
-%D A second variable is introduced because of the stretch
-%D components of \SKIPS. At the cost of some accuracy we can
-%D make this stretch visible.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \visiblestretchtrue
-%D \stoptypen
-\newdimen\testrulewidth \testrulewidth=\boxrulewidth
-\newif\ifvisiblestretch \visiblestretchfalse
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledhss,
-%D ruledhfil,ruledhfilneg,
-%D ruledhfill,ruledhfillneg}
-%D {}
-%D We start with the easiest part, the fills. The scheme we
-%D follow is {\em visual filling -- going back -- normal
-%D filling}. Visualizing is implemented using \type{\cleaders}.
-%D Because the \BOX\ that follows this command is constructed
-%D only once, the \type{\copy} is not really a prerequisite. We
-%D prefer using a \type{\normalhbox} here instead of a
-%D \type{\hbox}.
- {\setbox#1=\normalhbox
- {\vrule
- \!!width#2\testrulewidth
- \!!height#3\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#4\testrulewidth}%
- \smashbox#1}
- {#1#2%
- \bgroup
- \dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \setvisiblehfilbox0\to{4}{#3}{#4}%
- \setvisiblehfilbox2\to422%
- \copy0\copy2
- \bgroup
- \setvisiblehfilbox0\to422%
- \cleaders
- \normalhbox to 12\testrulewidth
- {\normalhss\copy0\normalhss}%
- #1%
- \egroup
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth\copy0\copy2}%
- \smashbox0
- \box0
- \egroup}
-%D The horizontal fillers differ in their boundary
-%D visualization. Watch the small dots. Fillers can be
-%D combined within reasonable margins.
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut\type{\hss}\ruledhss test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut\type{\hfil}\ruledhfil test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut\type{\hfill}\ruledhfill test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut
-%D \type{\hfil}\type{\hfil}\ruledhfil\ruledhfil
-%D test%
-%D \ruledhfil\type{\hfil}}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D The negative counterparts are visualizes, but seldom
-%D become visible, apart from their boundaries.
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut\type{\hfilneg}\ruledhfilneg test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut\type{\hfillneg}\ruledhfillneg test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D Although leaders are used for visualizing, they are
-%D visualized themselves correctly as the next example shows.
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
-%D {\strut\cleaders\normalhbox to 2em{\normalhss$\circ$\normalhss}\ruledhfill}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D All five substitutions use the same auxiliary macro. Watch
-%D the positive first -- negative next approach.
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhss\normalhfilneg{0}{0}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfil\normalhfilneg{10}{-6}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfill\normalhfillneg{18}{-14}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfilneg\normalhfil{-6}{10}}
- {\doruledhfiller\normalhfillneg\normalhfill{-14}{18}}
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledvss,
-%D ruledvfil,ruledvfilneg,
-%D ruledvfill,ruledvfillneg}
-%D {}
-%D The vertical mode commands adopt the same visualization
-%D scheme, but are implemented in a slightly different way.
- {\setbox#1=\normalhbox
- {\vrule
- \!!width#2\testrulewidth
- \!!height#3\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#4\testrulewidth}%
- \smashbox#1}%
- {#1#2%
- \bgroup
- \dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \normaloffinterlineskip
- \setvisiblevfilbox0\to422%
- \setbox2=\normalvcue
- {\normalhskip -#3\testrulewidth\copy0}%
- \smashbox2
- \copy2
- \bgroup
- \setbox2=\normalvcue
- {\normalhskip -2\testrulewidth\copy0}%
- \smashbox2
- \copy2
- \cleaders
- \normalvbox to 12\testrulewidth
- {\normalvss\copy2\normalvss}%
- #1%
- \setbox2=\normalvbox
- {\normalvskip-2\testrulewidth\copy2}%
- \smashbox2
- \box2
- \egroup
- \box2
- \egroup}
-%D Because they act the same as their horizontal counterparts
-%D we only show a few examples.
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \hbox to \hsize
-%D {\dontinterfere
-%D \baselinerulefalse
-%D \centeredvcuetrue
-%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
-%D {\hsize.18\hsize
-%D \type{\vss}\ruledvss last line}\normalhss
-%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
-%D {\hsize.18\hsize
-%D \type{\vfil}\ruledvfil last line}\normalhss
-%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
-%D {\hsize.18\hsize
-%D \type{\vfill}\ruledvfill last line}\normalhss
-%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
-%D {\hsize.18\hsize
-%D \type{\vfilneg}\ruledvfilneg last line}\normalhss
-%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
-%D {\hsize.18\hsize
-%D \type{\vfillneg}\ruledvfillneg last line}}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D Keep in mind that \type{\vfillneg} is not part of \PLAIN\
-%D \TEX, but are mimmicked by a macro.
- {\doruledvfiller\normalvss\normalvfilneg{2}}
- {\doruledvfiller\normalvfil\normalvfilneg{-4}}
- {\doruledvfiller\normalvfill\normalvfillneg{-12}}
- {\doruledvfiller\normalvfilneg\normalvfil{8}}
- {\doruledvfiller\normalvfillneg\normalvfill{16}}
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledhskip}
-%D {}
-%D Skips differ from kerns in two important aspects:
-%D \startopsomming[opelkaar]
-%D \som line and pagebreaks are allowed at a skip
-%D \som skips can have a positive and/or negative
-%D stretchcomponent
-%D \stopopsomming
-%D Stated a bit different: kerns are fixed skips at which no
-%D line or pagebreak can occur. Because skips have a more open
-%D character, they are visualized in a open way.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D one
-%D \hskip +30pt plus 5pt
-%D two
-%D \hskip +30pt
-%D \hskip -10pt plus 5pt
-%D three
-%D \hskip 0pt
-%D four
-%D \hskip +30pt
-%D five
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
-%D When skips have a stretch component, this is visualized by
-%D means of a dashed line. Positive skips are on top of the
-%D baseline, negative ones are below it. This way we can show
-%D the combined results. An alternative visualization of
-%D stretch could be drawing the mid line over a length of the
-%D stretch, in positive or negative direction.
- {\relax
- \dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \investigateskip\scratchskip
- \ifzero
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\normalhskip-\testrulewidth
- \vrule
- \!!width4\testrulewidth
- \!!height16\testrulewidth
- \!!depth16\testrulewidth}%
- \else
- \setbox0=\normalhbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
- {\vrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth
- \cleaders
- \hrule
- \ifnegative
- \!!depth2\testrulewidth
- \!!height\!!zeropoint
- \else
- \!!height2\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\!!zeropoint
- \fi
- \normalhfill
- \ifflexible
- \normalhskip\ifnegative\else-\fi\scratchskip
- \normalhskip2\testrulewidth
- \cleaders
- \normalhbox
- {\normalhskip 2\testrulewidth
- \vrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height\ifnegative-7\else9\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\ifnegative9\else-7\fi\testrulewidth
- \normalhskip 2\testrulewidth}%
- \normalhfill
- \fi
- \vrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth}%
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\ifnegative\else\normalhskip-\scratchskip\fi
- \box0}%
- \fi
- \smashbox0%
- \ifvisiblestretch \else
- \flexiblefalse
- \fi
- \ifflexible
- % breaks ok but small displacements can occur
- \skip2=\scratchskip
- \advance\skip2 by -1\scratchskip
- \divide\skip2 by 2
- \advance\scratchskip by -\skip2
- \normalhskip\scratchskip
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \box0
- \normalhskip\skip2
- \else
- \normalhskip\scratchskip
- \box0
- \fi
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledhskip
- \scratchskip=}
-%D The visual skip is located at a feasible point. Normally
-%D this does not interfere with the normaltypesetting process.
-%D The next examples show (1)~the default behavior, (2)~the
-%D (not entirely correct) distributed stretch and (3)~the way
-%D the text is typeset without cues.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \dorecurse
-%D {15}
-%D {test\hskip1em plus .5em minus .5em
-%D test\hskip2em
-%D test}
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \showmakeup
-%D \haalbuffer
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \showmakeup
-%D \visiblestretchtrue
-%D \haalbuffer
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \haalbuffer
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledvskip}
-%D {}
-%D We are less fortunate when implementing the vertical skips.
-%D This is a direct result of interference between the boxes that
-%D visualize the skip and skip removal at a pagebreak. Normally
-%D skips disappear at the top of a page, but not of course when
-%D visualized in a \type{\vbox}. A quite perfect simulation
-%D could have been built if we would have had available two
-%D more primitives: \type{\hnop} and \type{\vnop}. These new
-%D primitives could stand for boxes that are visible but are
-%D not taken into account in any way. They are there for us,
-%D but not for \TEX.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D first line
-%D \vskip +30pt plus 5pt
-%D second line
-%D \vskip +30pt
-%D \vskip -10pt plus 5pt
-%D third line
-%D \par
-%D fourth line
-%D \vskip +30pt
-%D fifth line
-%D \vskip 0pt
-%D sixth line
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
-%D We have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. Although this
-%D precaution probably is not completely waterproof, it works
-%D quite well.
