path: root/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex')
1 files changed, 1304 insertions, 1172 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex b/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex
index caf9d72e4..dae770f16 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex
+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.tex
@@ -1,1172 +1,1304 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=supp-pdf,
-%D version=1997.05.21,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
-%D subtitle=\METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
-%C granted.
-%D These macros are written as generic as possible. Some
-%D general support macro's are loaded from a small module
-%D especially made for non \CONTEXT\ use. In this module I
-%D use a matrix transformation macro written by Tanmoy
-%D Bhattacharya. Thanks to extensive testing of Sebastian
-%D Ratz I was able to complete this module within reasonable
-%D time. First we take care of non||\CONTEXT\ use:
-\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \relax \fi
-%D This module handles some \PDF\ conversion and insertions
-%D topics. The macros use the \PDFTEX\ primitive
-%D \type{\pdfliteral}.
-\writestatus{loading}{Context Support Macros / PDF}
- \def\pdfliteral#1{\message{[ignored pdfliteral: #1]}}
-%D \macros
-%D {convertPDFtoPDF}
-%D {}
-%D \PDFTEX\ supports verbatim inclusion of \PDF\ code. The
-%D following macro takes care of inserting externally defined
-%D illustrations in \PDF\ format. According to a suggestion
-%D Tanmoy Bhattacharya posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list, we
-%D first skip lines until \type{stream} is reached and then
-%D copy lines until \type{endstream} is encountered. This
-%D scheme only works with vectorized graphics in which no
-%D indirect references to objects are used. Bitmaps also don't
-%D work. Interpreting their specifications is beyond the
-%D current implementation.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \convertPDFtoPDF
-%D {filename}
-%D {x scale} {y scale}
-%D {x offset } {y offset}
-%D {width} {height}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When the scales are set to~1, the last last four values
-%D are the same as the bounding box, e.g.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \convertPDFtoPDF{mp-pra-1.pdf} {1} {1}{-1bp}{-1bp}{398bp}{398bp}
-%D \convertPDFtoPDF{mp-pra-1.pdf}{.5}{.5} {0bp} {0bp}{199bp}{199bp}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Keep in mind, that this kind of copying only works for
-%D pure and valid pdf code (without fonts).
-%D The scanning and copying is straightforward and quite fast.
-%D To speed up things we use two constants.
-\def\@@PDFstream@@ {stream}
-\def\@@PDFendstream@@ {endstream}
-%D \macros
-%D {PDFmediaboxprefered}
-%D {}
-%D If needed, the macros can scan for the mediabox that
-%D specifies the dimensions and offsets of the graphic. When
-%D we say:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \PDFmediaboxpreferedtrue
-%D \stoptypen
-%D the mediabox present in the file superseded the user
-%D specified, already scaled and calculated offset and
-%D dimensions. Beware: the user supplied values are not the
-%D bounding box ones!
- {\dimen0=#1\dimen0=#5\dimen0
- \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\PDFxoffset
- \dimen0=#3\dimen0=#5\dimen0
- \xdef\PDFwidth{\the\dimen0}%
- \dimen0=#2\dimen0=#6\dimen0
- \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\PDFyoffset
- \dimen0=#4\dimen0=#6\dimen0
- \xdef\PDFheight{\the\dimen0}%
- \global\let\PDFxoffset=\PDFxoffset
- \global\let\PDFyoffset=\PDFyoffset}
-\def\setPDFmediabox#1[#2 #3 #4 #5]#6\done%
- {\dimen2=#2bp\dimen2=-\dimen2
- \dimen4=#3bp\dimen4=-\dimen4
- \dimen6=#4bp\advance\dimen6 by \dimen2
- \dimen8=#5bp\advance\dimen8 by \dimen4
- \setPDFboundingbox{\dimen2}{\dimen4}{\dimen6}{\dimen8}\PDFxscale\PDFyscale}
- {\ifx#2\relax \else
- \message{mediabox}%
- \setPDFmediabox#2#3\done
- \fi}
-%D We use the general macro \type{\doprocessfile} and feed this
-%D with a line handling macro that changed it's behavior when
-%D the stream operators are encountered.
- {\ifx\@@PDFstream@@\fileline
- \let\doprocessPDFline=\copyPDFobject
- \startPDFtoPDF
- \else\ifPDFmediaboxprefered
- \expandafter\checkPDFmediabox\fileline/MediaBox\relax\done
- \fi\fi}
- {\ifx\@@PDFendstream@@\fileline
- \ifPDFmediaboxprefered
- \let\doprocessPDFline=\findPDFmediabox
- \else
- \let\doprocessPDFline=\relax
- \fi
- \else
- \advance\scratchcounter by 1
- \pdfliteral{\fileline}%
- \fi}
- {\expandafter\checkPDFmediabox\fileline/MediaBox\relax\done}
-%D The main conversion macro wraps the \PDF\ codes in a box
-%D that is output as an object. The graphics are embedded
-%D in~\type{q} and~\type{Q} and are scaled and positioned using
-%D one transform call (\type{cm}). This saves some additional
-%D scaling.
- {\setbox0=\vbox\bgroup
- \message{[PDF to PDF \PDFfilename}%
- \forgetall
- \scratchcounter=0
- \let\stopPDFtoPDF=\dostopPDFtoPDF}
- {\ifnum\scratchcounter<0 \scratchcounter=1 \fi
- \message{(\the\scratchcounter\space lines)]}%
- \egroup
- \wd0=\PDFwidth
- \vbox to \PDFheight
- {\forgetall
- \vfill
- \pdfliteral{q}%
- \pdfliteral{1 0 0 1 \PDFxoffset\space \PDFyoffset\space cm}%
- \pdfliteral{\PDFxscale\space 0 0 \PDFyscale\space 0 0 cm}%
- \box0
- \pdfliteral{Q}}}
- {\message{[PDF to PDF \PDFfilename\space not found]}}
- {\bgroup
- \def\PDFfilename{#1}%
- \def\PDFxscale {#2}%
- \def\PDFyscale {#3}%
- \setPDFboundingbox{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{1}{1}%
- \uncatcodespecials
- \endlinechar=-1
- \let\doprocessPDFline=\handlePDFline
- \doprocessfile\scratchread\PDFfilename\doprocessPDFline
- \stopPDFtoPDF
- \egroup}
-%D \macros
-%D {convertMPtoPDF}
-%D {}
-%D The next set of macros implements \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
-%D conversion. Because we want to test as fast as possible, we
-%D first define the \POSTSCRIPT\ operators that \METAPOST\
-%D uses. We don't define irrelevant ones, because these are
-%D skipped anyway.
-\def \PScurveto {curveto}
-\def \PSlineto {lineto}
-\def \PSmoveto {moveto}
-\def \PSshowpage {showpage}
-\def \PSnewpath {newpath}
-\def \PSfshow {fshow}
-\def \PSclosepath {closepath}
-\def \PSfill {fill}
-\def \PSstroke {stroke}
-\def \PSclip {clip}
-\def \PSrlineto {rlineto}
-\def \PSsetlinejoin {setlinejoin}
-\def \PSsetlinecap {setlinecap}
-\def \PSsetmiterlimit {setmiterlimit}
-\def \PSsetgray {setgray}
-\def \PSsetrgbcolor {setrgbcolor}
-\def \PSsetcmykcolor {setcmykcolor}
-\def \PSsetdash {setdash}
-\def \PSgsave {gsave}
-\def \PSgrestore {grestore}
-\def \PStranslate {translate}
-\def \PSscale {scale}
-\def \PSconcat {concat}
-\def \PSdtransform {dtransform}
-\def \PSBoundingBox {BoundingBox:}
-\def \PSHiResBoundingBox {HiResBoundingBox:}
-\def \PSExactBoundingBox {ExactBoundingBox:}
-\def \PSPage {Page:}
-%D By the way, the \type {setcmykcolor} operator is not
-%D output by \METAPOST\ but can result from converting the
-%D \kap{RGB} color specifications, as implemented in
-%D \type{supp-mps}.
-%D In \POSTSCRIPT\ arguments precede the operators. Due to the
-%D fact that in some translations we need access to those
-%D arguments, as well as that sometimes we have to skip them,
-%D we stack them up. The stack is one||dimensional for non path
-%D operators and two||dimensional for operators inside a path.
-%D This is because we have to save the whole path for
-%D (optional) postprocessing. Values are pushed onto the stack
-%D by:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \setMPargument {value}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D They can be retrieved by the short named macros:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \gMPa {number}
-%D \sMPa {number}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When scanning a path specification, we also save the
-%D operator, using
-%D \starttypen
-%D \setMPkeyword {n}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The path drawing operators are coded for speed: \type{clip},
-%D \type{stroke}, \type{fill} and \type{fillstroke} become
-%D 1, 2, 3 and~4.
-%D When processing the path this code can be retrieved
-%D using
-%D \starttypen
-%D \getMPkeyword{n}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D When setting an argument, the exact position on the stack
-%D depend on the current value of the \COUNTERS\
-%D \type{\nofMPsegments} and \type{\nofMParguments}.
-%D These variables hold the coordinates. The argument part of
-%D the stack is reset by:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \resetMPstack
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We use the prefix \type{@@MP} to keep the stack from
-%D conflicting with existing macros. To speed up things bit
-%D more, we use the constant \type{\@@MP}.
