path: root/tex/context/base/supp-lan.tex
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1 files changed, 927 insertions, 687 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/supp-lan.tex b/tex/context/base/supp-lan.tex
index e64967aef..a709da662 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/supp-lan.tex
+++ b/tex/context/base/supp-lan.tex
@@ -1,687 +1,927 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=supp-lan,
-%D version=1997.03.20,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
-%D subtitle=Language Options,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
-%C granted.
-%D \gdef\starttest%
-%D {\blanko
-%D \noindent
-%D \halign\bgroup\tt##\hskip2em&##\hskip2em&##\cr}
-%D \gdef\stoptest%
-%D {\egroup
-%D \blanko}
-%D \gdef\test#1%
-%D {\convertargument#1\to\ascii\ascii&\hyphenatedword{#1}&#1\cr}
-%D One of \TEX's strong points in building paragraphs is the way
-%D hyphenations are handled. Although for real good hyphenation
-%D of non||english languages some extensions to the program are
-%D needed, fairly good results can be reached with the standard
-%D mechanisms and an additional macro, at least in Dutch.
-%D \CONTEXT\ originates in the wish to typeset educational
-%D materials, especially in a technical environment. In
-%D production oriented environments, a lot of compound words
-%D are used. Because the Dutch language poses no limits on
-%D combining words, we often favor putting dashes between those
-%D words, because it facilitates reading, at least for those
-%D who are not that accustomed to it.
-%D In \TEX\ compound words, separated by a hyphen, are not
-%D hyphenated at all. In spite of the multiple pass paragraph
-%D typesetting this can lead to parts of words sticking into
-%D the margin. The solution lays in saying
-%D \type{spoelwater||terugwinunit} instead of
-%D \type{spoelwater-terugwinunit}. By using a one character
-%D command like \type{|}, delimited by the same character
-%D \type{|}, we get ourselves both a decent visualization (in
-%D \TEXEDIT\ and colored verbatim we color these commands
-%D yellow) and an efficient way of combining words.
-%D The sequence \type{||} simply leads to two words connected by
-%D a hyphen. Because we want to distinguish such a hyphen from
-%D the one inserted when \TEX\ hyphenates a word, we use a bit
-%D longer one.
-%D \hyphenation {spoel-wa-ter te-rug-win-unit}
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {spoelwater||terugwinunit}
-%D \stoptest
-%D As we already said, the \type{|} is a command. This commands
-%D accepts an optional argument before it's delimiter, which is
-%D also a \type{|}.
-%D \hyphenation {po-ly-meer che-mie}
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {polymeer|*|chemie}
-%D \stoptest
-%D Arguments like \type{*} are not interpreted and inserted
-%D directly, in contrary to arguments like:
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {polymeer|~|chemie}
-%D \test {|(|polymeer|)|chemie}
-%D \test {polymeer|(|chemie|)| }
-%D \stoptest
-%D Although such situations seldom occur |<|we typeset thousands
-%D of pages before we encountered one that forced us to enhance
-%D this mechanism|>| we also have to take care of comma's.
-%D \hyphenation {uit-stel-len}
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {op||, in|| en uitstellen}
-%D \stoptest
-%D The next special case (concerning quotes) was brought to my
-%D attention by Piet Tutelaers, one of the driving forces
-%D behind rebuilding hyphenation patterns for the dutch
-%D language.\voetnoot{In 1996 the spelling of the dutch
-%D language has been slightly reformed which made this topic
-%D actual again.} We'll also take care of this case.
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {AOW|'|er}
-%D \test {cd|'|tje}
-%D \test {ex|-|PTT|'|er}
-%D \test {rock|-|'n|-|roller}
-%D \stoptest
-%D Tobias Burnus pointed out that I should also support
-%D something like
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {well|_|known}
-%D \stoptest
-%D to strees the compoundness of hyphenated words.
-%D Of course we also have to take care of the special case:
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {text||color and ||font}
-%D \stoptest
-%D \macros
-%D {installdiscretionaries}
-%D {}
-%D The mechanism described here is one of the older inner parts
-%D of \CONTEXT. The most recent extensions concerns some
-%D special cases as well as the possibility to install other
-%D characters as delimiters. The prefered way of specifying
-%D compound words is using \type{||}, which is installed by:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \installdiscretionaries || -
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Some alternative definitions are:
-%D \startbuffer
-%D \installdiscretionaries ** -
-%D \installdiscretionaries ++ -
-%D \installdiscretionaries // -
-%D \installdiscretionaries ~~ -
-%D \stopbuffer
-%D \typebuffer
-%D after which we can say:
-%D \bgroup
-%D \haalbuffer
-%D \starttest
-%D \test {test**test**test}
-%D \test {test++test++test}
-%D \test {test//test//test}
-%D \test {test~~test~~test}
-%D \stoptest
-%D \egroup
-%D \macros
-%D {compoundhyphen,
-%D beginofsubsentence,endofsubsentence}
-%D {}
-%D Now let's go to the macros. First we define some variables.
-%D In the main \CONTEXT\ modules these can be tuned by a setup
-%D command. Watch the (maybe) better looking compound hyphen.
-\def\compoundhyphen {{-}\kern-.25ex{-}}
-\def\beginofsubsentence {---}
-\def\endofsubsentence {---}
-%D The last two variables are needed for subsentences
-%D |<|like this one|>| which we did not yet mention.