- {\nextdepth=\prevdepth
- \dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \normaloffinterlineskip
- \investigateskip\scratchskip
- \ifzero
- \setbox0=\normalvcue
- {\vrule
- \!!width32\testrulewidth
- \!!height2\testrulewidth
- \!!depth2\testrulewidth}%
- \else
- \setbox0=\normalvbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
- {\hrule
- \!!width16\testrulewidth
- \!!height2\testrulewidth
- \ifflexible
- \cleaders
- \normalhbox to 16\testrulewidth
- {\normalhss
- \normalvbox
- {\normalvskip 2\testrulewidth
- \hrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height2\testrulewidth
- \normalvskip 2\testrulewidth}%
- \normalhss}%
- \normalvfill
- \else
- \normalvfill
- \fi
- \hrule
- \!!width16\testrulewidth
- \!!height2\testrulewidth}%
- \setbox2=\normalvbox to \ht0
- {\hrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height\ht0}%
- \ifnegative
- \ht0=\!!zeropoint
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\normalhskip2\testrulewidth % will be improved
- \normalhskip-\wd0\box0}%
- \fi
- \smashbox0%
- \smashbox2%
- \setbox0=\normalvcue
- {\box2\box0}%
- \setbox0=\normalvbox
- {\ifnegative\normalvskip\scratchskip\fi\box0}%
- \smashbox0%
- \fi
- \ifvisiblestretch
- \ifflexible
- \skip2=\scratchskip
- \advance\skip2 by -1\scratchskip
- \divide\skip2 by 2
- \advance\scratchskip by -\skip2
- \normalvskip\skip2
- \fi
- \fi
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \box0
- \prevdepth=\nextdepth % not \dp0=\nextdepth
- \normalvskip\scratchskip}
-%D We try to avoid interfering at the top of a page. Of course
-%D we only do so when we are in the main vertical list.
- {\endgraf % \par
- \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
- \ifinner
- \dodoruledvskip
- \fi
- \else
- \dodoruledvskip
- \fi
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledvskip
- \scratchskip=}
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledkern}
-%D {}
-%D The macros that implement the kerns are a bit more
-%D complicated than needed, because they also serve the
-%D visualization of glue, our \PLAIN\ defined kerns with
-%D stretch or shrink. We've implemented both horizontal and
-%D vertical kerns as ruled boxes.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D one
-%D \kern +30pt
-%D two
-%D \kern +30pt
-%D \kern -10pt
-%D three
-%D \kern 0pt
-%D four
-%D \kern +30pt
-%D five
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
-%D Positive and negative kerns are placed on top or below the
-%D baseline, so we are able to track their added result. We
-%D didn't mention spacings of 0~pt yet. Zero values are
-%D visualized a bit different, because we want to see them
-%D anyhow.
- {\dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \baselinerulefalse
- \investigateskip\scratchskip
- \boxrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
- \ifzero
- \setbox0=\ruledhbox to 8\testrulewidth
- {\vrule
- \!!width\!!zeropoint
- \!!height16\testrulewidth
- \!!depth16\testrulewidth}%
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth\box0}%
- \else
- \setbox0=\ruledhbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
- {\vrule
- \!!width\!!zeropoint
- \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth
- \ifflexible
- \normalhskip2\testrulewidth
- \cleaders
- \normalhbox
- {\normalhskip 2\testrulewidth
- \vrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height\ifnegative-7\else9\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\ifnegative9\else-7\fi\testrulewidth
- \normalhskip 2\testrulewidth}%
- \normalhfill
- \else
- \normalhfill
- \fi}%
- \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
- \setbox0=\ruledhbox{\box0}% \make...
- \fi
- \smashbox0%
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \normalhbox to \!!zeropoint
- {\ifnegative\normalhskip1\scratchskip\fi
- \box0}%
- \afterwards\scratchskip
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \let\afterwards=#1\relax
- \afterassignment\doruledhkern
- \scratchskip=}
-%D After having seen the horizontal ones, the vertical kerns
-%D will not surprise us. In this example we use \type{\par} to
-%D switch to vertical mode.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D first line
-%D \par \kern +30pt
-%D second line
-%D \par \kern +30pt
-%D \par \kern -10pt
-%D third line
-%D \par
-%D fourth line
-%D \par \kern +30pt
-%D fifth line
-%D \par \kern 0pt
-%D sixth line
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
-%D Like before, we have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. If we
-%D leave out this trick, we got ourselves some wrong spacing.
- {\nextdepth=\prevdepth
- \dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \baselinerulefalse
- \normaloffinterlineskip
- \investigateskip\scratchskip
- \boxrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
- \ifzero
- \setbox0=\ruledhbox to 32\testrulewidth
- {\vrule
- \!!width\!!zeropoint
- \!!height4\testrulewidth
- \!!depth4\testrulewidth}%
- \else
- \setbox0=\ruledvbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
- {\hsize16\testrulewidth
- \ifflexible
- \cleaders
- \normalhbox to 16\testrulewidth
- {\normalhss
- \normalvbox
- {\normalvskip 2\testrulewidth
- \hrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height2\testrulewidth
- \normalvskip 2\testrulewidth}%
- \normalhss}%
- \normalvfill
- \else
- \vrule
- \!!width\!!zeropoint
- \!!height\ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
- \normalhfill
- \fi}
- \fi
- \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
- \setbox0=\ruledvbox{\box0}% \make...
- \smashbox0%
- \setbox0=\normalvbox
- {\ifnegative\normalvskip\scratchskip\fi
- \normalvcue
- {\ifnegative\normalhskip-16\testrulewidth\fi\box0}}%
- \smashbox0%
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \box0
- \prevdepth=\nextdepth} % not \dp0=\nextdepth
- {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
- \ifinner
- \dodoruledvkern
- \fi
- \else
- \dodoruledvkern
- \fi
- \afterwards\scratchskip
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \let\afterwards=#1\relax
- \afterassignment\doruledvkern
- \scratchskip=}
- {\ifvmode
- \expandafter\ruledvkern
- \else
- \expandafter\ruledhkern
- \fi
- \normalkern}
-%D A a bit more \TEX nice solution is:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \unexpanded\def\ruledkern%
-%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi kern\endcsname\normalkern}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledhglue,ruledvglue}
-%D {}
-%D The non-primitive glue commands are treated as kerns with
-%D stretch. This stretch is presented as a dashed line. I
-%D have to admit that until now, I've never used these glue
-%D commands.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D one
-%D \hglue +30pt plus 5pt
-%D two
-%D \hglue +30pt
-%D \hglue -10pt plus 5pt
-%D three
-%D \hglue 0pt
-%D four
-%D \hglue +30pt
-%D five
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\leavevmode
- \scratchcounter=\spacefactor
- \vrule\!!width\!!zeropoint
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \ruledhkern\normalhskip\scratchskip
- \spacefactor=\scratchcounter
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledhglue\scratchskip=}
-%D \startbuffer
-%D first line
-%D \vglue +30pt plus 5pt
-%D second line
-%D \vglue +30pt
-%D \vglue -10pt plus 5pt
-%D third line
-%D \par
-%D fourth line
-%D \vglue +30pt
-%D fifth line
-%D \vglue 0pt
-%D sixth line
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\endgraf % \par
- \nextdepth=\prevdepth
- \hrule\!!height\!!zeropoint
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \ruledvkern\normalvskip\scratchskip
- \prevdepth=\nextdepth
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledvglue\scratchskip=}
-%D \macros
-%D {ruledmkern,ruledmskip}
-%D {}
-%D Mathematical kerns and skips are specified in mu. This
-%D font related unit is incompatible with those of \DIMENSIONS\
-%D and \SKIPS. Because in math mode spacing is often a very
-%D subtle matter, we've used a very simple, not overloaded way
-%D to show them.
- {\dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {$\normalmkern\ifnegative-\fi\scratchmuskip$}%
- \setbox0=\normalhbox to \wd0
- {\vrule
- \!!height16\testrulewidth
- \!!depth16\testrulewidth
- \!!width\testrulewidth
- \leaders
- \hrule
- \!!height\ifpositive16\else-14\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\ifpositive-14\else16\fi\testrulewidth
- \normalhfill
- \ifflexible
- \normalhskip-\wd0
- \leaders
- \hrule
- \!!height\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\testrulewidth
- \normalhfill
- \fi
- \vrule
- \!!height16\testrulewidth
- \!!depth16\testrulewidth
- \!!width\testrulewidth}%
- \smashbox0%
- \ifnegative
- #1\scratchmuskip
- \box0
- \else
- \box0
- #1\scratchmuskip
- \fi
- \egroup}
-%D \startbuffer
-%D $a \mkern3mu = \mkern3mu
-%D b \quad
-%D \mkern-2mu + \mkern-2mu
-%D \quad c$
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
- \flexiblefalse
- \dodoruledmkern\normalmkern}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledmkern\scratchmuskip=}
-%D \startbuffer
-%D $a \mskip3mu = \mskip3mu
-%D b \quad
-%D \mskip-2mu + \mskip-2mu
-%D \quad c$
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
- \flexibletrue
- \dodoruledmkern\normalmskip}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledmskip\scratchmuskip=}
-%D \macros
-%D {penalty}
-%D {}
-%D After presenting fills, skip, kerns and glue we've come to
-%D see penalties. In the first implementation --- most of the
-%D time needed to develop this set of macros went into testing
-%D different types of visualization --- penalties were mere
-%D small blocks with one black half, depending on the sign.