- {\advance\nofMParguments by 1
- \expandafter\def
- \csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname%
- {\do#1}}
- {\csname\@@MP0#1\endcsname}
- {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments#1\endcsname}
- {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname{#1}%
- \advance\nofMPsegments by 1
- \nofMParguments=0\relax}
- {\csname\@@MP#10\endcsname}
-%D When we reset the stack, we can assume that all further
-%D comment is to be ignored as well as handled in strings.
-%D By redefining the reset macro after the first call, we
-%D save some run time.
- {\catcode`\%=\@@active
- \let\handleMPgraphic=\handleMPendgraphic
- \def\resetMPstack{\nofMParguments=0\relax}%
- \resetMPstack}
-%D The arguments are saved with the preceding command
-%D \type{\do}. By default this command expands to nothing, but
-%D when we deal with strings it's used to strip off the
-%D \type{(} and \type{)}.
-%D Strings are kind of tricky, because characters can be
-%D passed verbatim \type{(hello)}, by octal number
-%D \type{(\005)} or as command \type{(\()}. We therefore
-%D cannot simply ignore \type{(} and \type{)}, the way we do
-%D with \type{[} and \type{]}. Another complication is that
-%D strings may contain characters that normally have a
-%D special meaning in \TEX, like \type{$} and \type{{}}.
-%D A previous solution made \type{\} an active character and
-%D let it look ahead for a number or character. W ehad to
-%D abandon this scheme because of the need for verbatim
-%D support. The next solution involved some \CATCODE\
-%D trickery but works well.
- {\char'#1#2#3\relax}
- B\def%BE|
- \def[BE|
- \def]BE|
- \def{BE|
- \def}BEE
- B\def%B\char 37\relax E|
- \def[B\char 91\relax E|
- \def]B\char 93\relax E|
- \def{B\char123\relax E|
- \def}B\char125\relax EE
- B\catcode`\%=\@@active
- \catcode`\[=\@@active
- \catcode`\]=\@@active
- \catcode`\{=\@@active
- \catcode`\}=\@@active
- \catcode`\$=\@@letter
- \catcode`\_=\@@letter
- \catcode`\#=\@@letter
- \catcode`\^=\@@letter
- \catcode`\&=\@@letter
- \catcode`\|=\@@letter
- \catcode`\~=\@@letter
- \def\(B\char40\relax E|
- \def\)B\char41\relax E|
- \def\\B\char92\relax E|
- \def\0B\octalMPcharacter0E|
- \def\1B\octalMPcharacter1E|
- \def\2B\octalMPcharacter2E|
- \def\3B\octalMPcharacter3E|
- \def\4B\octalMPcharacter4E|
- \def\5B\octalMPcharacter5E|
- \def\6B\octalMPcharacter6E|
- \def\7B\octalMPcharacter7E|
- \def\8B\octalMPcharacter8E|
- \def\9B\octalMPcharacter9EE
-%D We use the comment symbol as a sort of trigger:
-%D In earlier versions we used the sequence
-%D \starttypen
-%D \expandafter\handleMPsequence\input filename\relax
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Persistent problems in \LATEX\ however forced us to use a
-%D different scheme. Every \POSTSCRIPT\ file starts with a
-%D \type{%}, so we temporary make this an active character
-%D that starts the scanning and redefines itself. (The problem
-%D originates in the redefinition by \LATEX\ of the
-%D \type{\input} primitive.)
- {\catcode`\%=\@@ignore
- \ignoreMPspecials
- \handleMPsequence}
-%D Here comes the main loop. Most arguments are numbers. This
-%D means that they can be recognized by their \type{\lccode}.
-%D This method saves a lot of processing time. We could
-%D speed up the conversion by handling the \type{path}
-%D seperately.
-\def\dohandleMPsequence#1#2 %
- {\ifnum\lccode`#1=0
- \setMPargument{#1#2}%
- \else
- \edef\somestring{#1#2}%
- \ifx\somestring\PSmoveto
- \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPa1}%
- \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPa2}%
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 m}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSnewpath
- \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPpath
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave
- \pdfliteral{q}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore
- \pdfliteral{Q}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSdtransform % == setlinewidth
- \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPdtransform
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 \gMPa5 \gMPa6 cm}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetrgbcolor
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 rg \gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 RG}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetcmykcolor
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 k \gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 K}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetgray
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 g \gMPa1 G}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PStranslate
- \pdfliteral{1 0 0 1 \gMPa1 \gMPa2 cm}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetdash
- \handleMPsetdash
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetlinejoin
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 j}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetmiterlimit
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 M}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSfshow
- \handleMPfshow
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetlinecap
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 J}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto
- \pdfliteral{\lastMPmoveX\space \lastMPmoveY\space l S}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSscale
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 0 0 \gMPa2 0 0 cm}%
- \resetMPstack
- \else
- \handleMPgraphic{#1#2}%
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
- \fi
- \handleMPsequence}
-%D Beginning and ending the graphics is taken care of by the
-%D macro \type{\handleMPgraphic}, which is redefined when
-%D the first graphics operator is met.
- {\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
- \let\handleMPsequence=\finishMPgraphic
- \else
- \setMPargument{#1}%
- \fi}
- {\ifx\somestring\PSBoundingBox
- \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPboundingbox
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSHiResBoundingBox
- \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPboundingbox
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSExactBoundingBox
- \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPboundingbox
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSPage
- \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPpage
- \else
- \setMPargument{#1}%
- \fi\fi\fi\fi}
-%D We check for three kind of bounding boxes: the normal one
-%D and two high precission ones:
-%D \starttypen
-%D BoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
-%D HiResBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
-%D ExactBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The dimensions are saved for later use.
-\def\handleMPboundingbox #1 #2 #3 #4
- {\dimen0=#1pt\dimen0=-\MPxscale\dimen0
- \dimen2=#2pt\dimen2=-\MPyscale\dimen2
- \xdef\MPxoffset{\withoutpt{\the\dimen0}}%
- \xdef\MPyoffset{\withoutpt{\the\dimen2}}%
- \dimen0=#1bp\dimen0=-\dimen0
- \dimen2=#2bp\dimen2=-\dimen2
- \advance\dimen0 by #3bp
- \dimen0=\MPxscale\dimen0
- \xdef\MPwidth{\the\dimen0}%
- \advance\dimen2 by #4bp
- \dimen2=\MPyscale\dimen2
- \xdef\MPheight{\the\dimen2}%
- \nofMParguments=0
- \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
- \handleMPsequence}
-%D We use the \type{page} comment as a signal that
-%D stackbuilding can be started.
-\def\handleMPpage #1 #2
- {\nofMParguments=0
- \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
- \handleMPsequence}
-%D \METAPOST\ draws it dots by moving to a location and
-%D invoking \type{0 0 rlineto}. This operator is not
-%D available in \PDF. Our solution is straightforward: we draw
-%D a line from $(current\_x, current\_y)$ to itself. This
-%D means that the arguments of the preceding \type{moveto} have
-%D to be saved.
-%D These saved coordinates are also used when we handle the
-%D texts. Text handling proved to be a bit of a nuisance, but
-%D finaly I saw the light. It proved that we also had to
-%D take care of \type{(split arguments)}.
- {\setbox0=\hbox
- {\obeyMPspecials
- \edef\size{\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments} }%
- \advance\nofMParguments by -1
- \font\temp=\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments} at \size bp
- \advance\nofMParguments by -1
- \temp
- \ifnum\nofMParguments=1
- \def\do(##1){##1}%
- \gMPa1%
- \else
- \scratchcounter=1
- \def\do(##1{##1}%
- \gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}\space
- \def\do{}%
- \loop
- \advance\scratchcounter by 1
- \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments
- \gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}\space
- \repeat
- \def\do##1){##1}%
- \gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}%
- \fi
- \unskip}%
- \dimen0=\lastMPmoveY bp
- \advance\dimen0 by \ht0
- \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\lastMPmoveY
- \pdfliteral{n q 1 0 0 1 \lastMPmoveX\space\lastMPmoveY\space cm}%
- \dimen0=\ht0
- \advance\dimen0 by \dp0
- \box0
- \vskip-\dimen0
- \pdfliteral{Q}}
-%D Most operators are just converted and keep their
-%D arguments. Dashes however need a bit different treatment,
-%D otherwise \PDF\ viewers complain loudly. Another
-%D complication is that one argument comes after the \type{]}.
-%D When reading the data, we simple ignore the array boundary
-%D characters. We save ourselves some redundant newlines and
-%D at the same time keep the output readable by packing the
-%D literals.
- {\bgroup
- \def\somestring{[}%
- \scratchcounter=1
- \loop
- \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments
- \edef\somestring{\somestring\space\gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}}%
- \advance\scratchcounter by 1
- \repeat
- \edef\somestring{\somestring]\gMPa{\the\scratchcounter} d}%
- \pdfliteral{\somestring}%
- \egroup}
-%D The \type{setlinewidth} commands look a bit complicated. There are
-%D two alternatives, that alsways look the same. As John Hobby
-%D says:
-%D \startsmaller
-%D \starttypen
-%D x 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth
-%D 0 y dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop
-%D \stoptypen
-%D These are just fancy versions of \type{x setlinewidth} and
-%D \type{y setlinewidth}. The \type{x 0 ...} form is used if
-%D the path is {\em primarily vertical}. It rounds the width
-%D so that vertical lines come out an integer number of pixels
-%D wide in device space. The \type{0 y ...} form does the same
-%D for paths that are {\em primarily horizontal}. The reason
-%D why I did this is Knuth insists on getting exactly the
-%D widths \TEX\ intends for the horizontal and vertical rules
-%D in \type{btex...etex} output. (Note that PostScript scan
-%D conversion rules cause a horizontal or vertical line of
-%D integer width $n$ in device space to come out $n+1$ pixels
-%D wide, regardless of the phase relative to the pixel grid.)