-%D We want to enable breaking but at the same time don't want
-%D compound characters like |-| or || to be separated from the
-%D words. \TEX\ hackers will recognise the next two macro's:
-\def\prewordbreak {\penalty10000\hskip0pt\relax}
-\def\postwordbreak {\penalty0\prewordbreak}
-%D We first show the original implementation, which only
-%D supports \type{|} as command and delimiter. Before
-%D activating \type{|} we save it's value:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \edef\domathmodediscretionary{\string|}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D after which we're ready to define it's meaning to:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \catcode`\|=\@@active
-%D \unexpanded\def|%
-%D {\ifmmode
-%D \expandafter\domathmodediscretionary
-%D \else
-%D \expandafter\dotextmodediscretionary
-%D \fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D We need a two stage \type{\futurelet} because we want to
-%D look ahead for both the compound character definition and
-%D the (optional) comma that follows it, and because we want to
-%D prevent that \TEX\ puts this comma on the next line. We use
-%D \type{\next} for easy and fast checking of the argument, we
-%D save this argument (which can consist of more tokens) and
-%D also save the character following the \type{|#1|} in
-%D \type{\nextnext}.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\dotextmodediscretionary%
-%D {\bgroup
-%D \futurelet\next\dodotextmodediscretionary}
-%D \def\dodotextmodediscretionary#1|%
-%D {\def\betweendiscretionaries{#1}%
-%D \futurelet\nextnext\dododotextmodediscretionary}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The main macro consists of quite some \type{\ifx} tests
-%D while \type{\checkafterdiscretionary} handles the commas.
-%D We show the simplified version here:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\dododotextmodediscretionary%
-%D {\let\nextnextnext=\egroup
-%D \ifx |\next
-%D \checkafterdiscretionary
-%D \prewordbreak\hbox{\compoundhyphen\nextnext}\allowbreak
-%D \else\ifx=\next
-%D \prewordbreak\compoundhyphen
-%D \else\ifx~\next
-%D \discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak
-%D \else\ifx(\next
-%D \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
-%D \else\ifx)\next
-%D \prewordbreak\discretionary{-)}{}{)}\prewordbreak
-%D \else\ifx'\next
-%D \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak
-%D \else
-%D \checkafterdiscretionary
-%D \prewordbreak\hbox{\betweendiscretionaries\nextnext}\allowbreak
-%D \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
-%D \nextnextnext}
-%D \def\checkafterdiscretionary%
-%D {\ifx,\nextnext
-%D \def\nextnextnext{\afterassignment\egroup\let\next=}%
-%D \else
-%D \let\nextnext=\relax
-%D \fi}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D Handling \type{(} and \type{)} is a a bit special, because
-%D \TEX\ sees them as decent hyphenation points, according to
-%D their \type{\lccode} being non||zero. For the same reason,
-%D later on in this module we cannot manipulate the
-%D \type{\lccode} but take the \type{\uccode}.
-%D The most recent implementation is more advanced. As
-%D demonstrated we can install delimiters, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \installdiscretionaries || \compoundhyphen
-%D \stoptypen
-%D This time we have to use a bit more clever way of saving the
-%D math mode specification of the character we're going to
-%D make active. We also save the user supplied compound hyphen.
-%D We show the a bit more traditional implementation first.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \def\installdiscretionaries#1%
-%D {\catcode`#1\@@other
-%D \expandafter\doinstalldiscretionaries\string#1}
-%D \def\doinstalldiscretionaries#1%
-%D {\setvalue{mathmodediscretionary#1}{#1}%
-%D \catcode`#1\@@active
-%D \dodoinstalldiscretionaries}
-%D \def\dodoinstalldiscretionaries#1#2%
-%D {\setvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}{#2}%
-%D \unexpanded\def#1{\discretionarycommand#1}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D A bit more \CATCODE\ and character trickery enables us to
-%D discard the two intermediate steps. This trick originates
-%D on page~394 of the \TEX book, in the appendix full of
-%D dirty tricks. The second argument has now become redundant,
-%D but I decided to reserve it for future use. At least it
-%D remembers us of the symmetry.
- {\setvalue{mathmodediscretionary\string#1}{\char`#1}%
- \setvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}{#3}%
- \catcode`#1=\@@active
- \scratchcounter=\the\uccode`~
- \uccode`~=`#1
- \uppercase{\unexpanded\def~{\discretionarycommand~}}%
- \uccode`~=\scratchcounter}
- {\getvalue{mathmodediscretionary\string#1}}
- {\ifmmode
- \expandafter\dohandlemathmodebar
- \else
- \expandafter\dotextmodediscretionary
- \fi}
-%D Although adapting character codes and making characters
-%D active can interfere with other features of macropackages,
-%D normally there should be no problems with things like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \installdiscretionary || +
-%D \installdiscretionary ++ =
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The real work is done by the next set of macros. We have
-%D to use a double \type{\futurelet} because we have to take
-%D following characters into account.
- {\bgroup
- \def\dodotextmodediscretionary##1#1%
- {\def\betweendiscretionary{##1}%
- \futurelet\nextnext\dododotextmodediscretionary}%
- \let\discretionarycommand=#1%
- \def\textmodediscretionary{\getvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}}%
- \futurelet\next\dodotextmodediscretionary}
- {\let\nextnextnext=\egroup
- \ifx\discretionarycommand\next
- \checkafterdiscretionary
- \bgroup
- \checkbeforediscretionary
- \prewordbreak\hbox{\textmodediscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
- \egroup
- \else\ifx=\next
- \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary
- \else\ifx~\next
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak
- \else\ifx_\next
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{\textmodediscretionary}
- {\textmodediscretionary}{\textmodediscretionary}\prewordbreak
- \else\ifx(\next
- \ifdim\lastskip>\!!zeropoint\relax
- (\prewordbreak
- \else
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
- \fi
- \else\ifx)\next
- \ifx\nextnext\blankspace
- \prewordbreak)\relax
- \else
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{-)}{}{)}\prewordbreak
- \fi
- \else\ifx'\next
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak
- \else\ifx<\next
- \beginofsubsentence\prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing
- \else\ifnum\uccode`>=\nextuccode
- \endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence
- \else
- \checkafterdiscretionary
- \bgroup
- \checkbeforediscretionary
- \prewordbreak\hbox{\betweendiscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
- \egroup
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
- \nextnextnext}
- {\setbox0=\lastbox
- \ifdim\wd0=\!!zeropoint
- \let\postwordbreak=\prewordbreak
- \fi
- \box0\relax}
- {\ifx,\nextnext
- \def\nextnextnext{\afterassignment\egroup\let\next=}%
- \else
- \let\nextnext=\relax
- \fi}
-%D The macro \type{\checkbeforediscretionary} takes care of
-%D loners like \type{||word}, while it counterpart
-%D \type{\checkafterdiscretionary} is responsible for handling
-%D the comma.