-%D This most recent version also gives an indication of the
-%D amount of penalty. Penalties can go from less than $-10000$
-%D to over $+10000$, and their behavior is somewhat
-%D non-lineair, with some values having special meanings. We
-%D therefore decided not to use its value for a lineair
-%D indicator.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D one
-%D \penalty +100
-%D two
-%D \penalty +100
-%D \penalty -100
-%D three
-%D \penalty 0
-%D four
-%D \penalty +100
-%D five
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
-%D The small sticks at the side of the penalty indicate it
-%D size. The next example shows the positive and negative
-%D penalties of 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 10000.
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \hbox
-%D {test \ruledhpenalty0
-%D test \ruledhpenalty1
-%D test \ruledhpenalty10
-%D test \ruledhpenalty100
-%D test \ruledhpenalty1000
-%D test \ruledhpenalty10000
-%D test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \blanko
-%D \startregelcorrectie
-%D \hbox
-%D {test \ruledhpenalty0
-%D test \ruledhpenalty-1
-%D test \ruledhpenalty-10
-%D test \ruledhpenalty-100
-%D test \ruledhpenalty-1000
-%D test \ruledhpenalty-10000
-%D test}
-%D \stopregelcorrectie
-%D \blanko
-%D This way stacked penalties of different severance can be
-%D shown in combination.
-%D test \ruledhpenalty10 \ruledhpenalty100
-%D test
-%D test \ruledhpenalty1000 \ruledhpenalty-1000
-%D test
- {\setbox#1=\normalhbox
- {\ifnum#2=0 \else
- \ifnum#2>0
- \def\sign{+}%
- \else
- \def\sign{-}%
- \fi
- \dimen0=\ifnum\sign#2>9999
- 28\else
- \ifnum\sign#2>999
- 22\else
- \ifnum\sign#2>99
- 16\else
- \ifnum\sign#2>9
- 10\else
- 4
- \fi\fi\fi\fi \testrulewidth
- \ifnum#2<0
- \normalhskip-\dimen0
- \normalhskip-2\testrulewidth
- \vrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height#3\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
- \fi
- \vrule
- \!!width\dimen0
- \!!height#5\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#6\testrulewidth
- \ifnum#2>0
- \vrule
- \!!width2\testrulewidth
- \!!height#3\testrulewidth
- \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
- \fi
- \fi}%
- \smashbox#1}
- {\dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \investigatecount\scratchcounter
- \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
- \boxrulewidth=\testrulewidth
- \setbox0=\ruledhbox to 8\testrulewidth
- {\ifnegative\else\normalhss\fi
- \vrule
- \!!depth8\testrulewidth
- \!!width\ifzero0\else4\fi\testrulewidth
- \ifpositive\else\normalhss\fi}%
- \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{0}{8}{-3.5}{4.5}%
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth
- \ifnegative
- \box2\box0
- \else
- \box0\box2
- \fi}%
- \smashbox0%
- \box0
- \normalpenalty\scratchcounter
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledhpenalty
- \scratchcounter=}
-%D The size of a vertical penalty is also shown on the
-%D horizontal axis. This way there is less interference with
-%D the often preceding or following skips and kerns.
-%D \startbuffer
-%D first line
-%D \par \penalty +100
-%D second line
-%D \par \penalty +100
-%D \par \penalty -100
-%D third line
-%D \par \penalty 0
-%D fourth line
-%D \par \penalty +100
-%D fifth line
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \ShowBufferedExample
- {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
- \else
- \nextdepth=\prevdepth
- \dontinterfere
- \dontcomplain
- \investigatecount\scratchcounter
- \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
- \boxrulewidth=\testrulewidth
- \setbox0=\ruledhbox
- {\vrule
- \!!height4\testrulewidth
- \!!depth4\testrulewidth
- \!!width\!!zeropoint
- \vrule
- \!!height\ifnegative.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!depth\ifpositive.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
- \!!width8\testrulewidth}%
- \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{4}{4}{.5}{.5}%
- \setbox0=\normalhbox
- {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth
- \ifnegative
- \box2\box0
- \else
- \box0\box2
- \fi
- \normalhss}%
- \smashbox0%
- \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
- \nointerlineskip
- \dp0=\nextdepth % not \prevdepth=\nextdepth
- \normalvbox
- {\normalvcue{\box0}}%
- \fi
- \normalpenalty\scratchcounter
- \egroup}
- {\bgroup
- \afterassignment\doruledvpenalty
- \scratchcounter=}
- {\ifvmode
- \expandafter\ruledvpenalty
- \else
- \expandafter\ruledhpenalty
- \fi}
-%D At the cost of some more tokens, a bit more clever
-%D implementation would be:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \unexpanded\def\ruledpenalty%
-%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi penalty\endcsname}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D \macros
-%D {showfils,dontshowfils,
-%D showboxes,dontshowboxes,
-%D showskips,dontshowskips,
-%D showpenalties,dontshowpenalties}
-%D {}
-%D For those who want to manipulate the visual cues in detail,
-%D we have grouped them.
- {\let\hss = \ruledhss
- \let\hfil = \ruledhfil
- \let\hfill = \ruledhfill
- \let\hfilneg = \ruledhfilneg
- \let\hfillneg = \ruledhfillneg
- \let\vss = \ruledvss
- \let\vfil = \ruledvfil
- \let\vfill = \ruledvfill
- \let\vfilneg = \ruledvfilneg
- \let\vfillneg = \ruledvfillneg}
- {\let\hss = \normalhss
- \let\hfil = \normalhfil
- \let\hfill = \normalhfill
- \let\hfilneg = \normalhfilneg
- \let\hfillneg = \normalhfillneg
- \let\vss = \normalvss
- \let\vfil = \normalvfil
- \let\vfill = \normalvfill
- \let\vfilneg = \normalvfilneg
- \let\vfillneg = \normalvfillneg}
- {\baselineruletrue
- \let\hbox = \ruledhbox
- \let\vbox = \ruledvbox
- \let\vtop = \ruledvtop
- \let\vcenter = \ruledvcenter}
- {\let\hbox = \normalhbox
- \let\vbox = \normalvbox
- \let\vtop = \normalvtop
- \let\vcenter = \normalvcenter}
- {\let\hskip = \ruledhskip
- \let\vskip = \ruledvskip
- \let\kern = \ruledkern
- \let\mskip = \ruledmskip
- \let\mkern = \ruledmkern
- \let\hglue = \ruledhglue
- \let\vglue = \ruledvglue}
- {\let\hskip = \normalhskip
- \let\vskip = \normalvskip
- \let\kern = \normalkern
- \let\mskip = \normalmskip
- \let\mkern = \normalmkern
- \let\hglue = \normalhglue
- \let\vglue = \normalvglue}
- {\let\penalty = \ruledpenalty}
- {\let\penalty = \normalpenalty}
-%D \macros
-%D {showingcomposition,
-%D showcomposition,dontshowcomposition,}
-%D {}
-%D All these nice options come together in two macros. The
-%D first one turns the options on, the second turnes them off.
-%D Both macros only do their job when we are actually showing
-%D the composition.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \showingcompositiontrue
-%D \showcomposition
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Because the output routine can do tricky things, like
-%D multiple column typesetting and manipulation of the
-%D pagebody, shifting things around and so on, the macro
-%D \type{\dontshowcomposition} best can be called when we enter
-%D this routine. Too much visual cues just don't make sense. In
-%D \CONTEXT\ this has been taken care of.
- {\ifshowingcomposition
- \showfils
- \showboxes
- \showskips
- \showpenalties
- \fi}
- {\ifshowingcomposition
- \dontshowfils
- \dontshowboxes
- \dontshowskips
- \dontshowpenalties
- \fi}
-%D \macros
-%D {showmakeup,
-%D defaulttestrulewidth}
-%D {}
-%D Just to make things even more easy, we have defined:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \showmakeup
-%D \stoptypen
-%D For the sake of those who don't (yet) use \CONTEXT\ we
-%D preset \type{\defaulttestrulewidth} to the already set
-%D value. Otherwise we default to a bodyfontsize related value.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.2pt}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Beware, it's a macro not a \DIMENSION.
- \edef\defaulttestrulewidth{\the\testrulewidth}
- \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.02\korpsgrootte} % still dutch
- {\testrulewidth=\defaulttestrulewidth
- \showingcompositiontrue
- \showcomposition}
-%D \ifCONTEXT \let\next=\relax \else \let\next=\endinput
-%D The documented source you have been reading was processed
-%D using some surrogate makeup. When this file is processed
-%D in \CONTEXT, a few more examples show up here, like a local
-%D table of contents and a local register.
-%D \fi \next
-% %D Lets end with some more advanced examples. When visualized,
-% %D the table of contents of the outer level is typeset as:
-% %D
-% %D {\showmakeup\plaatsinhoud[criterium=vorige]}
-% %D
-%D Lets end with some more advanced examples.