-%D \stopsmaller
-%D The common operator in these sequences is \type{dtransform},
-%D so we can use this one to trigger setting the linewidth.
- {\ifdim\gMPa1pt>\!!zeropoint
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 w}%
- \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 ##5 ##6 {\handleMPsequence}%
- \else
- \pdfliteral{\gMPa2 w}%
- \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 {\handleMPsequence}%
- \fi
- \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
- \resetMPstack
- \next}
-%D The most complicated command is \type{concat}. \METAPOST\
-%D applies this operator to \type{stoke}. At that moment the
-%D points set by \type{curveto} and \type{moveto}, are already
-%D fixed. In \PDF\ however the \type{cm} operator affects the
-%D points as well as the pen (stroke). Like more \PDF\
-%D operators, \type{cm} is a defined in a bit ambiguous way.
-%D The only save route for non||circular penshapes, is saving
-%D teh path, recalculating the points and applying the
-%D transformation matrix in such a way that we can be sure
-%D that its behavior is well defined. This comes down to
-%D inverting the path and applying \type{cm} to that path as
-%D well as the pen. This all means that we have to save the
-%D path.
-%D In \METAPOST\ there are three ways to handle a path $p$:
-%D \starttypen
-%D draw p; fill p; filldraw p;
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The last case outputs a \type{gsave fill grestore} before
-%D \type{stroke}. Handling the path outside the main loops
-%D saves about 40\% run time.\voetnoot{We can save some more by
-%D following the \METAPOST\ output routine, but for the moment
-%D we keep things simple.} Switching between the main loop and
-%D the path loop is done by means of the recursely called
-%D macro \type{\handleMPsequence}.
- {\chardef\finiMPpath=0
- \let\closeMPpath=\relax
- \let\flushMPpath=\flushnormalMPpath
- \resetMPstack
- \nofMPsegments=1
- \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPpath
- \dohandleMPpath}
-%D Most paths are drawn with simple round pens. Therefore we've
-%D split up the routinein two.
- {\scratchcounter=\nofMPsegments
- \nofMPsegments=1
- \loop
- \expandafter\ifcase\getMPkeyword{\the\nofMPsegments}\relax
- \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 l}%
- \or
- \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 c}%
- \or
- \pdfliteral{\lastMPmoveX\space \lastMPmoveY\space l S}%
- \or
- \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
- \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
- \pdfliteral{\lastMPmoveX\space \lastMPmoveY\space m}%
- \fi
- \advance\nofMPsegments by 1\relax
- \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
- \repeat}
- {\scratchcounter=\nofMPsegments
- \nofMPsegments=1
- \loop
- \expandafter\ifcase\getMPkeyword{\the\nofMPsegments}\relax
- \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b
- \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space l}%
- \or
- \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b
- \doMPconcat{\gMPs3}\c{\gMPs4}\d
- \doMPconcat{\gMPs5}\e{\gMPs6}\f
- \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space \c\space \d\space \e\space \f\space c}%
- \or
- \bgroup
- \noMPtranslate
- \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b
- \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space l S}%
- \egroup
- \or
- \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
- \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
- \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b
- \pdfliteral{\a\space \b\space m}%
- \fi
- \advance\nofMPsegments by 1\relax
- \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
- \repeat}
-%D The transformation of the coordinates is handled by one of
-%D the macros Tanmoy posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list.
-%D I rewrote and optimized the original macro to suit the other
-%D macros in this module.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \doMPconcat {x position} \xresult {y position} \yresult
-%D \stoptypen
-%D By setting the auxiliary \DIMENSIONS\ \type{\dimen0} upto
-%D \type{\dimen10} only once per path, we save over 20\% run
-%D time. Some more speed was gained by removing some parameter
-%D passing. These macros can be optimized a bit more by using
-%D more constants. There is however not much need for further
-%D optimization because penshapes usually are round and
-%D therefore need no transformation. Nevertheless we move the
-%D factor to the outer level and use bit different \type{pt}
-%D removal macro. Although the values represent base points,
-%D we converted them to pure points, simply because those can
-%D be converted back.
- {\count0=\MPconcatfactor
- \advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>\!!zeropoint .5\else -.5\fi\count0
- \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
- {\multiply\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor\relax}
- {\dimen 0=\gMPs1 pt \doMPreducedimen 0 % r_x
- \dimen 2=\gMPs2 pt \doMPreducedimen 2 % s_x
- \dimen 4=\gMPs3 pt \doMPreducedimen 4 % s_y
- \dimen 6=\gMPs4 pt \doMPreducedimen 6 % r_y
- \dimen 8=\gMPs5 pt \doMPreducedimen 8 % t_x
- \dimen10=\gMPs6 pt \doMPreducedimen10 } % t_y
-\def\noMPtranslate% use this one grouped
- {\dimen 8=\!!zeropoint % t_x
- \dimen10=\!!zeropoint} % t_y
- {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
- \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
- %
- \dimen16 \dimen 0
- \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
- \dimen20 \dimen 2
- \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
- \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
- %
- \dimen18 \dimen12
- \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
- \dimen20 \dimen14
- \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
- \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
- \dimen20 \dimen 4
- \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
- \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
- \dimen20 \dimen 6
- \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
- \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
- %
- \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
- \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
- \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
- \dimen20 \dimen 2
- \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
- \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
- \dimen20 \dimen 0
- \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
- \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
- %
- \doMPreducedimen16
- \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
- \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
- %
- \edef#2{\withoutpt{\the\dimen18}}% % p_x^\prime
- \edef#4{\withoutpt{\the\dimen12}}} % p_y^\prime
-%D The following explanation of the conversion process was
-%D posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list by Tanmoy. The original
-%D macro was part of a set of macro's that included sinus and
-%D cosinus calculation as well as scaling and translating. The
-%D \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion however only needs
-%D transformation.
-%D \start \switchnaarkorps [ss]
-%D Given a point $(U_x, U_y)$ in user coordinates, the business
-%D of \POSTSCRIPT\ is to convert it to device space. Let us say
-%D that the device space coordinates are $(D_x, D_y)$. Then, in
-%D \POSTSCRIPT\ $(D_x, D_y)$ can be written in terms of
-%D $(U_x, U_y)$ in matrix notation, either as
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{D_x&D_y&1\cr} = \pmatrix{U_x&U_y&1\cr}
-%D \pmatrix{s_x&r_x&0\cr
-%D r_y&s_y&0\cr
-%D t_x&t_y&1\cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D or
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
-%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
-%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
-%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
-%D U_y\cr
-%D 1 \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D both of which is a shorthand for the same set of equations:
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D D_x = s_x U_x + r_y U_y + t_x
-%D \stopformule
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D D_y = r_x U_x + s_y U_y + t_y
-%D \stopformule
-%D which define what is called an `affine transformation'.
-%D \POSTSCRIPT\ represents the `transformation matrix' as a
-%D six element matrix instead of a $3\times 3$ array because
-%D three of the elements are always~0, 0 and~1. Thus the above
-%D transformation is written in postscript as $[s_x\, r_x\,
-%D r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$. However, when doing any
-%D calculations, it is useful to go back to the original
-%D matrix notation (whichever: I will use the second) and
-%D continue from there.
-%D As an example, if the current transformation matrix is
-%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$ and you say \typ{[a b
-%D c d e f] concat}, this means:
-%D \startsmaller
-%D Take the user space coordinates and transform them to an
-%D intermediate set of coordinates using array $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
-%D e\, f]$ as the transformation matrix.
-%D Take the intermediate set of coordinates and change them to
-%D device coordinates using array $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$
-%D as the transformation matrix.
-%D \stopsmaller
-%D Well, what is the net effect? In matrix notation, it is
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr I_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{a&c&e\cr
-%D b&d&f\cr
-%D 0&0&1\cr}
-%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
-%D U_y\cr
-%D 1 \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{D_y\cr D_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
-%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
-%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
-%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr
-%D I_y\cr
-%D 1 \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D where $(I_x, I_y)$ is the intermediate coordinate.
-%D Now, the beauty of the matrix notation is that when there is
-%D a chain of such matrix equations, one can always compose
-%D them into one matrix equation using the standard matrix
-%D composition law. The composite matrix from two matrices can
-%D be derived very easily: the element in the $i$\hoog{th}
-%D horizontal row and $j$\hoog{th} vertical column is
-%D calculated by`multiplying' the $i$\hoog{th} row of the first
-%D matrix and the $j$\hoog{th} column of the second matrix (and
-%D summing over the elements). Thus, in the above:
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
-%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
-%D 0 &0 &0 \cr}
-%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
-%D U_y\cr
-%D 1 \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D with
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \eqalign
-%D {s_x^\prime & = s_x a + r_y b \cr
-%D r_x^\prime & = r_x a + s_y b \cr
-%D r_y^\prime & = s_x c + r_y d \cr
-%D s_y^\prime & = r_x c + s_y d \cr
-%D t_x^\prime & = s_x e + r_y f + t_x \cr
-%D t_y^\prime & = r_x e + s_y f + t_y \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D In fact, the same rule is true not only when one is going
-%D from user coordinates to device coordinates, but whenever
-%D one is composing two `transformations' together
-%D (transformations are `associative'). Note that the formula
-%D is not symmetric: you have to keep track of which
-%D transformation existed before (i.e.\ the equivalent of
-%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$) and which was
-%D specified later (i.e.\ the equivalent of $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
-%D e\, f]$). Note also that the language can be rather
-%D confusing: the one specified later `acts earlier',
-%D converting the user space coordinates to intermediate
-%D coordinates, which are then acted upon by the pre||existing
-%D transformation. The important point is that order of
-%D transformation matrices cannot be flipped (transformations
-%D are not `commutative').