-%D \macros
-%D {beginofsubsentencespacing,endofsubsentencespacing}
-%D {}
-%D In the previous macros we provided two hooks which can be
-%D used to support nested sub||sentences. In \CONTEXT\ these
-%D hooks are used to insert a small space when needed.
-\let\endofsubsentencespacing =\relax
-%D Before we show some more tricky alternative, we first install
-%D the mechanism:
-\installdiscretionaries || \compoundhyphen
-%D One of the drawbacks of this mechanism is that characters can
-%D be made active afterwards. The next alternative can be used
-%D in such situations. This time we don't compare the arguments
-%D directly but use the \type{\uccode}'s instead. \TEX\
-%D initializes these codes of the alphabetics glyphs to their
-%D uppercase counterparts. Normally the other characters remain
-%D zero. If so, we can use the \type{\uccode} as a signal.
-%D \macros
-%D {enableactivediscretionaries}
-%D {}
-%D The more advanced mechanism is activated by calling:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \enableactivediscretionaries
-%D \stoptypen
-%D which is defined as:
- {\uccode`'=`'\relax \uccode`~=`~\relax \uccode`_=`_\relax
- \uccode`(=`(\relax \uccode`)=`)\relax \uccode`==`=\relax
- \uccode`<=`<\relax \uccode`>=`>\relax
- \let\dotextmodediscretionary = \activedotextmodediscretionary
- \let\dododotextmodediscretionary = \activedododotextmodediscretionary}
-%D We only have to redefine two macros. While saving the
-%D \type{\uccode} in a macro we have to take care of empty
-%D arguments, like in \type{||}.
- {\bgroup
- \def\dodotextmodediscretionary##1#1%
- {\def\betweendiscretionary{##1}%
- \def\nextuccode####1####2\relax%
- {\ifcat\noexpand####1\noexpand\relax
- \edef\nextuccode{0}%
- \else
- \edef\nextuccode{\the\uccode`####1}%
- \fi}%
- \nextuccode##1@\relax
- \futurelet\nextnext\dododotextmodediscretionary}%
- \let\discretionarycommand=#1%
- \def\textmodediscretionary{\getvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}}%
- \futurelet\next\dodotextmodediscretionary}
-%D This time we use \type{\ifnum}:
- {\let\nextnextnext=\egroup
- \ifx\discretionarycommand\next
- \checkafterdiscretionary
- \bgroup
- \checkbeforediscretionary
- \prewordbreak\hbox{\textmodediscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
- \egroup
- \else\ifnum\uccode`==\nextuccode
- \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary
- \else\ifnum\uccode`~=\nextuccode
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak
- \else\ifnum\uccode`_=\nextuccode
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{\textmodediscretionary}
- {\textmodediscretionary}{\textmodediscretionary}\prewordbreak
- \else\ifnum\uccode`(=\nextuccode
- \ifdim\lastskip>\!!zeropoint\relax
- (\prewordbreak
- \else
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
- \fi
- \else\ifnum\uccode`)=\nextuccode
- \ifx\nextnext\blankspace
- \prewordbreak)\relax
- \else
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{-)}{}{)}\prewordbreak
- \fi
- \else\ifnum\uccode`'=\nextuccode
- \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak
- \else\ifnum\uccode`<=\nextuccode
- \beginofsubsentence\prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing
- \else\ifnum\uccode`>=\nextuccode
- \endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence
- \else
- \checkafterdiscretionary
- \bgroup
- \checkbeforediscretionary
- \prewordbreak\hbox{\betweendiscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
- \egroup
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
- \nextnextnext}
-%D Now we can safely do things like: \enableactivediscretionaries
-%D \starttypen
-%D \catcode`<=\@@active \def<{hello there}
-%D \catcode`>=\@@active \def>{hello there}
-%D \catcode`(=\@@active \def({hello there}
-%D \catcode`)=\@@active \def){hello there}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D In normal day||to||day production of texts this kind of
-%D activation is seldom used.\voetnoot{In the \CONTEXT\ manual
-%D the \type{<} and \type{>} are made active and used for some
-%D cross||reference trickery.} If so, we have to take care of
-%D the math mode explicitly, just like we did when making
-%D \type{|} active. It can be confusing too, especially when we
-%D load macropackages afterwards that make use of \type{<} in
-%D \type{\ifnum} or \type{\ifdim} statements.
-%D \macros
-%D {installcompoundcharacter}
-%D {}
-%D When Tobias Burnus started translating the dutch manual of
-%D \PPCHTEX\ into german, he suggested to let \CONTEXT\ support
-%D the \type{german.sty} method of handling compound
-%D characters, especially the umlaut. This package is meant for
-%D use with \PLAIN\ \TEX\ as well as \LATEX.
-%D I decided to implement compound character support as
-%D versatile as possible. As a result one can define his own
-%D compound character support, like:
-%D \starttypen
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "a {\"a}
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "e {\"e}
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "i {\"i}
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "u {\"u}
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "o {\"o}
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "s {\SS}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D or even
-%D \starttypen
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {k-}{k}{ck}}
-%D \installcompoundcharacter "ff {\discretionary{ff-}{f}{ff}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The support is not limited to alphabetic characters, so the
-%D next definition is also valid.
-%D \starttypen
-%D \installcompoundcharacter ". {.\doifnextcharelse{\spacetoken}{}{\kern.125em}}
-%D \stoptypen
-%D The implementation looks familiar and uses the same tricks as
-%D mentioned earlier in this module. We take care of two
-%D arguments, which complicates things a bit.
-\def\@nc@{@nc@} % normal character
-\def\@cc@{@cc@} % compound character
-\def\@cs@{@cs@} % compound characters
-\def\installcompoundcharacter #1#2#3 #4% {{#4}} keeps move local
- {\setvalue{\@nc@\string#1}{\char`#1}%
- \def\!!stringa{#3}%
- \ifx\!!stringa\empty
- \setvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}{{#4}}%
- \else
- \setvalue{\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3}{{#4}}%
- \fi
- \catcode`#1=\@@active
- \scratchcounter=\the\uccode`~
- \uccode`~=`#1
- \uppercase{\unexpanded\def~{\handlecompoundcharacter~}}%
- \uccode`~=\scratchcounter}
-%D In handling the compound characters we have to take care of
-%D \type{\bgroup} and \type{\egroup} tokens, so we end up with
-%D a multi||step interpretation macro. We look ahead for a
-%D \type{\bgroup}, \type{\egroup} or \type{\blankspace}. Being
-%D no user of this mechanism, the credits for testing them goes
-%D to Tobias Burnus, the first german user of \CONTEXT.