-%D Definitions and enumerations come in many flavors. The
-%D next one for instance is defined as:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \definedescription[test][place=left,hang=3,width=6em]
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When applied to some text, this would look like:
-%D \bgroup
-%D \showmakeup
-%D \doordefinieren[test][plaats=links,hang=3,breedte=6em]
-%D \test{visual\\debugger} I would be very pleased if \TEX\
-%D had two more primitives: \type{\vnop} and \type{\hnop}. Both
-%D should act and show up as normal boxes, but stay invisible
-%D for \TEX\ when it's doing calculations. The \type{\vnop}
-%D for instance should not interact with the internal mechanism
-%D responsible for the disappearing skips, kerns and penalties
-%D at a pagebreak. As long as we don't have these two boxtypes,
-%D visual debugging will never be perfect.
-%D \egroup
-%D The index to this section looks like:
-%D {\stelrefererenin[prefix=dummy]\showmakeup\plaatsindex[criterium=lokaal]}
-%D Although not impressive examples or typesetting, both
-%D show us how and where things happen. When somehow the last
-%D lines in this two column index don't allign, then this is
-%D due to some still unknown interference.
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-vis,
+%D version=1996.10.21,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Visualization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
+%C granted.
+%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExample% private typeseting macro
+%D {\startregelcorrectie
+%D \bgroup
+%D \steltypenin[marge=0pt,optie=kleur]
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \dontinterfere
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \normalvbox
+%D {\normalhbox to \hsize
+%D {$\hsize=.5\hsize
+%D \advance\hsize by -.5em
+%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\haalbuffer}}\normalhss
+%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\dontshowcomposition\typebuffer}}$}}
+%D \egroup
+%D \stopregelcorrectie}
+%D \gdef\ShowBufferedExampleBox% private typeseting macro
+%D {\startregelcorrectie
+%D \bgroup
+%D \steltypenin[marge=0pt,optie=kleur]
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \dontinterfere
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \normalvbox
+%D {\normalhbox to \hsize
+%D {$\hsize=.5\hsize
+%D \advance\hsize by -.5em
+%D \normalvcenter{\baselineruletrue\vbox{\haalbuffer}}\normalhss
+%D \normalvcenter{\vbox{\dontshowcomposition\typebuffer}}$}}
+%D \egroup
+%D \stopregelcorrectie}
+%D Although an integral part of \CONTEXT, this module is one
+%D of the support modules. Its stand alone character permits
+%D use in \PLAIN\ \TEX\ or \TEX\ based macropackages.
+%D \ifCONTEXT \else If in some examples the verbatim listings
+%D don't show up nice, this is due to processing by a system
+%D that does not support buffering. In \CONTEXT\ we show the
+%D commands in the margin, use bit more advanced way of
+%D numbering, and typeset the source in \TEX nicolored
+%D verbatim. Sorry for this inconvenience.\fi
+%D This module is still in development. Depending on my
+%D personal need and those of whoever uses it, the macros will
+%D be improved in terms of visualization, efficiency and
+%D compatibility.
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \fi
+%D One of the strong points of \TEX\ is abstraction of textual
+%D input. When macros are defined well and do what we
+%D want them to do, we will seldom need the tools present in
+%D What You See Is What You Get systems. For instance, when
+%D entering text we don't need rulers, because no manual
+%D shifting and/or alignment of text is needed. On the other
+%D hand, when we are designing macros or specifying layout
+%D elements, some insight in \TEX's advanced spacing, kerning,
+%D filling, boxing and punishment abilities will be handy.
+%D That's why we've implemented a mechanism that shows some of
+%D the inner secrets of \TEX.
+\writestatus{loading}{Context Support Macros / Visualization}
+%D In this module we are going to redefine some \TEX\
+%D primitives and \PLAIN\ macro's. Their original meaning is
+%D saved in macros with corresponding names, preceded by
+%D \type{normal}. These original macros are (1)~used to
+%D temporary restore the old values when needed and
+%D (2)~used to prevent recursive calls in the macros that
+%D replace them.
+%D \macros
+%D {dontinterfere}
+%D {}
+%D Indentation, left and/or right skips, redefinition of
+%D \type{\par} and assignments to \type{\everypar} can lead to
+%D unwanted results. We can therefore turn all those things
+%D off with \type{\dontinterfere}.
+ {\everypar = {}%
+ \let\par = \endgraf
+ \parindent = \!!zeropoint
+ \parskip = \!!zeropoint
+ \leftskip = \!!zeropoint
+ \rightskip = \!!zeropoint
+ \relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {dontcomplain}
+%D {}
+%D In this module we do a lot of box manipulations. Because we
+%D don't want to be confronted with to many over- and underfull
+%D messages we introduce \type{\dontcomplain}.
+ {\hbadness = \!!tenthousand
+ \hfuzz = \maxdimen
+ \vbadness = \!!tenthousand
+ \vfuzz = \maxdimen}
+%D \macros
+%D {normaloffinterlineskip}
+%D {}
+%D The next hack is needed because in \CONTEXT\ we redefine
+%D \type{\offinterlineskip}.
+ \let\normaloffinterlineskip=\offinterlineskip
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhbox,
+%D normalvbox,normalvtop}
+%D {}
+%D There are three types of boxes, one horizontal and two
+%D vertical in nature. As we will see later on, all three types
+%D are to be handled according to their orientation and
+%D baseline behavior. Especially \type{\vtop}'s need our
+%D special attention.
+\let\normalhbox = \hbox
+\let\normalvbox = \vbox
+\let\normalvtop = \vtop
+\let\normalvcenter = \vcenter
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhskip,
+%D normalvskip}
+%D {}
+%D Next come the flexible skips, which come in two flavors
+%D too. Like boxes these are handled with \TEX\ primitives.
+\let\normalhskip = \hskip
+\let\normalvskip = \vskip
+%D \macros
+%D {normalpenalty,
+%D normalkern}
+%D {}
+%D Both penalties and kerns are taken care of by mode sensitive
+%D primitives. This means that when making them visible, we
+%D have to take the current mode into account.
+\let\normalpenalty = \penalty
+\let\normalkern = \kern
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhglue,
+%D normalvglue}
+%D {}
+%D Glues on the other hand are macro's defined in \PLAIN\ \TEX.
+%D As we will see, their definitions make the implementation of
+%D their visible counterparts a bit more \TeX{}nical.
+\let\normalhglue = \hglue
+\let\normalvglue = \vglue
+%D \macros
+%D {normalmkern,
+%D normalmskip}
+%D {}
+%D Math mode has its own spacing primitives, preceded by
+%D \type{m}. Due to the relation with the current font and the
+%D way math is typeset, their unit \type{mu} is not compatible
+%D with other dimensions. As a result, the visual appearance
+%D of these primitives is kept primitive too.
+\let\normalmkern = \mkern
+\let\normalmskip = \mskip
+%D \macros
+%D {hfilneg,
+%D vfilneg}
+%D {}
+%D Fills can be made visible quite easy. We only need some
+%D additional negation macros. Because \PLAIN\ \TEX\ only
+%D offers \type{\hfilneg} and \type{\vfilneg}, we define our
+%D own alternative double \type{ll}'ed ones.
+ {\normalhskip\!!zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
+ {\normalvskip\!!zeropoint \!!plus-1fill\relax}
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhss,normalhfil,normalhfill,
+%D normalvss,normalvfil,normalvfill}
+%D {}
+%D The positive stretch primitives are used independant and in
+%D combination with \type{\leaders}.
+\let\normalhss = \hss
+\let\normalhfil = \hfil
+\let\normalhfill = \hfill
+\let\normalvss = \vss
+\let\normalvfil = \vfil
+\let\normalvfill = \vfill
+%D \macros
+%D {normalhfilneg,normalhfillneg,
+%D normalvfilneg,normalvfillneg}
+%D {}
+%D Keep in mind that both \type{\hfillneg} and \type{\vfillneg}
+%D are not part of \PLAIN\ \TEX\ and therefore not documented
+%D in standard \TEX\ documentation. They can nevertheless be
+%D used at will.
+\let\normalhfilneg = \hfilneg
+\let\normalhfillneg = \hfillneg
+\let\normalvfilneg = \vfilneg
+\let\normalvfillneg = \vfillneg
+%D Visualization is not always wanted. Instead of turning this
+%D option off in those (unpredictable) situations, we just
+%D redefine a few \PLAIN\ macros.
+\def\rlap#1{\normalhbox to \!!zeropoint{#1\normalhss}}
+\def\llap#1{\normalhbox to \!!zeropoint{\normalhss#1}}
+\def~{\normalpenalty\!!tenthousand\ }
+%D \macros
+%D {makeruledbox}
+%D {}
+%D Ruled boxes can be typeset is many ways. Here we present
+%D just one alternative. This implementation may be a little
+%D complicated, but it supports all three kind of boxes. The
+%D next command expects a \BOX\ specification, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \makeruledbox0
+%D \stoptypen
+%D \macros
+%D {baselinerule,baselinefill}
+%D {}
+%D We can make the baseline of a box visible, both dashed and
+%D as a rule. The line is drawn on top of the baseline. All
+%D we have to say is:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \baselineruletrue
+%D \baselinefilltrue
+%D \stoptypen
+%D At the cost of some overhead these alternatives are
+%D implemented using \type{\if}'s:
+\newif\ifbaselinerule \baselineruletrue
+\newif\ifbaselinefill \baselinefillfalse
+%D \macros
+%D {iftoprule,ifbottomrule,ifleftrule,ifrightrule}
+%D {}
+%D Rules can be turned on and off, but by default we have:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \topruletrue
+%D \bottomruletrue
+%D \leftruletrue
+%D \rightruletrue
+%D \stoptypen
+%D As we see below:
+\newif\iftoprule \topruletrue
+\newif\ifbottomrule \bottomruletrue
+\newif\ifleftrule \leftruletrue
+\newif\ifrightrule \rightruletrue
+%D \macros
+%D {boxrulewidth}
+%D {}
+%D The width in the surrounding rules can be specified by
+%D assigning an apropriate value to the dimension used. This
+%D module defaults the width to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \boxrulewidth=.2pt
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Although we are already low on \DIMENSIONS\ it's best to
+%D spend one here, mainly because it enables easy manipulation,
+%D like multiplication by a given factor.