-%D Now what does it mean to move a transformation matrix
-%D before a drawing? What it means is that given a point
-%D $(P_x, P_y)$ we need a different set of coordinates
-%D $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$ such that if the transformation
-%D acts on $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$, they produce $(P_x,
-%D P_y)$. That is we need to solve the set of equations:
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr P_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
-%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
-%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
-%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr
-%D P_y^\prime\cr
-%D 1 \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D Again matrix notation comes in handy (i.e. someone has
-%D already solved the problem for us): we need the inverse
-%D transformation matrix. The inverse transformation matrix can
-%D be calculated very easily: it is
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr P_y^\prime\cr 1\cr} =
-%D \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
-%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
-%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
-%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr
-%D P_y\cr
-%D 1 \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D where, the inverse transformation matrix is given by
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D \eqalign
-%D {D & = s_x s_y - r_x r_y \cr
-%D s_x^\prime & = s_y / D \cr
-%D s_y^\prime & = s_x / D \cr
-%D r_x^\prime & = - r_x / D \cr
-%D r_y^\prime & = - r_y / D \cr
-%D t_x^\prime & = ( - s_y t_x + r_y t_y ) / D \cr
-%D t_y^\prime & = ( r_x t_x - s_x t_y ) / D \cr}
-%D \stopformule
-%D And you can see that when expanded out, this does
-%D give the formulas:
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D P_x^\prime = { { s_y(p_x-t_x) + r_y(t_y-p_y) } \over
-%D { s_x*s_y-r_x*r_y } }
-%D \stopformule
-%D \plaatsformule
-%D \startformule
-%D P_y^\prime = { { s_x(p_y-t_y) + r_x(t_x-p_x) } \over
-%D { s_x*s_y-r_x*r_y } }
-%D \stopformule
-%D The code works by representing a real number by converting
-%D it to a dimension to be put into a \DIMENSION\ register: 2.3 would
-%D be represented as 2.3pt for example. In this scheme,
-%D multiplying two numbers involves multiplying the \DIMENSION\
-%D registers and dividing by 65536. Accuracy demands that the
-%D division be done as late as possible, but overflow
-%D considerations need early division.
-%D Division involves dividing the two \DIMENSION\ registers and
-%D multiplying the result by 65536. Again, accuracy would
-%D demand that the numerator be multiplied (and|/|or the
-%D denominator divided) early: but that can lead to overflow
-%D which needs to be avoided.
-%D If nothing is known about the numbers to start with (in
-%D concat), I have chosen to divide the 65536 as a 256 in each
-%D operand. However, in the series calculating the sine and
-%D cosine, I know that the terms are small (because I never
-%D have an angle greater than 45 degrees), so I chose to
-%D apportion the factor in a different way.
-%D \stop
-%D The path is output using the values saved on the stack. If
-%D needed, all coordinates are recalculated.
- {\flushMPpath
- \closeMPpath
- \pdfliteral{\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\fi}%
- \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
- \resetMPstack
- \nofMPsegments=0
- \handleMPsequence}
-%D In \PDF\ the \type{cm} operator must precede the path
-%D specification. We therefore can output the \type{cm} at
-%D the moment we encounter it.
- {\presetMPconcat
- \pdfliteral{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 cm}%
- \resetMPstack}
-%D This macro interprets the path and saves it as compact as
-%D possible.
-\def\dohandleMPpath#1#2 %
- {\ifnum\lccode`#1=0
- \setMPargument{#1#2}%
- \else
- \def\somestring{#1#2}%
- \ifx\somestring\PSlineto
- \setMPkeyword0
- \else\ifx\somestring\PScurveto
- \setMPkeyword1
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto
- \setMPkeyword2
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSmoveto
- \setMPkeyword3
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSclip
- \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave
- \chardef\finiMPpath=3
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSfill
- \ifnum\finiMPpath=0
- \chardef\finiMPpath=2
- \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
- \fi
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSstroke
- \ifnum\finiMPpath=0
- \chardef\finiMPpath=1
- \fi
- \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSclosepath
- \def\closeMPpath{\pdfliteral{h}}%
- \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
- \let\flushMPpath=\flushconcatMPpath
- \handleMPpathconcat
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
- \fi
- \handleMPsequence}
-%D The main conversion command is
-%D \starttypen
-%D \convertMPtoPDF {filename} {x scale} {y scale}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The dimensions are derived from the bounding box. So we
-%D only have to say:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{1}{1}
-%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{.5}{.5}
-%D \stoptypen
- {\bgroup
- \message{[MP to PDF #1]}%
- \setMPspecials
- \startMPscanning
- \def\do{}%
- \edef\MPxscale{#2}%
- \edef\MPyscale{#3}%
- \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup
- \forgetall
- \offinterlineskip
- \pdfliteral{q}%
- \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
- \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline
- \input #1\relax}
- {\pdfliteral{Q}%
- \egroup
- \wd0=\MPwidth
- \vbox to \MPheight
- {\forgetall
- \vfill
- \pdfliteral{q \MPxscale\space 0 0 \MPyscale\space
- \MPxoffset\space \MPyoffset\space cm}%
- \box0
- \pdfliteral{Q}}%
- \egroup}
-%D This kind of conversion is possible because \METAPOST\
-%D does all the calculations. Converting other \POSTSCRIPT\
-%D files would drive both me and \TEX\ crazy.
- \ No newline at end of file
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-pdf,
+%D version=1998.10.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=\METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
+%C granted.
+%D These macros are written as generic as possible. Some
+%D general support macro's are loaded from a small module
+%D especially made for non \CONTEXT\ use. In this module I
+%D use a matrix transformation macro written by Tanmoy
+%D Bhattacharya. Thanks to extensive testing of Sebastian
+%D Ratz I was able to complete this module within reasonable
+%D time. First we take care of non||\CONTEXT\ use:
+\ifx \undefined \writestatus \input supp-mis.tex \relax \fi
+\ifx \undefined \convertPDFtoPDF \else \expandafter \endinput \fi
+%D This module handles some \PDF\ conversion and insertions
+%D topics. By default, the macros use the \PDFTEX\ primitive
+%D \type{\pdfliteral} when available.
+\writestatus{loading}{Context Support Macros / PDF}
+ \def\PDFcode#1{\message{[ignored pdfliteral: #1]}}
+ \let\PDFcode=\pdfliteral
+%D \macros
+%D {convertPDFtoPDF}
+%D \PDFTEX\ supports verbatim inclusion of \PDF\ code. The
+%D following macro takes care of inserting externally defined
+%D illustrations in \PDF\ format. According to a suggestion
+%D Tanmoy Bhattacharya posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list, we
+%D first skip lines until \type{stream} is reached and then
+%D copy lines until \type{endstream} is encountered. This
+%D scheme only works with vectorized graphics in which no
+%D indirect references to objects are used. Bitmaps also don't
+%D work. Interpreting their specifications is beyond the
+%D current implementation.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \convertPDFtoPDF
+%D {filename}
+%D {x scale} {y scale}
+%D {x offset } {y offset}
+%D {width} {height}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When the scales are set to~1, the last last four values
+%D are the same as the bounding box, e.g.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \convertPDFtoPDF{mp-pra-1.pdf} {1} {1}{-1bp}{-1bp}{398bp}{398bp}
+%D \convertPDFtoPDF{mp-pra-1.pdf}{.5}{.5} {0bp} {0bp}{199bp}{199bp}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Keep in mind, that this kind of copying only works for
+%D pure and valid pdf code (without fonts).
+%D The scanning and copying is straightforward and quite fast.
+%D To speed up things we use two constants.
+\def\@@PDFstream@@ {stream}
+\def\@@PDFendstream@@ {endstream}
+%D \macros
+%D {PDFmediaboxprefered}
+%D If needed, the macros can scan for the mediabox that
+%D specifies the dimensions and offsets of the graphic. When
+%D we say:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \PDFmediaboxpreferedtrue
+%D \stoptypen
+%D the mediabox present in the file superseded the user
+%D specified, already scaled and calculated offset and
+%D dimensions. Beware: the user supplied values are not the
+%D bounding box ones!