-%D We define these macros as \type{\long} because we can
-%D expect \type{\par} tokens. We need to look into the future
-%D with \type{\futurelet} to prevent spaces from
-%D disappearing.
- {\def\dohandlecompoundcharacter%
- {\ifx\next\bgroup
- %\def\next{\dodohandlecompoundcharacter#1}% % handle "{ee} -> \"ee
- %\let\next=\relax % forget "{ee} -> ee
- \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1}% % ignore "{ee} -> "ee
- \else\ifx\next\egroup
- \let\next=\relax
- \else\ifx\next\blankspace
- \let\next=\relax
- \else
- \def\next{\dodohandlecompoundcharacter#1}%
- \fi\fi\fi
- \next}%
- \futurelet\next\dohandlecompoundcharacter}
- {\def\dododohandlecompoundcharacter%
- {\ifx\next\bgroup
- \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1#2}%
- \else\ifx\next\egroup
- \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1#2}%
- \else\ifx\next\blankspace
- \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1#2}%
- \else
- \def\next{\handlecompoundcharactertwo#1#2}%
- \fi\fi\fi
- \next}%
- \futurelet\next\dododohandlecompoundcharacter}
-%D Besides taken care of the grouping and space tokens, we have
-%D to deal with three situations. First we look if the next
-%D character equals the first one, if so, then we just insert
-%D the original. Next we look if indeed a compound character is
-%D defined. We either execute the compound character or just
-%D insert the first. So we have
-%D \starttypen
-%D <key><key> <key><known> <key><unknown>
-%D \stoptypen
-%D In later modules we will see how these commands are used.
- {\ifx#1#2%
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}\getvalue{\@nc@\string#2}}%
- \else
- \expandafter\ifx\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname\relax
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}#2}%
- \else
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \next}
- {\ifx#1#2%
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}\getvalue{\@nc@\string#2}#3}%
- \else
- \@EA\ifx\csname\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3\endcsname\relax
- \expandafter\ifx\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname\relax
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}#2#3}%
- \else
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}#3}%
- \fi
- \else
- \def\next{\getvalue{\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3}}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \next}
-%D \macros
-%D {midworddiscretionary}
-%D If needed, one can add a discretionary hyphen using \type
-%D {\midworddiscretionary}. This macro does the same as
-%D \PLAIN\ \TEX's \type {\-}, but, like the ones implemented
-%D earlier, this one also looks ahead for spaces and grouping
-%D tokens.
- {\ifx\next\blankspace\else
- \ifx\next\bgroup \else
- \ifx\next\egroup \else
- \discretionary{-}{}{}%
- \fi\fi\fi}
- {\futurelet\next\domidworddiscretionary}
- \ No newline at end of file
+%D \module
+%D [ file=supp-lan,
+%D version=1997.03.20,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Support Macros,
+%D subtitle=Language Options,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. Non||commercial use is
+%C granted.
+%D \gdef\starttest%
+%D {\blanko
+%D \noindent
+%D \halign\bgroup\tt##\hskip2em&##\hskip2em&##\cr}
+%D \gdef\stoptest%
+%D {\egroup
+%D \blanko}
+%D \gdef\test#1%
+%D {\convertargument#1\to\ascii\ascii&\hyphenatedword{#1}&#1\cr}
+%D One of \TEX's strong points in building paragraphs is the way
+%D hyphenations are handled. Although for real good hyphenation
+%D of non||english languages some extensions to the program are
+%D needed, fairly good results can be reached with the standard
+%D mechanisms and an additional macro, at least in Dutch.
+\writestatus{loading}{Context Support Macros / Language Options}
+%D \CONTEXT\ originates in the wish to typeset educational
+%D materials, especially in a technical environment. In
+%D production oriented environments, a lot of compound words
+%D are used. Because the Dutch language poses no limits on
+%D combining words, we often favor putting dashes between those
+%D words, because it facilitates reading, at least for those
+%D who are not that accustomed to it.
+%D In \TEX\ compound words, separated by a hyphen, are not
+%D hyphenated at all. In spite of the multiple pass paragraph
+%D typesetting this can lead to parts of words sticking into
+%D the margin. The solution lays in saying
+%D \type{spoelwater||terugwinunit} instead of
+%D \type{spoelwater-terugwinunit}. By using a one character
+%D command like \type{|}, delimited by the same character
+%D \type{|}, we get ourselves both a decent visualization (in
+%D \TEXEDIT\ and colored verbatim we color these commands
+%D yellow) and an efficient way of combining words.
+%D The sequence \type{||} simply leads to two words connected by
+%D a hyphen. Because we want to distinguish such a hyphen from
+%D the one inserted when \TEX\ hyphenates a word, we use a bit
+%D longer one.
+%D \hyphenation {spoel-wa-ter te-rug-win-unit}
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {spoelwater||terugwinunit}
+%D \stoptest
+%D As we already said, the \type{|} is a command. This commands
+%D accepts an optional argument before it's delimiter, which is
+%D also a \type{|}.
+%D \hyphenation {po-ly-meer che-mie}
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {polymeer|*|chemie}
+%D \stoptest
+%D Arguments like \type{*} are not interpreted and inserted
+%D directly, in contrary to arguments like:
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {polymeer|~|chemie}
+%D \test {|(|polymeer|)|chemie}
+%D \test {polymeer|(|chemie|)| }
+%D \stoptest
+%D Although such situations seldom occur |<|we typeset thousands
+%D of pages before we encountered one that forced us to enhance
+%D this mechanism|>| we also have to take care of comma's.