+\newdimen\boxrulewidth \boxrulewidth=.2pt
+%D The core macro \type{\makeruledbox} looks a bit hefty. The
+%D manipulation at the end is needed because we want to
+%D preserve both the mode and the baseline. This means that
+%D \type{\vtop}'s and \type{\vbox}'es behave the way we expect
+%D them to do.
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \hbox
+%D {\ruledhbox to 5em{\strut test\normalhss}\hskip1em
+%D \ruledvbox{\hsize 5em\strut test \par test\strut}\hskip1em
+%D \ruledvtop{\hsize 5em\strut test \par test\strut}}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D The \type{\cleaders} part of the macro is responsible for
+%D the visual baseline. The \type{\normalhfill} belongs to this
+%D primitive too. By storing and restoring the height and depth
+%D of box \type{#1}, we preserve the mode.
+ {\edef\ruledheight{\the\ht#1}%
+ \edef\ruleddepth {\the\dp#1}%
+ \edef\ruledwidth {\the\wd#1}%
+ \setbox\scratchbox=\normalvbox
+ {\dontcomplain
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \iftoprule\else\!!width\!!zeropoint\fi
+ \normalvskip-\boxrulewidth
+ \normalhbox to \ruledwidth
+ {\vrule
+ \!!height\ruledheight
+ \!!depth\ruleddepth
+ \!!width\ifleftrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth
+ \ifdim\ruledheight>\!!zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
+ \ifdim\ruleddepth>\!!zeropoint \else \baselinerulefalse \fi
+ \ifbaselinerule
+ \ifdim\ruledwidth<20\boxrulewidth
+ \baselinefilltrue
+ \fi
+ \cleaders
+ \ifbaselinefill
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \else
+ \normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip2.5\boxrulewidth
+ \vrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \!!width5\boxrulewidth
+ \normalhskip2.5\boxrulewidth}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \normalhfill
+ \vrule
+ \!!width\ifrightrule\else0\fi\boxrulewidth}%
+ \normalvskip-\boxrulewidth
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\boxrulewidth
+ \ifbottomrule\else\!!width\!!zeropoint\fi}%
+ \wd#1=\!!zeropoint
+ \setbox#1=\ifhbox#1\normalhbox\else\normalvbox\fi
+ {\normalhbox{\box#1\lower\ruleddepth\box\scratchbox}}%
+ \ht#1=\ruledheight
+ \wd#1=\ruledwidth
+ \dp#1=\ruleddepth}
+%D Just in case one didn't notice: the rules are in fact layed
+%D over the box. This way the contents of a box cannot
+%D visually interfere with the rules around (upon) it. A more
+%D advanced version of ruled boxes can be found in one of the
+%D core modules of \CONTEXT. There we take offsets, color,
+%D rounded corners, backgrounds and alignment into account too.
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhbox,
+%D ruledvbox,ruledvtop,
+%D ruledvcenter}
+%D {}
+%D These macro's can be used instead of \type{\hbox},
+%D \type{\vbox}, \type{\vtop} and, when in math mode,
+%D \type{\vcenter}. They just do what their names state. Using
+%D an auxiliary macro would save us a few words of memory, but
+%D it would make their appearance even more obscure.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hbox
+%D {\strut
+%D one
+%D two
+%D \hbox{three}
+%D four
+%D five}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalhbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
+ \normalhbox}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \vbox
+%D {\strut
+%D first line \par
+%D second line \par
+%D third line \par
+%D fourth line \par
+%D fifth line
+%D \strut }
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
+ \normalvbox}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \vtop
+%D {\strut
+%D first line \par
+%D second line \par
+%D third line \par
+%D fourth line \par
+%D fifth line
+%D \strut }
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalvtop\bgroup
+ \dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox\egroup}%
+ \normalvtop}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hbox
+%D {$\vcenter{\hsize.2\hsize
+%D alfa \par beta}$
+%D $\vcenter to 3cm{\hsize.2\hsize
+%D alfa \par beta \par gamma}$
+%D $\vcenter{\hsize.2\hsize
+%D alfa \par beta}$}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExampleBox
+ {\normalvbox\bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dowithnextbox
+ {\scratchdimen=.5\ht\nextbox
+ \advance\scratchdimen by .5\dp\nextbox
+ \ht\nextbox=\scratchdimen
+ \dp\nextbox=\scratchdimen
+ \ruledhbox{\box\nextbox}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \normalvbox}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledbox,
+%D setruledbox}
+%D {}
+%D Of the next two macros the first can be used to precede a
+%D box of ones own choice. One can for instance prefix boxes
+%D with \type{\ruledbox} and afterwards --- when the macro
+%D satisfy the needs --- let it to \type{\relax}.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \ruledbox\hbox{What rules do you mean?}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The macro \type{\setruledbox} can be used to directly
+%D rule a box.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \setruledbox12=\hbox{Who's talking about rules here?}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D At the cost of some extra macros we can implement a
+%D variant that does not need the~\type{=}, but we stick to:
+ {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\box\nextbox}}
+ {\dowithnextbox{\makeruledbox\nextbox\setbox#1=\nextbox}}
+%D \macros
+%D {investigateskip,
+%D investigatecount,
+%D investigatemuskip}
+%D {}
+%D Before we meet the visualizing macro's, we first implement
+%D ourselves some handy utility ones. Just for the sake of
+%D efficiency and readability, we introduce some status
+%D variables, that tell us a bit more about the registers we
+%D use:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \ifflexible
+%D \ifzero
+%D \ifnegative
+%D \ifpositive
+%D \stoptypen
+%D These status variables are set when we call for one of the
+%D investigation macros, e.g.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \investigateskip\scratchskip
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We use some dirty trick to check stretchability of \SKIPS.
+%D Users of these macros are invited to study their exact
+%D behavior first. The positive and negative states both
+%D include zero and are in fact non-negative ($\geq0$) and
+%D non-positive ($\leq0$) .
+ {\relax
+ \scratchdimen=#1\relax
+ \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchdimen}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{\the#1}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb \flexiblefalse \else \flexibletrue \fi
+ \ifdim#1=\!!zeropoint\relax
+ \zerotrue \else
+ \zerofalse \fi
+ \ifdim#1<\!!zeropoint\relax
+ \positivefalse \else
+ \positivetrue \fi
+ \ifdim#1>\!!zeropoint\relax
+ \negativefalse \else
+ \negativetrue \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \ifnum#1=0
+ \zerotrue \else
+ \zerofalse \fi
+ \ifnum#1<0
+ \positivefalse \else
+ \positivetrue \fi
+ \ifnum#1>0
+ \negativefalse \else
+ \negativetrue \fi}
+ {\relax
+ \edef\!!stringa{\the\scratchmuskip}%
+ \edef\!!stringb{0mu}%
+ \def\!!stringc##1##2\\{##1}%
+ \expandafter\edef\expandafter\!!stringc\expandafter
+ {\expandafter\!!stringc\!!stringa\\}%
+ \edef\!!stringd{-}%
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \ifx\!!stringa\!!stringb
+ \zerotrue
+ \negativefalse
+ \positivefalse
+ \else
+ \zerofalse
+ \ifx\!!stringc\!!stringd
+ \positivefalse
+ \negativetrue
+ \else
+ \positivetrue
+ \negativefalse
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+%D Now the neccessary utility macros are defined, we can make a
+%D start with the visualizing ones. The implementation of these
+%D macros is a compromise between readability, efficiency of
+%D coding and processing speed. Sometimes we do in steps what
+%D could have been done in combination, sometimes we use a few
+%D boxes more or less then actually needed, and more than once
+%D one can find the same piece of rule drawing code twice.
+%D \macros
+%D {ifcenteredvcue,normalvcue}
+%D {}
+%D Depending on the context, one can force visual vertical cues
+%D being centered along \type{\hsize} or being put at the
+%D current position. Although centering often looks better,
+%D we've chosen the second alternative as default. The main
+%D reason for doing so is that often when we don't set the
+%D \type{\hsize} ourselves, \TEX\ takes the value of the
+%D surrounding box. As a result the visual cues can migrate
+%D outside the current context.
+%D This behavior is accomplished by a small but effective
+%D auxiliary macro, which behavior can be influenced by the
+%D boolean \type{\centeredvcue}. By saying
+%D \starttypen
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \stoptypen
+%D one turns centering on. As said, we turn it off.