+ {\dimen0=#1\dimen0=#5\dimen0
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\PDFxoffset
+ \dimen0=#3\dimen0=#5\dimen0
+ \xdef\PDFwidth{\the\dimen0}%
+ \dimen0=#2\dimen0=#6\dimen0
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\PDFyoffset
+ \dimen0=#4\dimen0=#6\dimen0
+ \xdef\PDFheight{\the\dimen0}%
+ \global\let\PDFxoffset=\PDFxoffset
+ \global\let\PDFyoffset=\PDFyoffset}
+\def\setPDFmediabox#1[#2 #3 #4 #5]#6\done%
+ {\dimen2=#2bp\dimen2=-\dimen2
+ \dimen4=#3bp\dimen4=-\dimen4
+ \dimen6=#4bp\advance\dimen6 by \dimen2
+ \dimen8=#5bp\advance\dimen8 by \dimen4
+ \setPDFboundingbox{\dimen2}{\dimen4}{\dimen6}{\dimen8}\PDFxscale\PDFyscale}
+ {\ifx#2\relax \else
+ \message{mediabox}%
+ \setPDFmediabox#2#3\done
+ \fi}
+%D We use the general macro \type{\doprocessfile} and feed this
+%D with a line handling macro that changed it's behavior when
+%D the stream operators are encountered.
+ {\ifx\@@PDFstream@@\fileline
+ \let\doprocessPDFline=\copyPDFobject
+ \startPDFtoPDF
+ \else\ifPDFmediaboxprefered
+ \expandafter\checkPDFmediabox\fileline/MediaBox\relax\done
+ \fi\fi}
+ {\ifx\@@PDFendstream@@\fileline
+ \ifPDFmediaboxprefered
+ \let\doprocessPDFline=\findPDFmediabox
+ \else
+ \let\doprocessPDFline=\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchcounter by 1
+ \PDFcode{\fileline}%
+ \fi}
+ {\expandafter\checkPDFmediabox\fileline/MediaBox\relax\done}
+%D The main conversion macro wraps the \PDF\ codes in a box
+%D that is output as an object. The graphics are embedded
+%D in~\type{q} and~\type{Q} and are scaled and positioned using
+%D one transform call (\type{cm}). This saves some additional
+%D scaling.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\startPDFtoPDF%
+%D {\setbox0=\vbox\bgroup
+%D \message{[PDF to PDF \PDFfilename}%
+%D \forgetall
+%D \scratchcounter=0
+%D \let\stopPDFtoPDF=\dostopPDFtoPDF}
+%D \def\dostopPDFtoPDF%
+%D {\ifnum\scratchcounter<0 \scratchcounter=1 \fi
+%D \message{(\the\scratchcounter\space lines)]}%
+%D \egroup
+%D \wd0=\PDFwidth
+%D \vbox to \PDFheight
+%D {\forgetall
+%D \vfill
+%D \PDFcode{q}%
+%D \PDFcode{1 0 0 1 \PDFxoffset\space \PDFyoffset\space cm}%
+%D \PDFcode{\PDFxscale\space 0 0 \PDFyscale\space 0 0 cm}%
+%D \box0
+%D \PDFcode{Q}}}
+%D \def\stopPDFtoPDF%
+%D {\message{[PDF to PDF \PDFfilename\space not found]}}
+%D \def\convertPDFtoPDF#1#2#3#4#5#6#7%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \def\PDFfilename{#1}%
+%D \def\PDFxscale {#2}%
+%D \def\PDFyscale {#3}%
+%D \setPDFboundingbox{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{1}{1}%
+%D \uncatcodespecials
+%D \endlinechar=-1
+%D \let\doprocessPDFline=\handlePDFline
+%D \doprocessfile\scratchread\PDFfilename\doprocessPDFline
+%D \stopPDFtoPDF
+%D \egroup}
+ {\message{[PDF to PDF use \string\PDFcode instead]}%
+ \vbox{use the direct method instead}}
+%D \macros
+%D {dogetPDFmediabox}
+%D The next macro can be used to find the mediabox of a \PDF\
+%D illustration.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \dogetPDFmediabox
+%D {filename}
+%D {new dimen}{new dimen}{new dimen}{new dimen}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Beware of dimen clashes: this macro uses the 5~default
+%D scratch registers! When no file or mediabox is found, the
+%D dimensions are zeroed.
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\PDFxscale{1}%
+ \def\PDFyscale{1}%
+ \uncatcodespecials
+ \endlinechar=-1
+ \def\checkPDFtypepage##1/Type /Page##2##3\done%
+ {\ifx##2\relax
+ \else\if##2s% accept /Page and /Pages
+ \let\doprocessPDFline=\findPDFmediabox
+ \else
+ \let\doprocessPDFline=\findPDFmediabox
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\findPDFtypepage%
+ {\expandafter\checkPDFtypepage\fileline/Type /Page\relax\done}%
+ \def\checkPDFmediabox##1/MediaBox##2##3\done%
+ {\ifx##2\relax \else
+ \setPDFmediabox##2##3\done
+ \fileprocessedtrue
+ \fi}%
+ \def\findPDFmediabox%
+ {\expandafter\checkPDFmediabox\fileline/MediaBox\relax\done}%
+ \let\doprocessPDFline=\findPDFtypepage
+ \doprocessfile\scratchread{#1}\doprocessPDFline
+ \egroup
+ \ifx\PDFxoffset\undefined
+ #2=\!!zeropoint #3=\!!zeropoint #4=\!!zeropoint #5=\!!zeropoint
+ \else
+ #2=\PDFxoffset bp #3=\PDFyoffset bp #4=\PDFwidth #5=\PDFheight
+ \fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {convertMPtoPDF}
+%D The next set of macros implements \METAPOST\ to \PDF\
+%D conversion. Because we want to test as fast as possible, we
+%D first define the \POSTSCRIPT\ operators that \METAPOST\
+%D uses. We don't define irrelevant ones, because these are
+%D skipped anyway.
+\def \PScurveto {curveto}
+\def \PSlineto {lineto}
+\def \PSmoveto {moveto}
+\def \PSshowpage {showpage}
+\def \PSnewpath {newpath}
+\def \PSfshow {fshow}
+\def \PSclosepath {closepath}
+\def \PSfill {fill}
+\def \PSstroke {stroke}
+\def \PSclip {clip}
+\def \PSrlineto {rlineto}
+\def \PSsetlinejoin {setlinejoin}
+\def \PSsetlinecap {setlinecap}
+\def \PSsetmiterlimit {setmiterlimit}
+\def \PSsetgray {setgray}
+\def \PSsetrgbcolor {setrgbcolor}
+\def \PSsetcmykcolor {setcmykcolor}
+\def \PSsetdash {setdash}
+\def \PSgsave {gsave}
+\def \PSgrestore {grestore}
+\def \PStranslate {translate}
+\def \PSscale {scale}
+\def \PSconcat {concat}
+\def \PSdtransform {dtransform}
+\def \PSnfont {nfont}
+\def \PSBoundingBox {BoundingBox:}
+\def \PSHiResBoundingBox {HiResBoundingBox:}
+\def \PSExactBoundingBox {ExactBoundingBox:}
+\def \PSPage {Page:}
+%D By the way, the \type {setcmykcolor} operator is not
+%D output by \METAPOST\ but can result from converting the
+%D \kap{RGB} color specifications, as implemented in
+%D \type{supp-mps}.
+%D In \POSTSCRIPT\ arguments precede the operators. Due to the
+%D fact that in some translations we need access to those
+%D arguments, as well as that sometimes we have to skip them,
+%D we stack them up. The stack is one||dimensional for non path
+%D operators and two||dimensional for operators inside a path.
+%D This is because we have to save the whole path for
+%D (optional) postprocessing. Values are pushed onto the stack
+%D by:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \setMPargument {value}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D They can be retrieved by the short named macros:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \gMPa {number}
+%D \sMPa {number}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When scanning a path specification, we also save the
+%D operator, using
+%D \starttypen
+%D \setMPkeyword {n}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The path drawing operators are coded for speed: \type{clip},
+%D \type{stroke}, \type{fill} and \type{fillstroke} become
+%D 1, 2, 3 and~4.
+%D When processing the path this code can be retrieved
+%D using
+%D \starttypen
+%D \getMPkeyword{n}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D When setting an argument, the exact position on the stack
+%D depend on the current value of the \COUNTERS\
+%D \type{\nofMPsegments} and \type{\nofMParguments}.
+%D These variables hold the coordinates. The argument part of
+%D the stack is reset by:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \resetMPstack
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We use the prefix \type{@@MP} to keep the stack from
+%D conflicting with existing macros. To speed up things bit
+%D more, we use the constant \type{\@@MP}.
+ {\advance\nofMParguments by 1
+ \expandafter\def
+ \csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments\the\nofMParguments\endcsname%
+ {\do#1}}
+ {\csname\@@MP0#1\endcsname}
+ {\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments#1\endcsname}
+ {\expandafter\def\csname\@@MP\the\nofMPsegments0\endcsname{#1}%
+ \advance\nofMPsegments by 1
+ \nofMParguments=0\relax}
+ {\csname\@@MP#10\endcsname}
+%D When we reset the stack, we can assume that all further
+%D comment is to be ignored as well as handled in strings.
+%D By redefining the reset macro after the first call, we
+%D save some run time.
+ {\catcode`\%=\@@active
+ \let\handleMPgraphic=\handleMPendgraphic
+ \def\resetMPstack{\nofMParguments=0 }%
+ \resetMPstack}
+%D The arguments are saved with the preceding command
+%D \type{\do}. By default this command expands to nothing, but
+%D when we deal with strings it's used to strip off the
+%D \type{(} and \type{)}.
+%D Strings are kind of tricky, because characters can be
+%D passed verbatim \type{(hello)}, by octal number
+%D \type{(\005)} or as command \type{(\()}. We therefore
+%D cannot simply ignore \type{(} and \type{)}, the way we do
+%D with \type{[} and \type{]}. Another complication is that
+%D strings may contain characters that normally have a
+%D special meaning in \TEX, like \type{$} and \type{{}}.