+%D \hyphenation {uit-stel-len}
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {op||, in|| en uitstellen}
+%D \stoptest
+%D The next special case (concerning quotes) was brought to my
+%D attention by Piet Tutelaers, one of the driving forces
+%D behind rebuilding hyphenation patterns for the dutch
+%D language.\voetnoot{In 1996 the spelling of the dutch
+%D language has been slightly reformed which made this topic
+%D actual again.} We'll also take care of this case.
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {AOW|'|er}
+%D \test {cd|'|tje}
+%D \test {ex|-|PTT|'|er}
+%D \test {rock|-|'n|-|roller}
+%D \stoptest
+%D Tobias Burnus pointed out that I should also support
+%D something like
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {well|_|known}
+%D \stoptest
+%D to strees the compoundness of hyphenated words.
+%D Of course we also have to take care of the special case:
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {text||color and ||font}
+%D \stoptest
+%D \macros
+%D {installdiscretionaries}
+%D The mechanism described here is one of the older inner parts
+%D of \CONTEXT. The most recent extensions concerns some
+%D special cases as well as the possibility to install other
+%D characters as delimiters. The prefered way of specifying
+%D compound words is using \type{||}, which is installed by:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \installdiscretionaries || -
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Some alternative definitions are:
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \installdiscretionaries ** -
+%D \installdiscretionaries ++ -
+%D \installdiscretionaries // -
+%D \installdiscretionaries ~~ -
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D after which we can say:
+%D \bgroup
+%D \haalbuffer
+%D \starttest
+%D \test {test**test**test}
+%D \test {test++test++test}
+%D \test {test//test//test}
+%D \test {test~~test~~test}
+%D \stoptest
+%D \egroup
+%D \macros
+%D {compoundhyphen,
+%D beginofsubsentence,endofsubsentence}
+%D {}
+%D Now let's go to the macros. First we define some variables.
+%D In the main \CONTEXT\ modules these can be tuned by a setup
+%D command. Watch the (maybe) better looking compound hyphen.
+\def\compoundhyphen {{-}\kern-.25ex{-}}
+\def\beginofsubsentence {---}
+\def\endofsubsentence {---}
+%D The last two variables are needed for subsentences
+%D |<|like this one|>| which we did not yet mention.
+%D We want to enable breaking but at the same time don't want
+%D compound characters like |-| or || to be separated from the
+%D words. \TEX\ hackers will recognise the next two macro's:
+\def\prewordbreak {\penalty10000\hskip0pt\relax}
+\def\postwordbreak {\penalty0\prewordbreak}
+%D We first show the original implementation, which only
+%D supports \type{|} as command and delimiter. Before
+%D activating \type{|} we save it's value:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \edef\domathmodediscretionary{\string|}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D after which we're ready to define it's meaning to:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \catcode`\|=\@@active
+%D \unexpanded\def|%
+%D {\ifmmode
+%D \expandafter\domathmodediscretionary
+%D \else
+%D \expandafter\dotextmodediscretionary
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D We need a two stage \type{\futurelet} because we want to
+%D look ahead for both the compound character definition and
+%D the (optional) comma that follows it, and because we want to
+%D prevent that \TEX\ puts this comma on the next line. We use
+%D \type{\next} for easy and fast checking of the argument, we
+%D save this argument (which can consist of more tokens) and
+%D also save the character following the \type{|#1|} in
+%D \type{\nextnext}.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\dotextmodediscretionary%
+%D {\bgroup
+%D \futurelet\next\dodotextmodediscretionary}
+%D \def\dodotextmodediscretionary#1|%
+%D {\def\betweendiscretionaries{#1}%
+%D \futurelet\nextnext\dododotextmodediscretionary}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The main macro consists of quite some \type{\ifx} tests
+%D while \type{\checkafterdiscretionary} handles the commas.
+%D We show the simplified version here:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\dododotextmodediscretionary%
+%D {\let\nextnextnext=\egroup
+%D \ifx |\next
+%D \checkafterdiscretionary
+%D \prewordbreak\hbox{\compoundhyphen\nextnext}\allowbreak
+%D \else\ifx=\next
+%D \prewordbreak\compoundhyphen
+%D \else\ifx~\next
+%D \discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak
+%D \else\ifx(\next
+%D \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
+%D \else\ifx)\next
+%D \prewordbreak\discretionary{-)}{}{)}\prewordbreak
+%D \else\ifx'\next
+%D \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak
+%D \else
+%D \checkafterdiscretionary
+%D \prewordbreak\hbox{\betweendiscretionaries\nextnext}\allowbreak
+%D \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+%D \nextnextnext}
+%D \def\checkafterdiscretionary%
+%D {\ifx,\nextnext
+%D \def\nextnextnext{\afterassignment\egroup\let\next=}%
+%D \else
+%D \let\nextnext=\relax
+%D \fi}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D Handling \type{(} and \type{)} is a a bit special, because
+%D \TEX\ sees them as decent hyphenation points, according to
+%D their \type{\lccode} being non||zero. For the same reason,
+%D later on in this module we cannot manipulate the
+%D \type{\lccode} but take the \type{\uccode}.
+%D The most recent implementation is more advanced. As
+%D demonstrated we can install delimiters, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \installdiscretionaries || \compoundhyphen
+%D \stoptypen
+%D This time we have to use a bit more clever way of saving the
+%D math mode specification of the character we're going to
+%D make active. We also save the user supplied compound hyphen.
+%D We show the a bit more traditional implementation first.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \def\installdiscretionaries#1%
+%D {\catcode`#1\@@other
+%D \expandafter\doinstalldiscretionaries\string#1}
+%D \def\doinstalldiscretionaries#1%
+%D {\setvalue{mathmodediscretionary#1}{#1}%
+%D \catcode`#1\@@active
+%D \dodoinstalldiscretionaries}
+%D \def\dodoinstalldiscretionaries#1#2%
+%D {\setvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}{#2}%
+%D \unexpanded\def#1{\discretionarycommand#1}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D A bit more \CATCODE\ and character trickery enables us to
+%D discard the two intermediate steps. This trick originates
+%D on page~394 of the \TEX book, in the appendix full of
+%D dirty tricks. The second argument has now become redundant,
+%D but I decided to reserve it for future use. At least it
+%D remembers us of the symmetry.