+\newif\ifcenteredvcue \centeredvcuefalse
+ {\normalhbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize \fi {\normalhss#1\normalhss}}
+%D We could have used the more robust version
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\normalvcue%
+%D {\normalhbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize \fi
+%D \bgroup\bgroup\normalhss
+%D \aftergroup\normalhss\aftergroup\egroup
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D or the probably best one:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\normalvcue%
+%D {\hbox \ifcenteredvcue to \hsize
+%D \bgroup\bgroup\normalhss
+%D \aftergroup\normalhss\aftergroup\egroup
+%D \else
+%D \bgroup
+%D \fi
+%D \let\next=}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because we don't have to preserve \CATCODES\ and only use
+%D small arguments, we stick to the first alternative.
+%D \macros
+%D {testrulewidth}
+%D {}
+%D We build our visual cues out of rules. At the cost of a much
+%D bigger \DVI\ file, this is to be prefered over using
+%D characters (1)~because we cannot be sure of their
+%D availability and (2)~because their dimensions are fixed.
+%D As with ruled boxes, we use a \DIMENSION\ to specify the
+%D width of the ruled elements. This dimension defaults to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \testrulewidth=\boxrulewidth
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because we prefer whole numbers for specifying the
+%D dimensions, we often use even multiples of
+%D \type{\testrulewidth}.
+%D \macros
+%D {visiblestretch}
+%D {}
+%D A second variable is introduced because of the stretch
+%D components of \SKIPS. At the cost of some accuracy we can
+%D make this stretch visible.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \visiblestretchtrue
+%D \stoptypen
+\newdimen\testrulewidth \testrulewidth=\boxrulewidth
+\newif\ifvisiblestretch \visiblestretchfalse
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhss,
+%D ruledhfil,ruledhfilneg,
+%D ruledhfill,ruledhfillneg}
+%D {}
+%D We start with the easiest part, the fills. The scheme we
+%D follow is {\em visual filling -- going back -- normal
+%D filling}. Visualizing is implemented using \type{\cleaders}.
+%D Because the \BOX\ that follows this command is constructed
+%D only once, the \type{\copy} is not really a prerequisite. We
+%D prefer using a \type{\normalhbox} here instead of a
+%D \type{\hbox}.
+ {\setbox#1=\normalhbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width#2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#4\testrulewidth}%
+ \smashbox#1}
+ {#1#2%
+ \bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setvisiblehfilbox0\to{4}{#3}{#4}%
+ \setvisiblehfilbox2\to422%
+ \copy0\copy2
+ \bgroup
+ \setvisiblehfilbox0\to422%
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox to 12\testrulewidth
+ {\normalhss\copy0\normalhss}%
+ #1%
+ \egroup
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth\copy0\copy2}%
+ \smashbox0
+ \box0
+ \egroup}
+%D The horizontal fillers differ in their boundary
+%D visualization. Watch the small dots. Fillers can be
+%D combined within reasonable margins.
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hss}\ruledhss test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfil}\ruledhfil test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfill}\ruledhfill test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut
+%D \type{\hfil}\type{\hfil}\ruledhfil\ruledhfil
+%D test%
+%D \ruledhfil\type{\hfil}}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D The negative counterparts are visualizes, but seldom
+%D become visible, apart from their boundaries.
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfilneg}\ruledhfilneg test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\type{\hfillneg}\ruledhfillneg test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D Although leaders are used for visualizing, they are
+%D visualized themselves correctly as the next example shows.
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \ruledhbox to \hsize
+%D {\strut\cleaders\normalhbox to 2em{\normalhss$\circ$\normalhss}\ruledhfill}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D All five substitutions use the same auxiliary macro. Watch
+%D the positive first -- negative next approach.
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhss\normalhfilneg{0}{0}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfil\normalhfilneg{10}{-6}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfill\normalhfillneg{18}{-14}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfilneg\normalhfil{-6}{10}}
+ {\doruledhfiller\normalhfillneg\normalhfill{-14}{18}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledvss,
+%D ruledvfil,ruledvfilneg,
+%D ruledvfill,ruledvfillneg}
+%D {}
+%D The vertical mode commands adopt the same visualization
+%D scheme, but are implemented in a slightly different way.
+ {\setbox#1=\normalhbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width#2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#4\testrulewidth}%
+ \smashbox#1}%
+ {#1#2%
+ \bgroup
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \setvisiblevfilbox0\to422%
+ \setbox2=\normalvcue
+ {\normalhskip -#3\testrulewidth\copy0}%
+ \smashbox2
+ \copy2
+ \bgroup
+ \setbox2=\normalvcue
+ {\normalhskip -2\testrulewidth\copy0}%
+ \smashbox2
+ \copy2
+ \cleaders
+ \normalvbox to 12\testrulewidth
+ {\normalvss\copy2\normalvss}%
+ #1%
+ \setbox2=\normalvbox
+ {\normalvskip-2\testrulewidth\copy2}%
+ \smashbox2
+ \box2
+ \egroup
+ \box2
+ \egroup}
+%D Because they act the same as their horizontal counterparts
+%D we only show a few examples.
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \hbox to \hsize
+%D {\dontinterfere
+%D \baselinerulefalse
+%D \centeredvcuetrue
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vss}\ruledvss last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfil}\ruledvfil last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfill}\ruledvfill last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfilneg}\ruledvfilneg last line}\normalhss
+%D \ruledvbox to 10ex
+%D {\hsize.18\hsize
+%D \type{\vfillneg}\ruledvfillneg last line}}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D Keep in mind that \type{\vfillneg} is not part of \PLAIN\
+%D \TEX, but are mimmicked by a macro.
+ {\doruledvfiller\normalvss\normalvfilneg{2}}
+ {\doruledvfiller\normalvfil\normalvfilneg{-4}}
+ {\doruledvfiller\normalvfill\normalvfillneg{-12}}
+ {\doruledvfiller\normalvfilneg\normalvfil{8}}
+ {\doruledvfiller\normalvfillneg\normalvfill{16}}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhskip}
+%D {}
+%D Skips differ from kerns in two important aspects:
+%D \startopsomming[opelkaar]
+%D \som line and pagebreaks are allowed at a skip
+%D \som skips can have a positive and/or negative
+%D stretchcomponent
+%D \stopopsomming
+%D Stated a bit different: kerns are fixed skips at which no
+%D line or pagebreak can occur. Because skips have a more open
+%D character, they are visualized in a open way.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \hskip +30pt plus 5pt
+%D two
+%D \hskip +30pt
+%D \hskip -10pt plus 5pt
+%D three
+%D \hskip 0pt
+%D four
+%D \hskip +30pt
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D When skips have a stretch component, this is visualized by
+%D means of a dashed line. Positive skips are on top of the
+%D baseline, negative ones are below it. This way we can show
+%D the combined results. An alternative visualization of
+%D stretch could be drawing the mid line over a length of the
+%D stretch, in positive or negative direction.
+ {\relax
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-\testrulewidth
+ \vrule
+ \!!width4\testrulewidth
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth
+ \cleaders
+ \hrule
+ \ifnegative
+ \!!depth2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\!!zeropoint
+ \else
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\!!zeropoint
+ \fi
+ \normalhfill
+ \ifflexible
+ \normalhskip\ifnegative\else-\fi\scratchskip
+ \normalhskip2\testrulewidth
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \vrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ifnegative-7\else9\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifnegative9\else-7\fi\testrulewidth
+ \normalhskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi
+ \vrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth}%
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\ifnegative\else\normalhskip-\scratchskip\fi
+ \box0}%
+ \fi
+ \smashbox0%
+ \ifvisiblestretch \else
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \fi
+ \ifflexible
+ % breaks ok but small displacements can occur
+ \skip2=\scratchskip
+ \advance\skip2 by -1\scratchskip
+ \divide\skip2 by 2
+ \advance\scratchskip by -\skip2
+ \normalhskip\scratchskip
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box0
+ \normalhskip\skip2
+ \else
+ \normalhskip\scratchskip
+ \box0
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledhskip
+ \scratchskip=}
+%D The visual skip is located at a feasible point. Normally
+%D this does not interfere with the normaltypesetting process.
+%D The next examples show (1)~the default behavior, (2)~the
+%D (not entirely correct) distributed stretch and (3)~the way
+%D the text is typeset without cues.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \dorecurse
+%D {15}
+%D {test\hskip1em plus .5em minus .5em
+%D test\hskip2em
+%D test}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \haalbuffer
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \visiblestretchtrue
+%D \haalbuffer
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \haalbuffer
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledvskip}
+%D {}
+%D We are less fortunate when implementing the vertical skips.
+%D This is a direct result of interference between the boxes that
+%D visualize the skip and skip removal at a pagebreak. Normally
+%D skips disappear at the top of a page, but not of course when
+%D visualized in a \type{\vbox}. A quite perfect simulation
+%D could have been built if we would have had available two
+%D more primitives: \type{\hnop} and \type{\vnop}. These new
+%D primitives could stand for boxes that are visible but are
+%D not taken into account in any way. They are there for us,
+%D but not for \TEX.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \vskip +30pt plus 5pt
+%D second line
+%D \vskip +30pt
+%D \vskip -10pt plus 5pt
+%D third line
+%D \par
+%D fourth line
+%D \vskip +30pt
+%D fifth line
+%D \vskip 0pt
+%D sixth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D We have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. Although this
+%D precaution probably is not completely waterproof, it works
+%D quite well.