+%D A previous solution made \type{\} an active character and
+%D let it look ahead for a number or character. W ehad to
+%D abandon this scheme because of the need for verbatim
+%D support. The next solution involved some \CATCODE\
+%D trickery but works well.
+ {\char'#1#2#3\relax}
+ B\def%BE|
+ \def[BE|
+ \def]BE|
+ \def{BE|
+ \def}BEE
+ B\def%B\char 37\relax E|
+ \def[B\char 91\relax E|
+ \def]B\char 93\relax E|
+ \def{B\char123\relax E|
+ \def}B\char125\relax EE
+ B\setnaturalcatcodes
+ \catcode`\%=\@@active
+ \catcode`\[=\@@active
+ \catcode`\]=\@@active
+ \catcode`\{=\@@active
+ \catcode`\}=\@@active
+ \def\(B\char40\relax E|
+ \def\)B\char41\relax E|
+ \def\\B\char92\relax E|
+ \def\0B\octalMPcharacter0E|
+ \def\1B\octalMPcharacter1E|
+ \def\2B\octalMPcharacter2E|
+ \def\3B\octalMPcharacter3E|
+ \def\4B\octalMPcharacter4E|
+ \def\5B\octalMPcharacter5E|
+ \def\6B\octalMPcharacter6E|
+ \def\7B\octalMPcharacter7E|
+ \def\8B\octalMPcharacter8E|
+ \def\9B\octalMPcharacter9EE
+%D We use the comment symbol as a sort of trigger:
+%D In earlier versions we used the sequence
+%D \starttypen
+%D \expandafter\handleMPsequence\input filename\relax
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Persistent problems in \LATEX\ however forced us to use a
+%D different scheme. Every \POSTSCRIPT\ file starts with a
+%D \type{%}, so we temporary make this an active character
+%D that starts the scanning and redefines itself. (The problem
+%D originates in the redefinition by \LATEX\ of the
+%D \type{\input} primitive.)
+ {\catcode`\%=\@@ignore
+ \ignoreMPspecials
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Here comes the main loop. Most arguments are numbers. This
+%D means that they can be recognized by their \type{\lccode}.
+%D This method saves a lot of processing time. We could
+%D speed up the conversion by handling the \type{path}
+%D seperately.
+\def\dohandleMPsequence#1#2 %
+ {\ifdone
+ \ifnum\lccode`#1=0
+ \setMPargument{#1#2}%
+ \else
+ \edef\somestring{#1#2}%
+ \ifx\somestring\PSmoveto
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPa1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPa2}%
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\gMPa1} \!MP{\gMPa2} m}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSnewpath
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPpath
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave
+ \pdfliteral{q}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore
+ \pdfliteral{Q}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSdtransform % == setlinewidth
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPdtransform
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 \gMPa2 \gMPa3 \gMPa4 \gMPa5 \gMPa6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetrgbcolor
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\gMPa1} \!MP{\gMPa2} \!MP{\gMPa3} rg
+ \!MP{\gMPa1} \!MP{\gMPa2} \!MP{\gMPa3} RG}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetcmykcolor
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\gMPa1} \!MP{\gMPa2} \!MP{\gMPa3} \!MP{\gMPa4} k
+ \!MP{\gMPa1} \!MP{\gMPa2} \!MP{\gMPa3} \!MP{\gMPa4} K}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetgray
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\gMPa1} g \!MP{\gMPa1} G}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PStranslate
+ \pdfliteral{1 0 0 1 \gMPa1 \gMPa2 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetdash
+ \handleMPsetdash
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetlinejoin
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 j}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetmiterlimit
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 M}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSfshow
+ \handleMPfshow
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSsetlinecap
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 J}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\lastMPmoveX} \!MP{\lastMPmoveY} l S}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSscale
+ \pdfliteral{\gMPa1 0 0 \gMPa2 0 0 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack
+ \else
+ \handleMPgraphic{#1#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\somestring{#1#2}%
+ \handleMPgraphic{#1#2}%
+ \fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D Beginning and ending the graphics is taken care of by the
+%D macro \type{\handleMPgraphic}, which is redefined when
+%D the first graphics operator is met.
+ {\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\finishMPgraphic
+ \else
+ \setMPargument{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\somestring\PSBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox1}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSHiResBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox2}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSExactBoundingBox
+ \def\handleMPsequence{\handleMPboundingbox3}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSshowpage
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\finishMPgraphic
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSPage
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\handleMPpage
+ \else
+ \setMPargument{#1}% kan weg
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D We check for three kind of bounding boxes: the normal one
+%D and two high precission ones:
+%D \starttypen
+%D BoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D HiResBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D ExactBoundingBox: llx lly ucx ucy
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The original as well as the recalculated dimensions are
+%D saved for later use.
+\newif\ifskipemptyMPgraphic \skipemptyMPgraphicfalse
+\def\handleMPboundingbox#1#2 #3 #4 #5
+ {\ifnum#1>\currentMPboundingbox
+ \xdef\MPllx{#2}\xdef\MPlly{#3}%
+ \xdef\MPurx{#4}\xdef\MPury{#5}%
+ \dimen0=#2pt\dimen0=-\MPxscale\dimen0
+ \dimen2=#3pt\dimen2=-\MPyscale\dimen2
+ \xdef\MPxoffset{\withoutpt{\the\dimen0}}%
+ \xdef\MPyoffset{\withoutpt{\the\dimen2}}%
+ \dimen0=#2bp\dimen0=-\dimen0
+ \dimen2=#3bp\dimen2=-\dimen2
+ \advance\dimen0 by #4bp
+ \dimen0=\MPxscale\dimen0
+ \xdef\MPwidth{\the\dimen0}%
+ \advance\dimen2 by #5bp
+ \dimen2=\MPyscale\dimen2
+ \xdef\MPheight{\the\dimen2}%
+ \chardef\currentMPboundingbox=#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \nofMParguments=0
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \let\next=\handleMPsequence
+ \ifskipemptyMPgraphic
+ \ifdim\MPheight=\!!zeropoint\relax\ifdim\MPwidth=\!!zeropoint\relax
+ \def\next{\endinput\finishMPgraphic}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \next}
+%D We use the \type{page} comment as a signal that
+%D stackbuilding can be started.
+\def\handleMPpage #1 #2
+ {\nofMParguments=0
+ \donetrue
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D \METAPOST\ draws it dots by moving to a location and
+%D invoking \type{0 0 rlineto}. This operator is not
+%D available in \PDF. Our solution is straightforward: we draw
+%D a line from $(current\_x, current\_y)$ to itself. This
+%D means that the arguments of the preceding \type{moveto} have
+%D to be saved.
+%D These saved coordinates are also used when we handle the
+%D texts. Text handling proved to be a bit of a nuisance, but
+%D finaly I saw the light. It proved that we also had to
+%D take care of \type{(split arguments)}.
+ {\setbox0=\hbox
+ {\obeyMPspecials
+ \edef\size{\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments}}%
+ \ifx\size\PSnfont % round font size (to pt)
+ \advance\nofMParguments by -1
+ \expandafter\scratchdimen\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments}pt
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen<1pt
+ \def\size{1pt}%
+ \else
+ \advance\scratchdimen by .5pt
+ \def\size##1.##2\relax{\def\size{##1pt}}%
+ \expandafter\size\the\scratchdimen\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \edef\size{\size bp}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\nofMParguments by -1
+ \font\temp=\gMPa{\the\nofMParguments} at \size
+ \advance\nofMParguments by -1
+ \temp
+ \ifnum\nofMParguments=1
+ \def\do(##1){##1}%
+ \gMPa1%
+ \else
+ \scratchcounter=1
+ \def\do(##1{\if##1 \char32\else##1\fi}%
+ \gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}\space
+ \def\do{}%
+ \loop
+ \advance\scratchcounter by 1
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments
+ \gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}\space
+ \repeat
+ \def\do##1){\if##1 \char32\else##1\fi}%
+ \gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}%
+ \fi
+ \unskip}%
+ \dimen0=\lastMPmoveY bp
+ \advance\dimen0 by \ht0
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\dimen0}\lastMPmoveY
+ \PDFcode{n q 1 0 0 1 \lastMPmoveX\space\lastMPmoveY\space cm}%
+ \dimen0=\ht0
+ \advance\dimen0 by \dp0
+ \box0
+ \vskip-\dimen0
+ \PDFcode{Q}}
+%D Most operators are just converted and keep their
+%D arguments. Dashes however need a bit different treatment,
+%D otherwise \PDF\ viewers complain loudly. Another
+%D complication is that one argument comes after the \type{]}.
+%D When reading the data, we simple ignore the array boundary
+%D characters. We save ourselves some redundant newlines and
+%D at the same time keep the output readable by packing the
+%D literals.