+ {\convertargument#1\to\ascii
+ \setevalue{mathmodediscretionary\string#1}{\ascii}%
+ \setvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}{#3}%
+ \catcode`#1=\@@active
+ \scratchcounter=\the\uccode`~
+ \uccode`~=`#1
+ \uppercase{\unexpanded\def~{\discretionarycommand~}}%
+ \uccode`~=\scratchcounter}
+\beginETEX \detokenize
+ {\setevalue{mathmodediscretionary\string#1}{\detokenize{#1}}%
+ \setvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}{#3}%
+ \catcode`#1=\@@active
+ \scratchcounter=\the\uccode`~
+ \uccode`~=`#1
+ \uppercase{\unexpanded\def~{\discretionarycommand~}}%
+ \uccode`~=\scratchcounter}
+ {\getvalue{mathmodediscretionary\string#1}}
+ {\relax\ifmmode
+ \expandafter\dohandlemathmodebar
+ \else
+ \expandafter\dotextmodediscretionary
+ \fi}
+%D The next piece of code is a torture test for this previous
+%D macro. The \type {\relax} before the \type {\ifmmode} is
+%D needed because of the alignment scanner (in \ETEX\ this
+%D problem is not present because there a protected macro is
+%D not expanded. Thanks to Tobias Burnus for providing this
+%D example.
+%D \startformule
+%D \left|f(x_n)-{1\over2}\right| =
+%D {\cases{|{1\over2}-x_n| &for $0\le x_n < {1\over2}$\cr
+%D |x_n-{1\over2}| &for ${1\over2}<x_n\le1$ \cr}}
+%D \stopformule
+%D \macros
+%D {defineactivecharacter}
+%D In \type {lang-ger.tex} we define some language specific
+%D commands for german input, like:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startlanguagespecifics[de]
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "a {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\"a\midworddiscretionary}
+%D \stoplanguagespecifics
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Occasionally we have to redefine such an active character,
+%D like in:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \startencoding[pdfdoc]
+%D \startlanguagespecifics[de]
+%D \defineactivecharacter " {\"}
+%D \stoplanguagespecifics
+%D \stopencoding
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Here is the command we used:
+\def\defineactivecharacter #1 #2%
+ {\catcode`#1=\@@active
+ \scratchcounter=\the\uccode`~
+ \uccode`~=`#1\relax
+ \def\next{#2}%
+ \uppercase{\let~\next}%
+ \uccode`~=\scratchcounter}
+%D Although adapting character codes and making characters
+%D active can interfere with other features of macropackages,
+%D normally there should be no problems with things like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \installdiscretionary || +
+%D \installdiscretionary ++ =
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The real work is done by the next set of macros. We have
+%D to use a double \type{\futurelet} because we have to take
+%D following characters into account.
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dodotextmodediscretionary##1#1%
+ {\def\betweendiscretionary{##1}%
+ \futurelet\nextnext\dododotextmodediscretionary}%
+ \let\discretionarycommand=#1%
+ \def\textmodediscretionary{\getvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}}%
+ \futurelet\next\dodotextmodediscretionary}
+ {\let\nextnextnext=\egroup
+ \ifx\discretionarycommand\next
+ \checkafterdiscretionary
+ \bgroup
+ \checkbeforediscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{\textmodediscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifx=\next
+ \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary
+ \else\ifx~\next
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak
+ \else\ifx_\next
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{\textmodediscretionary}
+ {\textmodediscretionary}{\textmodediscretionary}\prewordbreak
+ \else\ifx(\next
+ \ifdim\lastskip>\!!zeropoint\relax
+ (\prewordbreak
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx)\next
+ \ifx\nextnext\blankspace
+ \prewordbreak)\relax
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{-)}{}{)}\prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx'\next
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak
+ \else\ifx<\next
+ \beginofsubsentence\prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`>=\nextuccode
+ \endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence
+ \else
+ \checkafterdiscretionary
+ \bgroup
+ \checkbeforediscretionary
+ %\prewordbreak\hbox{\betweendiscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
+ \prewordbreak
+ \discretionary{\hbox{\betweendiscretionary}}{}{\hbox{\betweendiscretionary}}%
+ \postwordbreak
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \nextnextnext}
+ {\setbox0=\lastbox
+ \ifdim\wd0=\!!zeropoint
+ \let\postwordbreak=\prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \box0\relax}
+ {\ifx,\nextnext
+ \def\nextnextnext{\afterassignment\egroup\let\next=}%
+ \else
+ \let\nextnext=\relax
+ \fi}
+%D The macro \type{\checkbeforediscretionary} takes care of
+%D loners like \type{||word}, while it counterpart
+%D \type{\checkafterdiscretionary} is responsible for handling
+%D the comma.
+%D \macros
+%D {beginofsubsentencespacing,endofsubsentencespacing}
+%D In the previous macros we provided two hooks which can be
+%D used to support nested sub||sentences. In \CONTEXT\ these
+%D hooks are used to insert a small space when needed.
+\let\endofsubsentencespacing =\relax
+%D Before we show some more tricky alternative, we first install
+%D the mechanism:
+\installdiscretionaries || \compoundhyphen
+%D \macros
+%D {fakecompoundhyphen}
+%D In headers and footers as well as in active pieces of text
+%D we need a dirty hack. Try to imagine what is needed to
+%D savely break the next text across a line and at the same
+%D time make the words interactive.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \goto{Some||Long||Word}
+%D \stoptypen
+ {\fontdimen2\font\!!plus\fontdimen3\font\!!minus\fontdimen4\font\relax}
+ {\def|##1|{\compoundhyphen\nobreak\hskip-\currentspaceskip\allowbreak}}
+%D One of the drawbacks of this mechanism is that characters can
+%D be made active afterwards. The next alternative can be used
+%D in such situations. This time we don't compare the arguments
+%D directly but use the \type{\uccode}'s instead. \TEX\
+%D initializes these codes of the alphabetics glyphs to their
+%D uppercase counterparts. Normally the other characters remain
+%D zero. If so, we can use the \type{\uccode} as a signal.