+ {\nextdepth=\prevdepth
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0=\normalvcue
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width32\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth2\testrulewidth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0=\normalvbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\hrule
+ \!!width16\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \ifflexible
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox to 16\testrulewidth
+ {\normalhss
+ \normalvbox
+ {\normalvskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \hrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \normalvskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhss}%
+ \normalvfill
+ \else
+ \normalvfill
+ \fi
+ \hrule
+ \!!width16\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth}%
+ \setbox2=\normalvbox to \ht0
+ {\hrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ht0}%
+ \ifnegative
+ \ht0=\!!zeropoint
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip2\testrulewidth % will be improved
+ \normalhskip-\wd0\box0}%
+ \fi
+ \smashbox0%
+ \smashbox2%
+ \setbox0=\normalvcue
+ {\box2\box0}%
+ \setbox0=\normalvbox
+ {\ifnegative\normalvskip\scratchskip\fi\box0}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \fi
+ \ifvisiblestretch
+ \ifflexible
+ \skip2=\scratchskip
+ \advance\skip2 by -1\scratchskip
+ \divide\skip2 by 2
+ \advance\scratchskip by -\skip2
+ \normalvskip\skip2
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box0
+ \prevdepth=\nextdepth % not \dp0=\nextdepth
+ \normalvskip\scratchskip}
+%D We try to avoid interfering at the top of a page. Of course
+%D we only do so when we are in the main vertical list.
+ {\endgraf % \par
+ \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \ifinner
+ \dodoruledvskip
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dodoruledvskip
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledvskip
+ \scratchskip=}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledkern}
+%D {}
+%D The macros that implement the kerns are a bit more
+%D complicated than needed, because they also serve the
+%D visualization of glue, our \PLAIN\ defined kerns with
+%D stretch or shrink. We've implemented both horizontal and
+%D vertical kerns as ruled boxes.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \kern +30pt
+%D two
+%D \kern +30pt
+%D \kern -10pt
+%D three
+%D \kern 0pt
+%D four
+%D \kern +30pt
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D Positive and negative kerns are placed on top or below the
+%D baseline, so we are able to track their added result. We
+%D didn't mention spacings of 0~pt yet. Zero values are
+%D visualized a bit different, because we want to see them
+%D anyhow.
+ {\dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \baselinerulefalse
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \boxrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0=\ruledhbox to 8\testrulewidth
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width\!!zeropoint
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth}%
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth\box0}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0=\ruledhbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width\!!zeropoint
+ \ifnegative\!!depth\else\!!height\fi16\testrulewidth
+ \ifflexible
+ \normalhskip2\testrulewidth
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \vrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height\ifnegative-7\else9\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifnegative9\else-7\fi\testrulewidth
+ \normalhskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhfill
+ \else
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi}%
+ \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0=\ruledhbox{\box0}% \make...
+ \fi
+ \smashbox0%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \normalhbox to \!!zeropoint
+ {\ifnegative\normalhskip1\scratchskip\fi
+ \box0}%
+ \afterwards\scratchskip
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\afterwards=#1\relax
+ \afterassignment\doruledhkern
+ \scratchskip=}
+%D After having seen the horizontal ones, the vertical kerns
+%D will not surprise us. In this example we use \type{\par} to
+%D switch to vertical mode.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \par \kern +30pt
+%D second line
+%D \par \kern +30pt
+%D \par \kern -10pt
+%D third line
+%D \par
+%D fourth line
+%D \par \kern +30pt
+%D fifth line
+%D \par \kern 0pt
+%D sixth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D Like before, we have to postpone \type{\prevdepth}. If we
+%D leave out this trick, we got ourselves some wrong spacing.
+ {\nextdepth=\prevdepth
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \baselinerulefalse
+ \normaloffinterlineskip
+ \investigateskip\scratchskip
+ \boxrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
+ \ifzero
+ \setbox0=\ruledhbox to 32\testrulewidth
+ {\vrule
+ \!!width\!!zeropoint
+ \!!height4\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth4\testrulewidth}%
+ \else
+ \setbox0=\ruledvbox to \ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ {\hsize16\testrulewidth
+ \ifflexible
+ \cleaders
+ \normalhbox to 16\testrulewidth
+ {\normalhss
+ \normalvbox
+ {\normalvskip 2\testrulewidth
+ \hrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height2\testrulewidth
+ \normalvskip 2\testrulewidth}%
+ \normalhss}%
+ \normalvfill
+ \else
+ \vrule
+ \!!width\!!zeropoint
+ \!!height\ifnegative-\fi\scratchskip
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi}
+ \fi
+ \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0=\ruledvbox{\box0}% \make...
+ \smashbox0%
+ \setbox0=\normalvbox
+ {\ifnegative\normalvskip\scratchskip\fi
+ \normalvcue
+ {\ifnegative\normalhskip-16\testrulewidth\fi\box0}}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \box0
+ \prevdepth=\nextdepth} % not \dp0=\nextdepth
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \ifinner
+ \dodoruledvkern
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \dodoruledvkern
+ \fi
+ \afterwards\scratchskip
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\afterwards=#1\relax
+ \afterassignment\doruledvkern
+ \scratchskip=}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \expandafter\ruledvkern
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ruledhkern
+ \fi
+ \normalkern}
+%D A a bit more \TEX nice solution is:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \unexpanded\def\ruledkern%
+%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi kern\endcsname\normalkern}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledhglue,ruledvglue}
+%D {}
+%D The non-primitive glue commands are treated as kerns with
+%D stretch. This stretch is presented as a dashed line. I
+%D have to admit that until now, I've never used these glue
+%D commands.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \hglue +30pt plus 5pt
+%D two
+%D \hglue +30pt
+%D \hglue -10pt plus 5pt
+%D three
+%D \hglue 0pt
+%D four
+%D \hglue +30pt
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\leavevmode
+ \scratchcounter=\spacefactor
+ \vrule\!!width\!!zeropoint
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \ruledhkern\normalhskip\scratchskip
+ \spacefactor=\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledhglue\scratchskip=}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \vglue +30pt plus 5pt
+%D second line
+%D \vglue +30pt
+%D \vglue -10pt plus 5pt
+%D third line
+%D \par
+%D fourth line
+%D \vglue +30pt
+%D fifth line
+%D \vglue 0pt
+%D sixth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\endgraf % \par
+ \nextdepth=\prevdepth
+ \hrule\!!height\!!zeropoint
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \ruledvkern\normalvskip\scratchskip
+ \prevdepth=\nextdepth
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledvglue\scratchskip=}
+%D \macros
+%D {ruledmkern,ruledmskip}
+%D {}
+%D Mathematical kerns and skips are specified in mu. This
+%D font related unit is incompatible with those of \DIMENSIONS\
+%D and \SKIPS. Because in math mode spacing is often a very
+%D subtle matter, we've used a very simple, not overloaded way
+%D to show them.
+ {\dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {$\normalmkern\ifnegative-\fi\scratchmuskip$}%
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox to \wd0
+ {\vrule
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\testrulewidth
+ \leaders
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\ifpositive16\else-14\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifpositive-14\else16\fi\testrulewidth
+ \normalhfill
+ \ifflexible
+ \normalhskip-\wd0
+ \leaders
+ \hrule
+ \!!height\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\testrulewidth
+ \normalhfill
+ \fi
+ \vrule
+ \!!height16\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth16\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\testrulewidth}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \ifnegative
+ #1\scratchmuskip
+ \box0
+ \else
+ \box0
+ #1\scratchmuskip
+ \fi
+ \egroup}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $a \mkern3mu = \mkern3mu
+%D b \quad
+%D \mkern-2mu + \mkern-2mu
+%D \quad c$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
+ \flexiblefalse
+ \dodoruledmkern\normalmkern}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledmkern\scratchmuskip=}
+%D \startbuffer
+%D $a \mskip3mu = \mskip3mu
+%D b \quad
+%D \mskip-2mu + \mskip-2mu
+%D \quad c$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\investigatemuskip\scratchmuskip
+ \flexibletrue
+ \dodoruledmkern\normalmskip}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledmskip\scratchmuskip=}
+%D \macros
+%D {penalty}
+%D {}
+%D After presenting fills, skip, kerns and glue we've come to
+%D see penalties. In the first implementation --- most of the
+%D time needed to develop this set of macros went into testing
+%D different types of visualization --- penalties were mere
+%D small blocks with one black half, depending on the sign.
+%D This most recent version also gives an indication of the
+%D amount of penalty. Penalties can go from less than $-10000$
+%D to over $+10000$, and their behavior is somewhat
+%D non-lineair, with some values having special meanings. We
+%D therefore decided not to use its value for a lineair
+%D indicator.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D one
+%D \penalty +100
+%D two
+%D \penalty +100
+%D \penalty -100
+%D three
+%D \penalty 0
+%D four
+%D \penalty +100
+%D five
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+%D The small sticks at the side of the penalty indicate it
+%D size. The next example shows the positive and negative
+%D penalties of 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 10000.