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\somestring{[}%
+ \scratchcounter=1
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\scratchcounter<\nofMParguments
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring\space\gMPa{\the\scratchcounter}}%
+ \advance\scratchcounter by 1
+ \repeat
+ \edef\somestring{\somestring]\gMPa{\the\scratchcounter} d}%
+ \PDFcode{\somestring}%
+ \egroup}
+%D The \type{setlinewidth} commands look a bit complicated. There are
+%D two alternatives, that alsways look the same. As John Hobby
+%D says:
+%D \startsmaller
+%D \starttypen
+%D x 0 dtransform exch truncate exch idtransform pop setlinewidth
+%D 0 y dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop
+%D \stoptypen
+%D These are just fancy versions of \type{x setlinewidth} and
+%D \type{y setlinewidth}. The \type{x 0 ...} form is used if
+%D the path is {\em primarily vertical}. It rounds the width
+%D so that vertical lines come out an integer number of pixels
+%D wide in device space. The \type{0 y ...} form does the same
+%D for paths that are {\em primarily horizontal}. The reason
+%D why I did this is Knuth insists on getting exactly the
+%D widths \TEX\ intends for the horizontal and vertical rules
+%D in \type{btex...etex} output. (Note that PostScript scan
+%D conversion rules cause a horizontal or vertical line of
+%D integer width $n$ in device space to come out $n+1$ pixels
+%D wide, regardless of the phase relative to the pixel grid.)
+%D \stopsmaller
+%D The common operator in these sequences is \type{dtransform},
+%D so we can use this one to trigger setting the linewidth.
+ {\ifdim\gMPa1pt>\!!zeropoint
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa1 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 ##5 ##6 {\handleMPsequence}%
+ \else
+ \PDFcode{\gMPa2 w}%
+ \def\next##1 ##2 ##3 ##4 {\handleMPsequence}%
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \next}
+%D The most complicated command is \type{concat}. \METAPOST\
+%D applies this operator to \type{stoke}. At that moment the
+%D points set by \type{curveto} and \type{moveto}, are already
+%D fixed. In \PDF\ however the \type{cm} operator affects the
+%D points as well as the pen (stroke). Like more \PDF\
+%D operators, \type{cm} is a defined in a bit ambiguous way.
+%D The only save route for non||circular penshapes, is saving
+%D teh path, recalculating the points and applying the
+%D transformation matrix in such a way that we can be sure
+%D that its behavior is well defined. This comes down to
+%D inverting the path and applying \type{cm} to that path as
+%D well as the pen. This all means that we have to save the
+%D path.
+%D In \METAPOST\ there are three ways to handle a path $p$:
+%D \starttypen
+%D draw p; fill p; filldraw p;
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The last case outputs a \type{gsave fill grestore} before
+%D \type{stroke}. Handling the path outside the main loops
+%D saves about 40\% run time.\voetnoot{We can save some more by
+%D following the \METAPOST\ output routine, but for the moment
+%D we keep things simple.} Switching between the main loop and
+%D the path loop is done by means of the recursely called
+%D macro \type{\handleMPsequence}.
+ {\chardef\finiMPpath=0
+ \let\closeMPpath=\relax
+ \let\flushMPpath=\flushnormalMPpath
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments=1
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPpath
+ \dohandleMPpath}
+%D Most paths are drawn with simple round pens. Therefore we've
+%D split up the routinein two.
+ {\scratchcounter=\nofMPsegments
+ \nofMPsegments=1
+ \loop
+ \expandafter\ifcase\getMPkeyword{\the\nofMPsegments}\relax
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\gMPs1} \!MP{\gMPs2} l}%
+ \or
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\gMPs1} \!MP{\gMPs2} \!MP{\gMPs3} \!MP{\gMPs4} \!MP{\gMPs5} \!MP{\gMPs6} c}%
+ \or
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\lastMPmoveX} \!MP{\lastMPmoveY} l S}%
+ \or
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\lastMPmoveX} \!MP{\lastMPmoveY} m}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\nofMPsegments by 1\relax
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
+ \repeat}
+ {\scratchcounter=\nofMPsegments
+ \nofMPsegments=1
+ \loop
+ \expandafter\ifcase\getMPkeyword{\the\nofMPsegments}\relax
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b%
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\a} \!MP{\b} l}%
+ \or
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs1}\a{\gMPs2}\b%
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs3}\c{\gMPs4}\d%
+ \doMPconcat{\gMPs5}\e{\gMPs6}\f%
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\a} \!MP{\b} \!MP{\c} \!MP{\d} \!MP{\e} \!MP{\f} c}%
+ \or
+ \bgroup
+ \noMPtranslate
+ \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b%
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\a} \!MP{\b} l S}%
+ \egroup
+ \or
+ \edef\lastMPmoveX{\gMPs1}%
+ \edef\lastMPmoveY{\gMPs2}%
+ \doMPconcat\lastMPmoveX\a\lastMPmoveY\b%
+ \pdfliteral{\!MP{\a} \!MP{\b} m}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\nofMPsegments by 1\relax
+ \ifnum\nofMPsegments<\scratchcounter
+ \repeat}
+%D The transformation of the coordinates is handled by one of
+%D the macros Tanmoy posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list.
+%D I rewrote and optimized the original macro to suit the other
+%D macros in this module.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \doMPconcat {x position} \xresult {y position} \yresult
+%D \stoptypen
+%D By setting the auxiliary \DIMENSIONS\ \type{\dimen0} upto
+%D \type{\dimen10} only once per path, we save over 20\% run
+%D time. Some more speed was gained by removing some parameter
+%D passing. These macros can be optimized a bit more by using
+%D more constants. There is however not much need for further
+%D optimization because penshapes usually are round and
+%D therefore need no transformation. Nevertheless we move the
+%D factor to the outer level and use bit different \type{pt}
+%D removal macro. Although the values represent base points,
+%D we converted them to pure points, simply because those can
+%D be converted back.
+ {\count0=\MPconcatfactor
+ \advance\dimen#1 \ifdim\dimen#1>\!!zeropoint .5\else -.5\fi\count0
+ \divide\dimen#1 \count0\relax}
+ {\multiply\dimen#1 \MPconcatfactor\relax}
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1 pt \doMPreducedimen 0 % r_x
+ \dimen 2=\gMPs2 pt \doMPreducedimen 2 % s_x
+ \dimen 4=\gMPs3 pt \doMPreducedimen 4 % s_y
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs4 pt \doMPreducedimen 6 % r_y
+ \dimen 8=\gMPs5 pt \doMPreducedimen 8 % t_x
+ \dimen10=\gMPs6 pt \doMPreducedimen10 } % t_y
+ {\dimen 0=\gMPs1 pt \doMPreducedimen 0
+ \dimen 2=\!!zeropoint
+ \dimen 4=\!!zeropoint
+ \dimen 6=\gMPs2 pt \doMPreducedimen 6
+ \dimen 8=\!!zeropoint
+ \dimen10=\!!zeropoint}
+\def\noMPtranslate% use this one grouped
+ {\dimen 8=\!!zeropoint % t_x
+ \dimen10=\!!zeropoint} % t_y
+ {\dimen12=#1 pt \doMPreducedimen12 % p_x
+ \dimen14=#3 pt \doMPreducedimen14 % p_y
+ %
+ \dimen16 \dimen 0
+ \multiply \dimen16 \dimen 6
+ \dimen20 \dimen 2
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+ \advance \dimen16 -\dimen20
+ %
+ \dimen18 \dimen12
+ \multiply \dimen18 \dimen 6
+ \dimen20 \dimen14
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 4
+ \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+ \dimen20 \dimen 4
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+ \advance \dimen18 \dimen20
+ \dimen20 \dimen 6
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+ \advance \dimen18 -\dimen20
+ %
+ \multiply \dimen12 -\dimen 2
+ \multiply \dimen14 \dimen 0
+ \advance \dimen12 \dimen14
+ \dimen20 \dimen 2
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen 8
+ \advance \dimen12 \dimen20
+ \dimen20 \dimen 0
+ \multiply \dimen20 \dimen10
+ \advance \dimen12 -\dimen20
+ %
+ \doMPreducedimen16
+ \divide \dimen18 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen18
+ \divide \dimen12 \dimen16 \doMPexpanddimen12
+ %
+ \edef#2{\withoutpt{\the\dimen18}}% % p_x^\prime
+ \edef#4{\withoutpt{\the\dimen12}}} % p_y^\prime
+%D The following explanation of the conversion process was
+%D posted to the \PDFTEX\ mailing list by Tanmoy. The original
+%D macro was part of a set of macro's that included sinus and
+%D cosinus calculation as well as scaling and translating. The
+%D \METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion however only needs
+%D transformation.
+%D \start \switchnaarkorps [ss]
+%D Given a point $(U_x, U_y)$ in user coordinates, the business
+%D of \POSTSCRIPT\ is to convert it to device space. Let us say
+%D that the device space coordinates are $(D_x, D_y)$. Then, in
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ $(D_x, D_y)$ can be written in terms of
+%D $(U_x, U_y)$ in matrix notation, either as
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{D_x&D_y&1\cr} = \pmatrix{U_x&U_y&1\cr}
+%D \pmatrix{s_x&r_x&0\cr
+%D r_y&s_y&0\cr
+%D t_x&t_y&1\cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D or
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D both of which is a shorthand for the same set of equations:
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D D_x = s_x U_x + r_y U_y + t_x
+%D \stopformule
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D D_y = r_x U_x + s_y U_y + t_y
+%D \stopformule
+%D which define what is called an `affine transformation'.
+%D \POSTSCRIPT\ represents the `transformation matrix' as a
+%D six element matrix instead of a $3\times 3$ array because
+%D three of the elements are always~0, 0 and~1. Thus the above
+%D transformation is written in postscript as $[s_x\, r_x\,
+%D r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$. However, when doing any
+%D calculations, it is useful to go back to the original
+%D matrix notation (whichever: I will use the second) and
+%D continue from there.