+%D \macros
+%D {enableactivediscretionaries}
+%D The more advanced mechanism is activated by calling:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \enableactivediscretionaries
+%D \stoptypen
+%D which is defined as:
+ {\uccode`'=`'\relax \uccode`~=`~\relax \uccode`_=`_\relax
+ \uccode`(=`(\relax \uccode`)=`)\relax \uccode`==`=\relax
+ \uccode`<=`<\relax \uccode`>=`>\relax
+ \let\dotextmodediscretionary = \activedotextmodediscretionary
+ \let\dododotextmodediscretionary = \activedododotextmodediscretionary}
+%D We only have to redefine two macros. While saving the
+%D \type{\uccode} in a macro we have to take care of empty
+%D arguments, like in \type{||}.
+ {\bgroup
+ \def\dodotextmodediscretionary##1#1%
+ {\def\betweendiscretionary{##1}%
+ \def\nextuccode####1####2\relax%
+ {\ifcat\noexpand####1\noexpand\relax
+ \edef\nextuccode{0}%
+ \else
+ \edef\nextuccode{\the\uccode`####1}%
+ \fi}%
+ \nextuccode##1@\relax
+ \futurelet\nextnext\dododotextmodediscretionary}%
+ \let\discretionarycommand=#1%
+ \def\textmodediscretionary{\getvalue{textmodediscretionary\string#1}}%
+ \futurelet\next\dodotextmodediscretionary}
+%D This time we use \type{\ifnum}:
+ {\let\nextnextnext=\egroup
+ \ifx\discretionarycommand\next
+ \checkafterdiscretionary
+ \bgroup
+ \checkbeforediscretionary
+ \prewordbreak\hbox{\textmodediscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`==\nextuccode
+ \prewordbreak\textmodediscretionary
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`~=\nextuccode
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{\thinspace}\postwordbreak
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`_=\nextuccode
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{\textmodediscretionary}
+ {\textmodediscretionary}{\textmodediscretionary}\prewordbreak
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`(=\nextuccode
+ \ifdim\lastskip>\!!zeropoint\relax
+ (\prewordbreak
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{(-}{(}\prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`)=\nextuccode
+ \ifx\nextnext\blankspace
+ \prewordbreak)\relax
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{-)}{}{)}\prewordbreak
+ \fi
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`'=\nextuccode
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}{'}\postwordbreak
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`<=\nextuccode
+ \beginofsubsentence\prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing
+ \else\ifnum\uccode`>=\nextuccode
+ \endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence
+ \else
+ \checkafterdiscretionary
+ \bgroup
+ \checkbeforediscretionary
+ %\prewordbreak\hbox{\betweendiscretionary\nextnext}\allowbreak
+ \prewordbreak
+ \discretionary{\hbox{\betweendiscretionary}}{}{\hbox{\betweendiscretionary}}%
+ \postwordbreak
+ \egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \nextnextnext}
+%D Now we can safely do things like: \enableactivediscretionaries
+%D \starttypen
+%D \catcode`<=\@@active \def<{hello there}
+%D \catcode`>=\@@active \def>{hello there}
+%D \catcode`(=\@@active \def({hello there}
+%D \catcode`)=\@@active \def){hello there}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D In normal day||to||day production of texts this kind of
+%D activation is seldom used.\voetnoot{In the \CONTEXT\ manual
+%D the \type{<} and \type{>} are made active and used for some
+%D cross||reference trickery.} If so, we have to take care of
+%D the math mode explicitly, just like we did when making
+%D \type{|} active. It can be confusing too, especially when we
+%D load macropackages afterwards that make use of \type{<} in
+%D \type{\ifnum} or \type{\ifdim} statements.
+%D \macros
+%D {installcompoundcharacter}
+%D When Tobias Burnus started translating the dutch manual of
+%D \PPCHTEX\ into german, he suggested to let \CONTEXT\ support
+%D the \type{german.sty} method of handling compound
+%D characters, especially the umlaut. This package is meant for
+%D use with \PLAIN\ \TEX\ as well as \LATEX.
+%D I decided to implement compound character support as
+%D versatile as possible. As a result one can define his own
+%D compound character support, like:
+%D \starttypen
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "a {\"a}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "e {\"e}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "i {\"i}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "u {\"u}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "o {\"o}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "s {\SS}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D or even
+%D \starttypen
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {k-}{k}{ck}}
+%D \installcompoundcharacter "ff {\discretionary{ff-}{f}{ff}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The support is not limited to alphabetic characters, so the
+%D next definition is also valid.
+%D \starttypen
+%D \installcompoundcharacter ". {.\doifnextcharelse{\spacetoken}{}{\kern.125em}}
+%D \stoptypen
+%D The implementation looks familiar and uses the same tricks as
+%D mentioned earlier in this module. We take care of two
+%D arguments, which complicates things a bit.
+\def\@nc@{@nc@} % normal character
+\def\@cc@{@cc@} % compound character
+\def\@cs@{@cs@} % compound characters
+\def\installcompoundcharacter #1#2#3 #4% {{#4}} keeps move local
+ {\setvalue{\@nc@\string#1}{\char`#1}%
+ \def\!!stringa{#3}%
+ \ifx\!!stringa\empty
+ \setvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}{{#4}}%
+ \else
+ \setvalue{\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3}{{#4}}%
+ \fi
+ \catcode`#1=\@@active
+ \scratchcounter=\the\uccode`~
+ \uccode`~=`#1
+ \uppercase{\unexpanded\def~{\handlecompoundcharacter~}}%
+ \uccode`~=\scratchcounter}
+%D In handling the compound characters we have to take care of
+%D \type{\bgroup} and \type{\egroup} tokens, so we end up with
+%D a multi||step interpretation macro. We look ahead for a
+%D \type{\bgroup}, \type{\egroup} or \type{\blankspace}. Being
+%D no user of this mechanism, the credits for testing them goes
+%D to Tobias Burnus, the first german user of \CONTEXT.
+%D We define these macros as \type{\long} because we can
+%D expect \type{\par} tokens. We need to look into the future
+%D with \type{\futurelet} to prevent spaces from
+%D disappearing.