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \hbox
+%D {test \ruledhpenalty0
+%D test \ruledhpenalty1
+%D test \ruledhpenalty10
+%D test \ruledhpenalty100
+%D test \ruledhpenalty1000
+%D test \ruledhpenalty10000
+%D test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \blanko
+%D \startregelcorrectie
+%D \hbox
+%D {test \ruledhpenalty0
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-1
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-10
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-100
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-1000
+%D test \ruledhpenalty-10000
+%D test}
+%D \stopregelcorrectie
+%D \blanko
+%D This way stacked penalties of different severance can be
+%D shown in combination.
+%D test \ruledhpenalty10 \ruledhpenalty100
+%D test
+%D test \ruledhpenalty1000 \ruledhpenalty-1000
+%D test
+ {\setbox#1=\normalhbox
+ {\ifnum#2=0 \else
+ \ifnum#2>0
+ \def\sign{+}%
+ \else
+ \def\sign{-}%
+ \fi
+ \dimen0=\ifnum\sign#2>9999
+ 28\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>999
+ 22\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>99
+ 16\else
+ \ifnum\sign#2>9
+ 10\else
+ 4
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi \testrulewidth
+ \ifnum#2<0
+ \normalhskip-\dimen0
+ \normalhskip-2\testrulewidth
+ \vrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
+ \fi
+ \vrule
+ \!!width\dimen0
+ \!!height#5\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#6\testrulewidth
+ \ifnum#2>0
+ \vrule
+ \!!width2\testrulewidth
+ \!!height#3\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth#4\testrulewidth
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ \smashbox#1}
+ {\dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \investigatecount\scratchcounter
+ \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
+ \boxrulewidth=\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0=\ruledhbox to 8\testrulewidth
+ {\ifnegative\else\normalhss\fi
+ \vrule
+ \!!depth8\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\ifzero0\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \ifpositive\else\normalhss\fi}%
+ \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{0}{8}{-3.5}{4.5}%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative
+ \box2\box0
+ \else
+ \box0\box2
+ \fi}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \box0
+ \normalpenalty\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledhpenalty
+ \scratchcounter=}
+%D The size of a vertical penalty is also shown on the
+%D horizontal axis. This way there is less interference with
+%D the often preceding or following skips and kerns.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D first line
+%D \par \penalty +100
+%D second line
+%D \par \penalty +100
+%D \par \penalty -100
+%D third line
+%D \par \penalty 0
+%D fourth line
+%D \par \penalty +100
+%D fifth line
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \ShowBufferedExample
+ {\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen
+ \else
+ \nextdepth=\prevdepth
+ \dontinterfere
+ \dontcomplain
+ \investigatecount\scratchcounter
+ \testrulewidth=2\testrulewidth
+ \boxrulewidth=\testrulewidth
+ \setbox0=\ruledhbox
+ {\vrule
+ \!!height4\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth4\testrulewidth
+ \!!width\!!zeropoint
+ \vrule
+ \!!height\ifnegative.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!depth\ifpositive.5\else4\fi\testrulewidth
+ \!!width8\testrulewidth}%
+ \setruledpenaltybox{2}{\scratchcounter}{4}{4}{.5}{.5}%
+ \setbox0=\normalhbox
+ {\normalhskip-4\testrulewidth
+ \ifnegative
+ \box2\box0
+ \else
+ \box0\box2
+ \fi
+ \normalhss}%
+ \smashbox0%
+ \normalpenalty\!!tenthousand
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \dp0=\nextdepth % not \prevdepth=\nextdepth
+ \normalvbox
+ {\normalvcue{\box0}}%
+ \fi
+ \normalpenalty\scratchcounter
+ \egroup}
+ {\bgroup
+ \afterassignment\doruledvpenalty
+ \scratchcounter=}
+ {\ifvmode
+ \expandafter\ruledvpenalty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ruledhpenalty
+ \fi}
+%D At the cost of some more tokens, a bit more clever
+%D implementation would be:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \unexpanded\def\ruledpenalty%
+%D {\csname ruled\ifvmode v\else h\fi penalty\endcsname}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D \macros
+%D {showfils,dontshowfils,
+%D showboxes,dontshowboxes,
+%D showskips,dontshowskips,
+%D showpenalties,dontshowpenalties}
+%D {}
+%D For those who want to manipulate the visual cues in detail,
+%D we have grouped them.
+ {\let\hss = \ruledhss
+ \let\hfil = \ruledhfil
+ \let\hfill = \ruledhfill
+ \let\hfilneg = \ruledhfilneg
+ \let\hfillneg = \ruledhfillneg
+ \let\vss = \ruledvss
+ \let\vfil = \ruledvfil
+ \let\vfill = \ruledvfill
+ \let\vfilneg = \ruledvfilneg
+ \let\vfillneg = \ruledvfillneg}
+ {\let\hss = \normalhss
+ \let\hfil = \normalhfil
+ \let\hfill = \normalhfill
+ \let\hfilneg = \normalhfilneg
+ \let\hfillneg = \normalhfillneg
+ \let\vss = \normalvss
+ \let\vfil = \normalvfil
+ \let\vfill = \normalvfill
+ \let\vfilneg = \normalvfilneg
+ \let\vfillneg = \normalvfillneg}
+ {\baselineruletrue
+ \let\hbox = \ruledhbox
+ \let\vbox = \ruledvbox
+ \let\vtop = \ruledvtop
+ \let\vcenter = \ruledvcenter}
+ {\let\hbox = \normalhbox
+ \let\vbox = \normalvbox
+ \let\vtop = \normalvtop
+ \let\vcenter = \normalvcenter}
+ {\let\hskip = \ruledhskip
+ \let\vskip = \ruledvskip
+ \let\kern = \ruledkern
+ \let\mskip = \ruledmskip
+ \let\mkern = \ruledmkern
+ \let\hglue = \ruledhglue
+ \let\vglue = \ruledvglue}
+ {\let\hskip = \normalhskip
+ \let\vskip = \normalvskip
+ \let\kern = \normalkern
+ \let\mskip = \normalmskip
+ \let\mkern = \normalmkern
+ \let\hglue = \normalhglue
+ \let\vglue = \normalvglue}
+ {\let\penalty = \ruledpenalty}
+ {\let\penalty = \normalpenalty}
+%D \macros
+%D {showingcomposition,
+%D showcomposition,dontshowcomposition,}
+%D {}
+%D All these nice options come together in two macros. The
+%D first one turns the options on, the second turnes them off.
+%D Both macros only do their job when we are actually showing
+%D the composition.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \showingcompositiontrue
+%D \showcomposition
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Because the output routine can do tricky things, like
+%D multiple column typesetting and manipulation of the
+%D pagebody, shifting things around and so on, the macro
+%D \type{\dontshowcomposition} best can be called when we enter
+%D this routine. Too much visual cues just don't make sense. In
+%D \CONTEXT\ this has been taken care of.
+ {\ifshowingcomposition
+ \showfils
+ \showboxes
+ \showskips
+ \showpenalties
+ \fi}
+ {\ifshowingcomposition
+ \dontshowfils
+ \dontshowboxes
+ \dontshowskips
+ \dontshowpenalties
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {showmakeup,
+%D defaulttestrulewidth}
+%D {}
+%D Just to make things even more easy, we have defined:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \stoptypen
+%D For the sake of those who don't (yet) use \CONTEXT\ we
+%D preset \type{\defaulttestrulewidth} to the already set
+%D value. Otherwise we default to a bodyfontsize related value.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.2pt}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Beware, it's a macro not a \DIMENSION.
+ \edef\defaulttestrulewidth{\the\testrulewidth}
+ \def\defaulttestrulewidth{.02\korpsgrootte} % still dutch
+ {\testrulewidth=\defaulttestrulewidth
+ \showingcompositiontrue
+ \showcomposition}
+%D \ifCONTEXT \let\next=\relax \else \let\next=\endinput
+%D The documented source you have been reading was processed
+%D using some surrogate makeup. When this file is processed
+%D in \CONTEXT, a few more examples show up here, like a local
+%D table of contents and a local register.
+%D \fi \next
+% %D Lets end with some more advanced examples. When visualized,
+% %D the table of contents of the outer level is typeset as:
+% %D
+% %D {\showmakeup\plaatsinhoud[criterium=vorige]}
+% %D
+%D Lets end with some more advanced examples.
+%D Definitions and enumerations come in many flavors. The
+%D next one for instance is defined as:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \definedescription[test][place=left,hang=3,width=6em]
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When applied to some text, this would look like:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \showmakeup
+%D \doordefinieren[test][plaats=links,hang=3,breedte=6em]
+%D \test{visual\\debugger} I would be very pleased if \TEX\
+%D had two more primitives: \type{\vnop} and \type{\hnop}. Both
+%D should act and show up as normal boxes, but stay invisible
+%D for \TEX\ when it's doing calculations. The \type{\vnop}
+%D for instance should not interact with the internal mechanism
+%D responsible for the disappearing skips, kerns and penalties
+%D at a pagebreak. As long as we don't have these two boxtypes,
+%D visual debugging will never be perfect.
+%D \egroup
+%D The index to this section looks like:
+%D {\stelrefererenin[prefix=dummy]\showmakeup\plaatsindex[criterium=lokaal]}
+%D Although not impressive examples or typesetting, both
+%D show us how and where things happen. When somehow the last
+%D lines in this two column index don't allign, then this is
+%D due to some still unknown interference.