+%D As an example, if the current transformation matrix is
+%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$ and you say \typ{[a b
+%D c d e f] concat}, this means:
+%D \startsmaller
+%D Take the user space coordinates and transform them to an
+%D intermediate set of coordinates using array $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
+%D e\, f]$ as the transformation matrix.
+%D Take the intermediate set of coordinates and change them to
+%D device coordinates using array $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$
+%D as the transformation matrix.
+%D \stopsmaller
+%D Well, what is the net effect? In matrix notation, it is
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr I_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{a&c&e\cr
+%D b&d&f\cr
+%D 0&0&1\cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{D_y\cr D_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{I_x\cr
+%D I_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D where $(I_x, I_y)$ is the intermediate coordinate.
+%D Now, the beauty of the matrix notation is that when there is
+%D a chain of such matrix equations, one can always compose
+%D them into one matrix equation using the standard matrix
+%D composition law. The composite matrix from two matrices can
+%D be derived very easily: the element in the $i$\hoog{th}
+%D horizontal row and $j$\hoog{th} vertical column is
+%D calculated by`multiplying' the $i$\hoog{th} row of the first
+%D matrix and the $j$\hoog{th} column of the second matrix (and
+%D summing over the elements). Thus, in the above:
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{D_x\cr D_y\cr 1} = \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
+%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
+%D 0 &0 &0 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{U_x\cr
+%D U_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D with
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \eqalign
+%D {s_x^\prime & = s_x a + r_y b \cr
+%D r_x^\prime & = r_x a + s_y b \cr
+%D r_y^\prime & = s_x c + r_y d \cr
+%D s_y^\prime & = r_x c + s_y d \cr
+%D t_x^\prime & = s_x e + r_y f + t_x \cr
+%D t_y^\prime & = r_x e + s_y f + t_y \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D In fact, the same rule is true not only when one is going
+%D from user coordinates to device coordinates, but whenever
+%D one is composing two `transformations' together
+%D (transformations are `associative'). Note that the formula
+%D is not symmetric: you have to keep track of which
+%D transformation existed before (i.e.\ the equivalent of
+%D $[s_x\, r_x\, r_y\, s_y\, t_x\, t_y]$) and which was
+%D specified later (i.e.\ the equivalent of $[a\, b\, c\, d\,
+%D e\, f]$). Note also that the language can be rather
+%D confusing: the one specified later `acts earlier',
+%D converting the user space coordinates to intermediate
+%D coordinates, which are then acted upon by the pre||existing
+%D transformation. The important point is that order of
+%D transformation matrices cannot be flipped (transformations
+%D are not `commutative').
+%D Now what does it mean to move a transformation matrix
+%D before a drawing? What it means is that given a point
+%D $(P_x, P_y)$ we need a different set of coordinates
+%D $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$ such that if the transformation
+%D acts on $(P_x^\prime, P_y^\prime)$, they produce $(P_x,
+%D P_y)$. That is we need to solve the set of equations:
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr P_y\cr 1\cr} = \pmatrix{s_x&r_y&t_x\cr
+%D r_x&s_y&t_y\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr
+%D P_y^\prime\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D Again matrix notation comes in handy (i.e. someone has
+%D already solved the problem for us): we need the inverse
+%D transformation matrix. The inverse transformation matrix can
+%D be calculated very easily: it is
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \pmatrix{P_x^\prime\cr P_y^\prime\cr 1\cr} =
+%D \pmatrix{s_x^\prime&r_y^\prime&t_x^\prime\cr
+%D r_x^\prime&s_y^\prime&t_y^\prime\cr
+%D 0 &0 &1 \cr}
+%D \pmatrix{P_x\cr
+%D P_y\cr
+%D 1 \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D where, the inverse transformation matrix is given by
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D \eqalign
+%D {D & = s_x s_y - r_x r_y \cr
+%D s_x^\prime & = s_y / D \cr
+%D s_y^\prime & = s_x / D \cr
+%D r_x^\prime & = - r_x / D \cr
+%D r_y^\prime & = - r_y / D \cr
+%D t_x^\prime & = ( - s_y t_x + r_y t_y ) / D \cr
+%D t_y^\prime & = ( r_x t_x - s_x t_y ) / D \cr}
+%D \stopformule
+%D And you can see that when expanded out, this does
+%D give the formulas:
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D P_x^\prime = { { s_y(p_x-t_x) + r_y(t_y-p_y) } \over
+%D { s_x*s_y-r_x*r_y } }
+%D \stopformule
+%D \plaatsformule
+%D \startformule
+%D P_y^\prime = { { s_x(p_y-t_y) + r_x(t_x-p_x) } \over
+%D { s_x*s_y-r_x*r_y } }
+%D \stopformule
+%D The code works by representing a real number by converting
+%D it to a dimension to be put into a \DIMENSION\ register: 2.3 would
+%D be represented as 2.3pt for example. In this scheme,
+%D multiplying two numbers involves multiplying the \DIMENSION\
+%D registers and dividing by 65536. Accuracy demands that the
+%D division be done as late as possible, but overflow
+%D considerations need early division.
+%D Division involves dividing the two \DIMENSION\ registers and
+%D multiplying the result by 65536. Again, accuracy would
+%D demand that the numerator be multiplied (and|/|or the
+%D denominator divided) early: but that can lead to overflow
+%D which needs to be avoided.
+%D If nothing is known about the numbers to start with (in
+%D concat), I have chosen to divide the 65536 as a 256 in each
+%D operand. However, in the series calculating the sine and
+%D cosine, I know that the terms are small (because I never
+%D have an angle greater than 45 degrees), so I chose to
+%D apportion the factor in a different way.
+%D \stop
+%D The path is output using the values saved on the stack. If
+%D needed, all coordinates are recalculated.
+ {\flushMPpath
+ \closeMPpath
+ \PDFcode{\ifcase\finiMPpath W n\or S\or f\or B\fi}%
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \resetMPstack
+ \nofMPsegments=0
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D In \PDF\ the \type{cm} operator must precede the path
+%D specification. We therefore can output the \type{cm} at
+%D the moment we encounter it.
+ {\presetMPconcat
+ \PDFcode{\gMPs1 \gMPs2 \gMPs3 \gMPs4 \gMPs5 \gMPs6 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+ {\presetMPscale
+ \PDFcode{\gMPs1 0 0 \gMPs2 0 0 cm}%
+ \resetMPstack}
+%D This macro interprets the path and saves it as compact as
+%D possible.
+\def\dohandleMPpath#1#2 %
+ {\ifnum\lccode`#1=0
+ \setMPargument{#1#2}%
+ \else
+ \def\somestring{#1#2}%
+ \ifx\somestring\PSlineto
+ \setMPkeyword0
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PScurveto
+ \setMPkeyword1
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSrlineto
+ \setMPkeyword2
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSmoveto
+ \setMPkeyword3
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSclip
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgsave
+ \chardef\finiMPpath=3
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSgrestore
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSfill
+ \ifnum\finiMPpath=0
+ \chardef\finiMPpath=2
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSstroke
+ \ifnum\finiMPpath=0
+ \chardef\finiMPpath=1
+ \fi
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\processMPpath
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSclosepath
+ \def\closeMPpath{\PDFcode{h}}%
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSconcat
+ \let\flushMPpath=\flushconcatMPpath
+ \handleMPpathconcat
+ \else\ifx\somestring\PSscale
+ \let\flushMPpath=\flushconcatMPpath
+ \handleMPpathscale
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \handleMPsequence}
+%D The main conversion command is
+%D \starttypen
+%D \convertMPtoPDF {filename} {x scale} {y scale}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The dimensions are derived from the bounding box. So we
+%D only have to say:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{1}{1}
+%D \convertMPtoPDF{mp-pra-1.eps}{.5}{.5}
+%D \stoptypen
+\def\processMPtoPDFfile% file xscale yscale
+ {\bgroup
+ \let\finishMPgraphic=\egroup
+ \doprocessMPtoPDFfile}
+ \def\deleteMPgraphic#1{}
+\def\doprocessMPtoPDFfile#1#2#3% file xscale yscale
+ {\setMPspecials
+ \catcode`\^^M=\@@endofline
+ \startMPscanning
+ \let\do=\empty
+ \xdef\MPxscale{#2}%
+ \xdef\MPyscale{#3}%
+ \donefalse
+ \let\handleMPsequence=\dohandleMPsequence
+ \message{[MP to PDF #1]}%
+ \input#1\relax
+ \deleteMPgraphic{#1}}
+ {\bgroup
+ \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup
+ \forgetall
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \PDFcode{q}%
+ \doprocessMPtoPDFfile{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ {\PDFcode{Q}%
+ \egroup
+ \wd0=\MPwidth
+ \vbox to \MPheight
+ {\forgetall
+ \vfill
+ \PDFcode{q \MPxscale\space 0 0 \MPyscale\space
+ \MPxoffset\space \MPyoffset\space cm}%
+ \box0
+ \PDFcode{Q}}%
+ \egroup}
+%D \macros
+%D {twodigitMPoutput}
+%D We can limit the precission to two digits after the comma
+%D by saying:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \twodigitMPoutput
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This option only works in \CONTEXT\ combined with \ETEX.
+ {\let\!MP\twodigitrounding}
+%D This kind of conversion is possible because \METAPOST\
+%D does all the calculations. Converting other \POSTSCRIPT\
+%D files would drive both me and \TEX\ crazy.