+ {\def\dohandlecompoundcharacter%
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup
+ %\def\next{\dodohandlecompoundcharacter#1}% % handle "{ee} -> \"ee
+ %\let\next\relax % forget "{ee} -> ee
+ \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1}% % ignore "{ee} -> "ee
+ \else\ifx\next\egroup
+ \let\next\relax
+ \else\ifx\next\blankspace
+ %\let\next\relax
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}}% better
+ \else
+ \def\next{\dodohandlecompoundcharacter#1}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \next}%
+ \futurelet\next\dohandlecompoundcharacter}
+ {\def\dododohandlecompoundcharacter% Keep it here and
+ {\ifx\next\bgroup % preserve spaces!
+ \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1#2}%
+ \else\ifx\next\egroup
+ \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1#2}%
+ \else\ifx\next\blankspace
+ \def\next{\handlecompoundcharacterone#1#2}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\handlecompoundcharactertwo#1#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \next}%
+ \futurelet\next\dododohandlecompoundcharacter}
+%D Besides taken care of the grouping and space tokens, we have
+%D to deal with three situations. First we look if the next
+%D character equals the first one, if so, then we just insert
+%D the original. Next we look if indeed a compound character is
+%D defined. We either execute the compound character or just
+%D insert the first. So we have
+%D \starttypen
+%D <key><key> <key><known> <key><unknown>
+%D \stoptypen
+%D In later modules we will see how these commands are used.
+ {\ifx#1#2%
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}\getvalue{\@nc@\string#2}}%
+ \else\expandafter\ifx\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname\relax
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}#2}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}
+ {\ifx#1#2%
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}\getvalue{\@nc@\string#2}#3}%
+ \else\@EA\ifx\csname\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname\relax
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}#2#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}#3}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3}}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}
+\beginETEX \ifcsname
+ {\ifx#1#2%
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}\getvalue{\@nc@\string#2}}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}#2}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}
+ {\ifx#1#2%
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}\getvalue{\@nc@\string#2}#3}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3\endcsname
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@cs@\string#1\string#2\string#3}}%
+ \else\ifcsname\@cc@\string#1\string#2\endcsname
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@cc@\string#1\string#2}#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\getvalue{\@nc@\string#1}#2#3}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \next}
+%D \macros
+%D {midworddiscretionary}
+%D If needed, one can add a discretionary hyphen using \type
+%D {\midworddiscretionary}. This macro does the same as
+%D \PLAIN\ \TEX's \type {\-}, but, like the ones implemented
+%D earlier, this one also looks ahead for spaces and grouping
+%D tokens.
+ {\ifx\next\blankspace\else
+ \ifx\next\bgroup \else
+ \ifx\next\egroup \else
+ \discretionary{-}{}{}%
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ {\futurelet\next\domidworddiscretionary}
+%D \macros
+%D {hyphenatedurl}
+%D For those who want to put full \URL's in a text, we offer
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hyphenatedurl{http://optimist.optimist/optimist/optimist.optimist#optimist}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+%D which breaks at the appropriate places. Watch the \type{#}
+%D hack.
+%D When passed as argument, lik ein \type {\goto}, one needs
+%D to substitute a \type {\\} for each \type{#}.
+%D \startbuffer
+%D \hyphenatedurl{}
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer
+\ifx\\\undefined \let\\\crlf \fi
+% 0 => don't split
+% 1 => . : na, rest voor
+% 2 => alles na
+% 3 => alles voor
+ {\bgroup
+ \obeyhyphens
+ \def\splitbefore##1%
+ {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{##1{}{}}%
+ \ifcase\urlsplitmode
+ \box\scratchbox
+ \or
+ \postwordbreak\box\scratchbox\prewordbreak
+ \or
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{\box\scratchbox}{}{\box\scratchbox}\prewordbreak
+ \else
+ \postwordbreak\box\scratchbox\prewordbreak
+ \fi}%
+ \def\splitafter##1%
+ {\ifcase\urlsplitmode
+ ##1%
+ \or
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{##1}{}{##1}\prewordbreak
+ \or
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{##1}{}{##1}\prewordbreak
+ \else
+ \prewordbreak\discretionary{}{##1}{##1}\prewordbreak
+ \fi}%
+ \def\flushurl%
+ {\savedurl\let\savedurl\empty}%
+ \def\\%
+ {\spliturl\#}%
+ \let~\~%
+ \let\savedurl\empty
+ \handletokens#1\with\scanurl
+ \egroup}
+\catcode`\#=12\gdef\hashletter {#}
+\catcode`\_=12\gdef\underscoreletter {_}
+\catcode`\~=12\gdef\tildeletter {~}
+\catcode`\%=12\gdef\percentletter {%}
+\catcode`\@=12\gdef\atletter {@}
+ {\ifx#1\~%
+ \flushurl\splitbefore{\~{}}%
+ \else\ifx#1\#%
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\#%
+ \else\ifx#1\&%
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\&%
+ \else\ifx#1\%%
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\%%
+ \else\ifx#1\_%
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\_%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1\relax
+ #1%
+ \else\ifnum\catcode`#1=8
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\_%
+ \else\ifnum\catcode`#1=6
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\#%
+ \else\if#1\tildeletter
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\~%
+ \else\if#1\percentletter
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\%%
+ \else\if#1\underscoreletter
+ \flushurl\splitbefore\_%
+ \else\if#1\questionmarkletter
+ \flushurl\splitafter\questionmarkletter
+ \else\if#1\atletter
+ \flushurl\splitafter\atletter
+ \else\if#1+%
+ \flushurl\splitafter+%
+ \else\if#1:%
+ \flushurl\splitafter:%
+ \else\if#1.%
+ \flushurl\splitafter.%
+ \else\if#1/%
+ \edef\savedurl{\savedurl/}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\savedurl\empty\else
+ \splitbefore\savedurl
+ \let\savedurl\empty
+ \fi
+ #1%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%D \macros
+%D {hyphenatedfile}
+%D For the moment we treat filenames in a similar way,
+%D \starttypen
+%D \hyphenatedfile{here/there/filename.suffix}
+%D \stoptypen